Y1 MARCH 8th. - The stock, ob·cured 1 to wit ; That the old-line comAt the regular meetin~ on _ li'rid11.y night Tuo:R8DA implements and furniture of the ll\te pa.nies do a combintid ~aviogs bank and there was 11 t rouch bnsii·eso transact.t>d. L y mun lh!fo, d, Ji- mile west of o~hawa. insurance business ; that the savin.!l.B Some accounts were handed 1<1 the finance Sale ~ t l p. m S. 0. H uNJl.l.NG, Aue, bank p art of it is the expensiro part of it comwi1toc. The moti n app i11~ir1 1t Mr. S.t'l'URDAY, MAR.CR 10.-A sale of new ··Bt architect. for tho N "w 1'11bl1c School --that which swells the volume of prem· P d ouhlc and 1nngle h~rness, a fo l of furHuildlllgs was rescmded and 1he Secre· ium~, while the cost of insurance is, tary it·structed 10 advertise in ·h>-i Globe niture, sewinl.! machine11, etc., at llow- 1 mau & Hunking;'s auc ·ion rooms, Osh· relatively very small; that the old-li oe tLnd Mail for phm, competition to ~e awa, a t 2 p. m. Sct1 poster~. S. C. o.. mpnnie~, many years a.go, under pre· 'open th·~ plan n<lop·ed only to be p~td HUNKING, Auctio n e~ r . teuco of est11blisbing government sup · r· f .. r, 1110 cost..rwt to exc ~d ~·6,000, wTu URSDAY, MARCH 15 - A. v .. Juable free. · f th t t" f th J' cludtr>f! h nitmg and ventllatmg. v1s1on or e. pro ec ion o . e po i.cy Af·Ar discussion ofother minnrmatters hold pr,,per :y will be sold at tbe Rua· h '>lders, edro1dy managed to legalize the Ho.~rd adj · rnrned to Friday night b ottom l:ioui>-0, B·>Wm· mville, consistam ing of 1.00 acres, being lot 18. con. 3, their exactions and stop all p <·ssible March 16. Car twri~ ht, ou which art1 h .. use, barn, comp· tition by procuring legislation stable~, etll. Small orchud and 20 HO, For Tha Old Country! c"mpelling every company to put up the ac·es woott. Lit!td in good ~t!\t-~ of same r eserve. The effect is to compel c11ltiv11tio11. Sal>J at 1 p, m. S C. Having Pxporienced such great benefit .,very policy holder to put up the reserve to my health by the ocean voyages itnd lJ UNKINO, Auc1ioneer. -a savings bank deposit which cannot be ~ojou n in the Old Countries the past two A ucr.rION 8A.Ll!S - !:5.C. Hunking, c, urtI am withdrawn while the policy i! in force, summers. 1 haVP about d ecided j,.. cross tice, 011tnrio, Licensed A.ucti.;neer, for th ti Atlantic ·gain in June or t'arly in or, indet-d, until it terminates by death .July next, anri, believing tha· I can ren- Dariitigton 11.nd Whithy, Bowmauville and Oshawa, ApJlraiser, &c. All business or maturity. dor valuable assistA uce, I shall be pleas~d attendtid to promptly. Ord era ma.y be For example : The cheapest ra.te per to h~ ar from anyone contemplatin~ thi:1 lefr at the STATESMAN office, Bowman ville, annum at which a m1m I hirty years of voya, o this y· ar. 1 c.,n ohtai11 lowest or Heformer office, O&ha.wa. ..ge c · n obtain insurance frnm an old-line rat· a "n stcam,hips ·nd railroads. Read· MONDAY, MAROII 12.-!fr. J. B. Rus· ers of '.l'BE STATESMAN will c- ·nfer a. favor -.A..~DI company is $22. 70 for $1. 000 of insurance. by ·giving t.l>is iufo·mation to persons in· sell, lot. 21, con. 5, Darlington, will sell without reserve the whnlt.1 of his vi.lua· 'l'hii premium is mane up of three com· tending lo visit Great Britain or the oon· blt1 farm stock, i mpltiments, eto. 