Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1887, p. 8

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HBBB WB GO AGA I N T · THE GRACE OF CHARITY. A. !!Sermon 1lellvcre1l fo ll·e Sons of Engl. ntd ut Uo "manv11Ie, on Sund.I} , Jtl.1y 22ntl, t he Clnll'elt·8t Metl><Hllst (.) h au ch, 1887, by tile Rel . t:. E. !Uclulyc, J·nst or. The gre1test Cor 13 13 , of th es e is Cl1<111ty -1st Perspiring under the pressure of rncreasea p at r on age Dazed with delight over om success. D1i\'lng the wheels of trade ove1·a an 1ntc nd to push tlns years' busme ss with a blaze of triu mph ant glory. No rhscouragmg obstacles m our ness men wonder at smooth and gilded track, ancl we lh e an<l snapping busmess our path to impede the p1ogre ss of a Busi g1owing :auccc.::.s and deservmg prns perity We are friends to the pubhc and foes to hi gh priced competition. O\'.n constant aun is to benefit the people by constantly offe1ing ba1- gaius Tweeds this ()O rne to our Store. an d looke rs surprised when Our season Buyei s ar n alV1 ays delighted they stock of er than we have nd the vari e ty of patterns is gi eat hitherto is immense slHwn We have made a sacrifice too ter rible to relate, but it must be told. In n, gr eat race for tiadc this sea ven Lu1e o f mode1n times-That of trem0n d ously low puces We arc bound to have a greased-l i gh t- son w e will make the boldest ad- retailing all qualities of Good e at county to come We "\\an t e very " iami1y m D urh am . and low nmg t rade · Fme quality prices " ill do the · wo1k. goons D on' t be bull- dozed by e deal rn who shout big th mgs and prcduce C1a.m to S the;> wish to buy or not, offerin g p jnduc ements that will m ake youi a clm1 ttecl lnm to the 'er v mner c11 cl es of eye s snap Th ey am cb eap and gorgeous in the ext1 eme . We she w courtesy to all, wheth er sty1es. and see our ne w s nlo1s have ev er see m ed foi her the vie Foremost 111 " e 1 Jth tory m all h er w.ns for she rs the trn, is ur01 of the 11 ml ll,,md dtcl she rec,111 her ad vanc es 11e, irly all other s 11 ould be 1 e c1u cc d to lmnl ,r up tcy l!'or c most m commeH;e, for hei me t cln n drne is found 111 all the 111 ukets of the "oilcl Fowmost m s cien tific .mcl litc111t y aclnev rn ent s . fo1 the product10ns of her sons out number those of ,111 o the i s , an d ai e th e stanclud ind authoubesm those bi,mches Fm01 10st m her be ne volent and bemficent e11te1pns e s , for he r cu is e ve r open to catch the cry of the neecly ,111d h er h and n g es s u pon th e e " el i e 1<ly tu bestow he1 l. destitute For emost m h er pi <>ctice m d prop.i ition of those prmci ples tau ght , md g enJU111 ed by the gre,,t fountam of .dl auth onty and la", ,md winch has li on for her th e roud t1.ppell.t tw n of Chnstrnn E n g p Smely it is 1 10 mean cluslmctwn to l.mcl w e one's or1gm to such a l .rn cl, be able to tr. to pom t to 1t ,1s th o hnd of one 8 lm t h But he whose \\ords we have quoted,could a ls o boast of an hon 01abl e ,md " enti ty lm e<1ge He w,1s of the "st ocl, of lt sac l o f the tnbe of Beniamm, ti1 Heb rnw of th e .z the l m1 a Phi·usee , " is touchm Hebtews, . Them was a iccord whwh 111 ]u s d,iy, when 1s 1tt iched t o p e rhaps more import mce 11 , these thmgs than m our s, cu11ed 11 i th 1t a d1stmct 1011 wlnch cx c1tell the envy of th e assp oit wluch l ess fo rtunate and w,1 8 a In addressmg you, the Sons of England, to clay we have selected as the theme of ou1 obs e 1 v.1t1011 s the gi <1ce of ch,uity ' rhe g1.ice which he \\!10 1,ml,ecl clu e fest of th e apostles had styled tho g1e,1test of dl the graces There <1re nmny oth er s u b Je ct s winch upon first sight nnght h av e been deemed more appropu ite to an oc c sw n of tlns krnd We m igh t Ji, i, e c,tl l ed youi .1te n t10n to the hentage wluch . t s Enghs lu no n belong to y ou by bu th ' rho l1 1stonc mernones " 1 11 ch the 11 1111e suggests, tho prnrnl pie enunenco 1 t be sto11 s, the respons1b11ttles ,1 Inch such hon ornb1e d1stmction cunfeis 'l' heic 18 a pcir don 1ble pnde m b e mg <obl e to assume th e d e s1J111t1 on , and the cmotwns of plc,i s[u e md exultation exp eri e nced m subscubmg 01ies elf