NEW THINGS IN JEWELRY. THE LIME-KILN OLUB. How to Read the Clouds. There ecm be no doubt that those,who ob. Double _ , populo.r are chains gentlemen a. for m c "I l owed n ol man who died de odde serve the clouds can make pretty .. shrewd VETERINARY SURGEON. "You may see a person with gout," says day widout religun," said Brother Gardner, with the watch at one end and a pencil at guesses as to the weather for the next twenWEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1887. t while from · the bar depends a. seal ty-four hours. Abernethy in his lectures,"who is almost as he opened the meeting. "Some of de he other, Proverbs relating to the or coin. antique n' · · people who stood aroun' his death bed a d =====-==;::,.-:::-=--=--·- unable to move with; but pro uce a Medusa-head scarf pins, in which the faces clouds are very numerous,and we give a few shock on his nervous system by telling him saw de smile on his fa.ce as he sunk away iu of those which are applicable at this time HouEHOLD. """ that the house is on fire and he will scamper death could not make it out. He belonge(I carved out of red sand and the snaky of ·the year: . about like a lamplighter." Smollett tells us to no church-he worshipped wid no congre· locks are represented in gold or oxidized silAnvil shape clouds very are be to i' likly x companions fit are ver fo1· conpopular died the he dat sphin gation, an' dey wondered in one of his novels of a Captain Lismahago ' :' " Our .l:loys." followed by a gale of wind. heads. who wcut into a house and cried out to an old tent. . If the sky becomes darker without much "Vhy is it that some boys,. . at a very early man who had the gout,"Mad dog! mad dog!" dis ole m_an_ has uo re No, " _ ligun, accord- . '.!'be last sta.,<re of folly is indicated by the , ram a.nd d ivides into t wo layers of clouds, - t o fee1 respons1 bilities, and look ;;hen e jumped up and age,begm ran out . of the house, m to de way Christians put it, but I know- appearance) among Darwinians presumably) ex ct forward to taking a man's position, while evenmtoa pondohrnter ne sudden gusts of wind. opposite. " In such ed him long an' well. In de first place,he .of the monkey necklace-a string of these f,rassy- color ed clouds in the west at sunoth ers seem to think that they are not re· examples itisimmate .u "r All de money in Detroit1ugly creatures fasten.ed together by thet rial whether the terror was hone>it. · · d" icate wind. "ble anc1 societu spons1 ' has no claim on them arisesfrom a real or imaginary cause, the wouldn't hev bin a temtashun to him. In tails and claws. The J0ewel"d spider neck- set Ill If you see clouds going cross wind there is . until they become of legal age? remarkable though familiar fact is that a de next pl ace, he wus forgivin' an' conscien- lace though rarel.y seen, deserves the same a storm in the air. Once raise a boy's ambition, set his mind strong, mental image or impression infuses shus ; it he wronged anybody he would go comment. When on clear days isolated clouds drive und out how he may benefit his n w power into the at work to "' A andsome. moonstone pin and pendant nervous and muscular don ?n his knees _to u' it right. e family and himself; once get him in the s t Dis ole man paid bis honest debs. To combme cons1Bts of a centrepiece of moon- over the zenith from the rain-wind side, yH ems. The very fear which in a healtbv . storm and rain follows within twenty-four train of tho.ught that by bis own exertions person may produce excessive musc ular him a debt was as sacred as holy writ. He, with a cherub face carved thereon in h urs. he may fill some influential contraction-convulsion-will . the position that . serve to nerve had kind wor_cls fur all.. Neber was a mau low relief and the edges scalloped to resem- oIf the _ ..,,, m the commumty where he lives, th e hmb man fil'A frame of clo,sely set small . cloud_s be of different heights, the of th,,; cripple podagric just suffi- so bad da.t disole man could not say sun· blc a shell. Ontario Veteri nary Colleire, ky bmg gra11sh or di ty blue,with hardly Graduate or the her and the work has gone far toward comple- ciently t.o enable him to escn pe fro of the Ontario Veterin&r;r R egister ed mem m da.nger. thin' good of him. He respected de law : diamonds urrounding the whole makes a s ny wrnd strnng, the wmd,however,changAs an illustra. But were this all,_ we coul? not adduce this 1 he upeld all dat was moral an' virchus; he rich setting for the little _picture. tion in making him a man. Medical Association. m from west to south,expect storm. tion of how early in life 11 boy's mind will occurrenc as an illustrat on of the cure of was w1 dout envy. JarOffice and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. Some very elaborate coral sets havercceute i . lack clouds in the north in Winter inditurn to the hard practical ways and mean the gout;, an obstacle to locomoti. Will visit Orono every Tuesd a andt Satnrda:r "A as de Ap·Il un suuk low m de he?'