'r he ponent parts, each intended to serve a tiuent . ~I. A. JAMRS, Pllblisher, Bow· stock is very wt1li br cl !'nd the mawidely different pnrpose, 1!8 follows : man ville, Ont. . c h inery aud imulements are nearly new. $6 49 is intended to lubric ~to the HA YDUN. See P"aters s ,.te at 1 p m., sh arp. for pe.rticuhi.n. H.. HuTcmsoN, Aucmachine, and is usuelly very faithfully Mi-'8 Rodm·.J» of Mariposa., la vifill1n;t at l\'1:r. tioneer. appl ied to that purpose; $8.00, or more 1.'hos. Moun tjoy·s. Mise f'lolg,.t.o, of Bowmanvllle, wa· visiting : : : . . ·. ':. : .' . ·. : 0 1-t. Hutohison, Licensed Auctioneer fo1· pr..cisely, $8. 04. is d esigned t o pay the at Mr. Wm, Broad's recently. lht1 Towoship11 of D a1·1ington, Whi tby , oolicy'1< share of current death cl~ims ; MisR R. 8, Broad Is vt.rltlng friend3 1n Bow· Cl11rke, Ma11ver11 and Cartwright. Sales manvllle. the remninder, $8.17-and tho largest BOWMANVILLE, °MARCH 7, 1888 M r H Gibson snd Miss l\falllll" Colville, of attended to promptly and at rea.sonable share~is t ., be "held in trust," with Cla1ke, were visiting at Mr. H.. Hill's last week. rat es, Where it is n ot com·eni ··nt to see Mr, J ohn i..11.wrie Jr.. or Ma.pie Grove, nnd a. .. nu:·l additions of other sums derived Mis· J .,.ne Lawrie. or 'l'hedeo1·d. were Vlditin.ii roe, arran!.!ements can be made wit h the THE HERON INQUEST. Edit.or of the ST.A.TESMAN.-R.HuTcaxsoN, from renewal premiums, together with at Mr. Wm. HaycraCt's rcceutly. Dogs h" ve been scarce lately, beca.u.se the Enniskillen compoud interes t, as a permanent deposit asses·or is around. On the fast p 111.e of this issue will be THl.J RSDAY , MARCH 22.-Mr. J ohn Somwi · h the savings b.rnk depa rt'ment of the 'l'he M1·ses Engli~h. of Pet.erboro, were visers, 1.. t 6, con. 2, Darlington, will sell found a ltmgthy report of the inquest in iting at Mr. Wm. McLaughlin's. recently. ----o- - - c11mpany until the policy terminates by his valuable farm stock, implements, Dad h as ·had a lar.,;e cont.raot fllr cuttmg ice Ca.rtwril(ht on the late Caroline Heron, de 1th at which time th ese accumulated fo ·a couple of Ennisklllen firms . furn i r.ure. etc., withnut r eserve, having whioh we reproduce from the Lindsay Tommy ia getting to be an expert at playing rented his f11rm. The stock i~ in good deposits are used to pay a part of the pool, Wscder. 0 .1 Friday last an application order and the i mplement~ 1:1re good, Mill wanttd.-A grist mill In !lOOd rtJnnlng widow's dea·h claim- the corop:my makw&a Pude by 1vir. D. Burke Simpson to Sale at 1 p. m. See large µ ·titers for order; woulcl prefer one with cider mill a.tt· nched ; w"nld not object to there being a little partict1lara. L. A. '1'01.E, uuctione.:r. Ilia Honor Judge B dnson for bail for ing up the balance. Ill c11 In th» hi.nd connected; p·.>liaessl1>n want,.· twl .But, although $8.04 is set aside to be e<l April 1st 1890. William Heron, who was on the finding N.E. -Ourad ~ertising rate for auction On 1 hursday evening Inst q1iite a number of 11alee, wheu we do not print the salt' o! the coroner's jury, arrested ancl placed need in oayiiig cui-r1rnt death claims, the villagers atJd oth ers a·a.,mbled at M.r. W. H. whole of it is 6eldom, if ever, needed f r Cree1Jer's wh6re a proce·elon was formed num - bills, is 25 cents a line, each insertion. in jail at Ccibourg " n the charge of being bering a.hour, ftrt:u and procs·dtid tNi masse to _··-········,::--·-----,.--~---- ·- -·= -- --an acces.aory after the fact to tho murder this pnrpose. Usually one-h ,If or tw,o- Mr J eaeph Ho.wkoy's a.nd go.ve them a com. OUSE AND LOT FOH SALE.thirds, or at most, three fourths is am1~ ' ly plate su rpriso. After »It had got corufort(\bly of the late 0 1.1roline Heron, of Cartwright, . ' .. · se&ted. Mr. Vv. H. Cree per wa.Belected chair A valuable ·house e.nd lot near the sufficieut, the company prom1smg o man who in a few well chosen wotds expltiin· o .. bln"t F1<ct.ory. I ~· storey fram e house, ly which al'plication was at once i;(ranted. now. 6 rooms ancl summn kitchen :E'ruit re1urn to the policy hol ders, in the shape, ~~{~~nd~~c~t h ~r,~~:;di~d~s~~~ a~dc~~ra~ etc. Good lot ext.,nding from treea. El~in St, On account of the 1Vt>aknes11 of the eviof dividends the $2. 