Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1888, p. 2

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- · WWllWWWiB· Ai!@!!._!_.lll!!!.__~~~~!1_!!!~--_!~---···-m.1._U.____~---··-~_!-~-~~~~-· !!!~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING -BY- M. A.JAMES, AT THE OFBIOE Post Offlce JHock, King Sl;rect, B·nnuan· ville, 011t1u-i.o. TERba:S: ~l.50 11er Annu1n, 1.1r $1 lf irahl Jn llth 1rn e il1Mment strictly in advance reqniredfrom !'blcribers outside of the county. Ord~ra to so lntin.ue the paper mu~t be aceompan1eid by amount due, or th paper wil not be stopped. 1 b1r.rlbe1'S areresponslbleuntl fUllpayment is .ade. .RA.TES OJI' A.DVEJ!l'll'ISING: i;;!;.,. ll'b.oie Oolumnoneyear ; ...... . ..... $60 00 o;?;; ;;; " " Half year ............ 36 oll · ~"' " " Onequa.rter .....· . .. 2000 :::~ &111t Column one year ............ ... 35 00 - " Half year ...·.· .. ... : .. 20 " One quarter ... ........ 12 U!trtor Colunc.n one ye!l.r ..... ·....· 20 _ oo ·· " Half year .......... . 12 50 " '" One quarter...... . · 8 00 - - 6 Ten lines andunder.ftrst insertion . $0 50 En.ch subsequent Insertion...... 0 2~ -Frorn six to ten lines, first insertion 0 7~ ·Ea.ch subsequent insertion...... 0 Sa -Over ten lines, first insertion,perline 0 10 - 10 Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 The number of lines to be reckoned.by_ th~ ~pace occupied,.measured bya scale of solid Nonpareil. og - 61- = DitS, lllcLA.UGULIN .t BEl'.l'll. OF FlOE : -MORRIS' DLOCK, IlOWMANVILLI!:. iioentia te of the ~?ya! ate of the 'l'oronto College of ,phys1c1a.ns h .. 111.nd member of the Umvcrs1ty, l' ys1c1an Royal College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. geons, Edinburgh. DR · .J. «J. MIT«JJIEJ,J,, Br,J.W .McLAUGHMN. Dr. A. BErrH, Gra.du I. I &.'l'l. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Ofttoe and Residence. Enniakillen. 7.i. W. S, O:K!IJISTON, J,, I.. U. r,.KEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSIClA.NS Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Mon y to loan. Otlice. in Heaver Block ups !airs in rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Har nden, Bowmanvi!le. an DJt. ·U. «J. ltlcDOlVEJ,I . OF ROYAL COLLE GE L ICENTIATE of Physicians. London. };ng.; Membe r College of P hysicians ana Surgeons. Onto,rio. S URGERY AND RESIDENCE:-Rear o.f of M"ssra. Higginbotham's Drug Store, Bowman ville, . 6- lyr. D. BlTRKE SJMFSON, 'O ARRISTElt, SOLICITOR; &;c. MOPfUS JiJI BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman1le, Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank Private ltlonevs loaned at the lowest rates. .John Keith Guli>ratth, A R RIST E R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, &;c. · Ofilce..:...Bounsall'e Bloc,k Kln.!_8treat,__Bowma~_yille. _ Monev:_ to lend, B &OBERT A.RMOIJR, D&J' caned on Real Estate. Ofiloe on Riug sireet, Dawma.nville. WJl,LU.M lVIGllT. WES'f DURHAM ISSUER RlllGU:lTRAR, of Marriage J,lcenses, Barrister andAttoDat J,aw and Solicitor in Chancery.Monef L ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Durham. Orders left a.t tl!.o STJ.T ESlllAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P.O. wll!I receive prompt attention. 2S:6m i!. CJ. lltJNIUNfw, ICENSED AUCTIONEEl"t FOR the · ·county of' Durham. Sales aHended ko on sbortest· notice and lowest rates. Ad<l·e·s J O llR'fIG>I P. 0 . . 36:tf L Pianos Ta.nee! 2,mi, Repail'ed. · WISHING PIA.NOS P ARTIES Tuned or repa:irea canne.ve thom a.ttonded leaving word .: at the ORGA:M '.l:HEIR ·Q its OwirrcE, Bowmanvllle A tlrst-olas ma.11 !wbeinRintheiremplo _ ~ ~~~----~- by DOMINION DENTISTRY. ~ ~ 0 1-rj ~ 0 p::.. ...