Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1887, p. 6

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--- - - - - - - -" G-od bless you, my boy I G o win RANCH LIF.E OP GIRLS. - -- - - - - - - - -her if you can. And be sure1£ you gam her ly Is increa,sing. . a treasure. ., They Amuse '.l'h(·msclves by SltooUng BY w1LL T, J AM.e. it a wonder that Mrs. L auaork ,s heart you will g am IB PUBLIBIIED !\.tropical glow llushcd the breast of the ocenn, fluttered when the prospect d ci'ned upon Roland went away, and half an hour af1Volvcs-A. Gll"l'· q u i.ck ~hot. ·~W'EH y i·' RIDA.y DIORNING, As on 1t there reeked a rnde 1aft m the foam , I her that poseibly the young b a·lker might t erward t h e supernal light that d anced in Oh , yes, I was a cowboy for fou r yeu.is," The sea undulatmg m subdued commotion, I k d ht f wife' She his eyes told the story ot su ccess.. said Mr. A. B. T homas, son of Paym:>s ter -BY0f I lbmtless round till it touched heaven's blue see~ one ier aug or Isu a l') e I or · B erAncl Kate, w hen closely quest10ned ,h co.n - 1Thonl" S of t he D etroi't, Grand H a ven and Spread dome cared 11ot whether he ers chose ~ I 1 M ilwaukee Railroad. But not the least s1!l"n along the horizon tha They were both accompl shed, and fessed that the first flame of r ea1 ove w ic1 "I went out t here AT THE Oli'EICE 01 rewne the 81~ht ol the c...taways met· 'ti' Id " d at for him burned in h er bosom for Rohtnd Archwort h t o look around. I was just 18, and had a 1 1 The sh;~ks "hlch rn horror Lhcy c1st blocdahot eyes l CJ t~~ ~~~o n1::t°' d~ ~h~~Tud;e i~1nstice \~hen was kindled by the c.eep and true elements great fancy for Western ironher life 'When lill"ot-®t &Jllile Block, lling Street, Bowman· ville, Onta1·10. Were all t o be seen as the sun sudden set 'A e say that even he u,llr>v cd himself to hope of manhoo~ w h.ich h e ~ad displayed on t ha.t I rea.ched n orthwest ern K ansas, bet ween shone ,·n t""lio·!:tt-themooa's i>·llid gleam t _ha . t t h_e h s on otfthis old classfmathtecm,,.ir gl~t fiHnde early mornmg lll t h e kitchen. . . the Solomon and Republican r ivers, I hap - I The Sta·s TER:tl.II:S: · · · [ it m 1 is o· Of course Mlrs.t L anar.k d wast willmg, al n 2et on th e t rn1l of a her d of s t oc;o;: , rngear o 1ove one o b th 1' E 11ed t o ~ 1 ~~f.Jil) per "-nnuni, or $1 if pnid in athnnce Illumrned the face ol "' fatherless chllu, h ad studied the youth's charactei well, and thou% l so!Ilew M rnrpnse a e young 1aud wus in> Hed to JOlll t be her dcrn. I did 15 t ., t ·cu in advance r equired from While wme of their !at-lway homes weie ti· dreim· 1 he belfov ed it to be one of t he purest and mans choice. . . so, and for t hr ee or four da) s was the SOI est \SU~~'m ICll'.lberB ii. e outside ri . Y o f the county. 0 r d ers to She rng ltsi;ed low a prnver in a vorna sweet and mild b est ! sahel and Bertha 1 were f h chsappom Id h ted, b u t 1 lyou ilgst er that ever strnc ld led a horse. l!sQ mtinue the paper mu1.<t be. accompanied hv Eie the mornrng- wao dawned to smile on co,lm ,rnter, And I sabel v.nd Bertha. Of course the1e since at beBt on Y on e o t em con ave won \ on see, t hey JUBt l!ve in t h e saddle, an d I ieoo ~mountdne orth paperw1l notbeatopped. or despair "Ith auothet Llu.y 's hght dtullged to "Was r :vahy bet ween them Bnt they agreed the prize, they concluded ou the whole th~t w as a t enderfoot, or a p ork and beans p tl ~~ ·cidbewararesponsibleunt1 full payment is hope, , Ithe would abide the issue it was as well a.sit was. T hey loved t hell' gr nn as they call Eastern bo}S. ]~ut I <!f<l".;r,de. · ,.. "" A cry ~!,delight from the drowned C1'ptam s daugh Isabel was selected 10 preside over the S!Ster, a.nd were really glad t hat they were I s'Jon 'learned t o ha;..dle a reY~lver like the GATES OF A.DVEli?'.lrU\l'ING · ;;; "' Arouacd them from stupor m wluoh thoy did mope youthful millionaire Be1tha would not com· thus enabled to cla,rn the Wealthy b~nker 1 est of t bcm Everybody carries a rev olver Wk J'e Column one year ...... · ·...·· S?O oO ~ ~/;; 1-Jlain . and should B ei t ha. prove the fortu- for a brot her in law. _ . . One needs t o defend lmnself fr om t he wild " " Hn.lf year ,. ........ . 86 ~ ~ ToTo w10dwa1d · Ir.gate, h ars"'ils lrnlgu g state!.) , I ' I bel was prepared to y ield. As for Roland ,\nd l<,,,ate, t heir happrness stock and also to defend t he stock aga.nst One quarter ...... "' 20 0 ,.. succor them steered with a true, st eady course· nat e one, sa ' , 1 1t d f ill the acnompltsh· , ' \~' 11 I I l "d f i tlr Column one year ............... 