00 or $3.00 of over 1'4,Bht~n ore·ented Mrs. Ifowkey wirh a boau1 .i- th rough to L!<mb i::lt. This is a good inve,t· de11ct1 the amount of bail required .vas , . fill drnner crnot. as a birthdtO' present. Mr' ment as the rent. of the house v.ill pay over· pel' cent interest on t-he pur·chase mnney and payment, So that practically, the payIhwk.~ .~a.<fo a auito.ble reply 1 .h!'nking the .mii.do as low 1\11 it could be, and have any · h donors tor tb.elr kman rs~ and beancifull preaeu r. lea vo & l!;ood lot. to be soh.1--or blllld on, it " 00 $ ment of, at most, about u. , wit an to his bntror hii.lf. Short co»g1 ·am1 .. 1 .ory · det1med deslre.ble. For fnr1her particulars ·regard fo1· the fiudiug of the jury. The allowance of $4 to $Ci f.,r expensl:-8 wonld speeches ·~ere mado by Messrs. Bro«d, Slem- apply to FRANCIS MASON, King Street Ee.st, !Ht . . ' on. ~'11!11s. Haycraft., and the chalrwa.11, after Bowme.nville. order went that on William Heron giving have m <td e the tra.nsacttou JllBt na com· which all sat down to a snmptuoua rooast ba.il himself iu $2000, and two eure ties in . . prepared by the hulies. 'l'be rest or the ·· Villi· O far 11.S the policy holder IS COn· Ing W!.tS spent. in diRcU ssing the Fi hery ques· tho sum of $1000 ua.ch, he should be re- pJe· e, B 'f · h I d b tion by the old f.,lk. und games of vaiious tien kinds were inclnlged bv Lhe yuun1t folks. The leuod. M ujor John Hughes and Mr. cerne d , as 1 t en b~os as muc ia sed ab·iut midnight and each aid and if the company had collected crowd cli·pe1· weuded Ins way home wi·hlng the host 11nd :Robert McK.,e at once went to Cobourg, P ' $10 or $12 instead of twice as mllch, it hosteRs many years or happiness and prosp~r· In the matter of the estate of otl:'ered themselvee sureties, were accept. . ity. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Hawkey lea'1e ahortly to Adam V . Scott, la·e of the Townwould have been amply supphed with reside ar. TyNue. th<·Y carry witb. them tho ed, and Heron weut home on .Monday tho means of defraying current; loa es and }'e'tit' wishes of their friends in ttls vtcmlt~. 3 5 ship of.' Darlington, in the county Billie H<iyc raft bad a wmld bee sud qu1itlng last. Mra. Heron h1u been until lately · on the 2Hh ult. sud a lively "hoe down" at of Durham, Esquire, deceased. expenses. i n a 'fei:y prtcaricus state, being utterly ulght. about 00 berng present, 'l'hey did he Vil K ow, what assessment life insur&n\lle t· Jully time and no mistake. Didn't ico llome I pro11tr..ted. Sbe j,, in 1u1 mtere2ting conNotice Is herchy givPn, pursuant to the pro· proposes to do, and do~s, is to take the till morning, and some a topped the ne::tt day. visions or the R<iVl6ed St!l.tntes or Onto.rlo. dition, expecting a child in a. few weeh, Chapter 107 and !6. Vicl.ol'ia. Oot.a rlo St<Ltu1.ea. $5, $6 or $7 n ecessary to pay curr<'n H.AMF1'UN. which makt:e her trouble the ha.r<ler to C hapter ~. 1 .hr.t tt.lloredltorea.11tl other~ having death claims, find also $2 for expenAes, olaims " ""inst the estate ot Ad!l.m V . 8cot.t. b ear a11cl ~ntit les her to the sympathy of Mr. J ohn Kerslake has not been q uit"e l!Lte of the '.l'ownshlp ot D11.rlin1:ton, in the without requirinc: a h eavy additional County or Durham, 1£l'Quh·. deoe&sed wllo all. A doctor's cer,ifieate has bet.11 grantso well again. dl~d on or e.llo· 1t the SOth di.y of Oct· A. D , payment of $8 17. In doing thiA it is Mr. John Hare is selling farm rights 1886 at the ea.