Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1887, p. 7

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. n ... DORENvVEND'S tivey refused to go unless her beloved K ssmns-twee" could go too, which point conceded, the trio hastened back to the farmer's starting-point, w·h ile at int ervals pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at Wha.t farmer Bria:e's Brought Home 011 co.me the ejaculation, " J ernsalem ! What'll once and " iret a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's uu H 1" Christmas .Eve. · anner say. Soothing Syrup." For children teething, "Why, S11.m'l Briggs! What under the its v&l.ue is incalculable . It will r elieve "Hanner, I verily b 'J'eve somthin's goin' sun an' airth hev you bin up C o ?" was that are prepared ;to pay the highest price the poor little sufferer immediately. De- to happen to-da,y," said Farmer Briggs to good woma,n's exclamation iis Bess and pend upon it, mothers ; there is D:·1 his wife as he stood before the sma,11 look- Snowball c& me t··otting into t he y;Lrd, and all kinda of Grain delivered at the mistake about it. I t cures Dysentery ing·glass in the kitchen arranging his strag- F ilrmer Briggs appeared in view wit h the· and Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and gling locks, preparatory to a day's t rip to children bundled in t he big buffalo robe by Wharf or their Store H ouse in town. B ')wels. cnres ·wind Colic, softens the Toronto. "Thet big white rooster's bin .his side. "vV 11.ll, I never !" she proceeded Gums, 'reduces Inflammation, and give3 follerin' me about, an' crowin' et th e t op of as he jumped from the seat, and, opening to:ie and energy to the whole sy.,,tem. hez voice, an' the yerlin' heifer, she's bin the robe, disclosed the) half- clad, half-fam" l'l'Cr~. Vlinslow's Soothing Syrup " ~'.or ba.wlin' et my heels, an' I 'low sumthin's in ished objects of his care, "Do bring the for and children tetithing is pleaaant to the taste the wind, ef signs don't fail." poor little c reatures inj; they look een" I dropped th edish-cloth, tu, thes morn- amost 'froze. · Where bev you bin, Sam'l ?" and is the prescription of one of the old- m · '," r esponded Hannah reflectively, as she "W 11 H anner'." repI' . a., 1ed the f fl,rmer, '. "~A!lto:rlaie so well~p,t.ed tocbild!en the.\ Caato:rla cures (!olic, Oonst.lpa.t!on, est and best fema,le physicians and nurses stood wi~h her hands r esting on her hips, comm g In., and putt mg his hands reverently [ rn~ommen.d i . tas sup.enor· ..to.any prescription Sour Stomach, D1arrhcea, Eructat ion, in the United States, and ia for sale by "an' thet·11 a sure sign of coinp'ny, though ,on the heads of the little ones, "'ho ha.d tcDown tom~.·~ R.' .A.·. ,A)1Cmm, !L D., Kills ~fui;;ns' gives sleep, aull p r omot.eo ell· all druggists throni-lh the world. Price to be sure I don't know of any body'd come been seated so near the bfazing flre that " · · ll1 So. a.told~, llr\lOklyu, N, Y. W~& mjurious medication. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fol' to see us either. We're all alone in the big t here was imminent da.nger of their scorch-· "Mns. WINSLOW'S SoormNG SYRUP." world, Sam'l," she rejoined, with a, touch of ing, "you see t he star of Beth'lum went t>lld take no other k ind. pathos in her voice, "an' some way it !lforc me to-day, an' et led me 'to .a heap -~~~'!'"""""'~~ ·-~~~~~-~~~-~~-~ seems dretful lonsome to hev Christ mas so wuss place than a manger, an' ther I fo1md nivh at hand an' not a chick er child in the these little· orpn.ina, sick an' cold an' friend' -AT THEworld to enjoy et with us." less; an', Hanner," here his voice broke and' " 'TwouJdn't a bin so ef she'd lived," tc1ua stood in his honest eyes, " l did j est FOR SALE BY J . HIG GINBOTH.AM , & SON, BOWMA NVILLE1 ..nd she nodd~d her head in the direction es I tho't you'd want me to, an' we wont be of the distant grave-yard, where, above the childless any more. " snow, the tops of the tombstones were visi· "The Lord led ye, Sam'l," was R,anna.h's e; or 01 Bceeh h.1wo been Bn.wed by one in the morning's sunlight. broken reply, and going up to him; she put man in nin e hours. Hnndr('ds h n··e i;awe d f· nnd 6 coJ'tls dRiJy. "Exactly" what ever.,.