Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1887, p. 7

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< ~~.....~~~~Nl-IMllR!B·lllill11!119Rl·lllfllllllllll'l·Ma·m····11 rS! ·- -·-~ 1 · · - ~" you, sir, as a man evidently with PREHISTORIO Al 'RICA. Oanadian this is to be borne?" Reu1a 1'lo·ble Ruin s Found An rnna Beehtv · The first sod was turne d by th ' ' I k now nothmg about it, srr," said Cap · " e comp.a.n:w OR, tain Morton, U uts or 81rvllges. on. the 2nd M ay , 1881. The last spik e WW!l WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 887. " There, woman, you hear, Captain Mor The reader of Mr Haggai d's new story duve~ November 7th, 1885. Time occupieCB. ton k nows not lung abou t it- Ciip tam Mor " She, " will iemember that when his httle Im bmldmg t h e road, four yea.rs six mc mtha; t on, a gentleman of ex tensive means, k nows par ty of advcntureis passed 111 t h eir boat or on an a veiage rate p er day of 2.6 miles... STANDAUD ltlEDICAL W OltK Ji'Olt from the sell. mto an E ast Afr1c,in river , T otal length of mam line bet ween QuebeQ.. nothing about it ,, " This is allir10leva.nt," said the Admiral. they found 011 the ba 11 k a wall of st one that !l·id Va ncouve1, :l,065 m iles. Eas t ern diviT UE MOST FASCINATING OCEAN ROMANCE SINCE THE DAYS OJr "Come in. " bad evidently been a solH lly construct ed wn, 2·114 m iles; Western division I 8111; CooPJm AND M ARYATT. Only $1 U y ltlitil, Po8tpnul. A t ap had come t o the door of the room . wha1 f m some i em ot e perwd. In a foot note miles ; Pacific division, 447 miles;' t ota]! T he sergeant of Police appeared with a he JUSt1fies this conceit by alludm g t o the ;1ileage, P 4,3~6 Compara tive d istances e ILLU~ TR.lTH'E SAMPLES :nrnE XO ALL. slip of pap er in his h ands. rums of a very ancient city on t he coast of ,a.nad ian a~ific rn1lway, Montrea l to Van CHAPTER X XX. - Tm: l:'oRT ADMISAf, " Beg pardon, gentlemen, but t his i s t he K ilw,1, sou th of Zanzibar. It h appens tha~ mver, 2,90~ rm les ; Canachan Pacific iail" Simply , said C.iptain :Morton , " th at I told h er I would give h er a thousand p ounds list of pI1son e1s Lieuten ant And ersen has 500 miles n e,uer t he l egron m which he has v.ray, N ew 1' o1k t o Vancouver, via Bi ockREVMVES PRJ~ONl.hS A::<D VISITORS, if she brought me my d aughte1, of w hose b ht · d h · · th d · b ville 2 l 6'J I N T th p fi It w.·s consulera.bly m advan ce of the place of r e treat or concea.lment I belie> e h er l rout? m, an e is lil e mmg room e placed h is sto1y theu a re evidences of a JJ< .bt Ne · y ~lll ti ord eorn aci c TF.iilwa y .. 01 0 httle p,1rty, which comp rised his daughter, to b e aware." ow. c1v1h za t ion that ate rncomp.i.mbly greater w c or an ' re · a.nd sh<:)llllestz, "Are the prisoners there?" than '0lios e lia meritic;ns . connections, 3,235 miles· , Umon ancl c~~noney I" cr1 G racc, 111 its rnem be1 s, t b,,t C aptim Mor " Give 1na 1 ny 1 ' ed Mrs W v t 1p " ~= v · · a.g "Yes, sir " Son1e \"ay sor1th of the Zambe 1' r1 ·,,er ra aciuc r a ilway , New York to San Fmnton .ti ri v-ed a t the house of Adnural Sh ner , " my thousa nd pounds. Give me my " A k L" t t A d to d h " crsco a d h 01t t T h omas Cliflo1d, with 11frs \Va.gner 11 ,, s ieu enan n err.on me t e t here is a large 1eg1on ex tendmg from t he , , · n s es connections, 3,271 nnles. favor of steppmg t his way. Let me see th e sea n ea rly 400 uules rnl· in d, and 300 to 400 lhe Ca11a!1ian Pacific t ailway I S t hus the Sir Thomas w,is, m fact, p onder mg over money an c et me go. A Gr ent lUccU c ul '\Vo r l< Ou H unltoo·lt he letter h e had received from Dolan, and " Silen ce, worn tn," said tlle admiral, list." miles towa1d t he south, m which rnms ar e sh~itest !me between ocean a n cl ocean by Exhausted Vito.litv. Nen ou~ and Phys 0 1.11 sternly " What you are brought h e1e for I "Yes Admiral" conotantly b e111g clisco,·ered, prov1"1 1g that 111 36<> miles. Debility. P remat ure Declme rn Mstn . 