Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1887, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN &VERY F RIDAT MORNING, IS PUBLIBHBD -BY- L()VE'S TRIUMPH. By the Author of LovK oR KINDRED ?" · " Good h eavens 1" ex cl aimed her husban, T E R JM: 8 · The bull-dog in the play, whose part was hiij face flushing with sudden anger, his 1.50 per Aanum, or $1 if paid in advance to seize the villain by the throat and hold Wi thin a !nile of a. certain favourite . Chai;; = " C an yo tl suspect me of voice shaking. . on for dear life, succeeded the other night 1.'armen t strictly ln ad anc e required from ' hire · waterin g - place, where everythmg is . such a wicked trick ? W hy, Hyacinth--' in Buffalo in dragging from under the play nb8cr1bere outside of the c oun ty . Orders to new, garish, and altoget her unlo tely with Hyacinth's lip quivered, and she said with gesture with her slim gentle a made She lsoontin ue the paper muB t b e. a c comp an ie d b y the exception o f the blue waters o f the Irish er's collar the piece of liver which coaxed A.re prepared to pay the highest prioe r though her hand and s mi l ed at him ness in her vo1cesome bitte white ' m a ount due, or th paper wil n o & be s topped. ' Sea' lies the. peaeful and secluded hamlet of · if that time ever does come, him on, and, taking it before the footlights, "Veiy well , eyes were grn.ve. . h<<'ribers are rosponsibleunti Cull payment is n . he sat down and quietly ate it, while the Herby. It is situated but a shrt distance all kinds of Grain delivered at the O.Sde. " 1 do not th in k you would play me such it will most likely come when I am fadmg villain escaped. from the sandy shore, almost hidden from a trick " she sa.td-' l do not indeed Glynn. and the flower of her loveliness is fairest-r .. !!I R l!!! V O l .l. T NG OP 1 ti.ATES Wharf or their to re House in town. i' ,.. view in >1 slight b ollow on the bide of a very But yo are a man and men have deceived a pleasant reflection ! Ah, there is my ridio - 'l'he London Time.s announces that photoW ol e Column on e y ear · · · · · · · . . . . . . ::.:; .,, ::;; high and fer tile hill, and is ' 'ur ro u nde d by women ever since ;he wo r ld began , and will ulous pareat on the lawn 1· " u graphy in colors is now a n accomplished Half l'"ear . . . . . . .. . . . . . 36 0 o P' oroI1ard s of app1e and pear t re< s arn 1 1o vely continue to do so, I suppose. " One q u arter . .. . . . . . zo oo 1re years of stu dy, ex. They had now skirted th.e edge. of , the fac ; th at af ter t1 ' .. .' hl1 Column one yeal' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 oo -- sweet scented i;:ardens. "A d in your wood, o.nd come to another stile lead mg mto per1mcnt, and chemical research, a Mr. _ 0u d · re to place me 20 00 Half year · · · · · · · · · · · " · It contains four zig-zag st ree t s , without a · uains of whose no thing more impos1Dg than a large sloping Mayall, of New B ond S treet, has produced 1 £ e vi One quarter · - · · · · ·· · · t2 56 t t h e m, form- th.ou g 1 s Y t he 81de f th any o roadway in · level yard d s papers ! fie ld in which som e i ecently shorn sheep seve1 al colored photog1 aphic portraits, w i th . 0 · ua ,, rte r Colun:.n one yeB-r . . . · · · . . . . . . zg 5 00 ° :::: 0 F CA N A DA. · " es in a crimes you h ave read in the n ew · . h mg s teep ascen ts and sdd e 11 de clivit1 ,, RaH y e11.t . . .. . . . t. . : 'g . It wa· m ost d ec 1 wrush , h tc ·dl y gr azm "d ediy ou t tiie a1 ·d of h anc work 01 You forget that I am cheefully risl,mg the wore pl ac 1 Capital iinltl up, si.ooo,ooo. ilest, $2G@,OO > " ·· One quarter . . . . .. 8 00 - 5 way thti.t s evere ly tlles the muscles and · tune . th at you are as a field, and was called a lawn only because possess the brilliancy and delicacy of h igh ly . _ ,,,, _ g . eat for 1os s of Ten ltnPs and under , tirat insertion · \!O 50 . n erves of. a stranger, b 1t appar ently is . no "a v t e " " tb ' · that a large a . ncient mansion, m a state of pa.rtial ly finished minatures in oils. This Bank ts prepared to d o Legit!· e air I brea th , B:acb subsequent insert10n . . . . · . 