- I-'n rmc'f' n.nd 'Vood Chop. " Wall, Hanner, the Lord knows best lier arms around hi3 neck and kissed him per wants. Pfr.<:it order from yc:1:r ,·icduity i::t?ctn:C:?i the what's good for us," r eplied the farmer, giv- reverently and tenderly. ~~t~Y·ror. 01N1~1&tf~·at?et'Jai);.~~Yc/r~)1l1~lt~t~~~~1~u5i~?~1PF~6~1~IT: The following reasons are advanaed ng her shoulder a sympathetic touah with bi.s _"Ain't it gooq, Toby," whispered Sissy, Address F G .LD]NG SAV.J.C NG- M'"-ClfHN..~ great horny hand; "taint fur us to be die: as s he ravenously d:evo11red a steaming bowl < CO., lll03 to :n.1 o. Ua.un1 :St., Uhlcagq, Jill. why you should drnl with us: tatin' to the Lord about his de'\lin'a weth us, of warm bread and milk is it, now ?" · · ·. "You ~et !" replifd T oby, s,m acking his UfIPORTA~T TOA!r-'L Our Ordered Clothing i s cut by "No, Sam'l, no," replied the wife, re- hps m delight. "I guess; Sissy, ·the angel Who are 'Bald, pr have Thin or Grey Hair, or to the tender touch with a sad smile hez come arter us, jest as mother said." . who are troubled with dandruff. the only first-class cutter in town. ; spending as she busied herself in brushing the bes~ "But I tho't t het angels hed wings and · . our Ties are the most fashionable coat, which hung over a chair by the fire to wored white," objected Sis&y, warm, "but I can' t help a-thinkin' sum"Wall, mebbea angel sent this good man .in town; our Collars, Scarffs, Hat11 times." .· < t he.n," amended Toby, reflectively; "any" W11.ll now, H anner," said the farmer, ways, did ye ever see sich a nice warm and Underwear are the most dul'after the preparations wern all complete, place i]l all your life afore, Sissy ?" able tbat can be procured ; om "what wuz it you told me to git? Sugar, "No, never," replied Sissy, " 'cept onct, BE~ MAR tea, spices, caliker, and red flannil," &nd when I went inter a saloon to see ef daddy Re?.dy-made Clothing as nicely carefully countinl?' the items on hia fingers," w'uz ther." When buying Coal O il ask youz::,d~aler for t he New Oils, The warmth of the fire a.nd the meaJ. were made and cut as well as other dry he laboriously wrote them.down in his well· thumbed note-book. bE>tter than medicine for the child, sick ~ goods houses that advertise ordered "Ye might as well get thet pair of with cold and hunger, a.nd Tobysoonha.d 6 work-they peddle your cloths all woolen blankits we wuz talkin' of for thet the satisfaction of seeing her play wit h a Try it once, and you will use no other. kitchen bed.room, an' a bar'l of flour," Han- frolicsome kitten, which was brou!!;ht in for over town to a number of tailors nah suggested, and, these items added, the her, wit h unusual vivacity, and. when 11.s ,I JlcUOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Torontoo list was complete. night came on, i<nd H ann11.h gave them each to be made up cheap, so call upon Brown Bess and Old Snowball had it a motherly scrubbing wit h warm water and about their own way as they jogged on plenty of fragrant soap, and t ucked them up IVES and get your Cloths toward the city ; it was a alear, frosty in such ·01. bed as they had never dreamed of morning, the trees glittering in the sunlight, in their wildest imaginations of luxury, fur· each tiny branch tipped with a frost ·di1t- nished wit h the ident icaJ new blankets mond; but Farmer .13riggs was woefully in· brought from the city, their little hear ts "' Yours sincerely, dilfere1rt to the beaut ies of nature, and bis w:ere filled with content, an d Sissy reached mind wandered backward through the vista up her little puny arms to Hannah, saying Will be found invaluable for the ha,ir and sc1tl'!'