Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1887, p. 1

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,, t tStrl TBRMS :-tl.liO PER .A.mnn.t:. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THJ: WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, EDITOR .A.ND PROl'll.IETOR. NBW SERIES, NUMBER 461. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1887. VOLUME XXXIII. HAY:bON. NUMBER 22. Elegant Carpets -=COUCH, ALLAN LINE, ROY.AL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAILINGS, Johnston Cryderman Received last· week, per Steamship Sarmatian, direct from the manufacturers, POLYNESIAN, from Quebec, ]'riday, May 13 PARISIAN, ,, " '.rhursday, May 19 SARMATIAN, " ,, 1'hursday,May26 CIRC.ASSIAN, Jj'ridEy, June 3 SARDINIAN, ,, 'l'hursday, June 9 POLYNES .AN. " Friday. JuneJ7 PAHISIAN, ,, 'l'hursday, June 23 SARMATIAN, 'l'hursdav, June 30 JNO. CROSSLEY & SONS, FOUR BALES-(a big sleigh load) -weighing over three tons, of RATES 01" OCEAN PASSAGE : -C ab in , $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, $60. Steerage, $20. The last train con necting with the mail steame r at Port11\Ild leaves Toronto on Wednesday morn ing. The laBt tra in connecting with the mail steamer at Halifax leaves Toron to on Th u rs d& y mor ning . F or t ic kets an d every i nfor ma tion, app ly to W. A. NEADS, Bow manvi ll e , Aii:ent Allan line. 11 - t f CO TO TAI1' & MORRISON'S and In· spect their Wall Papers-latest designs. greatest 'variety, and prices to suit everyone. Stock now ready. Do you want a new and pretty Window l::l hade or Blinds1 We have something new in this branch. Call and see them be fore yon invest, or you'll bri eorry. NEW AND ELEGANT BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY TAIT Parties about to furnish or re furnish thei r homes, should not fail to ir1spect our large stock of Stlll leads in Photogmphs and our Studio is often crowded, Comei early in the da;y when you can. Just now you may want some eYtra Engravings or Chromos to adorn your rooms. We have a great variety, good and cheap. too, Ir you want a baby carriage we can suit you ; we have some nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too, and Boy's Wagons. Carts and Wheelbarrows. Lawn & Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balle, Games for ramilles and social parties; Our Mirrors are clear and true ; our picture frames are of the latest and most attractive designs. Curtain poles & rings. Plush goods-nice and chbap. Another new branch just in troduced at Tait & CARPETS, as finest we show the a ssortment, the newest designs and the best value to be found in V\Test Durham. MORRISON'S Collch, Johnston & Cryderman One Door Wes of Post Office, Bowmanville. Is a .Jewelry Department where you will find the very latest In Ladies· andGentlemen'sjewelry. WA invite epecial attention t o o u r n e w stock just in. Base Ball goods. School and Hymn Books, Stationery, Toys, and Jn . deed everything to be found ln a Val'iety 1mdFancy Goods' STORE. THE Our new Spring styles in HATS are now in. The V\Te are constantly rece1v1ng the "Jubilee Christie" is all the rage-sold onl y at t he Eclipse House. Our NE\i\TEST GOODS in the Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Underclothing going off very rapid ly Maket as soon· as produced, con sequently our Stock is the most desirable in the town from which to make your purchases and we guarantee our prices as low as the lowest, Quality considered. Our . FINE ORDERED CLOTHINC A SPECIALTY. Cut by t he only first-c l as s cutter in town. MILLINERY Depart TO MARRY Young Men, Bachelors and Widowers, W. H. IVES. ment is much ahead of what we expected and still we are as busy 'Vill give a DalC Dozen Silver Plated Tea StlOODS wit.II e1"e1·y We(hling· Ring. he sells dtH.'ing· hisCleat·ing Out. §ale. 50 GEO. LA/NB. The Annual Tea of the Presbyterfnn Chur c h was held on Queen's Bi r thday. It attrac t ed a con si der ab le number of pi'IO p l e, and if al lowanc e is made for the u n favorable weatner, t.he a ud ien ce assem.. bled inside the c h ur ch may be cousiderecl large . A B ll1n pt uo u s repaet was served by the ladies and ampla j us ti c e done th ereto . Revs. Meissrs. 