Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1887, p. 7

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·- INFANT PRODIGIES ESKIMO JOE S TRAGIC END " 'Well , ' said a sha1p voiced woman from ! THB 11.M.E-KIL.N CLUB. 'U1i'.. 'U1i D · W" W e 0 -"" "-"' -"' ,t tt ., the corner, " I <lou't kuow as we aie under = = =::; :=:=: = = = = = = = = = = = = any obhgatwn to help her ! when people are = " W hile I <loan wan t to se em ca p 8hus or Willie G ordon, the teu yeai old son of 11 The A1 ctic I licud Of Capt. llltll J·c1bbcs VETERINARY SURGEON. extrnvago.ut o.ud mdulge 1" luxuues, they In Hudson Uay. obe pert1ckler," said Brother Gardner as Mand<Ln wholesale clothrng dealer, is !us ' :t 1,c ... . SD AY, JULY 1 3 1887 WE ;,\"' rE are not generally corundered ob· 1 ects of th e r ier·s bo okk eeper and confidentiaI c1erk . meetmg was calle d to order, " d ai am a fatl The death of Eskimo Joe, the Arctic ch tY ,, , tew thm<:;s I desiah to call vou attenshun He shows a surpr1srng aptitude for busmess friend of Capt Hall, and one of the most You surely do not accuse J'virs , cNe1l u, to at dis time Heretofo' nii.ffin' has been and alwa J -· takes entire charge of the store noted of Eskimo travellers, was announced The " Dead-Be11it. " of h 'i lll " "" 111 lux ury ,.ud ext1avagance ' ' said said when members sat m de meetm' an' when his father goe. East to buy goods. last week Joe and three other men went Mrs Hall, with some spmt .B"t JOHN IMRIE, rz ORONTO ate hei nngs Dat purceedm' must now be Eddie R ace, a five year old youngster, of last fall m a wh<Lle boat to sell deer meat to " I c"'ll it extravagance for ber to buy sto ed Let e bewa1e of " the mm ( ) who scorns to work, mt"ht hev eaten smoked Glen s alls, is the De off strawberries , 1t is someth1Dg I never did m best 1.humme1 boy for some whalrng vessel s at M arble Island, ' F Yet dares not rofra.rn hom eatmg l ngs m de)Rom n Senate but dat was f her He pc1 forms the most d1tl1 the west co,.,st of Hudson bay ' miles around Tho boat In the core of l ns hcu.rt do th meannes:s Jurk, my hfe , and 1f they re so very poor, I an per aps n , h ll e sme n e t d wa e rn r aig , s cult beats without a flaw and ueve1 ser s to never re"'ched its destm t1on, and there is In spite of his bland, lair grcetmg 1 should thmk they'd let the fruit carts go a n so get tired, although the drum he carries 1s no douht th it it wu,s swu,rn,Ped m one of the b) " " ome 0f you mem b He may talk and look hkc a gentleman ' w 11 m h e h w d nearly as b g as I s body Eddie h as never terrible gales tlmt prevail ed about that time n t t ' ' u e But " bought have they ar yo sure !l.nd dress 111 the height of fashion , scm t h.td any t1uu10n, hut gets the beats nght 11y o a n ID oe poc e an ,a co Id '.l'here is no doubt that Joe Ebie1bmg and , Hell run "on credit ' \'therever he cant straw berries lately 9 , d h e o ,er, an l u so t an mu m ' an iu stmct II ' duuued - gets u1Lo a pn.ssJou ' his Vllfe Tookoohto, or Hannah, as her J I the saw ohn sure erfectly stop " P y ey e mnnc h an so t ntl dere am no, t a white friends cMlcd her, did more to enrich Lt!he Stuch the fourteen year old daugh i 1 cart and buy a. box yesterday ' Re w l l oftt imes talk of reh;1on too around you n.lt er d ts ea> emn sic h th mgs S th e 1 1terature of Arct1c exp1orat10n than irartan of Peirnyl.1nra, recent ,11 tate T te1 of , And pray with seemmg <le,ot10r , 1 " I s it so w10ng to buy a box of straw must be left home at He W·ll go to church, yet pay fo1 a pewly com posed a cradle song so d1f:Ecnlt that any other natives , though Jo e was not sogr,.at hernes · " said Mrs Hall, who suddenly re ;:;;;. " Sartm members git m de back seats an' 0£ that be ne e r had a. nouon t - an Arctic traveller a.s Eslumo Hans, who her ipusic tea.chm adv1se<l her to modify 'it membered that she had purchased sever::i.l remove detr shoes an' whittle off deir toe was a memb er of C\ ery e>Xped1t10n thot.t ever he said that she had made it difficult so 1 S boxes m the p ast V1 eek " Pe1haps Mis , He carrJes lns head hke an Eng-hsh lord, na11 s, pare c ow n tl e1r co ns, an ru b away at Smi th Sound , excep t tha t of ( . Though he sometimes tastes or hunge r I that s I ie m1g ht send 1t to Patt1, wh o wou ld cendecl ' ' reeJ y M cNi 1 needed th em f01 a rel ish 1f sh e is not deir stone bnuses Km such Gradu ate of the On tario Veiermary Coll og!!, urceedm s t He will e a.t at the \\1 dow s ftnga] hor.rd be able to srng tt Tlus she did, and it was [he great usefulness of Joe and Hannah lay well Regis ered member of the Ontario Ve termary sh e trusts no longer ' And ' slop be witnessed rn Congress 9 Fro dis mgt Medical Assoc1at1on sung by the dna with great success m the m the fa.ct that they were much super10r to " Perhaps she did , but dued apple sauce out de member who 18 cotch m srnh a per lle, Ont. most of the1r people m the pomt of rntelh UY"Oftlce and Remdence Newtonvi West is a \ ery good rehh and ever so much f II is heart ts de\ord of affection d ear,0 n anc e Wt11 receive a para1yzm g sh ook : 11 e d hve off his poor old mother l gence and common sense, and havmg hVfd Will v1s1t Orono every 'fuesday and Saturday cheaper ' Miss Fanme Illock , of Jackson , Mrns , 18 8 artm memb ers h ev got into d e h ablt And w1ll " spone on his h 1c11ds both far and r1ea.r, ? 