Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1887, p. 4

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hee.r from all sides of What all say must be true. Will Papers. my AHEAD.! stylish THE NEW PARK. R. 0. Priests and Home i'?.ule. Enno1.t STATESMA, Sm :-I a well article in a recent iosue on O'Brien's visit, yeu said many cixcellent things, but one of vour ete.teme1d.s I can . . " the not agr0e with. Your rernark t/1a t Exemptions from Seizure.· ,Vlutt thing!! nrc Excmpt.-il from eJ;1,11re We hope that all will now sible. large majorit.y and tbe question is settled. The Park Bye-law has been ettrried by a written Untler lixccuUons. And you and de,wour to make it as good a park as pos subject, but as the majority of our citi join In and en There were many opmions on the Burke help prety Patterns. Don't purchase ere you have seen my Almost every day I a m told property, it will be nothing but right for tha minority co fitll "roll the old chariot zens have declared in favor of the my1 selection i8 the best in this District. WINDOW SHADES, into line along." be little doubt but what the great victory There and Cfm LUQ'>N EVERY SIZE & PATT1£RN. OF due to the united action and cooperatio n of the South Ward. noble ward. forth and forever speak slightingly of that l'arly politics Let no man hence of the movers of .the present scheme is SPALDING'S BASE BALL GOODS; AijSO TEE CHEAPER LJNES. :U:X IlAMMOCKS, RUBBER BALLS, ETC., ETC. E SS WAGONS, CROQUET, termined scheme. feuds were buried a nd all united in a de There was but one vote encl family tho eff'o1·t to carry forward it, from the neighborhood of tl;e U niver a gainst ity and we feel sure that it heen a mistake on the A BEAUTIFUL OIL CHROMO, FANCY GILT FRAME, IN who marked the ballot. DNLY $1.50. FOR PlC'rURB FRAMING VERY LOW. united action, 'and we would suggest that they be allowed now henceforth aud for upon the dwellers in the ward, fot ple should now confer some lasting benefit A grateful peo their part of the man must have principal reason why the Roman Catholic Priests interest themselves so much in Hom6 Rule Ls because they clearly. see that the time has come when the Irish people hiwe made up their minds to sub mit, no longer to English landlordism and injustice, aud by taking sides with the people in the popular cause they seek to gain iuf:luence and respect." In this his· t o ry proves you ar, mistaken. ·rhe prin cipal reason why ihe R. C. Priests inter est themselves so much in Home Rnle, is because they love freedom, and their peo ple. Influence, the Catholic priests al ways have, with their people by virtue of their good seuse. Respect, they always command by virtue of their holy calhn((. There is no class of people vn earth . whu seek less to 11in w orldly influenca than the Roman Catholic Priests; but they are al wa ys to be found on the side of Liberty, Truth, and Justice. Yours Truly, JACOB M. K1nrnmw. The following is the text of the .Act passed at tho recent Sesion of the Ont ario Legislature definn'.( the articles ex empted f ro m seizurG uuder exotiut100. 1ire A BIG WEEKI H1m MAJESrY, by 1.rnd with the advice and consent of the Legisl11tive Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : Sect.ion 2 of· '!.'he Ad respecting Writs of Execntion is hereby repealed, 1. .An .A ct relating to Exer1tptior. f1·om Uncle1· Executi.on. Seiz- ....... _, This is th e Jubilee week for BargBins in ·P. TREBILCOCK. ._...._,.... ever to turn their cows out on the road one month in advance of their neighbors. lf some of our wealthy citizens would now donate a sufficient shape·, they would be ville, and their name abundance to put the psrk in sum out of their ffrst-cl11ss boon upon the inhabitantsXof Bowmnn would be remem conferring a c:reat BoWMANVILLE, JUNE ......._,,-. .. ..,...,-,_,,,...,.... ,,. ..., ,..... .......r-. 