0 25 m s c u amt n e cess rJ m 0 . t ti t It rves. ) n m ie ence 0 mconve 75 . moss-grown 1 ?0f .and -;ova118 ma tt· l ' h you are as pure and holy m my eyes as the rum-;'l' tl 1 l!'rorn six t o ten lines, fir s t insertion 0 Three Frenchmen who were studying a mate B ank i ng in a.ll 1ts branch es. t h Eacb su bse qu en t msertion · · ·: · · 0 35 - 10 ovc;rh"'ngmg upper atoreys tc i ts ou.s es, wi nvy -s tretched with its tumble - down volu me of Shak es1J eare in their n to.ti ve Ianmemory . of my dead mo t her · th at you are ed "' i t i Farmers notes discounted ' · Deposits fantastically carved beams crossrng e.i.ch O ver t"n lines first insertlon,perl m e 0 10 · · my cousm ; that your brothr, wl torn you stables and out offices across the upper end gu g 0 03 -::: t paid o n a m o unt s of .1slr received and Each subsequent insertion ' " other and forming diamond shaped panels a e endeavor e d to . tianslate i to, E n gr . I ner s gabled bulldm m the of it . T he old _Peak -rofed tes participa or be damed to · know l t has one 1'he number of lines to be reckoned by _ . and e the 1rnll known openrng to Ham .et s sohlo- fi5 upwat da 1n Savrnga Bank De p artment; that are filled in with plaster · had n o grace 01 beau tY 0 f 1 8 o w n · . ' tri ck ' as you are pleased t-0 call it ! Oh y q ny-" To be or not to be " The following ed, measured by a soaIe or o 'e large low:roofed inn, a little io ermsecl : ; ; ir: D Nil A F'"' a1e i i was a fair and refreahing sigh.t t o eyes ! was the i esult . FiBt French m an- " To you believe scarcely can I d Hy0tcinth, l> by the layrng d?wn of slimy mldo h. upon .._ ·- . ho e · t and the young m n n withdrew his tired 1 th th e glare of .the s01nds ID th was or not to am. " Second ditto-" To I [61med and Collect1om1 made lll E 11rope th floors, w.luc only want pohohmg to earnest !" , 1, f and w" lkell on hastily, sunsh m e, for a p1 of.us1on of uncare d o bnde his " o from arm t where or is t not. " Third ditto- To On1ted S ates and Ctrnada. brrng out their rch dark colou;s, and by DRS. lll cL.lUGHLIN" & IUJ ll'll, neglected roses c t:m1 1Jered 1,er a11d clung to to !us eyes. sprmgina sho ul d or not to will." 0 many coats of whitewash conocalmg the red hot tears . · · , ancl ran not th1 o n r 1 1 t e ivy everywhere . · v· J· · T"'"'N ..,.,0 v .H!.I O, OFFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. W?0 strwc to She did not foll?w bun and . sandstone walls ; but such mn o vations have A011 f The sweet- scent 1,tl bossoms spteacl across There is always room for suspicion when Dr.J.W.McLAUOIIT,IN, Ur. .A. BErrH. Gra du· not deprived it of its old·wotld m emori es. him back to her side, us many a lovrng gr! 1 t he little windows, starry s01ays of p.smine consc1e11tiousnes is made a boast of, or when licentiate of the Royal ate or tho Toronto hp hr out she, . Its quaint devicos for the comfort of a gn · would have done ? n?r did College of Phys1crnns peeped out Let ·' em the stiff, fo1mal p<ission- 1 it assumes an absolute and imperious Jhyaic1a.n erat10n of topers long smce passed away, lti! and try to look mc ] he onnnous I rsity, l erent. h.ff ·\D d m el)lber o f th e Uoive flowers Everythmg but these fair gif ts oi or when it interferes with the liberty of · n.om.,ns rst the &c. ng ttoyal College of Sur· Surgeon, low panelled rooms and onmme?ted glleries quarrel that as poi natnre spoke nun and decay, and !1 hope 1 some one else. Youth, rnexperience, ancl J geons, Ed10b1ugh. e istur d itadeep window seats and cap.icious dnm ney · of their marrt<id hfc E.tcl not lessness that have even led to a cessation of ' ignorance are special ly expoed to this dan - Your attention is directed 0 th o mi m en.se e · · ,st. . She iaisecl er l eft han the le, _c ' f 00 corners v ividly recall the past. D R · .J. (). MJTCJHEU :,. all e fforfo t o k eep up appeam nccs. The 1 ger . Nceding the most modesty they often stock of Perhaps the 1eason why this little hamlet a:t the plan gold rmg :vi» lt flashrng bioad g a vel walk m ft ont of the h ous e was 1 h ave the lei·st . Increasing knowledge and EM BER OF corn.. EGE OF PH YBICIA.N8 l by the ('rowds that year after sighed a famt low satiti( d sigh and turi;ed so covered with is overlooke< M and Surgeons, Ontai·io, Coroner, etc. ee ds that o n e o1 the sheep wisd om tone do w n conceit, lesesn positiveng t,he very questwn 74. O.ftlee an d Ites1dence. Enniskllen. y ear seek the health giving breezes along t o her brnther, repeatt , . was nipping the grass growing between the ness, and open the mind to fairer and broadshe had asked some mmutes lJefore, esplanade of the fa.lnon(l.ble hohday re thP. stonee'" \IVhat had once been a row of stately er view· · · · · n . . · o cl e i f au every m · we 1\rn 9 d escr1pt10 " It is right-legal · at D . RITR KE SIM.J.'SON, 1ecause it J ies so emb ower· I sort so near to 1t ts l ' oaks was now a ]me of unsightly stum1>s not ·o wai oy th e N . 