1 Olll ce homs from 1 0 a m , to 4 p. m., ILt d Am enca f01 fi ve years a uc , ng 1an d an · 1n ] " l N ot l f you count all the cost, Aunt Ab of e1 eva tm , c Cln.1mm each one for a. blothet leir 110 0fs on top of cl e stove an , said to be one of the most precocious clul a , Cal ls by Telegraph receive cqmred our language ' they w01 e compet en t Coulters Hotel igttil ' , It taI'es a .and A nge1 me p said Th ough only mne yewrs dren in th e state immediate attention wmdei sills an' takm thmgs powerful e a sy xplore1s they a"compamed an to nve i the e deal of firevrnod to cook dned apples, fo1 Wh ng h CHARGES MODERATE. en dat tuangle sound h e1earter all old she r eads, writes, and speaks IJ] hs , unusally v1v.d ms1ght 1Dto the traditions, ave t o stew them a nd stew them , you 'ren ch fluently v.nd reads Re hoofs mus' b e on de ilo01·, an' if it becomes German and l< Who will wh11npe1 and whmc ""'d beg, and groan- you h T his ory, c of he aud toms p ople, d --s e n t 11 ,m t k m d f , b no el 1ls o i e ave h e au She s now egm ng to n " That the world owes hnn "' llvr ng 1 h McN e t n "' necessary to elevate ' em an appncashun sent brew with ase also to render far better servwe as rnterpre Vi hen w e begm to J udge our neigh bars, we to the 8eckretary's desk will probably be master Greek It took her only t'l<o months lle who " will not " ork ·hould not dare to eat · ters than any other irntnes who eve1 JOmed ought to consider all of their ctrcum to learn German and she i cqmred the other fa r ably ac te d upon. 1 1 ti Tl b their fm tunes to an explormg pm ty Joe ; svances " · l reo lan"uages with 'eqll' ", ' d111ess the street, Far b' ' Afew sat tm rnem b et s nev in ID d e b w. is, b es!ll es, a great 1 rnnter, , ,n d th ere is no " One circumstance is enough fo 1 me m The1eb) mdepondence h ab t of shpp m out of de 1 00111 w 1dout axm A little negro Ind ahout seven ye:trs old, doubt th. it his this case ' though there are plentv I Pump s Cheaper "" uud Better " of other perm1sI1un, as purv1de d fur d m de by l awq " u I 1' rn,, near nrnn town, 18 said t0 po5sess "' SKII J AJ ONE s YED THE I, rv1 s ' th mos that show how extra· aetant Mary I " h ereby wa.rn SlCh pussons at d e nex , one wonderful talent fot sculpture He con take ' than ever · 1 M Nel l d k d roud and of stuc c ' k who shps out will slip lll a great deal fas t<lr, ·18> «U III of the eighteen souls who m ade that memor p a l ump o t mud from the 10ad side and 1th up I able J Otu ll.ey m.the long \n n ter mght on th e '{'he Subsc i b er havmg 'built a large ne'JI r " Do t ell us," ask e d F an uy Joues, " 1th fu r I shall be at de o u ter door m pusson t o h10 hauds fotm irny annnal he ever saw, t h e ce fine fl o m Littleton Island to the Labra " help him por pori\ons berng pe1fect He 1ecently made -su<lden 1nteres t Pump ] actoxy In Orono, ls prepare d -coast do " \ Ve o h want m t but d1g01ty-not o nc , E " a life size statue o[ a dog that out o cl t Oh, she wears " lute collars and wlute ii JIY M US. " ILL JAMS B ARRO W S , Capt Hall Farelyspoke or Joe and Hannah I doan' want so m u ch d1gm t;)i st 'n11ff -·o furmsh· h 'l b l t h ecause t j aprons, and alwrt) s loo !rn so hke a lady ' here save rn the language of enthusiastw friend cun' WIDk to to dat S,urmel I t ::>hlD 'rhe v,riclow M· 'Net! had ha.d a hard tnne you neer ; y e ' l n t a·k me t o give t nem any sh1p J n 1 as I,1v mgs tone wa wont to reter ' · 1 IJ Ii "I ri. II pb a pm mto E , ' l aer Toots when de latter H er f our boys the eldest on1 y ten year s 0f th Paul W 1lhams, the twelve ye 1L1 old son t o to female Afncans who d1d him tne shgh test I gem lan lieg1Ds to snore m his slee1 1 or dat ii age had all Qen ill with measles and httle I o ho Oz Cyhnder, ou e e rcelain P ut y trul v w or t hy peo I Kurnel wit or With l <> o p1J,1 a e or k m<lnes· f w man y show d k lu s h1on G B Williams, of Mendon, has neither mn s Cahoots will carry off a 1es ' r fill( y Ted had h ad :w hoopmg cough a so, aucl for I le t 0 m wh give de asked Fauny, o o nor legs-only stum ps two mches long from I fr elmg as " ladies," so m I-fall's pages we see t he Best l\faterial, on