1<" ror! wondered what he had b ette1 do m the 1s to be conmutted to prison by myself and ' · ,, ---=-----~--~~""'!'!'!!"'-~-~ prehistoric t un es the coun tty w as mbab1t ed of Youth , a.nd the untold m1se11es resulting matter-for he feared It was a. snare alto bi oth er magistl ate her e for your ascertained from rnd!scretion oL excesses. A book fo1 gether- when Ca.p tam Mort on was announc complicity m t he emuggling trnnsactions of CHAP'.l'ER XXXI .-GRACE M O UTON F n ms by a civilized pe ople. '.l'o-day only the ruclevery man young, middle aged and old. II ed t o !um. Dolan ,, HEn FA'l'IIEl{ est black tribes mhab1t this la nd, save iIL a · contains 125 prescriptions for a ll acute and The welcome of S ir T homa,s Ch ttord was "D l ? D l , u rh "d D I ?" few places where t he P oi tuguesc hiw e es. ,, chrome d1·eaeca, euch one of which is inval ua "Mm 1 a 11tl fuendly , and m reply tu M orton 's o an o an v> o SM o an . Ac miral Sn· Ihomas Cliffor d took the list t ab!L9h ed st ,\t 10ns. 'l'lie little b eehive huts 0 .A'l'ARJ<ll. - A newtre11t ment has been dis. blc. So found b y Autl1or, VI bnae experien oD " I did But if y ou at once state w here m lus luud, rind as he did so a strange fomt of tl1,, t' " , "A 1'o'er, d whereby a permanent eurc of thia ror 25years is su< ri as p iobably never before apologetic expressions fo1 le,wmg h im so ab . Captam " M or ton 's daughter is t o be found I flutter-h e knew not wh ycame over the n~ i ve, ' "" seen ~rnoug massn;e r ums h1thc1t<J incurable dwcase, 1s absolutely aft'ect~ fell t o the lot of anv pnysic1u.n. BOO pages, will not nrnke ou t the ord er of y om commit- hear t of Cit ta in Morton. bctok enmg a <lcgtee Oi arclu tectural sln ll d rn f1ow one t o tln ee appllca tions, no matter bovnd 111 b ettut1ful French musllll, em bus <ed r upt ly, he s,;ul k " My dcat friend , say not a word about it 111, and if site b e i estoi ed to the uaptam in "y 11 d P 't 1 0 ,, .<l M ' L ' k which n vals th .it of t h e ancient A ztecs U ur vJw riler st1inrl mg one yeai or for ty years. '.l'bis covers, full g1lt, gu\\.runt<A d to bo u fln ~r wo1k In e ve.y sc11·e i h ao an~ olhoi wm k sold m thie Y ou were qm te n ght and q uit e 1ust1fied, safety through your mform a tion l will let l w e11' sir, sai ,~ on r ic · k nowledge of t heac ru ins is 8 till far fi om " "nedy is only app lied onc e m twelve d1av.· s., ey; you , sir , a man of means. Really, I f t f .nd does not lll terfe1e wi th busmess. Deoori~country f01 $ 2.50, 0 1 t h e mono) w i ll be rerLinded oft en t hmk, do on k now sir t hat men of per cc. 0 ur ,ea11les t r ecorc1, o tr a.vel and 'lve pamphlet sent fr ee on rereipt of st1w1p by in every in stance. P u co only $1 b y matl, p ost an d I am lll hope t hat you I1ave som cthrng you go free. E h, l\fr . T1ck ley ?" . , · .J:Iem ! ah, yes!" means ough t e Y t 0 b 1 tru.de on the East African coast , extendmg ~ . H. Dixon Ile Son, 305I{ mg