1 Bl ank ets m an nfactnred · {) AllRISTER, SOLICITOR &;o, MOPlUS ed in trees that, were it uot for the squa.re Bob ?" o and a re above the foot g r und than mo t Ind an om n a are sought ass1 I · en o.f tnz i will t Bowmaii mfo.rma.1, but tle i l Street, a 'D IB King lt "'.{e. \ D BLOCK up stairs, tower of its chnn.h, one would piss by the I bristlmg with bushy grov.ths. A broken os1t ies .Y t r mns s. e squa.ws ca1 1e h domHo. S oli ci to r for th e Ontari o Bo.nk "" meretricious brick and s tu c co vi llas on the stand m auy court of law rn the . s t·tue i of Arn hitrite in a rass- rown shell ' he yarn, . blankts an But weav StJID.the She w?ol, hae JUSt opened out one of th e l ai·geat Hyamth 'that, of sure be may you Private Monevs lo an ed at the lowest rates, shore nea.r the painfully new railway station, with a memo ial <'f the tirr e wh!n this field d w1h the a1cl sharp pomd sticks. It 1eand most styhsh stoc ks ever brought and leave the place without ev.ir dreaming yon will be pretty well sold if yo fin was in reality tho leasannce o[ a noble Johll KeUh Galbraith, q urcs, a ccormn to the sizc of t e bl : 1 !e that such a quaiPt village, w hich time seems you've marrie a P "'uper-a. man without rnan2ion. . , The b1oke escutcheon over the l " 1 1 · to town, consistmg of : · ll SOLICl'l'OR , NOT A.RY to lrnvc left untouched for a h undred yearn, even a pr o fess10n. An f t om thirty da. s to four mont s t d you know wh t A R R I S T 11: R a hall door-about which the ivy an d some · B PUBLIC, &o. ' Offtce- Bounsa.ll's Bloc,k H valuable. very l are they if ; I ence all take me. us ?f I D C l" y, D re S S Silks, has uncle usurping om hatrea seaside existed withm a mtle of modern white roses were cn h ;med-the ragged K:lng Street, Bowmauville. Money to lend, · · . So skilfully and firm! , are tho blankets he . knew Glynn wa.s here I behevc he would c1vi isat10 · T . ,, . .cl ere d cur t am . h angtng at an open emb roi Velvets &c ' 1 ·i made that they will shed water for twenty. ltOUt:RT AIUIOlJR, But the ivy-covered cruc1forrr church that , dismh ent h im window the cracked and worn flight of red · 11 1 1 i w"th a. vet y fine a toc k o f F eath ers and · ea{, four hours wi ' " I kuow 1t is "' case of risk-a sprat . to . . before they " "R has so mauy secrets hidden beneath its let- I · M ISSU'" . . "' S T IOURH .u. d ' R , W "' , ,,. "" Gl"TR 0 e a .. ti d"l " d ted 1 t ec eps on d t , t s s i s api neg n , e l , e a .1es and i1es 0f noI Flowers · are and the grass-cov ered catcI1 a eal mou ; bu t mi , R or Ma.rrlag(:l U cen so s , Barrister a.nd A.tt or- tered pavement This 1s t I1e way m w hich aparrnws 1 poverty.stricken aspect of the whole place J ne:r at J,a.w and R olieitor In Cbaaoery. Mon ey graves eurrou n dig its walls, sometimes at· : aod fertile aml . by the r iver I\ore, and a ten found on th made useful in Germany. L ong troughs, C all an d inspe ct th is fi ne dis play whic h a is as such of more w s , lo,n e d on R eal E state . O ffi c e on Kin g atreet, tract the attention of an exceptionally ob- state!:\;' and anoent castle , the hem? of ou r caunot fail to give satisfaction. banks of tho Nore, the Shannon, or the p!aced under the eave.a of oses, a:e occuB lwmanv!lle. servant . visitor ; and thus, althoug the race srnce Henry the Second g?'v it to red Blackwater, than by tbe side of an Enghsh p ied by the sparrows 111 building their nests, -----ar worth risking some· ynn Verschoyle, . " maddmg crowd" does not know of its ex- Gl. \'VILLIUl WUIHT. river . Its appe<1.iance would h ave sug uested When the young are hatclied, and he I wou}d risk even my life to be istence, Herby is occasionally visited by t 1ng for. c l the mothei; goes away to procure fo?d, . wire thoughts of the Court of Chancery, h " artists who have been "doing" Welsh and v e r s c h oy l c o f ' erschoyle ; a n d h e r eyes fact not been so very apparent that the dLS· , sceens are placed over tem, with mter Westmoreland lakes and mounta1s, and by · lo s t their steady calmness and !e: c eek s order and neglect were evidently the pro· strces. large enough to permit the passage of she Y es, anglers, who sojourn there for the sake of a flushed scarlet o.s she spoke. ducts of swarmiug life rather than the des · f ood m to the young, but to o small to allow them to escape. As soon as thoy are large certain trout stream that flows through the went .on, after 3: paus;, "l am w1llmg to r.un olation of a house of the "Courts," G, s. (J. HUNKIN j the risk ; and , if . fail, I must put up with grounds of the Grange . Such indeed had been G lynn Neville' s and plump tJ1e;y are killed, and make a very . Such was Iler by on one farr and sunny the oo nsecpinces. I CENSED AUCT I O N E E R FOR thought concerning it when-a month or a cceptable article of food. " Well,' said ber b:omer slowly, "the two before that fair J une m orning- he had I · The emu appears to L.e ctriusly e x cep · tho C ou nty of Durham. Sales attended June morning, when !he shadows of the . to on shortest not 0e and lowest rates- .Address leaves formed a laoe·hke patern on the 1 plan 1s a good on tf it only turns out all first l e aned over the sti le by the wood, and tional as regards domestic d1v1ston o labor. . 