-.! z ~ H .ARNDEN, L. D. @ . Gradnate oftbe Royal Collegeof Dental Surl!'aons. Ontario. · OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY All.Tll!'IOIAL T E ETH INSERTED WITHOUT PL.lTES. Great Reductions in price on all Denta.l Work. Vitalize(. Air, constantl:r in UM pro· d.ucing Painless Operations. Particular atten tion Pllld to the regulation or Children's Teet !l. _...dLL WORK WARRANTlW.~ Branch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono. DEN·TISTRY. WlTll TEE'rn. w1·rBJ\JT T.UBTU J.'ll. BRIIIACOIIBE, FBA.CJTICJA.i. DENTIST, ' '.>V&B TWENTY YB:ARS li:XPEIUEN<lE, it-ron10xldeGa s A.dmtnlltered for Palnlew Opera·lon11. KCCJLITNG'll\ BLO«Jl!l, Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, Patronize Home TRADE .After spending much time and money, I aru WlW prepared to till all orders promptly. I llave a fine assortmem ot WAYES, BANGS, SWITCHES, OOMBS and PINS very cheap. BANGS FRO:l:l.a: $2 U:P&ld Switches colored and made to look like new. Highest price paid for long out hair. HAIR TONIC Warranted to prevent the hair t1·om falling out and will make it grow. INf"I have also a tine lot ot' new Stamping Patterns, .A.IL orders promptly attended to. t7 Mrs. A. DAVIS, Neads' Block, Bowmauville. power _of preventing fortunate ca.rriaCYe when tho Ca.non an·1ved, j r1d1oule, protest, or d1scoura.gement being · I f;. ;;, " with his wife a':id lilancho. Mark would 1all alike treated as the dear mother's old~ ~ . ha.ve given worlds in his imrittiencil> to have! world unpr&0tical romance. It galled her matters settled botween the two parents then li~ew~se thll.t she conld perceive the deter' BY CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. ~nd there; but L'1d;)'. P.onnisglen had alr~o.dy j n~m~t1on that .Annaple .Ruthven should be . · ·_ . , . . . . ' warned him that thm would 11ot be posstble, disposed of before :Muriel Delmar came on Afterwards Mark put Gerard on the way and assured him t.hat it ivould be muoh she scene; and the retidn!! to ever so. sma.ll to his brother·in-1aw's liv~ng, ~sking him on wiser t.o prepare i11a.tather 1ieror~hand. _ a home of their own had boon dia<:ussed bethe road _so many questions 11.bout the n~Then he fixed his hopes on a ~ohtary ~rH'c hi.:een mother and daught.c;r, ~nd. only J?Ut breua. busmess that the youth was not qmte with his tather bo,ck iu the pony carnago, J 1.1S1ae because of the pam 1t -would v.1ve sure how to take it, and d oubted whether but he found himself told o!f to take that their hon.est-hearted host and thefr hostess,, the young swell suppc~ed that he could talk , home, a nd ha<l to content himself with M.a.y who really loved them. T.Jfa the J... argest and best Assortment on hand of nothing else ; but h~s petulance 'Yas . .,5 a companion. Nor was his aiater's mode ·J Tb us ~he did her be~t ·to persuade her old 0 J:.-:..l. u :.. , All the New Styfos. mitigated wheu he was asked, "Supposmg of receiving the umhrella plan rea.ss1i.ring.: friend tbat there were few openings for a a person wished to enter the business, to Shehade~iled too .ftenwithhe;st-epm.othe1·i man of hfa son's <·,ge, am\ that if the JXIickle: a ':ery large variety but ~h whom should he apply?" . over Nutti-e's havina been bronghb up among j thwa.yte busines~ werH all that Mark ima,gu S tL. S S 1 d p "Do you-·lmow any ow~- who winhes for umbrellr,s to be rer.dy to acctpt the sa,me lov I incd, it w11s-n.ot b eneath the atl;.ention even "'"' ' OU ea ea a~ ersian anything of the kind?" he asked. "Are t·>r her brot.her and her friend, and she w its 1 of a well-born gentlema.n in these modern Laml take the lead . you mu.king inquiries for any one t' a.nd on quite mre tha.t her foth<er would never cou- i days, and v1< ;uhl involve less delay tbll.n all the la.test improvements-a very a hesi~atiug afli1:mati~n, ·.