Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1888, p. 3

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!·!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~~!!~~-~~-~~!!~~~~~.-··~ [Now Frn.s1· PuBL1SHE:D, 1 [ALL ILLM~illlll!!IP~~ --_?Z'~llPl£'ilWD-5f53EU'!!TI _1111111!1 Tfllllj!1N 'fered her to go in and pat him. v,11d accepted of meeting him. I would not have him a. lnmp of sugar from her paln·, after enif· suppose that for the world. No, Adrian, fling at it suspiciously for a minute or .so. I should like yon t,o call on him, just in the Life was full of interests for Ber without ordinary way. You ca,n refer en pabBant to going beyona her o'll:n park gatt>R; and :then his ea.rly acquaintance with my family, not there were duty drives to be t"k en almost affectrng to know that he was ever any rnore every day, and c!l.l!s to be returned. . Thete to me than a friend. And you will find out wa.s a regulai· ex:change and Li11-ter m the about his surroundings. His wife died some way of visiting to be mantained, though years ago, but I believe there are daughters. A LlTllOR OF" LADY A.U DLEY's SECR ET, Wn.r,ARD's 'WEIRD, ETC. ; Ere. ady Belfield rarely accepted a dinner invi. If they seem nice girls I might co.11 on them. tation, or adorned a ball by her l'resenco and IfUnot--" and her diamonds. She went to frie:i:dly "I may limit the matter to aoking OolTl:!e footmR·D lm:mght a small decanter, I times. Indeed ~e had pro~essed to have out- tea dl·inkingr. and tennis parties, and oo onel Deverill to a bachelor dinner, eh, and Mr. Belfield balf filled his cup with I grown the capacity for lovmg. mainta.ined local friendship. Sbe liked a mother." cognac before his mother ponrec l out the I " Women iire so monotonous," he said in free and easy visiting which did not oblige "I shouldn't :like to be obliged to take tea. The tli.ble was . liberally furnished one of those gushes of confidence with which her to ttikr~ 0 if her bonnet or put on her dia- up girls with Continental ideas and fast with varieties of cl\kes and muffins, anchovy he sometimes honoured his brother. He mands. Genoa velvets and Mechlin flo11nces manners : and I fear these poor girls must for and sandw.iohes, and dainty litt le arrangement s loved talking about himself, and Adrian was hung idle in her wardrobe. She liked to have been sadly neglected." ofjoiegras in golden tinted rolls, which Mr. such a eympathetic listener. " ·woman are dine alone with her boys, in a tea gown, "I'm afraid I'm not much of a judge of ' "Ci!stGrfa !s oo well adapted to children tbs.t Castorfa clll'eS Colic, Constipation, Belfield snapped up as. if he had. been .a all iilike. Upon m:i: soul, Adrian, _if yc;u and t o rea.d or play in the peaceful solitude the species girl, but I'll give you as exact a [ recor=endit as superior to anyprescriptiou S<?ur Stomach, piarr.hooa, Eructation. Newfoundland dog eatmg d1scu1ts, His know how little difference there is be- of her dr~;wiui;:-room. Lifo taken at this report as I can, mother," answered Adrian blowatome." :a. A.· .All~:tm M D Kills Worms, &'lves sloop, and pl'omotea di'.· v= ' · ., gestion mother was delighted to see him in such twe01n the idioayucracies of a peeress 1md a gentle pace seemed never too long or too gaily. tll So. O::tiord so., Brooklyn. N. T. WUbou$ m,iurious mecliCAtion. good appetite, and sipped her tea with the barmaid you would not wonder that a man monotonous. She sighed for no change in He wa..~ not in any hurry to set out upon serenest a.ir. although the smell of the who has'had a few adventures soon begins an existence which realised all her wishes. this adventure. Re still retained a good THE CENT.Aun COMP.ANY, ~·7 I(urra.y Street, N. Y, brandy in Vn.lsntiue's reeking cup almost. to feel that life is played out." People wondered much tna.t so pretty del\l <>f his boyish shyness, o.nd a. visit to sickened her. 