street, West, ba1d. Illuatrattves ·a mple fiee to ani body of a s:tt1sfactory nature to t ell m e." 9 C . ' n vei e - never om; b,ick to t oe l ie n-mnmg of the Chnstian era 'l')ronto, Canada. " B ut little. I am as one m p ossession of Send now. Golrl medal a wa r rleil the t1utbor by "Aud my t housand pou nds ?" said Mrs. mon people, s1r- lowpeople w1thont means-' do not men tio~ t h em . Only in r ecent year ~ W HAr rs CAT ~RllH~ tho Nat10nal l\Iedmal A"Hoca tlOu to t he P rn· a sealed book, w1thm which may be all the ~Yagner. "One moment, 1 f you please," said the h th t , E l ~. Catarrh 1a a dangerous disease which tnom1> s1dent of w tnch th e Hon P . A Hiosell. and 1 of S c.c ,, said C t . admiral JrmaLton 1 ie see k s, b ut w l11c I1 h e lacks "You shall h ave t hem 1 ave e raves ns, ' rn une, 1~Jauch · nds are conscro usly or unconscwuslysnfferm ~ assoc1 11to officors of the Board tho reader is iul< t he means of openrng " ap am C t ·. M d , Eam es, Moht a nd O' Neil rnvealed to us the from. It is a muco·purulent d1sch11r14e caused rospcotrully refferred. Morton h dttp am I .orh t on sat ! own ana placed h is rnonumental evidence this country con t arns by the rixesen ce of a vegetable parasite m too ' ' How so, Captam ?" said t h e admir al 'l 'be Setence of Life 1s wor th more to the 1 young and ru1ddle aged men of this generation Thereup on, Captam Mor ton told Sir "Nay, nay !" cried th e adiniral. " Tha t a;i upon us eart, ie knew n ot why The coast t own Sola],, is shown Ii hnmg m embrane of the nos e. The pr0d1apcis.. is too bad !" The achmral commenced rcadm11 on a lnf> cause~ a i e a mor bid st ate of t he blood, the shan 1111 the gold mme3 of Cahforma and t he " p . ,, lcl <l C M N ominal list 0 f t d . b maps of East Africa. N ear that town Carl blighted coruuscle of tubercle the germ poisoi;, P1lver mmes of Nevada combmed.-S F . Thomas Ch ffor d all that had passed since h~ him , and of the capt ure and pres" eimit me, al e. apt.LIU or t<;>n. p ersoi;is arres e Ill a oat Mauch found extensive rums, r emarkable or syrh1 hs , merc·ury, toxom ce: from the i·etel'lh ad seen Chron i.cle. ~enmt me. I have said th.-t I would give on the high seas by Lieutenant Anderson, for Lhtar emlumble natur e a,nd st ian e t1on of th e e tl'e to m atter of the skin, suppreseoi':l 'f he ~01e11ce or Life points out the rocks and enceof Mrs. \Vaguer qmcksands on wbteb tbecon5t1tut1 on and hopes T h e ,idmiral listened "With th e greatest this woman a t h ousand pounds u pon the re R N ., a.ucl commandm g the C G. at F al shapes '.!'here a.r e P itly ruin ed If perap1rat1ona, badlyventila1ed sleeping apa1t M of m ·tnY a yonnC( man havo been fa1tally rnt e"c l tlJCJl Il e S"trl . storation of my child t hrou "h her mc11ns. mouth station. t ll f h h d a f wa s, men ta and t he ger n11nat10n of other poisons ln ' ·t ,·ric ' ,, · ~ A d 1·1 b " h SIMON M RrI s I · ect 1g a.n 12 eet Wl(1e a t t he ' he blood Irr1taterl by the~e. the !ming m 0mwreokcd.--.l!lanr.hester Miri·or. 11 " It w,13 t ln ougli t he infor mat ion, C,1p h n ntih y WOH 1 ~,v mg een given s e Wl J N, seaman . b:lse, bmlt of small h ewn blocks of gram t e brnne of the nose is e ver ready for the receJ'.