Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1887, p. 2

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/ifl"* . tt\ftlx· 'l.t'tt ~t""tte!ttt'\fU~ ·----~·-HORRIBLE PLACE. ~'"""' '*)jilj ~~ =· I..... ~nu\- ~nwnmMJ... ~-111111111181BlWAmllllllm:'......., · · The autocrat of all the 'Russia,s is .. mur· A. Man Dtcs' In fllC Well Crom Whlch he bad The'l'errG rsofthclivc···(lnaltlug Ol·eflnolccc ed in a palatial prison house. No · nvict Rescu ctl u Comra,lc. Swami·. within his domains from the R ussia11 fronWEDNESDAY, OCT. 26, 1887. We were in t he heart of Okefinokee tier to Behring Sea: is guarded so !ilrictly Abraham C. Hartley lost his life the oth- · 1 d l l h t l , "She, tlie lord of "ll. The Londoii New.o er day near S wamp. \ " ·v e ia r eao 1ec t c spot a as.. ~ l ' · atf his form I A Joliet 11 while ' · saving k In th A middle of a lake whose black waters describes his prison in a recent arLicle of the tie 0 snot lel·. w e wa,s "emg sun · were rippling in a curious fashion was an singular interest. His house, says the N ews, on his place, and, coming to a bed of r ock ·8 ·· lii's c··stle 1 · lanc1 o f per haps t wo h un d red a.cres, cover- 1 ·11 a ,,e 1-..,. p"cu li'"r sens<'· He Ir at the feet, Charles is ~ J · ~ hl depfth of h' twenty-five · h d · t' ed with scrubby bushes. All over the has quite ab11.ndcmed the '\\'iuter palc tce, be· ~.ae crt 0 t is city, w 0 was orng ne island t hin columns of brown smoke could cause the Wiater pnlace opens on the pub- digging, fired a bla,st of dynamite iu t he lie street. The Anitchkoi' palace ou the well to break the r Gc'k. A few mo ments be seen slowly rising. "I don't understand what keeps the Neffsky, wher e he sometimes vent ures to aft er tho discha,rge Kaehlert descended t he water disturbed, " saicl one of the men: atay for a few h ours during his v isit>: to St. well i>nd called out that he could hear water "there is no breeze." P etei·sburg, is at lee.st surrounded by walls. bubblibg, but almost immediat ely he began "Hit am de debbil's own pot," said black But Gatschina, alone some seven milou from groaning and calling for help. Mr. H artley Sam, looking wild-eyed ancl nervous. the capital, is supposed to rcalizo every at once lowered himself, and found Kaeh:DIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. ' Ve quieted Sam, and put him to work condition of safety, and there the unlrnppy lertineensible. HD.rtleytied a r opc arouudthe with the others constructing a rude raft out sovereign is interred. ma n's body, aud he 'll:as drawn to the sur- ' "~agtorfaiSSO'!t'ci! atfapted to cltildrec.tb.at el!ISt3r!a ettrcs Collo, C<lt1Stl1'0.tlon, Gatschina is o. kind of fortified oiiais of face by some of the neighbors present. [rccomme:iditnssuperiorto anyprescrintion Sour Stomach, D!arrhrna, Eructation, Active :fluctations in the Market, of the dead trees which were lying ar ound R · · ~-u-r. .,_., D Kills Worms, givea ·sleep, and promof«J df· in abundance. In o. short time the t·aft verdure in t he midst of a bare plain, i1nd it The r ope waa t hen lowered to H artley , but l;nown to m e: · .. .ai,. ~ "· JU,., ·., gestion offer opportunities to specu lanl So. Oxlord SS., Il:wJU)'U, N. Y. Withaut injurious medicMion. was ready, and we paddled ourselves to contains a first, a second and even a th ird when co.lied he made no reply. No one the island. line of defence. The visitor, from wha t- dared ventnre int o t he well, but a.fter contors to make money in Tae CE~TAUn Co~rP.A.NY, ';"7 Murray Street, N'. Y. " It shakes, " exclaimed