THE ENGLISH HANGMAN. tip the bird over slightly and with .i.e _pol~t - - REGIS 'I' E RE D - - of the knife remove the delicate p ..rt10n m the hollow of the side bone ; a JittlP nay be!: shaved off from the lower edge of 1he side Ile Tells of Uh Various St1·11ggJes fo Ir each -=============-~================~ It is a fact beyond dispute, that scolding bone. Separate the wish bone 11 om tb.e His !'resent Emlnencl'. WEpNESDA.Y, JAN. 4 , 1SS8. never does any good, and usually makes point of the breast. So as soon &s tl· 0 brP.ast James Berry, the public executioner, h11s matters worse than they were before. It is carved remove the fork and disjoint the t k . d t of re e t fesai·onal Our lu.teEt importation has arrive<\ from France, and we will be .a ·en a van age a c n · pro glad to see our J'l'iends nurl ..cquaintbnces and those with whom wa serves to ca.ll forth opposing evils in the one legs and wings, and begin to serve. . vi.sit. tu Chelmsford to confide to a have been in correepor,de11eo. in fact '"'Y and all who are in searoh or berated, which in turn brings out still more a number of pa.rticufars regarding himself, first clo.s s l:'El:WHERON::- ·nd l!' f~EN GI! COACHEB.S, to look them hard words from the first speaker, until his family and his profession. 8ome of his over. \Ve haYc an exccµ ·i,,n<1.lly h t, and our stud is so lar11;e Something About .tlanks. k' d h 1 h at. nll may be ple«sea. We offe.1· tho J,;rgest number and greatest · · 1 d de h b I t Id h w ia s ou ave een a passmg c ou ' . confossious arc of a ·m on whic persons val'i e1y tn select fr·>tn. A ll our imp"' ted stock is selected by MR. velops into a disastrous storm. The recent astounding disclosures in con·· of good cast e would hardly c·rc to dwell ; l!'~U~UM himse.11' 11ers011 a.Jly in Fi·anee, and he accepts nothing but Wehster says that a scold is "A rude, nection. with the affairs of the Central Bank others are comparatively void of offenrm and the hcBt. lfot·ses n""'· approved l ·r.,eding. · clamorous, foul-mouthed woman." Per-· recall the disastrous failure of the City of undoubted ly t:tlt ious. There seems re~son Our Horne· bred Stock is all the prot.'(eny of selocted sires and dams . d ·that i ·t mean t Glasgow Bank in 1878, its causes, an d t h c to suspect that pC>litic tl ~y mpai;hies h oft ho Oest form a1.d moot desirable l1 reeding. We guarantee our haps we h ave not rea1 1ze stock. 8ell on easy terms and at low ,rices. 1 quite as much as this, when we allowed subsquent tria.l and conviction of the tlirec· }uid S<>mething to do with the choice of this We will ho gl11d to answer all cot·rcspondence p·omptly; but we ourselves to rexpress what we felt in wo1·ds tors 01 the izmtitution on charges of fraud. highly respectable org~.n of Ell.a~ Anglia~ would strongly advise p el'sons contempllitlng the.purchase of a horse nc'ither wise nor elegant. Tho lo$S occasioned by the Glaegow failure, Conservatism as the medium of the£e confi· or ma1e Per..,beron or French Coach, t.o get on t.ho train and come and see us. Ia th«rn excuRe for tired, overworked it will be remembered , was nearly 6,000,· dences. In other words, James Berry is Catalogue free by Mail. mothers who never know the luxury of 00;) pounds. The arrest and trial of the according to his own d1;clar~.tion, ' 'a Con· C' rest? There are wch, and without doubt persons responsible for the misery and ruin servative through and. i.hroug h," in that rt>· IC. ' many of thtm, who a.ever, for one moment, thereby entailed caused a tremendous sensa· ga.rd differing from a 1H·ot!1er of his (of l'IWl'JUE'l'OltS o~· I_SLANI> no~u; ~'l'OCJ{ J<'ARU, ll'lll'OR'l~ ERS AND n1t1mot;ns. y t,<>r in ancl yenr out, know what it is to tion at the time, and the case was regarded whom more anon) who i~, or rather was, "a Address all cornrnumc1Lt10ns to Detroit, M iclt.] GltOSSlo ISLE, 'VAYNE t:O., !lllCUIG.ut. J feel rested. This may not be owing entirely as the moat important on record in i~s bear· Liberal, and iu favor oI abolishing c>pital to the amount of wo1k they have to per· ing upon the commercia.l interests o.f the punishment." Berry, we g"thei-, stancls No. form, though tha,t of course was the o·riginal United Kingdom. The indictment i;,gainst; 24 in the list of a family of t,;enty-one enil· cans~, but, hnving ouce gotten into such a the directors, who had theretofore been dren. It will hardly surpdse any one to sta·te, it would require a very long holiday men of high sta.nding, embraced three classes Je11rn that his friends did not a.pp rove of hh1 -A'l' 'fHEto r~atore the b:>dy to its normal '.condi.tio_n. of offences. The first was the falsificatiou choice of a profession, but a.ll right·feeling Is 1t any wonder that we often feel irnt- of the bah.nee she<Jts of the bank ~nd tnc person3 will be shocked to hear of the disas· able, and that the overwrought nerves pro· makinrt of false statements to sho.reholders trous indirect effects of James 13erry's ab· test againct every incivility? and the public. The second was t he ob· normal inclinations upon his afflicted re· Perhaps husband and children are not al - ta.ining by the directors of advances from . lati ves. Questioned on the delfoate subject, My stock of COOKING RANGES consists of the ways as considerate of our feelings as they the funds committed to their care for the he replied, mournfully, "It killed my !Pll.Dll'l?E$'D~ Sl1l"ROl\!CES'li11 ~EST, they ought to be, and ,to remind them of purposes of the bank, on terms and condi· mother aml brother." Then, with an ap· CONTAINS NO with the new Duplex Grate ; neglected dnty, we scold. T:iey are re- tions not consistent with their duty to the parently .morbid pleasure in ha,rrowing deALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurioua materials. minded forcibly enough, no doubt,1 .but arc company. The third w9,s t he theft of cer- tails, he went on to say : " 'When Marwood TOilO?<TO, ONr. they more thoughtful next time? And tain bills of exchange entrusted to the di· died I was appointed in his pln.ce, and £. W. GILLETT, cnrC.AGO, iLL. doea this way of doing increase their love rectors for the purpose of ce>llecti on directly my mother knew of it she was For PARLOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with and without ovens), , :!bn' f'r of the CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAS'l' CAKES. for us! On the contrary, it will in time '.l.'he charg~s of the first were the taken ill. My father's solicitor then wrote consisting of eradicate every particle of natural affection. only ones pr essed, and the evidence as th.e Home Office informing the authorities ConstantJretting renders us very unlovely, to them was conclusive, H being shown of this. The result was tha,t I gave up the SJie Tt·ied in vain f~ Get and in order to be loved we must be love· that the accountant of the bank, ac~· position, and llinns got the appointmen~. Also a full line of Cooking Stoves of the latest patterns, and for size, Relief' and bad quite able. . . . ing under instructions from some of t~e d1- My mother died soon afttrwards, a:nd As dreadful as this result may be, it is rectors, 'had for years systematically tthen, when I ~aw the w~y in whwh weight and finish, are unequalled. I also take or<lers for the NOVELTY GJven u~ Hope. not at all that may be expected from such a \falsified the balance-sheet to the extent of Binns was iroing on, I came to the con· STEEL PLATE HoT AIR FURNACE, it is a powerful heater and very -course long indulged in. The child~en learn about £ 1,000,00J annually. Evidence was . olusion that he would not hold the place reasonable in price. Granite u.nd Iron Wares constantly on hand. Campbellford, June 9, 1887. to take oi:i the same tone, a.nd scolding ,an.