}'.l'be Scien ce of Ltfe is of greate1 value tha n I b ht d a ve e mon ey . OSJl l'H Ai'LI N , seaman. In t hese wa.ll" somet imes 1 ;; to 20 f eet ft · tton of t he parasito, winch rapidly apreada. u:p all the medical works publrnhed m thmcountry t . M · am or"on , you iave roug me, an "My dear su ," said Mr T ickley "will CILU~LES OLYMPUS DEuR.AJN SuFn ES, th e d b d <l d v d fbl okm the nostu lsand dowr. the fauces, 01 b ack oi' for the pas · 50 years. - A tlanta Oon&ltt u twn. f tgroun ,tnr e emf e e onehen h o oc s tbe t broa t ,causme: ulcerat1onof thetbroa t ; up The Science of Li fo is l\ supc1b and maBterly wluch youha1l got from t h at d ymg man, you allow me t o shak e h ands wit h y'ou ? I attorney at -law. ill h d h f C P E M F h o s one 18 o 20 eet 1ong, w w wer e ev1. the e ustachrnn tubes, causmg deafneRs : buk treatiae on nm vous and physical deb1hty.- H utchms, t hat we have been enu.bled t o d o " hat we have d one agamst this Dolan and w onor yon my ea;r sir-~ em' or y ou A TAIN .J.?QUAHDE DE OCQUET, <renc den tly used t o support gfLlle1ies H ere an d rowmg m the vocal cords, cauamg hoo.reonesa; Detroit F ree P t e88· '.t her e isno member of society to whom tlie R d ti I d t ll l must be vei y we ll off, m deed ' mer ch1 mt service. t here bmlt m th e walls or· standii b neurpmg the proper str uctm e of the b10nchlfl.l u s gang e" u s et ter an 1 " i et Mrs. W agn er looked eager !y from one to GERAr,n (this person refuses t o give his th e ' 1 d t t igh. l ~ubes endmg m pulmonary consumption amd Science of L.fe will not be useful, vd iether 1 t th h "d surna th th t h 1 t ms" ves, ai c roun s one ,owers w J Cll death. youth, parent, C(U< \rdian, mstructor or clergy. youmto another phase of t ln s t r ansact ion, th 0 th 0f t h 6 1 1 8111 and one which may p ossibly b e productive er par y , anc ien & e n:e, on e P e!' a e c oes no evidently rose to heigh ts of 30 t o 50 feet . Man s- ingemons spe1flca for for the c=e o:l!, ; man - Argonaut . L et m e fe &ch th e child. I will brmg h er k now . it ) He i s believed t o be a son of Similar masses of masom are found as far oat ar1 h have been m vcnt ed. b ut without aneAddress the l'e9.bod v Medical In~t1tute, or of unpoi:t,int r esults ,, D1 W. H. Parker, No. ~ Bulfinch Street, Boston h erc m t wo hours Let me go for h er ?" Cavtam Dolan (so called), the smuggler . as 350 miles inland and Y l ttl th ce~s, until a pbysw1an o r long aLaudmg disco-v· Mass, wbo m11y be con Rulte(:\ on all d1seaaes Cap tam Mor ton r ead the letter w ith t he " T he cap tam will be con tent if you tell The admiral looked up. th , t a i e noi near cred the exact natnre of th disea~e and the reqtunng skill s nd experience Chrolllc and m ost absorblllg mter cst, and t hen he said . h1 ,h to f h , d ti d " 'I'b C . . e coas · only appliance w b Lch will per manently destroy " This is from Dohm 'I " !11 \\ ere go or et · sa i le a a t, .aptam 1fortc;>n, is t~e young It is not p ositively known yet who built the parasite, n o matter how aggravated the obstmate diseases that have bllfffod t t.e skill ot all oiher phyrllc1ans a sptwmlty. Such m1 ,r,al ,, , ruffian wl:o JS spoken of m Dolan s letter, these ancient stinctm es. N o t ramed archro- ca se, Suffere1s should send st amp a t once. treated successfrnly \\ 1tho11t au mstance of yes, cued Capt am Morton and now it appears he likewise repudiates ologist has " tsi "ted t he11 r01 descr!pl lve pamphlet on catarrh, t1~ the " Doubtless, al thougl1 it is anonymous, 1 a n d no sea1ch 1 ta1lm e. Mention STATESMAN, J3owrua nv1!1e, There is abuncl11.nce of evidence on that "N ,, d M \V " l<l ,, ' ias buamess manauers A H Dixon & Son 395 head. What do you thmk of it i ' o, sai rs. agnei ' you won him n 8 a son yet been made for insc11pt1ons, though K m g s ti eet, w t>st , i·oronto, Canado . ' L7 Y· Ontar io. "'.f'hat the rascal int ends t o mak e his not get h~r -;-;-you cou ld not get her . I only '~Yes, adm1 ra.l." . O'N eil says h e has no dou b t from what he What the R ev E lJ St~venson, fl.A., a Cle'i"fl'l,i· d i ll l . t t h canget hcr. Captam Mor ton spokefamtlyandlooked hasrecentlyhear clthat t here are numerous manof the L ondon Co11{eience o( theMetlU>· escape, an eave a us cornpam ons o e T here was 11 p ause of doubt. very p ale . inscrip tions 011 t he r ums about M a .c All d i st Chur clt of Can a d a , has t o say in regari.4 ! aw. ' " Y ou f led b f 010 " · C t · M lll a. 1'o A.H Dixon & son's New T reatmei1t fo'I!'" "yes, and the proba.bihty is, that he 18 ton al e · saic1 ap am or· :: Y ou ~10 not well, my d ear friend." t h.e rums are su; roundecl by surface gold Oa tai·rh. off al ready ." ,; D d . . I d<;>n t know h ow it is, but the air mmes. I~ is b eh evecl that all this count1y Oaklans, Ont., Can ada, Maroh 17, 188!>" "It 18 more than lik ely B ut now ad . 0 1an st opdeh m e ' hd overh T:rd me feels th ick abo1t me and t h ere is a strange was occupied some t ime before t he Christian Messrs. A . H . D1xon & S on: mirnl I am a fath er -my hea rt is Jiveu' witl~ h romi: e you anA de st oppe me. at was sensation about my hea1t , as though some- era by a grea t Colony , p10bably of Ph~ml>EAR ~rns,-Yours of the 13th mst. t o bani!. d1str~ss I h ave suffered so many sh ocks of ow ldl b w tas t l uh ev!enTh n ow---0 llh, tfldyobu thmg ·were about to happen in which I cian origm, and that its clu ef occupat10n ~~~~~~ c~li;:,ir~8i; tg~tg~o~!~!e ~~~~ tia~~ ' con u ca cl un en a won e s hould be J I · te t d th t was Id ' of the disease and neve:r late t h at I am rrettm g weak-hear ted I ll I t tl h d I .11 b so a.rge Y m res e , at i go mmrng. have bad no rnturn wi rmg would almost suffice t o stop the current of Mr. O'Ne1l says that th ese numerous ruins relt better m my h fe. I h ave tri~d so many impiore you t o ass~st me in t he recovery of w e · h "e j';~ go, w ug ' au t I th" k t h yon t e gn : my blood Only once befo10 I felt like are neaily as well preserved as those of an th rnga for Catarr h, suffered so m uch a nd t o:i:In J', ch"ld l , a once. m is w oman, " \Vher e 1s she ?" h " ,, so many years that it 1s h a rd to real1r.e t hat< W agner knows where she is Will you M W ·1 tf t t is cient E gypt, ,ind bet ter t h an those of A s I am r eally better ' prncure 'her safet and mdem~ty if she " r~. ,tgner was 81 ei: or a mm~~n · " On ce before ?" syr1a Some day , no doubt , t hey will b e I consider that mine was e. very bad eaac ; !'al Preser ve Your ~ight. discloses the secre~ to me?" ' " 11 ou said the cavern m t he cliff · "Yes, an d by th e most car eful calcula· systematically . studied. Their existence was aggrava ted and chronic, invclvlng the r UeeF. L AZAHUS' (la.tcMthe1!1mof Lazar· "I . ll d t t ·f I h b No. \¥ ell, i.f I did , and if you thmk I tions and mqmnes I can make it must have shows conclu s1vely t hat a large region 111 throat as well 1as the na sal pa ssages and ~ us & Morris ) R enowned Speotaelea and E ye· \\I o my u mos , or, a.s ave e· there is a cavet r m t h e cliff go and try and b b · Af th ought it would reqm re the three tieatmenta~ Glassfls, 'l'heyare th·; beat rn t he wo1ld. 