\d ·ro11·nship or Darlington are on ed 11tatiug that s he ia unfit to bo moved just as amply provided with the means of for 11is patent fence. or before tbe ls" da.y or A prll A. D., 1888, to ue· from h1:r hom.o . B 1il i11 to b e applied for live" or senn by pos>. p·e·pol.ld to J nhn W, paying loeses as any old·liue company, or 1he Town of Li~tow.-1. in the Q,,un1 .y Mr. Chasles Pascoe, of Toronto, is ::icott. in h er oa.~e, in Toronl.··· 1"rom a perusal of Perth, Banker. the duly appointed sdmini ~· and the secret of the cheapner.s of assess- epending a few weeks bere. trator o· the real «nd pereonal c~tate and ef· of tho .,,·idt1uce so far add need, it would or t tle said deoeased, a ~tat.iment " f their m~nt insurance lies iu tho simple cirMiss Campbell, our assistant teMher, fects appear that 1here is not an,y ,ev1<lence on names and sddrt1ill!es, and full particulars or cumstance that it does a life insurance ia quite poµular with h er pupils. their claims togeth··r wllh a eta.tcment. of ac· which to base the charge made against and natlll'e ot securities (if any) held by Mr. Frank Cole is ruunmg off a bank- count.a business, and not-as the old-lino com· .Requires more room for hi<J Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grain trade, them. her. .and Notice is further given that after panies a·o - a. combined life in11urnnce and rupt stock in Clarke for a few day11. and has determined to the said la·t mentioned date, the said sdmin· We welcome IY.liss E. G11lly home, after istra.tor w111 proceed to dis . ribute the &11aete of and savings bank business. It requires the said deoea·ed among the persons ent.ltJed " R.i.TJtPAIJ!R ··in our issue of F~b . 22, the payment of just as much of that part a 11ta.y of some weeks in Bowmatlville . thereto, having regard only to t.h · claims of spe11.ks of the Council of Darlingt ou of the premium which is d;ivotcd to the 1'11r. Wm. E "erson, of Cou r tice, very which notice has been given as above required, and 1he said administrator will not be liable and extend his Grocery into the premises now occupied with procurini:,: security Crom a guara.ntee payment of current death claims 11s does acce;;t ablv occupil<'d the pul vi t in the for the said assets or any part thereof so distributed, to &liY pereou or whose claliu notice c(..mpany for the Township treasurer. any old-line company. This is the one Me thodist church Sunday morn in g. DRY GOODS. ehall not ha'1e heen recelved as aroreuid at Mr. J. Y. Cole was storm-stayed at the time the said dlstr1bution is eo ma.do, &me of the best cornpanie11, including item of premium which cannot bo tamPort Pi:rry last week. 'fhe Misses Sa.n 'l'o make a clear sweep, everything in the Dry Goods department DARLING & MABE E, the Guarantee Company of North pered with. Solicitor· ro1 · Adminl~tr3tor. Its aru.·iunt depends up"n dt1raon, of Cavan, were d etained h , re a s now being sold AT AND UNDER COST. . The goods are all fustDated a.t Listowsl this H th d.i.y or February. Amer ictl, do not give securities for the unco ntr ollable law of morality. T he few daya on account of the storm. .A. D., 1888. 8- h» class, carefullJ select ed for the regular trade and no old culled ba.nkmunicipal officers. This is rather hard company collecting it can, with it, pay B10 STOCK. SAL:&.