Facts for Oa.nad1ans. and watered, while ·we eojo· ed a lu11 ch EMPHATIC GUARA , EES. of cold chicken and bread pfoced in our -.._ ·"oman WIH llrn1ea tn lk\atb nMr the portmant..au by a thoughtfola.untatNorth- \Vbleh are .Jns<le·;-;;; an ·]'.\: . nordlnary !'ti. A. JAMES, ESQ- ,Chnrch Door." P11blle ExperJe1H "-· VBAR SIR,-Previoue to my leaving am. 'fhe only thing we p>ls1i.,d that was Pil. :ke i1·p; I n ot iced you were running a in our direct inn was a do11k&y and going l'Y MRS. p, A. H ENRY TO THR PUBLIC: series of letter;i from Low~r CaltforIJia, butt laden with coal and driven by a nry Having branch h ouses and l~horatorie1 wri·ten by a. cert,lin Dr, Sch midt, giving old woman and a little boy who we no~ly "woman with heart and brain, ticed wa:t very expert with a. atick with in seven different quarters and therefore a. glowing d escription of Ensenada and nd flesh anct blood, and scn5e of pain, at in t.h1o1 fearful storm last ni!lht. which the do1.key ~eemed to h ave a very having a world -wid e ex perienco, we, H . the peninsula of Lower Oaltforni11. in ound thi· morning ju'et at daylight. old and fotimattl acquain·arice. \Ve H. Wii.ruer & 0 11, justify ourselves in general. D 1ubtlesa some of your read ers the street, near the great church iloor .&'ro~cn to dealh with enow drifted o'er. were led to b ti!ieve the sta.temeuts therein reached Bradworrhy at 8 :30, having makivg the following: atatemenll: cuntainr-d and either emigrated or are covered the fourteen miles in four and a We know not why, know not from where OUR THEORY PROVED. She strayed ·o near the house ot prayer ; contemplating leaving their Canadian e of travel bethr,lf hours I Thll volum. (Ir wandereil 8 '· 6 ~'Ith frost chilled reet. :JJ'irst. - ]'or the past decado we have homes for this " fairest laud under the ween the two place11 would no doubt be All a.irulesa through the swrm·nwept street Or did 1 .he etained-1da' t1 windows seem la.r~ely mcreased wer11 a smart h cm!ll and held that 93 per ccmt of diseaaos ori1dnate sun " ~ro.,gh blinding enow like home lill:'hts aun. in the kidc.eye which introduco3 ul'ic acid I wc ,uld like to aay thron~h the columns comfortable vehicle put on the route. We tnll1' not know. yet there 1be u~e Bradworthy has a free mail delivery into the system, a pgi·on that is injuri. of the STATESMAN that Lower Oalifnrnia l~h tani:i;l~d hair anil, fr<·st gle.r;ed eyo·; daily . The po1tman ia Mr. John Blight, ous to eve··y organ, at · ackm~ a· d dee- i· u"der th., control and G1 )vernment of o~en to de11 th, left out in tile cold. of Holsworthy, every inch a gentleman, troyin g first the organs which .are we~k· ; Mexico and is Ill no way co·· nected with by aak. we more 1 Her st01y'a told. a. local pr.,acher of · Uperior talents and est.. ·w., httv." also held th ·' ·i f the kid· tho Governm ent or authori·y of ·he ut. ·heru are womon freezing t.o death ?w·y~ are kept m perf c_t hentth, m ost of the ' United Stllites, F.1rthermoro, I h ave it 1 he cold or a hard world's breath; a v1 ·ry urba11e and oblh~ing 1-ffici ..l. . ·1tr1.~ t hil.t t1.re "'rupt !n li vln;: rormA. Duriug out stay at Br,.dworthy we 01·dinary ailments will be preve.n~erl, 01, on t he best autho· ity tha.t the soil is hich s"tJ not light, ..1-0 neve" Wt>rm ; spent,. pl..asrnt evening by inv .tation 1f contracted, cured. Oti.e~ l.trliCtit1: ·ners unpro<luc·iv.-, being m rn-tly a sandy lt11uis clyin;: or hu11 ger o.ud cold '1'heir tule to humil.n e""" untol<l. »t L ~ ke Farm, the residence of Mr. have. held th ac extreme kidnev dia.