Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1887, p. 1

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' . tsm OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY Fm.ST: THB WORLD AFTRWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR ill'D PROPllJE'IOR, · TERMS :-·1.1;0 Pl:& ANNUll. NEW -SERIES, NUMBEB 4()2, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1887. VOLUME XXXIII. SOLINA. The 'Red Wagon' has been on the road f or the past two weeks, at t e niling to the ge ner al wants of the public. Kir kpat rick is in ch arge of it himself and ls bound to give b argain s to everyone. Give him a ch anc e the first time he is around , and see for yourself that you can do just as well with him as an y where. NUMBER 23. Elegant Carpets Johnston Cryderman Received last week, per Steamship Sarmatian, direct from the' manufacturers, ALLAN LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEANfSHIPS. Goderich. EDITOR STA'rEsMAN.-It may not Iha k nown to you that Goderich is one of th e very pretti e s t towns in Canada . lt is sit uat ed on a high ground close to tho lake and front i ng a. be autiful little bay a.t t h e mouth. of the Maitland River. The to wn is la id out on a unique and beauti ful plan, b ein g built in t he form ot a circle of which the c ount y court house is the centre·, surrounded by" large square on which most of the stores f ac e. '.l'his square (excepting t h e roadway) is l a id out as a park with beautiful orna.mei.tal trees, e h r nbs, etc., with gravel walks and numerous seats. The ordinary streets of the town are almost all adorn ed with rows of trees and instead of wooden aide walks we have gravel walks, ex ce pt on the square. The town is m uch rosort!ld to every summer by invalids and others who besides a pure and he a.lthful atmos · phere, have also the pririloge of m ineral water and saline baths . 1f any of your r ead ers want a q ui et and pleas11nt retreat for a. ti m e in t he summer, you could uob do better than recommend them to v i sit Goderich or Poi n t l<arm Hotel , 4 miles down the shore. You ha ve probably seen throug h the papers also, that we e.re about to have w ater - wo r k s, electric ligh ts and an exhibition p ar k. My present reason for wtiting was to take a dva.nt age of your very liberal offer of the STA'l'ESMAN to the end of the year for 30 cen ts . You cer t ainl y turn out one of the best local pa.ers I k now of, and each copy ia as good as a let t er from homo. Y o ur s tr ul y, Temperance Resolutions. At the Montreal Conferenco last week' the follo w ing resolution was uwvccl by Rev. Dr. Douglas, of Mon re;il, nml se c onded by Rev. S. D. Chown, of S y de n ham : "Whereas the disastrous influence of the lig uor trnfl:io is, by stat ist ict1l and well tabulated e vidence , b ecomi ng more man if est throughout this land, inv·olving th e destruction of ·life to the oxteut of several t ho us an ds ann ually, the direcL victiin s of l iqu or , and ent ai li ng poverLy :tud c rim e as autheuticntecl by the records of com'ts, p ri wns aud benevolent institutions, and "Whereas the attitude of tho Dom inion Government towards theprohibitionrnovo ment ha s given rise to the greatest fear on the pttrt of l overs of temper:mce and moral reform, that a reactio111ll'y policy i s about t o be inaugurated, looking to t!rn impairmont, if not th e abolition of the Scott Act, therefore : · "Be it ec solvc d t.hat we, the ministers and l a.ity of this Conference, kwing ob sei-ved the b en efi cia l effects of prohibitory legislrition in tliminishing crime, lessoniug drunkeness, promoting the temporal comfort of t he people in Ll1·>sc counties wht:re it i:; enforced, would meuwralfae the Legisln tu re of the DmHinion agai nst any action that would i111pail' the henefi ci>t l of i nt ox ica nt s in said counties : "Resolved, t h a t all the rninfoters and la ity of this Conference solmnly pledge oursel vos to oppo se by all constitutional m ethods , any govermuen, pditical p arty , 01· individual member of parliament w h o shall directly or indirectly oppose t-Jw ex isting pro hibit ory legi8lation : "ResolveJ., that as tho ultimiite power of the peop le to influeuco the legiJ!laturc is fou nd in the b<tllot-b1Jx, we declare our imrpose by the pu lpit, by the p;.