th e shortest notloQ t o P I rn lns pocket bek11se h e am a feared to pre r six weeks tRe mother 8 time and s t ength m I I sent it I f n member's co no ache he J,m his sh ouldets and si milar stumps, eigh t m H11 nah spoken of he1 e and thete as moil est and at the lowest prices had been taxed to the utmost One would I { I gi ve mo stlY t 0 for withdraw to de anty room an ca 1 ole w1d ches m length, ll1 place of l egs 1 0 t very 0ften Yet he rn and gractful, as a " om an of refinement, and · - thmk it enough to tu.ke care of four sick I gn isswn s et t hat 18 som ethmg reli able " ' em I f de fi ah bells rmg one 01 two mem an accomplished penman.!.nd a very good e ven ts an a c cornphsh <l lady rt s Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. m u t be children without any otner care or anxiety I " ; are yo 8 1 e t at neither th mis bet n brush the en holds artist He nt we or '{ remembered t!Mt t hese two humble natives pe bers km step softly out an' po% deu selves 1w A f But M ar y M cNeil for two y i a. rs had e n d !Onau e , noI y ea t s i e 1 "' e n e' on de locati on of de hunge r m £... me I his chm and one of h i s shoulders stump and h· came the fa1thfnl fnendR an<l EOVen the \ the daily bread for her fatherless boys and b \ WELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED . con mu e:J. .. ernes i e au aewns gu , <l an' want to be t oo stuc t, but I shall m it with mo·es tn lns head Besides all S, mtrmate compamons of ;:iapt Hall 1 lhcrr o as her sl eude1 s tores of money and Now 1 tl it I beh eve t ere aie s1st on de same d1g111ty heah as km be found h e !us pu p il of high s tand mg m the wrnter hut of we, then summer tent of u1 0 I a sib fi 1 h no pos ility drnappeared wit f ast swns s me ar ts o 1 ap f 1 1l ea 1011d on w1101 c I skm or canvas weie fo1 seven ye HS the only 1 e State Leg1sf achui , an' de soo n e1 you Mend on High Schoo l es l of addmg to tbem rn these weeks of illnes, l P 0 0t gro" an d \ eie s erne 1 ll ccustom om selves home he knew m the b leak North he loved a a to de change de bet y ] i<l n; 18 no wonder that the br,we httle woma; are in P h A en ty w at ou y ou c o m suc so well '!'hey are a part of the lust ory of d f l ter i t will be fut y u u ' l b A Very Remarkable Fight grew famt hea1ted Many a bowl of broth , i case, u n t A;bigai An l d t e s o u TO GIVE SATISFACT ION. h f s amo u s wandeimgs, and, up to the Po 11 11 i vt t \\ IPED OU'r and loaf of bread and plate of cakes had " \\ h 1 1 e t r a·ell mg t iHOU"h th e conntry I J ans expec! 1tlon, th ey were, next t o H aII , V1ear wh 1te ;i,ptrms, you won c 1ave o s op ! _Fm some time past reports of a \ery un been sent m by the kmd ne15hbors, but your su scrip 10ns b veteran s h ow wt th Bar. mm 111 lSS l , , sa1 d a b t ,, the ch ie f persons w ho fiJtirec1 m h is st ory O r ders::; ! l promp tly att end e d to. "by M U none of them kne" the extt cnntv to VIh 1cIl fM orable character have been received f1 om man, " I w1t nesse d one of tlie mos t remark ld , , "( ,o away ch 1 , a11 11 u on t rnake ftm of " , , I It W"S a "' o-rattfY lllb " re , ' , v elati.,n , to IIa11 .lh e 1 ast I serious thmgs , I ve no time to blk lon aer . th e fami1Y was now re d uce d a br..nch of the f igh O Id Steppers, lh e f able fights on record F our elephants aaamst the rob1she shores on s when bay, of J< a r Lime I uln Club esuablish ed u,t Nashvil l e. one cent of money was spent ' there had been y DOO H, S , SA SH, BLIND S, PICKETS, man, and m the water' too In T I must go home and put on the teaket tle "for ,t 1 or little north of Hudson Strait, tV< enty six l t no th mg m the house to eat but bread for he ofhcers ancl mem bers have heen charged August , isi u , our ah ow s ruek t ie p eaaant 1 supper ,, h th " £ d t 11 i ye, i rs ago, e met is ine an m e 1 MOUL Dl" ,_ , .., S , & c , k ep t on h an d · 'G two d ays, an d t h a.t was nearIy gone , wl111e with various derelic tions, ancl early m M ay 1 little Cit You are doubtles s " A unt A bi al l, do of O ttawa on mdulg e m a geu t look mg mau and bis comely young .Jhe needle wmk ai\d laundry work winch and convicted arrested, lent the I P1es was ou u I m x a tea kettle ? s what d of aware thft elephants re e tr e ely f South Sea Is wife No wonder he was astomshed to h ad been the mother s reao11rce had be en di landers don 't have, an d wou l d cons ider a I s ent up for nmety days for havrng a ba.g of batlnn For some little time before comm , find among the mh b1 tants of these n de Vould 1t ever useles s lu xmy verted mto other channels meal 111 lus possess10n wh ich belonged to a I to O tt wa they h ad bcu de rived o 1 1 I am astomshed at ou f tha ! igloos a we man who 1 rn, a soft, sweet ·01ce I roce1 ha.If "' mile awaJ He was no sooner pleasure No sooner were i come back agam? T h e w1do\\ s head ache cl, he y unloaded but stop a mmute 1 I thought M ary M Neil g l spoke ntly H e learned that a English i uc and her hads trembled and were hot and lo<lge t once from the tram , howe v e t , than their s b ar the m car cer ated than ou had rheu 1 was ever so good to you when I feverish Even if the work were here, she aw13 of this little eyes caught sight of the fl\'er .nd th seven years befo1 e the youug couple had a the esolutwn that passed r cfu' , w1Dter fever last matic di t she come a been t,,ken to England by a whale1, that could not do rt Was illness commg on her , tud ta.ke care of you two o three mghts , · c ountr y " ere ma.de by despots, enforced by news was trumpeted about m elephant Ian Th e:v wer e there they had been received by the Queen, also rn one to the ot her tyrants , and should be resisted by the 11ay h <> e a o u about no gave it remember l you I yes and g had dmed with Pnnce Albei t, and had The con stant toil, with IDSUfficient food onet Its charter was at once demanded ery r nstive all da and bet r ayed her c<>hco apron afterw1J,rd ,,· reat e 'e rywhe r e been ve1 y hospitably received VETER INARY SURGEO N, and sleep, had weakened her more tlmn she d as soon as the , by the parent club, and m g1vmg notice that an xiety to bathe a ter When th e ancient maid had departed In the five years srnce then ietmu to their knew, but her trust m God had not failed, .M iss R and opened d to the othei ladies mor f the bianch no longer exrnt e , B i o ther C.- ard · noon perforrnanc wu.s ovei the undei keep friends 111 Ba!l m Land they had done all and al3 she sat try mg t? mend a torn and ers marched them to the river bank I assure fully the condition of the M cNeils, and told ner said they coul t o improve tlc cond1t10n o f their " faded frock of ltttle led s she hfted up her how it happened that John D e High Ole Steppers will step a good )OU many seconds did not elapse befoe t h e bou ght the [b e Eslmnos of .h e North Amehcan a 1 people heart m pray er for help s trawberries, and how ex ultm ly he had 1 deal l 9w er arter dis, an ' we shall be keerful w hole hei d, twent t hree m number, wer coast are low er 111 the moral scale than The long, warm June day was nearmg Its splashmg and dashii ig m the water like a lot 1 showed her two loaves of biead !ncl a quart how we establish fucher branches m Nash then Greenland brethren, simply because close when Johnny the oldest boy, came '\Vhen a man m dis ke,ntry cums to of school boys Ruch , i strange sight natural I of milk that he was carry1Dg home that ville Lhey have been boundmg up the stairs of the tenement m ion of the townspeople ornmg- " All bought w ith money that I de co n cl n s h un <lat de laws ar a.g m him he ly attracted the attent house will b'ar w atchm' w1d boaf eyes open. He's and the farmers who w ith their families DEBASE D in ILl<:CKLESS SEii. ME:!\ I earnecl m:i;self M iss Ranll " "Mother, IDl)ther, JUS thmk of rt I have " \Vh y d1d't you tell tins whi le Miss either bm stcalm' somethm', or is a ch m to had driven m to see the show and I doubt from whose vices the Greeuland natives are I med 'iftv cen,ts workmg rn M rs Berry's A kill gmeral off a policeman prmcipl s on e ." very much whether the river at O ttawa ever I carefully shielded by the Damsh G overn b1ga1l was here ?" asked Mrs Hall · she g me ten cents an hour . 1 WARNE D TO srAY AWAY " She gave me no opportunity, and it Hannah's tears over the fact that presented such an animated appearance as ment t w n 8h e 1 , Under the head of commumcat1ons the on that day the rn1lors tauuht her Innu1 t relatives to 1 would have rlone n o good I am tired of s m d ry m her heart d " Aftex awhile the keepers lwuted 'Mile swear and i:ret d settmg her nght . she always will JUdge Secretary 1'1lll 0Ul1 Ced a letter from Kumel 0 rnnk were an eloquent pro t ' i:en us e as no orsal I everybody so harshly " The up, which m elephant phrast cgy means I test agamst those mfiuences fiom the c1v Backsprmg Johnson, of Selma, A la " And she has plen y of s wmg for 0 I Kurnel ])OS SeS a department lll an oil mill a l l rn Nmeteen immediately SW n to >hore I thzed world that debase mstead of elevate " Let us not J Udge r hei harshly ' " whlS , I b u d you n mu re soo yo a res e as ' s " Abigai l has through the wee],, and preaches to the best but no amount of shontmg could mouce the f savage nat\lles pered old M r s Harper t have I ye: ' n she I may C O i ev y many go od qu alities , He has Ill o t her four to return Men were sent with The many thmgs J oe and Hannah told and means to do ught. of his lung pow er on Sundaye. { f ave some g ,or I m u re " mo1 