MR. OLIMIFJ'S "SUN" SUP- I PLEMENT. Gm:A'l' AssonTMENT oF LESSONS FROM LIFE. A GREAT Publisher's Notices. Subscribers in the United States m~y scud us g ood a·iund Green D ..cks ··nd 2 · cent stamp8 for odd change when· tinR" subscriptions Rcg1aterod lett"'r~ come r;.t our risk. ' We '·re dning ll hig enbscription busi-1 n·'ss. Let 11s know "hat pap rs you wan~ and we will "at,.n11ih yon wi h luw pricea. We sha.11 puhli"h the names of our 1 sub~c· ibers. Don't for. llt you can order any uewspaper or wag ·.zine at the STA.TESMAN ··fli·:e. New subscribers are coming in n icely. 1 Th;, STATESMAN is tho p..ople 's. paper and they know it. Frilnd, hunt np that mw subscriber for ·he STATETMAN, and get yt)ur name on. the Honor Roll E very present ~ubscriber E>h.,uld make an f'fi'orc t-. secure at least on1> uew Bubs· for the STATESMAN on the con· dit.iona of our very li'>eral off~r. I NATIONAL OAL.Ulf.1'Y-WflA'X l:r l'l':ACrrns. Library & Gift Books JUST OPEi\ ED, Guaranteed to give satisfa.tition. experienco in this depal'tm.-nt ena bles me to give this guaran· ..e. Liberal Discount to Schools. rnoTO ALBtnrn, in the new·st desigue, at B very low rate. You "ill he surprised at what you can get a good A1hum for. Brn1.~;s-Family, Pew uncJ Pocket. A lady said thA other day. Mr. T. you, by far, the best select.i.. 11 of writiog · p~per in tow, .· :Buying for cash , I alway~ huy 1he bnst, get the best ral;es, and wy customers get + ,lu1 benefit. My five q uires of paper fnr 25c. is a great bargain. ROOM PAPER. .Alwaya a specialty with me. N w patterns j ust received. Painted Windo"· Blinds at lowest mt...~. l3eaut iful goods for ·weed ng P l'"sents, otc., new. 4, I 887 -~1 ·--· -.:.--= --:..--- ·-------= MUNIOIPAL ELECTIONS. BowMANVILI,E, JAN'Y Acting in accordai.ce wi1 h the ad dee of up w· . rds ,,fa score of the lea.di11g ci izens an·l business men of n..wmanv1n, . we have decid·d to t~ke no notice · f Mr. Climie's J.,tter i11 the supplement to the Su ~last we~k. further th ..n to den· most em \niatically the sta1ementsmade respect· iug ao .... ndt>avor to se ll" ourself to the Conservative pHrty. N .. such proposal wii. ever made nor anyt··in~ sttid 01· done that could be s o cons rued. In our bus.. n·ss c·p"-city we are as well known t .. our patrons and the general public as to Mr. Climie, and we are quite willini.: to s < and or fall 'by our record allowing the world to be our ju 'ge·. Besi" om l"rgt· number of our b.,st citizens who have p t rsonallv i;xpressed to us their condemnation of Mr. Climie's epiteful act, 'l'le poit1t wi·h p ride nnd aatisf-·ction to the very lar ge and respectable vote polled for us on Monday, aft~r Mr. C1imie's letter had been s ..nt to almost every house in the Ward with the sp~ cial object of ddeati .. g us. We heartily thank the elec ors of 1he West Ward for their v·1· es and inflnence. We asked no man for his vote nor m r>de any efi'. ,rt to secure e lection further tha11 is·uing our card. We dismiae Mr. Cl1mfo llDd his bosom friend Mr Levi A . 1' 1 « ., who W· are credibly informed rs the ma" upon whose w. rd these htwti b.,e,, made. The ln.5t few have pla.yed sad havoc with many pr.imineut mon of our co11ntry. Many of them dh d withnut, warning, passing away apparently in the full !lush o f life . Others were sick hut a comparatively short timfl. We turn to our fil"s and are . st ni~hed to ti ud that rn"st of them died of apoplexy, .,f JJ·1 r .· lyais, of nervous pr-os· tMtion, .. f m~lig··!tlH blood hum»r, of ··right'd di,eafi,., of he·irt dis~ase, of kidn ..y dise;j,se, of rheumatism or of ph.,u01onla. I I Of the 48 c><ndidat"e for admissi· n to the Buwmau v·lle H igh Schuul. 