'l'hese tea-drinkings after "My dear Val , I don't think you know and attmctive a woman should have escaped strangers was cf all bis social obligations the the hunt were her delight. '.l'o sit at her much about peeresses, and I hope you know a second marrfage. But to L a.dy Belfiel<l a most obnoxious; so he let some pleasant, low table, with a son on each side of her, next to nothing about barmaids," replied second marrfage would have been a crime. studiously idle days slip by before he found to linger long over 4the ~o?ial tm<..>erem~mieus I Adrian quietly. "I loved my husband, and I adore my the weather good enough for a drive to MorFOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILI,Et meal, wast~? mos. dehc1ou~ relaxation of "My deti.r fellow, thl\t shows how little sons," she said. "Wha.t room is there left comb, and then he girded uphis loiJs, look· her days.. Sne a.sked no higher pleasure. yon know about the other ha.If of yourself. for any other affection?" ed out his le11st clamaged hat from the array J!er evemngs were often lon.ely, fo~ Valen- I have not reo,ched my present age without "But you ought to mL\rry, my ,lea.r," of well-brushed felt and beaveT in the hall, -i;me hated~edenta.ryoccupat1onand mtellect- an ocee.sional Jhrta,tion with a. peeress, and aaid h er friend. lAdy Templctcwer, who ordered his phaeton, and turned his face ua.l dawd~rng of till kmds, an~ _generally \ I have been passionately in love with a bar- who was distinctly practical. "A hnsba.nd resolutely townrcfa Lord I,upton's Park, d:agged his brot~er off to the billiard-room maid. The loveliest woman I ever met was would be immensely useful to you and the which was a good five miles from Belfield d!r~ctly _after dmner. If ther~ were men a ~irl at an inn near Trmnpingt-0n. What boys. He would look after your timber Abbey. v1S1tors m the house for Valentine t~ play i hogsheads of beer I have consumed !\Su. sac- and your tenants, and would launch your The stable clock chimed the hl\If hour with,_ Adrian w~mld ?ometimes stay m the : rifice t,o her charms. Once I thouvht she sons-get them elected at the pl'opar clubs, after two as he drove down the avenue. He drawmg-room with h~s mother; but he was . loved me, and that I might have be1;n wild an<l all that kind of thing. l:l.e would be a would be at JYiorcomb at about three, which ~lways at his brother B beck and call. The enough to marry her. And now I 11.m told si;eward without a salary'." waa the prescribed hour for ceremonial calls Constance Belfield did not contemplate in thf},b part of the world. Intimates might mfiuence of tl1e younger over the eider was i.he is singing patriotic songs, dressed as 13npreme.. . . the matter from thfo common-2ense point ot drop in at five and join in a friendly tea1 Britannia. at an East End music hall." " I thmk we are hke J.acob and E5an, v 'k V 1 th t d" t bl view Second marri9,ge in the mother of drinking round a low oosy little table; but and that my father must have willed upon ' ; ou ·noii\ . al, 0 a a0 thrn5e~\ at ~ a fa~ily she considered domestic treason for your visit of ceremony, patronage or his death-bed that the elder should serve ! m~;rDmg~twio~ ~l rea~l e~r · And when Valentinewastrciubl~ome whe~ respect, three o'clock wan the hour. Un· 0 10 ~~~ . · ei the v.ounger." ?n . ykou 'bod y ~ngh is t - 'tor tahm .\. 'd t· " said Adrian. "I can bntfolfill · not gomg to be. rea o.ny a i:ar e I. the outside world · deemed that . . a ~econd sustained by luncheon, unrefreshed by tea, m;,; es my. . · sake of that lovel deceiver on the Trump· hus]ni.nd, a man of stronf5 will and clear the visitor must face his host-<lBB in the aw. The mother s1g~cd and subr:;iitted, as ahti , ington·roacl." y . bra;n, woald have been 1.i;v.alua.ble to the fulneas of an empty drawing room, prepared had always submitted to Fate m the person "But you are so reckless 20 heedless of· lads mother, ConstaucereJ010ed that there to converse vivaciously for at le11St twenty of her sons. She had lived for them and in