HEALTH. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1887. Open the windows, my friend, and Jet th<J sunlight in. God sends it. as a precious blessing from heaven; but Y.ou bar it out with blinds and curtains, as 1f it were your Throw open the blinds, and worst enemy. let it in. I know you always say it will fade Is the place where you can the fashionable carpets; but, my your pretty furniture and · roses it stea1s from your d ear fnen · d · tie I C carpet, it will plant in the cheeks of your Hat in the ounty. children. A few dollars will buy a new How to Read. covering for your floor, while all the wealtn To read profit>tbly mea.ns more than to of a Crresus will not put the glow of health into those pale little checks. One of the read only the best books. It means to read best investments you co.n make, is plenty of the best way, and when a man of so much culture as Mr. John Morley tells how to do fresh air and sunshine. Silk, the very latest. In Christy Stiff, Bl . ack, Brown, Drab, Intelligence has been received in Ottawa The germs of disease that lurk in the most this we may give his words some attention, elegantly-furnished room if kept dark, will In the curse o.f a_ r ecent lecture in London that the Batoche 1alf-breed have refued a or Slate, in Men's Youth's and Boys. Fancy Hats for chilloan of seed gram and will not cultivate vanish away before the bright and cheery Mr. orlcy said · . . . I will no take up ycmr time explam- their land this year. sunlight. and in prices 25 cents llI) · . .._, I mg the various mchamcal contrivances and Your plants need a sunny window. t. W'll' 1 iam 0,B nen Iias becn elected BUFF.A.I..O,, N- YM. , I They are not to be heard you saying, only the othe1·day, that aids to successful study U inay b e sure you Wl and yo witho1 . ppositio,n i;imber for the North- < 'II t 't d e ge SUl . despisccl by those wh would extract the ; el'8Ml:bed wUb a mu 8tatr or etrikteell yon were going to build a conservatory, be· eas: di sion .of Cork, made vacant by the cause your plants did not get enough sun most from books. Many people think of resignati n of Mr. Edmund Leamy ll!:a:vertene1.1d and 8k11UW.l. Ph:ralelana : even in the south window ; consequently knowledge as of money. They would like a.u.d 8ur1reo11s Cor lhe &reatmea& ot The mmers at the Reserv? mmc, near they were pale, and did not bloom well. Yes it, but cannot face the perseverance and selfall Chronic Ditleaaea. Sydney, B. , are out on strik for an in-. we keep the very best and mo denial that go to the acquisition of it, as G c. e and the wee human bud that od has inst fashionable lines in. Ties1 crease of three ce1ts per ton, and fears are . . . trusted to your care to train into the sweet, of mone;17. The wise student will do most of felt of a general strike at Breton mmes. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. underwear, II ad r his n ha his in pen a with - osery, Braces a nd il He d. l ' i;; e ; too J1 a he lthy bloom of woman 0od, is pale · , . . . . The inquest on the body of an infant llhronlc Na8a.l Oatarrh, Throat an4 what are you goinl! to do about the matter? not shrmk from the useful toil of makmg b IIas-111 fact, anything Ill the Gents Furn1shmgs line. Luuir Dl11ea.ies, Live1· and Klduey I would suggest a large bay-window for the :ibstracts a.n d summaries f what he is read- found in a girl's trunk in the Albion Hotel U l l>laeaa···· B a dder Dhrnasc11, Dis e ase s g. Some great men-Gibbon was one and in Toronto resulted in a verdict of wilful CO e a1Ong ancl bring Of Wome n, Blood DiseW1cs aud Nerv nursery, in addition to the one small one ma . e! your frienc · · · h you and e SOID6 l Wlt D m Webster was anot!1er, and the great murder aginst l!'anny Smith, who is untler oae AUectlo11111 o ured here or nt h om e, that now