30 have heen provis .. mal ly pass d by the L cal Board. ThP-ir nam .. s, teac ers, echo ls and marks out of 735 a,.e a fnllows : Bowu1a11' ill ~ P. S. - - Mr.R. D. David sou, ·ead1er. Fre·i. ti. J .. m~s, 481 ; Frar1k FOR DEPUTY-UEEVK ll Lyle, 387 ; W II. Matt .. ew·, 368; W Nortli. i'iu11th Toial Chas. Nichol < 381; Ezzie N tt, 417; Wm. Weir , 429; Allan W 1 lli.ams, 399; C om ish ..... 81 ... . 119. . · . 59 . ... 259 \Vinnie Fi.-ld·ng, 418 ; Maudn Fiemin,, ~Innis . . ..· . 95 . . . .136 .. .. ll 5 . .... 346 384; Annie F as»r 481. Hampton Mchool.-Mr. R J. N ddery, 'M ajority for Mor· is .. . ..· · . 87 t »acher. Allin, .392; Ge-ty'\1. Brown, FOR COUNCIL. 513 ; Lnu·e E f rd, 501; Mary ,] · El· WEST WARD. lio1.t, fi4G; Susie McLeu·, 452; Edith R B.Andrel\ . .·...·... . . .·.·.· . 131 Moynes, 405; Chas. krown, 6'17; Arthur M. A . ·Ts.mes. . . . . . . · · . ......... 131 Clarke, 425 ; Wm .A. Cryderman, 455 ; "" . . . · . · · . . · . · · · . . · · . · . 145 .J , Ward. J'osepll J euery H A.Y d on S504. h M J n B 1 c o '. - r. · ,v. . arc av, L. Geo . Quick.·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .132 te ·:her. Harriet Brimacombe, 468; Em NORTH w ARD. ma werry' 529. /:>. B. .Bradshaw . ......... .. .. . .... 112 8 S.,N o. 3, Darlin, ton.-Mr. 'l'.Ki· k·· n.. 'd D 11.VUl · ·· , · , , ·· , · , , , ··· , · · · ·· , 106 p·.t.rick, teache · Armona Witheri.ig. , ,..,~vt · 376 ~a.than H orn. · ··········· · ······· . 160 1.Jadmus St:b »ol, No. I, C rtwril!ht.J<'rnnk Maaon · ··· . ·· ··..·····..···. 161 M1 ><B Windell, teacher. Da.v-idO.Hooey, j <ls· Pattinson ·····.··· , ·. ,' . · · ·· . , .148 374. s oUTH WARD, fttunton, No.-12, Da.rlington.-- Vlr. 8 Henry Gsle . . .· ·..· .·. .···... · · · · . 122 H. J effery, tea.r.:her. Wm. Stainton,368; Et.ti« Mitchell, 405. 'i 'bomas Jewell . . · . · . . . . . · · . . . · . . . . fi8 N D Eu field, o. 14. arlington. -Mr. T . 161 ,f obn Mackay · · · ······· · ·· ···· ···· K . l. V.1 berts on, teacher, Maggit> Jeffery . itichard Worth. · . · · . · . . . . · . . · · . · 149 308 :Pl'orn the abo"e it will he ~een th ·t 1h Ty ron e School.- Mr . ·T. Ode1l,teacher. Council for this year will ht· comµo e · as Mag ~ie Hodgsou,514 ; F iur.,uce Kem1er, l):>llows : Mayor~A. Yourue ; Reeve - 393. T bos. Burden; D- pu y-R ev - lla id T. Enniskillen Sct:ool.- Mr C. N . Cal. Morris; Couucillo-ra-Audrnw, Jeffe ry, .!tnder, teacher. Lewie B. Wilhams,392. Quick, Horn, Ma·· ·n, Pa tinoon, Gale, MacKav and Worth. 'Mr. Andrew anri Mr. ,Jam"B 1i,-d with St Paul's Church Christmas Tree. 131 vote11 each, and Mr. James r«quest d die returnin!l 111llcer to decide in favor of T ·s entertainmen· wh·ch we." held in Mr. he (Mr. Jame·) did n ot St. Pauis' school room las1, Friday ev.,11· II 6<¥lk the position, and is ·a· istied th~t ·ng. was very largely a ttended a.ud provecl Mr. Andrew sh 1 11 receive the po itiuu. a . r··at - uccess. 'fhe µrogr..rn co ..sistiug N11, Dl~PERA.NDUM.- " Never despair," '):'he Council will wo thini< prove tu b,, of ca.ols . recttationti, dial gnes, etu., wa· is " go ·d motto fur all. If affiict~d with an efticient one, as. ,i here ia ,. , ufficiil1.i · g ,ve ,., ,tirely by ·he ' cholars of the "llY lingeriu~ disense. re·,.ember ·· while 11umber of e:ltp<-r·enccd raemh··l'S to di1-. ct s "hool, whn h11.d been car-fully train"" by there is life th.