Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1887, p. 7

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· · HOUSEHOLD. eggs, one tablespoonful of sugar, ea.It; f[A vor with extra.ct of lemon. APPLE FRIT'.n:Rs.-Stir into one qua.rt .,1 milk thin slices of apple, two tea.spoons '" ha.king powder, a little salt, and two egg11 add flour to make a stiff ba.tter and drop by the spoonful into !rot lard ; eift sugar ove1 · them while hot. MAITOCANY CAICll!l.-One pint of milk, oi;ie and one-half pints of flour, two egg&, piece of butter the size of au egg, salt; bake in cups. SCIENTITIC .AND USEFUL. Tobacco, contra.ry to the common belief, In<loor Amusement for vhildren. does not i,destroy disease-germs. Smoking WEDNESDA.Y, KOV. :30, 1887. will not confer immunity from contagion. 'The wood box will afford one if it is 11 of Onr lalcst import.atiou h::is arrived from Franoe. and we will be. sticks, split or round, of different kinds of Dr. Martineau, a French physioian, asglad to see om· frien ds R U ' I llcquaintances and those with whom we wood. .Let the little folks take out the serts that carbonate of lithia and arseniate havo been in corrp;;µondene<>. in fact any and all w ho are in search ot first class PlrnCHJi;ltON":-; 'and FRENCH COACHEH.S to look them. sticks, one by one, and bring them t o yon of soda in aerr.ted water, us<lcl to t he exclu· over. " ' e h e.Yo a.n excep ionA.lty fl.nc tot, and our B <.ud is eo la.r~e. to name. Oi!n11t, oak, maple, birch, beach, aion of other d rinks, fa alm·nt infallible for 'lrnt all may be plcasea. We offel' the largest, number and greatest· ---elm, hemlock, and ash wood may be in that diabetes. v1niety to select from. All our imported stock is selected by MR. l!~AilN UM himself iie1·soJ1a.Jly in France, anc l ho accepts nothing but TQRQNT~1 pile in the box, and even the little six·yea.r· It is popularly sup_posed that fl!l.me, or a.I; the best Hor~es of tlie mo·H ttpp»oved breeding. rrr'o cK old can easily be taught to detect and cor· least a t emperatur1i equal to tho white or red . Oiir Home-brd Sto c k ill ... 11 the progeny of selected sires and da.me rectly name some of the viirieties. The S beat of iron, is ueceliilary to ignite l>enzl)ne of tl-.e· best forru mid m odt desirable breeding. We guarantee our · smooth, mottled bark of the beach, thi:i ragMutton Suet as a Household Remedy. · vapour, hut this is a mistake. .Friction c<J.n atock. Seil on easy t.e.ms tmd a t. low prices. · We will be glad to ans wer all correspondence p·omptly; but Wtl · · ged shreds of the yellow and gray birch, and develop suflic:ient electricity r .o inflame lx'nwould strougly advise iw1·:io1Js contemplating the ;;purohaae of a horse a.nd the color and crystal beads of pitch It is ver.J< vexing and annoying, indeed, to aeue v!."pcur, especially if the surface rubbed or mn1 e, Per~heron or French Coa.ch, to get on the train and come and see ua. gum ot the pine and heinlock when in round have one's lips o.ll break out with cold sores, be very dry or va.rnished with shella~. Catalogue free by Mail. DIRECT 'VIRE COMMUN CA'I'ION. sticks. Sections of limbs are sure guides of but, like the measles, it is far better to have their kind and easy to name, but not so al- the cold strike out than to strike in. A The loco'v1otive is recommended as a. cheap ways when the wood is in split sticks, with· drop of warm mutton 8Uet applied to the hygrometer for farmers and othe»s living .Active :f!.uctations in the Market, out a tell·tale half-inch of bark surface. sores at night, just before retiring, will nlimr r ailways. \Vhen the escaping steam l'ltOPRlETORS OF ISLAND HOUE STOCll FA.ltllJ. Ull'OR1.'ER.S AND Gltt;t:DERS. offer opportunities to speculaPerha.pa you cannot tell a chip of maple soon cause them to diliappcar. Thi& is a.lso remains long suspended the air is near its Address all oommuuica.tlons to Detroit. Mich.] GltOSSE ISJ,E. W,lllNE ()O., M.i!UlllGAN, wood from one of elm or beach. 