Dupont, who evtlr point of the compas· he may come, bo:is siderable labor , a noose a~ the end of t he Grain, Provisions, was the first to land. first to pass a yeritable army occnpying r ope was secured around hrs b ody, ,and he Stocks, Bonds & Sa.m was tile nex t one on shore, but he e\'ery avenue of approach for miles. l 'he wa,~ dr,awn to ~he .s~lrface dead. h aehler t Petroleum. at once stepped back on the raft. next defence consists of a small forest , form· 1 rel'rveu, and wrll ltve. "De Lawd hab mussy !" he said, "I ing the outer circle of the grounds, enclosed FOR SALE BY J. HIGGI NBO THAM & so~. BOWMAN VILLK Prompt attention given to orders. kain't stan' dat. " at vast expense, au.cl so closely gnard<Jd t hat . a squirrel coulcl hardly pass its walls, pali· An Attractive Volcano. W e all followed Dupont and found that ::Office over Murdoch's Store. the island was trembling quite perceptibly. ~a.des or ditches without obaervi\t ion. A correspondent cf the Sa n Francisco "Perhapsit is a floating island, " sugges ted Within this lies the walled par k, aud with- Alta GaZ.,j ornia writes : Your Central AmerEntr ance by Teleph ona Staircase. one of my comp anions. · in this again the pala.ce itself, with towers ican correspondent was r ecent ly ' at Izalco, 11-tf. "It is nothiug of the kind, "I r emarked. at the four corners, which forms t he keep of I t he most active anu most attra.cti.ve of the "I have heard of it before, bnt we are the entire E<fronghold. No one is permitted volcanoes of Central America. It never doubtless the first white men who have to enter the park without a p errnis d6 cir- harms anybody. Thare is a church at its lauded here in forty years. " cufotion, and the paper is verified, anrl re- base, i ts but tr essed walls quit e eighteen "\Vhat do yotl know about it ?" askeu issued in a new p ittern to each hnlder every feet t hick. I t has stood th o r ockings and VETERINARY SURGEON. Dupont quick ly. eight days. Every occupant of the palace, rncket of daily quakes throug h 180 year s. from fae minister of st at e to the me<inest Three ~reat bells, each weighing 1,000 "Simply this. When Sir Charl es Lyell, groom, has to carry a passporb of this k ind. pounds, and constituted quite one-half of the famous British geologist, vis!'ted this All the apar tments within t he building, silver, are suspended in the church yard. country, he explored the swamp and exam- except those occupi£d by the imperfal '.I'hey are often tolled by Izalco when the ined this very spot. He found it shaking family, have to be kept unlocked d~.y aud jolly mountain is in a rollicking good hu mor, all the time, with fissures in the earth night, and the p olice h ave the r igh t of en· or perhaps when it is " colicky. " I ts ex. constantly opening and closing, with the tering any room at a moment's notice, wit h· plosions occur at inter vals of from t hree t o :E~ T :::L ~ .~ · same peculiar smoke rising from them. He out warning a ml wit hout excuse. The five and fi fteen minutes. Now and t hen the When buying Coa l Oil a s k your deaie r .for t he New Oils, came to the conclusion that the crust of the sen t r ies r ound the park wall are posted grea~ vent for explosive force s within are earth wus thinner right here than in any within sight and sound of each other , and hermetically se11.lcd for fh·e or six hours, and locality of the globe. The volcanic action arc relieved every hour, for fear t heir vig· even longer. Then the country has ague be . near the surface causes the smoke and al so ilance