~ taken upon the .other clrnrge.s, ~o_wevor, long, and I again wrote to the Home MJJ. <JJJ MORRIS Toronto, fault-fin~mg so?n fall as nat~rally from tnen and an extraordmary state of al:l~ira was., Office, stating that my mother was dead, Eave Troughing, Roofing and Job Work done on shortest notice, and ' t" , ' · · · prettyhpsasdidbefor~themnocentprattle disclosed. ltwasshownthatonefir mha,d and that there was nothing now ti) pre· prices, considering material, as low as the lowest. DE.A.R Srn.:- I feal it my duty to give of childhood. Th)lY will,_ of course, grow obtained advances, h>,rgely unsecured, to vent ;my accommodating them if my asyou my test1mon3'. for . the good I. had up a copy of their scoldm~ mothers, and I the extent of nearly £2,000,000, and an· sistance should be required. Soon after that Newcastle. 3·6 .tf fr?m your Dan~ehon I,~ver and Kidney thus ~ur every-d11-_y words become ~s far· 1 other to a still greater ext~nt. '.l'he direc- I was engaged to_ hang two men at Edinburgh, Bitters. My hver was ma bad state and reachrng a~ Etermty. We (;annot think ~oo tors were unable to explam how such ad- and I have carried out nearly all the execu· I wa.; a great sufferer. I had tried in 1 much of this ~at~er, or be too seri_ously ~m· 1v11nces had come t·.> be . made, stating that tions since then." The sequel of the tragic vain to "et relief and had quite criven up pressed wfth its importance. It ~s of vital . thoy had made no enquiries because they tale is yet to tell. "My brother;' he went all hope7 till a friend told me" of your import, not only to our own hahp1:i;iess, but . had faith in t~e manager, It wa;r also on to say, "h~d m~rried a_girl with plenty of Bitters. I got a bottle at once aud I aDI. to tha,~ o~ every. mem~er of the a.m1ly. . 1 shown that while the directors each l~eld \ money, and his pnde received a blow on m_y h t0 th 0 Bitters made new wo· , But is it possible with these tired b~d1es , but a small amount of stock at t he time I appointment. That was the ca,use of his appy f say I h fl end.! and "trnined nerves, to possess at all times of the failure their accounts were all very 1 death " 'l'his it appears, was the brother man me. can i ~thl'~?omm an equable temper and a mild demeanor? !greatly overdrawn. :For instance, "!lenr_y who ~as "a Liberal" a.nd "in favor of abol· 0 the!l1 to any one trou Wl iv er com I know_,of bnt one way. Inglis held only £1,700 in stock, while !us i ishin" capital punishment." It must be con· plamt. Yours truly Thou canst walk and weary not, .. private account was overdrawn to the fesse~ that the unfortuuate member of the C.A.RRIE STEPHENS·1 I! in my strength thou trustest well. . " Tlie ch arges rea ] t mg " · d lmrdiy h avegivenamore · 4 61 D. TbatiswhatllemeanswhenHernya, amount of £·4, Berr yfamilycoul "My grace is eutrwientfor thee." to these matters were not pressed, how· empha.tic proof of his dislike of the hang· 1 ever, the public prosecutor stating at the man's office. It is to be hoped that we have Good News at Home. Defences of Young Men. close of the case for the Crown that, re- here reached the final incident in this ghast__ A . ht d fence for a oun man is a garding the law as interpreted by the ly tale, though James Berry's final observa· 'Af'fl!J tlA/f!J IJj ~ r,a ~ Ila,.