serves for light and ventilation. lm-d-always befoe t Stra was t r ford II Lo with or without seemg the patient. Como and f ( hat sunlight feel arrest. Children instinctively th1'ng: nobby. ·r. WJ, or send ten cents in st.amps for our is a golden treo.sure· I have often seen a readmg a book made a short, rough analysis .._, In the new convent' ' InTalld·' Gulde Book," whioh gives 10n between tlie porte · ·ted t o b e ions wh' ICh they expec ·re t Bn baby creep across the floor to catch at a sun- 0f thc quest' all particulars, M. MAYER, Furrier. d 't an . a 't · G is agr e d th th ,Nervou11Dcblllty lmpo. beam that had stolen in throuvh the closed answered in it, and the conditions to be penod o t ti e B r. 1 is l occ npa :. ion of 'gyp for l it and their mad teuey, Nocturnal t os11e11, whither answer, would e Highest prices the · m on carpet cash paid was dancing and for Raw Furs. sh all be not less than t wo and not more than · and all 1'1orbid Conditlou· shutters' fi take them. I h ave somet" · d that Imes tric · ive years. · co.used by Vouthfnl Fol· Children love bright things Make home _ studied and guar?ed attention, and I have . . lies and Perni ciou s sou. bright, and they will love it. · . Mr. McNel .ha gien notice of a bill to iary Practice are speedily s There is another kind of sunshine you never done so without advantage ; and I the a nd aud .pennunently cured by our C1v1l t!1at so Servrne Act, promo !nc commen it to you. I need not tell rou otallilts. Book, poet-paid, 10 ct.a. in stamps. need to brin into .our h ome. It is the sun- that I t , t101:' shll not depend upoll; passmg an. x that books readmg hmk most worth dark, some the door smis. en of shinc Rupture, or Breach, radi· auunat1on, ut upon techmcal adaptab1hty ca.Uy ctued, without the knife, uloomy day I and Jotk out . your face is sober. once. are worth i·eading twice, and . the mas-) ' -ATfor the service with out d epe u d ence upon t o 1s rte very 1 f eces erp a I rat nre-and tb' 1 A dull the sky. inanimate reflecting and · . truBli!C8i.... and .witli very littlo 0. Rochette's tannery 'vV. J. Brown's lum The cloud impoant fact--;are worth eadmg a tloupain. llOQk sent for ten cents few hours late; you look in stamps, has pa ssod, and all the world is flooded· with sand .,nnes. It 18 a great mistae to tlunk, . ber yard, and several buildings on S t. Dom PILE TUltlORS and STRIO'.l'URE8 beause yon ha:ve reacl a masterpiece once or l iniquc street, Quebec, were destroyed by tteetecl with the greatest success. Book !lent sunlight. Involuntarily, you can smile and wice, or ten un . es, that Y0:U are done with fire on Saturday; Joss $125,000. Very little for ten ceuiB in stumps. Address Wom.D'll feel happier. ·· Be?aus it is a. imwtc · piece you ought to insurance. D:rsPEN6ARx'_ Mim1CAL Assoou.noN, 003 Maln There is a little poem that says:Street, BuJIBlo, N. Y. hve with it and make it a part of your "Mamma's eyes are baby's skies," The treatment of many and it eems very true. lf mother is nervous daily life. Another practice which I comDavid Lussier and Jos. Lambert, two ca.r s thousa nds of CllSCS of those and out of a plrts, b.a?y is cross and restles ; mend to yon is that o eepng 8: common- riers of provisions to the lumber camp of diseases peculiar to but if mamma 1s sm1hng and sunny, the ch1l- 1 place book and transcnbmg rnto it all that Messrs. Hall, were drowned in the River C> 1\ll:E 1'T dren are almost sure to reflect the smile. If : is striking and interesting and suggestive, Ohaudiere a day or two ago by the upset· at the Invalids' Hot.el anll . 