an Englishman miy b e ov e ilook e d if not approved Englfl.nd t h e foiemost F01 e n.it10n of the mnctcenth ce nt ur y most m prowess, fen th e clogged m douut able pl uck <md brnv eiy of her sol chei s md a hew C1n-s k now you want a wh at they cannot Let B merchant of this class of house sorce othe1 han; to Carpet 01 fir.ery you like a lean flee to a J OC r m an ' s ch m and p l ead with I you tO come and s uppo1t his bigp riced concert and he will bore you to death and Store and after you h av e Com e dir ec t to ou r exam i ne d our inmense s tock, and we are favored with en as the sub3 ect of om olJser vatwns th rn m onung the puvilegcs wlnch E ngl tshmcm In £act we pref.e1 to have you look, c ni oy <1s such And here agam "c may after looking t our stock first, as safely s iy that no peopl e, the mlmb1timts of 110 hnd,enJOY the same h bc tt;} and fr ee it go01:i to prove tliat we d O e xact- doP 1 tlmt the c1trn011s of the Hntish Em Exarn mg ill o the 1s ,md you ly as we adve1 tise an d mean what pue possess will tine] that wlule ther e i s nrn ch Lhat is we s y , We COUld g ive you a hst good there are ni,my ex.ict1ons wlnc are h a of bargains as Ion g as the mora. h,t> sh and seve1 e, and w uch nuke the lot of m any bm densomc and und esu abl e In law but space p r e v ents O Ul' con But,un there rs the fullest freedom cnm There stant aim and zeal IS to gain and patal)le wi th the greatest safety ar e m my drnwb.tcks, it is ti uc , bu t no ietam the confidence of our pat 1lly h e cx:pectecl m more tlum "oulcl natur. ions. We a1 e a fwl team and h a1d a h um a n go' ornment. The law t ikes cog u1z·11ce of nl l , and protects eac h m th e to down, and want a repetition of A nd s o watchful Cl1J OJlllent of i ts ughts "lvh at has been doubled up and we is she of the mterests of h er sons , that whenever one of them is unjustly treated are going to h ave it, for w e u.re 01 w10ngfullydisposscssedof lusughts, lJ e it tr·ai " necl in the school of th at i " n- ut the ends of t h e em th, he can clmn her her 1 eso mccs stiuctive genius th at march es ovel protection, ,mcl the whole of of the empu e will be employed for Ins pro misfortune's rough road and scorns t eet1 on ,md ho used to remst,ite an d com , o f impossibilities. pens,1te lum Our free dom of th ou gh t and th e mention expr ession of op1111011 rs uncmb ed , e xce pt They melt away when we make up when rt "oulcl encro fl.ch upon the IlJhts of No co e1c10n is employed e xc ep t our nnn d s to pe ifern1 a great un - others suc h ,is ts necess uy to the \1 1se and cqu1t We have progress able ,idn11111strnt1on of UsL1c e , ,ind the sta de1 taking J wuLten on ou1 b1ow and O lli em- brhty an d safety of th e national life Eng hnd 1s the sworn enemy of sl wcty, rnd p1 oye es ar e th e ive m en Of th e per- througho ut the ,ilm ost boundless ex ten t of iod, and living machines for m01e h e r don1<1 ms, 11 n e mpu e upem wlHch the sun neve1 sets, every nun 11 ho r espects busuie ss, \Ve aie d eterinined to and obsenes her l,rns, is a free mam Re do good and make the people fe el hg1 0us fr eed om is enJ oyed by all, and cv e 1y m m c an "orsl11p Gocl accoHlmg to the gla d to thmk they h ave a store in d10t.1tes of Ins own conscrencc,noon c daung the community li ke ou1s wh ere to mt erfc 1 e 01 mak e huu afi md It 1s tiue th t m so me quarters tlwie is discontent they can get all k inds of Dry there ar e some who cxpre ssmg rhssat1sfact Goods, Cai pets, Clothmg Watches, 1011 with the ex:lustmg orde1 of affans, are va 111 ly enderwonng to ,11ter ,md ch, 1nge Clocks and Jeweh y at a puce as the m But when then comphmts a1e ex low as any man dare sell them a n un ed th er e re,1lly arn no " rongs to be 1ect1fied, n o abuses to be r enwd1 ed The We want dele gates sent fiom every dsssatisfactwn an d chsconteut h,1ve 01 1gm taxpayer in the suirounding Count- .1tec1 111 th e fa1Mt 10al blu stermgs of a fe\\ ies to visit .our stoie and in qui r e nrespons1ble denugogues, who undl"l the . disgmse of a bmnmg <levntwn for the . our puces so th ey can procl aim to p ea ce .md prosperity of then natn c Cana then fnends and make 1t known cla, seek then 