8, 1887. -r..... · ,..._,._ ...... ·had roamed the ·city. as suitable, ·had bered and blessed long after tllllir 11treets of the '·St. mouldered to dust, and their spirits bodies ====--=-·===-=-=-=-=-=-==== RECIPR OCITY. There are several names mentioned includinp; celestial Francis,"in honor of the lead Commelo'cial Union between the Do and "St. but the first man who do· advocates, ·ing mini(>n of Canada and the United States, for improving it shonld te $1000 nates is fa.st becoming the leading question ot of naming it. We the day. From present appearances given the privilege Word could get the th.e seems to be a fair prospect of its believe the:T South being taken up outside of part.y lines al new High School located within its lim all unite to secure it, togher, aad discussed on its merits or rle· its, if the residents the Park question. They merits by politicians of all shades of as they did on hold the bal.ince of power in opinion. The Globe and the Mail are undoubtedly . town tho g i both favorable to it. Some of the lead n ""' = = = == = == = = == = = Conservative are in favor of it, while . FO R E N G LA N D. H0 certain Conaenative journals oppose it. Andrews," / in t likewise differ in. opinion on the su ·ject. Neit.her of the great party leaders, opinion on Tl10 ran k ana:file of the Reform par y, John nor Mr. Blake has yet !l'i 'en Sir Ml Ju11e 21st, to be absent till September. His intention is to spend several journal, expects to leave for Enland on weeks Mr. M. A. James, Publisher of this far better that they should not do so u -"" J '" "s' " "' '"' o "'c ornwall, and to write letters weekly d a ed upon the question, why then it would speedily at present, bect1.Usil should they be dividfor his journals THE CANADIAN S1'ATES the subj est, and we think it m e!l fr1terestmg parts of Dev on The greaL majority of the farming conn· degenerate into a party squabble. re ci p ro city , MAN, giviug descriptions of thce countries and These letters will be made interesting for and Cornish people, who are settled in all people-r;;ad parts of this Dominion. all readers, bu t especially so for and Tm;: METHODIST 0BSEltv.Brt, munity appear to be strongly in favor of as evinced of the manners and customs of the people. um-estricied the F1mx;e . r's Unions. the decisions recently given by se,· eral of by Devon dete;rmim:-ct to pmsh forward the scheme if possible. for iiny Vt>ry great difference of opinion see where the.fr best; interests lie,-and are 'l'herc is litt l e room we think They evidently and the demand for copies of Lhe paper printed were exhausted. ment is made, continued long after the large editions therefore, so 'rllis announo that pre year, who were not regular su bscribers, his Old Country letters last Thousancls of on the subj cci., unrestricted reciprocity with o ur blg neighbor a.cross the way, mus prove a gre11t boon fa.rm.E;irs. that we should be one people; and alernment, yet there can be no thOl.l,l!.h w<1 Nature h&s evidently intended profor our to Canadian sent subscribers may inform their neigh bors and friends that another own form of gov- reaSQn for UB both. of these countries, lB a free in t eroh an :5 e of the products of each that shall prevent, u from enjoying such as ahall benefit the to «ct up artificial barriers sensible paper during the 1·emainder of the year. sec ure the whole series. 0ld Country letters will appear in this series of They h ad better subscribe at once and We believe each in this case Of course there are some persons in all other like instances to oppose any send us four subscriberf! for the babnce of this year at our speci&l offer of a club . of that number for One Dollal'. =======-==--=-=-== of our present subscribers could cn.sily scheme th11.t iK brnught forward, and has country. for its wh o aro aiwaya rtlr.dy MR. BLAKE'S ILLNESS. Our honored representative at Ottawa I object of the greal; benefit it majority ; able and exho:·bitant profits, irrespective will prove to are might tend to lessen their own unreason selfish natures Some oppos11 i t because their nrc th(l well-being of the afr11id that the scheme to seek quiet and rest. over-work. mentary duties for the present sca.c;on and has been compelled to abandon parlia they can' h0ip it-they 1"hi!e othen; o pp ose it, because ctm the from nervous exhaustion brought on by He is suffering opposition to any question, go od, bad or indi:[ferenl;, oven way. You always count them on the before the subject built that position and eincerely hope he may soon count r y West Durham deeply regret his indis be completely restored to hea l th. services at this critical period. Mr. Blake's constituents in mentioned, especially if the propo sal ad of the old ben.teo t.rack. '.l'here is no oe is can ill afford to dispense with his The and the fullo11'ing substituted therefor ; ture Frames, Window Blinds, 2. The following chattels 11re hereby declared exempt from seiure under any Croquet Sets, Fans, Dresswrit, in re s pect of which this Prnvince has legislative authority, iijstiecl out of ing Combs, and any Court whatever in thi s Province namely: . 