36:tf OOURTJO& P. 0, broad red-g1 avel walk leadmg to the nght ; but there ts generally a hi tch m :hese looked with disapprovrng eyes at his uncle's Mr. Alfred Bennett, who has studied the I the tower was things-the secret leaks oufi, or aomathmg: " home, li t tle thinking lm t in th is remote, h a.bits of these bir s, states th t the hen bet a . 4. GOOD WIFE G UARANTEED TO church, and the shadow of d . shadows wn Other across thr the graves Unapproached for " Thio secret will keep, Bob-you will un visite l'l C heshire village he should find in gins laying about the end of O ctober or be - ' o from t everv man who buys his License and old n. fell upon hillocks too those grassy Ennieltille R, , keep will it, ma.ke I shall keep lrLVESTE it, S and we Y [us f air - faced, placid, .fiaxen · haiied cousin ginning of November, and in ab ou t si x ffENR Tone and Quality. half.buried headstones as three persons him keep it." ' weeks completes the brood of twenty or his wife o.nd his fate, came out by the vestry dcor a.n d walked I :· People ools," in love CATALOGUES FREE4 reare generally ' more eggs. In the m eanti me the cock b_e(TO BE CONTINUm ) Pia.nOS T uned and Repaired. crossthe churchyard towards a. s_tilethat gave plied the young cl ergyman sentenl 1ously. I gins to sit, and the eggs subsequently laid ' -access to a narrow lane from which the blue " And do you imagine I am in love with are deposited at his side by the hen ; he Bull Fighting in Madrid, ART IE S THEIR PI N OS sky was hiddn by a canopy of lilac and la· that gaby !" she asked, glancing contempt· . . . then stretch es forth his foot and draws them I The mphitheater is an immense place , Tuned or repa1rea can na-v:e them attende burnum trees m full bloom-two men, and a 1 uously at the tall an d handsome young fel under him. He not only ha.tches the eggs, i by leaving word at the DOMINIO N ORGA j' tall slender girl of some twenty or twentyhke the Roman C olosseum, an l low whom a few min11tes befotc iih e had round c the and does all the subsequent nu rsing' but has · · · A flrst- clas man , o's Oll'J'ICl B o wm an ville · g . The girl' clear cut oval face I rm ed b Y su rround " te n a ced gr ·te, " n one summers , 18 he n n o o u 1 a . 1 a s l l d hon ove a 1 r 1 t solemnly sw t h. s . · · to t ra h his w ife co ntmually, as she at3w belnit tn'their emt>lO'" . -was pale, and her beautiful hazel eyes ap . da y s of her life , and who was now sittmg an d crowded . w1th ga1 eries. . 1x b u 8 wer e tacks him furiously; 1md would apparently O H o' Gentie DI e ll o t Fas Sil- pea.red full of sadness. Her dark and deli- 1I on an old stone stile leading into the lane, doomed to die for our en.tei tamment, but I kill the chicks if sne could get at them. only out stayed the takmg off of three of _ cately arched eyebrows and long lashes were 1 and still looking angry and mortified. _ " .. -·- ..., . t O U , n o t SO ta s t · 1t was the 'last. grand bull-figh of 1I perfectly black, and formed a strikrng con- 1 "An honoura tie them " 'Gaby' said Robert. was a br1lhant Qool. II trast to her'hair ' which was soft ' fine ' silken ' gentleman ' well born and well bred' and one the season, and the audience . I and of a pale shade of yellow that it would of the kindest, beat· hearted ph1ckiestfellows one. The you!ig Kmg and Queen I °0k ed have writte thAf e few l!ns, Partly civilized co un tries carry out, with I cl w o n from !hen box of state ; old Is abella She was f I ever knew ! ' G ally' "' have been flattery to call golden. And all I havs to say -· moat rcivolting perfe ct com posure, ·the Tllat ' ou can find me still at homa, . soiled' ' and faded gray clad in a tumbl ed ' " I think so' " replied the girl coldly ' · " I was there with her daughters i and ad i acent methods of punishment· It can hardly be not gone away · I · s of subject for wonder dress, her straw hat was trimmed with a should think any man a gaby who, for the b?XCS were occupied bY 1 ord s and lad rn