1',ra,aer , Orono , l\fa Crae, Co bo urg, and L e sl i e New ton ville, d eliv e1·ed excellent a tirrin addresses and e ach was listened to with oreat at te nt ion . Mr. J. Keachie , o wm an at a good ro und trot accompanied by the ville, was pres e nt and rendtJred seve ral BETHEBlJA. firemen in rigs and also numerous other appropriat'l aong3 for which he was warm buggies loaded with private citizens. The A nn iversar y Services of the B eth l y , appla uded . Nf'.wtonville P res b yterian Orono was re ached shortly after five esda. Sabbath School wiil be held on c hoi r san!J some pieces very n ice ly. A o 'c lock , when it was fo und that the fire Sunday, June 5th. At 10 a. m., Rev. R. very e n j oya b le and profitable timo w a had a b out burnt itself out. However, two Mal le t,t . B. A., w ill preach on "An All brought to a c loe by votes of t han k s 1o good streams were quickly turned on an d Im portant Consideration for Parents, the speakers and inaors and the s in<>i ng what fire was left 'in about half an hour Teach<:irs and Schol!lrs", and at 0.30 Re v. of the National Antliern by rese t. after didu't amount to m uc h. Some six E. Roberts, of Bo wman vi lle, will preach places of b usiness were completel y des· on " Paren ta l Responsibility." At 2.30 BALL YDUJJ'F. troyed besides dwellings over the stores. the usu al Sabbath School ex erc i es will The B al ly duff Preshyterian Anniversary The frame b uil din gs burned were occupi be helct. · On Monday 6th, at 2.30, the ed by Mr Robert Mo on , agric ul tural im exercises w ill be resumed, when speeches i !l con nection with tho ,J ubllee of QLteen p lem ents ; Mr. D. E. McCullough, boot will be given by Rev. W. Kenn er, OQ V ic toria 's Reign was held on the 24th of and shoe shop, and Mr. J. E. Chester, "'l'he Temperance .Pledg e in the Sabb11,th May and notwithstanding the inclemency grocer. Nearly all of Mr Moo n ' s imple Sc hool " ; Rev. C. E. Mcintyre on the of the weather, it was a grand s uccess . 'l'he ch urc h being fitted an d decorated ments were saved. 'l'he brick block on "Conversion of the Children"; Rav. R. oppoite side was o cc upied by Dr. Ruth Ma.llett on the "Past and Future of the for t he occasion, was unco111fortably filled er fo rd ' s surery · an d residence, with Sabbath School" , and Rev. J. T. Morris before 7 o'clock. Justice havin<> been stables behind; Mr. Lewis Tourjee, stoves on "Boy'e Ri!O(hts." The sp eeches will made to the provisionM, so urn ply povided and ti nware ; Mr. W. Henry, general be interspersed wit h select smging by the by the ladies and so go od , between 3 and store, and .Mrs. T. Vincent, millinery and School. Admission 25 cents, children, G o'c o c k. At the appo in lod time the meetmg was brought to order. Mr. R. tancy store. Dr. Ru t herford and Mr. not members of the School, 15 cents. Banc ro ft in a very able and effecti ve The doc H en r y are the hea viest losers. Non; 1lY TH EDITOit.-Our Bethe sd a tor saved most of his office furn it ur e and friends have provided a mos t e.xcellent manner full of wit and h um or acted as Jn him we hine a combina his horse and bugg y, but has very little intellectw1l bill-of-fare, but no me n! f on is chairman. insurance on the buildini! or his f urn iture made on the bill of a more m ater tion of th o qualities of wr i ter, speaker and poe t. (Should dit s o m e paper). After which is mostly consumed. Mr. Tourjee's ial nature-"a sumptuous repast",- tho usual exercises ;on tha occa si on , the loss we understand is pret ty well cov.ired henco we shall hardly be there. Our by in sur an ce. Mt·. Henry's loss wil l be upper .storey contains a oo d month's e:it.ertainment b eg u by the c hai rman givmg a sp eec h, which was recogmzed in very considerable, but we are unable to supply, 11nd at the end of that time we The bra.as. Those living h ope to be ready for a t r ip accross the a very acc e p t abl e mannel'. stat e the exact amount. band favored with a selection which was over the stores also lost most ot their "dark blue sea." Their p iece s are generall choice. go ods . y so. LATER.