· .l:Secau;~e I k~ow aent. ·· ~n Egremont; an umbr:olla-maker ! any othe1· plan, exc~pt emigmtiou; which there ts au openmg for a ma.n with capital how hoi-r1ble ! ,Just fancy seerng Duttol1, was equally dreaded by each pareut. De· 7 choice aud varied stock to choose just at present. Dutton won't adverti&e- .li:<rremonr and Co. cn the hv.nd le of one's lay there must be, not only _in order from 'tis so risky; and he wants some knowlecl~e u 1~1brella !" _ to 1>Bc·ertaiu the facts re~peotiug t he firm , __ · 0 7 o_f a person's.ant~ce~ents! and whether he IB ""\Voll, you need not atrl'nise rm," m ld . j but toprov_ewhother M_a.rkh~d any aptit~1de G#entr~' l~e~y to. go into it 1~ a ~1beml, gentlemanly Mark. . . . . J!or _the b_ usrness before rnvolymg any cap1.tir.l ,.... 0 ,..., 0) spint, wnh good prmc1ples, yo~ see, sncl1 _ "But rn _ it poss1h~e that .Lr,d ' R'mnrngl~n pn lt. . However, e1·ery o~n1~r alterrni.tive A maO'nificent selection aood an cl chRap Ca.11 ea ·ly for first choice as would not upset u.11 we are domg for the aid not obJect 1" ea1d ~ay ·. ~ wcmld .1;i;.volve m1wh longer ~md more dou.b-t- 1 b o · ~ · ' , ,t · hands." " "She seemed to thivk ~t preforn H.- to ful w~1tmg. .And. a.ltogethcr t~e Ca.nen felt ~ .I.! A large "What amonnt ef caprtal do you mean_ ? .· drivillg pirrs in the T exas, like her son Mal- tlrn,t if a pernon . of L&dy Ronmsglen'rJ. ran k ~0u T. ~o ·t k " Oh, from five hundred to a thousand I colm." "' did not objeet, he had scttrcely a right t o . O ~ ' ti OC · Or ~oro would ~ot come amiss. If I .o~ly "Yel!, but then tha~ _ioas tho_ Ten~." ~do eo. ~oweve!, b<:t\1 alike rewerved con- 1 on hand. Pnces very reasonable. ha.d_ it!. What it \vould be .to .conduct an "Oh_,vfoy, May, I did not thmk yon were 1 sen_t unttl full 1m1u1ry should havp. been GENTS' FURNISI~lTNQCl AN-D UNDERWEAR A 001'-'fPLEJ 'rEi afi.atr hke that on true prmcnplea ! But 8 uch a gooee !" ~. n111de. , · r . _1 J: " - . "' , . LY.I. luck is agaiust me '"'.err way." "I 1!1iould. hi0ve thought the folly w~~ inf .. '.1'he Cau<Jn. wrote to Lord K~rk:.\ldy, ~lld Display. Sbuts, Socks, Gloves, Tie;:;, Braces, Studs, · Mark was at the sittrng_-ro~m door as ~he not being p;!,tient. Stick to your p~ofessiou, m the ~nea,nt,une ;w:an.t et .1 to _gat~1er '!hat m. Buttons Mi ts Rubber Co'.its Um bi-ellas etc. rour quarters began to S't rike 1U preparation and something muat come in time:' formation ne cou.u from his metsr-m -la~v ; ' ' ' · ~or eleven,_ but fo,dy Ronnieglen had b~en "Ay, and how many do y~rn think a~(l l but he fou:i,d. he1· absolutely Cllgro~se_d l~S ~"Furs m "her cha.Ir for uearly half-au-hour, havmg ritickini; to it in that hope? No, :l.fay, 'trn i her hush3nd. s nul'.'se, aud scarcely perm1t.tod t:> ·"' · been rapid and nervous e~ough to hurry not rea1 pa.tience to wear out th{l best years~ to sao.tch a mea.l outside the darI>;ened room. or avlT even the impertnrba.ble ma.td, whom Anna- of my life and hers in idlenA~B, w11.iting for ~ He groaned and grumbled ut hm brother's 1\ !< · Bl k 1~ , 'll :&1" MA YER ple though~ inoaJ?able of being_ haate_necl. somethin~ not bene11t~1 ~n Egremont to do!"' selfishne"s~ anl dede.~ed i;_ha~ her hea.lth - eac ~ OC · ~owman' 1 e. ~. . She was a httle slight w:rnun, with delwate "But 1~ there notlung to rlo better tha,nt wonld be aamaged, wh1le lns shrewder lady fea.tures and pa.le complexion, such M time that?" ~ Wdcclar~d that nothing would be filO good for !".'