should flag with the length of t heir fits and San Salvador is shaky, and the pre~ -· the continual bubbling of t he hke. This watch. Gatschina is on a railway line, but scribed 12ath of ear thquakes, which is about Try it once, and you will use no other. m11.y have been going on for centuries. Yon no traveller is allowed to alight at the sta.. twenty -tive miles wide, is "rattled." This, know that tho Indian word Okefinokec tion, or to leave it , without a special pass. too , is the. width of the coal beds alo.!lg this JJlct;OLL BROS. & ·tJO'Y, Toronto. means trembling earth. " 'r he emperor himself is under police super- route of e£ Lrthq_uakes. Beneath the coal is " W ell, I can't say that I care to camp vision, but this has to be managed so as not the river of oil that is on fire at lz11,lco. (ks.eluate of the Ontario V eterl!1ary Co!lege, here," said Dupont "but as we are here to aggravate the nervous irritability which There con!, oil, nnd a stream of water meet. is the torment of his life. The police are E ach explosion of the mountain emits two Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary we might as well explore a li ttle." Medical Association. Thia was the general opinion, and Sam expected to see without being seen, and the columns, one of black smoke from the 'burnp:-Oftlce and Residence, N ewtenville, Ont. wn.s persuaded t o leave his quarters on the Czar is sometimes so fortunat e as to get an ing oil, the other of white steam from Rio Will visit Orono every Tuesday and!Saturday raft and trust himself to the unbtable land. hour's fishing or boating in his own grounds Ualientc, which runs out from beneat h the "I h ave found a geyser," reported one without being obliged t o remember that he mountain and crosses the railway five miles ()Jnce honrs from 10 a. m., to 4 p . m., at ,Coulters' Hotel. Calls by 'r«;ilegraph receive of our explorers, who had been rambling haa never been tor one moment alone. The from t he Y olcano. T he water ia so hot that · immediu te attention. about on his own hook. empress never leaves the house, or at any i t pceled the hair of my mule's leg that CHARGES MODERA.'fE. Guided by him we went to a little spring rate she never ent ers the grounds for exer- crossed it a few d a.ys ago. \ Vhen an exploof boiling water that was gushing fort h cise or pleasure. She t akes the air in an sion occurs in Jzalco, not only do these t wo near the centre of the island. With t he open gallery, and she has stored there columns of steam and of smoke rise up w ater came jets of steam, sand and blue everthing likely t o amuse the emperor, in among the clouds, but great stones and ashes mud. At this place the shaking was so th.e h ope of keeping him always by her side. 1 m1l scorire and vast volumns of lava are emitviolent that it made us sta17ger, and w e I tcd. T he great e1 portion of ~11 t his measure· could heti.r under our feet a muffled roar or less volumn of earthly m ineral substances rumble. falls back in to the cra,ter, closing it aud r est"Marne R oss," gasped Sam, "I mus' git Australian Rabbit Plague. ing ou it as a mighty vah 'e. Great masses out'er heah." Several of the worst pests of ourfields,in t he earth and stone fall in from the int.erior of He made a run toward the raft, w hen a way of weeds, were introduced here from t he mountian side, and t hen t he valve is small fissure in the earth about a foot wide Europe as ornamental or usefu l plants. ]from heavier and deeper and broader t han usual, yawned in front of him. The poor fellow a