. of years, and in spite of him lingered re" sweetly: It cleanses the scalp of all.Dandrutr, invigor· · · · gretfully around the " might have been" · " Mammy said ef I'd be dood a nangel atee.the growth of the hair, antl in cases of ,if':~iiiiiii'iiiliii~ which death bad rendered impossiole. wn d t um. an' ta,te t are of us, Tob y an' me, baldness, wh11re there are the slightest signs ot It did not take long after his arrival in but I dess I'd rasser hev you." roots left it will produce good crops of hair< the city to make the purchases so carefully A mysterious big basket was brought in Il re~toree grey hair to its original color, and ' .. · . . is an excellent clreasing noted down, and the store of apples a;nd the after the children were fairly asleep, 11nd DO NOT DELAY, if your hair is iu a wea.k fat mutton he had brougl~t in were disposed ~faun . ah and Sam'l unpacked it with beamcondition ii:et a bottie a t once. of to good advantage while it was compara· mg faces< . Fpr sale by J, HIGGINBOTHAM & SON. and all druggists. Ask for it. tively early in the day. " I'm so ulacl you tho't on't , Sam'l," said " I bTeve I'll t ake a walk an' see what I Hannah, as she brought out warm mitt ens, A. DORENWEND, Sole Manfr. Caln see, while the hoeses are feedin'," said }10od, cap, stockings, and shoes, and auodry TORONTO, CANADA. be to himself, as he stood in the door of th(> bundlci; of material for garments as yet ~ . Dorenwend is the leading manufe.ct11ror market, which was hardly a, stone's-throw unmade, and llistly a bag having a suspicions of Hair Goods in Canada. from a neighborhood where the poor were smell of oranges and candy, " and in the huddled together . in bleak tumble·down mornin' you'd better hitch Bess to the single houses. The spirit of unrest seemed to sleigh a.n' go over 'n' get Hetty Mereness to have taken posse~sion ·Of t he usually quiet come over 'n' do a week's sewin', an' we'll VETERINARY SURGEON, WILL Cl.IRE OR RELIEVE breast of Farmer Briggs, and he plun?ed get t hese poor litt le bodies clot hed · as down into this poversy·stricken portion of well as warmed an' fed." BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, EN~I ~:r, the great city as if he had business < there. "I've bin thinking, Hanner," said Sam'!, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY Honorary; (}raduate of Ontario Veterinai., . INDIGESTION, On, on, ·he walked, passing street after< pointing to t he bit of evergreen lying on the FLUTTERING street, and many a filt hy ··a.-ney, when sud- t able, ·· thet we'd irive the little creetu.rs a Co!leg~Mem~r. of On~ario Vetei . JAUNDICE, . OF THE HEART .. his attention was arrested. by taste of a rnle Christmas to-morrer night, · mary Association, will attend · ERYSIPf:LAS, ACIDITY OF. ·, ' derily the sound of. singing, and stopping' short Hannah, y e'd a cried in spite o' yerself to to all diseasee of d or.neatic SALT RHEL!~ THE STOMACHt he looked about eagerly _to fin{ whence it l;i.ev seen thet little bit o' green. stickin' up animals. HEARTBURN DRYNESS en the corner of tha.t old omnvbns." d HEADACHE,'~ OF THE SKIN, came. «I want t er be a nongel, ."I'll cry DOW ef you tell rri'e 11ny mOTe, " l 0 En weth t ho angolsJ;tan ,"_ _ cried Hannah, _with a teu,rfol smile, " but And every sp~cfes o:f dli'ea.se arising i'.l'Om diso:rde:red LIVE/l, KIDNEYS, piped a littl~ trcm.u lous voice, s:nd tq his in- yo;i go to the ~ood~ in the ~norni,n' a~' g!t A · SPECIALTY. ' STOMACE,B0 WELS OR BLOOD. t ense astornshment }Je found it came from a little hemlocit, an H etty n me 11 trim it v~ ·1 l?roprietors, Cal_ls ' and Ordets by mail or telegraph au old, broken-down omnibus, ivhich stood up an'. ha ng i t weth t he toys thet's packed IUS}Je('(ion Solic.ited. · l'<. IJ ·· TORON'l!O. in a ne~.rly de~erted a,Jley ; its wheels were away·' and she n odded her head toward a will receive prompt attention. gone, and the body of the vehicle stood upon sacred drawer in t he tall old.fashioned ba- Victoria Build in;; s . J U lJRDOCD BB OS. CHAIWllS MODERATE. the 1trounc, and the window glasses were all , reau, " an' ef it aint jest as grand ae it OF'lnQE HOURS, 8 TO_lO A. M. crac\rnd, but the !l.ctual holes were carefully might he it'll be [t foretaste." A ·tlrat'·class stock or Medicines always stuffed with rags. < "Jest so, " replied the farme.r hea.rtily, . on hand; < "Jc:rns.lem ! llf I dou't b'1'eve thar 's I' an' I guess I'll kill thet big turkey in t he N. B.