-a.se desert. and that Ense·iada is not at "11 he "thriving city" It was pictun·<l in tlrn 'fhey dw111! be·ide U·< every where. H. chard Aahtou, bro1her of Mr. Benj. ~as incurable. yve have p··oof to the con- > '1h ~ ~h11.d "w or onr house of praver Ashton, of Darlington, east of Bowmau- trary, h~w.,,.er, m hun?red· of ho 11 Rands hitters referred to, but ··n r.he contrary .,:']Is on lheir t omets, their u.uhi fJg feet ville The ho m e~tead of the Ashton o~ cases m every s ec· 10u o f the t.:lob?. that the P"Plllati" u is rlecr,.a.sing every -Walk wil.h us in the bnsy street. family is at Selwort.hy, and befoni the I.' arners Sufo Cure is ~he g!· at. st ep_ec.fic day, i111d is now only 11.bout 100, and th·y :PaB8 anil repaes our temple's cloor lint never cro·s tha threwhold o'er; dea·h of Mrs. A·hton a lar~e famil.t resi<l- k11ow11. Its reput.«t1on is e·tabhsh~d will get Ollt as soon they cau. This placo :fro·n all ·he light and w·armth within, 1 ;d there all of whom were most highly ev.-rywhere, and its rnfiuence aurpaeses all is uuder t he crn;ttrol of what. is called the .tlhut out by want allli fear aud sin, International Company and has been respec red by their servants and the other medicines. ~J1e music: of our Sabbat.h chime tlOW DISEASE CREEPS ON. "b0omed" for a ll it is w&rth a ud se\'eral tn1ddm· n. Mr. R ichard A·hton had the '1'o tb~in but mark· the lapse ot time. priootpal m.rinagement of his motho1 's '1\!Ye h ~ed i e call. To ue belong Secund.-The k rdueys bei· g the sewers bits more. ·fhe benediction e.nd the eoug. busi··ess. After the old lady's de .. th, of the human sy~te m, it; is impossible to Yonr r eaders· ·will un <ler taod th11t 1'hey have no pal't, no outc 1.1~ t ~hares which was some what suddt.n, the family keep tho eutire sys\llO'l in go"d working Lower Oalifornia is not Southern CaliWith ue the Sacrameutal prayers. Mrs. Prower, a vr·dowed order 'Unless these orqans am doing their fornia. 'l'here is a remarkable ditfor<-nce sc.. it~red. ~·e meet them whern t.he ceaseless tread daughter, wa.s married to Mr. William f11 ll duty. Most peopl" do 11ot toeli.we between the t wo counties. Ill thA lat· er 4) 1 toil goee UD for gold Or broad. :Someclm e a atr&ngo despairing tkoe Walte r , of Solden. Mr. Samuel J. Ash- :heir kidneys aro out of order beca.us~ there is room and a livi"g for all who Co1,fronts us in the marke>t place. ton married and removed to Loudon th<·y uev..-r give them any pa.in. l t is a are preparea too roll np their sleeves and Willi-eyed and weary, but alait where he is proprietor nf a la1·ge t ;;mper- pewliarity of kidney a;scase that i t may go to work, but its a mighty poor count.ry We turn a'lde and let is pass. mc" hot el hard by Paddin~ton atati..n. long cxi.~t w1thout the kno wledye of the for a. man who intends or expeds to live 1 d half in fear, and half iu pride, · »tber our silKs and fttrB aside. 'fhe youngflst bruth.,r, Mr. R. R . .Ashron patient oi· of the practitioner It may be on his p;oodlooks. At thi:1 presen t. t imti st dainty g .. rments be defiled is "!so e11"aged in hu·iness 1u ·.he wo rld's s.JSp,-c1ed if there ts any l(radual d epar- ther" is an overplus of mechanics of moat y contac1 with misfo rtune's child, wet,.opolis. Mr. Ir'. 'f . Ashton occ11pied 1ure fr.>m ordin11ory health, which depar· kinds, b ut as the r Psniuces ··f thti eountry (J-0cl Help ! Ollr hnncla s o weak and cold his farm at. Dinworthy wh .. re h,. ha, a tu re incr<>ases as age comes on, th" k id"ey become devd .. ped, there will be r<>om .ll ..v., lout on fet>blor h~ndd their h<>lrl · ~od liclp th h0ar-ra thu.t starve and break pluaaanr home. A sis·er and h er hus- pois.. n m the bloo.J gr "' Ui.