1. The bed, bedding and bed,Jtti:tds (in I cluding a cradle), in ordinrt.ry use by the -ATdebtor and hi s family : 2, The necessary and o rd inary weH.ring apparel of the debtor anci his family. 3. One cookinf( stove with pipes and Come and Secure Bargains. furnishings, o ue other heating s t ove with We publish this letter at the rcqueet of pipes, 0ne crane aod it appendages, one our correspondent, but we st.ill hold to pair of andirons, one set of cooking uten our former 01,inion, for however much in sils, one pair of tongs and shovel, one fluence or respect a man may possess, he coal scuttle, one lump, onc1 table, six may still gain more. Ne find no contra chairs, one washstli.nd with furnishings, six towels, one lo ok mg· g lass, one hair diction to any of our statements in hist.ory brush, one comb, one bureau, one clothes· as we read it. As wti have no intention press, one clock, one ca.rpet, one cup to enter into a discussion on the question, board, one broom, twelve knhes, twelve we muot agree to differ on the subject, as forirs, twelve plates, t we l v e tea cups, twelve sancers, one Bnga.r basin, oue milk it is evident we read history in different jug, one ttm pot, twelve spoous, two lights. pails, one wash tub, ono sorubbiug brush, .... .... one blacking brush, one wash board, three . More Light Wanted. smoothing irons, all o:1pinning wheels and DEAR Sm.-For some time past I have weaving looms in domestic use, one sew been in see.rch of light, and have no doubt ing machine and attachments in domestic you as well as every intellient citizen iu use, thirty volumes of books, one axe, our beautiful and rising town will agree one eaw, one gun.. aix tt·aps, and ..such I beg to inform the pe ople of West Durham th at I have boughJ; out with me that this is the grandest purpose fiahing nets and seiuts aa are in common use, the articled in t1iis oul,division enum the Hardware business, formerly carried on by R. S. Manning, and of man's life, to have a de sire for light first spiritual and moral and next tern· erated, not excee,!.in in value the sum of with large additions to the stock am prepared to supply all lines of poral light. 'rhe two first, every intelli $150. 4. Al l necr-«.ry fuel, 111(1at, fish, fl.our Hardware at the lowest living prices. gent Christian knows where they are to ac t ua lly provttied for be found; and what Mr. Editor, would and vegetablee, stock compris es BUILDERS HARDWARE-Locks, Knobbs this dark wilderness be without these two family use, not mur.: than sutlicient for glorious lights so clearly revealed to us the orinary consumption of the debtor and Butt Hinges. NAILS-Cut, Fj n ishing, Casing, Wire and Patent by Hiw in whom Ne are told there i:o no a.J>d his family for thirty days, and not Brads. WIRE FENCING-Barb, Buckthorn a d Ribbon. Prepared darkneBG ; but the light that is in Him is exceeding in value the eum of $40. 5. One cow, six sheep, four hogs, and the l if o of men. Paints and Painters' Supplies generally. But the light we propose to cleal with twelve hens, in all not exceeding the more particulariy:on this oocasioa is the value of $15, and fooj therefor for thirty temporal light. We are pwud to say thot day1, e.nd one dog. G. Tools aad implements of or chattels we have o ur 11treets lit up with one of the ordinarily used in tho debtor's occupMion Ordered Work promptly attended to at lorE>st most perfect lights on the Aruerican con tinent, a light that would do crodit to tho to tho value of $100 7. Bees reared itnd kept in hivoR to possible prices. streets of the mt.l'Opolis of the world. See Rev. The enterprising gentlemen who gave us the extent of fifteen hives. Without further ennumeration I may add that everything kept in these magnificent lillhts dese1 ve well at Stat. c. 9G, s. 2. 2. The debtor may in lieu of tools and the hands of the people of this corpora leading Hardware Stores will be found in my shop. Give me a call tion, although thern are otherJ who are implements or of chfittels ordinllrily need selfish enouh to claim credit for the po· in his occupation referred to in sub-di and inspeet my goods and price s . sition they have taken in the matter of vision 6 of section 2 of said Act elect R. WORTH. lighting the streets of our town. I have to r0ceive the proceeds of the sale thereof Bowmanville, April 12th, 1887. hel.