'l'h ey fore t old you, I , too, 11.m a ber eaved fat h er. " oet mto i t ,, · een as near1y as p oss1 le a bout t he p1ec1se m n er n ca, now given up to savage men but I feel full y cured by the two se'nt me. a n dl never tue the eye, and last man y years "W 1th· " Y ou have h inted as much " "SI th ,, t un e when the vessel \\as wreck ed that had and wild beasts, was snbJect many centuries r am th1 mk:ful that I was ever md uced t.a aencil. "Id . I out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow· "" b , b S 1 iern cre-my c1n is trei e. my daughteronboarcl " ao-o tothe cont rolof a p eople whowerecon· ~oyou · manviJle. 6-~t. .1. es, m y oy- m} poor oy 1 · to en "She IS Promi se me the thousand pound· d · You are at liber ty to use this le tter statm~ 81 from me, yea1s and yea1 s ago, by whom I and I will tell yori all, Shall I h a ve th ; "That Is very smgnl~r, " said the adm iral erably a dvanced m t he ar t of civ iltzat 10n that I h ave bei;n cm ed 1 ·t t" 0 tretitments. and know not -ha1dly m fact k now h ow , so con - money i·· j as he pl,1ced t he ' 'nomrnal list of names" I she.II gla dly i ecommend vour r emody to some fused and h eart stu ck en am I at times about "M d h t ?" on t he table but kept h is h and up on it ca 1oThe Pr ussians, English and Russians. of my fn en ds wh o ai o sulferers. C . M h h Y au g er · l 1 ' < Yours, w ith man~ thanks. . 1 ou g rt, B e! ieve me, aptam orton, at " I will tell all and I w ill restor e the es,~ Y ,, . T h e whole chara ct er of the Prussian is R Ev . E . B STEVENSON I h ave long smce given up all hope of ever child, too. Dolan has a thou sand poun ds I Very, _:ia1d M r. T1ckley-" v ery; and above all gove1nme11tal. In t his h es our And hundreds of otherG VE'l'ERINARY SURGEOt·, seem g my own child , I will u se every poss1- of powder in the caver ns. No one k nows ~01 a man ot mea ns, to~, to feel so qneer , it st rength-as well as tbe r eason th11.t w e ble energy an<l p ower I possess to restor e wh er e it 18 but me. If he should find lum is really - r eally a- qmt e a- I m eu,n, it don't Prussians a nd t h e North Ger man s generally , you you~s" . self m danger all will p erish . You r d aught ei , se~:n right;;' . . w ho are mfluen ced by Ub, a10 rare ly attrac Captam Mor ton t h anked t~e ad~nal by sir, is 111 the caverns. I will find her and " ~o on,: sai d Capt ain M orton . t1ve to ot hers. In th e EnglIBh and in the a pressure of the hand, which said much bring h er to you if y ou will let me go for S top, said Mrs W agner. Russian t ins governmen tal stam p is less 9 more than words could do ; ai1d then the t he more I t lunk the more I feel sure t hat " ' V'hat would yon say " p1 edomrnant. T h e E nglish ar e, 11otw1t h ad m1ral l ang the b ell, and the sailor-servant he will iath er lull h e i than let you take h er " T hat ? oy, Gerald; h e i~ a bad boy ; oh I standmg then· p eculiar nMmiersan<l customs, ma de his appearance. frnm him by force Bnt I will t ell you all a most wicked boy; and 1f > m y one ought the freest nat10n in all the civilized world. " \Yhero have th e police p laced the pri- I ,.1 Ill cxpl i.rn i t all to you and then yo~ t o be sent to p1ison h e ought. H e is the T hen· social laws tend to lay down fi 11n but soner they brought with them?" will gi ve m~ t he m oney if I go a nd fetch the WOlSt of t he lot." convemeut l u,ws for human mtercourse A :: N or th by east. ' ,, gnl. H er nam e IS G t,·ce. She used to thmk I . " E veiybocly seems to concur in that," m an's pos1tlon m society depends upon th e Oh ' the red room, y ou m ean! her self t he daugh t er of Dolan but his ill- J said th e admiral. " Y ou may d epen d upon 311clgment of some .ty only, not on the 11 ulg "Ay, ay, sir ' She c am,e, in un der con - usage of her - -" ' it, Justice shall be don e. I t hink, M.r. m ent of the <>'O \ er umen t, and t he idea of a '!oy, si r , ~~d now that Mt '.