·ess, anti by every legit,imate means, to luculcake the responsibility of al l ChriLian men and good citize n s to subo1·dimite p(l[Lical party alliances to the great work <if seeuring th e abolition of tho cursed lini;.n· LrCLllic : " Resol ve d , that while we" 1-. r. ogniz e iin the Senato some noble reprowmhith-o men who have stood faithful to tlieh responsi bilities and have sought to advm1co pm hi bitiom.ry roforu1, we ::dtirin OUJ.' utter want of confidenco in the rnajurity of the mernbe1·s of that body on this tjUestion, nnd lamcpt tho dclihemto action of the G ov e rnm ent ill ' J.:lling tho v:icancies 1vli ich occur, by men who m·e, with but few exceptions, !,he dochr\ld and determined opponents of the teu1peraneo' reform: " Resofrcll, tk1t we declare OUl' desirn lv co- ope rate with the variomi C,111fereHCe$ of tlte Mclwdii!t ch urch of Caimcfa, from Halifax to British Col u mb ia, th6 General Asscml>ly o f the Presbytcrinn .church {)f Can ada , the Anglican Synods, the Con gregational Un ion , the BaptiHt Associa ti on, an<l also Cardinal · .'ascl1croau, tho h ead of the Roman C ath o l i c church in thi s Dominion, in a combined effort to ma1· shall p ubli c sentiment which shn,ll demand of the pt1rliamont of this Do:uinion a pro hibitory legislation which slrnll 11bolish the great est of evils under which tho peo pl e of thi s Dominion mourn." JN'l'EKF.S'l'ING LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAILINGS, POL1'NESIAN, from Quebec, Friday. May 13 PARISIAN, ,, " Thursday, May 19 " SARMATIAN. Thursday. May 2B CIRC:ASSIAN, June 3 irridE y, SARDINIAN, 'fh ursda y, J une 9 POLYNES AN. ., Friday. June 17 PARISIAN", Thursday, June 23 S.A.RMATIAN, " 'l'hursdav, June 30 --c 0 u c :a: :J PROVIDENCE. Tile anniverary of Providence Sunday School will be held as follo w s : On Sun d ay, June 10th, sermons will be pr each ed by Rev. T . Dunlop, at 2:80 p. m., and at G:30 p. m. by Rev. J. T . Morris, junior pastor. Collection a t each service in ai d of Sunday school fund. On Monday, the 20th, th e serYices will be i·ei mm ed at 2 p. m ., when there will be an ex cel lent program of r eoit ati uns , dia logues and s ingin g by the scholars, and speeches by Revs . E. Roberts, T. Dunlop and circuit miniters. Tea will be served at 4 o'clock. Tickets, 25 etc. , children, A not memb ers of the school, 15 cts . cordial in vitaticin is extended to all. JNO. CROSSLEY & SONS, FOUR BALES-(a big sleigh load)-weighing over three tons, of RATES OF OCEAN PASSAGE :-Cabin, $60, $66 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate , $30 ; return, $60. Steera).(e, $20. The last. train con n ect ing with the mail steamer at Port· land leaves Toronto on Wednesday morn ing. The last train connecting with the mail ste am er at lJalifax l e aves Toronto on Thursday morning. For tickets and every i nfo rma ti on , ap pl y to W. A.NEADS, Bowmanville, Age nt Allan li ne . 