~=--~"'!".'"~ - - - ----'".!=~==-==~~~ deals with gently. and her once yellow hair " Find it for me, May." '1 her as to let Alwyn find het· focl fope . nsr.ble now softeued with silver was turned back in to:hia comfort, even beyand Gregorio. ) ft :~~ bands beneath the simple net cap that suitCH APTER XVI. ~,Thi-a ~JJsorpti~1n of ho:r mother fell hard I ~ )i . ' · . e.d her 130 well. There was a aoft ye·t spark; ou U rsufa, eapcciallv when t_ he fi, r st two ! .....,, ·· ~'"" Alil · .,,; · " g. "I.1.ill c:T~rJ pr.nny which ehe told. d " I ~ 'Wj.~ W' """' arG: h e l ield ou t Iier hng look a b out. h er ~s s. Oreat;ii'o F~ncy tu rned to gold."- E.J.r,. :;rn, ~ · ~ya' al11rm waB _over, _ and her motner "!as i hands and e:ii;:cl~1mecl, ' Ah, llfaater l\ie,rk, . '· 2tlll k~pb an entu·o prisoner, as compa.mon what mischief have you been doing?" _ Tb.e Blueposts Brtdj\e had ,~roduced _a j r?-ther than nurne. As before, the rheumaMark came and knelt on one knee beside goo~ dea,l of effect. Ursula. E,,remont tn ~ tzc 11tt-ack fastened upon the he;i,d an<l eyes, her and said : "Will. you let me .work for ~pectal seemed .to herself t.o h&v_e a;wakened l. ca,u~iug lengthened suffering, anrl te,.ching 1 you both, Lady Ronmsglen? I will cl·~ my ,rom 8· strani?,e dreo,m, and to. >lave re·~ Mr. Egremont that he had never had so best to :find some." sumed !1er real natur~ and a.ffections. .she i gentle, so skilful, so lov-ing, or alt ogether so "Ah! that iB the point, my dear boy. I felt a.a if she would give aH h?r P!·rtn~rn EJ.t ~pleasant & slave a,s his wife, the only person should have asked and wished for detinite the ball for one shake of Mons!eur a frwged <Jxcept Crw1orio whom, in hi~ irritable ~tate, · · 1 work, if you had come t-0 me before that po,ws; her hen.rt yearned after Aunt Ursel he \TOUld tolemte about him. I' Q discovery of yours; and now it is a mere and Mies ~ary ; she longed i1fter the cha1;ts Hin brol> her could not be entirely kept VO l. matter of nec~ssity." of the choir; a:nd w~ei: ehc thought of t .10 out, but wc,s nevor m>1.de welcome, more es- / · }~'" "Yes," s~id Mark; then, with some effort poor Gei;-ard Godrrey had ma.de to see pecially when he took upon himself to re- ' ~ l. Q 1 hesit!!,t;ion, he a.dde:l.: "Lady Ronnisglen, her, she fel_t him a hero, and_ herself a.. re- monstrat-0 on Alice's being deprived of air, I L · _ do you care whether I take to what p eople cre~nt_he~Olll?, whobadwel_l-mgh~eenbetrn.y- exerci8e, and rest. He got no thanks; Mr. J 1 ca.11 a gentlemi:n's profession? I could, of ed t_nt~ frivohty.a~ddese:twn of~im, ai ,clshe Egremont snar!cd, a.nd Alice protes.tecl tha.t 1 · 0 cours<>, go on till I am called to the bar, and r egistered secrev resolutions oE constancy. Ehe was never hred, 1>nd needed uothrng. The ! then wait for something to turn up; but ~he burned to Ilo~rout to.her motheral~the I Rectory ll~.rty were, excepting the schoo lthat would be waiting indeed! '!!hen in Mrnklethw11,yte t1dmgs, and all her _ lomnngs 1 room gids, engaged t.> mv.ke vinit~ from , ~ other directious I've talrnn nhiugs easy, you to be there; but when the Hectory pai;r;y homebeforegoingintoresidence atH,edcastle, / ~ see, till I'm too old for examinations. l set her down at .the door, the foo~mi>n, with and were to begin with Moe!ks Hort-0n. I failed in the only one_ thar; was s t ill open to a look of grave importance, annouocecl tlmt They offorecl tu escort Ursula. t o see her me. Lord Kirkalcly tried me for foreign :M:r. l!;grem.ont wa.s very unwell., ." Mr. gre.. t aunt a t 11ioklethwayte -Oh joy of -HER STOCK OFoffice work, and was appalled at my blun- Gregory thmks he ha.ve ~ken a c:nll from joys !