11n g, an sh e WI Graduate o f the Ontario 0 termary o 111 about the tr, 1 d1t10ns beliefs and hah1ts vented a neVI method to the world After rocks to the bridge and the entue mrcus H, s ; 1 ollege, 'l'oronto 1 o n e f I m e pa a Registered memb er of the of the EJ,J,1mo, gave a grat deal of hfe and Ontario m ;o 0 am r s aid the ' dehvcrmg his add rces he should iemar n m force swarmed along both river banks try ' " Ch, 1nty thrnketh no evil, r [; ; Vetermary Ass o c r at1on, m ac cordance lC f y l m w nnmster s wife, softly ng 0 suppor and so the party Detroit several weeks to take lessons m mg w1th stones to turn tli e huge beasts lD I color to his " Arctic Re·earches,' and went wlth the Veterinary .A.ct y h ll ti '\ ' eie any now ' isn ; ut broke up r:1 Ie prepared to tieat all <lisea· V\ lutcwashmg, and would be the guest of th e direction of the cau\as, but u,ll m vam I ver) far to make it one of the most rascr es or the Dom· eat1c Amma ls, accord mg to --·1 ±:ie 1 ; l:ne go and buy s m e thi n" w ith 1 ]anny J 01 es a.nd Angeline R and w. cnt Samuel Shrn , for whom he had concened a As a last resource the chief tr, tbe l ates t theories· imer, George natmg books of Polar trn\el ever \vr1 ttcn All calls person ally by l'Alegr er you have he cents f Poor aph or T ele t The rcadmg of the let Ar tmgstall, was sent for The poor fellow 1 'l'he pwtures Hall has drnwn of Joe's Phone wtll receive promp rou nd by th e m ,·1k et and p lea sed themselves grand adnnrat1on g ry t attention ea ac ll cry no , w en or ou wou m buy mg all sorts of mce thmgs for the ter had t cai c ely been concluded when Sam 1 hacl been s1Ck m bed for over a week 'Hth long sen.Im" tnps when the IIves of m·n y WOFFJCE-Mam St , Orono one door n ortb l : of I w e t agam and every lnng 18 .McNe1ls, wlnle t h e elder people atten ed to 1 uel wa s on lns feet, tr yrng h i s haidest to m v.lo.na, b u t on learnm" or the diihcuity pe1 sons de >V Henry's 8tore pended upon his slull as a hunte1 we re a. d CHAHGES MODEILTE, \ 1s1ons of g1vmg up lus bed and mme dmtely dressed luself an d came to of Hannah kn1 tt111 <> c1v1lize<l socks m 1krn 1 the ue ed s of the fannly m a m01 e qmet and turn pale g I sTi th eu th · 7f' : 1 "' ry b am e up th e 8 treet ' substantial w a y B u t Angeline Itan d h a d sleep mg on t he floo1-of his household e x the bu.nk Callmg each elephant by n a m e seals krn g«rments fo r J o e a n d th captam I ' Two boxes hard 8 raw berne, 8 raw erncs work to keep Fannv Jones from gorng penses rncreasmg 011e half-of calls to loan he ordered them to 'Mile LIP l or a moment 1 ot refreshm<> the w eary traveler w1;h ·r,. ter 1l d nan n S und«y vest, slurt a l lus ruffl ed n l,ee it looked a s though his command would be cnp of tea on°h1s rctmn fiom an explormg to te ll Annt Ab1gml tha the McNe s ha b 11'<' v 111er, 1e t m 1 ° g e t a box 0f st raw not o n ly st1 a" bei n es, but pme apples and danced before his eyes until his tongue could obeyed , for the elephants, r e cogmzlllg his trip, and the unweaned efforts of these an <l w e c1o orange· , an d ti e· nes t 1ey wi 11 c o you goo d voice h alt ed and seemed to waver m t l1eir fa.it!1f nl c1eatures t o eontnb ute to the well ia t somebo<l y 1Jal 1 b een ' not n tter a v.ord bi e d , , ' som thm be ld ' wa "Sot down Brudder hm-sot clown ' ob course Albert, the oldet and biggest set bemg of the whi te friend they loved dearly I " dreadfully extnrngant " 1 T; m b e · cl w IC h J°l ny se1ved the President i e 3 er rnsi "Dis Ch.,, ' r not only ( tled the matte1 by utteru)g a loud snort of fonn as romantic and touchmcr a story ; I a e fl ter was ff 11 kn r bte as comen realtzes what your feelm s ar but sympa 1 defiance, rnd led by hun t hey once more evo came fiom the hi north They helped Jer / 0 bag 0 Emm Pasha's Futme Plans ack agam Wlt h IS pv.per an, thi z es w1d yon De seckretary wi l l w1 tte to started up the stream Seerng at a glance Hall prepare his vocabulary of Innm t words rn de l to de e ct da dis ar' o cyclone, 1 thut he could do no th mg on shore, Ku M1 Art 1 which unrlonbte<lly gave us likely Emm e t ur hat fl' It ·1s more than t the be·t id ea of Pash a, gay t im at supp ch ld r ei h ad e 1 : who h as hved m Central A fn ca over e i ght small pox, cholera an' airthquiike season, an' rngstall made for the dreasmg room tent, the dialects that has reached us up t o the t t s w raw r and ea 1 ,ng etr h ll l ..,h oose tbors years, will rather to remam d at he co uldn't live fi \ e mm1ts arter stnkm' fwrn which he soon emerged dresse<l m time of Dr Hoas's recent l, J , gar t h no etr r ad ey d at his pos t than to 1etum to Eur ope De troit l "REEMAN'S If da doan' do we will telegraph tumbler's tights, and placmg the elephaut j It " as not to be expected that on Ins next b "her; f h a d een none m t e not t bin °f 1t 1; In his latest lum <lat a pusson of hLS name ls wanted here 1 proc \ or fork heh een hts teeth, bolilly sw LTrt J Ollrney North Il,d\ wonld leave his old with the >;; tanley ex pe diti on 1,e me th e supper was house fm wee rn \V O R M P OWD E R S ,. ou t to the eI eph ant s 1 ' tnen cl s b ehm d Joe, H annaI1 , and p uney, Ie tters h e announces h is purpose to establish fur iri urder " d n etsy B ore1er1 ti w h 0 1ived m fi h e d' CON"\ICTl D lOR I LAGIAIUSM. " Lfaed as we were to strange sights we thell: little adopted d,tughter, were amon g ttwn 1n the heilthful and a permu,nen t st, i 1 S{)m e gmger t b _ e rooms 1e ow, came uP w Are plP.eant to take. Contain their own Lhe "oud peuple who s te"'rn"d up 8u11Lh yet almost,ileld om breath at this darmg act Someti m e s in ne l'rof de R uyter Bangs t l·e ch lld l en was fe1 tile district of Mahag1, on the southwe st P1!·g11tn e le a eafe, au.re, and e//ectwiJ Iea.d ' aud t lie JOY o f ' " oun'a on th e po.aris .., _ rtmg :::; n ien C ' 'P t H a.11 ' HT] I of a.n honorary mem b cr 1 es1d mg in Columbus' 1 Wh en w1th rn a f ew yards of them _ con.s t of Alb ert Nyanza, and h e aI so Epearn fl:>iltl'Oyer of ..,..on»!I rn Children or .Adults. 00;? Pl et e i his pro1ects f or futm e exp! ration l'he 0 , sent m the followmg poem to contest fo; stall agam shouted 'Mile up,' but VI 1thout W«S on las 8ledge J ollrney east of Th<Lnk _ _, 1, , sh e satd w.s " How B!ess t ieir h e& " d H arlnr, only a few cl "'YS before his purpos of S tan1 ey , s exped 1t1on is not to the annual sptmg prize voted by the club. effect '[h en, seern mg to l ose h rs t emper, h e do ou But 1 a am ood it is to see tbei well bnng IJ]imn Pasha home, but to supply him 1 'l'he committee thought they discovered the sprang upon the back of the nearest one, and deail'l'>)- a. letLet he w10te ba"k to the slnp on 't 1°0k ell ' M ai y "'ve you ea en eY!l lieut dog driver, my n t I commenced usmg his fo1k for all he '\\ as refened t(i ' '"" with the ammumtton and other resources fine l tahan hand of pl :1g1ansm m it, and i ? an Bupper worth Pretty soon a cry of rage came from Joe, ' ' and closecl with these WOlds, among withdraw, I was laid as1cl e fo1 furth er mvest1gatlon to needed to euable him x Y e a f w tra b er ies an I a b1 t f 1f he d sires, or to still mamta1D the author \Vay 0 do VI n Bebee now repoited that th the ammal, upon wluch the tramer J umped the last he e\ er wrote ; b e hrea all classes with emplo:vmcnt horn e b d ' sbut or t e 8 raw ei ues { cou ld no t poem was stolen bodilv from the work of the nom one to anothe1, r epeatm g the fork per 1ty of Egyi;t 1 11 t hat part of equatorial Afric a '.Iell liannah o.n<l little Puney to be good at ways t whole of thP. time or for their sp are mo ments. JoImny "ve swal lowe d a mou h f ul , unttl after at Ieast t en mmu tes 1 o mger of M ICh 1gan rll.sha. an d Dr J unk er h ave both S weet " Busrness new hght and profita.b e P ersons Ennn " . H ere arc th ree forrn ance A few days later, m the twihght of the bought them, you k noiv, with the money of either sex easily eo,rn from 50 cents to $<> per fi er ce fightmg and J Umpmg, the eleph ants protested rn eloquent words agamst , tban of the twenty seven verses growing wmter m ght, the crew of the Po!tri s evenrng n d a ptoportloual sum by de voting I couldn't deny !um , anU a tha he earned cried peccavt and swam trembl mg to th e placed the bo dy of their dead commander onmg tlus provmce to barbarism and the On e mi:h t when I sought my couch, all their ttme to the bnsmes s Boys and g1 rla I :thmk they've done me good, though it slaver shore Once there the ke ers soon had · on a sledae and bore 1t to i1B last restmg earn nearly as much as men Emm Pasha has taught thousands That all wh o see All tired ont an<l forlorn 0 · k tha.t we s h ould buy , " seem 8"rnnge migh,_ 1 th em un der suhiec tion, bu t r · , of th e natn'es improved methods of agncu 1 umgst a1 , w ho plac e on the 'bleak CO<J.st of Hobeson Channel. thrn may send thetr a ddress and test the busi An angeI appeared to me and said , them when we are so poor er To such as are not "You ll mairv a man n am ed H e nry Smith Roge·s had d1spl ·yed such mt rep1d1ty and courage, Behmd tha.t fl og wrapp e d cotlin w lked two ness, we make tlns oll' tnie a the arts of weavmg and shoemak well satisfied we will send one dollar to " Ci.n't you dunk a cup of tea 9 ,, u sauk mto a dead famt the moJ11ent he touch The da) s rolled sw1!tly pM!t, fog Io abandon the work he has so " ell 1 Fnll pv.rt1cul ara st cken nattves, Joe and Hannah, perhaps for the trouble or writmg Mary shook her head 'agcd, ;';:-tdds eel shore