> lly und tirmin and work for all wh" come with t he ut out by man ! 'fn pit.y t.ike, a bove (;xp ressed determination. b>l1td, Mrs . a"d Mr. Augustus B~er, ing a.ud destroying everv organ Heart o· God, the lost on'·'Bin ! nd up their wound; and heal their sin, oco11picd the old horo este.arl for a fow ·rrusting that th e abuvo i nform!\tion SO lENTIFIC SPECIFICS. will be of some i nt er .·st to you· readers, ) earij, but !<ave u p farm :ng imd removed Third. - We do not cure every known· t · L ondon t on. Selvvorthy i~ now OCL:U I remain, yours tru ly , pied by Mr. Lawrence Wickett, a relative diso"~e fro rn one b·Jttle Thi· is »n imL. 8. AcKER:'dAN. possibility. \'i.aru~ r 11 s ,~fe R 1w edies iu· of the Ashr.·.n family. L os Angelos, March 8, 1888. ifo. 16 .-Bradworthy Con tinued. Mr Richard Aohton bought Lake Fann, clod<> sevdn scidotific sp11ciric1, e tCh on" We must t11.k:e our readers bauk a few mai·rii;d a wife, built a n"vv residrnce, of whi ;h h as a sp ~dtic purpo~e whica the Philadelphia Letter. ~a"il bofore the ·time of Squire Lucaa, which is 'iandsomely furni &l1ed, planr.ed other" cannot lully perforw. -.h.<:>n Squire L ees occupied \Yes:dowu. a large number < >f trees and shrubs aro und DEAR STATE8MAN, - I left your town on J:tECOGN IZED bTA.NDA.RD:l. ·Ii <> iurwgumted 80 me ~r~at improvement&, th e place and m~de ot rier desir11ble im- b'o,irth.-W amer's Safe R.imedies have March 1st ..nd ,, fter a pleasant j ourney, b ut like many others of great am bir iomi provements, which altogether have made been reC· Jgnized by the d ..ctoro aud the 11 niv1d in B"ffalo. From th ··re I took tie foiled to eit d own and count the cost. Lake an at·ractive, beautifol and Wfl be- people a ll over the glob", even in th e Lehigh Valley R . R. 1 and arrived in ·B e borrowed money to c~rry out his h eve happy home, and we m ay slf.,Jy say, countritis most conserv1 i tive and m ost l'hiladelphia-the city of brotherly love, tiuildio~ projects, payin~ or proruisiug 1.0 ono of the prP.ttie~t villaa iu N or1 .h Devon. opposed to tbe manufacture of propriet&ry which has "population of over 1,000,000 .,.ay a! hich as ten per cent. for borro..,ed We fou nd Mr. Ashton t o be a very in- medicines, as standards of the higheat ex· - on the 6th. C!ll·ney, nnd the temph.t fo n wae too grtiat telligent gentleman, well ve1·11ed in poli- cellencc and worthy of the p ,.tronage of On leaving the cars I was ~11rprised to fOr e11me local money lenders and they tics and an extreme c"nservi·tive. He a.11 people. feel t lrn difference in the clim ..te. In· · -ce~poochd to t]1e call. One Bradwopt,hy is a otaunch Methodist and a liberal stel'.l.d of t he co·d, chilling, penet.rating STRONG GUARANTEES. ot:in went to '\Vestdown with "one hun support er of the b"nevolent institutions blasts of Oanada, I felt, 1he 1<oft and my atmosphere of tho sout h , an d it d:ted bri;:ht soverei:ina,lookee" aud m,go- of the pariah. Ji'.;.fth- We make the following unquali· ba1 ~ted a Joan rece iving 11 year'e interest Oo S ·tur<lay July !Hh wh ..t w:1s called lied guarante;,s : k il'ldled a new fet>lmg wi bin me. Not a. am :i.dvanc", b ut frieud Bennet t never re- a Jubilee Party was i.tiveu by l'.lf r.i. Rich- GUARANTEE 1.