01\11 p ei s onal aggr,mcl1ze {ii m ent In tl ns day when the Arn:uclust, tO OUl enemie . s that we are O er- the Commumst, the S ocrnhs t and the ing uresistible inducements for Home Rnle1 are p10ponnd mg then dog mas mcl arc enclea\ oung to mt10cluce th e peopl e confusion ancl ove1tluow the supernt1uct mes ot iushce <>nd law r <11secl by the w1s domandgenmsof (lgcs , rt ]}ehoo' es us all to stand loyally by the mstitut10ns of om co u nt 1y trnl rna m tun the s up1 emacy of law Mlll 01d e1 In this d ty when that luct a1ch y wlnch ncvei slumbe 1 s 1101 sl e eps, w hos e agents a1e e ver aggressively achve m advincomg h e1 schem es n.ncl ex ten dm g he1 swn,y rt lJehoO\ es all Enghsltrnen , 1yP ,111 Protest.mts to be on the ·lert, l es t m some mome n t of supmeuess .rnll mcli.ffer- are always SlUe·of the 1esult when companson. cur pscc e, we will mak e no objecti ons tc our looking around as we J inqui red que i the d to lu m by hrs ,mce s tiy, but these tlungs all paled and w,mecl bef01 e the nch er a nd morn desu ab l u honors which fl ow fr 1rn. ·1 knol\l edg e .m.d likeness to Ch nst P,rnl courted tho bes t gifts and 111 tJu s re spect he h is set us an example \Vlnlc 10 JOJCrng m the p rou d pre em me1 1ce atfa med <1memg the I Mt1ons of the ear th by the },i ncl of )Olll bnth , cnrnl.ite lnm rn lns obs cr v 1 twn of Chnst, .ind m lus desue to b e moulded ancl fash10ncd after H is nnagc md lik en ess Agam, we might hw e o hos to m e I c ounte d "11 h it thmgs wer e g 1m le ss fo1 Chust, yea doubtless and I coun t ,111 tl·mgs but los foi the ex:celleuce of the ,1 ow'ledg e ofChust Jc sus my Loi d " He 1 lo' eel !us countly but he loved C h ust morn Ho w is not msenstble to the IJch h cutn.ge of e,uthly honors and d i st mcti on be that most exclusive 11<1t1 o n - the Jc'-1 ish B t t Paul clrd not gl ory m th es e th mgs , 1\lule he did n ot l i ghtly esteem them, y et th ere was :iometlnng else wlnch he va lued an d pn:-:ed more lnghly He d e clares but a l a ch.i1 1ty ne.u est heaven 'l'hree fiouushmg thmgs we say about the fa1lmgs .ind er How o t sily we forget om tre es , bttt the one fullest of luscious, sa i ors of ot h e 1 s 'rln ce l o' mg be mis, nnd sometmies 1uth wh,1t nrnhc1 t i sfymg fruit rs ch 111ty In the ous d el i ght ll e m g11 1 fy the mote m our sisters, but chau ty the g1 eatest Her e is a giaud field for light of h e1 exqms1te char m, both faith b1 ot he1 s ey es ill Let us m . But the exercise of om ch<inty 1n d hope b ec om es more be,rntiful w h en · tho ap ostle spe1ks so J ughly of om mtercomse w ith om fcllo11 s, w lnlc cha11ty, he docs not mean to drnpauge the not approvmg, wlule g1v111g no c oun tc n Cons1de1 ed 11,part from ance to tlmt wl11ch ls wrcked,look a t th e n othe1 g1.tces ch, i ritv they are also most be n1tiful .iml we ,ilmesses t hrnugh the l.ugu end of th o it e Huu wh o \\ as telescope Let us nmt, e xcellent Only ch 111ty !Ms such a sun ,e th e ch,u1ty itself, .md m om trc,itment of the 111 be,iuLy, lrl it , l ik e excellence th. moon itnd sta r s befor e the meutl1<m sun, we,1k and the e11 rn g, let us do 1s He d1cl, : seems to grow clnn an d fade :rn ay m it s H e w ts " touched with the feelmg of om 111 the hope of puttmg all our mfhnut1es, He ne' er m.1g111ties our short presence hem ts m l ovc with clnuty, ctnd m km g c onungs, H e is nevur s111ft to r eproach us, us .111 ye. n n for t fuller fellowship "11 1th He " Kno>rnth ou1 fr.uuc ancl r emember Let oms be the ti e dust " her, l et us see m wlMt respe c t she 1s che er th th it " c , chanty that ncve1 says rmytlnng about a gr e,itcst of all the grnccs I n th e fast place we may say th it brnt h er, 1f we c nrnot say sometlnng good chanty is the gr e a te st of the gi ice s , be 3 Ag un c h a ut y m the sphere of 1 cause of th e width . md ext ent of its brnther s s on ows "Seeketh not h er o wn ' Other guces have pd.1 t1cul.11 s1Jhe1e Pei h.tps we may call tins the p 1 rn c1p,ll sphere of ch,111t.l' 1s it is cer tamly the e 1s1 thmgs "" rth wluch th ey are more pai hc ul arly cuncc 1 n ed , spec1. 