Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1887, p. 4

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· LLAN O NEVIG Farming aa a. busin··BN id not what it ha~ been in the pa~t. It requif,.s much YA D NUS The R o,,hes·e-r (N. Y. ) Uni on reports more intelligence and skill to farm sucL OOHC $ having this dialogue wi th 1m e mment ce.afuily 11ow than it did formerly and phys ici"n; -.SKOOB .JUST OPENED, for a vari' ty of reasons " C11n you cure " cold for m1f' Our wante have incr~a8ed. The luxur" I dare si;.y; where is it?" GuarauOOt!d to give aatiHfaction. My ex" D·' you tr· a t yourself f ..r colds?" perieuee iu thi~ department enables me ies of our fathers have bec..me everyd.iy "Thet d epeucls on how bad they R re. t-0 give thitt guarant,ee. necessaries for our comfort. We feel f h 11d On t1 l Mt we ..k and fiX··d mysdf up Liberal Discount to Schools. ·l1at we must live better, dress better, g o a dose, bn t I didn't d.\r·. 1 take it. I !rep~ .l'HO'rO ALDU"Ms, in th·· newest designs, at more, work f ewer hours, and we req uire it o er nigh t. and ga11 <'> it to a 'dead head ' ·ll' vo;l"~' low rale. You "ill be surprised more in the way of m,· nt-·1 i mprove ment, patient 1he n- xt d ay!" , at wh ~ t you c·~n get n. good Album for. "T he u you d on 't d are take your own accowµlishments, and t he like. Tlus is m edicim·'?" BniU&-Family, Pew and Pocket . as it should be. The farmer iihould have "N .. ! I don't dare, and I bi.ve no A h dy ·aid t hA ..ther day, Mr. T. y ou and should enj oy all that is within t he fa mily phys ician ." li.~ve, by far, t h e b"~t selectiqn of writiug A ge11t lem11u a. shor ' t ime ago, con s1Jltreach of ·he merchant or profe~ siona.I p Pper in town. ed h id p hysicil\u about o. ~e,·ere rh1 m matic man ; ho is even enti·led to r.1 oro than Buyin,i for cash, I alwa.y11 buy the beB t, at,tack. As he W tt.8 leaving, the u11c to r get the beB t rat· s, 11-od "'Y customers ~et the town resident to make up for th« said : t he benefit. i-ola ti-.n of life o n the farm. "Should my p.iracii ption afford nny My five q uir es of paper for 25c. relief, let me know i t , as I am ~ ufforing The f act t hat country people d" n@t fr om o.n 1 .fi'ec· .ion "iwilar t " y ours, and is a. g reat bargain. hnve the adv1 mt11ges of the town l'eople, MEN1'S, P I CTUR E l<~RAME S , for h e l ·st t we n ty years have tried iu that forming at th e presen t time does not vain to cu e 11 !" AND WALL P AP ER. hold out as strong inducements to youn!! The best. of physici ..ns now h avt-1 the fra uk·.eos ' o admi t that the sch ools have Alwo.ye a spl.lcialt.y with me. N ew pat.t1>rns men as other "ccupat ions, n ot only not yet maat ere al l t here is ro kno w .SETAR j'Qllt r eceived. Paiuted Window .Blinds prev.ints the to wn bred My from becoming a bout rhe ause· of d i·ease, and the beet at lovvee, ratee. a farm er, but it 11lso draws a lnr~ e pro· methods of cur e. 'l'hern has been a TS EWOL Beautiful gooda for W tidding Presen·s, porti··11 of the brigh t , st and smart est boy a grea t advance, no d01 1fit, in med ical et c. , new. fiom t h tl country t o the t own, and wi. science, iu ' he las · fifty years D oc rt rs T ANE KA themselves d o not take th.-ir own oliysh, flll.EPAl'ilWEN n.oF have as th e result a much larger nu mber Q :~ !~ ~ L :AA ,AU of the na ·ural ly g rfted , shrewd men of even thou.,h t h ey may satiira ti~ t hti sys· , 8 , iti'\L ~ ~ · _ \/llU ."'!A· terns of t hei r p.·t ient s wit h ·>0ieonous ::.NOirP I R C ,.; B0 5 the i ountry eng"ged in manufacturies, d rug~, nor d o t hB y bleed, blister aud tr .. nsportation, trading, etc. , than we tor ru re, as forme rly . Byron died , it is claimed , becau3e of fiud tarmi11g, and it naturally follows that over -bleeding by his JJhysicians. Wttshthe smart.er men secure the larger share in!