So my k·n( l old fri.ends may come that the office of ex' strip of Hhabby lace, and her luxuri,·ut hair gratificat10n of a whim, a fat.cy for a face high degr ee. A d all tb.FI young ones, too, . · ' ecu ti on er has become one to be generally , m io_ely ade garments heir get .And was c arelessly coiled about her shapely head ; that i first bull was very meek. , His 010 loathed, when we consider what it some1leases him now, that may d ispl ease lu fashions tnat are n e::w . ' ire seem e d to be let al one. t I her sm ..ll white hand were inuoccnt of ' him a year hence and that he is sure to des T h e p1c .i,. times involves· The Pall Mall Gazette ' . ' Wllereold and youn;;:, d 'ar 't rie:'.l d"· may mee · · l dore ·peal'smen · pricl gloves, and o n t1ie 1eft a broad goId band ' grnw weary of and hate m time, wonId ns' < ed him gives the followmg 11,ccount of th e mterv1ew . s · or . mounted A welcome greeting, by n. PEA.TE thei_r lances w and th ked he. lo o at them of a traveller in China with the three imwith a flasbmg diamond set in it guarded a i such an inheritance. . . --S-Ywedding ring. " Oh, Hyacinth, " criecl her brother, " ·ou w i th ,ii;. iJ led air, as if e woul d fam perial exccutioner : . a d e ow can yon · I am well11 The mau upon whose arm she was lightly 1 -and all of us-ought to be the last to i e · 1 > 8.ai · Through our gm de, we told the head exment10n buh , ancl I . dserve nothmg .of ectioner th at w wi slrn d to see the instru leaning was about twenty-five yearn of acre, fuse to believe in love ! Look ttt our father « I e.111 t, nlly prepn r o tl to attond Fu nerals oa e . this sort One wa and as broad div1clt:cl shouldered s ortes and dark as e · of what he gave up for o u r mother an d how , s !Jctween lhS· ments of his calli ng and thereon he pro - the h . n oti!le·c t tlle lo..,,feat pusslble rates · · ' · ' askets and Burial a se s readY o n s h nrt notlce ., 1 want °f spirit and ind" waa sltght and f. · himclsome, we11 bred pass1ouately h e adores hei and she air-a hun, and gust at h"s i gnat· 1011 duced a short, very heavy, two han c..i d First class hearse on very moderate terms , man, and a good one, or his noble brw, t how happy he is in spite of our shabbiness that a creaure so h,irmlcss and k1Dd!y sword and a long kuiie. \Ve naturally pub Shrouds and C o fl!na c ons tan t l y o hand. Fun shoul be foiedoomed to deat . He wakcl h q clear ft ank eyes, and sweet mouth belied and pover ty !" · t e uestion, " Ho w do yon use this sword ? , eral oarde snpplted at o l} ce , Furniture Shop &; 1 him strangely-a man who would proterJt his \ " Well, they are exceptions, I su ppo se," UJ? shghly when the ba derillcr os c ame m ·where is the block ?" I S no_w_fl:o nsal New Bl_o_'.l:' · _ _ ' enemy's life with his own in whose hands · but let that with their darts aud their gay cloaks ; but 1 \V 't use a block . W e m ake the I said the girl with a sneer ' " . . e don ' . oe.n live &t home, nnd mak more 1 any woman 's I honour WO?-td b aa.fe, with shde. If a cool t . s being head ca_n keep a sccrc and 1I a11 through one f eIt , that he wa . prisoners kneel m .two ro"'.s facmg one an. · money "t wc.rk for us, t han at any . a gentle chivalrous d1spos1tion that a force other· to do so, this mornmg's busmess butchered to .mak a Spa111sh holiday with- other, and beudmg their heads down. tlung else in tins world .1«0 capital wneiUT T&BTB I wicked woman could deceive, a child or a won't leak au until-well, dead men's out at all takmg his owi;i part, and ven te Then I take the sword and chop one o n WIT <J "l'EE rn. nee ded ; you are started free. Both , . sexee, all agee. Any one ca.11 do the work . , clog would trust· shoes you know and all that kind of thin g 1 m a tador, whose offi ce it was to give him each side ' and the h eads hll . so on till ' off . ' t ' · ..lJ.J!,, AU. £.19 I1 Hts handsome sun· burnt faoo was fl11sh ed 1 Hush' now !"-and 18 d eath wo md . P8rfoi med !us ta 8k a little they 're all done, as you'd sw ch the ' tops 1..arl{e ca1n mgs sure from tlu;t star . Costly , ,l,\tf ·· her fair clear out face h" it outfit and t erms free. D etter not delay Costs ' scorn lly, as cre if r it y h w smiling as and rth he the looked over the gill's f , d assumed its usual express10n of haughty u v. a l o PRA.CTICA.L DENTIST' off green weeds with your wall.mg stick." \ you notlung to send us your address and find trouble. ' shabby hat and addressing the person on calmness I " But you don't always chop off a hea d o u t ; if y ou are .wise you will do so 11.t once, R T R. IlALLI:; 'r1 & Co , Portland, Mame. The second bull was a different the other slde of her-,i fair· haired, blue, ?VJCB WBNTY YEA S EXP.ll:RIENOJC, e fellow al" I w nder whether you have a h art with one blow ?" N" .ir· m.. ,(hctdeGH A.dmtnlstered ro .