-re is hope." Nev ..r desthe buainel!s, and the new m mb-- rs wil 1 so111· uf t he teacher. a d otller wiili"g ~·air of reliet uut1! Y"u have tried Burdock oompare very fa· .. rab:y ~ ith the new 11~ ·p,.,rs. A presetJt was i.tiveu to each Blo11d Kitt. rs. 1 t cure· dis' a oes of t'i.e members of any former Con~1ci , and will sch I r from the two great Christmas stom.. ch, liver and blood when all other no doubt gi ve satisf-.c1ion t o ·h ··ir cou- t,r ..e s, o lld a large qnanri y of caudy W«8 rnedicme~ fail. s tituents. dr tr1b11ted Dr. Mr.:Lau.:h iin t,he Suµer· In Mr. Younie the town will have a i .. t1·n·j ent, announcect with much plellSUre DA&LING roN OuUNCIL. careful. judici,,us ·nd etlicieut Mayor, t bat tlw collection at ·he do11r amounted '1lle who will fill 1h t> · houora.b e po·ition to over $31. The following special prizes HAMPTON, Dec. 31. to the si·tiefaction r.f the corp.,..a t1on and W·"r" .. wa·dAd :with credit to himself. for w.. are safo in Regular meeting of Uonncil. Mem. For Att;;ndance on everY. Sunday dur· iiayi1·g t.hat no !>(entlem ·n in l:lowmim- ing t.he year,-Willie 'I'od, Helen .Beit h, bers all present, the Reeve presiding. ville is more highly r dspected than h e. Minutes read and contirmed. R· ·hert Beith. ~lr.. John MacKay has gre" t r .. asou to Commn11icati11ns presented : From Pr;zes ~iven by tile Su "erintendent for ft>el pleased over the resul· in thti South ' h"' f{, citation of the Scripture passages T··Wnsh1p Clak, Ea11t Whitby, lllclosing ·ward; coming b i;fore the electors a C· ·lll· nq u1rnd duriug the Y"ar, -Arthur Mc acc.,unt for work ou the town line. parative strani;:er, to lead the succes'i!ful Murtry, As "' Walbridge, Ferrier Mo· Tbe Reeve was rnstrucred to gr;;nt an candidates as h ,, haA don" ia certainly ~, Ar lmr. Bessie Adair, Lilly Smelt, Helen order for half ihe amouut. strong tes timonv to his ..stimated worth Beith, May Weir, Wmnie Fielding, From Mr. McGee, Oshawa, in r eferand u bility. Dai.y W ,.;bridge, Win111t1 Beith, Zella ence to a road bet.veen lots 24 and 25, We regret that two such useful and Br1l11ac.. rnbe, Maggie Moses, · anny Wal· in the Btb con., saying that the fance practical members as Mayor Horsey a1·d hridgo, Walter McMurtry. Marion '\fo- complained of had been removed acc~rd · Mr. Coruish are not 1.0 grac., ·h" Board L .,n , hlin, May Allen HoJward McMnrtry, inl.! to instructions. Received and with th1:ir pr· sence, for they hwe been Ogle Ad, M~g~ ie ·a!{. o.c..r Lil Belle, tiled. active and 1 rominent m mbers The Reeve was instructed to grant M. Galbraith, Louie Ada·r, Edna Fi.,!dorders un t.he Tr· aqurer for the follow ing, Ka 1 e Murd ing amounts : Dr. Mitchell, attendance _ Mr. Awdo is elected by ahout 65 maj. A t:lpecial P ·-ize, a Bihle, given by W H. William~, E ,q , to the scholar reciting anO. medicine for poor. $20 ; T. T. ColeELKCTioN mattera passed off in the la· l(e~t uurn1ler of versPs in the Gospel · man, fees in conn..ction with an indi· gent girl namt<d Berry, sent fo Idustrial with only a moderate amount of excite. of St. John, in addit.ion to the Scripture Retu~e. $4. 40; Mrs. Sully, 212 loads passal(e as a hove,-Lily SmHlt. ment. Short speeches "·ere made at the Tile s,.bbat.h i:lchool of St.. Paul's is sup· gravel, $10.60; Edward Obannon, 15 Town Hall by several of the elected can- p1>rted by the·., so that all loads, 75 ce· .ts; & Co., El ..ction didates in the evening when the result of th" c"ntr1butions of the Bible class and B!auks $5.50 ; Mrs. Clemens, 121 loads the polls were made known. Mr. Joa<;lph juuior ·Choo! go to benevo ent and mis· Gravel, $6.05 ; A. Penningt"n, repairs s1onary pnrposes. These have been for on 'l'own Billi,$::! 