Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1887, p. 1

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· tsmA-·- 'TBRMS NEW S R :-ti.re) 'Pin:a A:Nm. "- ,/ ..,,_ = = = =:=============== = U= M E XX X III. L o V = 87 =.:=:::= = 8 == . =1= s= == R E= = E M = B = = P' E = = = = Y = D =S S = = =E N D E === = \V = = = R = == = E = L = L [ = === = A == M V = N "W . = = :O = = = ===B ; ::; === ; ::; ;;;;: -a_ ;;;;: == === == =;: O == :::= == _ 8: . T N U M BEB::,:47 . I , , . __ . O _ ENFIELD. Mr. w·m. Hezzlewood sustained his good re· vntation as an auotioneer, at Mr. D. Bei th's, last Wednesday. Mr. Beith intends moving to Simcoe shortly. Mr . Wm. Ormiston is building a new barn in the stead of t11e one that was burned, OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST " THE WORLD #'TERWARDS. M. =:: A. JAMES, EDITOR A.ND P:&oPru:&ron., . 9 : UM R E : B :: N :::=: WEEK'S PAPER. OPENED OUT LAST WEEK - CARTWRIGHT. Mr, Alfred 'Voocl. or Blackstock, was united in marriage to Miss Emma Cee, of Cavanville. on Wednesday, S ept. 21, at the residence of the bride's mother. Mrs. Coe, Cavan. Ont., by Re v. D, N. McCamua. NEXT AT-- Thursday next week. The STATESMAN will no.t be printed till COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S, Mr. Benj. Powell, jr.· had a natrow escape from death while helping to u nl oad some of Mr. Wm. Ormiston's square timber front the One ef the sticks fell on the cars at Myrtle, end of a pry,cansini;i it to tty up with v iol ence, grazing his 1orehea.d and hitting him severely on the wrist. CAMBRAY. AUCTION SALES. Miss Bella Cowle is visiting around here Wo ar always pleeaed to see old ac airain. quaintancea. We are likely to have several weddings in One young lady Enfield this fall and winter. is starting to lay up ho usehold furniture al Miss Annie visiting here. e ready. Ashton , Hampton, has beon Farmer Wlnna.cott's of construction' new house is lo course Mr. Wm. Ormiston has taken unto himself a wife, a ll'Iiss Manning, from up West. HAMPTON. l\[rs. Barrasa has returned from h Omemee. dnys Mr. R. March haA returned after visiting her friends in Hope, her nioce, 1\1.iss Grenaway, came with hei: to spend a !ew days with fr i en d s Mrs. Ivory, of Omemce, ls spending a few with her pa.rants at the paraon'l.ge. or visit to ent of this vlacP-. after a fe w hours' sickness, < onWodneedav. 22od i o ta. , pafsed quietly away The funeral on Friday. w·s i n ihis.90tll 1 enr. Mr. Smith Wt.8 one or Dar· l argely at.tended liBgton's JJioneers.being nee.rlv fifty years s'nce Deceased was uni· he carue to tne township· Tspi>cted. r. 'fhos. McLean bas a Ma mmo!h Bronze urkey, which has laid upwards of JOO eggs this season, a n d is still laying, We would like to hear from any one who co.n produce a tnr· 4 By the way. key which can beat this reco r . this hen is a decendent o! mr. I. L. Brown's celebrated Mammoth Bronze turkeys, whlclt have been in such demand in Ihle ·ownehlp for ome yea.re. ur chm ch choir wiJl go to Enfield to assist a t the re.opening on Monday next. r:"J'Olm J\f' Smith. an o'd and esteemed resid· EXTENSIVE FARMING.. -0ne of the most MR. 3. C. HUNKlNO's SALEfl. extensive farming enterprises in this sec tion is that of Mr. Richard James, just FRrnAY, SE.PT.30th.