- Patnleij eyed y oung m a n in the dress of a clergyman , " It together:, As a y ou:!g fel low o my l ef t exHyacmth ?" mutter ed the curte. " Always. , I s ms to me that you Overations. , all ther e. -saidHe had a 1 might be chiselled press ed it, he as " W hat is the knife for ?" ee OFl'ICE · · lllCCLlJNG'S BLOC&, " "\Veil, it was not such a terrible business 1 out of a block of stone, for all the hum an sulhm, determmed, despera.te natu:e. Ie " 1'or th e tiny che , or 'death by many PERCH E R O N H O R SES. after all, Bob ; a n d my wild Hyacinth i s and womanly feeling you display-you are gored two horses t o death, literally 111 an ID· 1 cuts.' v Ve tie the culprit who is condemnC e Island Homo Stock . s ·1" not and itant, JUSt uphfing them and runnnJg them she hard is mine fast, i . " ;;· , quite unlike the rest of 11s ! r t Farm, Grosse Isle, ed to this death to a moss, and we com· " Oh, yes,. the marriage will stand firm 1 w e wlll sen d ycou tree. n " Heart ,, she said, immediately catching through with his mighty 1101.ns. He made men ce by cu tting of! the eye lids, ears, uose t sombt h rng of grea t a l1! e eno gh ! It is the clergyman who always his wo1 ::h iy;gZti ; : " Yes', Itobert, I have a heart to sudden plunge s a t h e bi,mdnlleros , and he and so on, ending by sticking the knife into ds . . Canadians, being on and impo tance to Y.ou, th t wi ll s tart you m h as to bear the brunt pu shed the g reat mMador lmnself to the tmd when i t comes out be Mrs Neville- Mrs· Verschoyle Neville an Island in Detroli the heart The cuts vary in number from ' · bnsmess whwh will b nng yon m more · · ' · - aom -ce · · but at 1ast he 1ay thre s bee !1 some i ·nr ori;irn1 ity he of Verschoyle castle and Sh»ngannon-but I1 °f h" is xe RI e ten m!lesbelow money ri11;bt away than an y thing else in this th at there h eight to hundred and twenty, ac?ordmg to .a WY r· 0 t Pur ,e ceam of mules dragged hnn world . Any one can do the work an live at case. It will be six months with 'hard or , I have -not the heart to love yonder gaby" dead, and th the heinousness of the culprit's cnme . " h ch er w 11nd e s new, hm m e r se o all . ag , S o ? t x; Jb ine E it a fifty pound fine if either of you drags this -dropping her voice to a whisp er as they out of the aren a . He was as blac k. as an , .g " Ho "' many persons have you executed largo.. dumt-- ·of ;pure oi kers e all w tha 11 tJ u s t corn s rnoueyt r 1or t d :;v l ie it. \ came close to the stile and her nus b and rose und ert,,l,er's h orse , and he had been sol emn in a il ,v 1 " broo and..,. j1tal· wi start you ; capt a no nee e d . Thi· 1 s before the wor d with a v w of break inv "' 1 J · and mcl 1g·ant and scornfn11 Y de fi ant a11 th e I J m J. mares oi.e of the genume. important classes of a life. I tell you, Glynn, J would not lnn such a and appr o ached her. "l " h il.V0 chopped twenty heads off m two d9colts o fall ages I time Those who are ambit10ua and enter· risk for any one but my sister, besides con· way through. " Forgive me <lea.rest " he said feelinominutes " to select from. AU . not w d and e l ut rising l p i l ay Gi o fiL 00"· sider my conscience !" replied the cle1gyman, h e i:\rv ily ashamed of his otburst ef an aer"'. h e thi l d bull was a little red one, as T " ; it crr pure bred stock, r eg· ceuts e:ch en give twenty Ge l Address Tnu11: l!i Co., Augusta, Mame. · ' · ' fi ery and aggressive · 0 . , . with d1gmty. a crea tme as can pos- cuimhaw" (a svnon·m for the Egyptia.n ks. I te d ·n the French and Amerlean Stud Bo . " I ought. not to have taken ' offense at such · s re 1 · 8 · · Pr1ces rea.sona.ble, stock guaranteed. Large 1 UJI, 1 , be IDrn grne d· IIe d.d ·1iance t0 baksheesh ) "toJ the J execut10ners, " Oh , come no_w-th at' s too muc 1 · no t .c 1 1 A a-a- trifle. Of course you did not mean 81bl) 1 . " s a!cl the ti·ated C&talogue free. 13.6.VAGS " FAR NUM, hurt the horses, but h.e n ade sw weddrng 1Sn't ::" ornne I Is 1, Hyac10th ?" .1f t J?lunges guide, which we gl11d]y did, to esca,Pe it. ' he l>imwrT. MWll(. ; . I The girl raised her white eyelids for a S he made no reply 111 words, but sh e am 1l- ' at the clo aed bander1l le10s, w i n c h it to ok staring of the heu d bu tcher's eyes, winch I · ---moment, then lowered them again demurely ' eel at hi m, placing her soft whi te hand