36 00 - - And the keen pri rnhon endm ed by them lately One thing h appened very nnfo ttunat e y was comp e e,. an · o 1 v. olves, Any wolves ? ,'.' e , s iou say " " Ha.H year ........ .... .. 20 00 P1ompted huzz~ unttl their parched thro<ts were On the very d ay of Archwor th's arrival, !llen~s wluch his wite poss~sses, the husband so-both the big gray woit and t he coyotes, " One quat'ter,_ ......... 12 50 hoarse. f I l d d t he cook was taken skk. \'\"hat w as to be is chiefly prcnd of tha~ which e' iables .her t o 1wh ich are praine wolws, B m all but sneaky. , ollAl!frter Colurr.n one ycer ........... 20 o LotJg v~~·· h ,tve gone by swce th0ey all .a ~asgrown, Y an e · d be in deed a :;; "Well as in nam~ the mrnt1 ess "It iBu ' t al wa,vs tlia pleasan test thing to I lfll~VIR f;;ST v C S1' ROh\!© ~8'\J'" lillf::ST, " .. HaHyear .......... . 12 50 Andthechildtoas1lverha1re matron one ? · . , . fl" l J · · ONTA I N S i\10 « ·· Oue Qutirter ...·.··· 8 00- 5 Yet < tillthev narrnte how the1r\cssel""'sstrnndcd, "Never mind," s:ud K:1te wd n a smile. o ns 10rue. t ake a hrnd in with a wolf. The first time, ALUM, AMM ONIA, LIM E. PHOSPHATES, l':"-ltnes s.ndunder .fl.rst insertion. $0 iiO_ 1 own up, I was a 1!tr'.e scat ~d. It ho,ppen · 1 1 And ho" their due peril to God was made known "I will take the r eins unt il t he cook gets "" ' · eub seq':'en t inocrt 100 ...... o 2~ or any m1unous matet in.ls. "'s."!u "ell . ., on the Franco Ger- ed t lu s way- I was with a g1rlWr<JM. ,;i:x: to ten hues, flrstinsert1on 0 7o -· , ,, . d J b 11 The Danger Si.,.nals ..., . . Cleveland I S' .,. . ~TT TOI:ONTO, ONT . ~achsubsequentmsertion .....· 035- 10 "Butfo1me1cyssake, imp1o1e. sae man Frontier. bytheway ,thener v1cstgn 1 e·cr 8aw. · ue .:;, , \i\! ,Ql l~i..~. , cmc.wo,n r,. Q re:: tcn llnes,flrst !nsert10n,perline 0 10,. . . had been spendm g some litt le time at t he M~t'i'r ol lhi c:m:.E!JJ.l;'l'J!lP 30¥/lli Yl<J."i.S:;' C A!l:&S. 1 "don t let Mr. Arr hworth k now it ! H e fll·ch subsequent insertion, " 0 03: belongs to a sphere which would he shocked . It ts hl\,rd. to r econcile the exasp eratrng Ir anch and h &d le urned to u se a re' 0her. ' - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - '!'?rn number o! Imes to bo reckoned byl_ by su ch gross impropriety. H e would look mcidents whwh ha.ve l.ttcly t aken p lace on j We were on t he pramc w hen we s1w two !'"'~\\flee oncnpied,.measured bye. scale of "Really, Kate, you have succeeded very upon us as belongrng t o the canaille." the Frauco Geiman fro_nt1er , e.ncl :vhrch big gray s standi>1g on the t rail. Quick as G ood .News at Home. al!l/ d Nonpareil. well. Where my daughters are all so t ruly But there was i10 help for it, and Kate ~ave n o'Y culmmated Ill the shootmg. of 1 chain lightning she < h ew h er revolver from ~ -- - ---- - - - - -- '="""' accomplished I dare not draw comparison, went mto the k itchen and took command of :French c1t 1zen s upon French ter ntory, w ith her belt and fired. T he b all struck M r. E . JYfoRms, E sQ., -DEAR S m, - I havo DES, l'llcLJ.UGIU.IN' .~BEITH. but I must say to you that I consider yom t h e forces in tha t quarter. the professed d esire o± 13tsmarck to preserve Wolf in t he hoad , killing h im iDsta,ntly.. reason to speak well of your Dandelion ©FFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. education perfect." And thus speaking, "Will you ha'e some of t h is cake,, ~r. ~e~ce. To be sure the F rench commissar y She was the least bit frightened, b ut h;wked L iver an d K idney Biltew . I ha>e b een ome t imo with my Kidney 1Jr.J.W .McLAUGHLL'f. Dr. A. BEil'II. Gr&d1i Mrs.' Lanark, a h1dy of five-and·fo1ty, 11nd Archworth ?"asked Mis. L u.nark, liftmg ~cnnaebele, who had be~n arrested after be at it in the coolest way, and said In t he t rou bled for H Ucentia te of the ~oyal ate of the '.l'oronto the mother of t hree grown-up daughters, lay the silver basket of frosted sweeties. m g decoyed to . t he Ger man side of t~e m ost matt er of fact voice possible, " \ Veil , and a friend of tr me recommended t hem College of Phys10mns "No," re11lied the visitor wit h a smile. border, was t,ltunately r eleased, and t~is /th at wa.s a good shot, wasn·t it 0 ' We got to m e antl I t ned t hem m my case, and ..,,nd member of the Umvers1ty, l'hys1cu1.n. back in her easy chair and gently waved h er fan. "If yon will allow me to exermse my own tu,rdy !eparnt1011 for a flagrant breach of m· olf out hoi se~, ~krnued the ar.iim1.J , aud tuuk ~oyal. C ullege or Sur· Surgeon, &.o. Kate the youngest of the three daughters, whim you will please me. This plain bread terna.tional law m.ght ha:ve been ac<:epted t he h ide home for a trop hy. She has 1t fuuutl t h em t o work hke a ch arm ; t here\!l60ns, Edmburgh. had Ju'st risen from the pianofore, where lis a luxury such as I do not often meet as s mcere &nd adequ,ate !f rigorous p~ecau ln o.v, I presume. \Vh~t becrime of t he ~ore l hn,va m uch plcaaur e rn r ecom mend DR · .J. (), Ml'll'()IJJlLJ,. 