1f so, you an excellent remedy for parched lips and point of saturation with moisture ; but, tors to make money in can study the contents of the woodbox and chapped hands. It should be applied at when the steam quickly disappea.rs, as if Grain, Previsions, chip basket with your children. Tell them night in the liquid ste.te, and be well rubbed swallowed up, the weather is dry, and there Stocks, Bonds & elm wood and sound rock maple and oak and heated iu before a. brisk fire, which is little proapect of rain, wood, whether in split or round sticks, ael- often ca.uses a. E marting & Should a. horse refuse to drink, and cough Petroleum. -AT TH.E.ensa.tion, but the . dom snap when burning, and a.re compara- rough est of h and s, b t h is treatment, w111 f 't t· · t d ~t b to d t · l d. · a ter swallowing a. ,little, it indicates,, sore· d f Prompt a~ en 10n ~ 2:1 ven o or ers. tively sa.fe for nigbt fires in open, deer> fire- 011 en e res re to ieir natura. con 1t10n th · or swe11mg . f 1 g1an s o tiie neek , · If every one con ld but roa, o tie laces. Tell them if t hey want to burn big b y one S.f.>Pl. rcat10n. , t· f · 1 It is oue of the symptoms of di~temper. Give the h ea1 Office over Murdoch's Store. oles in mamma's carpet and rugs, to la.y k now mg proper tea o so sunp e· a. h . 1. l h t e horse a warm bran mash, with one butternut , a.n-d ;poplar and soft-wood pine, th mg a.a a. itt e mutton suet, no oueekeeper d h f hl Entrance by Telephone Staircase. cedar or hemlock on the open fire and let would ever be without it. Get a little from rac m o c orate of ,r,ota.sh in it, da.ily for My stock of COOKING RANGES consists· of the · · lf · a week or ten days. rher e is nothing seri· ] 1-tf . the sticks pop live co11.ls rb·ht and left, as your b u t c h er, f ry it out yourse , run mto " 11 ·d d f ous to be apprehended. with the new Duplex Grate ; - - - - - - - - - -- - - -well as straight ahead from thP grate. srna. ca...es, an put away rea y or u~e. "lil1i' '1i1i' 'I~ iTr'~~'lillV · Tell them a.n old nurse, ma.ny yep.r3 11.go, Por cuts and bruises it is almost indi.spen~· When milk ia slowly and pa.rtially frozen, 'f.~f/ ~ W ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ & burned a houoe and seven poor people in it able, and where there 11>re children there 11ore the ice t.akes up the greater pa.rt of the one night becimse ehe could not tell one alwa.ys plenty of cut.e and bruises. Ma.ny · orea.m; the unfrozen remainder contains the For PARLOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with and without ovens VETE.llI.N ARY SURGEON. kind .o f w·ood from another. She rolled a deep gash that would have frightened mOl!t casein, milk, sugar, a.nd salts, but, in oonseconsisting of great backlog of butternut wood on t o the women into sending for a physician at once, quenoe:o£ its loss of cream, appears like l\ndirons of the big firepbce one evening for I have healed with no other remedies than a diluted milk, and would be described ae such e. night fire to keep warm a little new baby little mutt.on suet and plenty of good castile if merely tested by the ordinary lo.ctometric and its mother, believin~ the log was of elm soap. A wound should always be kept cl ean, instrument. Milk which. has been froi.1en Also a full line of Cooking Stoves of the latest patterns, and for sjze, wood, and when they W'erc ii.11 atileep a live a.ncl the bandages ch1mged every da.y, or should therefore be well tha.wed and shaken weight and finish, are unequalled. · I alsO' take orders for the NOVELTY coo.I snapped out and burned and limoldered evtJry other day. A drenching of w11rm 60a.p up, and not sold whilst any ice is visible. STEEL PLATE HOT AIR .FURNACE, it i:;; a powerful heater and very · h fl ·1 ,l d · fi suds from tne purest eoap that can he ob. · . . . a.way l1l t e oor ti 1 it o a:w into erce, tllined is not only cleansing but hea.ling ; Polish .su1~blo for pohshmg pianos: A reasonable in