- Wha.t is expectfd rnpt stock, the pul-ilic can understand t he immense advantages ofto be one of th" bi1«:gest sal es of the eea.ou the 111.st n.med officials, but neverthe· its losses. Tbis 1s th e amount which is son comes (1ff on lot 21, con. 5, Darliu~ fered to purchasers of this stock. Everything usually kept in a. l eas such is thll c".a~, and as Mr. Windatt represen ted by tho rate of assessment at. ton, n ttar this v1lla1;:e next Monday, Mr. It never wa.s intended, so fa.r as I can learn. first class Dry Goode:; establishment, and required in the Clothincr 0 s<~ys, the coet of the guarantee would various ages in tl1e t able rates of asRess- Juhn Russ ell has somi,i of the best stock That <1itb.er men or women were intended to and House Furnishing line, oftered at AWAY-DOWN PRICES. be ba.ld. amount to as much as the i;ialary now n:.ent companies, aud this is the amount in thia section and his implements a.re I think you will believe me, indeed I'm sure Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively good. There is sure to be a big crowd you w!ll, paid-$100. which usna.lly makes up about one-third IC at the "Paris HalrWorka" you have called. no Reserve. Everything must go. Ca.11 and sat isfy yourselves that there. only of the premium r equired by the the WEST END HO USE is giving gre1tter value for a little money This village is noted for having one of There Is one thing Nature thinks of- let us th1111k her for all we ct>.nold-line companies - the remainder i11 best b ·rber ehops in the count y, situated OHEAP LIFE INSURANCE. than any other house in the district . It will pay you t o lay m a l:>he takes partioula " trouble with our race : mad e u p ·of tile permanent a nd irrevoc · r.wo doors n orth of M c Lean's Implement She knows" SCtl.llty growch or ht1.lr, the gray year's supply , as such goods cannot be repeated at my prices. and whltealnl!" locks, ·w m detract rrom the beauty or lhe tace. Nearly everybody, except th9 managers able savin gs bank deposit and an allow- Depot. Will's there to r eceive you, But Natm·e has he.r l&ws so strict that you and agent~ of out line cvmpanies and the ance for expenses quite three times ~s So h"'PPY and brave ; n1uMt D 5Vtlr err, suboid iv,.ad ins urance journals, hli.s lung g reat as is n eed ed for economic manageFor you'd aurely pay tho penalty o.t last, And all who call iu, s u~t ain it. ·h nt bounteous head of hair since been convinced that asees1nnent life ment. Can get a clean shave. Dr. Doren wen d's Hair Mugic's unHurpassed. The safety of ass~ssmcnt life i11suranne, insun:nce does insure, and that the betttor Just. t 1·y it von a tflicted, you n1wer wfll regret, Jim tidies up in-side, 'J'h6 Mi1.teic Wt\. !$ n e ve r yet knowu to fail ; assessmeut asS-Ociat ions and societies s uch its s u perior stability over that of any .Auel adjusts t he big chair ; .A.nu I-he gtJod that lt wJ!l do you will ma.ke And when you ge t seat ed , you soon forget as we h a.v" in Bowmanville, including other, d epends on its vested right to The e:xpendilure a bottle will entail. lle'il bar tJer your hair. . the A. 0 . U. W., R oy .l Arcanum, T c111- collect a nd r eceive from i ts m timbers, SLOW BoY. Thi11 now famous preparation for invigplars of T empers rnce, Oddfellows, Sons yea r by year, enough ·if that pa rt of tke t The following is the corr ect standing of orating an I stini11l11.t m g the growth of the f.)f E ngland a11d others, 11re paying their P r em ium which go es to p ay cu rrent del,th the p ·pils of Hampton school for pe1 f ect h ai r is unive rettlly accepted 11s the most d eat.h claims prom p'1y and in full, a nd to clai ms, and a s: ipulated addition of wo recitation a.nd good conduct for the mo nth valuable specific 0 11 the m1nket. All dollars for expenses. Its safety and of F . b'ry.SENIOR D1v1s10N6th Class all int ~nts and purpo110a transacting a life diae1 U1es of the ecalp are either relie ved or id. A rich and rapid inaurance busiw 1111 as effectually aa auy permanence are actually euhanc~d by the - L . E llis, M .