-Sale of the personal south of this village, having some 400 property of the late W m.Cootes,lot l,8, acres cf 11md under hin management. con. 2, Kingston Road, one mile Wllst Each separate branch being fu!!y np to of Bowma.nville, consisting of well bDed the necessary requirements of this large horses, cattle, farm implcment:s, &e. farm. In addition to the farming opera For particulars see' Sa.le at l o'clock . tions Mr. James devotes a great deal of bills. S . C. Hmunrn. Auctioneer. attention to his stock, having some sixty SATURDAY, OCT. 1.-Mr. Geo. Wa&'hing head of fine high grade cattle, which to ton, lot 31, con. 5, Darlington, will aell gether wit h his pure bred Durham, Sea hie Dwelling Bouse, Land, tock, tm grave Ch ampion, complete a numerous Sale at 1 p. plements, furniture, etc. herd. He has abo eleven working horses S. C. HuNXING, Aoo See bills. m. and four young colts, making fifteen head· tioneer. Amongst 'the youngstera is to winter. Polly, a fine Canadian draught yearling SATURDAY, OCT. 1.-Mr. Fowke has in structed the undersigned to sell by filly, which weighed 1,000 lbs. on its first Public Auction, at his store, King St., birthday without any superfluous feeding. East, Oshawn, a lot of Bankrupt Stock, This animal ie by im purted Pride of Perth consisting of dry goods, grocel'ies a-ndi. and was brought from Mr. John James, Hercules, ·by tinware. Sale to commence at 7 p. m. of Bowmanville, last fall. S. C. HUNKING, Auctioneet'. imported Hercnles, has the points in a In sbeep, pigs and poultry good horse. MoNDAY, 0GT., ::J.-Mr. A.E. Henry willi each clasa is represented 011 the same sell on l ot 3ti, con., 4, Darlington,. scale Bnd taken altogether elaborate Taunton, the whole of his farm atoek1 should prove sufficient to keep friend without reservei, implements, etc., James'8 time pretty well employed. See poters Sa.le at 1 p. m., sharp. Lindsay Post. for full particular.. 8. C. ·HuNKING, Auctioneer. OUBUURG. Mr. D. Hossock, barrister, Cobourg, was received as a student of the Presbv terian church in his first year in theology. TUESDAY, OcT. 4.-Mr.Hubbud will ofter for sale on his premises, lot l, con. 9. East Whitby, on above date, the whole of his farm stock, irnplem(111ts and household furniture. Sa.le at l o'clook:, S. C. HUNKING, Auctio!leer. , Diooct from John Crossley & Sons., Halifax, England. For Elegant Designs, Perma of JANE HODGSON, decease nent Colqrs and Durability.j C ross ley's Carpets are u nequalle d . Housekeepers requiring Car pets are requestecll to exarmine om r -value an·ywhere. Stock before buying. No better · Couch, Johnston & Crydonnan One Door Wst of Post Office, Bowmanville. in t:hat behalf, notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having avy debts, claims or demands agamst the esate of JANE HODGSON. late of the '.l'ownehip ot Clarke In the Cou n ty of Durham, widow. decessed, who died on or about tl1c fourteenth <day o! May, A. D.. 1887. are hereby required to send by post. prepaid, or deliver partioula.ra in writing of their debts, claims or demands, and the nature of the se cu ri y tit any) held by them to JOHN K. GALIIRAJ'r){, of the Town. Of (Bow· manville, In the County of Durham, .:Solicit.or tor Thomae Henry l<'ranciR Hancock, the · X· e ou tor of the l ast will and testaent ot tho said deceased on or before the tenth day or Oct.ober. 1887. at the AXplration of wllti<Jh ·time the said executor will proceed to distlilbute the asset.s of the said deceased among the ,person s entitled thereto. h&ving regard to the debts and clslms only or w hielt notice shall h11 ve boon given as above required, and U1e said Iii· eeutor will not ht liable for the assets 80 dis· tribn t ed to any pereou of whoee debt or claim he shall not have had notice at the timo·ol s·i:ch distdbution. JOHN IC GALBll.AHl'H, S o li ci · o r for said Executor. 