price. Granite a.nd Iron Wn.res cons tantly on hand. lea.ping flames that roared a.nd rushed so then cover the surface of the wound with a. 1 fine va.rn1sh ts ma.de as follows. Take seven 1 terribly swift, that all the people up stairs bit of old white muslin dipped into melted I hundred parba of i>lcohol, fiHe?u parts of co· Eave 'l'roughing, Roofing and Job Work done on short est notice, and were burned in their bedn. mutton suet, Reuew the drencliing emd the pa.l, seven parts of, gum-~ra.b1c, and thirty prices, considering material , as low as the lowest. I once saw a woman camp down one night ·net every time the bandages are changed, p_arts of shellac. '[he rasms .are first pul~e on a thick cotton cmqfortable spread before and you will be astonished to see how rai.· r1sed and bo!ted throu~h a. piece of mushn, Newcastle. 3·6 .tf an open grate, while wa.tching with a. sick pidly the uu;liest wound will hea.l. the powder l! placed ma. flask, the alcohol ~!II'!""""""""""""""' ~-~ ...,~~"""""""""'!".""~~~"""!~---poured over it, aµd the fla.sk corked. By ehild. She knew so little a.bout wood she thought one kind wa.a as sa.fe as anothe1·, H W 0 I A E 1 .h putting t hefiaskinamodera.telywarmplace, and did not think the poplar sticks she had e as n Y n 1!1?; 18 man. the solution will be accomplished in two or just laid on the firo would snap and throw A certain Englishman went by ship to three days. It :is then strained through ~duate of the Ontario Veterlpary Co!le~~: ooals, but they did, and if the child had not · France about the beginning of this century. muslin and kept in hermetically sea.led bot. .Registered mPmber of the Ontario Veterma.1) roused with the dense smudge of burning !He was very stout and 'paralytic, and when tles. . · . · · Medica.l Aesooia.tion. cotton, no doubt the smoldering puff would he ca'!1e on board glared morosely- as Coal -a.shes are of some v11olue as a. fertiliser t31"0filce and Ilcsidence, Newtonville, Ont. soon han blM.ed a.nd done terrible mischief, ! pa.r~lyt1c gentlemen somet.imes will-at the especially to mix with clayey soil· . But th~ Will visit Orono every Tuesday a.nd]Saturday I .know a. !ittle boy who has a. ~oxful of I of!ic~~ls who addressed him. As for ~n· use to rua.ke of the ·ashes is for roads and n.t;co hours rrom 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., . at 11ect1ona of different woods. .He is always llwennq t~em, he n~ver dreamed of dou~g paths. .A good covering, over which a. little Coultors' Hotel, Calls by T~legraph recetve cm the lookout for a new specm1en a.nd has 1 , such a thmg. The 1qea ~ever .entered hrs soil is thrown will soon form a. ha.rd solid immediate attention. a. bi~ of .every k!nd of, treo or shrub he can ~ead; c.nd the two livened f?otmen, both road. To ma.ire a. better walk, prepare and CHARGES MODERA.'rE. fi~~ m his fathers fie!us an.d woods; ·when ! Fre,nchmen, who supported hun, !rn.d :.O ex- . level the bed, excavating it a. few inches be~sitors co~ne, he delights m. show~ng them ! plam ~s beot they .~ould the stohd. silen.ce lo'v the genero.l surface. Pour on a. coating his collect1on of woods, and m h&vmg. them of . ~~e1~ . · ma.~ter. O'.est 1111 Angla,·s:-vo1l1?; of coa.1-ta.randcoveritthicklywith coal-ashes. 1 puzzle over .th~ µretty c:ubes and _cyhndei:s 1tout ~e is a.n Enghshman;-that .is a}l \Vhen this is dry, i·epeat with another coat of wood, and if they mistake a kmd he is -they .whIBpered to the .a.s.tom~hed ca.ptau!