conseouences " ' was no one but hernelf t o whom the sinner minutes a.bout nothing in particular. them .ao !o~g tbat e~e had almost ceri:se_d to " n1ecause live myself, r.nd for the need Le a~countable, tha~ she ha.d ~he indisMorcomb Park w:i.u not particularly well h,ave md.1v1d~!l.! desues or personal lilting~: enjoyment of the present hour/' answeri;d ~utable _right of_pardom ng all hw folUes, kept. Park and home farm had been let to Ji_,verythrng m house a nd stables and gat Valentine in hia deep strong voice, rlylng rn and papug all ~ll! debts. the local butcher for wme years, and his cat· dens and park and home·!ar~ w_ a s r egnlat- hia low ohau·, and slowly puffing at a cigar. T_he mterventro~ of a. hard-headed man of tle'.:gr·uzed within twenty yards of the drawed and govern~d by the mclmations of the How.handsome he looked in that easy, busmess a t such tu nes would h;;.ve tortured ing·room windows. Therewas an old·fashion· brnthers, v,lbe1t Lady Belfield was tenant uraoeful attitude the very embodiment of her. ed garden on one side of the house, and there for life i~ tl~e m~nsion o,nd its ir~mcdi1:1te ~nblemi.shcd youth and physical power, It darling, my poor. foolish boy,". she waa a sp11.Cious v.nd lofty conservatory, which aurrot?ndmgs. _It ho.pper;ied, so~<.how, al, wa.s but the highest type of sensual beauty .mud t o h erself, yreepm~ m s~~ret ove1 the in Lord Lupton'a palmy days had been one m.>at 1mpercept1bly, tlrn.t mall t~mgs where· - soul and mind w ent for but little in the y oun~ mu.n's delmqnencie~. The.nk God, of the glories of the neighborhood, and all of ahe was mistress, the tastes of the young· well cut face the bold fia.shing olanco . but hera rn no on l' to lecture hun, no one to com- the rest WM pasture upon which Mr. P ol· er son dominated that of the elder. Adrian t h erA was ao~e kind ~f charm that w~ not plain 0£ him, no one to m ake him worse by lack's oxen and sheep fod and fattened. Ga.r- We have now completed arrangements for a big sale of popular good1:1 wa.s at ono~ too weak and t?o ,;proud to wholly physioal-some touch of brightnesi;, hard measures." . dena and conservatory nad both been neg· struggle agarnst that overpowering mfluenco. mirth and courage which attracted the r eShe was irnt altooether foolish althon<th lected since his lordship's chronic asthma F,t prices which must take the eye of every economical buyer. We keep the best qualities, styles, and assortll.ltmt in "My dear mothe~, the pbce ia yours. It gar d ~f men imd won the love cf women. she erred on the side of snf t-he~rtednes~ ; ha.cl obliged him to winter abroa.d, and the ia for j:ou to dec1de,". he ;"'Ot~ld say? when The ortia.tm~ waa not wholly clay, albeit end she knew that Valentine'n career hiid houae ha.cl been either empty or in the ocV ii.:Ie.ntme. had hotly 1 mum~a1i:ed his own flesh predominated over spirit. . up to this point .been unsatisfactory, but cnpatiou of strangera. Those village wiseopmxon \;1~h scornful u~preciat1?n of every" I!'or what else should a man hve but she went on hopmg tht\t all would come acres who pretend to know a great deal more for ladies', gents' and childrens' wear ; also in Trunks and Valises. body else a ideas, treatmg arcb1tecte, _land- the present?" said Vu.kmtine, continuing right by.and-bye; that these evil ways tha11 their neighbours, declared that ohronio scape-gardeners, and nursery.men as lf na- the arguinent. " \Vho can count upon the meant no more than the wild oats which asthma was only auothor name for impecuai· Come and see our elegant stock-Cash bought it, low prices will sell it. tore ~a.d sta.mped them so ob,·rnusly v,~ fools · fntu,.e-who cares for the past ?" she h'1.d been told most young men ,nire o~ity, and that Lord Lupton turned his back that it woul~ bo the bu.aest hypocrisy to "Conscience and memoi·y both care for doomed to ecatter befoi·e they sobered and upon ..M:orcomb a.nd upon England, becau11e Our specialty is to please our