-The O ra cle of B e thesd a has A v er y deplorable accident happened, s ent us a spec ial d e spat ch which s ays Then fo llowe d Ringin g, cecitati.ons and dialogues and select.ions of ruusic exc eed during the ear'y part of t h e morning, to that by an oversight there is no men tio n 1 Mr. W. Lon g, who was gallantly fi ghting of the Tea on the bills, but tha t the la ingly g oo d . Appropriate inclicti ona and very g r a ce f u ll y received and en cored . the fhmea, on the top of a ladder placed dis will serve "a bountiful repast", from The Rev.Mr. Wost, of Ballyduff, sp oke on against one of the burning buildings. The 4,30 till all are satisfied. Now we intend t he progress of the age dul'in" our sov ladder suddenly broke in two, and Mr. to be thare-EDITolt. erei!j'n's re i n, in a s uit bl e and Long fell a distance of over 20 feet, to the edi fy.ing manner. The pro !scuous reacl CARTWJtIGH'l'. sidewalk beneath. Had h is fall no be<Jn br oken b y his strik in g the cornice, t h ere The local sports took advantage of the mg, m pro e and poetry and the humor is little do ub t but that he would have permission given by the Government to ous recitations and dramatic scenes by He received very bad fish on the 24th and a great many fl.sh the youn g !&dies and gentlemen we1e been killed. loud ly applauded.. The H.ev. Mr. Haz cuts upon the wrist and forhead. We w er e caught. sincerely hope that he ha s not received Mr. W. E. Hassard is teaching sch o ol l!:ard of Carbwriglu, who came at a late at Yelverton, fil l ing a vacancy caused bv hour, being detained by a picnic in Cart any permanent inj ury. The scene pr es en t ed tho usual ctistress- the illness of Mr. John L. Vale, who is wright, gave us a profitable and good speech. Thtl s peece s wore sound, p rac The suffo · . ;, f,rom a severe co ld . ing s ights witnessed at large fir es . tical and a sp1ratual ch. r rac t er in front street was comp let ely bl ock ed n Th ursd ay las t, while Nor mau , aged· which you would find food for Ute i:iind with articles of 11.ll descriptions, rescued year and 8 m onths , son of Mr. W. J. and soul . A.II the way through it wafJ from the flames, \Vomen and childre Beacock, was in the yard, the carpenter's successful . After votes of thanlfs given sitting amidst what remained of the horse, being lo ose, rtm up beh ind the boy natio_nal a nthem p la yed by the band household goods, looking utterly mis and struck him with his front foot on meetrng brought to a close by the Ilev. able, while the men were wander· g the head and knocked him down. The Mr. Wes t pronounciu"' the benediction around looking thoroughly tired, sm e c hi ld was carried to the house and mediwe dismissed tw o by t o &t an ear ly ho m · begrimed and dirty. cal nid at once sum mon ed , but before the Proceeds of Tea $53. .About 300 per&ona Had the vil lag e po sse sse d a s team fir t i \i T h e e p wo.s r extinct. doc or arr ve lif sat to tea. engine, but very little damage would have mily have the sympathy of the resulted, as the fire could easily have been neighborhood in t heir sad an d su d den 'l.'YRONB. ext in guished in a few m inut es aftor being lnent. l'li'ii'Ve discovered, and the folly of those who op· Reeve Ha nco ck has re-rented S. M . Mis s A.Mc.Allister, who has been livin g posed the purchase of such a requisite i with her brother-in-law, Mr. John E d Clemens' farm for