- ly been imported from Naples. Exquisitely cate B on beml" approaching snow. of helping t.o support a family, we instance Office hours from 10 a. m., to i p. m., at tep?ral'lly overcome but the d1ease re- hens dis old man s time. had co1!1e. He atd chiseled rose sprays and amphorre pendants If on a fair day in winter a white bank of Conlte1-s' Hotel, Tel egraph receive the experienc e of a prominent and well- mammg. In the second case, however, ad - good-bye to de world m a wluspcr, an he are the m'st noticeable features of these sets clouds arise immediate attention. a in the south XJ?ect snow. know business m n . s n poured i s was not afraid. De settin' duced in the following illustra.tions an actual A Cupid reclining on a bed of roses form CHARGES MODERATE. Small bla His home was in a small villa e where cu would a )pear t? _ ek ?louds riftmg from t;hc last beams of glory !rw de wnHle; o".er his the bracelet ornament, and the centrepiece e e e south:vest a sign of ram. . 1 . hav . be n effect d. o e black ce,and 1thghted up w1d srnh ra; his father had succeeded to a !eh-estab. fi of r the nest set. A c apam of a B itish slup of war," says fa of the necklace , If m \\ mter the clouds appear fleecy, lished business; but love of pleasure a Dr. . . Rush, "who had· been confined for d1ance dat we stood dar and held our brefs. ? The d signs of i port_ed watches re copi- with a very blue sky, expect cold rain or natural careles · ess 1the h b"t 0f us i g several man no called who man a of eand de was It fit weeks to his cabin by a severe of \ d 1ar_g Y f rom imepieces worn Y court snow. ; 1' k h intoxicating d! he fa 1 o ugh his guide, e ll?- Y the gout in his feet,was suddenly cured by his pastor an' took no 'church fur l il ue_n?e tive '. "oys of Rea- celebntt es. The present demand tends to. to abJect ,i down from compara. 3 II 0l oud8 b0 dark de minit cum las' de but when h" g of heari ·]!'ire' on board ts sh" . 1P· n the cry m c,w"th wards small watches in bulg· t 'Twillraio,doyooha.rk? poverty The poor' hi··h-sp1nted mother Thisfact wascommunicated to me by agentle· ven were so plainly seen in his face dat he open f11ces. E , !,I. c!ouds be bri'lht h 1i " n; d h 1 name an c a.smg used . .1 er ,mtght to ke_ep Jllll.n who was a witness had st gg led Wlth a . lwill clear to-111vht. of it Many 8 1 ar shouted fur glory. " , considerably. Some .of the most popular . . . . the wolf from the door of the ltttle family cases re upon record . b ()(>· . f o ean e "A , h d" d , was h d d sic an , 1e e so n d m ks of me icme . If a 1ayer of thm clouds drne up from a watch chams for ladies are s1m11a.r to one · of three ch"ld l ren and . a d runk en h usband . I shall in another lace o t f, what de world calls a sinner We has ot t he northwest and under other clouds mov V is e ueen with favori hich ictoria. 9 a .But at last every thmg_ was gone, and they a ac : fi.i,,ht j among us heah three Bcore church melbrs ! ";hey are short i h one in which the cre effe:d b t v t a. swi el at_ one end mg more o the south, expe?t fine wea her were turned ut of their home._ The:r took eradicated '.I : _ the disease from the stem o 80 an' prayin' men. Ize woiiderin' how many! for Clous rn the east obscurmg the sun mdismall a is other he while wat?h at tl\e FREEMAN'S he refuge offered them by a kmd neighbor· completely as ever afterwar a event . 