customers, our aim to save money for our treat them with the re~pect due to rea:son the pa.st.,, eettled int-0 propriety. . he could not a.fford to live in his own country. patrons, our intention to do better for you than anyone else. Goods nnd· gooa ~~nse. ,, "I_t xs foi;- you to d~cid?, "ConEcience is a bugbear which the ~ar- . Adrian was cxcepti?nally steady. For Everyone kne-W that poor L ady Lupton cannot be bought cheaper-none are allowed to underrnU us. my dear mo,,her, said Adnan, desertmg m sons have invented for us, and memory 18 a him there were no wild oata to be sown. adored the plaoe, and was nevei· really hap· ~he ~eat of the batt! 0 : and the ups~oi; wi:s morbid he,bit of the mind whfoh a healthy He had been his mother's comfort and main- PY anywhere else. 28. mov1table. Valentme had everythi~g !1is man should d.iacou.r&ge. I ha.Ye no memory. " stay fro.m his very childhood; thoughtful, (TO Blil CO}[TINUllD. ) own way. ~o~ could t_wo gentle y1eldmg "Oh Valentine.' e.ttentive, devoted, her companion and - -- --- -·- - !1a.turi:s stand . firm a?amat the force of ai;i; " w ~II, I suppo 6 e if I wer e to sit down counselloi· when he was in J~ton jackets. Funerals Oost too Much. mdenutable will and a.'?'mndless self-es.teem 11 and try back l could remember most things His nature seemed almost p1lssio~le.ss.. She ~twas natural to Ad_rian t.o doubt his ?W~ iha.t have happened "to me since my cradle," never remembered to hl\ve seen him v1~lentThere was formed recently in New York JUdge,men,t. t6 depreci~te his. owi: capacity' answered his brother lightly, "but I never ly angry, She . h!!.d never su8ll4JCted tum of a Burial Reform Association. Such a.n or. b~t V a.lentme h~d boheve~ m himself_ from ·cultivate ID)' memory. I mr.kA ~ta rnle to ?eing in love. He l?ved _her , t·nd he had an ganization, having for its object the doing hl8 cradle, had as_serted lumaelf to his. wet iiinore the past. Sally Withera--the intense sympa.thy with his brother, but she away with the abuses connected with fune· nur~e, ~d had reigned supreme evor smce. J Trumpington barmaid-jilted me? I blot doubted if his heart h11.d ever gone forth rn.ls and burie.ls, ha.s been the long.entertain. Happily . for th~ household, f~om a.n her out of my exisronce. Lady Pimlico flirt- beyoud that narrow home circle. His tastes ed wish of many of New York's prominent resthetrnpomt of :-i .ew, Mr. Be~fie~d s taste ed with me-court ed me- made a fool of and inclinations in all respects resembled clergymen. The following plan was agreed was better than hrn_ t emp<ir! his J.udgment me-Md then deliberately dropped me. her own. He loved music, of which she npon by all present, the meeting being com_A_ ~ ~ S'11mder th_an his monhty. If he err~d She is gotrn. lb you anppo3e I sit and was passionately fond, and he wa~ no mean posed of representative mtn of all the denoH ,was on the s;de _of strength r.at?er th"'n brood over the summer ditya we spent to· performer upon the organ and pmno. Re minationa: we~k_nes~ ; he m?lmetl.to t~1e br_ilhant and gether 00 his Lordship's houseboa,t at Hen- had his mother's sn~idued taste in colors, "This organiza.tion shall be known as the str1kwg Ill all ~bwgs,_ "'.'as m fa~or of large ley, when we s a.t in a. corner under a Japa,- j her scrnptl lous retmement a,n<!l orderly Bnrial Reform Association. effects, bold Imes, vi~id coloun.ng. There nese umbrella, hiding ourselves, as much as · hrtbits. "Its motto shall be : 'Not to he sorry as were those who sht~dClered ll·~ th_e first as- ostriches are. hidden, between two great ma· And now they two, mother a.11d son, were men with9ut the hape for them that sleep in pect of. Mr. B~lfield s den, wit~ its ecarlet , jolica tubs of p a.lms, and made ourselves con- l\lone together by t he he& rth, iu the long him. '-I. Thess., iv., 13. draperies aga.m~t black oak, _ its Jl\pa~ese spicnously idiotic-or of the nights the November evenings, while Valen.tine and "_T~e basis sha.11 be the con;mi ttal.of ~he bla?k and gold, its Ryman potter~ a.nd Nea- opera, when we were alone together m her his friend Touchwood went the round of t he Chnst1an dead, 'Earth to ear tn, lookmg tor poht:m brass-there were those wno cleclar· Iad yshin's box? No, Adrian. I make it theat res in Paris, and <lanced at strange the general r esurrection at the last day, and ed that Mr.. Belfiel? was th~ worst dresse~ my business to forget all such t wa.ddle. dancing places, and ripened t heir scheme t he life of the world to come through onr y~mug ma.n in ~onnon-but Royal Acu.