~ E MORRIS ESQ -DE.AR Sm - I have d ~ig y Se of my ri"ader~ look back Judges, he woulcl have very great d ifficulty tion, ".Altogether I have buried my mother, ~ JJi ~II tf; ~ 'fl W::.. · to s 'e'ak w~ll of your Dandelien ~~~h te~d:; sat~:r:ction to their early home. in satisfying the court th~t the. facts of the 1two brothers and tw~ aunts wi~hin the last . rLe.ason d KP "cl B"tt I have beoo It ha e been rude and rustic hidden case amounted to ~he~t: ~he evidence upon three years," h:i.s a p~mfnlly ommoua souad. · 1 rs lV0t' an 1 ney . e ·. . may v. . ' . the chn.rges of fals1ticat10n therefore was . troubled for some tnne with my Kidney among the hills, and arch1tc?t or upltolste1er alone iven to the 'ur, with the r esult that I l.I .I, - - - ·· ' · and a friend of mine recommended them never plann~d or adorned it. But all the I the pr~soners were)fo~~d guilty and snbae· 8 1 to me and I tried th~m in my case, and 1f~e~co on prmcely ;va.lls nev~r ~ooked e~· quently sentenced to imprisonment. The Bridge of au Ocean Stea!llfll:· FALL STOCK NOW We are J' ust openino- Olli' new and f d th t 0 work hko a charm . there· 1twmg to you as t iose roug ewu ra ers. o h . . ' oun I h em h 1 d You can think of no park or arbor trees Another case which m some particulars With steam-power naval construction elegant stock consisting of Boots Shoes Rubbers and Overs oes in ~ore_ ave m~~ P.easure ~n ;eco~~~~~d planted on fashionable country sea~ so at· ,re~m~les tb.'.lt of th~ eJ;ntral Bank is now took a new dep!!.rture, and there had ~o be great variety' Our o-oods are all the n~west make in which we can 0 ~ng t em to a. peIS?~8 are I tractive as t_he plain brook that ran rn front 1 b.emg IIlVEst11'lated lll li1uglan~. N ot lo~g I adaptations for.novel requirements. ~l~h a . ·, . ~ ·. . l . ' 111' w' . in any way with theu Kid?ev · of the o!cl xarm house ancl sang under the Ismce the private banking fh m of ~REF..N · steamer as long as are some blocks m :!\ ew g1 ve half sizes and seve1al w1d t is in. most a 1nes. . e c~n g1ve you Yours uruly, weeping willows. No barred gateway, .s~uTa & !JRE~~WAY, o! ~8:r;v10k ~nd York, to be able to see, from some elevated something stylish, substantial and at the nght pnce. J. J. JoNES, adorned with statue of bronze, and swung Lea.mmgton, fa.1~ed, its total h!l.b1ht1es bemg point on the deck, ahead, astern, became a Newtonville, Ma.y 3, 1887. open by obsequious porter in full dress, hai>l£533,184 ai;id its. t.otal assets £129,230. necessity. The inan at the wheel, placed W k t Ordei· GE1'TS' FINE SEWED BOOT~ 1 " halfthegloryofthoswinggate. · From~heev1dencemthe . case taken att~e right above .the l'Udct~r, isathing_of the e ma e 0 Many of you have a second dwellmg place, Warwwk county court !1' few ~ays ago it past. ('ertarnly the idea. of the bridge on · to $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE your adopted home,,that also is sa-i:red Jor- appears that comp~rnt1vely httle . l'ead . ~ a, 'lteam ,r'e~ its origin from t~e pil1t· in file '\'ery latest Ca§)UOU!ll! bfnes not under Lhe horee'steet, W dte ever. There ~.on built the first famill aita.r. money was ~ver put. th~ business, .\:at. house;s 1111 American steamers, wluch were flID£WSTER'S SA~'ETY REIN HOLDJilR There your c ildren ~ere b orn. . Al those th.a ttl10capita! .n use l ong bf n~PA.IR' 1 ·· i·U ,.,.,...,.. r'"'R ""' ,u ."" · ·· ·p - -'.l"LY - . A. _T ., T _ .. ·E ·· L· -· E .