·J. }~iliott, J. Ward, A. pe r marle11tly our1 S toneh .iuse. Sr. 4th- E . 1:-cott. F . g rowth ,.f h air will follnw 11fter jndiciolls 'l' RE OES'l' L1JBRICA.TOR IN THE lllA.RHET, ich L J ' " old line company. Here and t h ere, omission of p"ecisely t hat fe11ture wh 1 Mason, l. Scot.t , . La.w. r. 4 t11- " . and r egular treatment. Jt r em uins with hewever, is to be foiind a termagent the uld-line companies em phasize as thc·ir Unlem en, E. Orydt:irman, J·. Horn, M. the user a.lone t 1 W hen buyin g Coal Oil a sk your dealer for the N ew Oils, 1 secure t he desired p atty whose objection to as sessment life m ain reliance and sh eet auchor, to-wit : Hastin gs. Sr. 3rd- I. E. E llie, L. Me- result.e Dr. Doren .vend's '·Bair MaQ;ic" SAFETY & is sold by all druggists at $ l per bottle, i ns llrance, ia oddly enough, precisely that the sa vings b ank feature ; the uccumula- L ean, L. Salter: S. M cL ean. Jr. Srd. 1"urzier, I. McL ean, M. Ol e.rke, B . or six bottle~ for $5. If not obtainable ieat!HO wlii.ch everybedy else r egards as tion of immense amount s of trust f~nds E Try it once, and you will use no other. L .. w - G. W . · lAMIES1Jr<, ·reac 0 er. J UN· in yollr locdlity s end dir~ ct to 1h1· sole most conspicuous and O·immendable. belon~iu~ to other p e c 1 ple ; funds taken IOR DivxsroN.-Sr. 2nd- ( L. Hastings, T. mauufact. urer, e aclosing prio.,,. A. Do1tN· .lllctJOLL BROS. & tJO,.Y, Toronto. His proces~ of rensoning- if that can from the p rod uctive industries of the P "ndugtor>) equal, A. W1lson, H . Cry· w END , Paras H air Work s, 103 aud 106 country whero they earn from ten t o <ierm11.o, A. Coleman . Jr. 2 nd I . Tay Yonge St., Toron to, Jror sale by J. .b e ca.lled r eason which looks so much lik e E. C ryd~rman, M . Wilcox:. Ella Cry- Higginl-otham & Son , and all druggists. unrea,on- is >1bout this : That, since tba twenty per cent, to be invested by cor- lor, d erm1 in. Sr, Part 2 nd- E . Clarke, L . old-lin" C(}ll1 Pauie11 have a numbe r of porations at fo ur or five per cent ; fun s Wile.ix, J . Cowling, F. Mcl ;ean. Jr. Pt. rates of premiu m, of which that for whole which in n o emerg~ncy can be a pplied to1 2nd. - H. H ooper, M. Horn, E . Parish, ' 'I ' I ti w~~ sl~:;1~t .~~·at Ont;.mO tare Decay promptly and per manently cured br life be CJmt iuuous payment is th e l east the pa.ymrnt of cnrrent d eath claims ; , A. Lund. Tti.blet- J. Mc Lean, E. Clatto~~;'J.~i~~~~~~::,,~.,;:.~ +dilt.11]~(jfilNlli9~Nly+ c~1e-M 1sa Enu: exp ensive, it rnust therefore be for ·hhts funrls which are de1aonstar~tively ll. COil· wor thv, P . Hora, . tomal feaaanceand m1sap. C~.otPBELL T each er. stant temp tation · ' DJl!H1Ul! r e.a son the very lewest rate at. which lives propriation, and which if the not very ...._ ____ _ _ _ __.._ _ . - -.l1\lckwh"'1t p<tDcnkcs. Does not in·errem wii.h Oiot or n~u/l. l occupa..oon be safely ins11red, f 0 r if it wa.s n ot, Ilakers in nonrly even town i.a tlo11 e.nd full y restore~ lost vigor and insureil LIFFOR]:).~Ews. -Mr.R1 ch .Wtlson l!l? ld · · C11ru1 da arc u · ing it. · perfect manhood. Sent to any ttddreas, postcomp etit:on bet 1.