-· Lof ta.r aud ashes, aud 80 on, until there are quic~ to .know it. . .. fThe slnp was. no s?oner m n;otio~ than ~Isl four coats of tar a.nd as manv of ashes. In This mdoor study of chips and wood 1servants burned ,him off to h11 pnvate ca.bm, a short time t his will ha.rden a.nd make a b1ought in to replenish ~vinter fires will iand arranged .him so that he could go to walk as hard a.a stone, 11>muse the childre~ when time hangs hea.vy, \sleep. The, wmds blew, the waves .das~ed and by close notice of bark and fibre and lover the ship, ~he footmen were horribly ill, FA.LL STOCK NOW OPEN. We a re just opening our new and gr11in a.ud smell a.nd color and slivering of , but the parnlytw gentleman lay in his birth Sir Charles Dilke's Reception.by the Sultn.n. e l egant stock, cons isting of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and O vershoes in wood they will soon learn to detect the ' like an infaut slumbering in its cradle. It common kind3 from each other, and, per- wa.a observed liy the sailors that his · cabin ~ Sir C~arle· Dil_ ke, on hie recent visit to groat variety. Our goods are all of tho newes t make, in which we can ha.pa, wake to such an interest in the study, recked of tobacco, and the presumption was COustantmople ·.did not expect to ae~ the give half sizes and several widths in most all lines. We can give you. that when summer time again comes, they i that while the horr.icane was at its height Sultan, and declmed to ask for an au~ience. something stylish, sub3tantial and at the right price. will commence a collection of native woods, i he had been nrou8e.d, 1.1>n.d hllod i!;1dulge.1Lin .Jie ~s, :h:r fo e, a~reee.~ly surprised. to and the green growing trees and shrubs will a good smoke. At last pprt was reached, receive a vmt from an imi:er1al cham~rlam, VETERINARY SURGEON, bear to them new, keen inter est. and the footmen, finding their master still who i'!ad!l an ofter to Sir Charles, m the We m ake to Orde1· GENTS' FINE SEWED·. BOOTS stretched out at full length, had to raise Sult~~~ name, of the G.rand Cordon of the him u p unceremoniously and remove him Modi1d1e, a?d ~°.Lady D1lkeo!the Chef~kat. ill the 1·ery latest Casbions. Oleaninir Lamps. from the ~hip. Still the same silence and He 'also s1gmfie~ tll_o.t a private audience · Clea?iug the lamps is very apt to be put 1the same forbiddin5 glare. Was ita forebod- would b~ gran~d to Sir Cl~ades, who natnrREPA.IRl1~G PROJJPTLY A'rTENDED TO. . of!' until the latter pa.rt of the day, as they ;ing of the terrible fate that now awaited 11lly availed h1i;i1self .of this favor, .and reseem able to wait attention better than : him? After his bags had been examined at mo.med a lo11g time with A bdul Hamid. At some other thin!{s. In many households the ! tbe Custom-house, the two ti·eacherous men- the clo~e of the audiencl' the .Sultan expresa- TERMS CASH. dusk of early evening reminds the hurrying ials hurried the fat and paralytic English- ed a wish to nmke t he acquamtance of Lady housewife that her lamps ar~ still ne~lectt;J, man to a hotel, took off al! h is clothes,, and D~lk.e, 11.nd said _ : "Come and,, dine here and she then fills them hastily and 1s oblig- 1 , then proceeded to cut off his foc:e and hands ! wit~ her on Monday, a.t sunset. Ill ed to light one a.t once. '.l.'h!s is wrong, be- But such was the phleam of the paralytic Sir .Cha.rles could not accept the Me(~jidie, cause the v:i-po~ of the oil a.b~mt a freshly-. man t~at he neither spoke nor uttered .cry, ~nt his wife :woi·e the '.l'urk1sh order mg~-· STAND :--Neads' Block, next door east of S.S. Edim.ll's Hardware · filled lamp 1s Jl(lble to explos1 .ou . . A lamp 1nor did one muscle so much au qmver. mg to the clmn~r, wh1c~ _w:i-s served at, 6. 46 should be filled at lea~t two t hirds m de1th, ; This perh<J.ps was rwt so str11.uge as might A _ban~ .played i~. a.n a.d.J?mmg hall. '.Ihe_ Stora and one which has but a spoonful or t wo : at first appear when it is explained tha.t tb. e cluef civil and 11.1hro.r:y ofli~ers of the Sultan --·of oil in it should neTer be lighted, ~.s the '. corpulent cripple was in the hands, not of were at table. ~he 11npena.l host had been \'.o'F..