similarillnorance, or thoughtlessness, the and then the -oil must bum longer, and dropped on the ground in speechless terror. rabbit was introduced into Australia as a greater-and more resistless volumns of gaa ' Ve helped him up and tried t o reassure him, pet, or possibly a.a a. harmless creature of must be produced. The flames r age, the but it was no use. As soon as he was calm the chase, and he ho.a already proved him- waters boil, gas :;ind st eam and smoke exenough to walk he made a break for the raft. self more than o. match for dogs and men. pl ode at last, an;i the country along the " Sam is the only sensible fellow in the The London 'l'elegraph t ells us that one ear thquake's or coal measure's rou te is rud eVETERINARY SURGEON, party," s11.id Dupon L. "There fa danger ot tract of scrub, or bush, half as large as ly shaken, and the thunders of t he universe breaking a Jeg in one of these fissuree, and Scotland, is already so overrun wit h rah- are h eard roaring through the vast distances I don't aee why a man coultl nc~ he swallow- bits that it is abandoned by t he settlers. in measur eless caverns beneath I za.lco. ed up." The soil of the scrub-a mixture of sand We have now comple ted a rrangements for a. big sale of popular g oodl:l I laughed at t his. Sir Charles Lyell had and dust- is admirably suited to tho rwbbit at p r i ces which mus t t a k e the eye of eve ry economical buye r. We keep spoken of the island as a remarkable curi· for burrowing in. '.l'he lack of r o.in he Locomotivts for High Speed. the b es t q u a l ities, s t y l es, and a ssor t m e nt in osity, but ho.d not predicted any serious d~es n?t. mind in the ~east . or if l~e does j A contemporary ~ays : " It is within 1 18 outbreak of the forces of nature. mmd, it to t~ko delight m the rou_ght. the r ecollection of the young men of this Q : ~f I day that the horse which t r ott ed a mile in " See that I" continued Dupont. As compared with th-a wet, .cl~yey 8011 · ' I looked. The fissure which had frigh~en· E ngla!ld, the dust of Australia 18 "'rabbits 2:40 was one of the fast ones, and w hen for ladies', gents' and child r ens' wear; also in T r unks and Valise s . ed Slil.m ha.d closed up compl etely, I drew paradise. . . . talk of a steam locomotive making a mile n. b · · "} 11 a long breath. In the mid~t ofauch 1henoNa~ure prachs~s a cur~ous economy m minute was received wit h expressions of C 1 )me and see our e l eg ant s tock -C ash bou g tit, l ow p ri ces Wl l se i t . menon 1\ mau feels small. Before I could allowmg.the : abbit to thriYe. In the.first incredulity. To -day t he limit for a locomo- Our s pecialty is to ple ase o u r customers , our a im to save money fo r our · say anything there was a d eafening roar, place t~is ammal eat~ t he scanty heibage tive is little more than half that expressed patrons, o ur inten t i on t o d o b e tter for y ou t han a n yon e e l se. Goods a. tl10uaand cracks opened in the earth, and upon which tl~e settlers she~p were pa.stured. in the phrase, 'a mile a minute.' Jijugincer the smoke coming- out of tho g round was so Then ~he w 1ldfi dogs, which ~ere . nearly ,John Ro;ian, OP the Philadelphia & R eading canno t be boug h t c h eaper-none are a llowed to undersell u s . thick t hat wewere almoststified. Undoubt· extermmated, md the fa~ rabb~ts excel~ent R ailroad eng ine N o. 134, h as driven i t at :Hono.rary Graduate of the Ontario eterinai Y edly, it was a genuine shock of earthquake- food, so that the ~ogs m turn multiply t he a.stonfohing speed of a mile in thirty28. .COiiege, Toronto. Registered member of the something 11.ltogether different from the light and g row strong. Thus the dogs become eigh t seconds. Other engineers, with OD'te.Tio Veterinary Association, in accordance tremors previously felt. ei;nboldened a nd attack the poorly fed sheep. Readiug cngineaNos. 