- D .. co.. Holl, Mich. · ,consi;i t 1?gch 1efl .Y. of a cen \IlU · built nea.r the bows, and 1 e ore _._. - - - - ---- - -- - - trees you planted. E!!.ch room is solemn, laced profits, waspenod1cally div1dedam )Dg they were known in Europe. To the man - - - -- - because once in it, over the hot pillow, flapp- the partners. In 1862, for instance, accord- not of 11. nautical turn of mind how one of TERMS CASH. H. !I ed the winga of death. Under that roflf you . ing to the statement of the senior partn_er, I these huge vcaF.els is brought neatly a.longexpect when your work is done to lie down: the a.ctual capita.I was only £7 l 7s; 91. . ~y side cf ti1e dock or taken out into the stream and die. You try with many words to leaving a pJrtion of the :profits this, wa? m· without a. collision, or. even a bump, is a the excellency of the place, but you foil. oreaa~d to £35,000, but m 1876 this wr.ol ~ 1matter of wonder. It i~ an officer on the There is only one word in the language that amou~t was withdr awn and divide~ up, al bridge who sees everythtng arid anticipates can describe you~ meaning. It is hor;:ie. ai~d smce t~en the bank been earned on all possible contingencies. Convenient to STAN1J ;.......Neads' Block, next door east of S. S. Edsalrs Hardware No'!!' I declare it, tho,t youi;ig man is com· 1w1tho_ut cap1t!l.l. The semor partnedurther his hand are the variou~ . signals, and he 46 . P8:rat1vely safe.who !fOes out 1?to tl~~ world i ' explamed that no cash had a.c;tually pass~.d, contt<.ib t.he action of the engineer. Near Store. with a charm hke thi~ ~pon bun. ~he me-, ~ut that tho . money was simply applied him, within call, is the quarter·m11stcr, and mor)'. of p~rental so~1c1tude1 plannmg and m the r educt10n of the ?verdraft~ of the with a single worcl ~e gives the needed. i~ praymg, will be to him a shield and a ahel· members of the firi:_n. His own private es· structions, and a quwk and cool hand it is - Unapproached for 1 ter. I never knew a man faithful both to 1 t~te at the present time, he stated, was that is at the wheel. Of a pleasant day, Tone and Quality. his e~ly and a.dopt11d home, who at the ni~. Th~se n~en, we. are told! sto?d well when all is clear, a position on the bridge sam? t~me _was g1v~r. over to any gross form with their n~1ghbers m a.rwic~slure, n:nd of an ocean steamer is a delightful one. CATALOGUES FREE. o~ d1ss1.pat10n or w_~c.kedness. He.who seek:s all the, leadi?g. people did busmess with You arc high enough above tht1 deck to be' his enJoyment chiefly from outside. assoc1- ~hem. T.he vict!ms are many, and all that free from all the smells of the ship; and this ation rat~er than from the mor~ qmet and I's l~H to them 1s the mi:n them~elves, the place on the bridge is somethres given to 1 unpresummg pleasures of which I have ca:pit~l of th~ bank havmg vamshed and distinguished passengers by the c<>ptain. spoken, m~y be suspected to !>a on .the broa~ with 1t .the private resources oi the members 1 It is perfectly enjoyable there when the sky road to rum. Absalom despised his father B of the firm. ~is clear and the water smooth but it is the h?use, and :i;ou know his history of nin and These cases are not precisely sil!1il11.r to most uncomfortable of all pl;ces in rough his death of shame. If you seem unneces· tha.t of the Centra.l Bank, and yet m some weather. On the bridge every roll and sa.rily isol.ated ~rom your kindred and for· features they resemble it ~tr~ngly. In fact pitch of the ship is accentuated. Here, no mer assocmtes, is there not s~me room that the Central Bank case 1s m one respect matter how ugly are the seas, how