-Tlrnt Warner's Safe lH rriclo (Jf rnow was t o he s r·en ; the sun OO vt>d tlie bright 110vcreign2 again. ard Sanguins in h onor of t he Tisit of her Remedies & was shining warmly and hundreds of re pure and harmless. Squire Lees was alao a grea.t Ohurch· sister, Mrs. John James, of Osha1va, t wo ..n plying their GUAltANTEE 2. - That the test imoniaii hucksters w..re to be seo ns and a grandson, of B 1w1nrmville, 1Mecl by tis are genuiae., nnd s1> fa.1· as we tr"d'i on the swarming str P.ets. w an 11nd ,,ne of his 11enerous acts was the s· · All tiac·ng of an immeuee organ iu the Par- thr e gener;;t iona. There were present kuow, absolutt>ly true. Wu wi rl for feit domestic and fo1 eig·1 fruits are her e on uh ch u nh, w hich for a 0 , 1111iderable t.ime th··ee surviving sisterH, the two above $5,000 fur proof to t.he coutrMy. the m ·rkr:ts - str«w b1>rrit1s, oranges, was a ii;ze1>t attrac ion, people coming namt·d and Mr~. W. Salm-.n, of Bury, GUARAN'l'EE 3.-Warner's Safe H.erne· grapes, bimanas, etc., and · fi nwer a ar-e fi:om the whole countryside around to Lancashire; the fo ur brothers, William dies ha ve perma11ently cured many m i1l- ev1>rywr ere. tiear it. It was a very 11owerful instru- Oke and wife, of Lifton: Thomas Ok11 io11s of people whom the doctors have proThe streets all cross on e another a t m em and when played wnuld make the 1u1d wifo, of Woodf..ird; John Oke and nouuced i11cu 1able. P eople w h<· were right1mgl··s , are paved with stone and trindowg rattle and the whole bnilding wife, of Ratherdon, U olsw'orthy; James cured ten yea.rs ago re nort the cut~ per- bdck: a1.d are wonderful ly clean. While llhake like l\ ju1· enil!H~arthquake . But the Oke, of Nor1;ham; besidoo John Oke, J r. manent and completely satisfactory. War· wand ering throu gh the iitreet-Y, l was .ffuild ers of this mu~ical gift were D< -t .. nd wife of H olsworthy, and several ner's Safe Hem dies " i 1 J sust>.1i11 every struck with a1uaz ment at the architect'&!aid and afr.~r repeatl'd fruit less eff.;rt.s other family connecti ns. A period of claim, if used ijufficiemly and a~ direc<.<J<i. u al b eauty of the buildings, whioh are '-> rece·ve payment, the gr.at (Jrgan was thi rty-five year· had elapsed since theae S fo;th.-As k your frie11d" aud u<Jighbors all comuosed .,f pr<;BStid hrick, white fi tlloved wbt-nce it came and man_y were brothers and sister8 last m "t together, what th ey think of Waru.e r's Safe Cure. marble and brown stone . Ohief of all is Qle regrets d Lhe p ..rishiontirs, who by dnring which time the fathtir, mother We do not ask you to belitlVO us alone, the Stat " building or T own Hall of t he I.be way are charactcristic!l.lly a mueical aud oue ·ister have paosed to thefr horn" ci·y. It has be· n in course ot erection YOUlt FRIENDS .AND NEIGHBORS. 8t:ld music-loving people. in htiaven. Pleasant remiriiscencee of f,,r the past 16 ,. ears aitd will not be 'lhe pr<>s~ut ownei· and occupant of this Juhilee l 'arty will 1 ioger iu the me- MRcl. JAMES BURNS of 18 Division finishe>d until 1893. It has al reany COS" 'i'estd--wn i~Mr Bos~··.q uet,age1>tleman of mories of those who were pretient,as long St ., T oront o, writtis that her dstugh t~r $16. 000,000 aud it will take $5,000,000 ~ss pr etent10us amh1Uuns but of 1i nrnch as t· ey live. was g iven up to die, by the best medi- more 1.0 comul ete it, The build in ~, which tii,gher Ohnstian sta1Jdard than his preWe lllll St nnt omit to m~ntiou a re.re, is a. marvel of cal men in the city, frnru Bri ght'~ Di' · cov.. rs a whole squ 1 · ces,ors, 3 1,d who~e uer:ewsity to the hearsal given by ·tlveraJ youn)c( people of ease llf the Kidneys, bu t r hat Warner's grac e aud be>·U'y, 1t is composed of white poor lll_a.Jmoat ';lnbouuded, consequt1ntly Bradworthy iu honor of the Cat·adia1r Safe Cure no t only s«ved her life but marble cut and car ved in every manner his pnuses are m every mou