296, 4ll, 96, 97, 98 and -with the V eterina.ry Aot, Is prepared to treat a ll disee.ees of the Oom· "vVe must run for it, " I shouted. '.Ihe countr~ has therefore to be abandoned 99, have made miles in forty.three and eetic Animals, according to the lateet tbeori.e s.' Just then another shock came and threw to the rabbits and dogs. · . forty .four seconds. Hogan's speed is a t t he VV All callA personally, by Telegraph or Tele us heavily to the g round. We rose in a . Ferrets an~! wea.sel.s have been impor~ed r ate of over ninety.four m iles per hour ; 11hone will receive prompt attention. ..-OFFICE- Main S t., Orono, one door nortblot da,zed condition, and saw within a few feet mto A ustrah a to pt ~y upon ~he r~bbrts, those of t he oth ers are respect ively eigh ty · W:. Henry's i:>toro. of us a yawning chasm fully three feet wide but, · .rangcly unu.o ,o?nt~ble it m Y .~e three and a halt and, almost eig hty.two and a hvndred feet long. It emitted a volume ~hese na,tura;l enemies m Europe fra~elnize miles per hoar. These high r at es of speed CHARGES MODERATE; <if steam, and wi /.11 inconceivable rapidity m .the colom es. Thousands of 1 rna e s of were made under circumstances all of which - - -MANU F AC1' UREH UF-- closed up with another jar that nearly pois~ned oats have been sown w~ere the wer e favorabl e t o a s uccessful test . toppled us over again. rabbits '1.'.ould ~at . them, but the mcr~~se "'.l'hese a re extr eme limit s of high speed We started.on a run for the raft. of the amm~ls ias not been stopped. ~ he for short distances, but locomot ive builders KIN G ST REET. BOWM ANVIL !.. " Where is Dupont ?" · only P1:'ote?t1on to th.e .fields of wheat ag~m~t are emulous L o increase the speed of their t he mmch;evou~ VlSlt.s of _t h ~ rabbit 18 machines so t hiit an a verage speed of eighty Has now on ha nd a number ot vehieleo (a nd is man ufuot uring a groat many more) ot t h e> ne The W e all ask ed this question at once. to fence with wire-n ettmg. Besides a fen~e miles per hour shall r eplace t ne d d -time patterns u.nd best finish, whic h I am otferin g. tor ea.lo v.t the low""' pricus conststen ' r aft was in sight, but Sam was t he only such as .the creature cau no~ hop over , a st rip limit of six ty. with c lue regard to workmanship e.nd quality. 't h e f ollow!.ng 1~ .. lis t ot the principal vehicles manufa ctured by me occupavt. We faced about, but could see of nettmg has to be_ laid fiat upon ~he "A novel ty in the line of engine-building nothing of the missing man. H ad he in his ground. to prevent h im from burrowmg is just now attracting the a tten tion of I>ouhle Cover ed Ca rriages .... ...... ... ...... ...... ................. ... . .. . .... $150 U pward1 11 terror taken the wrong direction ? It would l!ln d er rt. . . . engineer s anO. builders. It is a locomotive S ingle P b.retons . .. . .. ............. .... ... ... ................ . .. ..... ......... ... l~O not do to leave him, and there was nothing At. the. same t ime. that. the rabb:ts are designed by M. E strade, a graduat e of 11 Open B uggy........ ......... ... .... .. .... ... ....... .... . ... .. ... ..... . .. ··· ···· ·10 to do but ret race our steps. m~lt1p!ymg so .rapi~ly ID Australla., the L'Ecole Poly t echnique, which is to be '\Ve yelled ou t his nam e, and traversed P.n ce is a.dvancmg Ill all t!1e markets of experimented with on the sou ttlern lines of every foot of t he isla nd. 'l'her e was not a .Europe. A ma:ket value w:ll pr ove more F rance. The locomotive d epends on its Lumber W ag ons... ......... . ............. ............... ............. . .......... 55 " trace of our friend. \ Ve looked at each fatal to the ammal than.poison ed oats or lari;:e-sized driving-wheels for its speed of WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Light Wagon........... ..... ..................................................... 40 " ot her with t error -stricken faces. The same ~easels or a b01;1nty on his .eaTs. Once ~et sevent-y-eight miles per hour, which it is '131UOlJSNESS, DIZZINESS, 11 E xpr ess Wa gon ....... ... ... . . . . .. .. ... .... .. . .. . ......... ... ...... . . : ........... 75 thought w as uppermost in the minds of all. it bec.ome possible to furmah the rabbit! ex pected t o attain. '.l'he engine, tender DYSPEPSIA DROPSY Skeleton ........................_... ...... ........ ..... .......... . .... . ·.. .. . . .. ·· · 50 u Had Dupont been swallowed up in the ~reah 1~ the markets of Loi;idon! and wha" and coaches are fit ted with wheels eight and iNOIGESTION1 FLUTIERING yawning c.:h,.sm? It looked very much likeit . is now the pest of Australrr1 will prove a a -half feet in diametei-. The engine is of S u lky . ........ .. ................ .. .... ............ . ............. . ............. .. . ... 40 11 JAUNDICE1 OF THE HEART, Again we resumed our search, but without source of revenue to the settlers. t he outside·cylinder t ype, with slide·vu.lve Possessing superior taclllties tor manufacturing carriages, I intend to eel! ver y chea p f or Cl'\ 'ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF a uy b etter success than before. Then we on top of cylinder a.ndall t he gear ing carr ied or approved credit, a nd by so doing I hope to greatly. increase m~ number o! sales, Wonl4 SALT RHEUM, THE S TOMAC H1 gloomily made our way to t he raft and sell the wood vart s only, or t he gearml(b of buggies Ironed, O!lt side, Tho average speed which the :HEARTBURN DRYNESS padd led to the other shore. I suggest ed A Group ofAshantees in Paris. locomotive is expect ed to make is between iHEADACHE.' OF THE SKIN, that Dupont h ad rushed off when the shock sevent y. t wo and seven ty.eight miles per ~ Th er e are.at present in t~c zoological gar· h our with a train of loaded coaches. And every species o:l disease a.:risby; came, and, blinded by the smoke, he had At the Short est Notice, P a in ted and Trim m e d if D esired. dens at Paris twen~y genume Asha.ntecs" Of course, if t he F rench engine averages .Jrc;m diso:rde:red L IVER, K IDNEY.:s, perhaps fallen i nto the lake. STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. " No, Marse Ross," said Sam, gloomily. twelve males and eig ht females. They are t lie speed expected, she will be able t o A.