1 sink away to rest as clllmly and I decorated pm,from wlnch depends a short cate fa1r weather. d t0 pr 1t8 of us will .o . , . m an old house that ba<l been used for st r- r t . , H . . . er ne b name ose w man e d 1 h o fi d at as · y ent con lfth k b d th 1 els. bl e s Y cyon e c ou 1s ue commumcated ere by 18 the case :n. em ' WORM POWDERS 'I cham term1nat" mg in a bell or sea1 ' J age Of old arti·cles. ne glad . there's a picnic for you ud ge Rush,ti ie doctor ,s bro ther : "peter appeared on a church roll . I ze b een wonThis man boy about tenf y ear.s ]!'ether, the person cured is n o 1 One of the most characteristic insect pins of If the cloud at the same height drive up hang an' much too pray <loan' we if derin' v 1 . ' then a a e ali w ·-· ·to··... e. Co t-·- · .. -'- ' ' , solace and con idaut, t c r- wit old,was lus mot h ere · h the wmd · and gradually become thinner "f we , doan' all is a beetle coposed mamlY of_ spl"t ....., p1o&et1.lh _.. -n Read" n au1 .... .... . .... h?useho1 der i_ mg,seventy-three years o.ff abott our deb ts too ong ; 1 furg..tlvo. le a ·, 1nre, and e.a..e.I.., Tbey talked together, devisin bow the o. age,a native of Germny, and a very mg eal dat we t gv_t 1I buncle :epresentng _the parte wmgs,whi le and descend, expect fine weather. much so w1d t .A.411lt or Cllildron i:D l'DW . .,... ol ,. t the cover settmgs sil diamonds er could succeed in retting food ad clothin Euough blue sky in the northwes to . g l hearty man. '[he v Ill , first fit of. gout h e ever nulf left to speak kmdly of our n ay burs; if I small . g m To makca. Scotchman a jacket is a si"n \.I. he mother wa. al readY dmng sueh sewmg' b u t he -7 t 1 head and the exposed P art 0 f the bodY· a vas of sa un aph d own our ] h t h f so o am sua we " d h d was a a . an from year 3, t J/ o complete thresemblanceborns are frequent proacbing cleo.r weather. and washine: as she c uld ge t f · m n h i · t 1'! that till 1785 he had a regular attack in the I we doan' keer about anybody else. Let ua 1 l diamonds. Buckle hors. The boy wen When the clouds hang on the mountain . to learn . e tai or s 1 spting of every year. His feet hands and look into dis an' find whar' we stand. Dar' j Y added, tipped with 'l A..a l · h. t" 'd" d fi e ox1 an · ue m ms d ·l k l asps oa c "d an 1 trad e ..,. .... ot up 1n . th e morning at day. ! e11lows were much swoll s1 e tifter a ram and the sun shines on top iz c1 c 1gun an' rel" 1gun. De sort dat sends a 1 en and mfl.amed - am rel" ed are considerably worn now, and pretty' of the mountains the storm is over th the fits lasted long l"ght s d d s rt o d bu"It 1 th c h and were excruciating'. member of dis club down on his knees at de, h o ' y1 fire hcip':d hi m o are coin and garters in designs Pumps Cheaper and Better · etched r e t scantY e k fl.oral a In particular the last fit in 1785 was so se - Thursday evenin' pray'r meetiu',an' allows i f ast ' and then wen ,0 eeri Y and q cklY v er else's umbrella 1' seen in great variety. Two new finishes than ever. e as to induce an apprehension that it. him to walk off wid sc.meone I . ·h have :ecentiY appeard m these good s ic away to h" 1s employer s h ouse to . t ak e m Eoonomy m · Sleep. · ht am a sort I want to wh" . bly carry him off, when he h eah on Saturday ntg . care I wonId mev1ta . deserve not ce. The first, m all but colors, " ""[! the cow d an b e n g of the horse,m"lk th m i n M W ll h e Thousand M"les The S ub sc riber havinrit built a large nn. was suddenly relieved by the follo wing ac· keep shet of." . . is a clever i_mitaion of alligator skin, '.l'e Thr;gh Brizf 1 d ft hl h h e ut t t he store,I oident: As he lay in a small SQUARED IIIMS:KLF. , ' .. :ells ;:e o11owmg of. 1og a d bi\ck room ad. 0 . o, I s prepare.., fu': 1 ° ' ! p . .'I. d second winch resembles an orange-peel m ron ::ipt 0 ' tu ft the c ean d . ' ump Factory m c llJI an 3"oining the yard "t l a, of ' . ! er E d that ' ed him on country a which s one d 1 y surprise, f ccompani th o b o appene b d ' t every t to y " reat G . . ' mg most of the journey. t8 pitted. surface, consists 0f a sprmkl" 1 arranged everything ready for the business I hts sons m -to fumhhAnother curious thin turnmg a wagon ai;icl horses,drove I Toots had remained wide awake thus far,1 a rough and dark related of the anima of e nght akes of the clay. Everything that his activ-1 the_ tongue of the wagon with such force l was that he understoo and he now arose to a question of privilege. I . - ize,t groun · oxi mind could think of to do to please his eme 1 agamst the w '1 ;i u many sentences iu Portuguese,put could not g livi that was near he out old ng u dow, fl_ which th it had H heard m . ployer was done -promptly a.nd cheerfully,' · man lay stret?hed on a bed,as to beat Ill the with h 8 fifth wife, and th<;t the two mAnother illustration of With or without Porcelain Cylinder, f be taught English. l and it had the effect of making the latter a Ii sash of the wmdow anr to sc_atter the pieces ' fhe Doe;'s .Example. th.e difficulty of teaching an old dog new du.lged