11-tf NEW AND ELEGA.NT BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY ClBPITSI Parties about to furnish or re furnish their homes, should not fail to inspect our large stock of TAIT &. MORRISON'S and In· epect their >Vall Papers-latest des htn s. greatest variety, tmd prices to suit eve ryon e. Stoclt nowreudy. Do you want a new and pretty Window Shade o r Blinds1 vVe h av e somet hing new in this branch. Call and s ee them be fore you invest. or you'll be sorry. CO TO NEWCASTLE. (Too late for last Issue.) Mr. C. W il mo t took his trotter out to Pontypool l ast week , · buL on account of the h eavy weight she carried she came in second. can. Still leads in Photographs and our St udio is o ften crowded. Come e arl y in the d a y when you TAJT The µrinci pal of our High School is so anxious for the w el fare of his p u pil s that he holds school o n hol i days and Satur days . H.ev. M r . Drummond started for Eng· land on Friday 3 rd June. w. c. GOODE. Just now you may want some extra En graving s or Chrornoa to adorn your rooms. We have a. great variety, good and c heap, too, If you wan t a baby carriage we can suit you; we have some nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too, and Boy's Wagons, Curts and Wheelbarrows. Lawn I SALEM. The anniversary of the Salem Sabbath Sc hool will be held on Sunday and Mon daY,, June 26th and 27th. A s pecial ly interesting time is anticipated. Since .Albert has had the G. B. so of te n htl !a very qu i et. CAR PETS, as finst -we show ..the newest a s s ortment, the designs and the best value to be found in West Durham= Parlor Croquet, C arpet Ba.lie, Games for families an d social parties: Our Mi rrors are clear and true ; our pi cture frames are of tho l a.l ost and most attractive designs. Curle.in poles & ring s. Plush goods-nice 11nd cb;,ap. .A.notber n ow branch just in troduced c.t 'l'alt & & We are very gl ad to n otice that Mr. E. Bowie and Miss M. A. Addison, late resi dents of t h is place, ha.ve passed their r e sp ective examinations successfully, e ach taking honors. EBENEZER. The anni versary of the Ebenezer Sun day s chool will be he l d as follows : On Sun d ay, June 12th, sermons will be preched at 10:30 a. m., by Rev. R. S an de r son , pastor, and at 2:30 and 7 p. rn., b y Rev. J.C. P om eroy, M.A., Oakwood. Collec t ion at each service in aid of S. S. fund. On M onday, the 13th, t h e services will b e resumed at 2 p. rn., when there will be a good program of r ecitati on s , dial o gu e s an d si o gin15 by the scholars and speeches by Revs. J. C. B el l, of Canton, J. C. Pomeroy and the pa stor. Tea. will be s erved at 4 o'clock. Tickets, 25 cenls; children , n o t belonging to the sch ool, 15 cents. II.AYDON. The 24th of May passed off ve r y quiet, eo me going to Tyrone and e o rn e to J<:::n niskillen anu otl1 ers to see the beautiful display of mottoes erected to decorate a certain trout stream in this v icini ty in honor of the Jubilee year; but soon the disturbing elements ap pe:i.re d and an excellent j ubile e conc ert w as r endere d , the pr oprie tor and some of our local sports being the pri nci pal actors, after w hi ch all returned h om e rejoicin g o v er their d ay 's sport and in anticipation of the feast of speckled tr out in store for them on the morrow, if the good wife comes home. Dont let the boys get the start of you a gain , Riehard. . I have heard from good authori ty that the o ld est house in Darl i n gton is the one n ow o ccupie d by Mr. J. Brock, put up by J. Co le man , senr., over 60 yea.rs agu. Long Sault pr oba bly has t he edi fic e. old e st · Conch, Johilston & Crydorman One Door Wes of Post_Office, Bowmanville. Is a Jewelry D epartm ent where you will find the ve ry latest in Ladies' a.nclGentlemen'ajewelry. We Invite epecial attention to our new sto ok just in. Base Ball p;oods, School and Hymn Booke, Stationery, Toy e, aud in dee(l everything to bo found in u Var i e ty and Fancy Goods' MORRISON'S Mr. Thomas Hancock, Reeve of Dar· l!ngton, stands well for the heaviest man. Mr, G. Treleven is deacl, Funeral on 'Wednesday, 8th. break ing aged 37. Mr. Asa O tton fell down stairs recently his ar m . Our venerable citizen Mr. J as. Wrigh t is stricken with paralysis. Mr. T; Ellison, by a l adder breaking, ell several feet Nceiv i ng bad b ru is es STORE= Mr. Ee tts is still running his ba.kery , the new man having failed to connect. time at Mr. M. Garvi n 's Thursday night. Mr. C. Baker has erected"" fine b :ir n. The young p eop le en j oy ed 1> ha pp y Mr. C. B. L ock hart has rettirnod from British Columbia. Hev. Mr. Drummond aad d aug hter left on Frid ay for Scotland via New Y ork . Service will be held on Sunday a ftern oons d urin g his absence. DISCUSSION. Our new S pring styles in TYRONE. , HATS are now in. The \!Ve are constantly rece1v1ng the NEVVEST Market as soon as produced, con... is all the rage-sold only at the Ee " pse House. Oul' "Jub1" lee Chr1· st1· e" _, _,,r;. ,...