begun will be to trow away the opportnn ' the srncerest mourners m all the orrowful anu Ollttlt free Address G EORGE STINSO:I\ &; ' l\foLhe1 ha>n t had auy tea tlrn long Co Portland, Mame. it:y of plantmg c1villza.t10n m the heart of I company They we1c followmg for the last And he the one oi m) dreams time," said eight yea1 old Ha.rry " She Afnca By m an of theT. newly discovered I time their best and truest fremd,who m A FRENCH LOV.E POWD.ER says milk is better, but we haven't had any 8 equatonu,l waterways to t e C ongo, ,,,gypt 'l I hrn life they had fol1owed eve15 VI he1c milk either-notbina but bre,1d and it's 1 pro i mce may still be kept withm eas v rea0h Tiie Ho111blc Use to \Haicll Humnn Boiles 1 :But Joe and Hannah were yet to render An d h ow n o gu l ·liould dcspan lucky it 18 hot weathe1 , fo1 our W:ood is all of E ur ope, the Soudan may some day be re I Because she h ·s no beau " their 'reatest e111ce8 lll the cv.use of ArcLIC Arc Put. o a d m1ll ons of lacks pr scr d fro It was dl'Illlg the drift on a " Y on tures A cur10us mstance of how deeply old SU ad' en On mot10n of Trus tee Pullback the matter r Rush, Harry, ' said Ins moth er . i a e l vers w o r ou g : 1e s o m r n mtw 1 c ':i of expell rng the Profos so1 was p u t to vote r ln arc still rooted lil remote parts floe ma.ny hundreds of uules to the Atl, perstit10ns \ mustn't tell all our sec1ets 7 ' i : h o es ge l l I , of the country is 11 case which ha s JU St been Ocean that \foe's qualities as a hunter Wero I m]f c J3etsy Borden was lame, but the boys t and he W<>S expelled at the rate of forty mile mm as a 8 toi y as on e 0f th e To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, I brought before the M,i,g1strates of Marquet fully displayed Eqmpped with v. riile anl no ticed how much more qmckl) than usual wo piovmces 0 < gypt tat paid a1 I its , an hour illy the sanor of the ,ranee A a harpoon h e was actu, I m the Department of Lo1ret, m ]< 1 she went down stans ancl not m<Lny mm "In notifym' him " said the President "de Boys and l\fatdens, at , expenses and turncc a surplus mto t !le trea d ' I partV ca,pt r yson .s dia.ry f rom em1 to end < ortenay " e grM ed igge1s of .E utes h a passe d before t he c1 1c Ic o f h er Seckretary w111 etate <lat 1t is mo' on account sh ort tim e ago 'h Accordmg t0 Dr J unk er tlie Govet sury sur Long saul to some wo1kmen with -whom 1s full of I tudatory <lomments upon Joe's crutch was heard m the h all below, aud he1 Let oteahn de of de dan lock poetry now us no1 General l1as on h and a st 01 e of ivo·y h e was tal kmg at a "i<'erneres fatory "I >er fide1 1ty and abl1ltY F our month s after ti1e vnce co.IImg Joh nny to come d own 1a g enougI1 t entir cost 0f tlie up de unfimshed busmess sot de safe to open ay t h " ThPre, child, take that tea to your haps you thrnk that dead men's bones arc di ift began l'yson wrote, r t1e to ou r domest1 : word on the and , ·x re s an ey imes O\ er expe 1 wn irec Vere it not for Jon, Eskimo though he ' \ ' of no use to anyone, but you are m1stak I'v e put sugar aud mrlk m it to mother cated h om es " unker ;i,lso says that if l tmm Pasha deci des from be many if rot all of this p trty mnst have en , I have sold some to two vt omen save her trouble, and she 11 excuse i t bemg l y of his the maJ v hts po o rem n 1p 'lhe police hearmg of t 11e oc I P0rt8hed befme now The seals he has c, l t 1<e1riers ' m a bo\1 1 ; you'll not be so hkely to sp11! 1t t ;J 1 8 Not So proud Of lt men w foree 0 h im remam wit <>llrt encc made mqmnes, and the follo'I< m g I tured have furmshed ns not only with the Qomg ove1 th e stairs <IS if 1b was a cup ' ' I Egypt author· zes Emm Pasha to hold the fresh meot so essential to our pos1t10n, but The women from Fer J\1,my were the rencontres between vV1ll fac ts were revealed There was a h,ilf snule on Mary's face as rovmce he has efe cle d I neres w ent to l<'ontenay SUI Lomg and ask without the 011 from the bl ubbet we coulcl well nd as Spei r aud t he E arl of Eghng ton, wh o con ! r she listened to these explanat10ns, and it f g one so much to e o 0 one a.m i iar d escended to familiarity with him, a.nd m ed the gravedigger for some human bones 1I neither have warmell our food nor had any ve p. would be haid to tell w111ch did her more ith t l s r mar able man be l -ret Lttn allowed the same l atitud e of exp1es i e ord W e s urv ive At firsl h e refus ed , bu t was soun p e1suaded mca.ns of meltrn g ice fo r di mk oood, the bountiful supply of fra"rant ieves i at e w i a an on t ie eq ttatonal sion ID the wayward 'Nill The vagrant t o yi eld by an ample babe T he \\ omen, tlu ough G od's .!l1ercy and Jce s ability teaming tea, or the dehcate kmdness .;'f the for a. em or ry r s p e