35:5w Dowmanville, August 29, 1887. PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES will plea .. e ece that l'Xblbilora do not violate Rule iv. A person li ving "".est or the Scugog rosd, on the 11th concession, is said to be prowling &round night and day, in quest or fruit tor exhibition purposes, Mr. John Ha.re is pronounced by his patrons to be the Bose threher or this nelahb.orhood. SLOW .BOY, One of Cobourg's oldest citizens, Mr. S. Retallick, builder, died on the 11th '.!'he remains were inst., aged 66 years. '.l'he Directors or the Airricultnral Society interred with Masonic honors. A reward of $1,000 is offered by the Cobourg Town Council for the arrest or conviction of ·the incendiarie who ha1·e been busy in the town lately. t TYRONE. E Notice to Creditors. 5th Sept., 1887. We h ave. to-day 11· the matter of the Estate of THOMAS LAWSON, late of the Townsl'iiip.o}Gwrt ioright, in the Gount11 of Durl1um, .Far mer, Mr. Sanders, Uxbridge, moved here There are thirty students att nding the last week with bis family. He takes pos Cobourg Model School ; fifteen of each session of th mill the first of next sex . The stud1mta were trained, seve11 at Uur former miller, Mr. John month. Campbellford, five at Brighton, five at Pettinger, leaves then for Toronto. Colhome, two at Newcastle, one each at Master A. W. Clemens left with his Belleville, Tor011to and Trenton. There father last Friday for Michigan. are eight more models at Cobourg than at Mr. H. Welch, Baltimore, has been Port Hope. here visitmg friends. Cobourg's assessment for the year was Mr. Lewis Stevenson W M he re calling $1,581, 768; reduced by exemptions to oa friends last wek. $1,447,000. The general rate of taxation Mrs. N. Cole, Essex Centre, is visiting was fixed at 17 mills on the dollar, and three and three-tenths mills for Public friends here. Mrs. H. Rogers, and Mias Kennedy, and five mills for Separate Schools. For Em1iskillen, were the guests of Mrs. R. Public School supporters this means 20 and three-tenths mills, and for Separate Davey on Sabbath. School supporters 22 mills on the dollar. Mr. George Wti!ch, the blacksmith, has a locket he would liic.e to dispose of,if the DARLINGTON COUNCIL. right owner came for it. (Advt.) The squall of chickens might have been '.l'o wn Hall, Hampton, Sept. 2. 188i, Regular meeting. members all present, minheard in almost any direction on Monday and Tueeday, preparing for the har· utes oflast meeting roc.d and confirmed, Communica.ionR were presented from .r, c. vest home featival to-day. Vanstone, asking to be allowed to erect p oles Rev. H. S. Matthews, of Bowmanville, gave two excellent sermons here on SunThe church was more than filled at day. night. Rev. Jas. Pedley, B. A., of George town, has declined the call to the pastorate of the Congregational churches at Co bourg and Cold1prings. FRIDAY, OcT. 7.-llfr. John Stacey, lot. 2, con. 2, Darlington, will sell hie valnable farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 p w See bills for particulars. s. c. HUN KING , Auctioneer. MONDAY, OcT. 10.-Mr. Jiia. Lobb, lrnving decided to retire from farming, will offer for ale by Public Auction, on lot 30 and 31, con. 4, Darlington, his valllable farm st ock, implemeot1, etc. Ssle at one o'clock. S. C. HU111li· ING, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, 11.