-.W, Martyn died almost suddenly Mrs. ? .ENF!ELD. · GOODS in the on Sttnday ev ening, 2 nd ul t. ' aged over 62 years, and was buried at Elrlad on the Tuesday folJowing. Rev. E. Barras, M.A .· preached t he fun eral s e rm on in the church, here on S un da y. Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Underclothing going off very Mrs. Jonathan Bray is on the sick list, · also is Mr. Donald M cC ulloug h , and Mr. Daniel Knapp. seq uently our Stock is the most to make your purchases and we guarantee our prices as low as the lowest, Quality considered. Our desirable in the town from which rapidly. FINE ORDERED CLOTH INC A SPECIALTY. Cut by th e only first-cla ss cutter in town. The foot -b al l boys came home pleised both w i th the result and with t he way they were treated by the Enniskillen peo pl e. Mr. Wm. Hubbs.rd has taken unto him · self a wi fe, - a stranger. COURTIOE. ' Mr. }'red Broo k s, of England, arrived here o n Frid ay evenin g last and proposes . spending a few week s among the friends and scenes of hi s boyhood days. The boss horse trader lives in Courtice -he he.s traded five times inside of one m o . - hile b rea king a colt to drive single on the 3th inst ., Mr. Charles Gibson of ' the lake shore, had the misfortune to h ave it run aw ay . He was thro wn out of the rig and received painful inj uries on the head. The horse freed itself from ·the·buggy and got on the railw ay track where it was k illed by a p ass i n g train. H e was a prize eni mal valued a.t $250. In the absence of ihe pastor, Rev. .R. Sande rson , who is visiting at Mountain Grove , the pulpi t at Ebenezer was o cc u pied .on Sundy m or ning last by Mr . C. W. Lent and 111 t he e vening by Mr. Wm, Everson. The annivers ary of the season is to be held at Ebenezer on Sund a y and Mon day MILLINERY Depart- TO MARR Young W. H. IVES/ Men, Bachelors and Widowers, ment is much ahead of -what. we expected and still we are as busy Silver Plated Tea Spoons w" ?: g 50 with ve1·y 'Vellding Ring he sells during bisCJearing Out Sale. next. B£0. LA/NB. School report for May : Sr. 4th c la ss -Frank Gay, Minnie M o rro w . Jr. 4th class-W. Hancock, A. Short, T. S ta cey , E. Cornish. Sr. 3rd class-L. Nichols, L. Ca.wker, M. Oke, L. Balsom. Jr. 3 rd class-F. Morrow, L. Lyle, A. Sa lter , A. Gay. Sr. 2nd classM. Tool e y, Annie Lymer. L. Skinuer, S. Baleom . .Tr. 2nd cluss-G. Tooloy, C. Nichol8, E. Co rnis h, M. Michaol. Pe.rd 2nd-Wm. Hunk incr, A. Hancock, M. Walters, R Tingle. S. Part 1st-Norman Oko, W. Cawk e r, A. M i chael , Mabol Yea!. J. H. AI.LIN, Teacher. TRIM. Mr. i\. E. Manning, of Hamilton, is home sp end in g his v acation. The Cana dian Home Circle meets on Friday night next. A full attendane is desired. Mr. S. M. Clemens has erected a pair of wei1th scales on the m arket square. The public should give him a ca ll. Mr. G. H. Jardine, and Mr. C. L. Bingham, of Burnt River, are out visiting fr iends . Our popul ar stage-driver ls a very ac· commodating young man, e speciall y on Sunda y n ih t. Mrs. Rich. Woodley is very ill. Many f r om here attended the anniver sary services at Bet h esda on Sunday. Mr. W. B rent is attending the Tor on t .o Conference. Mi ss Ki rby, of Bowmanville, was the Pettinger, on Sabguest of Miss Liz;r.ie · bath. Mr. J·. C. Vanstone and wife were here on Sunday. Re p orts are the S. A. are going to ha v e a ba.rr a cks . Don't d isappoi nt sh e pu blic · this ti m e, f r iend s. Bowmanville Pr of ayi ng A memb er Band, Mr. A. W. Bunner, is expected to t ake Rev. J·. T. Morri s' ap point ments on Sabbath. The young man had better brush the Graham Flour off llis coat before he le!l.ves on Sunday night or the Reeve might en· quire into business. Mr. G. Lewis, uf Brook li n, a.nd M r. Lawrence of Wh it by, were g uests of Mrs. Harris on Sunday. Who was t he dude from town here on Sunday? 