in quarrels w!1ich disgraed the l . ?rm friend of bis,who befriended the fam- of broken glass all the Best Material, on the shortest notloe about hun. _ To such. a neighborhood, Re .desired to ubm1t proofs Johnny was a very careless little ho . tricks. lly and took; pains to teach the boy the I egree was he alamed by the noise and vioI must not fail to mentiou a peculiarity .of and at the lowest prices. that se wa only his fourth wife, nd th11:t He was always losing his playthings a!d f tailoring trade. From basting the trim-: e enoe that he h d mstantly leaped out of bed they lived Ill such a perfect state of hapl· I1 books, tearing his clothes, forgetting er- the dog. In camping out at night or in . Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. a minga t.o plain work on the clothes, and t .: forgot tat e had he is ever alert,watchful, and ever used crutches, an.d ness that he never knew whether his shirt' rands and making himself and every one else strange places, fine work on the coats,to cuttin'( them out, eagerly mg.mred what was the matter. His never attempts to sleep. Such sleep as he buttons were off or on. al I a great de of trouble. He had 1\ habit of . all came in due time and regular order to w . fe, ea mg the 1;1p oar,ran uto the room; - "w, doan' keer fur de pr?Ofs, "Brdder: doing things he ought not to do and of go- requirs be obtains in a rather singular way. WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED . . this ardent worker, and in six years this ! w ; 0 r astoms ; iere Y?u ing where he ought not to go, He never ent she. r ound her hva- Toot , . observed the Presidet ; urmg the day he secured every oppor boy was called a good workman, earning· band on ?1s !eet bwlmg agamst the uthor hasn t bm oill.shually charged wid any mis· I meant to be naughty · but he didn't take tumty for a snooze. For example when we wages which enabled him t.o provide quite I of the nnschtef with the most pass1onate, conduct befo' de club, au' we kin took no j time to think and somtimes his poor marn- are travelling, he notices the tr;ck we are 1 decently for his mother and sisters. following? and rns aead of us at his fastest vehemence. ax;i}rnn." \ma almost lost patience with him. , , , . Onward and upward this boy progressed, ut I des1ah squar myself,sah. . " O Johnnie, Johnnie," she would say, p_ace, until meetrng with ny doubtful direc from a wrkma_n to be a partne r. His perse-1I TO GIVE SATISF AOTION. "You _ am squared_, Brudcler Toots, ,in "just look a.t your feet, all covered with t10 or a brach road,he hes down ancl sleeps The Man Who Saved Viotoria's Life. verance,mtehgence and energy were such j km consider yerself d1scarged on supended I mud ! See how you have spoiled my nice I until we arrive,when he repeats again his tha.t he steadily enlarged the business, in-. Incorrect statements have been published n_ianrouvre, as soon as h_e p:irceivea the qnes- Orderafby Mail promptly attended to. sentence. Sot down an go to sleep. clean floor. " creaed the J?rofits, S? that, from an ex- respecting the naval officer who saved the Johnny looked very sorry; "O mamma,I t10n settled by_ our contmumg on one or other HE MUS'l' GO. elusively retail house it became a manufac·, Queen's life in 1834 the real facts· The Secretary_ then anounced he didn't mean to, but I didn't think," he said of the alternative tracks. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PIC:S::ETB, turin establishment, el.ling ready-mde' His name was Joseph Saunders and he wa , clothrng to merchants m the surroundmg I master of the cutter Emerald. 'l'he mishap had been plac.ed m possession of certam sad eagerly. MOULDINGS, &o., kept on hand. what is reputa A nd "That d. ter c hea chara_ her be shook amma di o f concernmg cts Y MoTHERs TO a. M Ar>VISE t; u re s . country. "Ou boy ': was . the head and J took place as that era.ft was entering P ly- . " t front of the busrness m m11kmg purchases,1 mouthHarbor with the late Duchess of Kent t10n of Brotker Green Smith, an honorary you always say, Johnme, and yet almost turbe d d bro k en 0f our r?s t h' . . 