{ton m"t 1h e sa ·ue fate. B0WMANVILLE , Nov'R 30, 1887 of the proceeds of th e i udus· ril-ls. Scieati tic investiii;a r.ion R hows that moat A 110 : her disu.d va nt~.ge that tihe farmer ailmen ts p roceed frnm derangemen t of LETTERS ON CALIFORNIA. la bors uude:r-the 011tcome of greater pri mary 0 r uanR, of wh ich t h t> kid neys are the m st impor ta nt. Ever y drop of ability possessed by men i~ other indusblood O ··urs1t·g t hr ,u;;h tlll~ system p"-Bs s W ithin a few wcek ll some twenty five tries- is the fact that improvement in to wrhing." Therefore, when we apply through thee·' organ~, a11d if they are or thirty persons from this district have me thods of ma11ufacture, trade , tra nspor- science t o arming, we simply attempt to derangetl, the blood speedily h"co mes gQno to California, some es9ecially for tation, nnd distribution has be ,- n very m"ke use of certain common sense tr llthe impme, and carries th e eeeos of diRease thoir health and others to s ettle perman- much more rapid than in formin~. 'l'hese and fac ts, no matter who may h ..ve to every par '. of the budy. If we keep thtise organu regulated by tho tWJ of a ~..atly with r.Jwir fo mi!i..,s ; an d so i;:reac ina ust rii.a are growit1 g away from the discovered them, in such a way as t o be eimpll-l ve~etable c11mpo und like Warne , 's baa be(m the intereBt manifes~ed in the production of f~rm crops. of practical v,.lue. Anything else is not safe cure, which P rot. Lat tim ore, New aeriee of letters thY.t we h~ve published Y ork S tate board of het1lth a uulysr,, of the During the past fifty yeGra the power scie11·itic. Requires more room for his Grocery, F lour and Feed and Grain trade, frow Cahf..rnia the · pust~n10n th, that we When our 11Chool11 of agriculture do not R ochester U niverai ty, 11ays : "1 find of one' man to tnrn raw products into a.nd has det ermined t o entirely free from mercury and all poison J111oH1 arranged for l'lnother series of six or manufactured goodM and distribute them t eaoh common sense th ey have no a uth or · ous & Dd dele1eriou~ substauce~"-thert-1 is eight letters v mtten by a gentleman to consumers, throu~h t he introdu ction i ty for claiming to be scien tific. lit ; le dan ge r of brig ht 'iJ disease, apoplexy, thor.. ugh ly o.cquaint~d with, more pa>ticMany of the most acientific truths in r heumatism, or a.ay of the cofllmon ttilof improved machinery and application of u}Jirly , Southern or Lower Califomia,and sci·ll1titic d iscoveri -·s, has increased from farmmg have been discovered by men uie uta, no»rly all o f wh 1 cli 'originate in a.nd ext end his Grocery int o the premises now occupied with . . . or are made fatal by d isetLsed (t houg h unwho wri t(:!! in capital style and whose fi ve to oue huud red or mor e times. We wh" have had little or ~o ~chool education suspect ed ) kidneys. '.l'lus reruedy has the DRY GOODS. letters will g ive r1i1liable information on have made no snch ad va.., ce in growing and such m en are oftimes pretty gond, reputa ion , \~h wh seems well founded , of this " ,11cmtheru parn.dise " for the farmer, What W t> n eed , is a curing more diseases than any one remedy crops. 1~ is true the introdu ction of 11eientific f·· rm ers. '.lo mak e a clear sweep, everything i :1 the Dry Goods department laborer, mechavic, ornnufacturer, m'-·rch· large impJem1m ta, imd the bmd.r, ha~ more genernl diffusion of th e how and the ever knowu . l t r est 0 rod th e son of t be is now being sold A'r AN D U NDER COST. The goods are all firstDanish vice·Co 1 au! Sch miat of ()9 Wall ant, capit ali~t and invalid. The firot of increased the capacity of one man t en-fold why , our successful farmers p roaecu te st eet N c]aa,, ca.refuLlJ selected for the r egu lar trade a nd 110 old culled bank· h t' s d 1sc·ase . r . , e w y or k · f rom B rig this ~rie a will be fo und on the first page rupt stock, the pul-ilic ca.n understand the immense advantages ofin g rowing atJd harvesting wheat, and their work. a.ud Genera! Cnris' iansen, of D r-exel, of t hi3 issue. Everybody will be interfered to purchastirs of t his stock. Evel'yt hing usually k ept in a hr,yin!j machinery to nearly a.a great an A gnod crop, economically grown an d l!r1orgHn & Co , Bankers of N ew York, e;s.ted in thcs(l letters which will be well handled, may pay a profit, a poor crop who knew of t he case, pronounced it a extent in making hay. first class IJry Good" establishment, and required in the Clothing worth a who le year's 1uh11cription to this a nd H ouse Furnii;hing linli, ofie red at AW AY-D OW N PRICES. There is still anoth er factor t,hnt is cnat a more tl1a11 it is worth. Ther e is a wonder ul remedy. As appr opriate t o the doctors who give journal. T ell your neighbors about then'! ,r , t o thtir patients wha t they will n ot tak e detrimel>Jt .l to the interest of the farmer, reasot1 w hy one is good, the ot her po1 Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash on ly. P ositively and get thl:'lll to B ubscribe for tl1is pa.per and that is r.he exhaustion of t he virgm and th e r ..ason is the thing we want t o th emselves, we q uot>1 .th 1 s story : no Reserve. E verything must go Call and satisfy yourselves that at. ouce and thus secure the whole B t:ries. ,,Oh Mr . Smith, help me ou r," exclaimfe1tility of the soil. Excep t in portions know, so as to avoid growjng poor .cr11ps. · the WEST R ,\ID HOUSE is g iving g reater value for a li ttle money W o shall re~ume our English letters as of the older ae r ,tled 1iectiom, up to the We do n't want theories or speculations,. ed a young lady at a ch urch fair. "I've \hau any othe1 · hou se in t h e district. It will pay y ou t o lay m a sold a t idy for $15 th at o nly cost 15c. soon as thiil California series is com plated pr.iseut t.ime, farming has heeu largely of wo want something that we can under- What per -cen ta.ge is the p r .,fit1" year'1 supply , as such goods cannot be repeated at my prices. and probably continue them until the the pioneer ord ~r, which means clearing stflnd and apply. " P ercentage, madam1" t:Xc lairued t he time iHri'l:es for us to s tart off again for To carefully study the poouliaritiee of lawyer with merr im ... nt. "To.a t ·t ransup the land, and cropping i t in such a our 1888 t.0Jid ,1y 1r 1 p. In this connection way as to produce a crop with the lea.e r, the so il, we need experts who can g ive action is b eyond percentage-it is eimply larceny!" ·. we d t'sire to t.hank the numerous readers ust as the labor, r egardiess of ·he exhaustion and 1.h01r ent ira t ime t o t he work, j _ The professional ma n who takes one 's of our journnl, both in Canada and the loss of the fertility of tht;i soil, comp.e lling wicing company employ the ir chemfat8, money_when he c ~n do one no eq uivalen t Old Cour.t.ry, for the very complimen·.a.ry ' .·d eervice will u11 do·s ta'nd t he n:.oral. us now to 11d1lpt sowe syste m of fr rtiliz~ not to dig ore, but to test the ore £1 hlttera t hey h·,Vfl eent ue respecting the tinn, that is neccss"ri ty expent1ive, to learn if it is worth the di11:~111(, and to E XACTI NG accounts we have published of our trav"1s DARLINGTON COUNCIL. make the land produce as muc!:i a.s it did d isco ver, if it is not d the right q ua.lity, SERY/CE i11 D evon aud Cornwall the past sea.son. how it may be tr..ated to make it of value. formerly. TOWN HALL, H11mp·on, N ov. 26. Regular meeting, M timbers all presSo much is said and written at tlltl Reco~ niziilg t he value of such investigaJ uom: BENSON has been appointee} to ent. Minutes read and coufirmec!. pr~sent time a.bou t monopolies