1 or tho.t seems to lead a,nywhere. And if you ting of a canoe. Surgical Institute, has af- you would have a happy, healthlul home, . forded large experience in adapting remediee keep it bright with smiles and sunshine. \keep it wisely and well, as Locke has taught It is rumoured that Mr. McShanc will for their.cure, and us, you will put every entry under a head, shortly resign from the Quebec Cabinet, They will work wonders. and division, and subdivision, which is excellent that Mr. Hall,the Conservative member for ___ DR. PIERCE'S practice for concentrating your thoughts on Montreal West, will be asked to take the C ountry 0 1Jmells. · · · mg you a1· the passage and mak' ive to 'ts 1 vo.cant portfolio. real point and sinificance. The ?ity dweller daily wash?s the grim A company with a capital of five million from his face, and cleans the cmders from do 11ars h as been organize · d m · K' mgst on by deli" h" " breath of. the _ 1ongs for "' e:a:perionoe. · ·· .... ·'--., resuIt of. th'· .18 eyes, and . Advice to a Young Man. New York capitalists for the dcvelopment . · His pwturc It ia a powerftd lle·toratlve Toulo c1ous pure air of the country. - .on Imes along the K' mgston and My boy, when you meet a good hearted, 0f tlie u and Nervlue, imparts vigor and strengtli of a rural district includes nothing less to tho syste m, and cures, llB if by magic, Leu· wholesome than green fields, sunny skies, 1 genial fellow, open hnded and generous, who Pembroke rallway. · c o 1·rhea or "whltes 'f ex c ess ive · 1 'th the pe1 ·f ume of 1 spends money f reeJY When h e h as 1 't, who The United Sta.tea consul at Kmgston has tlo wi o painful menstruati on un- and fresh breezes, aden w1 money", who forwarded a. letter to Washington pointing n at u ra l 'su p pressi o ns, pr0Ia1>srt s or flowers; but at this season of thi: year the 1 "doesn't knolY the value o It, only este.cms it f?r the go?d_ it can do, who out the injurious effect of the Inter-State falling of n te, 'veak bacl·, reali ty is often a very different :r.icturo. . any, believe m the lively shilmg, and always.I Commerce bil l upon the trade oI tho United a::;_o;:idc!'io-v:l:l' c bg;;= docs not require a very long ride m Uou2 luUlllnm.ntl tl and ulee1·nU011 country district at the present season to_ en· doe his best to make thmgs Ii:vely, ho I States with the Dominion. of tne woJUb, infhunmat.1011, pain 1 counter many noisome smells. Here is a can t hoard 11p money for the life of him, . . aud tonderness ht ova ri es, lnte1·nal The English mmt lB hard at work on the ----o---g reat field thickly covered over with half who gets it and spends it and then gets more heat, and "fe1nnle 'veakncss." ' ma.y get a 1. itt1e of new coinage . to be issued on June 22· A It promptly relieves and cures Nausea decomposed manure from the barnya rd, to spend, so that al1 of us y ver fine profile of ac:elderly queen! modell nnd Weali:ti.ess of Stomach, Judlge s· poisoning the air for half a mile around. it, who do esn't put down every cent he lets a by Mr. Bcehm, will be ued, with varytlon, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, Next we see a garclner, engaged in making friend luwe, as though he was a money ender, <l aud Sleeplc1>1su.ess , iu either llCX. g crown s for the several coms. m ! 1 will et t _ world e only in !ad $ he if who, at sumpla:es .the he which frames, his cold R 8 QOTTLES mit of a large heap of fermentmg, vile-smell- i you have mncty cents of it if you ask for it ; Patrick Glynn, a C. P. R. yardsman, was · r JEOR QJB.00. ing, green manure. There are, also, plenty la good, whole souled, generous fellow, who run over by a freight train \Vhile shunting Sohl by n1·uggists everywhere, Send of barn-yards, adding their augean prfume) knows uo more :'Ind cares no more abot 1 cars at the Queen's wharf, Toronto, and ten cents in stamp s for Dr. Pierce's large to swell the volume of the stench whwh sa- mo.ney th>tn a pig does abon tGreek, andhe1s both of his legs were cut off. He was taken . Treatise on D we es