th. On" of --iaitnrs The writer was reqnestecl to conoeivahle to t.he imagination, 11.ud is restored he r to health. _ .fijmac· 11 of ph1!ttntrophy was the establish - presidf' as chairman and a. verv interest- L, A. Baker, of Toronto, Su pt. F ire it.Jtersected by the two wain str<'ets of IIlt'nt of a r~admg room in the yillal{e iog program of music, recit11tiona, diaP ...tro] Oo . nf Canada. suffered from the city. The m·1in tower is 550 feet vllere t!JA daily paoers, and leading p i>ri- loi;:ues and tableaux was splendidly r Bll· This massi Vl' structure is the lame back for thr"e years. Physicians high. qjic~ls may be fouml for peru~al. The dered. The p rincipal conti ibutors were 1reMed him fot: Brii:;ht's Dise. 11e, but lar~est of its kit.Jd in t he universti. sqmre rnpporta liberally some other · Misses Norah West·Wa· , Emily Johns, My attention was next directed to t h e he obtained no relrnf. Four b uttles of Clb, ·r itable institution!! and his fllmily N e lJie J , nnings, and Annie Trick, Messrs. W&rner'H S11.fe Oure made a well man Ge11eral Post Office, with whit-h, as you fie11 rtily assist in the good work. They Alli n, Samuel and Richard Jewell and will all expect, I was very much fascinated. of him. fuve instituted wh .tis oa.lled 8 Mot.her's J ames Brau11d an<i othel's whose llaill··S Thi11 bui ding which c .. v..-r.i a whole squHre W. J. HAMILT ON, of Amherst, Nova Meetrng, which is h e lcl every 'rhu.·s· we cannot recall. We were 1.lea.sed to is also cumposed of white marble. It has Scntia; As cured of hemorrh nge of the six main entrances and an army of clerks. dn.y af; ernoon in tho chamber of this reud in thtl We, t e rn Times a few weeks kidneys aft.,r due ors fail ed to cure hirn It is open day and night including Sun~ading room and ia genernlly fJl'N!idfld ago of another enr.ertainment since our and the last dyin~ rites of the church days and 1 am very glad that I am not a «<er by M ies Bosenq uet. The old ladies visit 1 .bere givett oy the sa'lle persofls for c:f,l;cags hi sewinfl and the Ie.:ider reads to a ch arhable purpose. Th..y are nearly had been given him. clerk in it. It is the largeat I:'. ·st Office duim the wliile, and st the close ahey are all members lif the Band of Hope in MRS. HAYWARD, of 32 1 Church St., on the c.ontinent and coat upwards of 'l'oronto, was cured of Chronic Dyspep- $10.000,000. lilifreshed with tea or coffee and edibles. which aooiety they have excellent opporsia with six: b!Jttles of Warner 's St1.fe ".Dle att..udaoce ia usu11.lly very regular tunities for p1-actisin~ reading, singing Philadel phians do not lack for places Cure. tlllf.d the occH1Jion is richly enjoyei by the and reciti·g for public occasions. M. A. in which t» worship, as there are over 1).1\rticipan tll. Religioug se1-r1ce is fre- JAMES. JO HN GIVES, of Galt, is a living mon- 100 Methodist, 100 Presbyterian, 100 (To lit cont·i nued .) umen t to t he power of Warner's S<ife Episcopal, and 100 Bu.vtis t churches in cifiently held at Westdown, conducted by the city, besides the other smal1er deCure over Enlargement of tbe Liver. t~ p roprietor with ·much abilitv and -ffieat accept.nee. · A Place for Settlers, We could give thounnds ·rf similar tel!- nomin.itionB too numerous to mention. Another great sight was the Mini, The land around Bradworthy village timonials. WtJ.rner'8 Safe Cure does ·e!twhich is a lon1t, low, old fashion ed buildiii beccming more valuable , and conseTo :rHE EDITOR,- SIR,-The Township act ly as representt1d. ing composed of white marble. On being quently the waste land is being r eclaimed of Ferris is imp' 'rtant by positinn. It is S eventh.