25 ; W. Creeper, ex· Laugblin, of the South Ward, in reapome 1886. Bible class, $-H ; Ju 1.ior hcho"l, tra services as janitor, $2 50; lntiigent to loud calls from the audience stepped $50 Birthday Box, $20. 75. The STATES· pers11ns - Oourtice, $7; L·iff, Weller, to the front of the platform and dehvt r ed MAN c<>nsiders this a most. generous con· Gay Sproull! and Lewis, $5 each; Mallett, Cornish, Orc·1-lrd, Ooortice and an origiual poem, dealing with the past tri butiou. Jas. Campbell, $4; Aldsworth, and present year, the school s1tes, the Lane, Ht>ard, Wilson, Robinson, Trick, electric light, the chief of Police and STOP IT. -Continual hawking and spit· Dean and Shcey, $3 eMh ;·Mrs. Campbell, Gregory Bnd S·.aples $2 each. other vexed queBtions of the town, in a ting caused by Catarrh ii!! permanently _ Council adjo urned. t manner that certainly entitles him to the removed by Nas.i.l Balm. R WtNDATT, Tp. Clerk. pc.sition of Poet Laureate of West DurThe picture " Suffer little Children to Come uuto Me," offered by the Montreal lu~m. UNEQUHLED.-P. B. Ma.cNamara, dry ------,,,,==,,, · ==~ Witness to theit· daily and weekly sub. goods ine~cha.nt, Brockville, Ont., eaysA LrvE AcmIOUI.TURAL PAPER.-·" The scribers, is a work reproduced in oil As an instant ·elief for <!Old in the head:'s Advocate," of London, Ont., isl colors with great richness and beauty, and cahrrh. Na~a.l Balm is unequalled. hefore us. It is, we consider, equal to a.nd is a wonder to all who receive it how The effect is noticed as soon as it is used. any egricultur~ paper published in the publishers can offer so _ much at so :t America. It is a fearless and outspoken small a cost. 'l'he lea.ding judges of art journal upon all subjects affectmg the in the Dominion all testify to its beauty A POSTMASTER'S Ol'INION.-1 have great interests of the farmer, and is full of as a work of art, their test.imonies having pleasure in certifying to the usefulnesa1of Hagyard's Yellow Oil," writes D. Kavan valuable information upon agricultural been published in the Witness. s~bjects ; each iBBne contains practical agh, postml\ster of U mfraville, Ont., A PERSON unable to sleep in bed, unable and useful illustrations. It is a journal "having used it for soreness of the throat, which all Canadian farmers should be to work, unable to take or.iinary exercise burns, colds, etc. , I find aothing equal to from the effects 0£ Asthma until ming it." proud of. _ . Southern Asthma. Cure. .A sample paok- AS SWEET U HONE'i' ls D~~-(.~-;.s PlensOA.p I S R d c· PROF, J.CH1"il SlJLPllllR S . 1· d h k 1 nnt. worm syrup, yet sure to dlstroy and llghUnl toilet lnxury as a good cur 1age re rnve , t ree oac ages permanent y expel worms. auve tor sktu dbc&U1e. l cured. '.!: The result of the electious in Bow man· villa are as follo\\'S : FOR MAYOR. W est . North. s..n th. 'JJotal. iBuck ler . . . . . !Jl. . ... 87 . . .. · 102 ... . 280 Younie ... ... !lfl . ··. l7.1 .. .... 89 . .. . . afi\J :M:ajori·y for You1 1 ie .·.. . . 79 Entrance Exammation. ! 1 is siogul~r that most ..four promin· meu diu of these dis ·r-itJra. Auy j"urualfat who wa·ches the tel egraph repo1ts, will b~ ast ..nbhed at the number ..f p ·011. inent victims of th - Bfl disorders. M-.ny e atements have appea ed in our p ·per with othe· s to the effect that the d1s..a.s"s that canied off e" m.\uy prnmin· ent men in 1887, are rea ly one disease, taking d 1 ff , , eut name~ according to the loc..t·on of th~ fatal effects. . When a va·uahle horse perishes, i t ha· comes the niu.. days' talk of ·he sporting world, and yet 1hou-and· of ordina1y llorses aru d.1imr tWory day, · h ir agi.