of Women, illustrated. a. little hard up, and wants to borrow $10 _ of to the hospital, were he died, lutes the nostrils of every passer-by Why should not the farmer disinfect his you fo r a few days-my hoy, don't lend !nm . . . nl II i'.I or s e lCo. i uSSD Clat· ID \II Speakg c1tonally of he project . of barn-yard and compost heap occasionally I a eent; don't lencl him a cent. Eh? Do I me c betw o l on cc;i Canada and the 663' Main Street. BUll'FALO, N.1!. with some cheap disinfectant like copperas? ;want you to be mean, close-fisted, stingy, o r m llm td S tates, the Ne. 1' ork _Sun says that \Vould it injure the va,lue of the manure as! weighing all friemlshi1> and good fellowship lJm -have arrived at thenot.1mg short of a phti:al i;mon unde1: the r , a fertilizer? Will some of our farmer frienus 1 on the money I ender t, my boy, I didlll Ir. m n S ates const1tnt10n 1s the mamfest I fl lkfi li.:I U.!1 !l'li ii; tell us 1 and why eannot the gardncr spread' en't say ttnythingof the kind. l said, and I Umcd U I don't desmy u f Canaa and th ouly mens by Bilio us l:leadaehe, a layer of dir over .that huge pile of putr- repeat it, "don't lend him a cent." winch pe1_ fect free co.n . be secured. ti a o iness, D () m s p . £active material which he erect:! close to his want you to be mean, I ouly want you to be izz dwelling and the ublic i::oad, . for conven- bnsiness-ike. Give hm 10 f YOl have it Between fifty thousand and sixty theu promptly cured by :Dr. ience of access to his growmg plants, to use to subscribe au d f eel like it; give h nn what sand m en are out o f work at Chiou.uo, as a I rnoney yon can spare and your hea.rt and 1 result of the building tt:ades troubl 'l'he Pl ere e's 1l." le as n 111 for a cold frame . Purgatve Pclleta·. Our country friends must begin to think: head justify you in giving, but never lend · combined funds of all the unions involved cents a V1al, b y Druggis · abut cleaning up, and abating smi;ie of these 1 that kiml of a rrnm u. dollar.-[Burdette. will not support the members for the first --··--- -nuisances, or we shall cease to thmk of the I i week and trouble is feared. The Anarchists country a.s thti land of pure air and healthI are rea.dy to take advanta"e of the situtttion. Bad Books . giving breezes, andsha.11 come to regard the · Michael D oyle, an iler at the wate1 works Lo ii "Some 11ooks a rc to be tasted," s ys . city with its clean, pavecl streets, and wellrd; .., ; :r · pump CONCERNING _ house, O ttaw:;-, ; vas c11ught m the, laid sewers, as the p lace where on e m ay l n a c on "other s to be swal lowed and some ' s m ch a ha ed d m h so leg 1eft crus i d _ n ery . . a ; "' H e might breathe the air of heaven in greatest purity : few to' be chewed and <ligesbed. .. l be amp1tated at the thigh that it hd to. . It filth h ave . addet1-"· and :some to be avoidecl. - is already a recognized . . fact that . He m the grip £ l £of the cog wheels ·-----· d1seaSS of the class to which typhoul fever Coleridge was a great reader; from hrn own I Otlr . f ai: hour and a lla1 -) ore th . murderos : : belongs, are much moe:reqnent iu the conn-' e xperience he uttors this warning against . could be rnis.d sufficiently to retry than in sewered c1t1es. I reading bad and inferir hooks: .,_ --· · · Never under ny circumstances, read 11 coal mmcrs, I he stnke of l'ictou, Walls. Moldy I bad book; and never spend a serious hour _. ! wh thc h n t b th yc r nmg b f h b t ega a s reading a second-rate book· No wor Wliat mak w e cg"lll o ...,... o. ·es t at rown S)JO on thc par- l 1 in . cl · · and has J: leen mutUR11y rous, h as fina1 m read ba.d of g m1°ch1ef . the overstate C'1.Il ft · t away as o n tis you 11'1111'ling ? . Clean l lo ce_i IL&. ly ended in a compro mise, the men agreeing I · a hi haunt · man often will book bad I 'A I will,1persrntently comesbckagam. What . I u.t ton in l of sixcentsper l k" reduction 1 ccepta . It is often remembered to· a I c I on g. . llllM! .U · "does it mean? Simply this . Your - house whu le l'[ cents p t ces h' wor irteen m anc wi a mg ce · it 'when much that is better is foro-otten b ·e t o tl1e t1mc o f ' ' "' I · I 1as the 1epr l osy.