- We were forced into the alid the pools of water where the c11ttle bounded on the west bv Lake Nipi11sing, m11.nufac1ure of Warner's Safe R omedies admitred we were escorted through the firmerly rngailed themselves, have di11ap · c·mtains lhe laqcer part of L ake Nosbon- in ubedicnce to a vow wade by Mr. H. d ifferent departments where we saw large llenred, th e places having been lilied i n sing ii! 1 raver~ed by two railroads, c·in· H. Warner that he would, if the rem4!1dy quantities of silver bullion. Ea.ch bullion is about a foot. i·· length and six inches in t1.11d made into gardens, meadow-land, taining two ~tations on the 0 . P. R .now known as W arne1·'s S«fe Cure res.rc, Thorucliff'e a.ntl Nosbonsing- aud enc on tored him to health, spread irs merits be· wi <i t.h and t h ickn ess, and is worth Il-ev. J. B. Olyde is 11till the parish the Northllrn (West) Callauder or S. E for., the entire wo1ld. In ten :vears the $10,000. T h ere are over 1,000,000 silver d'\lrgyman, and the longer lie lives tl1e rlay, and lies ne ..r North Ba v, which we demand has gtown so that laboratories dollars coined every mon1h exclusivfl of ·d o1 e lie seems to be loved by his p11.rish- expect to be the town of the distriet. I have been f'Stablished in se,·en quarters the !(old and other pieces. fo the mint . n be SHen coins of every nation i.i.uel'a. Mrs. Clyde iB dead and Miee am also credibly informed that there is of the globe. Not only fa Warner's Sllft1 ca.binet c& ~de ie miatrell8 of the Rectory. One the bee t of land in this Townah1p- some .Cure a. scientific epecilic- it curPI! when in the world and of all ages, varing from ff1lll still li ves at home. heavy 'k>u11h and some burned land elisily all the cloctors fail, thousands of the Lest a large Chinese !IOld coiu valued at $250 to t.he historical widow's mite valued ut Eerridon Hall ia occupied by Squire cleared. Yet there is a large part still of physicians pr·'B cribe it r egularly, its ·lffeema.n. Thoborough , Lymacott and u noccupied, beca11Be there has been no power over disease is permanent and its one-fifth of a cent. 'fhey have also t he Elatchborougb, former .gontlemen'a resi- road into the heart of the T ow nship reputation ia of the most exalted charac- shell aRd ring money of Africa. From the Mint we went t o the Old -~11ae, are empty. Now, however, the Council h as petitioned ter. Independence Hall, the oldest public :$r11dwor thy has wlJ,at itJ known there tli.e Govermnent for a road from (.Eaat) building iq America. Io the main room li).a 0Arri3r. In Canada 111 0 call it a Callander of North Bay, lvhich will pass Lindsay had a $15, 000 fire on Monday ·'1.ge. A Mr. Heyman drives i\ one-horse thro11gh this unoccupied land, and we are morning- a 3·stortiy brick block on cor. of th is building the Independence of A merica was Eigne.d, The building at Vl!Q twice a wee'k to Bid~ford and back, informed t~e Government has taken it up Kent and William sts. owned by W, present is converted into a public museum .e -:'iabnce of fourteen m1le11 or so. On - ,and work will begin the eominu snmmer . McDonald. and contains the historical r ules of the .K.1ig. 6th we took paa1age on this light· This part being between th; 0 . P . R. lltnge2pre1sfromBideford toBra.dwmthy, and th e Northern, and withiJ;1 easy reach KISSES. - A prominent physician calls .Revolution times, also old Iudopendence leaving t he former pll\ce sharp at 4 o'cloek: of either, will have all t he benefit· 0f the kiss "an elegant disseminator of dis- Btil l, etc. 