-but when the Canon Jnade the proders. I'm not fit for a parson." the effect of exposure', su:, and Dr. Ham-' position in hiu brother's room, Mr. Egre· · "I should h!!.ve thought you were." dton ha.~ been sent f?r· . ,_ mont cut it short with "I'm 11ot going to "Not I ' said Mark. "I'm not up to The Canon and his wife boch got out on have her rnnnin<> afr;m- those umbrella- I ·· · ' the mark' there. I couldn't say honestly this intelligence, and M\s· Egremont -;yas mongilrr,." o that I was called to it. I wish 1 could, for summm:~ed to see them. She came, lookmg Tho Canon's hear~ sank within him at the it would be the easiest WBY out of i.t ; but I mo~e fnghtentd than they thought the 00 - tone, and he was t··mlly very aorry for his , looked at the service, and I can't. There- cas10n dema::id.ed, for she was app11.lled by niece, who was likely to have a fortnight or that's a nice confession to oome to you with! the severepam mthe he.ad and. eyes; but they three weeks of comp11rati"ve solitude before I ca.n't think how I can have been _ s o im- ccmforte~ her by as?urmg her that her hu_s· her father we.s rnady b) set out 011 the I pudeut." bt1,nd h~d suffered m the same manner tn journey. . "Mark, you aro a dear good lad. I re- the sprrng;and she saw. how we!~ he had .re"c,.n't Bhe he!p you, iu reo.ding to her I 1 speot and ho_nor you ever so much mo~e th>m COV'~re~ ; and the;i t~lltng :i:uttie to bring fother-~r o.nytl~ing h~ asked Alice, who! Q before all thlfl showed what stuff was m you! woHl w ~at the 0 ctor s repo. t was, and then had come out with him mto the auteroom Cl · . · But the question ts, What's to be done? spend tne ~venmg o,t t~e Rectory, they ~e- to express her warm thanks for the kind My child is verily the · penniless lass with po.n~cl, 'Yhtlc poor Nutt_ ie only had on_ e kiss, proposal. . ! Vi'T1·11 n.a1·ve " high pedigree, ' for she has not a poor one mqmry whether she were :ested, heforc Stie shook her head. "He woultl not like .1. v 1,.;._, lOil. thousahd to call her own " her mother fled back to the patlent. it nor I for her " - - ---- - - -~ "And I h1we no right. to anything in my Nor, did. s?e seo her ai;_<>in till after the \, I - sboul<l tl;ink not !" exdiiimed the fathei"s lifetime, though I h ave no doubt he d.octor 8 vrnit, and then ii, was only to de- Ca.non, u,s his eye fell on the title of a yel- would give me up my share of my mother's sire her to.tell her uncle that the att;·ack WM low .l!'rerich book on the table. "I have portion- about £:>'.>00. Now thie is what has pronoui:ced to be a ~·eturn of the illn~s of h eard of this ! Docs he m(l.ke you re<>,d such 'occurred to me: In the place whera I found last spnng, and tha.t 1 ~ would be expedient 'a.a this to him, Alice?" my uncle's- wife- MicldethmLte, close to to go ti.broad for the wmter. ·. "Nothing eloo seem~ to Mmise him," she j' Monks tforton-there's a great umbrella fac. Go ~broad ! It ~ll.d always he_en a v~aion said. " Do you think I o-ugM noG ? I don't torywithu.gencieseverywherc. Theren.rcsup- of delight to Nuttie, and she ~ould. no" be underst,uul much of that kiw:l of .modern . . erior people be.l onging to it. l'vc seen some gree,t~y concerned at the 00".t\sion of_ !t_; but ll'rench, but Nuttie knows it better." 