1 s u The Prin- mem?er li_ving in Al11bama. Brother Gren,! every day my floor is tracked with your bY and through this means he became the acti;c f and Pr incess Victoria on board. c 1 d n ng and crymg with , . .a partner o_f a large wholesale cloth house Ill: cess was asking Saunders to look after a favo- who ts a licensed preacher of the Method 1st dirty feet. I'm almost afraid to take you pam o Cutting If so end t church, ';as sent as a delegat to a confer- with me to visit Aunt Jane. " a large city shortly afterward. . . rite dog,when a steamer collided with the euce. , once n d get a b tt l e of _Mrs. Wmsl w s over very go. be adJourned me let will I do conference "O mamma, '.Ihe The a?cept'!'nce of the latter resulted m. cutter, carrying away her rigging and taking y p. For cluldren _ teethn !I'. , o o trasformg hnn to a sphere that gnvc hid; the mast . Exclaiming " For God's sake l Sunday, and the membe1·s up a shake f caref1;1l indeed, indeed, I will," Johnnie 1 o thmg u no ::c j its value s mcalulabl. It _will _ busmess"tlen.ts and. energy full scope, an_d! c me forward, or you will both be purse and boght Brother Green a bag of I promised very e?'rnestly, . . ? "Well," I will try you tlu s trr:e," sa id ! the poor httl sufferer immechately. Dethe result _of all this has been that be is killed!" Sfiunders p romptly hurried the dis- oats o fed his horse. He slyly pl.aced the lJ D now,at middle ae, had of a large and; tinguished party O'Jt of da.nger, and would oats m is buggy and set out for his ome, mamma, ?ut remember, Johnte, that f p":nd upon it, _ mo th ers ; there is no all classes w_ith em loym at home, th e whole of the tur:e, or 'For their sp&re moments. y nte Dys es cu I i u a.b y ake rn other habit ac this of yoursel! bi cire g?od t a not do when you and o t. t r m , e wa t miles few a r ! rosperous manufacturing a1<1 wholesale not allow them to be trnusferred to a boat r hcea rt:<tnlates th e "'t . c h a n d 1 Bus:ness new, lgbt and profitable. Persons firm,who are marked AA AA,m character, until the maot waa made Mfe. The Duchess went after lnm he was found sowmg t;he seed I Aunt Jane will not be likely t o 111v1te you l ;11 n d D ia r n n 1. " o, of e1her sex oos1ly earq fl'om1 50 c ents to $5 per Bo ,. el· cur es ,' w"'°. 1· CO IC, sof tens t h e 1 ovAnmg. an d a proport10na sum by devoting inc . credit and cash. His mother lives witl;i and Princes; were duly gra.teful and on tak· on fruitful soil. The case was brought be-' again." , ; u' . crence, · f . 1 all their ti me to the business. Boys and giJ:ls b o red J was vo t ec o nme promise once more · l t o e care ul t h ' , ore i? c?n an 1 "t d f ti f _ ' n (h · · d' him m · a fine .maus1on I f tiier Gurus ' reduces Infl:immation' a d gt ve5 j eitrn nearly as m uch as men. T hat all who see 1e.d' i mg the dog of his future Queen to the hotel . h avmg and he really meant to keep Ins word ; but some years smce from d1ss1pat 10n), and lus at which she sta.yecl at Plymouth sheinquir- voke his license. _ r address,. an d test the busitn e au d nrg to th e W h Ie sy;tem . 1 this may send t hei he it vi a his forgot of in day fack de first very 'bout the ! s al queshun " s r' no be kin id Da . Hl acc eui; o · prosperous b11sinesa ed the cause f the siters are married to , M r. Wmslow ll Soothrng s reply was Syrup for ness , Wf? maim this .oft'er. '.lo such as are n ot . as !\. n Jane's carpet w cogpretty de a d unt "an' resident the again said ease we ll satisfied we will send one dollar t o pay de P . " ' men. . · of - . . ' . · . ' . · ls ,Lnc1 othor super10r that wh en Ad1111ra ·h "ld . n tee th· 1 _rn mg ia_ P1eaent to the faet e for thu trouble of writing. l!'ull particular!! . hw11! be _erased almost rumed by bis shoes which were cov- c ut ficers were 011 board they took the charge of nornen of Brudder Green Sn and is the prescr1pt1ou of nna. oLJtfit free. Address GEORGE STINSON & ne of the o l d --- . fr?m our rolls. De rules o! dis clubv:r1ll pe_r· ered with mucl. . Rea.lth£ul Oookmg. the vessel out of his nands; to which the _ est and best female physicians and nurs es Co. Portland, Maino. exclaim· !" always di forgettmg m am de I b ker of de st Oh, " to cher pre a m1t c e git ---1 --a · ' CELERY ON TOAST -C e lerY that ts - no t I. Princess retorted with characteristic com-1 t ad' 'ted S t a . e Uni, an d is f or sale by 1n th · m · despa · t·r, 1_n' ofl:' mu1es, . an we_wn't go b'."ck . on ed Joh nme 1 crisp and fresh may be prepared like this. mon souse, that 1f there were uot 80 many ! h!m if tran e c_hi e t cns :r_1s1_st on ym' mto " ; ou II hav.e to take sm1 fro!n my all drup,-gists hrough th world. Price l p b After washing the celery and removing commanding officers dfaasters would not 00_ his ,cabm at wrmi;m de'.1 ncl,s,but we dog, replied his aunt. . . Maior is not 25 cents a ottl e . Be sure and