· If itself at th. . a ri s olernn momets narrow ones. Work in all mines will be most e s intr . ' h wou l e d h ouse, your . . I oscs cou.d l 00k lDt 0 ·" M ay. ume d t0·{l· I c ontamii:o.tes the best feelrns and em?- re : condemn it to be torn down and carric_d I a_nd . mg trasy,scond-rntc books is · The old toll bng spannm the River away out of the ;amp, or bm:ned up. This: t10n.s. - Rea. . L... 7 I Av f o form u ,;a greviouwaste of t nne,als o. ! on between Wmusor and Ealm o uth , N. · · · . was one o the w1sest f the wiselaws J Jn te first place, there itre a great many S., was burned on Sunday.night. This was lated by the pioueer sanitarian of all ages, I . mas· the last toll bridge in the yroyince. It was I than s er boo ate st e m y ev k ir - er ' betI :v a e l'. s o fa as wgiver. _ l wish J th I r - M se , ' . . , s place, .J , ' . ?U cannot 820 feet loug and was buz lt m 18.>6. I The , ter to sacrifice a house than a life, or mo.ny . ter ' an l!1 he econd_ I 'ol _ sc damp and ,r ead an u;ifer10r _o without glVlng up n i local Govem:11ent made i fre last year an.a lives, as is often done by the tu y of l"dmg a good on.e. Books'. wei:e preparrn to rbmlcl it. The fire rn J Bett_er look nto the ca_use oppor 1° .,. moldy houses. . tl'i'li · behoved to be mcend1ary. "6il Possibly there IS a I remember, are fnend, books affect charac ,.. at once, aud remove it. _ d ; >m t your d you cn as httle eglcct er o ¥' th t ) . . C ' . u y " schooner·" l!'avorite" arrived . it may be that the sealin The at leak in the roof; or It is the on ly preparat10n ID h e worJd _ fely neglect b - i!f. _ of this as you can sa from the kitchen con<lerises upon, m respect will do what is claiurnd for it. It has produced dainpness S B C on atnrday at N w e Westminster · ' t ' " upon cas moral d uty that is - -=-===-===·- = ·· --..:... =-"="'" ..=:--===- · =·= ·= = =--= luxuriant growths of hair on ba ld heads where the walls, and furnishes the requisite con- , any other and reports that the hull of the steamer baldness has exated for y c ar:i. It has restored ditions for the growth of these fungi. It is 'you· "Stephen" was washed ashore at Clazuquot us o ra e e o nu and th color y1gor t m r,o crops f g y n ed principle that human be. . . Sound ; also the bodies, canoes, spears, and faded hau. It has rehevcd hundreds of :" well-establish Dishonesty. . persons of disagreeable Dan druJf and haa savecl mgs caunot hve m health where mold grows washecl up below Cape Flattery, supposed many when hair was falling, from beoomiug abundantly. 'rhe two grades of life arc an. " long thought ts1 10nsty m 'ts a11 forms cert·ainly inflicts to be of the schooner "Active, - I D' . bald. Where one fl ouu .· sh cs, th e IC, ta omst' 0 th er' m uch suffering upon those who are cheated, wrecked. All on board perished . l'E' Remember these facts and if your hair is es. f a · falling out and becoming thin, get a bottle at but it also reacts with force upon the knave. · --l1t years ._,1ms, eig 1 H'.erny ;;,· A c 1ll "ld name< once and save the growth or you may losl'I it _ oes h e sn ffr t l 18 old, was drowned at the foot of the eanal ie remors 0 f h" Not onIY d forever. A sk your druggist tor HAIR MAGIC Poultry-Yards. own conscience and ri_ s k the penalt10s of the locks Ottawa, l!'riday afternoon, having in and take nothing els e. confidence .u.ntl compuy with two others fallen in while A. DOH.ENWENO. Sole Manufacturer, To· A