terrible you can call your own? Into it gather books worse than that of the Glasgow B!!.nk. In the blast must stand either one or more r. and pictures, and a harp. Have~ portr11oit the former, directors holding only $45,000 of the officers of the ship; and when the ovetk· thfe manhtel. h :M"alkledungcodly m1rtth stand wtlorth o_ft sltofckthbo~rowt·t e dt_nearly _one·t~"'l! oft gale is at the heaviest the captain invariably bac rom t e t res io . onsecra e some · 1e cap1 a o o ms 1 u ion on msu uJien takts a place th ~re. Pf<c!m tions are some· spot with the knee of prayer. By the me- security ; in t~e <Jlo.~ gow case, the over· times used , as by stretching heavy canvas mory of other d ays, a rathei·'s counsel, and a drafts of the <l1rectorn were 1.1roport1om.tely tirouuct the bridge ro aeaden somewhat the T· wenty-five cents extra will b. e charged when accounts run !flother's love, and a. sibter's confidence, call smaller. In. bl)t~ easel' the m~nagement effects of a passing wave which might bre11ok it home. was, to put.. it nuldl.y, extr..ordmu.ry, u.nd over the side of the ship. It often happens - -the results Ol~>J.Stl"Ollli. th!Lt a. green sea weighing tons strikes the over one filOnth, 1" -.B'Y"\ How to Carve a G OJS6· _ bridge a.s if it were 14 huge hammer, a.nd canvas no moie resists the force of the sea. A green goose nea.tly trll~sed and done Nervous SubJects. than were it paper. On more than one octo a turn" looks very temptmg ou the plat· . b · ·t f th · d t - I am fully prepared to attend Fu~ieraboa ' ter but there is so little meat i n proportion Some affect to believe that nervolL'! snb. 1 cas10n rave ii:ien m pursm o . e1r u Y tl>.e shortest notice, aithe lowest possible rat.ell . to the size of the bird that unless it be sk il· jects feign their ailments for the purpose of I have_been earned out of. _the bridge by the "'askete and BurialCases ready on short not ce f ll l I ll b b attractiiw attention and svmpa.thy It is surgmg se~s a.nd lost. Driven as are steam. . , _, t 1 h se on very moderate terll9 u y carv· < on y a sma num er can e ,., ' · , · t t f . ·d the greatest F !rs -c ass e o . r t l h d 11'un I d Tl10 b t 0 f th · b d quite trne they frequently exaggerate their ern a a 111g1.1 ra e o apee ' 16 Shrouds and Coffins constan' Yon an · · I serve · . · reas e goose r oa er . · · b · f · · watchfulness is necessary Steamers fol· araloardssnllPlledatonae, Furniture Shop & and flatter than that of a turkey. It should sufferings, ut llmt is uo excusti or denymg · d .t b v · 11'BN ow Bioc k ' · exis · t enco, l> "d "t IS · n:i.t Uri!.1 to bw somewhat Sh.ow Rooms-Uounaa be carved differently although the writers the1r ~·e·t . es, I . · an ocean . lane h' !\n 1 f may 11·e · · h 11· '· f ·· b ti exaggerate·~ grit·vance so lonrr as it remains broad aml wide,. and yet c ances o a co I· (live t . e same 1rect1ons or 011.rvrng o l. ' · ·· . · · <> · 'bl Es ....ecially when 1 The ligaments eom,ectiug the bones unrecognized. O therR admit the reality of s10n are a_wayr, posa1 e. ,, . . 11 , 1 ·. h d l · 8 k·n the diseased seneations, but maintain that the coast is near are the office!