~em:- Life is too short for memory of the pa.st; or for breaking the bank at Monte Carlo. J..ord Jesu~ Christ.' . clans had admire~ the · ~rrangement of bis forecast of the future. Carpe d·i<im dear "Mother, did you know that Morcomb "Its obJect shall be to umte _all. who. prod en, a_ucl wom~n liked his style of dress be- I boy. Gather your l'osea while you may. was let?" asked Sir Adria.n, as he scanned fess and call themselves Chnst111ns 111 a cause it was pictureaqtle. Be sure I mean to gather mine." tne county pa1>er at br.eakfaat one morning, threefold effort:"A pin~tirfr.qllo rean must be a cad," sai :l "Valentine, I verily believe you were a few days after Valentine's departure. "First-To encoumge burial in perish. Mr. Simper, who would haYe ex13ired sooner created without a oonHcicnce." "vVha· t , a.t last? No, indeed, I have able coffins in the simple earth. than wear a hat with a brim that infiniteei"I was. You have the conscionce, I the heard nothing about it." "Second-To simplify and cheapen funeme,J part of an inch wider or narrower thf},?1 capacity for enjoymeut. We m·e but two "'];hen yon have not been with !\DY ot r al nnd mourning ceremonials. the Prince of Walea's, or a cl;cck ~~at hn.d sides of one charncter." your gossips for some time, I suppose. "Third-~o secure large and. ample not the stump of equ'.11 o.uthonty... A man Hero is the pi>.ragraph. 'M.orcomh, Lord tracts ,,of smtu.ble ground for llllrial pur~ho makes h imself different from o.her m en Lupton's fine old .family mansion, has been po~s. .. . · . . UI not a, gentleD?an.; No gentleman even CHAPTER.-II. recen tly lst furni9hed to Colonel Deverill, fhe assocmt_ 10n will seek. to adv~nce its courted observation.' of the l{ock, nei;.r Kilrnsh, County Clare. f obJectB by urgmg the followmg specific reA w n,D rm s II GIRJ;. , A man with a taste and. a temper of h is Colonel Dev0ri!l is a keen sportsman, has orn;s :. · own is general:y admired and looked up to .A. week after tha,t first day with the befln master of foxhounds in his own county, !~t'Bu-;-The exer~1se of econoi;n:r and sim· lnspe'tion Solicited. by other men. Mr. Belfield had Leen the che~tnut, Valen~ine llel?ald had gone off to and will doubliless prove an acquisition to J?lw1ty m everythmg appert<mang to the centre of an aristocratic litt}e circle at P.1.mi a.t i.:n h,o u: 8 w,ar.mn~ to acco~pany :i. , the neighoourhood.' Why, mother, bow funeral. . Vichn.·ia BuHdings. MURDOCH '.l' rinHy, bis rooms the favourite resort of oollefe fr;enu w 11? ""as gou;ig t~ -w .nter at wond er-struck you look, and you have S~on<l-,The ~ae of pla1_ n ~ea.rses, some of the best-born and wildest young Mo:i,,e Carlo, with a.u 1 i;.fa!hbl~ nystem turned quite pa,le, I declare. Do you know Th1rd-'l:he d1~u~e of era.po, .:oca.rfs, feathmen at the university. Needless to ~a.ytha,t ~h1oh he and a mathEma,tical fri~nd h!J:d anything ab!>ut this Deverill ?' " ers, vel·vet t rnppmg_s ~,ncl the like. , . · he had not worked, that he lrnd missed myen_tecl two or. three y~r.s ?efore m th_ e ir ;. A good de:i.l, Ad rian." Fourth-The avo1dmg of all un-Obnstian chapel ancl otherwise offended agafost the nudni~ht reveries at .u1mt y. V~l~entm~ "Nothing unpleasant , I hope." and heathen_. emblems and the use of a.ny laws of the colle~e that he had worn out the told his mother nothmg ubout the sy,.em 01 , N d b "L · t l"ttl ·· .. floral decorations b eyond a few cut flowers. th . t d d t . t M t C:1.rlo He had ' 0 ea.r. ut IL WIMJ 'US a l e BLar ". F'fth Th d" . f 11 ti d ' " T i~~~~ [~~t ~ . ·~~ ~ ·d . d . t · linoto 'heat· tliat he had Js ettled in onr im· d _ !1k. - _. e iscot~rngtn~~ ea l ng an p atience of co lege . t utors aml ·college coaches; and that, with a reputation ·for o~ y tob er .