'l'hc1 c rs so 'llUCh na tm al feclmg to >l pM ts of our l ife est on wlnch they throw the l ight of then he lp us 111 tl11s c11,se , 11 lul e m other cases charm , spec1 LI tun es m winch they ac our natui 11 fe el mgs m:i,y be opposed to They are hl,e the wmd our clunties t1vely ope rnte Hum 111 n ttm c m,1y be fal th at blo"s som ctnn es, or the lam th it l en, many of the fe,itu res vd1 1ch were 1m fal ls sometim es, or the nusts tltat nse pressed upon om iutm e m t h e ])egmmng may be s idly defaced , but there is one af sometimes , or the s.ww th it covers some tn n es, or th e hghtmng that p unfies some fect1011 wluch shm es b11Jhtly mmd m.uch times that is evil, one imp ulse of the hum.u1 B ut cli.ti ity is like the drvrne sun l ight th at sh mcs on ,1 h .1ys , "mk s always, heart which has not been wMped or des tempe1i:; the wmds and wa1ms the mm,, t 1 oy ed, th,1t aflect1011 1s om sym1nLhy for d1ss1 pa,tes the nnsts ancl mel ts the s nows , ancl s ouowmg , that m1pu ls e rs om cl esuc Ancl how wide to ieheve the suflermg i;o metrmes seen and felt , s om e time s un seen . ind u u fel t , b ut n ev er ceas mg m its i s ph ere tlns is for the exercise of our u 1 ty H ow rnmy sufferern lym g on mf!uence and n ev es recogn rnmg a ny l rnnt ch . to its sphe1e, Ch.auty should cover the swk bec1s to b e numstered to, how many whole l i fe aml '111 the i el ,it1onsl11ps of hu ngry ones to be feel, how many n Lkecl men, 111ftucncmg Ins mner t h oughts and ones to be clothed, how rna.ny sorrowrng Hero ar e s ubJ e cts l us utte1ccl feelmgs lus conduct and hrs ones to be c omfor ted . d ap c ,mll y symp,1thy, m mtercomse , the associat10ns of th e fa1rnly " ho mvite youi l i. peal to your most gene10us cha11ty Pe1and society, and also 1ftectmg Ins i el. twns with the dupendant, the po01 and haps oue re,ison why tlus sphere 1s so ex: the sufformg In tlus chapter the apostl e tensive is because so little of h uman sor d efin es the ,ndc rnnge over w In ch chanty row 1s simpl e , rt is so o ften comphcatecl, "ChaHty suf!e1eth long complicated by peculJ ,trl:i; d1stressmg cu exe rci se s s wa;y and is klu d, ch 1uty env1eth not, rs not cumst.mccs, co111phc11ted by poverty, by pufted up, s eel,eth uot her own , is n ot ment,11 ,mgmsh For souows pure ,md easily p1 ovol,ed, tlnnketh no e1 il, re101c simpl e th ere m ty be no more needed thm cth 11 ot m uuqmty, b eue th all th m;;s , sy1n1nthy, for son ows complicated wrth b ehc veth all thmgs, hopeth .ill thmgs, en o th er kmds of trouble, there 1s need c cl clnnty, wluch hkes up sy 111 p,1th y mto cl m ct h ,111 th mgs , never fa1leth ' tsdf m genLot u s look 1t 11 few of those sph ere s m i tself, and goes 011 to express i As \I e looK erous gifts and kmclly deeds wlnch ch in ty d1splayes hei mfiuence 1 ou nd us, contempl<tte the numernus n I 1 Th e sphern of ,i brn th ers on ' n on c11sc' of chsti ess by \Yh 1ch we me s1.n ound C hctr ity "13eheveth ,ill thm c r s u ts whwh are 1 It is a v e1 y rem nkable tl11t rn my cd, ob se 1 ' e th o many he, so1ely wronged, the i11< iny spmts 'luch 011 1 bieth of us can ])e chant,1ble to\\. ud 1 011 m alm ost e >e1y tlnng ex cept then are hardly bnused, the n11ny lives em I hm], of t h e bitterness the b1ttc1ec.J 111th tdveis1t1es, t h e 111<111y homes o pmwn s so p irnt10n , rnd the conflicts aus m" f10 m fi l l e d 11 1th t10uble, how wide rt fi eld for om ch. tnty we b ehold, and how earnes tly differences of poht1cal opnuons f1o 1 dif i ferenccs of denonnnat10rul opauon s , from we sh ou l d strn c to nnt g t e md l es s en Let us si t Li In the dis· 1osses th it pre vai l uons d iflcrences of th e ol ogic l o p n th ese m 1 ttcrss "11<1t a s td fack of chauty the feet of Olli D 1v me Maste1 till we rm "\Ve crmn o t of brbe H is Spn1t and thou l i ke Hua we is ve1y often e xl ub1tcd com s P , " 1th the u trnn st str e tch of ch i 1ty " ill be "gorn g 1bout <l o mg go od , " fillmg up our d,ul y lift with deeds of g cnc 1 o u s , receive all opm1on s, 1t 1s unpossrble to de lude omselves mto the ,ic ce p t,mce of ill s el f sacnticrng clrn.uty purchased by our ancestors w t l It then bl ood nn d bcq1rn,1th ecl by the m 1 n us as 1 he11hge wluch was to be })l es u 1 ed md 1lty to l 1y, defended with