1 she had been showing her p a.rents how much It t akes me back to my boy hood's days. I t10m had been t~ken a~amst ,\ 1epetit10n of / ot her ? Oh, I killed . hnn, but I e?Jptie.d mg the m to all per sons W~10 a r e troubled 7i1;1fl'!l'd'BER OF COI,LEGE OF PHYSICIANS she had i mproved upon her fast course. She h ave not eaten su ch sm ce I ate t he bread offences. A wo1d of command from, Bei lrn ,s everal ban els a n d riddled tho sl,m so it' 1ll "11Y way with their K idney. ti. ' l, mud Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. was mnet een years of age, and her form w"'s which my own mother made. If ever I would have been h eeded by the Gerrrnm W< ls good for nothing. I Your s t ru ly, > ,\HlilrJe and Residence, Ennisk1llen. U. of the pure female type- not robust, nor yet keep house for myself, I thmk I shall ask front1 .er officials and ~nt an end. to t hen· pro I also saw t his lacly i n a rnund up. 'What's .T. ,J. J ONES. fairy like, but after the models which the you to send me yom cook. " vocat10ns of their lireuch neigh born, but th:1t ·1 vVell, it's when all tb e h e1ders or Newt onvil'e, May 3, 1887. :D. BUllUHl SlllllPSf·N, old Greeks used to adopt when they wished :E'or the life of t hem they could not help there rn no endence t ha t any B u ch word has cowboys get together an u wo1k up t o a com""'1 ll< AR.RISTER., SOLICI'l'OR, &c. MOP'RIS to sculpture an Ariadne or a Enphrnsyne. the betrayal of emotwn. been spuken. At :ast th.e long tole.rated mou centre, fencmg in all t he wild animal~ f.'."t! 1!,tq.,(l)CK. up stairs, King Street, Bo-.vmanTouching her face-i t was certainly a goodPoor Kate, who sa.t exactly opposite the frict10n has r esulted m honncide, and~ if t he running loose witlun a cer tam 1a drns. After "'li:'. 1@, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank lookma iaoe. To call such a face pretty speaker blushed u nt il it seemecl as though fact s are c01 rectly reported, the German they are all m - perhaps 30 or 40 grays, 78 t'l!'llvste Monevs loaned at the lowest rates, would ~ound tame an d fl11.t ail her blood in h er body was rushmg into Uoverument 1,llUY expect to be called upon or 100 c oyotes- then t he fu n commences, .Jolm KcUb Galbraith, Mrs. Lanark thought I sabel and Bertha Iher face ; while I sahel ancl Bertha tiembled to try b~o of i ts Cust om I~ou~e office1s on a r iding t o the centre, firing and killiug t he as they might ha ve trembled upon t he verge c ha rge of n?md er 1 nor . is r t likely that am mo.la. T he roun d ups b ring m a ll t he '119t· A.RR'ISTE H., SOLICITOR, NOTARY VI ere both prettier than K ate, while Mr. I 1 '\il.ilo PUBLIC, &o. Ofilce-Bounsall'a Bloc,k Lanark was of a different opinion, How- of a frighttul precipice. The Judge laughed F r ench public opm10n will be sl;\tisfied .11 n- boys from all sections arnund, somewhe1e /l[!l"&;!t $treat, Bowman ville. ·'1oney to lend, ever, upon one point there was no dispute. outright less the ot!ende:a meet with condi?n pumsh- from 300 to 400, and you m1 iy b elieve there The Judge would often say: "You rtet our cook into your house, and ~tP.nt. Accord1!1g to _Precedent, uue pecun · is some lively firiug . \Yell, as I said , th is ROBERT A.RM01JR, "'Vell my little Kate looks good, any- you'd find' you'd aot a T artar, my boy," he iary compeusat1on will also be d emanded y oung lady and a friend of h ers Joine d in l\'illl?!GISTR.A.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER how," and nobocly ever d isputed hi n. said. And t hen° to turn the subject he for th~ family of the, slam man and. fo_r th~ ono of t hese round ups. 'l'he) were t he U '\i, "l;.'f Ma.rriage Licenses, Barrister and At tor· Isabel anu llertna were t e ~~lier two, added : s11rv1vmg but. s_ evereiy wounded v wt u:i. 0 · only ladies i n t he rnn, and ~·vere i n chiwge w.