~ stationed UfUa Y 'cry .oug 1 an rnuc i more i on the bridge and eyes are stramed for an b 1. h h · b 1 and strength ~re rrquire<l th11.o. for carving the on y way to a o is t em IS y means 1 . l t" h 1 d if . b d f th th f 1 of reason ~nd they insist that" plain speak- ear y stg it o t c an it e . ay, or o e o Pel,r I tt "ti ti h d t ing" has· effecteli a cure Thia fancy IS light if it be at night. A night at sea when 1 1 e7f 1 ie ea t~ however very far from the fact which i~ there is dirty weather i~ an exciting oxper· ti lcl~ I on : f thns~1· t~ mi e C·~rhacroeh the that th~ pa·ients have tr~n~fe~red their i11ce. The .wind is howling through the For the preservation of health than having your feet kept rfl.1 gle oh etlrcaa. oi:ie: thn b rlo ug . ke complaints to a more symp . athetic ear It . riggin g, imd the Reas angrv. Just in front es1 were iewmg JOms e ·ocy, wor · · f .' f h ffi· · ti· · ttl h 1 dry and warm. . ' the point of the knife into the joint and is not easy even for healthy persons to dis- o one o . t ? o IS ie a 1e w .ee · 'th th e SI ·ae of th e k m·fe pres. . - th e w· commg, 1 wi n g regard their sensations and act according , to 1f a p·~ruc:u!arl df thy u,:;ly ·sea· be · eceu t h th ~ 11!.lft over from the bocly, 1Lnd cut until the joint pure reason. Iv is said that their are few a wor · :om e capt~in 1J'nt1111a es . hotwt e attll.J ae u.ratea, Then cut through the flesh and travelers who can decend the Rigi R!!.ilway steamer is to eacapt> it. ust a 8 1ig urn p t ·t f th b 0 d c t b tween without leaning all their weight against the of the spokes of the wheel sufficas, but some- - - - -- - - - -- · - -·- -- - st:para e i rom e Y· u e b k f th . t · d to " th times while one heavy mass of water is b · f h f: h 1 'd · fi th.e leg and. the body, p1_ess th~ leg over ac 0 · ~ir Reea m or11er th eas e. being' evaded another presents itself on the emg aware O t e act, as a1 m a 1'$t-class stock of with the side of the kmfe until you see 1ocomotive. eason te s em p 1am1y . . · k . 1 .l · the joint. Then ciit through the flesh that their efforts are futile; but although ?pposite side. Then the steamer _rns to ta. e HOUSEHOLD. PERCHERON H 0 R SES. FRENCH COACH HORSES. SAVAQ & FARN LJ M I I l TOVES, STOVES 1 CHEAP FOR CASH. STOVE AND TIN DEPOT, NEWCASTLE, Jewel Range, also Grand Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. Art Garlands, Universals and Art Sultanas. I t an I I 1 j W. T. BONATHAN, I I ° bfaJ a -1 I THB DOCTORS ALL SAY: Keep your feet Dry and Warm. I I I I I I Pi l S/4 o St dr f't I . . I · +'o- Fine Boots Sh oes and Sllppers OPEN. 11 v: IWAY, $5 I o · BE . LL' t<;ll, ORGANS 1 .·W. JENNINGS. l I W: M~DOUGALL & METCALF, BELL &CO. Guelph, Ont. are ottering Coal as follows : '. .D. E RTA KINii. I UN ·LEVI M ORRIS · · c Stove 'and Chestnut, ..................$6.25 G t · d E 6 QQ ra e an gg' .............................. . · " . I LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORO WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. DUNN~ as the leg is bent over, but if it be old and a healthy man to 11-ot contrary to his sensa·11 h t · f I ·th th k ·r t1·ons how oan we expect it of one whose I1 you wi ave thi<>h o ee i"oint w1 · is tougher e Ill e nerves ' a,.em . a condition . . of excessive . . . :teeolved ln SavingaBankDopar1.mente.n<. itougth i"oint This ur1t. iall and intm:est allowed at current rates. ~ o or e . · . o. . b·i·t d·t· , n· h l h" r bl0 1 10 1ottoeotwithd.rawa.lnecessar;v · .Alldepos!t~ andrequ1res more skill msepa.ratmgthan a .iy,a.~on i~ouw r.encer~ . i~ ia Dtwable on demand, the second joint of a turkey. lt lies farther to impress1ou~ ot unusual 111tens1ty. When · EXCHA.1'1 GE uncler a.nd nearer the back bone. But prac· Dives, returmng from the banquet, asserts · j tice and familiarity with its location will that there are two moons in.sight yre do n'?t !k>nghtandsold andl.)raftsissucd upo":Eurcpe enable one to strike it accurately. hope there and ~h~~ to co?-v11;1ce h~;n of hIB JnitedSt.atesandCanada,alsoGold,Silver&nd In carving the breast begin at the wing error. Notunhl thewme1sout shall we [111itedSta.