(re!!"t"' loss is enormous, and yet their de at h crea· e~ n o c tunitnt, f:!::i it is "ith iw1iv1dual·. The cauae of d.,ath of prom nent WtJn Crl"ates co1mment, eapm~ially when it C><Il be shown th"t one uuous1 ect.,<.I disease cardes off m st uf t··ern a .. d >· t " V><· t n·11nhors oford·nary m· n a11d w"ll'len di·· before t " ir time eV·l'· Y""r fro·u ·he same ··ause." It i. e><i11 if th .. blood i· kept free froo.1 udc acid, t a1 ho,, rt diseas ·', par11.ly8is, uervu·l~ µroatratio11 . ph··Ulllo.,ia , rr1e ll·uatism, a11d many caqes of ,.o,,sumption, · o,, d nner be known. This ur.c acid, " c a··e told, is the waste ot · h · oystem, 11d i is the duty of the kidneys to rem .. ve this w, sc,.,. We , re to] l that if the kitineys are maint-.iued 1n perfect he><l t h, 1he nric, ki1in.-y, a~ . d is kept ou t 0 ' !he hlood, and these eudt1 .. n an· universal ,iise··.ses causpd hy ur·c acid will, i11 a l rg<1 w.-a,. "re dhap 1.Jt-·r But how ·hall this be done 1 I is fo ly to trea.c effec1s. If t htortJ is -·ny known way of ~ tting at the caus·, th ,.t way should be known to r.!11· public. ' \Ve beli ve that Wa>ner's safe cure, of wh ch so much has beeu written, and B·· mud1 titlked of by th ~ 1iubl1c -:011e, al1 y, is l ·OW recoi.mized "Y imparti..l phys1 and tho public as the oue specilic fur such di~ .. as,,s. Bec~use public attention has been d irectert to this great rem..dy ny means o ' ..dvertising, some per~o11s have not be· lieved iu the r .. m c!y. We eatwot see how Mr. Warner co11ld immediately b,,, e· fit tlrn public in -r1y 1·ther way·, aud his v .Ju.. ble apeoific should uot b .. condem11~d heca.uoe some nostrum! have c me .before .. t1.e public in t.he s .. rne way, any ·inure th«n thl\t all doctors should bH condemrr<>d beca.u~eso ma y ,,f tlh·m are iacompetant. · It i~ a·to.ieh1.;ng 111hHt go .d op·nion,s you he .r on .e very oirle, o,f th"t gTe><t reip·.,. dy, aud the JJllb ic opini<m thud bas11J upou >ID ac·ual · xperi... ne<i, h ..e a il the weight and importa.. ce of absolnte truth. A · this time of the ye-·r,.. he uric acid iu the bloo invites pheumo,,ia and rheumati.m,' aud there is not a man wh" d· es 111 .t dread these m .. ns era of <l ·sea9e; hut he r-eed h,ve 110 fe"r of ·heru w .. aretold, if he rid the blood 11f ·he 11ric "cid cau·e. Thes" wo ds nr" strong, ""d may sound like 1111 advt-rt·senrnnt, and be rejected ~s such by ll '· thir.ki1.g peopl,., bu t we be·ieve they are the tr111h, ~nd . as such sl1ould be spoken by every truth-ioviug n .. wspaper. ~nt Surtable for New Year3 Gifts a.t beintt secured tor ua by our pr~sent sub scribers, we r., ceivin~ m ore new vol· unta·y en bscriptious than ive ever r -ceiv· ed at thissea·on bef, ail ,,f which goe~ '0 pr· > Va . hat the STATES'.11.A.N is the "Peop e's Paper. " In addition to the new subscribers I j I J. H. KENNER'S VARIETY HALL. Th<lnking our many friends for their libera· patronage in ·he past, w e take this o prrtui.ity of wishing you Rll a very HAPPY NEW YE,A R. This .powaer never varioe. A marvel or lS!l"~purity, etrenllth and wholesomeness. More For the sum of $740. io the year or "'.ir L'·rd cco11omlcal than the ord!narf ll:lnd~, and can 1893 ' not be eold in competition w th the multitude For the sum cf f775; in the year of our Lurd. of low teat, short \Veight, olum or phosph11.te p'lwders. Solt'l only in cans. ROT i\.L BAK· lSH. ING POWDER CU.· 106 Wall St., N. Y.~ .For the sum of $816. in tll" year of ou~ Lord, 1895. . For the sum of $"55, in thf.l year <if our Lnrd, 1,.w to take df·ct. at. the offic· of ·h~ l'rollSUCf.I of the Town ,,f Bowrnauvi11e aud sb1d lia ve at· h~h"o to them cou puod be1>riu~ 11 ,..,,~.t ~. That tht said dehentui·es .h,.il b~><r in ter..