-Will visit Williamsburg every childring en that air old ark," said the farm· morin'; et begins to look as ef we might git Satnrdav of each week. 16-ly To buy Foot Gear for :M:eu, Women, er, stealing closer t o the novel affaii; to take · it eat UI,. Powerful Im owin.' bird, t hat obo"Crvations. white rooster," he purnued reflectively, as Boys and Maidens, at ·· A crown upon my torrid. he pared a big red apple. "I tole ye some. A harp wethiu my- " thin' wuz goin' to happen," · - -MA NUFAC'.L'U R F.R OF---· "O Toby, I's 80 told," wailed a tinier, Such a day as it was I Hetty Mereness VETERINARY SURGEON. girl's voice, as Farmer Briggs brought his came early, in company wit h a t rim hemlock, ea,r closer to the crazy old door. and then such odors as began t o fill the "Now yon mustn't cry. an' fret, Sissy," house, as pies, and doughnuts, and cakes .KING S1' REE'r. BOWMANVILL said the boy's voice in chiding tones, "when bega.n to accumulat e and take t heir places Hi>s uow on hand a number o! vehicle~ (and Is manuracturing a .great many more) o! \ he ne I've bin an' fixt ye up sech a nice Chrissmus- on the capacious dresser. patterns and beet finish, which I a m ottering for sale e.t the J .owof ;t prices consisten· "Why, Mis' Briggs, ' said Toby, as he tree, an' gin up my bizness ter day to rock with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following i0 a liat of an' sing t er yer. Go to slee thet's a, ood pe?ped curionsly into the large pant ry a.nd · the·principal vehicles manu!actured by me girl ! ·I want ter be- ' ,, p, g spied the barrel of flour, "what an awful Double Covered Ca rriagea . . . . ........... ... . ... ...... .. ....... ....... .. ......$150 Upwa.ro~ "But I's so sick Toh , 111 .1 d th f _ lot of fl.onr t? h;:v et onct. Mar never got , · ' Y:· w e. e ee but twenty-five cents' wuth. " Single Phretona . ...... ....... .. .......... . ................. .. ...... - ... ......... 100 u ble voice agam, mterruptmg the smver. "I d k 1· , , I · d H h Open Buggy ...... .......... . ........ . ................. ;,... . . .. .. .. .. · · . .... ... 70 i1 " I know it, sissy," said t he boy, and the . ,an. sa es a ive . " ?Xe a.1me anna , · h" "t'f beat all how Top Buggy .................. ......... ............... ..... ............ : ... ..·........ 90 ·~·· grief and terror in ___ is t ones were p1 i u 1, with uplifted f lk l' hands, th 1t dduz ' l" b "but do try an' git ter sl d bb th some o s ive, er ru er on t 1ve; en ow ,Democrat Wagon ................................................... ... , ......... 65 ,u O N St k h · d d d s I" · eep, an, me e e many pounds o' butter, do t ell?" ·,L umber Wagons................................ ........ .. ..................... .. 55 11 ur ew oc as arrive , an com- goo ant y ,,Joss will come an put some· "p d ?" "d T 0 b "th l d prisee something neat and pretty for thin' real purty on yer tree. I'll t ake off i·r "oludn s · sai t yfi, wi t~ puztzl e Light Wagon ............... .. ......... .............. .... ........ ...... .-........ .. 40 t·· . G d d S · b '1 · 1 t · i , h 'll a · unno; we ge ve cen s wu i a L a d ies, Express Wagon....... . .......................... . ....... .. .. ..... ...... ......... 75 11 ·, oo an erv1cca le for Men my Jamre an wrap rourn yer, an t et Saturday nig-ht sometimes · ez that but«er?" Skeleton................ ..... . .............. . ........ .. ...... . ... .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . · .. 