\, "J' ~ empty oil apace is filled with explosive ! two footmen, but of two smugglers disguid- told. th11t Lady Dilke was an 1mthoreas, and Honorary Graduate of the Ontario etcriua1y vapor. j eel as such and that he consisted-with the he rnformed her that he meant to get her College, Toronto. Registered member of the Lamps filled to overflowing are very uu- rexception ~£ his hands and face, which were "Shrine of Death" tnnslated mto Turkish. Ont ··1h Veterincry A6sooiation, iu accordanoo clea.nl3'.", soiling everything brought in con- wax..:_entirely of tobacco, which in the garb 'Nhen the English guests were le~viug, witl· d.1.1 Veterinary A<lt. 1 le prepared to treat all diseasea or the Dom· tact with them ; and to most persons, the , of a. human being was thus int roduced free the Sultan t ook. up a small packet which he estlc .Animals, according to the latest theories. odor of k erosene is extremely unpleasant. I 0£ duty into the sunny land of ]'ranee. ~sk~d ~ir Charle~ to acc~pt, "thong? of no .All calls personally, by Telegraph or Tele A . lamp-wick should fit exactly into its 1~trms1c .Talue,,,1t conta.i~ed some viewe of phona will receive prompt attention, 1 1f . s 1 ·b . lJonst.11.ntmople. ' 'Vhon It was opened at t<ill'"OFFJCE-1\fain St., Orono, one door nortb~ot space and should be kept clean. \Vhen it becomes black from the sediment in the ll lll ena,. the hotel, the packet was found to contain a. W. Henry's ::>tore, la.mp, it must be thrown away, or washed The Russian policy of banishing trouble- gold cigarette.box, with enamelled d ews of CHARGES MODERA'l'E, · and dried before usiug a.gain. \Vhen nearly : some citizens to Siberia has been one of the Consta ntinople set in brilliants. An ira.de burned away, a wick may be lengthened by ; worst fe~turea of the Cz3.r 's despotic go".ern- was al.s~ given to ena11le Sir Charles and a fold of canton fla.nnel, which, reaching to ment. '.l:o those accust~med ~ ~ood society, Udy D1lk"'. t~ se~ the tt-ea~ure and the palthe bottom of the lamp, will feed the wick i and to comfortable habitll of hvmg, suoh an aces; a.nd, 1£ it did not, said the Father of as the oil burns out. lt is not beet to put ! e~ile is a. living death. The s~verity of the t~~ !aithful, cover everything, further fa. strips of red flannel or yarn into a. lamp, as : climate, the cruelty ef the cfficials, the gen- ci11tles w~uld be granted. : t;he i~side should be colorless, that any im- l er~l character of.the people, and ~~e separ· The. V1~a.r-lleneral called on S~1· Charles purities may be seen. If such appea.r, wash / ~t1on from old f~iends, make the life of ban- a~d his . w1f? to express the desire of the the wick, empty and cleanse the oil r eser-1 ishment almost mtolerable. Greek Patriarch to see them. They were voir. But recent tra.vellers in this d1·eary land received by him, attended by the Synod, A ~mrner sometimes becomes so cl?gged \ br~n!l' to light some.fa.eta which m_i~igate the containing s~ven. ;\rchbi~hops· . The Pa~ri Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run that tt does not allow perfect combustion of. evil of ~he crnel exile. The fam1h es of the arch ga.ve his Vl8ltors his bles3mg, tellmg the oil. In such a case, remove it from the ! banished prisoners v.re permitted to join them when he did ao bow "truly glad and over one month. la.mp, place in cold water in which a slicod theri:i, as the. government argues wisely that deeply moved he was at receiving on-e who potato has b.een added and boil an hour or I~ pr.1soner will b(l ~1ore conten~d, a.~d l~as h,~d done so much for the Gree~ c11use." two ; rub with a clry cloth, when it will be . mclrned to engage ta new plots, if family life ] mally, they were shown the relics of St. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE entirely clean an~ .bright as new. To . kec.P : is r e-established. . . . . ~hrysostom and the treasme of the ·Greek BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, the chimneys ~hmmg ~nd clear,. nothrng ta There are also .opp_ortnmt1~s of acqumng Church. DYSPEPSIA, ORf ')SY, better than datl:y waahmg them m soap and I ~ea!th, by workmg Ill the mmes, or .eng1~gINDIGESTION> FUrrfERING water i;.nd rubbmg them clear with a soft j mg m overland commerce. One exile, by M. t d S ·at b <:!t ll Al' . Al k JAUNDICE1 OF THE HEARi, c;oth free from lint ; old print is good for · birt h the s.on of a serf, who. h~d l.a.rge bt1si· as O OllS a.I · o e "' l ive In as a. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF this purp.ose. A s;nall sponge attached to !ness. capacity, became ,. milhomure by es. In conversation "fith D. H. Summers, for. SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, a stick rn ..:onvement for washing ltimp ltablrahrng the overlancl tea. trade. . merly of Deuver, Col.; who came out this fall chimneys. Others have been equally fortunate m with a party of miners from Forty Mile HEARTBURN DRYNESS Ha.nging lamps are best to use where other branches of business, so that a few, a Creek, we leamed that the existence of JivHEADACHE. ' OF THE SKIN, And every species of disea.se a.rising thcre arc small children to endanger upset-I yery f?w, of the prisoners prefer to remain ing mastodons as not the mere fabrioa.· fJ"Om disordered LIVER, JrWNEYS, ting . . Common table fomps and small meta.I m th~1r new 110:i;i1e when the long sentence tions of Northern furriers, but that the STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. hand lampa on a broad ea.ucer-like base are ' cf exile has expired. Stick Indians had positively told him that the most aafe to carry a.bout, as it is · - - - - - - - - - - - ·such animals had: been seen by them, One of & '· Propr;etors, · TORONTO. nearly impossible to oTerturn or break one. Unconventiona.l .People. the Indians said that while hunting one day For the preservation of health than having your feet kept Everybody has encountered the people in that unknown section he ca.me a.cross an Contributed Reoipes. who take to themseh' es what they auppose immense tra.ck sunk to a depth of several dry and warm. CHILLI SAUCE.- Two very large ripe to- to be the credit of being unconventional, inches in moss. It much resem.bled a.n ele· '"ho offer a statement of that fact as the phant's track but was lar!(er round than a matoes, two onions, two green peppers, all chopped finr ; two tablespoons of salt, two eufficient excuse for a.11 sorts of violations of barrel. The Indian followed up this curious cur,s of vinega.r, two tablespoons of sugar ; good breeding and social rnles, and who as- tra.ck, which t-0 a.II appearance was very fresh, To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, boil one hour, II the vinegar is very strong, sume the license to do a.a they please, as if .tracking from one immense stride to anothBoys and Maidens, at use two cups to one of water, more sugar they had thef ower to Iiftthemselvesabovethe er, a distance of some miles~ when he came being aware of the fact, has laid in a first-class stock of and less salt, and simmer hali·an-hour authority 0 · ordinary ca.nous of behaviour. in full view of his game. The hunter gave It is a pity that these foolishly self-blinded one look, then turned and fled. These Indilonger. You will have a s.auce that will even be au improvement, to grange beans, a and, for the most part, decidOO.ly unpleasant a.us as a. rule, are the bravest hunters. With people cannot be ma.de to see thell'. conduct in no other weapon than their spear they will dish that is always hii::hly complimented. its true aspect. It should not be forgotten a.ttack and kill a grizzly, but the immense L;;~10N TAPIOCA..