\ the Factory l (!.!so do Planing, M atch ing, T urning and Sawing wit h Olr ole, B&nd · Sc.r se.wa and vrepare all kinds of lumber for carpenter s nd other s tor building purposes, ill Ji'rop1·ietors, " He's done swallowed up in be bowels ob de neg;oes of t.he black~st dye, well k nown for make ' spurts ' exceed ing anythin g on l · J!U ·1 TORON!!JO. Ornamental and Plain Pioketa t or re.not1s in every style reQuired . made to order. yainh. Hit's done happened befo'. I'se t hei; ferocity, courage . an.d valour. The record.,, heered many a. time d at lnjuns and hunter s h abitat of t he Ashan~ees is m t he western wuz lost h eah in 'ust dat wa . I ust er !au h part of Central . Africa·. ~hey are among . at 'em as fairy ~ales, but members d!m the most beautiful varieties of .the negro Wanted St at i onery. now and k nows dom fur de troof." r~c:; comparable to the Caucasum. Abya- 1 Queer Party- " Got any bar ometer ?" em1ana. E ver y t hree weeks, durmg the "' 1 " N 0 I th ' 18 · b 0 0 k to · A hurried search around t he l ake · · · of Ad 01 · a.nd t Iiose of J am m · Sep- Dou't .,a esmima IS · S re. . com· f estlv1t1es keep 'em " To buy Foot Ge11.r for Men, Women, pelled us to accept Sam's explanat10n, a nd t ember t he people commit wholesale butb I t ' · t h th we took u our line of march withou t a ' . . " ~:i-cuse me 1 ut no ice lD e w ea er ·1 p h d ttl chery ofhumanbemgs. ~fter the d ea thof t he r eports t lrnt t hey ar e sometimos s t!l.tionery." Boys and Maidens, a t h a l t unti we reac e fo e sc ements. late queen mother t he kmg had 3,000 meu W e had a ~ew . trouble to face. People killed to satisfy the g roa.ning s of h is mother 's - -. woul~ no~ believe ~ur story. At first ~hey j spirit. During t hese butcheries t he Ash- Nothing can be w orse .for th~ q ua!rty of a wer e mchned to tlunk that w e had killed i an tee warriors dra,nk the blood of t lie v ie- man'G labour t han for hun t o i magm e t ha.t j .P urify the Bloo d , c o rrec t all Dis orde r s of the Dup~mt, but that t heory wa~soon abandoned, j tims war m as it iesued from the wounds, be- t he spher e in which he work s is .a Ju"'. or an ai;id it w'.'s held t hat ou r fnend had drowned · liev ing that it will render t hem strong and unimprovable oi;ie. Once let tlu s not10n be I V "" ID> ..., "3'1~~ ru111 !Bl "'mo ir.r i.r t11~1'S' ·.a;" '\\7!'-" A.NU D OWJEJ,.S. hrmselfmth e lake. lbrave. fastened upon !u m, and he cannot help reL M:. - ., ~ .a'ii. l 7.1 1u <o1.v il'lil!, Jtlh.JIJl " W Jil ·~ Ui:der the cir;-umsta.nces. t h e:o was - - _ garding his occupa~ion ~ith so~ne degree of They i nvigorate a nd r esto re to hes.1t h D e bilitat e d Co11sti t u tions, an d nothmg to. be g am ed by chscussmg the contempt , and feelm~ h111.self m a me~sure . i i 11 Oom plaln t.a l nddeu tal t o Ji'emales of all Age e. F' o· t matter wLth strangers. W e left t he A Mean Trick. derlraded by it. One of two result s will a la re nv ..rna o1 .. e n ~ · . . ! simple coun tr y people sticking to t heir b elief . " . . wa y s follow- -eit her he w ill leave it and Ohtldren 11,nd the agecl t hey nre prlcnlesa, I t hat Dupont was under t he lake some whe.re, Fmm d- " v:1:?ll, Ehza, h ow do y ou hke str ain a.ft or somet hin g else for which he may! ,.[1 C) ~1: I but w e k new as well as we knew any thmg , your . husban d 1· be less fi tted · or, r emainbg in i t, he will · ...; . · · ,, r. en ' t hat he had fa.l len h~adlong ~nto th~ very ~!Jz1-" n;e is. \V.111 9·1~· h 5 h d ?" give to it h a.if his powers, and perfo: m it ! I s a n i nfalli ble remed y for Bad L e g s, Bad B r eas ts, Old wound s .· Sore ! ll!;. l'i DVlll · ?entre of the fo?al fires ragm g so fier cely "Ayl mk en arc i ut ~,at /d e on\eV. ll, only lmlf as well as he is cap able of d omg. s.nd U lcer3 · It fo famoua for Gout im d R heu matism , F o r d iaor dera of t h o m that elumb ermo; volco.no. ou now ie was "' VI I ower. e C'h . h· l I've fo u°;cl out tha~ all his love letters t o me Abou t a year ago M iss Blanche J3i~swell, - · eat l t a e no 0_ qu a · - , . wer~ coyied v.erbat1m from the ones he .wr~~e daugh ter of Mr s. Joh n ' *· Buswell of W est F oi· S o r e 'lf k roa t s, .imironcllnHrg 1 Coug·b.s, Co h ls , Our New Stock h as arrived, and comD Th' to his first wife wl1en t hey were courtmg. T roy went to Ca.lifowfa t.o ,·isit her sister. . . 