'l'he city is dotted here an d t here with p: m. Tlui van's l-Og showed a speed of railway comtietition, especially since the ease". He says "fever is spread by it, Cwo miles the first thirty minutes and at Grand Trun k has bouoht the Northern. so are lung diseases." He maintains that beau tiful parks, chi..£ of which is Fair~ end of one hour and t hree quarters A Public School sec"tion has just been if the kissing custom were driven out of Wl)unt- the largest city park in th@ .t;fU: ll'lile stone r ecoi d ed 6 miles. " Oome organized and to unite two ae ttl<>ments the land ·'it would save one-tenth of one world. The city covers an area of 190 square -GJJ, :U:a~mer " waa . alm~At a moment~ry they are to build on tho proposed r oad in per cent. of human lives," which are now ~pet1t1onand wasmvariablyaccompamsd the yet unoccupied land. sacrificed. Out upon the gn ~rled and miles. Were I to dfscribe the 1001 ~ya ela.sh of the 1'1'~ip aw und Farmer's Now, lam not eager to arge anyono to sapless vagabo··d ! Evidently kisses are placea of in terest in the city, I would fill ··iilde bound and ancient anatomy. Far- come to a new country. Do not come not for suoh a s h e and the old fox says, your valuable pa.per. 1 must now dr:i.w me~ did enjoy a brief respite occasionally ex pecting to make ~ fortune in a few the gr apes are sour. Let h im d evote my long letter to a cluse, which 1 trust while his m~ter 1lept. . The oeats wero yea.rs, but expect wi th many tri"ls and himself to making our women h ealthy will btJ of some intered to t he readers of tJPt g:aced with a ouah1on nor any other privatious, by rhe blessings ot God, to and blooming that kisses may be kisses. the STA·.rEl!MAN. I remain, Yours T ruly, ~errng and had we fear ne ver been fortify yoursf'lf againt poverty in your Tnis can su ely be <lone by Dr. PitJrce's ARTHUR PARl 8H. ""'*~red by a jaelc-plane. The van was deoliuing years and to lay a fou!ldation Favorite Prescription which is magical Aim o~t 11p1·rngfos11 and the road much of for fur ther work by the rising ge r1eNtion, in its p,ffect, Uµ<Jn all diseases pec11l1a.r to Philadelphia, March 16th, 1888. .fihe way was not overly smooth, so we as was done by our fathers iu the other females. Af·e r taking it there will be 4 ncJgded if we ever t ook p:\ssage that i settlements. A nd to one who has either no more irregularity, nu more back 1che, W E L L sro KHN OF. - " I can recommend '1ay agiun we would provide something : ciuh, capit11.] or aspiration like these to no more nervous prostration, no moro Hagyard 's Ye.low Oil very h ighly, it ~ier to e1t on than t he soft t1ide of a ' invest, I would advise them to t!J.ke a nm general d tibility. All dr uggists. To . oured me of rheumatism in my lingers f!loard seat without a. back. We made . through Fer ris. Yours, etc., regulate the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, wh"n I could not bend t horn " -lda.Plank l!arkham hy 6:30 where o ur elephantine\ W. J . CONOLY. t Dr. Pierce's Pellets ex cel 25c. a. vial ; 1 S1rathroy, Ont. A med icine fore:xterna.l ~qttine was given a t1veuty minute rest Lake Ta llon, Nipissing, F eb. 29, 1888. ! one a dose. :1: I and internal use in all painful complaints. FROZEN TO DEATH. SPRING E ~ Announcement, EIGHTEENEIGHTYEIGHT. i Have received their first shipment of 0 New Spring Goods, Embracing: Choice Prints, Novelties in Dress Goods, SilKs, Satin Marvelieux, Together with a full stock of ~ t. ENGLISH LETTER. 1 Grey and -VVhite Cotton, Shirtings and Cottonades. Also new Spring Tweeds and Suitings. ----o---- ----o--- An early call solicited. Sign of Golden Sheep, King Street. 