«yr *"~Law and Sohc1torin Chance ry.Money U napproachecl for "I remember your moth er very well, an out:age wlucn thus far seems utt e1 ly Ill- of the boy s of our mnch . No more r espect l'hu~isd on Reo.l Esto.te. Office on Ring street, twenty one and twenty-three. Ihey had /.llllQ'M:na uvllle. "r<lduated at a very fashionabie school, and Roland, and h ave eaten her bread." defensible. could be shown t o them if they hu,d been Tone and Quahty, ~ere deemed very highly accomplished; And thus t he conversation seoftened down ~tis, indeed, alleged that the suffe~ers by queens. E very cowboy felt they were espe lTILLlA.~I 1VIGlll'. C ATALO GUES FRrE!E. and, moreover, they were called b eautiful. into t he poet ry of other clays. this !ates! and gr avest a?t of aggre_ s sion-a cially in his ca.re, and t hey w ere watched Judge Lanark was the father of these Touchmg Roland's associatwns with Lan. l! rench Lt~utenant u,nd his compamon. who and ye t allowed to shoot t o their h eart's fCENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Durham. Orders loft at tho girls. He was a man of means, though r;ot ark's daughters, he seemed t o enjoy the so- were hunt ing m a ~o;~st neM LtmB'Hlle- content, and they d id shoot in great shap e. Si'A'~BSMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P.O, of large w ealth. j He had been a successr1;1l ciety of them all If he seemed more eager were d, essed aa c1vrhans, and th_i:·efore One came ou t with seven gray wolf scalps ...mt ~-eceive prompt attent10n. 28:6m lawyer, and was now on .the Bench; his to talk to one t han to another it was with were m1s~aken for poachers by the ~ ~1~tom and six coy otes, and t he other !o~r giay_and social position was of.the .highest. Govern Kate, not, p arhaps, because he found her Hu~se oilicer s v.ho fired at th~,n. lh1s 13 t eu coyotes and a polecat . T here 1s a S. C. HUNIUNG, had been among his clients, and senators more attractive, but because she kept her- plamly no excuse at all, if, as is unco11tra - bount y 0 11 wolf scalps- 25 cents for coyot es ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR ors looked to him for cou11sel and assistance. self hiddenaw!l.y from him so much. <licted, _t he nr eu ~hot d own ~ere on French and 75 cents or $1 for grays-so t he gnls the County or Durham. Sales attended The J udge had reared two sons, ~nd had Dming the brief interviews that had been s011. Nor will i t b~ ac.c~p,ed as ~ vahd did pretty w ell. \t.o on shortest notice and lowest rates. .A.ddt·ess VETERINARY S U R GEON, sent them forth to active, useful. life; but permitted him he had found her highly aC· excuse for. an ~ct of n~:mu_ci~e that its p el"'" W ho were the girls? \Vell, I wouldn't ~in.Trc:< P. O. 36·tf his dau~hters he had left to his wife. · complished, but he thotight he detected an petrators i_ma.gmed their victims t o be on the like t o give their na mes T hey are tlaugh" Of course," Mrs. L"'nark, cont mued, under-current of plain, practical, common- Geumm side of the. border.· Unfess they ters of wealthy Cleveland gentlemen, p rom4 GOOD WIFEGUARANTEED TO ary Graduat e o f O ntario Vete rinary a. every man who buys his Ucen1m from after Kate had taken a seat near her f!"ther, sense which h!l.d not appeared in the others were absol.utely. ce1·tam on .this p~mt, Ger· inent merchant s, and t hey might .obJect. H onor College, M ember of Ontario Vete1 · ~~&'NRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. "you do not play as well as your sisters, And once when he had been speaking of man funct10nanes hlJ:d no r1~ht even. ~o ar- you sec, p eople of tho ,North k now little cf inary Association , will a ttend but 1t will come to you by practi~e. I his mother he had noticed Kate's eyes grow rest, and much less fir? at, l!rench citizens, the cowboys of Kansas. T hey thmk they to all diseases of d omestic ·fta.nos Timed a.nd Repaired. B think I may say that your necessary list of moist with' svmpathetic light, while h er sis- whatev.e~ the latter might .ne suspected of. are a lot of low Jived fellows, a lways r eady accomplL~bmeuts ie full." ters only smiled iu their sweet pleasant If suspicions wer e entertamed, they could to shoot and F.calp somebody, w hereas t h ey ani mals. "Not q uite," sa~d Kate, with a nod ~nd way. He fan cied that t hrough the g,\ther- eas il.Y have b een communtcated. to F rench arc a gcn tlcmu.nly class of boys. Many of bARTIES WISHINGrnErnPIANOS a smile. "There JR one. more accomplish- ing moisture of those deep blue eyes he had officials, :who al~ne were ~uthonz~d t o en them are JU St trom cnllege. T he st udy ~C 'f'u:ned or repairea oannave thom attended ment which I o.m determmed to add to my looked down into a warm and t ender hear t for~e ant1-poachmg or. ant1-smugglmg regu. themselves ill, and go West to recuperat e ~ 1ilir fo&ving word at the DOMINION ORGAN lat10ns on Fr.en.ch territory. , for heal th . 