in h i s all their skill to escape, and once he e.ven had a v1llalllons cast ; an d so ended our l . and leaned rather more heavily on her hus- as he helped h ci O\er the stile. Her brother Je,tped the. barrie r, and caued a precwns a intervic\; with thee uih executioners of the ; : l e band's ar m; but ma?e no reply in words. followed, and . the three W·blkod down the constern a:1p aOIJ the' audience for a m o great Chinese Empii e. '" re p to l P l u IJUJ u . rnt cre ature m(l,de h o t " Well, 1t 1s ev admg the law, you see - lane together m the shade of the laburnums ment '.I Ins bnlh, ! it10n, as and hlacs, crushing benea th their feet the work fo1 the bandonller?s, and held even :ind that gives one an neasy sens, _olnsaes with employmei;it at liome. tho 'I'he Duel in France. if there mu.s t be somethmg · w hole of tbe tim, or- fm then spare moments. wrong somewhere · fallen blosso ms that al mo st covered the I the m atador for a long tu ne at bay, but at . · · ' . new. bght ond profita b 1 e . Persona Business h 1 I d s one cannot h elp feeI mg w here tlie1e s Pecrecy ground. d · game h bl c °. I The Frencr Y ie , t e Ile]t mul es drag A ht tle fur ther on a grand old i have not yet got ov.e1 ti1eir t · of either sex easily onrn from 50 cents to $5 per there's sm . Y Clll und erstand l" £Luswered hc.rnc chestnut tree that cast a cool shadow , gmg h m.1 away as th ey h ti.d done his bro thers fervour for the uel s a co uvem en t an d eveni g, a n d a, propurLional sum by dcvo tmg n the young clergyman. handsome wa ol cttlrng e1 sorn·l d sp u te;s all then· lme to t h e bn 8in,css. ,B oy8 anq girls all about it, and to w ered upwards a pyramid i befoi e 1!1i. , hat By chis tim e I thou o-ht I knew enough and fully settmg fort h t h e i m m acula t e p ur t- earn nem ly as mn h as men. I ' ' Indeed I do not I " begun Glynn hastily ' · of gr. . all WllO se!'I · te ice ful fan sh aped 1eaves and w· hi t h m may send their add tcHa. an<l test tbe bus11 a.nd he would lnve poured forth a torr.,nt spik y blos :i onrn , seemed to close the path. " bout bull -fi gh s, and "' r 1 ef t th e K" d g n m combatants. How it , ne;.s, we make thl· offer. To such as a.re not ty and honour of t.1e of words on 'the subject h ad not his newly - B u L on one 81de of the m a ssive trunk-in· Q ueen and th eir co urt to behold th e ot.1er affects thus is nut b1 sily seen by onlookers. v, el! s a isfied we will send ono r lollH to pay t b wedded wife rnterrupted him. deed almot bebiud it-anoth<·r stile Jed into three combats wi t ho ut me, an d went hway Only i t is thoug h t to rlo s o and that makes for the t rou le or wr.tmg , 1'1111 part1cnlai c " I am sorry for this,' she said, look!ng an ill kept; wo o d, wh ere some of the trees to w lk on th e pra;cl o and r eflec t . " M y sym· ,ill the difference Tbe notorious fire eting pg;gde M:a -'} i r ss G!oOhOJ!l STI SON ;,aosr. nac, had griLvely from one to the other and speakmg were dy in " for want of light and afr, othets pa.tines were all with the bull s I b ey were swash.buckler, c, an affair of g 111 a low sweet musical voice. " Bob you we1·e already dead and all · were more or the only creature · ho had n o lea.st shew of t his kind in l1a11d l .i.tt:ly though at this 1I - -------- ' told m e-you both told e- th<1t every thng less encu m bered wfth treacherous , clingrn g fair play . Th y alon · w e1e doom ed " it h writing it is not settld how the affair has ' ..-.U,!!lilil!;';!?!l ,,..,liillll\!'!""""'*"MPW 8 was correct and legal . I am sure-with ground - ivy th at it was apparently n <> one 's ab solute certam ty from the sta1t. Even gone. It seems that b eneral Boulangar has something hke a sob-"! would not have busmess to clei'r away. the horses might escape ; and at worst their ' been talking of a 0oup d'etat, if he ha. no t consented ha.cl you told me s"-no indeed !" 'l..'he men bl'en plotting. one. l t would also appear I At this stile they paused, Glyn n Ne vil le, tor tme w a but for a m oment. -and t1vo g!Jtterii::g tears. showed them· still assuming the air of '.l'n ill-used man , wer e ".nly ID . J_ust e n ough clanger to .make tat he 1s a l.11t of , \ blab who canuot keep 1 selves on the <lar fringes of her eyed. as if, athough he had forgiven, he had not tl: e thrng e xc1twg, an d th ere we re mnety- Ins o wn counsel an d herefore one would 1 t "The1 e, Hyacmth-there, my d,1rling !" foigo tten hi s wife's distr u st of hi m , aid- nme cha nces out of n hundred that they fancy not very well smted ior a game that exclaimed her husband , m great d 