·t :·t th~ rat~ ot fh·., per cent. per armum fr . om the da . te the1·eof.which ·hall be pay .. "1e La.ti -yearly on the first d ..y of euch m"ntb of M..y and November. duriu~ the time the cit befitUree have to run . which iuterest shall be mode payable at the office of the Treiu Ul'er of tile said Towu. 6 'l'hat the 8aid sum of $20 000 ahall be mude payable by auoual in·ta1rue<1ts corrds· pondinM in ~rn unt with the d.,buutu··s h".re ·uafter m"nt1oned rn each year ror and d11r111g the p·riod <·f tw·ntv years n·xt , fte" the day "Pi>"int.ed for the coming int<> force ,,f thi· . ·ly-1'1.w for whiuh s:dd inst1>1ments d~beni ure~ sh.ll be isque.-l for tho ·mouuts h<m· nart..r mt:utio.oed ~espeo· ively m>lde f'"'Y -<lile at Lhe time hereinafter menti·med that is to say : F.'or the sum of $605, in th· year of our Lord, 1889. For the !ltlm of $6:l5, in the ye1>r of our L 1rd. 1890. For ·th~ snm of $670, in tho vear of our Lord, 1891. ~'or the sum of $700, in the year of on.r Lord . 0 , . , A UCTION .:SALES - :-i.O. Hunk~og, C1Urt· tice,_ . l) .. t"rio, L· cens~d Auc_ twneer, ,_ f or I Dar1 11 gt11n and ";h1thy, Bowmai;1£'1ll@ and _ Oshit wa, Apr raiser, &c. All bus1neal!l attended co i-romptly. Orders may be 1 !efr at th., STATll.~MAN office, Bowmanville8 or Reformer office o 81J,.wa. , 1 Au CTI ON SALES. Auetion ~er for. th., T .. w,.ohilJS of D"rlington, Whitby 0 Clark,., M ..uveroi and Cartwright. Sales at1.end~d to pr.. ruptly and at · reas<'nablei r><tes. \Vhere 1t i~ not convi;>ni.,nt t.o eeo , me1 arran ~ em<>nt· Ca" be made With the Edtt-prof tht<STATF.:SMAN.-R.fI1n:c.nisoN0 ekillen . H. Hutoliieon, Lic·msed · · MA:RITOBA I have for sale a large q11antllyofg00<!.clean, six· r<;>wed ha.rley tor seed, iirown In Manitoba. SEED BARLEY. which I wlll sell at a reaeonuble price. mar be seen at I Stt:Sam{Jl<'s r~ and at the Mill. Murdoch Bro&'; C 1 d i Jl~ff~ Ms!OKAY._11 a e on an ' a, wman ~~l~ 6 :By-Law No. TITLE. l8llli . For the suw. of $395, in the y~arof our Lord, 189T. . For the suw of $940, in the yP,arof our Lord, 1898. 1899. . For the snw of $980, in thll year of our Lord. For the anm of $1040, in the year of our Lord, 19JO. A By-law to enable the Corporation of the Town of Bowman ville to raise or borrow $20,000 rod_baud the same over t o The Board of Edu. c ation of the Town of Bowmauville for the purpose of er· ~~~ing High and Public School Build ings in the Town of Bowmanville. BY-LAW For the sum of $1090, in the year of our Lord, 19Dl For tho ~um of $1145, in the year of our Lord, 1902. . Fu.r the sum of $1200, in the vear of ot1r 1..ord, 19113. · For the< nm of $1260, in the year of OUl' Lord, 190~ . . For the sum of th320, in the year of our Lord, 1905. B WherAas The B,,ard of Educatinn for the For the aum of $1385, <n the year of our Lord, l'own of Kowmanville (herein.,fter callecl the Ho rd). being a Union flf th" High 8choolaod 1906. ·vETERIN'ARY isURGEON, Pul>lic ;:;chool Cnrp'>rat.i,>M of the For the sum of ~1450. in the year of our 1,ord, Aai<l Tuwn . ha. ·e required the Municipa1 Coun· lll07. ORONO. ONT. cil nf th~ Town of Howm ..nv1]1., to raise or ~'or the sum of $~500. in the yclU' of our Lord, b1 1rrow the 'um <'f $20 000 for the 119e of the 1908, said Board, to be exp<·ndcd in the erectioo'··f ·ii.hand Public School l~uildings in the Towu 7. Tha.t there shall be ri.ised annual1y bv of R..wmanvilte. the corporation of the s~id Munici~aiity. dur· ·nt th" currnncy of tho ·i>id debentures br ihi;, And Wberea1 the ~aid Municipal Council by a two third~ vote of the mt,,abera present at 11 purposes of payiug tho d~bc and tutere·t of ti.le special meetin~ oft.he Raid Council called for said debentures, as they Hu...ll resp<ctivdy be· that purpos· r~fused to raise or borrow ~uch come due, the sum of $1605. sum S. Th..t the said sum of ~<605 required us ,.i.s the ~!