~d t~ x~ pe h an tan mediate neil!hborhood. His father and my rS1~ ihg Thcou;eo wn '!1 £°nera.bs.t . firllt-rate t alents, he had contrived to place e . a ~ a;ge, a: h dad ~'-~ due W?o '".': father were<>bosom friends, and Gerald and d?'t e, isoof~~gifg any u im· h imself in the very lowest rank of stud.en ts. bg?mg a.~_s ,e a ; c1f : h o~~o1~~s w1 I nse<t to see a good deal of each other wheu ~ne ihatebmdomtoerahc e a.mi y accompa.nye ea r · h b t . f mg t e. o y o t e grave. Uninfi.:ienced by the shades of the mighty 1111 an ma. mg a roun d ead ·heedless of Bacon or Newton Byron " The drainage is so dreadful in P a.ris ; I e we,s a roung 11m1! a ou' own, i~ on~ 0 Seventh-The dispelling of the idea that M' Wh ll Th k 'b h d am always &fro.id of fever" said Lady B 0 l· the household r egimmta. I don t mmd all club or society money must be spent on or a~~u·d'f' ecle . a<: ~;ay, e field looking intensely an'xious. " telling you thi.',t he wanted t? marry n:;e the funeral. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the 0 18 1 %one ? wayt ghno .n~, l\'Iy dear mother we shail go to the those days, an d a.a ho wa.a 81 wild, s elf-willed Eighth-The early i11termcnt of the body 0 5 0 l.nlg, carhu ! % a. fl1:1~. y -~hl'Bb insu ·ag Bristol" ' . y oung fellow, lhe made himooli extremely in ;oil sufficient and suitable for its resolu· I .IVER, S~'OMAt::B, .KIDNEYS AND BO,VELS. 1 ~~el n:ut onties, 1 r 11 rn~ WI l +..ar-m~\h5' " ~d the hotels are so horribly high troublesome. I was very young, you see, t ion to its uWmate elements 1 They i.nvigorate and restore to health J)ebilitated Constitutions, and · atm1 L evheryd rd~ e n · .r__edguh:'"xon °th ,e They will be puttillg- you on a fourth storey. Adrain, and I was almost afraid of him. Ninth-Th; use of such m~terials for the p 1ace. .tle a, 1 sappom,,,, ·18 mo er 8 £ ther came and I kne·w I , ' And th ue Invaluable in all Complaints Incidental to Females of all Ages. Fo· ambition, and drn.wn heavily upon her p erhaps, and if thre were a fire--' Y .t th' t t f r g coffin as will rapidly dec~y aftc1· b urial. Children and tha aged they are priceless. a· t t B ]£ ld Abb , ··There never hM been a fire at a good was sa e. 1 m 1 was a sweo .ee m Tenth- The substitution of burial plots ps1.ugrnsael. fo'" ~h~ec~:n:nc:m~~t of a.eyr:J;;s Con tinental hotel wit hin my recollection," of be f ing prfote}.cted bydhishlove thadt filrs.t madhe for family vaults. ' ' . , d v 1 t" r· htl "can 't tylor n me ouct o um-an t en--an t 1en- a. El th Th . t · Cambridge tra.desmen's bills and lll.wycr's auswerte a ctnhme 11'.~ .tY· Adrian how fond I was of him and how < even d- fethencour.tgelr:ien' ~dndsadi:1letters which for the next twelvemonths sugges any o er ca am1 y, or ~ay o 1e d h' r t a.ry g roun s, o e r emova m crow e 1s- Is an infallible remedy for Bad J.Jegs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, So:re1 ateadil' descended uuon the house peril- a cyclone, an earthquake, un inallr· g~o . · ~ was- on 1 y--on1Y a it t 0 sti ong· tricts of the body to a mortuary instead of :i.nd Ulcer1J. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of t he Y· ·· ·. · rection, the fall of the Vendome Column ! I Wiiled hke ":?ur brother. But he was ,\lwa:ys ·retaining i t in the i·ooms occupied by the -Chest it has no equal.. ll'here were expostula,iona aacl expla.na- don't suppose they fastened it very securely good to me. . living· o,nd t1ons, tears from gentle _Lady Belfiel~, sul- when they put it up again after the ComThe te~.rs came _mto her ey~s a.a ~be Twelfth- The impression upon ollic<'r~ of l!F'or Sore ~'bi·oats, Ht·on.chitis, Uoughs, Colds, leu defll\nce from Valentme, generous mter- mnne ,, t hought of that bnef wedded life, wh10h bl" charities an d correction the ol»im of posit ion o~ the pa.rt of A~rain, and filla1ly V l had been. all love, thcugh it bad not been f:e ;~oreat ix, p roper a.nd r everent burial. · Gl~nduhn Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and 1 1 h t mo,, t he Cambridge traders, with bat a few ex· ear a ' you a :Vays aug a · all suusb.rne. Th t whifo rules are laid down as t o contracted and stiff jointa it acta like a charm. cep~ions, were paid their demands in foll, . " How can I help 1t, :U?ther; whem Y?U "This J?cvcril~ must be a. di:ia.greeable tho :ondu ct of members ' funerals, each which was very,much ~ore than any of them g ive me such opportnmt1es. There, kr.~s fellow," .s0:1d A~r1~n. "I feel assured that member of tho associa,t ion shall hold himself deserved. Laoy Be1field found ha.If the me, dearest, . and good·bye. Lu~ .will I shall d1Slike lum. ·' . . bound to th e !!·meral principles thereof. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, rr_ion~~ ?ut of her pnv~~~ fortune, and Ad- h ave ~~eked my por.tmanteau by this,~uue. "Oh, no, you won't, Adnan. H e 1·3 not Bishop 1'.., c,;r of N ew Y ork is President 78 NEW OXFORD STREE'l', (late 533 1 OXFORD STREET) LONDO.N'1 nan msiste d upon providmg the ot her half. There a the dogcart. Je me gi? we ! and a bad man, by any means. He was very f t h A , . ,· / on whose aim,q certain! ' ' · ' For Adrian, Trinity had meant seclusion wit h a hurried embrace he ran oiI to th . e wild in those da,ys, dran k a good d eal, I'm 0 _teth a...».'-'13;·:h' d .. , · ly i . ,; nd m~e sold at ls. lid., 211. 9d. , 4e. 6d., lla., 22s., and 33s. each Box OI' Pot, am! . " mo t h er_ .f ollowrng . t o gerr. . t i h e 1as t · afraid, . -~ men e ~ymp.1.· y are an for co-opera,i;1on OJ. & · V end ors thronghout the World. ~, ii:ml earnest work ; f o~ V a lent.me, co11~ge h a 11, h . rn and _w'.ls alt ogether m a lJad way ; whose enduJ..nmrs nocial r eform in 1 m ay b e h a d f·rom a 11 M e dl C llle . hfe h:-d been a tong holiday, a notous, r eek- look at her da1.lmg as he apran" .mto t he b;:it he marned a year or two aftet" m'1 mer - al.l mattere . for there a.re no abuaes which 1 l/<lif'Pul!'eh""e""' llto11Ihl i o o!l. ~t. the ~,,~b>lll 0111 the r ot s 111.nd noxea. I f the r ddr~ " ! less mdulgence of youthful pleasure and cart, took the r ems from t he . smart young r i.age and sobered down, I wa.s told. He shoulcl be s~mler done away with than t hose h ,. . .,·.. ,·· ,.rn.·.a ""'"'" "· ~.......,.~·· ~he.· ··.r., ._,... ., a. 8 1 11 ;v:onthful passions, a bad. beginn~g for an7 groom, and <ll'Ove. r ound the cir cular sweep has lived 1~ good do:.i.l on t he con tinent of ~ate connect ed with ftmerala and burials, as con- ~""'"'"""""""""· '~,.,.....~~~.,.. ,..-.,.., .,,, ... . .. . _ ...... ..,...,.._...,....,,_....,....,,...._ .. hfe, and yet he had contrived amidst all his to the a venue at a. pace th at threatened u. yea.rs, a.nd he and ! ha.ve never met smce d ~ d · t self-indulgence to leave Cambridgt> with the catastrophe before he should reach the your father's death. " uc.e a. presen · OffQr~ repu tation of having been one of the moat lodge . . . Whom did he marry ?" ____......,_ _ _ __ popular u ndergra.duates in thatg.re_:i.t college He h a.s g one, aud _ S ir Adrian 1 a?d hi.s "Oh, a nobody, I believe-a g irl w ith a Areg of Larrye Cities. : 0 Has received hel"newstock ot of Trinity. He ha.d fluug a,way _!us money motj~er sett~ed down ~nto t~at p 1ac1d a.nd little money which he !!pent in a year o~ two. , .. . " \ , O .M .FERRY& CC. with a royal mumficence, k nowmg tha,t it stamous i:ixi~tence :nh1(;h. e_ mt ed thei;1 both Her father w as something in t he city, a ~ The sh~utory a.ma of N eyr Orle~11~.1 e l :: """'admitted t o be tbe was not his to fling. He had been good· so well. J,a,dy Ilelf1eld