ask for l the greeu leaves, cut in pieces about the cur. She also added that when she was on' can uphol a base mgrat1tude an wrank hy- hanclso ne, but I am afraid he must be "MRS. WINSLOW'S Soo:rHING SntUP." h a.k as you do asparagus, then put into b?ard he was never to give up the charge of po sy. a nd t e no ot e r kind I?e bra:nch clus at Montgomery marce1 ai;id better behaved than you re n , boiling water. When it is tender, drain it, his vessel. The Duchess of Kent presented an Huntsv1lle w1ll be notified of our axshun, m some thmgs. When he first came to live Saunders with a prayer-book and Bible He d lli!,;i::sa -..1 t a· ""l.'l Jay it on slices · of butt · red t t brucld!lr atte mpt to with me he used to coe o the. house with ed ' d depo a ld ho e To buy Foot Gear for Men, Wo m en , s s u g t . ' : got no specil pension or pay or savin the the water in which tle eel; 'is 16:ke v11t ue ?f dose lodges he will feel a saw- dirty paws,but every time he did,so I took Boys an d Maidens, at Add a little butter or thick cream and ser v i life of her present Majesty,i.nd has long been mill hit h im. a pan of water ou on te steps and _ washed I dead, Two daughters are at present living 11 , . hot. them before allowmg him to come m. _He UNJAVORABLY REPORTED. at Southsea, and two grandsons are in the BRAIS)'D LAMB.-Wash thoroughly a leg VETERUJARY SURGEO!i, Givea.dam Jo?-es,Traveling Lecturer 1:1-nd soon learned to be careful and . never gives of lamb. Put into a poi; with very tittle DM'Y· desired to report on the apphca- ne trouble now. I often see him go out of Installator, water just enough to keep from scorching. the on rosswalk c street ss to 1:o the tion of the "Dark Shades " of Henderson, 1s way , It mut be watched continuously and when The Sta.te of Russia. e mud. Ky. , for a branch charter. He bad been mstca of gmg t4e water boils almost away a little more a d ears s l p pr1ke r o w aggel n cl i_t Those who know ,Russia wel, g_1ve the down there and made the acquaintance of _MaJ_ may be added. The secret "of success is tol but Johnnrn hung his 1 most. nelancholy accounts of its mternal Setback Johnson, Hardheel Smith, Turkey hts tail at this praise, . cook the lamb in the least possible quantity At last he stooped cond1t i?n. It ;11y sem to. be stpng nd Davie, 'Possum Williams, and other appli- hei,\d for very shame of water, letting it brown on the pot bu) a&gress1ve,but 1t is this da:f m reality dymg cants, and it was his opinion that no branch down and patted the dog very softly on the rn not bu . Serve with the water or gravy , of that very autoracy which many regar_d could be organized to do honour to the parent he.d. . , . in whfoh the meat is cooked. We11, old MaJor,you n dn t tmk I m -eight applicants M is r a: Cz. of The secret as the strength. its twenty the of ost club. . BAKED M ACARONI.-Cook the macaroni and ; said he you, by beaten be to gomg can do everythn;1g. chewf'd the meanest kind of plug tobacco,, said to be supreme. He . broken into small Ilieces for fifteen or twenty om he :Wills h e kills nd whom he wills kept fighting dogs and played policy, and from. th8:t day mamma was never troubled minutes, then put a layer in a bakin g dish, ·wh he saves alive. It ma)'. be m one sens a fact, two of them were just out of the county by his dirty shoes. sprinkle with grated ·cheese and bread yet that same Czar is the mot msera?le jail for larceny. His report was accepted crumbs,a& ..:a a little thick cream or butter, creature uder t;lie s11:n. He hves . m .daily and adopted,and no charter will be granied. yhen another layer of macaroni and more Ha.rmony y. Law. fear of . falh· hke his father., a v1ct1m to WORKING WELL. cheese, and so on to tho top. !'our over dynanute. Ihosands of the best people of At a trial in the Court of King's .Bench · Our New S toc k h as arrived , and com the whole, half a. cup of milk, and bake covthe countrr are ll1 gaol. Both men and wo- - The Committee on Patnts a.nd Copy· between two publishing houses as to an alered. This is considered a very hearty dfoh prises something nea t and pretty for uery t rights, to whom was submitted ie q : le ed piracy of an arrangement of "The I Honorary Graduate of the Ontario l men,espccally the latter,are exposed to the · and a. good substitute for mea.t. ·ken, and how O Fc _ at IE th tc .?, Torpedo ch" most at roc1ous outrages. '['he pet\santry are " Wh d English Gentleman," T. Cooke was College, Toronto. Registere d member or the Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men . . · Stir sufficient graham threatened with reinslavement. The excessive does 1t work r begged leave to report as subprenaed as a witness. On cross-examina- Ontario Veterinary Association, in accordanoe and Boys, and Boote that R Boots f or GRHAM BISCUITS.s· James Scar1ett, th e counsel with the Veterinary Act, m al mto lukewar1 wa_tcr to make a dough taxation,the conscription,the infinitely var- follows . t" ion by Ir IB prepared to treat all d seases o! e Dom· every member of the household. siff enough to mix with a spoon ICken. ar'd e · ' De 0Torped0 0h" 11'.vensh un of rather flippantly said, "Now,sir,you say oetlc Animals, according to the latest h th eor ies .· Knead ied kinds of oppression are crushing the very . vi . goro_usl on a boa_id f or a. few mutes,cut , life out of them. It is said that nearly ?e Hon. HanmalHamlm,o Mame. It wa that the two melodies are the same, but dif. All cal!s persnally, by 1'e l egraph or Tele will receve prompt attention. phone ?" mto biscuits, and bake qmckl;r m a, oured twenty millions of them are absolute 1nvented o decimate de cull d race. Jt ar fereut. W Tom hat do you mean, sir . . OFFICE-Mam St. ,Orono, one door nortll ot TRnNKs, "A.USES, d: S.l.TCJRELS. IN STOCK. pan: S_ome J?ersons prefer to sift their flour paupers. The tyranny of the police is every- a fax-simile of a pullet, made of zmc, an' promptly answered ' "I said 'the notes in ·Henry's tore. W Ordered Work and Repairing a Aoher where. The soldiers are v.bused by their of- filled wid power and slugs. When fasten- the two copies were alike' but "with a differhtwmg it entirely free ro br_an. CHARGES MODERATE, way to make grabal!\. bJScmts 18 t.o stir m ficer,the civilians are the slaves of the po- e? to de roost _it so clusl:y rese!Ilbles cl real ent accent. " Specialty, as usual. . coJd graham pntldmg, gra.ham flo_ur un 1l lice. What wonder that Nihilism should bird d at d 111 d bizneas s 01e n ger D. DAVIS. Sir James:-" "Vhat is a musical accent?" j lf stt.ff eno1gh t mold. Roll, cut 1.nto bis- abound? The great wonder would be if it can , tell t eFfi e stn. c s a match: l er i; ence. Cooke :-"My terms are a.guinea a lesson' t A J I cmts, prick with a fork and bake m a hot <lid not. Some alarm1·sta are of course st1 "ll rea es ou to pull de pllet oJf e pole, an sir " ( A loud laugh.) oven. crying out about Russia's immense power dar am a ploshun which shakes de n' Sir James (rather ruffled) :-"Don't mind .' . ORANGE Pt'.VDING:-Cut up t]iree large and about the danger to the whole of E uro- burhood an causes ai:io,der well-known _ c1.t1; your terms h ere; I ask you what is a musi . . ornnes and grnte yr1th them little of the pean civilization from her aggressive spirit. zen to ,turn up_ m1s51. As t _ o demmatm cal accent ? Can you see it?" outside peel. Spr1kle well with sugar and It would be perhaps foolish to effect to dis- ' de cull d race, it hasi;i t dun it. ?e alarm Cooke;- "No." let them stad un1l they _have become sa1;- pise her,but the day of her greatest power wa sunded at an atrly elate, an de weat Sir Ja.mes :-Can you feel it?" _ nratecl . Ta1'.e a pmt of rich milk,and the has passed,as will be seen should it ever be maJor1ty of our people turned from chicken Cooke :-"A musician can." (Great lauhyolks of three eggs,a;'ld thr\)e-quarters of 11 tested by actual warfare. to codfish. Now an'. den som . en-steal;, ter.) . eole h cup of sugar. Heat it and when very hot t er,wh 0 . ca_n 1 t 1et b1ess die entire1Y 01:1, "Now pray, sir, don't beat about the add one and one-half tablespoonfuls of corn I am de victim of de lorpedo, but d wise bush; but tell his lordship and the jury, he World. f ess o t Smalln The L et it starch, mixed with a little water. ii:au passes de hen coop afur off an saves who are supposed to know nothing about it ' * " cool,pour over the oranges, add the beaten I was one day Ill Lon don, wa lkmg down ! his bacon. " Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the ' !!T'll! the meaning of what you call an accent." . ll'hites of the eggs on the top, and serve the Strand,while 11 gentleman who was ac. "Accent m music The report was .c . is a stress a cented with profound owels, Xid.ney_s and Liver, carry. . 