-ee n the compani ~s would r emo te history to the old-lino companies valuable t e?ttu to M~·· T. E vans at a l11gh ,l'!:!IC~!:E~!U PRICE F IVE c r:- NTS paid on receipt or prioe O· rn Do Jar per box. u,:: · Sold s gencr ::iC H OFH~Lll'S DH.OG Sl'ORh: l on g siuce h iive mad e it the che> tpest ra.1 e; 1s _ t o. bti relied up1,n, have been stolen by I pric <'. Mr. H enry Ttcns will go to I.indHay l~e"t·cn·. say i n a fe w days. Mr. J. We· h erell of Klug ~tr~cC:Toronto. . and that life im;u r?.n ce a t any cheaper m 1lh ons . Vot a Llqnul,Snu.ff' '.l'o put the whole matter in a n ut shell: Yelverton will move on to the Preston rates must la()k the elements of stability OLL S FOR S A LR One 2 ye11.rs old -~t Powdei·: !"ree For $ rn we will 111ser r. 4. lines (3? words) In Assessm· u t insur1 rnce is che111 l becau se it 1farm sh or.t !y. ·. ~-'· J arn es lJ~ao sp1·nt a nnd two ye ...rllng Snort Ho,.n Lltill\! bted and safety. ' rom 1 n311rious One Miiiion ..opies or D<1.ily, 8undo.y or froni CrookshiLok bloud· lmp.Jrted etock, Aleo . . I few d ays w v1s1t t11"' fr1 en cl.s at BobcayIt mu:it b e od · uitted that, from t his l·Javea 111 tba po~seea1on of th e policy geon . Mr. R. G. "'D ean, of Fairmout, !¥-.,,,-4::=..,..,,.,;:;:;:;:.i /Jrug.~ a ricl Offen· · Weekly Newspapers. 'l'l1e wodt wi ll all bo a v.ootl ~e11 era.l purpooe mare-11. llne sm,. sive odors. tlno:;J;n 10 days. ISend orci r end check to dri Ver. Price· to ~u It Lbe ti ·ue·. R. a. OocJ:.. 11ta1;1d point, this vi., w of the matter does holder- by wh om 1 ~ can alwsye b e must paid us a visit r ecently. ACO'l"l', bo.x 101, Bowman\'Ule. G-2m GEO. P. R OWELL & CO., --·- - - - - - 11ot Ii.ck plausihiUy His re.soning, safely, secure ly and p rud e ntly invested - I A particle ls anplied Into each nostril and , , . a. reeable. i>rtce 50 cen sat Drn~gl"ts ; by Ill SPKIJC l\1 l!lr., X, N. of m on ey which the old -line . IT CAN uo NO 11.Utlll lo try Frcemnn' is N&'rIO!llA.L PJl,LS wlll nut !frlpe or 1111k· howe ver, is founded upou iguorance of the millions m11.if"register.d, t>O cen t s. -C LY BROTH.EH.8, . l i 6 page Newsp~per Cat·l· fl·l" rnnt by m&ll en, · · ,, j -W'urm C"o wcltlro when you.r cb.flcl I.Ji u.UJ.n 2J:i y et 1 Lre o tb.oru1to:h Cl\lharitc:. Greenwich :::t.. New To ·!I:. l !e>r SO teut~, . teverbh or f'l'e.trul, two or t h.rec fac'.a which the old·line e-0mpa01es call ihell "assets . JI. TREBllLQ,QCK. VERY CHEAP. eomp~niee ha.ve always very carefully Board ofEduca.ti·)ll. AUCTION SALES. Pictures Framed J. H. KENNER'8 Variety Hall, - FOR- NEW STYLES OF MOULDINGS IN A FE W DAYS. I still continuing to give· five quires of Note Paper for 25 cts. Most · excellent value. going to surprise you all with my WALL PAPE RS this spring. One consignment already in. Those who know say have good taste. , Come and see. HEAD QUARTERS SCHOOL-- --BOOKS, SLEIG:HS Picture Frames. .· A, m-~M· ··· A~· Y PR - ·o---- lht Qtanadian Jtate11man. J. IIICC·INBOTHA &SON, Dispensing Chemists. Thefollowingpreparations are carefully prepared and will be . found usefu 1 every house. Nasal Cream, For Cold in the Head, Catarrh, etc. H oM:;d D"'"' Rose Glycerole, For all Roughness of the Skin. Corn Cure, Not1ce . to cre d.itors, ----o---SHORLEY'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. ----o--Agents for the ,, Argus " Spectacles and Eye· glasses. For Removing Hard and Soft Corns. ABSOLUTELY QUITTING The Dry Goods :Business I JODI ltlcD.UBTBI Close Out llis DRY GOODS BUSINESS ANOTHER WflNDER. JOHN MoM'C'RTRY. THB.ESHERS AND FAltlERS USE ONLY lVIcCOLL'S ::L A R FAMILY J j) I: N MACHINE OIL. E:I SUNLIGHT COAL OIL. BREADMA~R~~;~n.,X~A~.!~r ~r~~o~~~sgi~l L!~a~!~; ·' :~!!e~~~g~~~iif~i~:\:;;~it~~a I w. I 'I~ ~l !I . . . ta THE ART OF A.O V lRTISING B