auothe1! term o f five readily seen, now t hat more property ha wards, has also been summoned sudden· years. been destroyed in a few hours than woul4 ly. S he did he r work as usual on the About si xty couple of youn<> folks cele h avEI bought three or four steam-en g ines· first day of the w eek , took sick of infiam- brated Miss Lizzie Penfound9 a bi rt hday The origin of th e fire is unknow n , bu ' mation on Thursday and died on F r iday, on Thursday. is supposediby some to be the work of an 2 0 th , and was buried on Sunday. One Mr, H. KtJ nner, of To ronto Univ ersi tv, " incendiary, no other explanation seeming )§ unday at c hurch in good health, next is home spend in g his vacation. plauaible. Warnings reach us on nday bu ri ed. SU Among visitors this we.k are Mr s . Mr. 'l'. Bi n gha m , the Boss Insurance every hand. Pre pa re to mee t thy God. Smart, of Lindsay; Mn. White, and Mrs. Agent, held all the risks. :Mr. Tourjee's T he parents and friends h av e the sym Brim co m b e, Mariposa; and Mrs. Ca m buihling and contents and Mr s. Vinson's pathy of the neighborhood. eron, of Ac ton . t insured were ock s in the Hartford ; Mr, , Mr. Ed. Burgess, a nd an infam child The S traggl ers were orga1li.r;ed on S at Henry's building and c ontent s in the of Mr. w. M ou ntj oy , were also b uri e d · urday night wiLh M. Cade as c itpt a in. Citizen s and Hartford : Dr. H utherf o rd ' s the same week. The yo u ng man at the east end "<>ot b ui ldinir ., an d conten ts in the lEtna, an d 0 Mr. R. J. Graham is making t hin gs thero" in good shi!pe on the 24th. Vicker's Estate, ( the fram e bui ldin gs ) hum around Will iamsburg, he having got in the Phoonix. Mr. McCullough had Miss Nellie Bingham has taken her de in a new engine a n d shafting, so he can $100 on hi s stock, and Mrs. Allin had run all the maohioery necessary for a first parture to Bowman ville for a s hort ti m e . $100 on her furniture. Th.i to tal insurThe return fo t - ball ·:natch be t ween class bu ild er to use. a nee am nts to b et w een $6,000 aurl Yo ung Can ad i ao s and the S trag gl e rs following have been visiting in The . $7,000 . . Iotal loa s , probably, $15,000. this l ocality d uring the past week : Mr. w1ll be play ed at Bethesd a on Mo n day . and Mrs. S.Sisson, of Li ffo rd; Mr.Reid, Our t hriv ing mechanic Mr. T. Wi lliam s SOLINA. of the firm of H il ly ard & Rei d , Por t is about to r eti re from bu&inesa. P er ry ; Mr. D. Bruce , of Western OnOur exp er t , Isaack Walton s p en t the Councillor Awde and wife have been 'tario ; Mis s Richar dson , of Mich igan ; 24th at Sc ug og JJak e. v is it in _¥ friends at Mariposa. and Miss Veale, of Lakeview. The spring waggon will be in re ad i ness f'. S. J. W illia m s has erected a flag Things we would like to know-Wh0 ,pble in c om memo ration of the Jubilee called at the blacksmith bhop on their to take a load to town on the 8th. · year. We think he should have the road h o me from t h e g arden party 1 Who Many c hang es in the horse line this m ayoral ty of the village. Who cau ght the most fish week. Mr. W. Wight h disposed of a wns No. 3? Who drives a gig on a fine h orse , Mr. P. Curti3 lias ·purchased Mr. C lark , of Cannington, has been on the 24th 1 a col t from Mr. W, Jewell, Mr . A. E. rainy day? a ing a few days h ere . Bar1'is ]111.s got a fine driver from Mr. r e s 11olding d n e t n i . :ll W. M. G. The Tordan M " ork 1ias commenced on ·. ..,r. ., ·v f.