1a1 "d Cook e .. me- grat"t cold. companyin" i _ ude aud adm1rat" mg off gradually without wi;.;kening the 10n, and th en the 011 a particular note ' as you would lay stress i;. me was rela.ting_ t.o me a so system, eJl the impurities and foul wl iat startlmg mc1dent m which he had been meetmcr on a given word , f or the purpose of bemg · went home hµmora of the secretions; at the same " · an actor. ]lushes. I better undertood. If I were to say,You - -·- He and a friend ' while bathin .in the D:ne Correcting Acidity of the are an ass, 1t rests on ass; but were I to Blushing i a disease. No one blushes for .ffow He Got It. Stomach, curing '.Biliousness·, Dys. Amazon R" iver narrowly escaped emg de· say, yoi; ai·e an ass, "t 1r 1 rests on yoi;, s shame' Wh1le the woman of the world may stryed bYa siar me en tc pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, l dd I d h. I k' w 1 811 Y }o . "John," Mrs. Smith, "you didn't James. " wear cheeks of marble,the innocent country Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness the coma.ny, and . abruptly .trmmted ! t ll me h ow you managed to get that neckthe Reiterated . shouts of lau hter by hss. is matle re by bein looked at. . . .act ." earn t e e, of the Skin, Dropey, Dimness of aquatic gambols lll the tToprcal stream. tie on Sunday " cl ic h the · encI wh le c 0urt '- in wh" l JO 11:e ' per1urer tells lus story without a change of theu s Vision, .Jaundice, Salt Rheum " Oh " repiied Smith abstractedly ab- follo . the honest witness is :flushed and M y friend related the details of their escape,i 1 1 ence b1emg I owe\ l this rep!u· tee. color , tllC b rvel.y 0f 1. . ' a newspaper,"in a teacup." llS companwn and ex t0llod : . . !1 sorbcd in 0 1 l!.lrysipelas, Scrofula, FlutteriL.c; .:if obtained, L ord Dcnma.n, the judge, with 0 confused by the lawye1· who is hired to sup. ocd1swn. the Heart, N'ervousness, and Gen on that Then nat.urally, he ex- 1 --e c ·ty, accos ted "ti h mt 1 cIl see m· mg gr;i;v1 press truth in courts of ju0 'ice Countless er:;i.l Dbp_ity ; all hese .and many · fi1ed, OSJ?· ·l,ey are very pressed hfa regret u.t the uulikeiihood . of !' al l en connsel ' re you satIS r A f nsee-;; i ·.,blush T u said are roses ' ., « Warning £01· ·Bad W1·1"te1·s 1 e- e other. su11h1r Complarnts yield to the .,1 e >ron;ig l l w h"l e i m ; anc ' . . ,Tames?" - 5 foolish. _Politicians never bls.h,but they . i! " ver,me tmg ll s· h"PPY mftnence of l l ORD OClt Loudon, the ga1dencr, once wrote to the u e way that 10 w,\s qmte, c ir James (deep red as he nat1ua y was) grow red m the fac " overthe spu·itof the cam- m tLu mot on cl sn :BLOOD 111'1"1.'ERS. IS mgt Oil t.o beg 1eave to see h" '1 Dllke O>.' We11. n p s"bl ti t th ey t·ver. shon ld d° 8,0· h e ! had become Scarlett in more thau name and paign, and claim modesy as <\ll inheritance. n os i e ia. . e! as one in a great huff said "The witness m{y go sudden!)'. exclaimed: "Wh_y,my gouaness,. beeches 1e duke read the lctt '!'. a1n.:m:JRX & CO.. Prcmfotorn. TorrmtO-: here he is !" And behold ! m thv.t crnwdcd ' from the Bishop of London contammg a re· down. " eo. . Speaking of pork and play s , although thoroughfare, and shaking hands vii:orously, quest to see his breeches, and /!ave a formal to $8 a day. Samples and duty FH.EJ!l Newspaper Advertising Burei>u, there is commonly supposed to be no con st.oocl these two men, neither of whom ever ( reply stating that the bishop might see Lines not under the horse'sfcer., Write The United States colleges cont.' 18,000 l·Jl HEIN HOLDER BREWSTER'S SAJ< ' 10 Spruce St., New York. 'E nection between the two, would a small expected to see the other again.-Rose) those he wore at Waterloo, (l,,S he s11pposccl C o,. Holl, Mich. women students. r those were what he mcirnt.. Eytinge. hog's hind kg be a Harolet ? I $(}nd 10ets. fol' :!.0(11..Page Pamphlet. CURED BY SHOCK. The llfl"ect ofl'rlg;ht Upon Ye1·Hns Dlieoses. we '\\fe · . · · · · Calls by y · n · I · · · a . t° , 1 I I v · · · · t ' · · i b I I ' · Q rono pump Factory · --- -·--- --- · · · · I I I 1 j on PUMPS Of E_VEDY DESRIPTIQR j I 1 J · . , 1' I1 ALL WORK c UARANTEED J I I I I j j j j I · 81 · a [eeth ' relieve · J I · I w or lnfl Cl assos Attent1'on IW 'f:;:iati R. FERG USON. · ' · · I · · ' l I I · · · · I I j l 1 · · j 1 · · I j . i t · 1_ · >ay 8 JO HT 1\f SPENCER, · Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! · I i eterinary t · -k j I · · THE KEl.lO :HEALTH · · · · · The · · · · l I · .· · · · I -;;;;; ;;;;;;..;. · _ "V · · ' · I I · · ' · . · . · · · · ! ' ' ADVERTISERS cost h can 1 f 1ne f a11y proposed 1· . dve t1 s1nrr I r a n Amer1can . I papers by address1n g G p R oweJl & Co., · I · · · · · · $5