-Meslii·s. F,.re11roll OcT. Bros., of ·woodland Dairy Farm, lot.'f>, con.2, East Whit by , w1 1 l sell their valu able stock of 50 head of thoro'-brnd Holstcm and high grade cattle; alllo }lsix valmible horses (pedigrees furui& \2 _ ( Sale See large posters. ed)' S. C. HUNKING-, Autio:uee1·. o'clock. THURSDAY, Oc:r. 13.-Mr. W. McDonald, lot Hi, con. 3, Darlington, will sell 1iis. valuable form s tock , implements, et.ll.,. S1.1Ie at 1 o'clock p. m. See bills Jor particulars. :S. C. HUNKING, Auciion e0r. 14-Mr. S. C. Hunkmg,. lot 33, con. 3, Darlington, will sell bis. valuable farm, stock, implaments, hay, Finding his auctioneering patron etc, age increasin so rapidly, he has decided to give up farrnin[!, hence everything will be sold. Sale at 1 p. m. See bills ·. Fmo.AY, OCT. deceased. SECTION ;34 OF receivd · l .. ·n- an d ·. y1,·. M I L .LI NE R · voices <Df o ur to- m olf3ro-w to suit -,;:m:1 trust to be V·V e · · able anyone requir1ing g oo ds in that department. Chapter 107. of the Revised Statutes of Vntarto, and or Section l. Chapter f,.or·46 'Vic· tor1a, Ont ario Statutes, notice is hereby Kiven that all creditoN and persons having claims Bgo.inst the Estato Of THOMAS LA,VSO'N, la e of the Townsb.ip or Cartwright, In the<County of Durham, Farmer, who died on or ·about the 12th or .Tune, 1887, at the said Township or Cartwright, an d to send on or before the :first day or December, 1887, by post, vrepaid. to James Parr, Blackstock P. 0., Ontaio,the ad· mi11istrator o!the.E;s1s.te andflffect . s of the sa.id THOMAS LAWSON, th ei Christian and Sur names, addresses and descriptions, the run P"rticulars or their claims and s t at emen ts ot their accounts and · t he nature o( securities . ·(ir any) held by them, accompanied h!I' a · atu tory decl aratio n verifying the accuracy of suoh claims, and notice is also given. that after the Jaat mentioned date, the said administrator will proceed to d ietrlbnte the assets af the de· ceased among the parties entitled, having re gard only to the claims of which the so id ad ministrator shall then have notice, and tllat be wlll not be liable for tho assets or .any .part thereof. to any person or persons of whose debts or claims he shall not then hav.e.notice. na.ted at Cartwright, this 21st day of -Sept , P URSUANT TO t r St ll'Al7. . has taker1 any amount (!>f :in lVLISS EPPLETT the articles in care FALL sUSiNESs Ha!! commenced at the JAME.SPARR. quantity of cordwood. ville to his mill in for telephone from Bo wman '.l'vrone, Lain on the t bl e. · Jfro m D, Archer, in rot<1rence to injury to horse and buggy. eto. Referred to Mr. Awde. On motion. ·the Statute labor ot Mrs. Oka, an indigent, was remitted. Geo. Allin complained ot Injury to hie Mr. of CARD OF THANKS.-To the Manaaers "' . property from water t rn d on the same from the Roy l Insurance Co., of Enland.- the road. lteferred to Mr. Worden. GENTLEl\iEN.-I tender my sincere thanks ! On motion, the eve :vas ins. ructed to gr!'