fro m 1 one day made a dcnrnu d on h is l ord ship fox , w o pas d r n rov u ce, e \ Joe k new better th an h i s commd es ho w the chstnct f or srce1 esses, re e h friend who wus almost as voor as herself h d ; : r u ts o f a bottle of ale t s a r nou s a ors, .1 t er e Y t e n . · " 'D eed, Will, ' r eplied the t u·u e<l h om e tndmg the bones for a sho1 t to build ice h uts, aud he d id tne greater l hIS past effor s a11a the wel bemg of the e11rl, " I have not a fttr tlnng m n.y pocket time, aud thn mm b ng them and carefu l ly 1 part of the wodt m 1e:trmg the three huts The day aftei these ocenrrences some natn cs must e sacnficcc1 there to Leezie < ttliermg up the cmde1 s their pmpose that il, rou1,h that long wmter sheltered etgh « ladies were together toe w for the poor, --; 3ust now ; but 3 ust gang m ipt Ty i on , the leader ol: C. c augh t for a young teen persons I:'u.terson'0, irnd I 11 tell har to gi'e ye t, and b e m g to p repare a love h and Mrs Hall, the mm!sool. s wife, mcnt10n ,... Photographs. l . l q stenous and l tock ew ur Hannah, Toe, w1tn lived party, the er lui<l !is, y e and you help and re to it ord mmutes ed few t a 111 who return ll I pr t ed tho McNeil family, saymg she feared N d and cornO S I oms;, 1 dt mk it ' The earl , faithful to his promise, conquer the heart of a lover who had turned l'nucy m their h it Every one m the p ar ty prises s o m ethma A wonderful Uung h appened 11 they were vci y destitute, as the other had pretty fol: was safely rescued, and then Joe ,rnd his takmg nd a time, e shon a 111 ' rnturned ·eat a n off her Northern Mrs A lauy ecently l no· been abl to OIJ,lll anythr J ror so long, county 1 m s , G00 d <tu< "' 1 Serviceable for Me n ac among the ir hve to b10k wem y l " fami p man proud a little be may Ye to \V1ll osite op was luLmlke1chief te a wln anct died E1to11, j and was now unfi t to work and Boys, and Boots that R Boo t s for Tho Co operative t:lociet1es of England f1 rends m Ba ffin Litnd " An' " Yes," said Miss Rand, u, bTignt y ounJ folded m four layers and put o\ e1 her face I th is day Will, ' said his lordship b eve1y mem e r o f the househ old \l'O T ago years sevel'al died Hanna.h a1c the and factories, !111gc stancd clrmk Sittmg " wit. the queried ' ? hav what for r e tllere off lrnndkeichiel the 1 took ey tl ea.rcl h Wh<Jn I " , w;n,1an Vlho was cuttm(l' ot t work nam e, of the bear Sound Snnth lll ISiands cap like dmary JUst orkmen w o employmg J man hech, Hech, " ' earl a,ri w1 on lady lllg ' the t, of pictmes tmct hs c fonr r were w1thflut almost and i they were w1th on fue 'fhe part they took m Spmts of g ret cause to be pr o ud., s1ttmg aside an itahsts and theae workmen have iecently Joe and Hannah the size of a i1m1ter of a clollai food, and we muov help them " IN Si'Ot;K, face USt lady's the e an tht ana a bo<lle m J11s pouch to \;le8R l1eeLI out on strike because, as they allege, Arctic cxplorat10n is recorded on many a TIUJNKS, \'ALISE. ·" "ATCHl'I.S on d put been had J camphor Ha1per, Mrs old " We ought to, ' sai they a re not fanly dealt with m the way of page, and unti l th c story o fPoIar ,,d ve nt n re Dr E S Pendleton, who 111msel w1 . Ordered W ork and Repa irm g 8 " for, when there 19 any sicknoss 111 the before h er death )l e 1e wot1d , t11ese h um1 Is not tin· the very evil that ce11ses to mterest t1 wages mn.ghborhood, 1hry McNeilis always ready attended the lady, has the handkerclnef, and ll Specialty, as usual There never was a good war, or "' uad "o operat10n was intended altogether to de· friends and servant. of the cxplorcrn wi to do anythmg m her power, and she' s au will show it to any one, or reply to any quesD. DAVIS . not be forgotten stroy i extra good muse " tions regardmg this matter. peace J !',!!!!!!!' me i' lf at'tl"ittft · tl;.l'totw\rU -"'tll U ' " " ___ _ _ £ __ _ r !" __ ______ __ _ _ _ ____ _am 1111!1 _ _ _ _ !!__ - J __ ___ _ _ m ____ I ri I -!L!!!S 'fi'l1'fl'fl'a 9 i I S r :r ;r: d when Oli,,a;;,:t/;,r:,;,;:on e, ') e) nct1·11 ·: th:ia b; 'earnmg l l " "mh \ at B ox 01 f StrabvverrIBS i " I I ! I OrOllO Pump FaCtOfY" I ?UM PS lll f E"'EDY DES::nlPTIOfl'll I ?1b ! I I r f Jl=xra;[," ,1;,;11, 1f I ! I I pron' £ d rc ti'v mi j' I I I I I All WORK GUARANTEED I l he I I '[ I I I I I II I I I I I I I JOH SPEN CER, RG USOI. gard q?° .. n1 eanR j zn:fY:. .f:Y d1 tht' Y· fo,a0c1u srf' 1 f I j 1 ug 1' 1 1 I I I I gouorary t° n Ib h mi t his 1h ts / I I I 1 1 1° Ii. I I I ! WorKm lasses Attention !; a at the pay t rtlllK- 1p01 tJf1 i \las ."in;iti;;:: tJJ, Ml f ' I I I! ! I it Pays II t t j j I f11 f N I l I I I I 1 II I I Popular No. 1 , Boot and ShoeE M P O R I U M! na:t "'r:e I I ! 1I j I I IL j jI

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