-Three tablespoons tapi- that society is, in a sense, in an artificial proportions of this new style of ga.me both oca soaked in cold water till it can be state. Wha.tever ge.neraJ natural principle~ startled and filled the hunter, brave as he In large quantities ' and great er variety than ever before- AU well stirred to a mixture of the a.ppeu.rance of underlie it, its formulated rules are purely was, with fear. He described it as being milk. Let it come tilowly to boiling, a.nd arbitrary, and it i.8, in effect, a conventional larger than Post Tra.der Harper's store, with bought on best cash terms, saving large discounts to benefit prompt boil till clear as a jelly ; then add one cup arrangement. It follows that one who reat shining yellowish tusks and a mouth paying customera. white sugar, qn01orter of a teruipoonful of salt wishee to take part in its social life must a1·ge enough to swallow him a.ta single gulp. and the juice of one large lemon, or two a.ccept its oonditions. To attempt to He ea.id \he animal was doubtless similar to Good assortment of all kinds of Seasonable Leather Goods. small ones. To be eaten cold, with milk or be unconventional in society is a.n anomaly those which turnished the immense bonee cream and sugar if desired; but it ie very and a contradiction of terms. Grand display of scattered over that section. If such animals nice without. are now in existence, a.lid Mr. Summers has no reason to doubt the veracity of the Indian, CRACKER Prns.-Four common crackers, Appropl'iate Mottoes. a.a other Indians, and also Mr. Harper conone cup of water, one cup of molasses, one Hotel Keeper-" I want to put up some firmed it, they inhabit a section very high Our New Stock has arrived, and com- cup of sugar, one cnp of raieina, one half prises something neat and pretty for cu_p of _ melted blltter; add spice as for sort of a. notice to keep guegts out of the in altitude, but rarely visited by human be- Call and examine stock. We are going to sell on small profits fearing ha.ck hall. Some of them have got into tbe ings · \Ve have also no rc3Jlon to doubt Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men mmce pies. kitchen, and the chief cook is very jealous the Inpian tale, for at no very distant period no honest competition. and Boys, and Boots that P Boots for LEMON Prns.- One lemon, one cracker, of hia professional secrets." Y ukeon country was inhabited by tbesea.nievery member of the househ\6td. one cup of sugar, ?ne egg and one cup of Friend-" Send out and get a 'No admit- mals, as hundreds of their massive skelet.ons All goods warrented as reprernnted. We are fully prepared to carry water; grate the rmd of the lemon and add strewn a.long the creeks are silent but trutht ance' sign. " --the juice. out ALL we advertise. Hotel Keeper-" Tha.t sounds too harsh. ful witnesses. On Forty Mile Creek bones TRIJNll$, T.ALISES, & SATCDllLS,JN STOC::li. MocK APPLE Prn.-The juice of two l want something which won't look so much can be found projecting partly from the sand j lemons, two cups of sugar, two cups of like a. regular order-some motto or other." and among the driftwood of the stream on ~Ordered Work and Repairing a water, three soda crackers rolled, and three Friend-" Oh, put over the kitchen door the creek below this these skre also eletoi:s, , eggs ; sea.son with nutmeg. Specialty, as usual. quite numerous. ' Ignorance i11 bliss,'" KING ST,, BOWMANVILLE. D. DAVIS. . Cu1rrARD Prn.- One pint of milk, three PERCH ERON HOR SES. FRENCH COACH HORSES. COX& CO., EXCHANGE SAVAGE & FARNUM, TOVE fi t STOVE AND TIN 'DEPOT, STOVES! NEWCASTLE, OI-:I:EAP FOR CASH. Jewel Range, also Grand Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. Art Garlands, Universals and Art Sultaµas . . I ...,,..,.........."""...... ... W. T· BONATHAN, ..................... ...... l THE DOCTORS ALL SAY: Keep your feet Dry and Warm. fo·r Fine Boots, Shoes· and Slippers. · l i. I i JOHl'I SPENCER, ,·'· I 1 ' JENNINGS. 0 ~DOUGA[L & METCALF, 1---..·- - · I B OVT:M..P..:;._JSf V-I LL E:1 are <?,tter1ng Coal as follows : Stove a1J.d Chestnut, ....... :..........$6.25 Grate and Egg, .............................. 6.00 i I LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. T MILBURN co Nothing Beller. I.I Pays HELLYAR DAV_IS' EMPORIUM! FELT BOOTS;SHOES &OVERSHOES Trunks, Bags and Valises. Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe l I l JOHN HELLYAR, Ghildren Cry for Pitcher's_~~a~!_~~J.ct_~ ·

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