d1v1ded her time he· merchant or a broker, I think they said; . square n!L. l es ; tlmt of Philadelp1~ 10 1- 9 . arrrie~~.;'~~r~1:en natured, after his fashion _ ; he talked well, tween the neweBt books ~nd the.most cla3· and they lived ht one of t he new districts square miles; New, ~deans .eccupies abvu; ; D. M. FERll:lr;& CO'S a.nd invites the Ladies of Bow Illui;trntcd, DeS-Ortp.. had a handsome face rmd commanding ap· sical music. She plc.yedScarlatt1 andBach. ne:i.1· Kensing ~on Gardens. I have heard of 1 40 SCiuaremales ; P mladefph1a. over a huu , f,lv3 nnd Priced by . ·pea.ranee, kept his rooms open to all the fast She read Browning and H~rbert Spencer. t hem from time t o time ; but I ha.ve never dred: So, proh~bly, Jus.tic.e will be done _ manville and viCinity to call SEIED young men of his time,. lent hia horses freely She dawdled aw.a y an occ~s1onal half-hour seen him since his ma.rriuge, and I never savr !10k1mg th:>t Ph;ladel .p_lu a. i~ the largest city and see her Pattern till they went lame, aud had a box of irrc- in her flower ga,rdene, which wer e lovely ; his wife." m t he U mi~~ States m Pt:;m t of area,. ~s & NNIUAL r-or 1 ssa ,proacht\ble cigarf6 ~.lr.~ys or1en on his ta~le. she went the r ound of greenhouses a11d hot· " She was not in y our set, then." to the ~ ve ?1t1es ef the. Ymted St:tes, Phil- 1 wil!bo·mailed ."'l'or one man who lrn·w anc l liked Adnan homsez, and talked to her gard ~uers, who "My d ear Aclrfan, her p eople were i.n adelph1?' w·ll lead agam_; New:rYork comes F R EE T O A !...l. ~ere were twenty" '"' a.geoted to be warm- were numer ous, and who all adored her. t rade," a ttswe;rcd Lady Belfield naively. "I ne;xt wit~ 41 s11.n~r~ miles, liiew ~rleans n.pIJ'lfoant r., a.ud and assortment o± t o lu.at seaaou's ly a.tt.a.ohed to \",.i,-n tfoe, What th.eir friend- She m~ved a~on~ tl;em· like a qtt~en whose supp ose y on ought to call on Colonel Dev- t hird, with 40 ; Chica.go fg;irth, . w ith. 36, cu flt ome!'s w ith.~ sh ip was worth, ·1n ly the aftert1me could approvmg am ile is like a ray of win ter sun· erill." and Brook!Y;n filth, with - o aquur~ miles. ou t -0rdcrb13 it. " I can h ardly a.void it without being un- The five c1t1 es of the world ~o:errng t!"ie I wa tuabletn :.;-.!?. sh ow. At presen1. he was tolerably inde- shine. She went e\'ery day to the stablea Rtiery p cn;o!!. ..!~,111:; pendeut of !loll fne.ndahip ou tside B elfield u,nd petted V !\:tentine's hun ter'a, with whom. civil. bu t if y ou dislike t he notion of. s.oeincr great .·es ar e:i. would seem to be I h1lo.de!phrn, Carden ,t':' i e~ tl!1·-~IQw cr A bbey. ·· she was on ~he most fomilfa.r t erms. l~veu li im I won't call. He will uudel'~to.nd~ 129; L ondon.' 118; ~e~.v York, 41; Chicago, 'i 'Oltl? :-"'1econcl Door 1'\'est o! l·'t tl ta m~ 1 d Et-: D Sb!;~,;j ~~1~~.!~~ l .il .He was six-and-t wenty and had been in the new chesn Ht, albeit, set hi.a ea.rs b 1 H !k no dcrn1.c w hy I don't." n l C-h t;r S t n i ; 1 :l() fquare ~ties. I <tn s cover s only abou t . .. E IRI ~ '! & CQ. , Win:d sor,Ont. love, or had fancie d him2elf in love, t wenty · wh~n ~he opened the door of his box, suf- ~ " .~ d ;10 might t1ih:k th <J.t I was n.fr~id 30 Pq mire miles. 1 flli , M . 1 RIGHTS RESERVED.] -·· T · ;; LIKE AND UNLIKE. By M. EL BRADDON, · Infants I Children. ! j - I I , I The Prices · tell, ff the Quality sells. i: for I :·My j I BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS 1 ' I ! l M. TRELEVEN I I Murdoch Brothers' N""E' W- CE:IN"" :S::..A..LL., where are to be seen I :-t I I I 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 0 20 -White Bed Room Sets. and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers. &c. Large var1"ety Hang1·ng nuos. I HEA.LTH FOR A.LL! ·f d l t ° i ·· nhk'} gaWbl- " of in THE PILLS ° 'tll> °th" k i . j THE OINtTMENT3 "D . no }ED ,S 1m ss Mc. TAVJSH GOODS., I I j I B 0 NN ETS, HATS here ! TRIMMINGS

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