1 BOW MANVILLE. CUI{,E8 Liver Coruplatnt. DYOJ·epata, IUJlou~ nc~·, McCLUNG BROS' ' FORD WATCHES EXACTING Sick llcndnclle, IUduey 'l'1·c1ubles, llt. e n1Hntl~m. and &II tmpnrltle s of th,e ·Uood r1·om wtrnt. "·n·rcmusc nrbi ur; Female Weak· eases and General ·-.bility. ,.urel y \ ' e geta l·lc>~ Highly eoncenti-uacd. ~arc i-;kln 01~1ll·lles SERVICE p1ensanc, enectuaJ, ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S OOMPOUND. Take nn other. l!!ol1l everywltere. rrlee, 75 ee11 ta p e r b·1Ulca. DR~ Sold HODDER'S TUE JEWELLER , Has been appointed sole agent for the celebrated RocKFORDWATCHES, :il.V ~ i'iti~ u, they are the best American Watch CL:.iU~SmHl, !·H'.Mm m. manufactured and are guaranteed I t ( ' arc m from the factory as betng tint-class, Call and examine them. Toronto, CAn. everywhere., Prioe, 2.5centa and 00 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers The U NION MEDICINE CJ4·, COUGH AND LUNG CURE STOrs ' E! ASY T O US E . e>:ccosivc expectorntion roused by Catarrh. Scut prc·p:1ld on receipt of price, 50c. 11nd $1 . Ad<lrc·s Ft.Jl..FORD & CO ·· Brockville, OntDroppl c gn from Nasal pnss agc s into t he th r oa t a nd MEACHAM'H BEEF, IRON AND WINE· H y 11.re lanRuld and weak, and your ap11e· lte noor My Beef, Iron and \Vine is the tonic. be sure, Ae an invigorating tonic it ls recol{nlaed by the Medical profession as the best streni:tthenin1e mediolne thu11 far prod need. It is lnvelua. ble as a blO'>d a nd muecle maker, especially in those cases where weakness is the result of Specs and Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., imperfect or insufficient food, or wasting fevers or excesses or any sort. It contains the we carry the leading stock, and nutriment or Beet, the stimulant vroperties or Wine and the tonic powers of Iron, and Is ad- guarantee every pair for 6 months, mirably oalcnlated to builc l up thA emado.ted >ystem, Sold in Bowmanville by Iligglnboth· if well used~ It t hey l:}reak we 'lm Bros. we have also the finest stock or all kinds of Watches, Gold and Silver,in the town ofBowmanville."" In J ewellry, we have an endless variety-Clocks of all kinds very cheap. I n Silverwar·e we have the ex~ elusive right to sell f'or the largest firm in the U. S. The quality and prices are t he best a:ud lowest in this part of the country, We ask you to call and ex.a.mine our goods before buying. BREADMAKER'S YEAST. will repair them free of charge. Call and get fitted properly. I to ~~y th=it it s urpasses a ny yeast took 132 F ir· t l'rizcs at Ontario Fall Sh.ows in 1SS7. Over 10,ooo l<Ldies have 'lvrittcn c,-1,. u sed by them. It makes the l.ig htcs tt whitest , S\Vcetcst bread , roll s, lmns and buckwheat pa ncakes. Baker:> i n nt{Ltly eve ry ta'lt n i.n C.. 'l.muln. arc usi og- i t. BRE AD mad o o-f this Y east OUR REPAIRING D EPAR'rMENT. --We J!i!!~~~~ PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE ART OF ADVERTISING For $10 we will Insert ·t lineR (32 words) ln One Million copies of Daily. l:lunday or Weekly Ne wspapers. The work will all be done in 10 dayllo Send ord~.r and cheok to can only go over the same old saying, that we repair Watches, Clocks and J ewellry in the most skilful manner. We are look ed u pon aa the only reliable Watchmaker in. this part of the country. ::M:ere talking can't do the work, but tools, ability and experience combined can, of which wo have plenty. i GEO. P . ROWELL & 00., I O l!il"Rt;CE ST,. IV, IV. 176 I pag e Newspaper Catalogue sent by mail for 30 con ta, MAYNARD, 4.4. The J ewe1le11. Children C,r;y fo.r P itc·her's CastQ.r.ia~