om v ery h vcs the lh1t1sh t hr one , rnstitutions 1 nd gov o rnment wluch h ts b es to wed upon us such ughts ,,nd p nva l eg es should be ' cardm al doct11ne m the Englishman s creed B ut still ther e is not th e t h em e \\ ln ch we wish more p 1rt1 cul uly to bung before you toP,rnl could 11.n e gl ou cd 111 a ci t1ze 11<lay sl up wluch secmred to him protection md confenecl upon !um ughts winch but few eil)oyed On sever.ti occasions he cfann ccl those ughts and they were freely awanled to !mu 'l'he s11 u plc u ttera nce of the " ords , " I .i m a Roman, " cleln e1cd lum fl om the me r ci l ess bufletmgs of the rnb blc, r m d seemed for !um th e p 1 otect10n '.lf the strnn g arm of the Im peunl GovernBut sill P r n l did not reg n d tln s m e nt ·IS the lughest honv1 and the must desn tbe of p oss es si on s He decl,u ed th 1t there w is som eth mg olsc whwh ,dfo1 d ecl lnm gre<1te1 c iuse for sahsfoctron md de l ight "G oel forhid th it I s ho uld He s fl.ys g lm y s<n e m the cross of Ch us t J cim s the Lo1d ' Wlnle uot l i ghtl y estecnnng the pu v1lages of Ruman c1trnensl11p, he valuecl those " Inch pei tamed to !us hca' enly In tlus, ag: un, he has c1trne nslup more set us an e x tmple While we hold most de,uly those nghts , 1ml p uv1l eges v.lnch we CllJOY ,1s c1h:.1e11s of th e mos t enlrghtenc cl a nd powerfu l nat10n on earth, l et us acco rcl a sti l l lugher , ipprec1ation to those winch we miy . tll e nJ OY by t,ikmg the o 1t h of all eg 1 rnce to th e Kmg of Kmgs ind Loul of L o rds We , 1dd1e ss i numb r yo u to d,1y <tS t brntherhood, as , of m tliv1 d u 1ls who h<1"e volunt u1ly hmd ed yom s elv es to,;ethm 111 a s ocie ty whose obj e ct rs t h e cult1v.1t10n of a fr 1ternal feelmg aml 11hose ,mn to h el p each other to bear the bu1dens of t1Ml and l oss winch d e 1 elope up on us all m tlns world Sprung £10111 a common uugm .md muted for i m os t prn1sc wo1thy pmpos e , yom assocM 'l' h,1t t10n must co mmend its elf to all rt m.1y be founded upon an cnclm111g . d be prn tected from those mfiub,1sis , m ences 1'11 1ch nught wrecl , it, we urge y ou to ch ensh as mclividunls, the gra ce wluch the apostle cills the greatest of ,111 the It is th e cons1dcrat10n of this graces gi ace whteh we hav e chosen .is the duty of tlus holll In tlus chapter tho 11,post l e has b ee n compa11ng certam Clu18Lrn11 nr tu cs togeti wr , m 01 d er t1mt 1 10 m1gi1 t b 1 mg o u t the cxceedmg precwusness of on e by the comp m 1snn He scemmgly w eig1lS m 1us mmcl eac11 of t1lose g1,ice s , he p on dern tho r e latn e exccllenc1es of e ,wh and m ti ns wise he announces tho "And co11cl u s1011 to wluch he comes now ab1clcth f uth, h op e , . cl1 u1ty, th e se s t of these is but th e gr three Three. RY v ntam smnnuts, but -U chauty , mammate to the :m11nate erettrnn nf His lf we hand we fin<l the s am e va uety come tog ether \\ O find t11 it w e diifo1 from "\Vc ea ch other m 111nurnc1ibl c p om ts do not look al ik e , sec ilikc, feel n,l iko 01 "\Vhy then should I find thmk alike fault \\ 1t h my brother because he enter , the d 11s y hecause it doe s not enut the fngianc e of the rose, or with the o, i k be Each u apples cause it d oe s not be. :pelds tb at fnut and frngrnnce E ch acts iccor dmg to its IMtm e, and yields that itm il to rt fnut an d fiagr,rnce wluch is n, tarns d1fte1e11t op111 1011s from me on any subJect 1 He sees the subj ect' from a d1f fe1eut stam lpomt an d t lu ough . t <l iffo rcnt mednun He is mfi ue nce d by lus tern pcnment m1tl j Udges accoi<lmg to hrs likes ind dislikes Ve do not tind faul t with a ) t1 e s \\ IncIl we w1s li otI1 crs to e rntinm u with bea1 with, then w e ought to lie. thens And yet how uncommon is tlus ch 1u ty , even by those " ho cl mu its 111 dulgence most, how rarely 1 s it excrc1seLl H o w i e.1lly we .ue to pu:;h ught <l owu a brothe1 who has begun to slip , what strong \I other .Ag tm ch,1 1 1 ty m the s p here of a ueth .ill tl1111gs ' brother 's fml mgs , ' Be, Absolute perfection is un 1tt,m1<1ble on e trth 'l'here was ne\ er hut PUC p erf e ct c ha rac ter on ea1th, never b u t one who could say m al l th mgs , " I do the will of 'Ne ,ill