and un- tions, t hey pay libPral salaries t o t he The follu wiug communications were -.auoct ed ex -J u cige Clark as revising bacrisTh o undersigned w lll rooelve tenclers up to j ust laws which are oppressmg the farmer, exper t, aml we have a.t the present time preseu rnd ; McClellan & Co. , e:rrplana· noon or t~ for :Korthnmber·land and Durham. hundreds of mining .experts who h a.ve tha.t many are led t o believe t hat the tion of lumber ~.cco unt, , laid over. Dr, TUESDAY, DEO'R 6th, 1887, Mitchell, inolosing account for att en · J uo o:& Woode, o f St ··a1.ford, has decided condition of the far mer may be improved fittei:l themselve&for such work, k nowing for the snoply or Butcher's Meat, Butter. Flour, dan ce on poo r. Laid over. th!lt their services will be in d t'ma11d. simply by leg1slatiun. While there may ~ tme&I, Pota.tooa. Cord wood to Ih e following that a su perannuated minister is not doA n umber of other accoun ts were pre- 0 dm ir.g the year 1888, viz.;- 1'be institutions Trainfog experts, in tfsting the intriing duty as 11 ministt·r within the moaning be some injustice done to the f. rmPr by sented and laid on the t able. Asylums for h~ Insane in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hf>milton and Orllha ; the Central P l'om Wm. Aunger and 39 othere ot t he Statute, and is therefore liable to powerful corporation s and law maker s, cate q uestions that underli.i euccessful Prison and R~forma.t iry tor femJ.lea. Toronto; farming a re scarcely to be found, because p raying t hat no reduction be mad9 in strll we mus1 . study tho un derlying prin· the Reformat ry for boys, Pcnetanguisbene ; taxation. t~ Instit ution for the Deaf and Dumb, Bellethe mon t hly llllowance to J as. Campbell. there is little demand for work that l\Uch ciples of agricul· ura and its conuec1ion . -- ·-- ·- - ~,---- ---., 1 tion t or the Blind, Brantville, and the lnatitL Laid on the table. ford. M n . ED M IJ"Nl) E. SHEPP.AR I> voluntarily with other industries, and r aise to a par men might do, and a.s a. result, farming From Albert Arnot, in reference to Two eutllcient sureties will be required for tbe due fultllm-.nt or each oo ntract. d1>ocitlca· went to l\lfontrer., l l11.1Jt week and surrend- with tnose pursuits, before the farmer of t he p reBent day is largely guesswork, roa.d be~ w een lots 24 and 25, in t he 8th tions and forms ot tender nan only be had on Con . T he Clerk we.a instruct ed to write ered himself to the officers of the law f.,r can secure a Just compensation for his and ie, t herefore, m ore uncurta.in i n making appli.cation to the Bursars of the res- Has been a ppointed sole agen t for pective lnBr.ltullone. &2'ain to the parties, requirin~ them to returns. co-ntempt of court, iwd after making a labor. ,N , B.-'l'ondere are not required for tho supr emove their fences forthwit h. ply of butcher's meat t-0 the Aaylume in 'l'nr· t he celebrated R OCKFORD wATCHE~ d4:nified a nd ample apology ha.a bt!en The need of the average farmer at t he Frum Thve. Bllecuck, 0. J. Thornton, outo, London. Kmgston and Hamilton, nor to fin, d $10 an d eosts- $155- and has given present time, is fi rst: M oro knowledge of Ce!:itral Prison and Retorm11otory tor Fe· they are t he best American Watch 1\'IA.Ny citizans regret that Mr. W esley Thos. Brimacombe, Samuel Grandy and the malee lb Toronto· bail for appca·ance i u the Kribbs case if the lawe of nature, a nd how to work in finds his duth s so onerous that he c:mnot Richard Woodley, tend ers fo r supply of The lowest or any tender not necossarlly ac- manufactured and a re guaranteed cepted. plank and cedar, called upon. Jt 1e w be hoped that the conformity with these la.vs, inste..d of in accept a seut at the Council next year. from the facto ry as be:ng fh» t-class, W, T. O'R EIL LY, M oved by