1st1·ess, "'fn is is the hmi t, I suppo se , Hyac inth ?" o ulcl escape s cathles s ; but the bull, let in olves e ither th e gam of c·own 01 the loss pla crng his aim aronud hei and pressincr his "I think not " she replied smiling. I him be ar hi mself n ever s o br a el y , 1wa s to of a head. It was also said that he had brown cheek 01gainst her fair face. "\Vhy, think you might c ome horue -with us. l dare be m ade an end of. i sai d that eighty four Ji'rench general s asked Call · y ou're orymg-crying on you're weddrng . say breakfast-if you can oaJl our morning \ him to head the movement in wh1c they . day-so awfu l ly unluck.Y ! Look, Bob, at scramHe for fo?d by such a name-is going Advice mus t; be des ired an d so ught. T et wuld support hm, (J, 1 ss a;:;na c d em.ecl the 1ne 0 what you have doe with y o ur conscience on n ow ; and, if an y one saw us to!l'ether every would be- adv iser rem embei th at, tlung ltop;ctl;'"., and Frn.r, th o w nter o f , , · · · · and your scruples. ·.. returned ' t and you did not come in, there would be however excellent and a propos h is co unsel the article whwh revealeu tne plo,, 1 1n men can I (.. Before the. p r petual curate of Herby ! talking and wondering and q uestioning on may be, if given unasked , it JS with rare <'· to the charge and gave the eighty.four ao.ve 1 , could re;plf, Ins stater turned her face to- their part, and downright lying on mine ceptiona, thrown away. " 'l'he a dv ic · Hence te proposed > · ttlem e nt by I e given names. wards hun , opene her large eyes-.so tea - -an d"-with a little dtsdninful gGstm e of by the pbysici:m and the a yer is n a ot onl y tl;ie ?uelo I I IS a poor, s t u pid way of l ful and yet so bright-looked up mto his the hand-" I hate that. " sought, bu; paid for, and it is mually more vmd1catrng one s honour, tut if assagnac > face, and aid. \ Glynn, who had brightened visibly during faithfully follo .ved than any other. What· ; could by his plan be gat ered to 1s fathes . · " I t 1s nght ? It s legal ? W e an marued h e r speech, declare d with s o m e warmth' ever is worth having is certainly worth ask · 1 t h e loss might be . someth ng to h un , b u t i t -are we not ? t is not a farce-n?t,one of "'Yes, I shou ld like o go up to the ing for, and self-respect, as well as good would .be a dcc1dcd gam t o the rench N"wspapcr Advertising Bureau, those moc marnages one r ead of m books G range very much, dear ; I delight m mak. 1 udgment, will withhold it until then. I w01ld ID general, as well as to all m love l 10 Spruce St., Nevv York. J -ay, an l m newsp apers sometimes ?" " 1th decency ar.cl r espectable conduct. Se:od iOats. ror 100..Page Pamphlet. rost omce n.!fn:!ct, M . A. JAME S , AT 'l'HE OFEIOE Rowman· " KATE MASSEY'S FALSEHOOD," " A GoLDBN DREAM, " &c. , &c. " BEATRICE'S AMBITION, ' ' " FOR v . CHAPTER I. I my own coffee and frying my own trout in fa.ct, anything except blowing the fire with my mouth. " . . "As you caught Lil dorng the first tme that you came," said the c'.lrate , glad to find the conversation taking this turn. "Yes,-the beautiful child ! Hyacinth when you and I are rich-five or SIX years hence-we must take Lil to London and It her. watch the world worshipping would be a crime to let such a. flower 'blush unseen' in a Cheshire vil age, to ma.rry eventually the doctor or"-with a laughing glance at Robert Verschoyle-" the curate. " · Very few people'° know that, as the violet was the chosen flower of the Napoleons, th e scarlet carnation was the chosen flower of the Stuarts. To this clay mysterious hands yearly deposit at Frascati and m St. Peter's at Rome, where lie the remains of the Car dinal of York and other members of the House of Stuart, wreaths cf scarlet carna· tions . VARIETIES. M USIC. ci_c>_"BIG 20," T E AC H E R O F W . RUSE. VOICE and THEORY. ORGAN, PI A NO, Term s on avpli· G RAI N ! Jno. McMurtry !!° · & Co. $BO O s TAN DAR D B A N K S 1 l t i j J I J I J I' f gnnl, 1 I tone, l t w 1MII MD LA IEs dng ; t II- ' LV I1 lStiit 'n . u QM n L I N E RY '0 ii @ I jC L 1 I I )O RGA NS B E L L" P WISHING! A j 6lf DENT I STRY I I l BELL & C0.1 Gnelpb, Ont. j I I! .I I he -1 I u N o E RTA KIN c LE'VI MQR F U S 1 J } M f B R J 1W A C 0 'M' B J!:'.:f I Y Ou M0N E y ':i3 : J I I '1 u 1/ 111 : I I j I I .fs Jt 1 " orlnlI c·1 sso O / all UI I, H h Att nt1' 011 furnis c I t I II v AD VER TI SERS learn the CXaCt COSt [ of any propose d 1. I rt1s1ng A papers by dd ress1ng Geo p. Rowell & Co. I C h i l d ren C ry for P itcher's Castoria ·

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