1 B.avrng th'oroughly 1efibted and added a lot of new Macbineiy to the of them, and I live been talking to the yo1mi;; she did not find the R~ctot:~ ma con ditto~ to " Not that kind, I hope," 3a.id the Ctmon I fellow who helped us 111st ni.ght, who is. in convers"'. _and sympa~hise. .ol:~~clle ,~a~ lyuig hastily. "N~>, no, my d~a,r," as he sitw her above Mi.lls, I am prepared to furnish the office. I find tho,t to go tnto the thmg down with a bad hMdache.. Ihc E ~Vl ar~~es colour mantling, " ~mat! bLune to you. I with such capital as I might hope tor, would a:i~ a whole party_ of se::ni·g~uteel pai:ah You have only to do tbe best yo u can with .. bring in a much larger iind speedier return Vls~tors h ad come m t '> rnquire . about ~he him, poor fellow ! '.l'hen we'll t1>.ke any- ! tlia.n I could hope for any other way, if only acciaent, and had . to be ent-ertame~ with thing for you. We've said nothing to N u t- i my belongings would set aside their feelings. n.f ternoon tea; and May, t~ough hel_pmg her tie, J a,ne said I had better u.sk you first." And you see there are the Kirkald:)'S close stepmother to do her devoir towards them, ( _ ) by "to secure her good society." seem'1 more preoc~upied tha,n ever. TO BE CONTH>UFID. Lady Ronniaglen put out her transparrntAs mdeed s?e w~s, for sne knew t~at looking, bla,ck-m:ittoned nand, a,nd gave a ~ark wns~nt_t,rng hts fate to the touch with little da.inty p'Lt to his arm. "r like to sec his fatb,er m the study. . _ What It Oosts t-0 Burv ~. Vice-Pi;esident. a man in earnest," said she. Her little Skye The Canon h~ar<l the ~ropos'1l with lus Few people have any idea of the expense terrier was seized with jealously at her ges- utter consternation and dismay at the per- attendiug the burial of a Vice-President, turc, and came nuzzling in between with verseness of the two young. people, who a,nd fewer still v,re aware tha.t the Governhis black nose, "Mull objects!" she said, might ~ave been engaged r:nyttme ~hese ~'.1'0 ment foots the bill. The total cost to Ghe smiling; but then, with a gmnr look, years wit~ the:uu approbationof ~hmrfamih~s Government of the funeral of Vice-President "And so will your father." and now c~o~~ the very !Iloment when every HendrickB, in round figures, wa,s $4,500. "At first," eaid Mark ; "but I think he one was reiowmg at their free<lom. . It cost $800 for a casket, $10 tor ·wi;shing will give way when he ha& had time to look . "W~en a _Y 0 ~~g m.an ha,~ g~t rnto a and shaving th<; body, $270 for embalming; 18 at the matter, and sees how good you are. pwkle, he. saH~; the first thmg to want decorating and use of tuneral car, with That will make all the difference." to ?e married 1 · · horses, $150; three men for seven days' at~t h · · So Annaple, who had been banished for a ' E:x:~otly so,, sir, . t~ give,, him a motive cendance, $210; for sixteen white silk ' 01 S, Orll, C., a ways On and. little while, was allowed to return, and fo~.gettrng out?' the pwkle. . sash es, $112; twenty paira white stlk mother, _daughter, and lover built themUmbrellas - . I should hke ~ ~,ear gloves $20; hotel bill, carriages and porter1g SelVeS a little eaatle of umbreJlaa, and be· what rur gra,ndfather woulddfa;: S~ld age at fodianapoJis, $35~ ; fo1· draping .itowed a little aroh commiseration on poor . ",,T lese are not my gran a, er s ays, Senate Chambei·, $234; . for carriages, Orders filled and delivered to all parts of the town. Prices Lady .Delmar; who, it was agreed, need air., . . hacks, etc., for funeral, $ii73; for three know nothing until something definite was ' No _mdeed. l There w11,s nothmg to ~lo bands of music, $29'±; for flowers, $331 · rca" . OD" hlr... T l l irranged, \since Annaple