\id BearJ have re,1ue~tetl afure$aid to be raised and levied m t!ach year. J positively decid<!d to And Wherr the 't1aid l)M11nioipal Couocil tn sttbrult rnch sh"ll b~ so raised and J.,v1ed in each year hy a ~pecial rttte sufficient tllerefor ou all the rate· q 11estion to the votA of the electors ot the , Mumclpality of h~ '!own "f Rowman ville in able property in the Muoicipahty. t:hH manner pMviderl by '!'he Consolidated 9. This shall take dfoct on the - - In Bowmiuidlle, therefore I offer my Municioal Act for the creatfog of deht~ and day o f - -, A . D 1888 who)., Srock of M.illi11e·y, etc., at a great the ~"id Municipal Councio h,.ve assented av to 10That the said moneyft shall wh5n raised sacrifice. I am prepared to sell until do or borrowed be paid over to tb<! ,Jhait-m..n an1i I Tan ht this Bel\500'15 Felt Hats And Whereas it will r1 q11ire the special sum l'rn<t!!urer .of th~ e"id _ Uoard fu~tllwit!J. a1 ""'" Tti~ming' 11 at Cost. of (1605 to~ r;med ano11ally for the purpose bemg required so to do ny the s:Ud Hoard. of providing for the payment ~f the said debt 11. aml it i" further eoiwted by the Muni · B'"~li _o \\1 ool, all · !i!llJYdes~ anr:I interest. · I I CtS per Oll. " c1pal Oouncil atore~a1d, .b,.t the vote~ of the And Whereas the a.mount of the exiat.in1< quuiilied elccto ..s of the aai j Nluniclp,,lity sba11 Aud 11 J .. jon wool I W)I cts ner. debt of the ""id Muuicip~lity is $42,000,wbne· b" taken on the JJrvpused ~y·law by baill>tt · · · ·· · of no sum is in arrear either f()l' principal or pur,,naut to The Cous.. li:lated Municipal <ct OZ. interest of 188;$ and .Amendment· th.,reto nu tile 28 h Zt-phe1· Wool, 11 cts. per And Whereas the borrowing power of thP day of J ..nua.ry. in the yea1· of uur I,urd. ll:S88, oz. said Mnnicipality 1s by Statute liwitd t;J the frum nrne u'civck in tho f.,1·enoou uut1l £v · sum of $8400 m addition to the abnveincl.,bted· o'cl ·ck iu th< ··htl:'110\m in the fol1owi11g pl..ces, 1-'<-11, 9 yd·. wide. $1.10 per neas. but l·t{i·fative authority i· being aake.-l (a) Fvr the West Ward. at !.h'l thunc1l Ch..m yd. . f.irto permit a. borrowing -.ntlicieut in ·" ny b~r. _(bJ Fvr _ t he 8outh Wo.rd. at th" tluutn EinbroiderJ.' Silk, J:i & 23 event to cover the amount asked for in this 1 Warn ::!chuul Huns· (c) For the Nui·tb Ward Esy-law. l at iVIcOuui.;all It· MetMlfe's vf!ic~...nd that the t:ts pe1· doz. And Wbereas the value of the whole ro er f,,Jlowrn~ P~'~"n& ·hall be rdtururng ·:fficers for And aU ot her Goods at equally- lowty rateable under this Jly LRw appe P1 :. h takm~ the said vote~ at tbe ·a1~ poll111i; places t' I · d A R U f ar ng 'dy llJ.ld for the said Wards res.,ect1vely,- ior the rates. oe ~~ reylSe. ·se·s:n~nt o o the sa1 West Ward, R Wmd; for < h· South Ward, A CALL l S KINDLY SOLICITED, . R. W. Scobdl; for the North Ward. John Mumcipahty 18 $1,09:3,589 - o -. And Whereas f.or paying the. 1n~tfllments of McDougall. 12. 'l'ha.t Thursday, the twenty sixth day of 1nte?'