~es Greenbacks bouRhta.ndsold. and cut straight down through the meat of be able to. persuade him to. the contra~v. COJ,..fL !EC:TIONS the bone the whole length ot the breast, as By tha~ time, _howeve1-, he wi_ll no~ reqi;iire ' indicated by the long li.nes in the .cut. Cut p~rsua.slO~---;lna ~wn observation '_Vlll satisty Promptly m,p.t,Ie'-'t- ourren~ rate~ upon all par down · in the same way in parallel slices as hnn. So 1t is with a nervous patient. The at G.r~a.t Br1 fl:r. the Umted ... tates and !)o thin as can be cut until you eome to the nervous system must be restored to health mini~~ of C~n~~a. r · . ridge of the breast bone. Cut down betw:een 'before argument can have clue effect, and .irelcgl aph ~I ans:f'er!!; the wish bone and the breast to the wmg, ~hen the nerves are ~hus res~ored argu_ment Made for large or small sums on all parts ot then slip the knife under the slices at the 1s needles.s. Al_l foolish fancies an~ diseasCana.da. ~his is espedally advantageous to 11ower end of the and separate thun \ed sensatwns will then gradually disappear. persons llvmg in Manitoba or the North·wesl from the bone. Ln.y them aside then cut asitmakesthefundsavailableat once at the . h '· f t . . . . . place of pa.yment. Ill the same manner ou t e other. side o t te Men talk of its bemg hard times for the . breast. Make several cuts at right angles ipoor and yet a poor man can to day buy a For farther partlculai·~ call a.t the Hankin with . the breast. bone through .c · ' . f or.., .,9 , 000 w h. Bouse. · th . skin and\ locomotive ich wouId lla.Ve cost T RODIE GEO. McGILL, stuffing between the breast and ta1I,_and re- $SO,OOO twenty ye11ors ago. · Accountant Manager move the stuffing. · ·Iv I · With the fork still in the bone, , . l 1H ° rpHE ONTARIO BA . NK ceW~i~:!~~i11~aB~!~~f:.1 BankingBueiness ~~de t~~j~;:t ~gf~ep!:at!t e!:n; a1:~~:~ ~~?eu3t~~~c~i~i~.tea.Ifh:~~et~;Ydfili~~~;[;; ~~~g:!rsc~~~sr ~~~a~t~w~ndD;~~cg~d~s~~~ I .D .Ei"'OSl'l'S BAKINC DER OW · EC QQK'S BEST FRI f ow.:- I I ·<l . . t1'"i 'fi ' ak_m, the breath almost knocked ou~ of them, ' std! these brave men on the bridge hold . . C · I · · t t· I 1 t"t· d : t y , t h an eveI, b e.101ei' · All weJI 1 the!r paces .. ertain wute mcrus a ions, n arge quan I ies an great er, vane which sometimes show themselves on the · . smoke-stacks of steamers when the come bought on best cash terms, sav1no- larO'e d1Ecounts to benefit prompt . . . Y · · o t:> mto port, a~test how seas broken qmte paying customers. over the bridge. . . · Good assortment of all kmds of Seas onable Leather Goods. AC' B h h Tid G·and d' 1 f ity eneat i_ e e. r ,1 sp ay 0 HELLYAR FELT BOOTS SHOES &OVERSHOES I I Prnss1a, when a·powerful south wmd blew ' the waters of the Baltic away from the · . · hor~, uncove1inJ a portion of ground usual· 1Call and examme stock. We are gomg to seU on small profits fearing ly h1d?en from si~ht by the waves. It was . no honest competition. the rums of the city oi Regamuende, once a. . flourishing commercial station, which '"'.as , All O'Oods wanented as repre<ented We are fully p ·epared to carry swallowed l;>y the sea some five centuries : t:> .. · I a.flo, The unusual apectacle was not enjoyed out ALL we advertise, but for a few hours, when the storm slackened aud the waves returned to cover up the place which h"'d once been the residence and field of labor of busy men. towar~ tre end of October nea~ Treptow, in.I A city at the bottom of the soa was seen T run k s B ags and Valises. JOHN HELLYAR, Ohildren Cry for. Pitche~~!i....c9.~~-~ria._~ 44 KING ST,, BOWMANVILLE.