Mr . Smit h, seconded by R CHltl8TIE. officers of t he 65th regiment will accept opposition to them, in other words, sci- It is n ot likely that there will be any Mr. S male, t hat the tende r of Samuel Call and ex amine t hem. I nspectors of Prisons 1>nd Public Oh&ritiee. the apology an d drop further proceedings. enrific training ; and second : more busi- change in the mayoralty, RS the opinio n P ar!J&ment Bu!lding,\18th Nov., 1887 , Grandy t o furnish 105 large cedars at have also the finest st ock of We n ess ability in the ge neral m anagement very largely pre vails that Mr. H orsey 90 eta each, and 500 smo11! cedars at 25 ' 1888. all k inds of W a tches, Gold and TlIE tot 1>l nomber ef convictions for of his affairs. should accept the position for anothwr cen ts each be accepted ; and that the t ender of 1-tichard Woodley to furn ish breach rn CJf the Canadian Temperance The former has generally believed that year, a.a finauciRl matteis r eqmring very Silver , in the town of Boww.;:'«f1ViUe. 14 /iOO feet o f pine plank at $ 10. 75 per. Act, for tlic year 1886, .vas 79~), and the an education would be valuable to his careful management will e ngage the In Jewellry , we have an - "!'.' ~~kss M. be accepted, and the Clerk is here by I LLUSTRATE D. tota.1 amoun t. of fintlll imposed $41,Hl2 son in preparing him for a ny pursuit but instructed to notify the above named Couucil's atten tion. N o other name has variety Clocks of all kind 8 very Of t.he latter the inopecto rs r ecei ved farming, and a.t last he is awAkenillg t o parties that their t enders are accepted. HARPKR S W E EKL Y he.~ a well·elitabllshed b~en meutioned JJO far Ill! we h ave h eard. place &11 the leadlug illustrated newspaper i n cheap. Carried. $ 9, 5!l0, the mu1Jicipalities $8,843 and the fact, that a good education may be of The fairness of He editorial com· F rom Count y Clerk in reference to America. ments on current politics hns earned for i t the Io Silver ware we have the e~ $4, 360 r em ains in the hands of the police value to t he young man who proposes t o respeot anil contldence of all lmpar1 ia.l readers defects in asBessmen t roll. Referred to magishates. T he nmount of lines un- till the soil. and th ~ variety and excellence of iti;i iiter· ry clnsive right t o sell for the largest assessor for next y ear. oontente, which include ·Aria l and short AUCTION SALES. p.dd, with-'l u t p t~ nishment, was $ 15,582, Mr. S mith presented a repor t from There is still, however, b u t little constorltlll by t h e best nnd most popular writ,ere. firm in the U . S. The q uality and fit it for the perusal C>f peoJ?le ot th11 widest t.he committee on complsint of 'rhos . and the ~1mo unt in default of payment of fidence felt in th e man who attem pts t o S AT UR DAY, DEc. 10. - Mr. Ira H all will range ot tastes and pursuits. Supplements pr ices a re t he best au d lowest in Snowden which was adoptod, and Mr. 11.r e frequently provided, and no expense le which commitments were made was $900. teach the applic·tion ot the sciencies t o offer for sale at t he Central H otel, spa.red to bring the highest order of ar tistic this par t of i.he country, We ask Smith was i n~t ructed to mak e the reOshaw1 i, 85 a cres of land and 30 t o 40 , ability to bear upon the Illustration of the farming, the opinion b R ing common, that a cres of. m ttrsh, b eing south part of lot pairs to t ho fence recommended . cban gefn l cbt1seq of home and foreign history. y on to call and examine our goods Tm~ people of Canada will learn with he who is bred, reared, lives, and works Mr. Worden presented a report from I n all 1ta fea.t,uree IIARPER'S WEE KLY is ad· 1 B.F E ast Whit by. S. C. H UNKUW, mirably a rlnpted to be a welcome guest in the committee to which was referred the before b uying. satisfaction t hat H on. Edward Blake has on the farm must know m ore of all that Auctioneer. every bonsehold. petition of Mr. Oke an d others at last ~n benefitted by the rest afforded by pretains to farming, than one who is n ot S pecs a nd Eye Glasses, Cases, &c., TirnRSDAY, DEc. 15.