\rd ft stated that our city grandfathers up to $100, in which case the officers ex -for I think you wil l agree with me t h at ecnting the writ shall P"Y the net pro that illustrious body's ideas are too anti ceuds of such sale if the mine shall not quated to deserve the title generally ap exceed $100, or if the same s hdl exceed plied to a body of men occupymg the hih $100 shall pay that sum ·to the debtor in and honorable position they fill,-have satisfaction of the debtor's right to ex· ' . had a kind of tender laid beforn them by emption under said subdivision G, aud --OF-our city enginoer, I have been informo.'i the sum to whicn a debtor shali be en at the low r ate of 16· cents per night fG\t' titled hereunder shall be exempt from at each light. Certainly, this shows a keeu tachment or seizure at the instance of i. calculating mind, equal if not superior to creditor. 3. Section !} of the said A ct is hereby that of Euclid. But the qnestion seem3 quite involved in a mystery, how the repealed, o.nd the following substituted problem was 11olved. There is only one therefor: way to solve the problem-to call to his Notwithstandin anything contained in aid both fractions and dec i mals , for I ti.e next preceding four sections, the var cannot conceive how the perfect and mi· ious goods and ch11ottels which are now where are to be seen nute calculation could be carried out i n liable to seizure in execution for debt any other way, except the same rule shall as respects debts which have already could be applied to it tha would be ap been or shall be contracted prior to the plied w a 15 H. P. Engine to do 40JH.f P. first da.y of October, 1887, remain liable work. But it would raquire more than a to seizure and sale in execution, provided cursory glance to accomphsh this. All I that the writ of execution und er which wiU say in conclusion is that I under· they are seized has indorsed up<m it a stand_ ther re several of the most re certificate signed by the Judge of the epons1ble c1t.1zens of our .tow.n who have Court out of which the writ issues, certi taken stock m tho Electric Light Co. hera fying that it is for the recovery of a debt and they are determined to maintain contracted before the date herein-before the reputation of our enterprising town, mentioned. and give us the. light aa cheap as any 4. This Act shall take effect on, from other town. This should be all we should d e.ftcr the fir3t day of October , l.887. ask them to do. 'rhey have 11.lready spent a large amount and asked nothing PErtIIAPS NO 1.0CAL disease has puzzled till everything has prnved satisfactory. I Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy think for the honor of the corporation and baflled the medical profession more than nasal catarrh. While net immed Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. the matter should be closed at once. ONE Wno Is IN SEA.Ren OF Lrn1u. iately fatal it is arncing the mos t cl[stress· ing, nauseous and disgusting ills the flesh May 24. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF is heir too, and the records show very Bowmanville High .School Pupils. few or no caaes of radical cures of chronic catarrh by any of tho multitude of modes How often we are afforded the pleasure of treatment until the introduciion of '.l'he of noting the success and progress of t . he Ely's Cream Balm a few years ago. Inspe··tion Solicit.ed. pnpils of onr High School. ' It is very success of this preparation has been most Victoria Buildings. MURDOCH BROS. doubtful if another school in tho Domin gratifying and surprising. Ii WALL PAPER, Express Wagons, Carriages, Pic I l I PURSES KENNER & CO'S.VARIETY HALL is maki n g a stir RICHARD WORTH lll Hardware. Stoves and Tinware a Specialty. Grand Spriag Opening Murdoch Brothers' 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 White Bed Room Sets. SEVERAL CAS SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN. vocate a11yi;hiog that shall lift us up out subject will brought to do:1bt however, long well :Ired in every town, before it that the is for a time at least by the Port ln West Durham is likely to be supplied THE want of a live Conservative journal Hope village and hfwlet, o. Times which we nre informed has already less than forty su bs crip tions, we are told, ample opportunity opinion. in d ou b t ;;,bo1t c!ose, and that