'l'hey get it, too, fo r t hey li ve A SPECIALTY. <C'<l'tl Oll'i'ICE, Bowmanville A tlrst-clas man l!St. I longed fo'· jt many times when~ was -a heart true and icliablo. One bright morning Roland Archworth \Ve may, it ts t rue, rece1v~ from (xe!man in the s ad dle, become exper t shot s, and a.t school, and I am led to long for it at il.~llt' aeing in their emplo'" Calls and Orders by mail or tel egraph many of the places where I am forced to arose with the sun and wal ked out into Lhe so~rces a very dtfferent version of t his af- enter with a zest m t o all out door pursm ts will r eceive p rompt att ention. garden. l3y and by he came round by the fair. Thu,t was what hai;>pened m the case that one here cannot underst ,ind I 11ope l'~o Ro! Gen1lemen o.t Fash- visit. I must learn to cook." CHARGES M o DEltA TE. ~ ... "To what?" exclaimed M rs. Lu,nark. . porch , and eute1ed the kitchen and ask ed of the ~rrest ~f Comm1~sar;i: Schnaebele, to go back this foll , sec the boys, Mid go ion, not so fast. "To cook!" echoed Isabel and Bertha Ill !for a drink of milk- for he had seen the though m that rnstance, it .will be r emem· over the old stamping groun d . I only came OFF'IC E HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. concert. _ ' gardener JU&t bringing a brimming pail bere_d, t he Geiman authon ~tea were con back, as t he b oys says, to t ake a slice of .A. first-class st ock of Modicmes always "Ay ," added l'.cate. "I ~hall not con- 1from the stable. stramed to own t hat the l! r~nch a ccount , high life." on hand. ·1111.ve written th.,se few llnes, sider my womanly accomplishments comHe went in auc l saw Kate Lanark at the first .telegraphed was subst antially correct. , N . B.- Will visit Williamsbur g every 0 at home, plcte until I can, with my own hands, make moulding bo,ud, her white arms bear to the But it will be to .the outRailway Pr sses. Sa.t urdav of ea ch week . 16-ly i <U·l not gone away. a loaf of wheaten breu,d fit to set before I shouldern, kneading a suowy pile of dough. rage only by conclusi ve demoi;stratton that ~JI au m:v kind old friends may come, father." j She did not see him at first, !\nd h e h ad a the F renchmen w,ere r·n the soil ?f Ger~any Presid ~nt Cleveland always insists upon 1 IJ UPOll'.l'Al'i'l' '.l'O Al~L -I:§l.!f~.6~ ~~~~~°a,~~~f8e~i~~lymade The Judge caught Kate by the ha1~d, and moment for thought-and in that moment when fire~ at. E.ven then, i t w ill excite a paymg h1a way when h e t ravels either by hi fashi<>ns t·iat arc new; cried . the truth flashed upon lmn. Heie was the storm of m,rlignat1or; t luoughou t F rance t o lan d or. sea . He could get ,my a.mount of free Who ar~r a~~eot~~1~bl~dT ;i\'h oJa.~d~~!f:iair, or '"'iff'l:t.ere old and youuQ", dear triewds. may meet "Good!" cook I e h a d declared he would have in his hear that I·rench citizens, \.\ ho may not hap p>s·es if he p leased. Indeed suc'i "courtes1 A welcome greeung, by R. PEA.TE_ __ Isabel and B ei·tha smiled derisively. own h~nse if he could get her. Aud h e pen to b? minutely familiar with front.1er e3" are being continually pressed o!1 him by 1 Their looks implied that they corundered the could now understand the blushrng uf the demarcations, a.1e to be shot down hke those engaged m the r ailroad business but l_ 1 m i.iden and t he laughing reJomd er of the wolvt:s, it they fail to ' hear or heed t he he st eadily puts t h e offers from him as de 1 thmg ridiculous. Mrs. Lanark looked up in surp1ise and Jud e ' And he remembered now of havrn" monitory shouts of cu stoms off!cers. Nor vices of t he wicked one, H e knows thu, t · deprecation. It seemed a rdkction on !~er over~~ard Mrs L'\na.rk speaking with ~ will it b e eas:I;' to convmce unpreJu dwed or;- h owever such "courtes}es' may be disguised educational care for her daughters, member of her family about the sICkness of lookers that fireaims would be u sed so hast!