h,ive om fa1lmgs, rny Fath e r " If we .ne c on L ou s of our shortcommgs n othmg else, we m e consci o us of tnfiun rt1cs, 1\ eak ncsses mid ftilmgs, often our i eccnd rs bl m red by some g11cvo u s nns t.1k e , om lustory rn,tirecl by some g1oss fault It may be th,Lt some of us have fal 1t1011 an d l n v e len b efore :mme tempt. th u s bro ught ,1 bh;;ht u p on our Ines 'J hen up ou t of thilt consc10us11css of your own wea1 ,11 e s s mel f1 ,tIIty, oug11 t to nse ch 111 ty t<rn 11ll s ntheis, towMds the m Have ht1es of others fir rn1ti es and fia1 rncnt fo1get that lmd c1 ne \t h these opm ions t he r e iu c r e,11 b 1 oth c1 ly human he, uts, that '.1.p 11 t fl om th e 1iomt on wlnch we chffo1, thcie ,nc rniny u pon winch we are .igr ccd, .md if they ancl we will but duw the m,mtle of cli.t11t y over those upon whrnh we c hfte1, " e may sti l l be fncndly an d m ut ually helpful to each r especte1 of pe1 sons, but m every natrnn he thrtt fea1eth God and wml,eth ngh t c ou . ne ss is accep t Then op uu ons we n1 .1y eel of Hirn ' Judge to be wrong, mo m nful ly w r ong, but how is 1t that 11e c,in ever for a mo .And so m th e fm111<1t10n of om op nuon s , we .nc mfiuenccd by ou1 m ental temper t m ent, by our su no un dmgs, by om ed u cation, 1111d we 1u0 gui lty of gross unch tr it 1blenes " h en ' c c eus m c th ose who consc1ent10ush ddfe1 fr om us m t h en op Peter l earne d " lesson m clivme mwns cli.u1ty when he l ea1 1 1c cl to say, " No11 l perceive th,1t G od 1s no a a a se!\rchmg fo1 the corrn pt rel ics of a b1oth er s wrong, to show them u p and talk them .ill over agarn One of the m us t sp l e ndid thmgs that Chrisban cha11ty can tc.tch us rs, how to c ast our lirnther's sm mto the unhthornable depths of the se,i , h ow to buty om brothe1 's sms so d e eply 1md so smoothly, and pl an t the sml ov e 1 them so e ve nl y tlrnt w e sh o uld never be ,1ble to tell the pl,1c e where they lay, 01 be , 1ble to find them .1gam. Wh11t a. ble s se d "\\ ork for cliauty to do I 'V1 ll you let it mto your heMt to cany on such 11 11 ork m you ? v V1ll you let he, n cnly, chvme, eh mty teach you ho\\ to bury the sl igh ts you w e 1e ce 1 ved , th e n usuncl ersbn dmgs you h. h,ive cherished, the u nl-mdn ess es and m ] ur!es th, it hnve been done you "If y e forgive not men then tiespasses ne1 the1 will your heavenly Father fo1g1ve you y o ms " M,m rs never so no bl e , i s when, m th e strength of D1v mc chanty, he fo1 g1"es m<l rnclts and wms Ins lllJ Uter nnd e n em y "\Vhn,t p1ctu1 e rs mo10 ,tffectmgl;} n obl e than tha t of the m utyr Stephen, kneel111g down amid In s mmderers and p1 iy111g ' "Lord, lay not this ::;111 t o then , chmge If it can be nvallecl , it rs on l y hy the Lord of chauty H nn s elf, ns amid the overwhclnung tgomes of Hrs cross, He p r. 1ys , "Father forgi ve them, fo1 they kn o w not what they do ' .And so we uught go on and show tint om Lo1d t each es that cl1<mty, forbemmce and lo' c ne to be m am fe sted m all the i c lahon . slnps and engagements of life A n d if your 01g.m1 zat10n is to bo , i pc111rn11ent mst1tution .ind is to , 1ccomphsh the ti uly d esuabl e and p 1 . i is wu1 thy pmp ose for wluch i t was designed, you will n e e d to cultivate tlus clnnty To be al>lc to for g1ve and forget lllJUties, to bear with your broth er's 1nal,e up, to respect lus opmwns wh en they are cont1 ny to yoms, to help lum m al l I ns strnJgl e s with pm 01 ty and trial . 1nd sou o" 'l'lns sho u l d he, an d la, the onl y hand wluch can b111d us to geth e r m 1 hue l.n otherhood In conclus10n, 1lluw me to sn,y a fe w w m ds m I efer ence to the objects,anns .md benefi ts of yom rn <ler It is perhaps one of the yo unge st of the nu merot · s 01 de1s wluch exist ,it the p10scnt d 1y, h "mg b e en ongm.1ted m Deeembe1, 1874, ::ind cons equ en tly is n ot 15 years old Its ob J ects me to mu te nll honorable nntl t r ue Eng1i s lnn6n m an assoc1 1t1on for mutu,d mcl , to educ ite i t s m cmbe1s m the t1ue prmcrples of rn mhood, whereby thoy have to lle chant ible , to practice tr ue benm ol ence , to care fo1 e ich othe1, m s ick n e ss . tn.d <1<l\e rs1ty , md when de .tth stnkes <lo11n one of y om number, to follow !us remams to then l a s t rcstrng place , upon the payment of a s mal l weekly fee ccr tam benefits nrny he enJ oyecl 1he ob 1 ects a1 e to mn t e all hon orab l e anti true Englishmen, who .ire m goocl bochly h ealth and between the aae s of 18 . md 60 years, m : m ,1s socrnt1on f1 mutual I : tlcl , to educate yom member s m the trP e prmc1ple s of m,mhoo<l, w h ereby they l earn to be cl1,1ut,1ble, to prnctwe t1ue benevolence, nncl to l, c ep alive those <lliMI old memories of yom n ativ e fancl to care f01 e. 1ch other m s!Ckness and advern1ty, and when tleth stul,es down one of yo ur number, to foll nv !us re m a ms to their lat restmg pl ice You me e t m yMn lodge rooms at s t a te d times m frat e rn l mtcrcourse, le trnrng each othe1 's wnnts, g1v m g words of en com ,igeme nt and good cheer, and to those m trouble rtnd di st r ess , subst,mtMl ,1ss1s- 'J he Orde1 only requn es you 0 hv e up to its t each m gs , honor ) om obhg itions, be tru e to t h e country aud its laws, faith ful to your fanuhes, and tr"lle tu the Brotherhood and to God You rccogmze the t ea ch i n g s of the Ho ly B1hl e No pohtwrtl d1s cu ssw ns are al lowed m yom l od u e ioom 'l'he Sona of En l mcl Society offer s ,tdvnntngcs pecuh,11ly sm t ccl to you1 nation 1hty, and is second to i1onc and wh ate' er ben efits you 1 eccl\ e· u e nt clrnn ty but yom nght, . m d p, w l to you by the p opcr ofhcern w ithou t uxplan at10ns m ipolo c rres an<l all th. it is iequ1 1 ud of you is a s n al l 1111tmtion fee, ,md p 1 ornr t p. iyment of your clues N eaily fifty thousand d ollai 8 lmve ,ilr cady bee11 r:.11d o ut for be nefits The Ben efi ciary D epa r t111c11 t enables 1t8 membern to rn s mc then lneR fm $500 or $1,000, md has fl.h er1dy p1 O \ eel ,1 grea t somce of strength to t h e Order Dy tho payment of i snmll gi .Hlo d a><sessment cit the de. 1th of n m e mbe r, sul)st mbal mcl 1s secured to the s urv1vmg i el ih ve s, \\luch will ass i st th em m bcmg m (l epe nd ent of the cold chanty of th e wodd l'l1.embers becommg t ot a ll y disabled ancl u n able to follow .my occupation, r eceive half the amount msmed for, 1£ requued , the other half is J1a1d 1t ti . t nne of de 1th ta.nee Th e momont Y<'U e nter the Iodgt< room all d1s tmct10ns a1e lost sight of, ancl you meet on one com m on l e\ el, and b tlns constant assoc111L1 011 and mt eic ou rse an amount of love , md mte1 est 18 felt fo1 each othe1, wluch rn mad e m . uufest b:> the good work accomplished g ; 'i' cu r of mountams, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enj oyment We can d esi re no better when In perfect h e a l t , bu. how often do the maJ ority of p eople feel hke g1vme; 1t up dish eartened, discouraged and w 0rn out with d is e ase wlien t e1 e i s n o occas1011 for this feehng aa 6V ery sufferer can easily obtam sat is fa c tor y proof, that Green A ugnst .Flouei will make them free he m <l Jseaae, as whe born Dyspepsrn and Liver Complamt are the d i re c t causes of rnventy five per c ent of such maladies as B1 l h o1l sn ees, In d1geat1on, Sick H eadache, Costiveness :N ervous Prostrat10 n , D1zzmess of H en d, Pal p1tahon of the Heart, arul other distressing symptons Three d osefj o f A 11qiest JJ'loitei w i ll prov e its -w o n d erfu l effect S a m p l e bo t t le s , J 0 cents Try it ENJOY LIFJi -What a trn'y beauhfu world we live m? Nature gives us grand "'· ·· .. ,.. h h : th 41 1.ff ARRH, !AY FEVER. STOPS 1\as L1 p i c.:uge s in ·o the throat amt E ASY TO U S IE . excessive cxpcctnrntton caused by Catlrrl1 &nt )ire paid o n receipt o r p J e e t; O c nnrl ;(11. Addi c s s F U L FO R D & C O . , B ro c kvi l le, O n t. It Cnres oi, l i11 Head, a vei t1smg m JIHIO goo1l newapap P1 · s en t free .Address Q1 o P RowEJ,t & Co Spruce St N.Y. Ill mtrat<'ddes A TEN1l:; for Sal; cr1pt1ve cata l ogues free. It Cl l.AMBEft LJN, T or on to , Ont 1 -O A.ffVERTI S l'JtS. _Lov1est R1iles !or n d -P CO R N E R STO RE, BOUNSALL 'S BLOCK nificent Stock of H ouse Furnishings, including Stoves, Tin ware, Plated Goods, Lamps, Oil Stoves, Paper, S oaps1 Pms, Brushes, Glassware, etc. We have a]so opened