all who are a very large circulation in the riding, no having been secured in this town alone the ::cnatLer to form a will decided have fund alllounted to loss than the Sta te& A .BATCH a. of pauper emigrants landed in few days ago whose united It is fully time that own, the Uonservati ves had an organ of their better with an opponent worthy of its immediate The Times, in common with our local contemporaries, in a single day. We think it high time and THE S·rATEflMAN would feel 85 of dumping their filth and supplies to its readers, adding a word or poverty upon our shore s. It is c e rtainly a to prevent the different natious of Europe from a:inually easy thing was done by tho American them. $25, among p e'ople some steel. more for some weeks by clipping liberally from has highly complimented TnE STATESMAN its columns the West Durham news it two sometimes and leaving a passage to .America, great majority of pected to shift such 1agmuflians, by simply paying their for where themselves. are they are ex The very plan for the m to get rid of in -future no chan!(e be item ridiculous. out at others, in some cases making the We would suggest that sentence ignorant, naturally wicked and degraded, e.nd perfectly useless, has already t.oo more. ·occupation. l'he and American we them wretchedly Success to the Times' enterprise. due credit b.:: given to Tas STATESMAN, ----·--·---- made and that hiving no trade or continent conteµd with many of that claAs to don't want any AS S'VJ,t;T A!S HONEY is Bl". J,on·'s J·Iea. ant 'vorm Syrup. yd sure Co tllstroy and e.qiel worms. of suffering with erysipelas, from which I could get no relief until I tried B.B.B. which soon cleued away the itching, burning rash that had ao long distressed me. Mns. Eow.ARD .l:loN:KBY, Eastern Passae, Halifax, N. S. .A.:-; OrEN LE'.l'TER.-Messrs. T. Mil burn & Co.,-I wish I had used B. B. B. sooner, which would have saved me years ion, that has so many disadvantages with which 'to contend, can point to such a bl'illiant record of its pupils. Our citizens must surely feel commendable pride in the success of the boys, e.nd their teachers sh1ire measu(ably in the honors. 'rhe followin former pup ils of the Bowmanville High School have distin guished themselves in the recent annual examinations at Toronto University : Mr. John Crawford graduates with first class h0nors iu Civil Polity, second-class in Logic and third-class in Mental and Moral Philosophy. Mr. Alex. Gibbard graduates with first-class honors in Eth nology, second-class in French, German, Italian and third-class in Enlgish. Mr. M. P. 'l'alling passes his examination in the third year with first-class honors in Civi! Polity and second-clas3 in Mental and Moral Science. Mr. Alfred DeLury, in the first year, wins first-class honors 111 M a thematics and the first Mathematical Scholarship of $125. This is the second Scholarship in Mathe matics wGn, during this year, by ex pupils, the other having been won at Queen's College by Mr.· N. McPherson. Daring the last six years five ex-pupils have been appointed to positions in High Schools-four of tnem as Mathematical Masters. It is probable that our High School will also give a good account of itself at the coming University Matricul ation Examination, as five clever pupils · will write. COERCION Is not necessary to make sensible people buy where they can get the best value. It is woll known that the tl4K1G POWDER A. marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kind, and oan not be sold in competition with the multitnde or low teet, short weight, 11.lum or phosp h ate powders: Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAK· ING POWDER CO .. 106 Wall St . N- Y. () BOW"'1ANVILLE Boot&Shoe IS THE PLACE FOR CHEAP AND RELI ABLE GOODS. The quality of an article is the test of cheap ness. We shall never misrepresent an article. We have a large range of Boots, Shoes; Slip pers, Trunks, and Valises to select from. New Goods carefully ancl as cheaply bought as prompt cash will procure. Before buying do not fail to can on E:MPORI"tT:M This powder never varies. Absolutely Pure. . When you cannot rest from Asthmatic troubles, Southern Asthma Cure will at once relieve. Double treatment in each package. t l'f CAN DO NO ll"'KJI to tr:v l'reemnn· 'Vorm Powdcr8 when your ehlhl h ulllnii tevcr18h or fretful, J. HELLYAR, BOWMANVILLE.

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