60 11 and Boys, and Boots tha.t R Boots for II ke?J> y~r warm." , pointing to a great ~olden ~oil on the d~essGradnate of the Ontario Veterinary Collei;:e. every member of the household Will the dood angel tum an tate tare of . d h' d"l "th d d 1 t d Sulky .......................................................... ,........... ......... 40 " Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary · me while I's asleep?" asked the child as er'· an is eye~ a e wi . won er au Medloal Association. --the boy was taking off his poor garment. de!!~h: ~ton beSi~g ~old ~hat itt twast.h d Posse11sing superior t.acllitles tor ll!&imfncturlng carriages, I Intend to seJI very oheav tor cg, 1 0 or approved credit, and by so dmng I hope to greiuly increase my ~mmber of sales. Wonl ll -o"'ce and Res'dence "'ewtonv1'1 le Ont' " I haB 1°nt · very looki"n' an el " 'd o milk ;e you, rnsy' we ve go an 1 .. J.LL ··' · · TIClJNl\S,VALISJ1S,dlSATCIU:I.S,INSTOC::K, F . ~ h 'good ·. ~ g ' sru. an' honey I heerd mar read e about 11ell. the wood part s only, or the gearings _ of bngglee il'oned, Will vieitOronoevory Tueaday andlSaturdny ' armer r1ggs to 1mse1 1, "but I can'tstan' .. ,, , ~Ordered Work and ReI;Jairiog a 1that," and opening the door his big heart out ov th<: Bible on ct,. sa.id he, as th~y Ofllce. hours from 10 a. rn., to <l p. m., at Coulters' H<!tel. C_!tlla by 'l'(Ollegraph receive S . It al I swelled with pit y and surprise a,s he viewed were Ie!t m lt ?e great kitb cl~ll ed,lone,. while .. immediate attention. pec1a, y, as usu · . the forlorn scene. mystenous t u ngs were erng one m t he At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. CHARGES MODli;RATE. D. DA VIS. One of t,he old moth-eaten seats was fur- I unused parlor. . . Factory I also do Planing, Matching , Turni n~ am\ Sawing with Circle, Band ,. Sor :::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=--::_::_::_::_::__::::::::::::::::::::::::~ , nished wfoh an older and more t attered bufW?rds cannot d esnbe t he surprise .and At the Saws, and pr epar e all kinds of lumber tor oarpent,e rs nd other s for building purposes. ' l falo-robe which served as a bed . a one- happmess of t hose poor, neglected little Ornament al a nd Plain P ickets for l onoes in every style reouir ed. made to order. l 1egged a~ool, the missing members ~upplied hearts when., after t~e .. wonderful aupp_er, l by a friendly brick; in one corner a bit of a < they were ushered _ m ,o the room w~lch branch of evergreen decorated with a few would ha~e ~een a fairy:land to them w~~b. ts of ti ' s·ue pope d t · · d out the Christmas-tree m t he corner, bl o " r, an , s armg ma1 arme " s· d J' h I a K" ' mrprise 11t the rough, kiml tace of the far- r a1~ issmus;~wee, ~s !ssy e 1_g t ed Y mer intruding into their iserable s litude wlnspered to Ioby. So much happmess alwere two liotle p ale, sh~ering wafts wh~ a.tonce was more than ~hey could fi~d exprBllcalled this fantastic abode "home." · s1on for, and was. r eceived, as migh t h ave . " Jerusalem cricketers ?" said ]former been expected, with stares of perfect amaze. . 13riii:gs, with a long whistle of dismay. ment. "Now children ye don't sa, t het e live At last, when 1t was all _over, _ and Toby here." ' ' Y Y slumbered .peacefully beside Sissy, who "yes, sir," replied the l:;oy. clung e!en m her dreams to a wonderful 'TH~~ " An' ye don't freeze to death ? w·all, ef doll whw~ bad onae belorwed to r ed-cheeked Purify the Blood, correct a.11 Disorders of the thet don't beat any thing I ever heard on," Polly Brurgs, a~d a big· yellow orange, resumed he. " What 'ud Han.net' sa ?" Ha;inah and ~am I also, with ~ull hearts, LIVER, STOJ.llACll, .KDll'NIEYS ANU DO'ft7 ELS . " It's gi"tti"n' · ful Id retired to their bed, 11.nd t he radiant guard· Z, ..w co n 0 w, sir, ven- . ' l f th h h Id b t l . l tured the boy ; " through the summer we ian ange 0 e .ouse 0 en ovmg Y They invigorate a.nd restore t o health Debilitated Constitutions, and dedn't mind, but SiBl!y'~ bin ailin' an' c11.n't over the home!y, kmdly faces, and gently are tnvaluable in all Cmnplatnts incident al to Females of all .Ages, For stan the cold." fanned them with the swe.