- Mr. Thomas Wil· meeting, stating th at the matter comliia Europefm trip, says the Globe. Re a practic11l fonner. cock, l ot 18, con. 4 Darlington, will 11ell we carry t he leading stock, a nd plained of had been arranged t o the sat· i s· now in L ondon, where be has many If we carefully examine ths working of the whole of his valuable farm stock, isfsction o ~ all part ies. Ad opted. 1·er l'ear: guarantee every pair for 6 Ul(ln ths, implem ents, hay , turni ps, etc. Sale at Mr. Smale presented a r epor t from f~iencls. Encoun.ged by the benefit he almost any branch of manufacturing , of HAR PER;S WEEKLY ...... . .. .. ....... .. $U)() 12 o'clock, sharp. Sae posters fo1 · parif well used. It they q.reak we t he committee api,:ointed t o examine the l1aa r ecei ved he hsa d ecided to prolong mining, or any industry other than growHARPJCR 'S MAGAZIN E ... . .. . ... .. ... . .. !1 00 ticulars. S. C. H U:DlKING, Auctioneer. bridge in t he vill11ge of TJ ron e, stating H AR PER 'S BAZAR . ... ... . . .. . , .. .. . .. ... 4. 00 will repair t hem free of charge. his s> ay, as it was understood when he i ng crops, we will find that th e k no wledge IIARP Eil' d YOUNG PEOP LE......... .. . 2 00 AUCTION S.ALES.- S .C. Hunk ing, c. urt- that they fo und the b ridg e in a very Call a nd get fit ted propeely. l ef t Canad a th ..t h e might do. When and skill of n:en who are not practical dangeroue condi tion, a nd th at it bud t ice, Ontario, L icensed A uction eer, for P astaqe J !'r r.e to all imbstrribers tn"tke U nttt d th e wint er grows colder he will s tart on manufacturers, miners, or whatever the Darlington and Whitby, B owmanvillo been satisfactor .ly repaired. Adopt ed. Oun. R ErA.IRING D EPA RTMEN'L'. - - We States, Uanada , or 1lif.xico. A by Jaw wa.s passed fo r appomt· visi t to t he sou th of Europe, and will work may b e, m en with scientific trai ning and Oshawa, App raiser, &c. A ll b usiness can on ly go over t he same old sayment of R eturning officers. The volumes ot the M AOA:Zlli'm b egin w ith t h e visit many of t be places which, as a. i n some line which may h ..ve a bearing attended £0 prom ptly . Order11 may be Nu m ber~!or the mo·tth of January each Y· ar. ing, t hat we r epair Watcbes, Clocks On motion the R eeve was instr ucted scholin· and a p ublic man, have naturnlly on the p ursuit, playing a very import an t left at th e STATESMAN office, Bo wman ville, w hen D O time fa specifit d, subscriptions wlll to 11:rant orders on t he Treasurer for th e ·beltin or R eformer office, Oshawa. with the Number current at time of and Jewellry in th e most skilful l:ieen of the deep~l!t interest t o him. In part. following . H art & Co. blanks, $2.20 receipt of order. _ view of the p rolotJgation of his stay The ch emist, who has learned how to R . .Hutchison , Licensed Auctioneer for Gale & James, p rinting $5.12; J no Bound Volumes of llAJU'ER'S W EEK LY, tor manner. We a ie boked upon as three years ba.ck, in nea.t cloth binding, will be Mra. Blake will cross the C'cean t o j oin separate.and classify t he several elements the Townships of Dar lin gt on, Whitby , S ·ninton. gravel $4-25; Jno Worden, Hent l>y mail, post-paid, or by express, free of the only r el ia ble Watchmaker in hiln, sailing on the 30th of November. contain ed in a lump of or e, and who can Clarke, Manvers and Cart wrigh t . Sales grBvel $ 15 . 