neglected poultry-yard soon becomes law, he mut also res1.g11 the ronto. , ...... t , one of the vilest of all sources of offense, respect of his fellow-men; he m ust ubmit o playing on the ed g e of the water. Care· . HJGGJN BOTHA. M. & SON' from a sanitary or an esthetic standpoint. I be always suspected, always distrused, taker Allston, of ·the Rowing club's boat Notwithstanding this fact, which must be 1 always watced. What he has acqmred house, which is near by, saved the two, but AGENTS FOR BoWM..l.NVILLE. too evident to requil-e demonstration, how 1 wrongful_ly is .apt to be hdd oosely and did not hear that there was a third until too same tncks tat he many of these sources of foul air may be· parted with easily. The late. arper. ones, '·Ill be A great swindling scheme, consisting in seen and smelled in every country district, \has used and :perhaps sh and even within the precincts of many towns I ued agamst_ him, and a gener al feeli g ?f the pledging of sugar chietly of the Gorden· · will m . as refinery, an imaginary concern, has been and villages ! It has been pretty clearly de- distrust wh!c e h:is engendered_ · monstrated that much of the so-called mal- many ways.rn.Jure h!m and baflle his endea- carried on at fo,. some time past. aria which is· charged to overflowed ponds, vours. This .1s true rn cases from the ettY. The swindle was coudL1cted in Havana by tram-fare 01 the storekeeper and it is stated that he a.nd lakes, and marshes, and low lands, is , meanness which woul steal really manufactured on the premises of the ad.vantage of a nnstake m change up to fraudulently obtained from different parties sufferers by just such fever factories as the deliberate and wholesale perfidy that including a bank from $350 ' 000 to $500' Are prepared to pay the highest prices those referred to _ Chickens rearecl in such 1 specuates on trust-fundsor swmdlcs a cor- OOO . · pestientia.l holes as are most chicken coops · poration. At a coi l fornnce of citiens in Montreal to all kinda of Grain delivered at the at this sason of the yer, are no healthy, discuss the question of protection from floods, S OCl 'al l'act s. a.,nd nt fit for human berngs. Is it not pos· a resolution urging the city to p-rant at once . . Wharf or their Store House in town. s1ble, and even probale, tlrnt the eggs of Human bemgs are not born wit_h cqui;l the $178,000 for the construction of a tem . auch fowls my- aqmre an .nnwholesol"!e i gifts and owei·s. 'vVherevcr there is an up- porary dyke was adopted, and an influential II'. llavor from their mtun ate relation to orga111c per and rru ddle, there must be an under. The deputation was appo inted to proceed to O tfilth? weak must seek the wall an . d be the stile tawa to lay before the Government other THE STAR HOUSE has just !'eceiyed a large stock of English and from which the ambitious strong will -y-ault resolutious adopted by the meeting for the Scotch goods, direct from England, for the towards the top. Nor can those appornted better protection of the citv. OF CANADA. flowers as Disinfeotants, · . _ _ "" by nature for the pyramid's base serve in , ! ·ooo. Uest, $:16a,oo g m e t t Capital pald up, 111.l,O dr _No.t1re s erfol dispo i on,.t cono- any other position, '.l'o press the wall as one mIZe ,Y .. ifi mg two bIr s _w1t . i little as possible, get all the pay for service air1::', p:Sed :ir: h a . ·rhls Banlf I.a pz:-ep are d to d.o Legiti· am prepared to give the cheapest and best Suits ever turned out stone, to use a common e::prcsson, is not 1that it demand , and make the " _best f Avenue mansion and $20,000 a year till her a nches. br its all in ,, :111 m ate Bani.. ... .iu.i:lg · the ;east oi the marvels wluch strike the t- i now and here" 1 8 the bound of their poss1- death. Henry George, in refonino- to