>n t order s on the '.Ilea 1mer fo1 the fol l ow mg for the prompt and liberal payment sums '-W. Crawford, sheep damaes, $3.33 ; . through your agent, Mr. Jas. Bingham, J, Mountjoy, 318 lottds of gravel, $15 90; Mr. of '.l.'vrone ' of my claim a gainst your Co.' G ully, >12 loads of grave l. $2 10 ; John Heard, · 18 loads of gravel, 900.; Wm. Aldsworth. wok . for 1 oaa of my b Ul · ·1d10gs bY fire. H a.vm g on 4t h Uon. . $24.08; B o wn & Dean, work on received a oheque for the amount of my northern townliae. $5(,00 ; MoClellan & Co., l umbe r, $72.48; Wm.Virtue. on aoct. or gravel after the fire· . I p1t, claiml! in full a. few 'dayi1 Indigent persons :--Court.lee, $7; $20.00. , have much pleasure m recommending Welier, Luff. Gay, Sprcul and Lewis, $5 each; this Company to any one wanting to in- Qampbell, Mallet, Cornish. Orchard and 9our· tic e, $·1 eaoh: Lane, Heard, Wilson. Uobm son · property. sure the1r MICHAEL CRYDEH- an d '!'rick, $.1 each ; Dell, Dean, Stacey, Gregory and Staples, $2 each· l\i.AN, O!' motion, the Council dj ourned, to meet 35-tf. Bowmanville' Au g · 24' · · agam the last Saturday m Oc t ober, at tho The fire got into Mr. T. T. Jardine's usual hour. R. WINDATT, woods, la.st week and destroyed a large Tow n Clerk . a W. HEzzr,EwooD, Auctioneer. a u e Darlington and Whitby, Bowmanville and Oshawa, Apµraiser, &c. All b usiness attended to promptly. Orders may be left at the STATESMAN office, Bowmanville, or Reformer office, Oshawa. MR, R., IIUTCHISON'S AUCTION SAL1':S.-S. C. Hunking, Conrt tice, Ontario, Licensed A u c t i oneer, tor r 8.ALP:S, MoNTIAY, OCT. 17.-Mr. Job Greenwood, lot 29, con. 9, Clarke, will sell his ex cellent Young Stalliou, Farm Stock, Implements, e tc. Sale at 1 p.m. See large posters. R. HUTCHISON, Auo. i887 WEDNESDAY, OcT . 26.-Mr.John Gibeon, lot 30, con.8,Clarke, will sell the whole of his valuable farm stoelr,implcments, etc., wit1io1n reserve, having rented his farm. Sale at l p. m., 6harp. See posters for particulars. R.HuTCHlON, Auctiouer. CLn.rAx. COURTIOE. Mrs. J. H. Oke, of Flinton, is home on a visit. - west se l ection of the ne the market .. Our Fall Cloths, Eolipso Houso Furnishings, Hats and Caps have them from the Cheapest to the ve:ry Finest Grade. assorted. en Washini;;ton, of Bowman_ l.\fr. S tep ville, occup1e the pulpit a t E beneze r, <?n Sunday evenmg, the pator bemg 10 . tow1 fillrng ne of the pulpita there. Mias Pha1r has purchased 65 acres of of the late Adam Scott's estate. Cadet Brokensbire farewelled 011 Sun · day n ·gh · · "" o rs of a bear h avmg b een aeon in n · · · · ty comtng t o the eara of the t· · s v1ema. embers of the Hunt Club the Captain · ' " ca}!ecl a meetmg 0f the cInb · It b . emg a . bus y eeason o,1ly the enthus1ash ones A party waa organized to tu rned out. . rui;i. own the ?ear, but after careful n· . qumes they fail? to loca.t Ins b arsh1p. Tey a.reno wa.1h.ng for smtable mformAny person poson . regardmg him. such, will please communicate 1th the Secretary of the club, Miss Nellie, Hawkins, of Orono, has been visiting at Mr. R, I1'. Richard's. Mis Briggs, of Myrtle, is visiting at the parsona!.'e. In other Departments o·ur assortment will soon be com plete, so that you should see our riw goods this fall before you buy. New Goods Arriving Daily. Our ]/.Iotto w1l1 be :---Quality away up· Prices away down. · · J.!,re now in lllld are well We I · ReadJ Made Suits from $1.50 u Overcoats from$2up, a Or we will make you th&t will excel any other H onse Suit or Overcoat B.B.B. STOOD THE 'I'E>!'T'.-"I tried every known remedy I could think of for rhe11matism, without giving m1i any relief, until J tried Burdock Blood Bitters, which remedy I can bihly rP.commend to all afflicted as I was." HEN.RY S3HTH , Milverton, Ont. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ "Reminiscenc es o f a B u n gle," by"One of the Bunglers," is the title of a. book which will be issued about tlie 28th inst.· from the press of tha·Grip Printing and Publishing Company, Toronto. '.l.'he following extract from the Preface will give an idea of the scope and aim of the book: ·-"'.!.'he Nofth-West Rebellion of 1885 I and all connected therewith have been so puffed up by pen and pencil, and the r generalship and manage . n entso eulogized, · · tbat Ifee l n o 1·t " Jli 1 tle d1 . dence in 1iavrng s110t at ?o sacred an event or attempt. . lDg to ridicule the actors thercm. But I ha ve waited fora truthfnl and unvarnished account of that campaign, and as no abler hand seems willing to write it, I will give my idea of w hat I have called 11 , Bungle · only re gre ttinf1 my inabilit y to ,.., ·ustice." do it J R. Hutchison, Licenoed Auctioneer for the Townships of Darlington, Whitby, Sales Clarke, Manvere and Cartwright. attended to promptly and at reMonable Where it is not convenint to see rates. me, arrangements can be made with the Editor of theSTATJrnMAN.-R.HuTCJ:IISON, Enniskillen. LEVI A. TOLJl'S 8.U.ES. FRIDAY, OcT. 7 . -The following stock, im plernents, etc . , the estate of the late Andrew Hyland, lot No, 8, 2nd con. CartwriRht, about 2-;\ milee from 'Bork Sate eton station, is offerad for sale. L:mu A. ToL'E, nt l o'clock, sharp. Auctioneer. W1mN}l;SDAY, TuoRo-DRED STOCK SAL.&.-Mr. RobeJ:!t OcT. 12.-Mr. L. Hambly, lot No. 18, Broken Front, Darlington, offers for sale a l o t of farm s tock . im plements, etc. Sale at l o'clock, sharp. LEVI A. TOLE, Auctioneer. in '!.'own. So ci.ll upon ------ -Good .News at Home. W. I-f. IVES l<'OR YOUR CLOTHING. · ' · GEO. LAI NG . . ., · l Eust, Toronto got up the Nc,.test., most ComplctQ, and Best Selling Needlo P11ckage in America · l:lend 25 AS !cn·'il1'T Ai; IlONall' Js Dr. Lon's l'Jcas-, cents fo1· Sa ples of New No.·1, finished i111"ine Plush. Particulars sent w11n stamps are en. 1 imi. "i'or1n Sy1·111>. yet sure to di8ti oy and 2Q-1;) 1 expel ·worms, clo ed fol' reply. TO AGENTS ::tfKr1 s m '.l'1IE GAN,\· years and had advice from threa doctors ; they said I would have to undergo an One I tried B.B.B. instead. operation. bo ttle cured me," M. A. S<-lUEJ,cH, Rag· Ian. Ont. suffered with my throat and enlarged ton sils. I was very weak ; I doctored four A LucKY ESGAPE.-"For six years I E. Mon.ms, Esc.i.,-DEAR Srn,-I have reason to speak well of your Dandelion I have bee n Livei: and Kidney Bitters. troubled for 11ome time with my Kidney and a friend of mine recommended them to me and I tried them in my case, and found them to work like a charm ; there fore I have much pleasure in recom m end ing them to all persons who are troublod in any way with their Kidney. N cw ton ville, May 3, Yours truly, J·. J. JONES. AuCTm SALEs.-Levi A. Tole, Licen sed Auc tione er for ths townships of Clarke, Mauvers, Cartwright,Darlington, :md Whitby. All sales attended to promptly and at r e ason a bl e rates. Where 1t is not convenient to see me, !l.rrange ments can be mad e at thio Office, or by addressing Shaw & Tole, Bowmanville. N. B. -Our advertising rate for auction sales, when we do not print tho sale bill, is 25 cents a lino, eaoh insertion. Collacott, breeder, Tyrone, htJ.ving de cided to give up farming, wiil offer the whole of his thoro-bred stock for s ale iu October. D:tte of sale later on. LEVI A. TOLE, Auctioneer. 1887. '

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