out in the Harness Business, under the Management of 1\fr. F. Mason, so long known in connection with that business. and favorably to any The Stock in this t1s e Messrs. Noseworthy & 1\fason have opened up a mag )0( person who drives a horse, and will be sold at lowest living rates. All the balance of the Bankrupt Stock of i"the Bradley Estate, will be cleared out at any price. department will comprise every thing that is of GIVE U S A CA L L. J. C. NOSE WORTHY. -r FRANCIS rifASONo 1 8-4w a A Small Man ! .t\ M ea1 Man I Smaller than an ordinary Hayseed, and meaner than Buckwhea.t Straw, is the man thn,t will cut all t h e advertrnements ont of his paper, so that Ill s " rfe can't read them 'lhat man stands m bis own light, because he prevents his w1fo from findmg out tlnir a a ; L ET Y O U R W I F E R EA D T H I S she where she can buy to the best adv antage, so if yon I J. J; MASO N General Dry Goods & Jewelry House. cncc \\ C lost:: the ughts ,md pn v1l eg e s I fo 11ns o cloctr mc, as though all m 1y b e true {,od n ev er tsks us to do anytlun g so umeason,1ble m d so mcons1clerntc It is n ot 111 tlus sense th.it ch a1 1 ty enables us to b el i e ve '111 th mgs Cha11ty is a gr.w e e x e 1 c1 s c d towards pers on s holcl m" opm 1011s, not e<mcc1 111na opmions s e ),1 rnt ed f10111 the m chv1 du al slwldmg them \V e arc tn be li eve all thmgs by r e.,arclm o- the hr, l clers even of opmwns, fr mi wl n h we differ as smcer e And is not th it pos Is not that n g ht 1 s1 bl e ? Is not that the only conce1vablc b1s1s for an3 tr ue umon of our d1vc1sc hurnamty I lf we loo], ihroriel upon thl' wm ks of cre ttion we fin d th<>t one of t h en· cluef charms lies m the vari e ty 11 h1ch m eets the eye m ev ery Goel chd no t cast every bltcle duection of gr s s 111 the s 1111e mould He cl1d not faslnon m e1y tree 1ftc1 the sa m e p:i.tten , he did n ot form . 1 11d pwit c1 c1 y flower m the s,Lme nkmue1 If ' e tm n from th e } a I A g m , Ch11uty m the sphere of a brother s sm s , " ReJ01ccth not m 1111qmty ' 1f ch u 1ty tow u tls a s u ft eun brothe' 1s th e c t8teRt effort, chauty to ,nds i sm mng lnothet is the h u de st It is , ei y h 1Hl to be chaut,ible t o w rd s one \\ ho has s11mccl " hen the sm to uches othe1s r itho1 tha 1 omsclv es, but it is the grnnd est cxlub1twn o f t!l to be eh int,iblc when Yon the wrnng is clone to ourselves i l,11ow hrrn h, nd it is to bu1y a clulcl 0 1 , fu end, li u t do yon ],now how hard it is to bmy i. w1 011g 11 luch your b roth e1 may h tve done you ? .Pe1h tps you ha"I e kno11 n men under the gltrnmg u npulses of ch inty bmy ,, ln otl cr's ,VJ .. mg, by it 10,1 , cover i t ove1 , Jud e it well fr om sigh t, .111 d come m1 , \.)i tud le 1ve it rcsoh eel n eve r to l ook it the conu pt, thrng agam A nd yet good is then i esolut10n s then " ere, but t little ti me passed by, ttncl th ey .tr it th e g1 we , :;L:r.ip mg a\\,ty the e ar th .1ml 4 a will le arn that we are sellmg the Newest Styles. Fmest Go Jds and Lowest .Prices tn a a Boots, Shoes and Slippers ! They excel m neatness, chapness and fittmg, and are the best procurable m the Can ad13n and American markets Lad1s' French Ki d Button Boot, m B 0 and D widths . L(l,d1ea Bught Dongoh0, world ronowned for genmne comfo1 t Celebrated Common Sene Button Boots Ill Frencl1 R id , American Ktd and. 011 Goat Skm W e haH a \ OI Y sel e ct etock fine low shoes for sum mer wear, 111 Oxford and Button, han<l tm ned ,mcl machuHJ sewed ,;;. , 91il1"' ti?."- Gentlemen's Shoe·, "e have an 6xtra fine Oxfo1d finished th e best possible style Our gents' ::;2 and :ij'2 75 shoes are esp emally worthy of your mpeetwn Ji '"nnt Sb"ll Co1dovan l\almonl Gentlemen 1f ) ou wan t a pe1ft ct fit ;.cnd enun1e < < lJ ; rt try our ' Vall<enpba.st ] r Boot hand made, best ·he ll cordovan M1sst' Ulu ld ren s' Ilo3 s' and '> .... .... Youths' in urun 1mbered vauet1eB,, "" L.' 1 4 We ha\e a11 101meus" stock of Lathes' and Gents Lawn ] erims a n l " · ) orhng Sh ;;, which we respci.:tfully mv1te y o u r attent10n O·dered work a spec1<t lti ; mSI..(htly W. JEN NIN GS, N"" E AI) S:i B LiO O::K.

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