it, · in Bo-wmanville.. · . Frmers notes d1sc _unted ' Deposits tenhon f the careul_ studen_t of natural·hs-1 bilities. Witbont a foundation there ca.n be sas, th at considerig the wa&e t 'hat are . . , p .. i d ou amonn ts of tory subJe.cts. This is parttcu!arly well ii-, no superstructure, and the position is as paid to workmen 1 Carnegie s employ- 1I C received an Inte1?st up anadian Tweeds in great variety, from 35 \lpwarda m Savmgs ;kpepartw.ent; lu3tratd in flowers. A ca utiful, fragrant, truly honourable as any other, though ur:ii- ent, th a:t prescn is much the same as h ad_ given her two thousand fl ower IS not only " a tl ung of beauty and versa! mankind have held it to be le8s des1r· if Carnegie . Gent's Furnishings all fresh for spring. D R AF I !S to protected American laborers to be hers, . . a joy forever " but is an excellent disinfec- able. . I . ns mad e in E urepe . £!BUBd a nd C 0lle ct io body and bones, with 11 tei! labour a.ll tant as well'. It has long been known to , tea . and Canada. !Jn!te.d Sta If you wish to see a grass wid_ow in _clover, their clays, and ska. if thllJ .1s a. pleasant scientists that the volatile substances which 1 most flonrers emit, are among the best of watch her when she grabs a nch wi dower outcome of the c1vihzat1on and JUSt1ce of the W. J. eTONES, _ _ present day. Ageu disinfectants. The chemical changes which by the arm. Sunshlne. they undergo in the atmosphere, develop ozone, which not only destroys foul gases, but is also deadly to germs. This fact accounts for the well-known purity of the air in pine forests. W'ith this fact in mind, it is evidently the duty ot every householder to see that there is a good-sized bed of these delightf ul tlisinfectiug agents gro w ing in the vicinity of his dwelliug dndng the c oming months, wheu tlie air teems with germs may devour," or, at " seeking whom thc v · least,make sick. s JIOME AND GENERAL NEWS. Thn first steamship of t.he Canadian Pacifie lio·e has left Hong Kong for British Colu111bia. Ow mg to grave charges alleged against the foutreal city police patrol, the force a h .s J.een disbanded. Fir·1 the other morning in St. Roch's, a subv1·b of Quebec city, destroyed property to tbo value of $70,000. Ten thousantl Belgian coal miners 'are on strike, and as a tlisturba.nce is feared the troops are ready for an emergency. By the burning of the Royal Hotel at Boissevan, Mau., Duncan G . McBean, a prominent grain merchant of \Vinnipeg, was burned to death. Hal Fur Store get most IN HATS J.v.[AYE:E l.'S lnvalids'ff oteliSurgical Institute '?Y clren from to $3 So come alon2' OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. I I IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS m re m g t DELIOATE DISEASES. f d I I NE-W GOODS DlSEASES OF WOMEN. i TOD BROS. New Shirtings, New Prints, New V\Thite & Grey Cottons, New Embroidery, New Dress Goods, New Linens, New Tweeds, Favorne prescnpt-1on a' th? l I PRICE $I 00 a.s I i l l . Yatisi Corsets. Id' a·ISjl&nsary M d' J I ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. TOD BROS. SI" K· n u NEW SPRING GOODS 11ft1!!t:!: D r. D 0 RE NWE ND'S Z <( FACr s u i >1 ::JJ )> I .,,L I 1 I I ! ·1 :: t! ° . "' . I · ·' l and see our lovely 'I L ad ies cal Dress Goods. I ca11 . an d see handsome I G en ts ' T-weeds and S · t111g·s. · I Ul ...,.. '. ·f I l 1 I Full . . bJ a! 0 C) I, 1 1 11·nes of G- ener al Dry Goods now open +'or Inspection I0 . n u r ll" rocery Stor·... e lS r ep1ete Wl th , 0 Ch 01C8St GrOC8TleS p TQV1810Il$ th c ek 1 . ro .,.. e r y G a s swa r e F1 eld and ( 1--arden Seeds &c. 1 'ifl-, 11 mr lmlW, ) I l GRAI N ' Jno. McMurtry & Co. I I i I f j 1 ' Sl"llrAN DAR D B A N 1\.. I I 11 ift Sp R J N Q CLOTHING TRADE. I I . j' I $25. I1-You can always see .Jeffery at tile door. J JE FF:BJ R-YI $10