~t breath of peace, Ohildren and the 11.ged they are priceless. ·· Ha.int ye got no folks ?" abruptl . asked as she soft ly. murmured, Inasmuch as ye the farmer. y have done. it unto t~e least of these, ye ~ " N o, s11· · ; p 11.r got run over an, kilt, · have done it unto me.'· an' AND OFFERS HER E}TOCK OF le an i nfallible remedy for Bad Leg8, Bad Breasts, Old \\7 ounds , Sore1 m11r jest coughed and coughed tell she died real quick-jest choked right up, sir, an' T he recent introduction by Faber, in and Ulcers. It ie famom1 for G ont and Rheumatism, For disorders of t he was gone afore we knowed it," replied the Germ any, of pencils for writing upon glass, - Chest H has 110 equal. J boy earnestly, drawing near the friendly porcelain, and metals, in red, w hite, or blue, stranger. . .. .. i~ to be noted. The composition consists For Sore Tlaroatsj Brone.hit1~, «Jougias, Colds . · "\Va.11 n ow, children, how would you of melting.together fonrparts of spermaceti, Gl.ll.ndula.r Swellings, and a.11 Skin D isease s it has no ri val; a nd like to. go hum we th me, where you'd hev t hree of tallow, and two of wa:i;:, to which contract.ad a nd stiff j olnts It acts Uke a charm . plenty to cat an' wear, an' a good fire to are added six parts of either red lead, white w11.rm ye ?" said the farmer, after swallow· · lead, or Prussian bh1e, according to the color ing an inconvenient lump in his thro11.t, and desired. '.l'he mass thuH prepared is turned Manufactured only at TrrnMAS HoLLOWAY's Eatabliahmont 1 pondering a moment over his new-born out in the usual form of sticks, and is then '18, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON < plan. ready for us~. The marks are easily rubbed " I dunno, sir," replied the boy, clinging out when desired, aJid save all labelling. And areaold ai la. lid., 2s. 9d., 4'a. 6d., lls., 22s. , and 33a. each Bo:i: or l'ot, and to his accustomed misery with childish Flocks of geese and ducks, droves of may be had from all Medicine Vendors t hroughout tbe World. ~ tenacity. " Shell we go, Sissy?" But Sissy pigs, teams of horses and muleF , and groups ·Pareba1er1 boald look at the kbel on tile Pot& and Boxes. u the r 44re · ; declined to express an opinion until F armer of goats compose some of the ni;w " tal and II a 1133, O;r.ford Strees, J.011,doJ11 tht1J are ·»adoa1, Briggs ~ad her in hill arms, wheo she posi- bisque paper weights. GRAIN ' · .ADVISE TO MoTHERS·. -Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with II IN.8.. ASMUOH, l !. " Jno. :IY\. ,Murtry 8c. Co. Infants I ' Children. ,· ' ' ' ' · " · , ' ) < · I · "',.. >, ECLIPSE i:; TilRiSllEitS AND MILLIEN,- _ . -" IT·S ·E - :=:L A 1:1.·1 H J IN E:: MACHINE · OIL. ST TN THE THE KE T. m F AMI LY s.Al'-ETY & S U;N LIGHT c OAL Q JL > c 3: O PROPERLY MADE. - .. .W H IVES Murdoch Brothers' N"'EVT O:S:I])J".A ·E:..A._LL'., ~ I where are to be seen F. A. JONES, SK ILLE 21 Dinner Sets, lovely. patterns, 30 China Tea S ets, v ery pret ty, . 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR Cb\SSWARE JUST ARRIV'ED~· · 20 White Bed Room S. e ts. Operations -& Dentistry T MILBURN 0· I Large vari·ety Hang·ng an T a bl L amps, F ancy IW are, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. < I.I Pays HAINES' CARRIAGE WORKSI GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O .~ Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! I 0 I I A 11 Kinds of Vehicles· Repaired MRS. MORRISON l --IS-- ======================================::::=================HEALTJ::C FOR . ALLI SELLING OUT, Giving up Busi~ness, intending to leave tovvn, PII.,,LS THE OIN""J-:-'MENT Fancy Goods and \7\1"ools . I A..T COST_ WEST END MILLINERY HOUSE.

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