was· clearly ac- but to give a hmt to old ~ord de Lyonna1s, for badges, $ 3 0. HO ; for . saddle ~blankets; ,, "' - v e ep_:on e communication. countable to no one except her mother. She and he c ould get you put mte .any :ert~ yot; rosettes, sashes and o,rm.crapes, $100 · for 4~ would certainly think the lattar part of her cho e., 1nterest .was ~~~rest m \ oae aya · parlors at hotel for Ca.binct officers, $lo0 ; ._, · dream only too well realised, and consider I clo~,t see why Kukaldy cant do the for services of city band, $()~,; for hauling ==----: ::___--==:==---· = """"--= .....,,,... ..,_.,____"'"""··""' '""""'"TM"""'......,_!! - """"'~~~~~~ I h df that an unfair adva,ntage had been taken of sa.i;:eN. . t cannons, caissons, G:i.tliog guns, drar1iog the her seclusion in her own room. In spite of ~tun1e~,3 a creign 1angna.ge a my sa.me, etc., $1CO. M ·k all loyal efforts to the contrary, Mark, if he toW~e 8 e~dh C cl These are 9.mong the lu,rgcr items of ex hud been in a frame of mind t-0 draw ccn- · ereat t e . a.non groane · an<1 . a.I pense. The Governmeub pa.id even !for re· clusions, would ~ave perceived that t he h.ad ~o work_ agam tlhrough all. :h~ cli~.~~1 : pairi?g the road to the cemetery, as f~llow_s: prospect of escapmg [from jthe beneficent t;es m the '\'lay of t.le more lxb~ra~ pr · t.s "Pa.id Charles E. Shover four dollars for rule of Lsscombe was by no means 610 ~ 5 ; and t~e upshot was that hrn father hauling eight loads of gra.vel and filling up unpleas~nt to Lady Ronnisglen. The agreed to drive over to !,escombe_ the n~xt holes ill road to Crown Hill Cemetery," .books rthat Jay within her reach would day and see La,~y ~o~m1sglen., He ?crtau~. hardly have found a welcome anywhere else ly ha~ always 1mpltc1.tly t rnsued J-ns sons in the house. Sir ,John was not brilliant, veracity, but he evidently tho1;1ght that A Canadian' Inventor. and his wife had turned her native wits to ~here_ mu~t have been much wi. i rpmg. of _the the practical rather than the intellectual 1magmat1on ~o make the young man believe This morning Col. Webb received :news of line, and had qnite enough to think of in the old Scotti.sh 1ieere~s to .have cenaented to . the most importo.nt telegraphic dfocoveries keeping up the dignities of Lesco:nbe with bee daughters marryrng mto an umbrella. by a friend, Cb.arles Dion, a Canadian by birth, but a citizen of the United States. . .. a large family amid agricultural difficulties. factory: Annaple remembered at last that she Nutt1e was surprised and patified that, Mr. Dion was the original inventor of the ought to go and look after her guests, aa- bot_h ~ark and May p_ut her th.roug~ an ex- fire alarm system now so generally used, sisted therein by the pleasure cf giving May amm!rl1on 0~1- the ha.bits of M1ckleti:wayte with slight, improvements, throughout this a hearty kiss a.nd light squeeze with a mur- and the poi;1t10n .of Mr.. Godfrey, whtch she country. For many years he has been en· mur that" all was right." ' ~hought. was entirely due to the favourable 11aged in seeking a method of telegraphing . . 