· t hey a10 one and all 01 them of t he 1 1ature d Kate saw t he loo!,, and she ~pecdily add- her cock-how unfortunate it was, and so ly and ~~th s~wh deadly etrect agamsL of b ribes ini;ended t o shut m,ouths or to open ~ ed Fren ch citizens if any honest wish were felt them only m p uffe1y ,\nd !alsf) p raise. No II:!! "I d o n ot mean a loaf of such soggy stuff on. . at Bell in to u,void strainmg any further the m an who tak es rai lway p~sses can hence- C: 00 as some of our fuends make of cream of . \Vith a clea! :ense and quic} prehe~ already tense relut10n s of t he French and forth be a d isinter es ted and h onest rrotector tartar and s"'leratus-nor y et a loaf of t he sion, aided by een powers 0 ana ysis 1'~ German Governments. The toleration of of t h e public i nterest . He m ay say w hat putty stuff t hat comes t o us from t he hakcr's reason, Roland read the whole dsiory. h su ch incidents a s this Luncvillo homicide he pleases, but he h as been bought a n d L&J -but I mean a loaf of such br ead as my hacl come too far to retreat, a.n JC pus e will not tend t o peace, but w ar. bribed. A member of P arliament get s i· mother used to make when I was a little boldly on. pass either regularly or occasionally. Can " '" " _ M1 !!:' child." "Ah, good morning, Miss Lanark. Pa~he henceforth speak his mind aboub t he u- H ARN t..;i II!. N' · · · }lls. L a.na1k was mollified, but not con- don my mtrusion, but I saw. the milk p ail Old Dog Tray-An Incident. management of those railroads· Of comse Qr.,,dnate otthe Royal College cf Dental verted. come rn, and I could not renst t he tempta· E ..rly last fall a very big d og was strug· he cannot. A public man is " honored " by ~ !'lnri;reons, Ont11.r10. "Ah, Kate, times ha'e changed since I t10n. Oh_! t~e old, old days! I shall never glmg with a eauC'y httle dog fur the posses h avrng the " Direc tors' car" p u t at his d is- ~ OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFl!'CE. was young." forget theH Joys, and I trust I may n ever sion of a bone. The big dog was Germany, posal. I s he henceforth a free man 'l Of UJ GOLD J!'ILLING A SPECIALTY "For the worse," muttered t he ,Judge. outlive t hem. It was my boyhood's delight the s,rncy litt le cur was Za1Jzibar, an<l the cou rse not. A clergynnn gets a year- Aid But his wife did uot notice him. She w en t to t ake from my mother 's ha~d. th_e cup b on e was a large slice of E a.st Afu ca. \Vhile l y or a p erpetual ticket, "hat then? \ \'hy W.. ~~ t'tTll"ICIAL TEETH IKSERTED 'VITHOUT on : warm from t~c neVI m1lkrng. This 1~ the they were tuggmg av. ay at opposite ends of t hen he dons t he rallway's livery and (!l PLATES. "You ha.d better leave the making of first opportumty that has present ed. itself the bone, the little dog hangmg on for dei;r cannot help feelmg pr <-Jn<l iccd m i t s Gr~at Reductions m orice on all Dental bread t o the help m the kit chen. If ever f?r long, long years. I could,~otlet it slip. lrfo thonllh the big fellow was yaukwg rum favor. H e may t h i?k that he is still rnd e'W urk. VHulized air, constantly in uae pro. t you 'lou will pardon me. I kuow. . all OYer the piemiscs, England s tepped in pendent a ? d t hat 1f necessar y he would ' Viii be round JD\ ..hrnb' e fu1 t he hair anrl scalp. '<lucmg PAinlcos Operations. Particular atten you have a home of you1 own I tru& clevnse"! the scalp ot »ll JJa ndruff, mvigor <ti.on pa1u to ·he regulation o~ Children's Teet ~ will have enough else to occupy your time A t first hate had beeu etartl~d terribly, J h ke good Old Dog Trny to act the mutual speak out Ill condemnat1on He. thm k 8. so, It atos tho growt h o f tht1 hau·. and 111 ca ses M ,_..ALL WORK WARRANTED ·..._, without domg the work of your servants." but when she met the supplicant s warm and friend calm all rufiled foelmgs and give t o but would he? He may n ot p1a1se agam st oaldnesn, whPre ther+i 1ire tho sl1glite ·t signs ot "If ever I have a home of my own," sb.td ra diant look and the music of the qld home each dog Ins proper share of the bone. A his conscience, but his conscience and Juclg- roots left i t will produce good crops of ha tr I o i eotores giey h air 1o its ongmal color, and i'fkanch office, Dr. Ruthcrford'a Orono, Kate with mild decision, "I am determined love fell upo~ h er ear, and when she saw as month later it was announced that a friend- ment are alike debaucberl and he ca nnot 18 an execUen t tllf'H~lng that I will be able to supenntend every part by instinct that t he whole scenP. was pleas- ly a areement had been r eached Zanzibar see or understand H e has r eceived h is DO NO r DEJ, A. Y, 1f your hair is m a weak of it. Mv se1 vant shall not he my mistress. ant