·st and c;ea.hnf! a yearll'. s1nkrn.1< fo1id for pay1!1g the prmc1pal of t~e Sl\ld debt 11.od in~er· Jaoua;l'y. A JJ. HISS. at the honr of eleven J. 1 i~t~~~hwy·~~~e ~1~1;b."e?s':tl:: ~~=n~oy byee~;',;i~d o'cloclc in the fo!"'nuon, ·hall be tb11, an<l KING STREET. the as·es~ed va.ltie f th t hl t n the Uouncil IJbawber the place for th:' ..p.,uint· - - --------~-o ~ rll ea e proper v. . ment of penon· to atsencl at tbe poll1u8 p.acea SOOTHINO And \Vhe.reas the. ·aid debt o.f $20,000 lS r.nd the tinal summing up of votes by the Cleric ' ~re&ted on toe security of the Rpec1al rat9 hel'a r~~pective1y on behalf of tht> persons interested ClEANSINGr I D settled. in ruid promutiu~ or oppvsing th· plloUl{e of HEALi NO BA it. thPrefore Enacted by the Corpora. the ijy.J..w res!Jectivoiy. ' l3. Thi>t To11:BDAY. the ·rarnn-Fmsr day It Cur~· tion o! the Municipality of the Town of Bow· 11 man ille of .JAWUARf. A..U . 1838, at th~ hoar of teu l, Tha.t providing the necessary L~gisbtive o'clock, ~hall be the t·me 11ncl t.Jw Couucil 1' authority be obtained it shall be lawful for the Ol!~mber the Pl"ce. where tLe Ulerk ·ha.11 sum Cold in Hsad, said Municipalit.v t .. raise ..r borrow a 6 um not np the number of vot~s given for and a~lliinst exceeding the Aaid sum of $20 000 for the pur· the Hy·Jaw. pose above mentioned STOPS NO'I'ICE. 2. That it shill he lawful for the Corpo!a· tion of the 1'owa of Rowmimville, to r1>i·e or TAKE NOTiiJE tnM the above is a true Z\asnl pussngcs inborrow a sum uot exceeding the said enm of copy of a proposed By Jaw which will be taken to the thront arnl $20 000 from any person or persons bndv or fotoconsld~r..tim by the Uouncil 0 r tbc Muoi· 1 .., EASY TO USE. bodies corporate who may be willing,tv advance cipu1ity «f the Town of Howmanvilll.l. o.fter one exceF.sive expectoration catrned by Catarrh. Sent · the BllmFl UP'lll the credity of the d~b~n- month frnm the fir·t pnhlication in the ~'PATES- pro-paid o!J t·cccij)t of price, 50e. nnd $1. Address tures hereinafter m ·ntior.ed and to coLme the ll.taN i·ewgµ·po ,., tb~ date "f which public11tion FULFORD & CO·· BrockvilJe, Ont· said su'n so borrowed t<J be paid into the tiand· was Wedue.d,;y. th., 4th day of J ..nuf<ry, A.D. --- - -- · "- --of the Treasurer o.f the Bil.iii Town for t.ha pur. 1888, and tbci.t the votea of the qual;fi.,d elec· WANTED.-LADlES for!O'Jr fs.!l and 1 pose an:i with the ol:ij ect above t'ecited t<l·S of the s -1 ·u · Munic1·pa.l1'tv w1 '11 be taken ,.. pleas,.nt· Christmas trade, to take lig'/it, 3. 'T'h11.t it Rh~ll be hiwfol for the said Cor· thereon ..t for the West W<\rn. st the <Jonnail work at their own homos. $1 to $3 per day oan poration of the 'l'own of BowmR.nville to ca11~e Chamber; for th"' North Wl\rd, at McDougall be qulet%made. Work sent by mail any dis·· any number of nebentures '" b~ marle for such and ">Htcalf~'d 1 ffice; for thA 'lonth Ward, at tance. o canvo.aslng. Address at once. sum of moue:v of nut le·ss than $100 e~ch . and the 8outh Ward ::>chovl H.ouoe; and cummcnc· CRESCENT ART CO.. 117 Milk St.. Ilost.oo. have the>said dehentnres sealed with the Cor· in!! at the ho.,r of wne o'clock in ~he forenoon, Mass. Box 5170 porate sale nt the 8aid Municip&lity and he · 1wd coutin·1in_g till the honr nf fi·e o'clock in 1 sign!;'(! by the Mayor and Tre11s-;r"r of the th~ u,fturn<1on of th~ abvv., nam· 1 <lay. NTENDH? A.·DVERTISERJ. slloultt lltl· dress GEO. I. UOl'ft,LL d; co., said Municipality. R. WINDATT, lO Spruce St.reef, New 'i' City, 4. That the .said de .bentu:es. shall be rn~de .1 , Town Clerk. payable from tim~ to time within twenty .veara Bowmanv11.~. Dec. 30.h, AD ·· 1887. Jlor SELECT LIST 01' l,000 NEWSPAl'liRI!. from the day he!emafter mentioned for this By. 1·3w. ~vm be sen< _ F REE on 11ppllc11Uon · 1 JOHN SPENCER, GREAT BARCAINS I - -o-and Give up Business I I Mrs. A. AND ER SON 1 CATARRH HAY FEVER, i I