'rliere is talk of having a s tra wberry festival in connection with the Athletic Associa.tion of this place. When Rev . .T. T. Morris reached his ap poin tm ent at H ay don, on Sabbat h , another man had the pulpi t. Why not inform the Rev. about the matter. The mashers all got there on Sunday n ig h t, but Tom. CLUtAx; We are p leased to s e e tha.t Mr. R ob ert Collacutt has de[en cted the very unfair criticisms on his j udgi ng of bulls at the Cartwright Fair m ad e by an exh ibitor Those who know 1\11\ named WJ1it"l. : Oollacut best, know him to· be a 1nan a bove sus picion-on e who w oul d not for any c o.1siderati on pro s ti tu te his j udginen t t.o favor any person - an d a betier j ud ge of Durham oa.ttle it would be h ard to find. Mr. W:hi te should get a few p oint s fro m Mr. C. if h e wishes to become a. succes s ful breeder and exhi bitor J Hev. R.Robortson obje cted to the lmrsh utterance in rega r d to t he Se nate, but the to allow t.l1t> excision Conference refusecl · of the cl au s e. Hey. A. C. Chambers thought it uudesirable, in t his jubilee yoar, to hold Lho Government u p to censure. R ev . Dr. Douglass said that tho reso'lution was framed because strong C ons er vatives in the H ou se of Commons and Se nate lrnd expressed feH.rs Ghat :1 strong effort would be m:1de to defoat temperance sentiment. The resolution was not po litical , nor was it framed for polit ical pm·" 1 am not a p olit io<m ," he said, pos es . in his strong way, "oxco1ib in r egar d to the t h ree Hs.: righteous administr:ition, regard for the srmctify of thl! Sabbath rmd rigi d enforcement of prohibitionary l egisThe reaolutlon was (Ch e e r s). lation . drafted with a feeling of the great responsibility r e sti ng upon the membe1's In the la t e and l a ity of this Conf ore nce. el ect ion temperance men ai,cl tons of thousands of them w er o subeervient to politicfl r ath er than to obligations they owed to God n.nd tho responsibilities d11e tho 1rntion." (Cheers). Dr. .T. R Alexander, of: Mont real , pointed out that in voting for the rcsolu tions they were voting to stcmd by tem perance umlcr all circumstances and to supp ort temporanco camlidatos. "I h old," he said, "that tlie Methodi st church will be responsible for the licp1or traffic after the next elec tion , for I know if we vote so lid ly we h old the bal:.mce of ( Chee rs. ) power. We must do it, aml mo1·e tlum that we must work for tem perance. Su rely if we believ Jn God's word that " no . drunka rd shall cuter tho Kingdom of Heaven," we must v ot e and work for tempemnce." (Cheers,) Dr . An tl iff, of Montreal, ,ms pleased that the point h a cl been so s trong ly ernphasized. 'l'hc Government that ohst r uct eel temperance legi slat i on must go, for the yeomanry of the c ountry , who had support e<l the Scott Act in such numbers, would not stan d it. Though he was a Libeml, he wo uld have no co!llpunction in supporti ng a Conservative who wits a temper ance nrnn. His politics were sunk fat· below his m oml standard. Tempe ranc e would never pl'eviil until . politics w01·e abn.ncloned fo1· it. Tho Couforence th en , as one man , n.rose :md endored its i·esolutions :imid great applause. . , NASAL BAJ,?>l. -'.l'he on ly medicine in th e market that will immediately c ure cold in the Read, aud pennanen tl y c ure Catanh, Hay Fev er, etc. t 1

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