to him , she felt her he~rt bou nd with surre°ndering i ts claim to the la; pc i nland gift an ;l as in former d ,iys with others he, oor1d1t10n get a bott le at once. F or s ~le by J, H WG l'.'l"BOl'IIAl\1 & SOX. No servant employed m my household shall gleeful assurance a.nd touchmg tile flakes of regrnns where Germany had p lanted a dozen tinds lus eyes bl rncled. and s.ll <Jruggists, As k tor it , be ahle to ' look dow11' upon m e. I shall dough from her arms, she went a1~d fille~ a stations. Oa the other hand, the Germans A. DORENWEND, S ole Manfr. not be the slave or the victim of my cook." bowl with new milk and brnug ht it to him. r ecocrmzed the S ulta n of Zanz1b~r·s sover British Wheat Crops. TOIWN TO. CANADA. "Good," ciied the Judge again. "Go at " I trust," she said with a beammg smi h', ciguty over a coast ijtr ip ten m iles wido and it Kate, and I will furmsh the mateual "that t he d u st of toil upon my hands will several hundied mile~ long, ._,ermany h1 .vrng · .t h (;on JY satis. · f ac.t ory gra~n · e! op. of A. Doren,.end iRt beIla. loadmg manufacturer W h eat IS Hair Goods 10 Cana \Vaste a doz en barrels of flour if necessary- not r~nder the offermg; less acceptable." access to her possessions only t lu ough t he only bring me it grai~d good loa~ of your own No matter what Roland said. He said ports of Darles Salaam and P angMu, fur t h e making and bakrng m the end. some thing and t hen dmnk the milk. He use of which she was t o make a :y eady pay- beans and peas are oDly about half cr<'ps. 1 Mrs Lu.nark still thought it foolish; and evidently ionged to linger in the kitchen, ment to the ruler of Zanz1ba.r. The area of the wheat crop is a bout ~.387, ' Isabel and Bertha characterised it as very but propriety for\?ade, and with mol'0 of his The latest news from z~uzibar is decided· 160 acres. Takmg the yrnld to averai:{e 30 WifH ) u""T ,,..TII ch1ld1sh and wh1ms1cal. 'l'hey fan cied that real feelmCYs in h is looks than in his speed, ly funn y , but the ljermims won't be ab le to bushel8 an a cre, t he groso pr oduce w ill be Hin comrr:enced at the it smacked of the nursery;a.nd t he play room. h e retir ed."' seo the joke, as they ate the victims of it about 9,000,000 qrs. Deduct mg a. million Ifot Kate was m eaJ'11est, and as her A few days thereafter the young banker The Sultan of Zanzibar, the cable t ell s us, quarters for seed and feed for llve stock, father backed he1 up, she car!led the day souoh t the Judge in his stud~ , and said, a.a has ceded his entii e coast reg1011 to the Eng about 8,000,000 qre. for human consumption. PR.4.CTIC.i.L DENTIST, and gain ea the freedom of the k itchen, 'AJ1ei A he took a seir.t, that he had come on impor hsh. Old D vg Tray who figured m such a As to what the consum ption is, t he figures ~VEii TWEN~Y YEARS EXPERIENCE. the serva.nts won came to loYe and 1espec t tant busmess benevolent role last fall, !ms appropriated the relating t o the production and impor ts dur"'1.&'oa10ll:ldeGa11A.drutnhtercdfol' Palnle11 her. "I have come," he went on, "to ask of best part of the bone for himself. Englanrl ing the last tnr ee yeai~, ar e as follows : OpcratlonK. The following wmter I sabel and Tiei t ha you that I may seek to gain tho hand of your takes the wat· r front, and Germany cannot Bushels. "el!'FICJE lllCfJLITNG'S BLOCH., spent in the mty. Kate rem,11necl at home, daughter." reach her hard-won ter ritory wi thout trllvelbecauee h sr mother could not well sp 1J.Ie "My dear boy ," said he, "between you ling through British p ossessions. them all. and me there need be no bea tmg about the Dlliing their visit to the grnat metropolis bush. I tell you frank ly, I should be both A Royal Jubilee Gift. · the ~elde1 sisters 1nade n1any friends and proud an d happy to welcome you as rny son. formed very pleasant associations. Among \Vhich of the two is it"" ' Queen Victoria's children and granchil o thers they met with Jtoland Arch worth, a "Of the two? " repeated Roland curi· dren united in making a Jnb1lce gift to her Tntal for 3 ~ eau r97 221 ~ g7 Are now in an d a re well a·sorted. We youug b ankc1, whose f, the1 had been Judge l I t is a plateau, silver gilt, "ith the n am ~s Average for Ollti yea.1 11)9,t 7 J ,Stl:) l'..anark's classmate and chum m college. in ous Y· hM e them from the Cheapest to and heraldic bearings of t hose p resenting 1 t their letters home they informed t heir "Aye. I s it Isabel or Bertha ?' T he mean p opu la t ion fo1 t he three ) eaia l 1 There won t his an old fashioned bu , a good 1a 36,57(),984 so the coDRnmpt1ou comes the v ery Fmest Grade. " NeiLhe1, sir It is Kate I want." Lro pre'.p ared to pay the highest !