· \ "Mark '!'wain" wil l vices in Manve rs , June 5th, also in Cart Foster, Osh aw a. Vannest's new house. have to "spur up" now ; e11, Tom? wr i gh t, June 12th, Mr. H. Argue h as been overliauling his The anniversary finished up with a so A Pic nic was held at the ho ue of Mr. barn t hi s su wmer. la the Orchard tabl e1:1 cial in the sons R all on Wednesday night. Joshua F erg uson . l\'Ir. John and Miss Maud Cowle, of were established, seats, platform and a Net procee<lA of Tea altogetl.cr $80,05. Little Britain, ha ve been visiting aroun d t en t boing constructed. The yo ung to Man);' congratulations have been ox: pres sod hero for a few d ay s. gether were aisembling, with a sprink to Miss Rushton and Mr. J, H. Hic ks The &nniversary on Sunday last was ling of aged ones, when t he rain began Io t heir able services in trainin g the d continued almost two hours without ch ildren for singing at die u.n:aiveraary. well at t en de d . RAv. N. Hill, of O s hawa , a n preached t;vo vory good sermons o n Sun m u ch interruption, cons·quently t he lit T he einging this y ear surpassed any day. Ou Monday s ome very "'OOd erary pa r t of t he programme (in the after thin g give11 iu this p lace befote. A ve1·y good J?tieches woro m ad e by Messrs. J. noon) was dispemed with. The Ilo\\ manvillti Band co.iducted the gmbotham, Dr. Bray, Rev. E, ·'l°toberts, repast was prepared by t he ladies, to serv ic e s here on Sunday morning. a n d Rev. N. Hill. 'l'he r e c itation s were which a mpl e justice had b een done. Mrs. Bond, of St. Tl1omas, is the g ue s t very good. 'l'hc singing by t he Bchool There wae a pretty good attendance. CLIMAX, unde1· our cultivated anJ. accomplished The br ass Land gave a nuwbea of pieces of Mrs. S. Dunn. d e v i e c e r well manner, favorable musicit.n. Miss Vannest, was exception in a very lT (;AN I>o o UARJ\o( to tr l"reenum' ally good. The proceeds were someLhing considering the occiision. The proceeds 'Vot·m Powcle1·s when your cli:ild ls a1Ung, ' teYCrhh or frett'nl, over $70. were good . J'AcK, r. and rs . D. McC:}?nachie, Miss Polly M0Ne11, Mr. a n d Misses Chapple, of Clarke, Mr. J as. Mann, M. B. F os ter, (By om own Reporte1·.) of Bow manvill e , Mr. and Mrs. T. G.Col will, of Pickerin g, and Mr. and Mrs. On Tuesday m orn ing about 2 o ' cl oc k · h nfieId · sp e nt S unday wit Crossn ' 0f E fire was discovered in t he old f rame build- f · s here. ing on the corner opposite Dr. RutherMr. John Hillier has leased Mr. Sam. ford's surgery. Owing to th e high w i Woodle 's farm for :.\ term of years. -.. - -t1!1 the flames spread with great rapidity an - r. Thompson Harper le ft last week · klY e n'\< eIoped the w JioJe 0 f th e f rame qmc for Manitoulin Island. We w ish h i m block on the corner The flames then h ea lt ?, w wish him wealth and what can leaped across the road and attacked the e w hun more ·.:mless that he return fine brick block opposito. The fire was w . well wth --, ever more. now completely bey ond the control of all. The .beaut1 ful r a1 n that fell l as t week . the village fire appliances, and it w . w as hailed with d ehg ht by t he farmera, thought advisable to send to Bowmanvi! . after a ry per10d o f about four weeks. for the steamer which was done 88 speed Bow manv il l e Praying Band con ily as possible. Shortly af ter 4 o'clock t h e alarm rang out from the Bo w m a nville ducted both servicas here on S a bbath hall and the firemen an d numerous other last. . l_iave com m ence d for a big citizens were qu icklj on t he spot. In a . Prevarations very short time the engine was on its wa y time on Donumon Day. Road work will soon be the order of -ths"'day . ' Mrs . Waldock . is a bl e to be up a gain Large Loss of Property.--Serious sfte · er eevere illness . BIG FIRE IN ORONO ! Brigade Called Upon. CAESAR.EA. Mr. T hu s . Williams has purc hase d two To ron to Light Binders; he int1mds p!'O· s en ti ng one to his sons in Darlington and using the other himself. / Accident.-Bowmanville Fire WILLIAMSBURG. Mr. Levi A. To le, of your town, made a sh ort visit to this place, w hi ch no doubt was pleasant as well as pro fi t able as lie succeeded i n taking five o rder s for the Toronto Light Binder in oue day. KENDALL. of B Rll Q ; :i ;i. a ple,.sant of : a ;. : a f te 0 Bi :

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