1mpres810~ Gerard had produced, and she the Morae system over the Atlantic cable, She brought t~em downstairs JUSt as ~he felt proportionably proud of him when and is confident that it ce.n be done at the gong w_as sound.mg, and the rush of gtrls Mark pronounced him a very nfoe gentle- full speed. Mr. Dion further hopes to apply deeen_d.mg fror~1 the schoolroom, and Lady manly young tdlow. She could not think the Wheatatone system. Should he succeed :1tonn11igle°: bemg ~heeled across the hall why her uncle, with more U.stiuess at working the Moree system it will quadruin her chair. ~utti~, who ha.cl ex~ected to than she had ever seen in that good-natured ple the speed 0f oc_ ee.n cables. see"" gray, pa.ss1~e, silent old lady like !tfrs. dignitarv, ordered May not to stand .ihat')/,~ ugent, was qn1t_e amazed at the bright, tering there, but to give them some mnsic. liyely face a.nd voice that greeted the aonThe . Canon drove to Lescombe the next Oarrymg Out the Programme. in-law and ~a.ndchildr~il, May ":°d herselt, day under pretext of inquiring after Lady Some minstrels recently started out on a congratula.tmg these two on havmg been so Delmar and then almost forgot to do· so tour and advertised in a. town to give a per~ell employed all the ;morning, and. observ- after h; had ascerta.ined that she was a pris'. formance for "tha benefib of the poor. mg t~!!,t she was afriud her Na.nme could oner to her dressing-room, and that Sir Tickets reduced to ten oenta." The hall not give so go.od ~n account of hereelf. John was out shooting. The result of his was crammed, and the next morning a com" \Vell," 111i.1d Sir John, "I a.m sure she interview filled him with astonisnment. mittee for the poor called upon the trea· lBoks as if she found plod.din~ along the La.dy Ronnisglen ha-ving had a large propor· surer of the concern for the amount the Jl~Il'FERY always at the Door. lanes as wholesome as sleepmi;: tn her l:>tid I tion of sons t· put out in life on very small said benefib ha.d netted. The treasurer exNan Apple-cheeks, eh?" mea.ns had learnt uot to be fa.l!tidious, and pressed astonishment at the demand. Where~pon Annaple.' s cheeks glowed all held that the gentleman might ennoble the " I thought," said the chairman of the the more mto reeemblance of the b11.by·name vocation instead of the vocation debasing bhe committee, .. you advertised this concert which she had long ceased to deserve ; but gentleman. Moreover, in her secret soul she for the benefit of the poor !" Ma;r c?uld 11ee ~he da.rkness un~er her eyes, felt that her da.ughter ,Janet's manreuvree "Well," replied the treasnrer, "didn't betray mg that ~twas only excitement that were_ far mere truly degrading than any form -we reduce the tickets to _ ten cents 80 that dro!e away fatigue. of honest la.hour: a·d it was very ·sore t.o tb.e poor could all aome ?" Sir John had not gone far in his circumB 0 W M A. NV I L L E, NUTTIE'S FATHER. 3 tantialdeecriptionofthein]uriestohi.sun-ih_er.tohaveno th~m, THIRTY YEARS · 'N · BUSIN M YE ll r .. ~ . ! 1 The practical Furrier calls attention to the follovq- tS Fall Gents' Fur Ca P.S ing Branches of his new Fall Stock. ! j L a d" l es ' · aps c ILad1eo I I I I I I & Fur Coate t Ger & carr1ag:re ' " R b es ! altered and repaired. Hio-hest Price paid fi . R Fu:rs. j . I I 1.0 m J . I es m ' j I I j Jl!IRS. lidOR~f{,ISON . · I I I I . f'Ia "'1emoved to the fran1e ou1] d111g . 's J ewe y Qtore onpos1t e B UC} l er and FOR 30 DAYS o:ffier;, I I .. T- T:. VvHOLE i1J.Il] linery Fancy Goods, Berlin VVools, etc. ------------ ? ?'.' l A 1arge variety of Stamping Pattern always on n and I 0"'ders fior Stamp1·ng re prompt a tt ent· CAlEDONIAN Ml LLS: Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, _ t Roller:> and Stone Flour, Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. H" h Pearl and Pot Barley, B ar1ey F ee d , C & I Bran Sh 1 d es price paid for Grain of all kinds . . t I JOHN M ac KAY. J SEPH JEFFERY, ·, I Merchant Tai"lor & Gent's Furn1 · sher =- ChHdren Cryfor Pitcher's Cast~rla~

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