>nee father of the fact, and the Judge remember . style of ornamentation, p rod1iced by t he in out a t 5.44 bushels ahead. J!'cn t he cut r ent iog the elclei Archworth with treasured lo'e "Kate !" cdecl the ol d man in bla.uk as ·er tion of coins-those belongiug to t he all kinda of Gram d elivered a.t the and esree m, and know mg 1he son to he t he ton ishment. But quick ly a glad h ght danced Queen's r eign-not the new on es, but the cereal ye«r t he mean p opulat wn w ill be uellrly :J'l,000,000, and .. t the r ..re of con i occupa.ut of an exalted p o·1tion in .oc1ety, in his eyes. Wharf or their Store House in town 1nv1ted the yonng man w v1s1t him ,,t ]us "Yes, .Judge. YoLtr Kate is the woman old ones, mcludmg the Indian r upee, whicb ·umu t1'm named above t hey sh,tll req uir e 1 is a v er y beau tiful coin, bearing the Queen's con ntr y home. I VI ant for my wife, if I can win her. " 25 850 000 qrs .. so that H11t arn ·halt need I 'l!'fae Pall Mall Gazette says that " marAnd t hus 1t haJ:lp o N1 that when t he snm "Bnt-my dear boy- how did you man. likeness u pon it. There ia a lion an d a u m t :> i mpor t nea.rly JS, 000,000, qrs. to u.dcl t o , on each side of the vase lik e cent re. coin her home p rod uce. r fa.i(e IB no longer an Entire1yon< - H d et:l b ar- mer ca,ne R o lanc - the 1 A r ell V< or th cu me up to age to find my p earl- my ruby among TT Or v.e will make vou a 811 ,i;(or Overc a t .!!ain. It 1s te11drng toward t h e on1y true t I1e I~[!,n~r trn· p leas1111r. h.ome ne was It household Jewels I vVh t·re and when h f have h There can be no won der t 11at the Itepub ~ ~deal of lifelong compamonahip a par tne1· young n ian c f fi ve and twen t y, an d was, .t o you chsoovered the pr iceless wort o t at T ne common pr ,,ct1ce of iarnmg faint ing , that will exc~l any othe r H ouse licans of France should not choose to h a.ve persoua to a n npngh t p os1tio111s ottPn suffi ! :.ship on equal t enns, with ec1ual give and - use tl.e expres~10n of one w I10 k new h im sweet child ?" J d 1 the Oileanist p d nces among them. These cien t t o destroy t he spa1k of life which re· ! i u T ow n , So co.ll upon " I discover ed it in the k itchen, u ge. t a k e on buth ndes. ' Vomen no 1011ge1 feel well, "<:ve1 y m ch a. man " IIe h a d m h et 'bouud to render that impltc1t obedience 1ted a fortnnP from his father, and he was I first fell truly and irrevocably 111 love with men are u,vowed plot ters for the ovc, t hrow mams. I t ts mor e reasonab:e an d sound to I of the present order of th ings, and a n ation ' ' Jus · f a t iier her when I found her w it h h er white arms which waa consider.id de rigcu1 in our now a p m tne1· in t Jle l1ouse wmcn _ ke ep su ch p er sons tn the prone p os it ion : ' 'Tlier e "as no spccu ta t Jon m · bare, making ltttlc !'.>.ate h as n o righ t to allow Hself to be murclered while restorat ives and local mean s are adopt - J - bread. I t is vour , · -0reat-grandmothers' days, and men no Jlac1 f onn d ed. if it c~n prevent it . ed to enrkble t hem if possible to r egam con· k,Pge1 uuivenall) dmiand it. " Thanks to the business \vhich he followed, with a bank- I want. ' i.~1e woman's ngl:i,ts moHment ! '·m g cap1!:al fully e1u ,tl to the greatest p oss:1:1ciousncss. F OR Y OUR CLOTHI.NG . f!e.e=!!!~~'!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~!'!!!~~~~~~~··~~-~ ~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, !!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!!!~::::~?T~:=:~~~..m~m~bt&~Y~LBEI~~~-~-~Ed!!!~l!Miiil~lf!i~m..!!!l!!!!:::::z:a::~~~zua:a~~ .............. ~~~~&~LLLl!~ii!,~ILS!!!·!i Ible emergency, and its wealth w;:onstant- Ca.st Away. an~ I I I I j " I 1 I I I 1l M " og IHOW I I I ' SHE WON HIM I . I I L BELL &CO. Guelph, Ont. L F. A. JONES, ENNISKILLEN, I I I Operations & Dentistry "'!rfu,~~~~ ~::ri~J U::~uu poss1b~e ~xtenuate D E N T I ST R Y ' I J) ' 0 DQRENWEND' s Z f d I c:: :c > .. C!J L D S 1-- I D E'NT IS TRYm I ¥h:1;;:t~~.~;J~~ef,.;Yb~r~~ i~,~::1~g~'.st~1~~f~ F -ALL- BUS INE ss (. M. BRIM AC 0 MBE, Eclipso Hausa GR.A.IN Our Fall Clot hs, Furnishings, Hats an d Caps J"no. McMurtry & Co. Reao1 Made Suifsfrom $1.50 up Overcoats from $2 up, 0 w H . IVES Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

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