50 ; J amee Do ugla.sn, gravel expense (provided the rre1ght does not exceed this p a r t of the count ry. Mere $ 4.75; H en ry J effery , Grav el p it in· one dol11>r per volume), for $7 per volume. attended to promptly and at rcason nble The rumorn which have been published t ell what should bo eliminated or what ra.toa. Where it ia not conveni-:n t t o see instaloien t , $50 00; Joh n Green, Work Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable ror talk ing can' t d o the w ork, bu t tools, hlnd ·ng will be aen· by mail, poat-pald 0 11. abo ut his st>ekiug a pl11-0e in the Br itish need to be added to m ake th e desired me, arran gements can be m !\<le with the on road , $19. 00; W. H. R ogers,Surveyreceipt of $1.00 each. ing, $fi 00; W. J . B rogg, shfleps dam'liou ~e of Commons ns the representative kind a od quality oli met a l, is one of t he Editor of theSTATEBM AN.- R .Ho TCJUSON, Rem.lttances should be made by Post- Of!loo ability and experience combined Money Ord..r or I>raft. to avoid chance of I M S. ages,$5,15; Thos Smale,sheep damages, can, of wh ich we have d enty. - of an I rish constit uency, are of course m ost responsible, and of ten the highest Enniakillen. NcwwpaperfJ ar c <Wt to copy t bris <Uioet'tibeir $4 66 ; m;m.t witlw ut t!w f.Xprtss o.-da of H ARPllR &. llhinrd. The length of M r. Blake's stay paid workmen in the wor k of mining and N.B.- Onr advertieing r a te for auct ion · Oo Motion the Council adjonrn ed t o 8 .IW J'l'l lHIB, abroad is uot f:i:xod, but will dep end ·h e reductions of the ~res to metals ; yet\ sales when we do not print t he salf:\ Saturday, D ec . 31st. at 10 a . m. Adclreaa IIAUP illR & D.ROT~J 44. New xorli:, The J ewener. mainly upon the 11tat-o of hie health. he ie Rot a practical miner, he mn.y know bills.' is 25 ceubl a. line , eMh in.eer1ion. ' R. w mn.i.'.l'l', ·r .o. 0RE.A.T ASSORTMENT OF P. TRE,BILC01 CK. The A, B, C, of Ag11culture. Library &Gift Books ROOM PAPER. P T 1!ht <!tamutian Jtattttman. but little of the general mana;.!emen t l\nd detaila .-.f the furnace. M1rny inst ances might be given of I hi1 general use and admitr,ed v11lue of anien · tific knowledge, or a~ it is gimo 11.l ly termed, export skill, in all pursuit1 1 b ut in f.,rming. I do not m~ an to sny that all farmers n"glect and diec11urage 11.·.sist · ance whieh the special investigator mav 11ive, but the great maj. ·rity r efnee this aid, while there is a emall minority in oth· r pursuits who are n" t con stai1tly seek ;ng it. One r<'ason f or the willi ··gness to foster and eui.·PO' t 1>gricult11ral experiment 11111. ions, where tr..ine rl men are e r11ployed 1y the unknown probl"ms in fa.rm· to s1u1 ing, that exists, is due to the fact that th er ti are a good m ,·ny m en who claim t ci be ~ ci e · · tific farmers, becaus" they ha vt' a few ideas, pur.-ly t heoret im1l , which , .wh en pnt in pra.ct.ice make 311 me show, but are f ·ilnres in pt·act ical results " B ook hrmers," is a.n a ppr'opriat e name for such men. bu· the " book farm · or's" fai lure is no argum ..-n t ag~in8t the a pplication of real scrnnce t i> forming, anymore than the fat lure of 1 he quac k doct0r is an argum,.ut against the study and p rnctice of medicine. The scient ific iuveetigator in agricult ure fa Jool.e d upon as a 0 1ank ; even rhe word scientilic is a bugh1car, and sup posed to mean eome· hing that, ia of no practical value, One of the beet defiuittons of sch·nce is given by Gregory, wh o says: "The common sense is nothing but i..nwrit ten science, aud Aci~.nce is only t he common sense of t ruth and fact r<:d uced S< >me Strange Oonf ·esions. SEVERAL OOoD STORIES WHI CH llE R Y NEEDFU L MORAL::!. OONVEY v TNU O C S I D %02 I I ABSOLUTELY H QUIT ING 'l'he Dry Goods :Business I JOHN BcHURTBi~ Close Out His QRY GOODS BU8/NE88 I FORD WATCM -:._S Tenders for Supplies, 1887. ..... i --.- Harper's Weekly. 0 HARPER'S PERIODICALS. l I MAYNARD,

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