1)'.)riees som ething neat a nd p r etty for A ead Sure me;. "Well, I wouldn't mind it. H e never W hu'e there she met C. G. W alkerly, a G l 'J.n d u l a.r Swelliurrs , a.n d a ll S kin D rne ases i t h a s n o ri v a l ; and J oi Ladies G ood and S erviceable for l\'len Employer- " See h ere, Dennis, it was 'j will send von any more." wealthy merchn,nt and man 1 fo ct urer. 'rI1c cont~acterl alld L~tif.l' joints !t act s like a ch arm · .a.nd B~ys, und Boot s that R B oo ts for ( only last . v.;eek that you * ot off to a ttend conpl nwer o. married: A ort. time sin~e - - - -- - - -- ---- ·~ver m ember of t h e househ old. your co'.lsm.s funera.l~I. . \Valkerly d ied , leavm p n o r d attves b.ut Ins ,, ,,, H , E t bl' h ~ 1 ~ y _ __ Denm s (mterrupt.mg- " F aix, s? I d.1d, f Soap or Sugar, One of tho Two. wife, and his whole for tu ne ;1motrnt1i;ig to M anufacture u on.y at ·.LROJ\U.B OLLOWAY 8 13 a Ill meno, , s~r, bu t th~ old fule co~e to loi~e a.g m . , Customer - " Say ! Mister! gimme frtG I ?etw~en $6,00g,oo?,and $7,0 J0,000, will be 78, N:EW OXFORD STREET, (l ate fj33, OXFORD STREET), LONDO]P ""' , Lit m? off , ,thw onct, and Ill bury him dead . cen t" worth 'er br own soap. No, it wasn't i.nhented by hrn wh e.. w .falkerly was about And are 110ld i:l't 1 s. 1' ·., 2a. 9d ., ..,3 · , "d 1111., 22a., an d 33 -.·,.. RIJJrn:s , ' l'A:USES, d: SATCHE LS. IX STOC:.K. I l ~ f d 1 b t 2! aa v ., · · s. each Box or p o t , IH ,. u . . l or a OIVe. : soap , ' blieve it was sugar she tole me ter oO years 0 age an u s wi. e ?' ou · yea.;s m a" be h ; d fr.om all Medicine Vendon thr o u ghout t h e World. ~Ordered W ork and R epamng a , g it. " of age. ~Ira. \ '.7alkerly , ~t; ts expecte'.l , ~v~ll ., \\Specialty , as us ua l. Demands for Manitoba potatoes are com- , Grocer - " Vell, vy clidn't you say dot JlCl· resu me, her residence with her mother m atrl"11:rc;has e:rB hou Jd look at tlui L a bel on t he Pots and J&o x:e1. I f tJae ~ ddre · D. DAVIS , iDg on as fur away a.11 St. Louis and Chic11.go, fore you sp oke? Aiud't it ?" I Vlest '.f ray shor tly. l· n 1>3.'l, Oxford !Street , I.ondon, t he:r are sp1uiou1, T - - "'" ~ "' 1-----~-~e ~~~so:: t~:O~~~~---·-- -~~-~~~ ~ LIF~~~~T LOST HIS 0 · ' .................. ~~~~!!!'llll?!llRl~~·~~-~-~~·~11~·~-~-~!!!U~~~·~·~u~·~~~~~A~ -~·-~ ·!!!L'!IWWW~·~-~~IS!!i!!L&~~-!!!·!!-!!~"~!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!L!J!!n!' ~ ~·!!!!!!!!lh!lll!!·!!·!!" OWN. I I cox & co., TORONTO S'I10CK EXCHANGE. I .:i. l I T ·HB.ESHEBS AND IILLMEN -LTSE- A 0 I: MACHINE 0 Bl.. N TJ?°E L M T :£-I B E 8 T A R KE T · · FAM I LY· SA . F ETY & SUN LIGHT COAL Q I The Prices tell, tl1e Quality sells. JOHN SPENCER, B 0 TS 8 :f-I 0 E S AN D SLIPPERS M · T 'R £LEVEN· HA I NE s· , CARRIAGE TITQR KSI GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACE S, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O ., I ii~~!~!f~v~g~~:::::::::::: :: :::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ~~ :: All K1' I1.dS of Veh1· c l es Repa1 · red UTLBURN & CO JI Pays l I I HEA:!-,ATH FOR ALLT I j ]' ' ==== DAVJS' Popular Noe 1, M PO Rlil u TH:ED P I L I..i S Boot and Shoe I I I I > , J::f E I N " r E N T ' i I I ! I ! , I I,.

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