[rckley haR come " C ood God ,,, cried Capta m Morton , as I T1c.kley, we h ad bette~ go down and sit m q,g1s- " gentleman'? is t he measure by wh tch th e mto port he Bpi ,mg t o his feet "H:is t he villain I t errnlly upon all t hIB. 0, Mr. Ande1son , English meas iue a man. I t is otherwise :: What , Mr: Tick ley, t he magistrate ?" dtU ed to lay a baud 011 my child ?" ho~~ aie you ,,. . · . 1 wi t h the Russian. H e ha,s n o idea of gcn tleY es',, adrrnral, you see sir, t he mast er"I ha \·e seen !um st n k e her .~gainst the . I hope you are quite well, admn al, said manliness. But ther e 18 a small p art of ro<.:k " I Lieutenant Anderson, as he entered the Russian society which is as free from t he m · Honorary Gruunat" of the Ontario eter10ar y ,it arms P u m ps Cheaper a.nd Bettex: " The who?" "No-no 1 Oh spat·e me 1 D o not t ell [ 1oom. "I neve1 in all my experience ma de fiuence ot t h e gover nment as the ]<;ng hsh College, To10nto. R egISternd 11.1ember or the than ever. Ontauo VA tP.rmary Association, rn accordance " Lord, don't I?ind ~le ! 'Vl1enever I sees me- :-1 ou wiil kill ;n e 1 Do not t ell me t hat so s~range a c.tpture 11.s that of le.st.night; and themsel ves, and \\ here the social },iws are w ·th t he V .. termary Act, I a prepared to treat a ll dise!lees of the Dom · a policeman, I thmk e t h e m aster at ar~s ; - oh, tli1tt l could meet !um face to face I t hmk we have got hold of 1~ wor se man also self imposed. Of Russian societ y in ' than any smuggler . " general i t must be stdd t hat it bear s n eit her !:he Subscr,b er having built a lllrge n e~ eatic Ammals, a.ccordmg to the latest theories. cos y ou see, adrrnrnl, t h at 's the sor t of police· t he n ll am- the more tha.u villvm ,,, All calla personally, by 'l'elegraph or Tele- man on board ship; an d commonly sp eakmg, " I nc leed !" , L t , · ~ '\' ' · the governmental sbmp of Pi uss1a nor har clPump F a ctory i n O rono , Is prepa red. 1 11h one will receive prompt atten tion. t, & en, saJC "' rs gnet · I bber Iy rae· t " L t ' ad I ' rn ll a so1emn . " Y es , t h c r eceiver of tlte smuggl e cl goo d s, ly a t iaue of th e order of E n&lish s ociety· a more sneak mg, sh ore-gomg I L wo~'FJCE-Mam St , Orono, one door north of 0 1 18 11]you 1 Mr. Sullies, a resp ectable ( 1) attorney of th e i t is a loose shapeless mass w hich h o" ' - t o furnishcal t here isn't bet~ een t h e planks t ha.n that n e ~~ owe ; en an l wil ff t e W . Henry's 8tore, a 11. .i. i cre 1s a sea c \ Ye m t 1e c 1 w 1er e t u pon my w orc1, 1t·s past ah 11 b 1· f · · ' ' ' " s t ame, mats t er a t arms£ . L ord Ioh ve you , gen t· n ow t he cu tter l'.tift rl(les at anch o~ The 1 o wn.t eh ied , ~vcr, by mcl~v1dual amiability, 18 astom shCHARGES MODERA'l'E, 1em en, 1 1 w e s1 iere was a e11ow- w o was mas h ff f IL f d a.1mos , · n< rou 1l1 not now ave a lll (·ly attractive B ut the one t hmf wh ich f' " r f>2 - - - -er at b cl f h" . d w o1e c1I L~ u o caverns an p .tss,1ges m h b t f l . J ,, " · ar ms O lll oar 0 OUl 1Sd l rt'bon,~e, an the chal k , and there is but on e c11 t 1an ce 1 u::,I u . ~l tollSh OWII urw ruc_e dnc teh. d . I lS pecuh<ll to ll8 P1 11ss1ans-nam e y, t h e With or with out Porcelail.l Cylmde r , o t a more mun erm g 10gue cou 11 wrnr1 e. f ti ea"en, sai e a mir,t , o-o, er nmenhl character of socicty-can be 1 1 dn~til~r, .a s m a II 1 101 "Well, well, that will do. Say to Mr rom ~~ sea ; e irising, " t hat thrn \ MS a free por t. I do found neither among the Fnghsh n~r the the B est Ma t enal, on t h e sh ortest not~4Jt 1 1 " uid a t t he lowe11 t prices. Tickley tha t I should be glad t o see hinhere. " amodnt gl t el w ele f:; an ths rbu s,l mt t e nariowf de test t he const.m t tr ouble t hat t hese smug I Russiaus. If we w an t to be anythi ng i n "A , ,, rou. 1a ea( s r om e eac t o t 1 ie t op o , . · ,, lr t l"ttl h . d I th e chff. Theie are bol es in the face of the ' g 1i,~gS cadsesig1ve lbrs. h t Id .D society we must be soldiers or officials, Oiste:rn 'I'u bsand P ump s suppJie~. y, f ay, B I n a ew mom en s > 1 1 e s arp visage 1 1 ff h . h h. h th k o o , sir, u t w a won you ? uty othe1 wise we are nothing - German ~vews 1 · man wn,s sho wn m to t h e room ; and havmg a : t c i igl tip t, l w 10 'tey b u se as 100 out stu. I is duty , you know , admu al " 1uipe1 · ·ty f b · ,, "d ·t t d 1 10na ; ) U iose can e got a t m a,ny w.L eculr P a11 o . owm0 s 1 eways, i unpar e ' tf "th" th liff ,, 'i "O yes, Mr. Anderson, you are rtght I ----~----------an orl d1ty to h rs address that vc1y mu ch en excep rom Wl Ill c c · I · k M T kl · ti tt f , · " 13ut you sp eak nonsense," said the ad- tun · 1 r. w · ey, our sh or test ~ay will .Engineer Bob Pearson. ,,,a~G ie ,i ent10n o sti an&,ers · miral. " How can th e cutuer lie i n a sea- J b e t o comrmt them all to the assizes ,, " . l.~d to_ see you, adnur ,,l l' ot~r ser cave an d we not know it 1 ,, "Very good, achmral, and t hose who 1 b e follow!ng from the New York S tar is "O ti t1 t tl h · have clone worse t han smuggle- " a woi thy tul.iute to t he merit of a well ' a n t, sir. ln the comm1ss1011 of peace, Sir, 0 10 eh'!" d ver le en 11 ~lve t erd e ~s , "Are thei e a ny ,,; ' k nown Canadiall n u lway man .- There is 1s, a s 0 '£0 GIVE: S A'J' lSll' A CT ION. 1e m " N o, M r. Twkley . Tlus ia an A m erican 1 1 r u.w l kn a dm d~~s li cloa,d "Lord bless yoii yes They have fired on hardly .1n int elligent ma1 i in t he P1ovm ce of c .s t:t 1 1 1 tl ' f!l ' T t ,, c 1a , an 1sco 01 er \Vl 1 sea w ee an sea0 · , C M 1 1e7- aptmn or on. 1 t y . ht .1 t th . b gen eman · · ,,1 ic, the Spray- a Jung's sh ip That's p iracy" n t a110 w Iio lias n ot 1 10ar d o f 1 10ncst, canny WILL CURE OR RELIEVE "Gla d to see you, sn; Yery glad t o see wa.t:r. fift ou t'~g s~ p~sk em ~n ali1loat " I t is W ell ""e sh 1 see " · Bob Pearson, the vet eran engm eer of th e b M l I d Bll!OU8NE88, DIZZI NE88, you, su , ind eed . Well, a.dmn al, t he ser w1 ib u .1 y e t le' an dntho nokw. t elf<,' er" I t hmk t hough 'aclm1r.tl ,, sa.id the Northern and North Western Railroad Orders~ Y IU promptly atte:ru e to. 11eant sent foi me I suppose to mak en ce ei wceu i em an e r oe it se · 1· ' ' ' ' ' E ver f H l f to El P . DYSPEPSIA, DROPS Y, ' ' ,, · e a " Can this b e p ossibl e ?" . 1eut en ant, " wit h defer en ce to you , sn , Y e_ugm eer 1om a 1 ax ' aso FLUTTERING I NDIGESTION, court with y ou on some m11tt ers ? that t h e two gals min-ht b e let go ,, k nows hun by reput,it1on H e has been m DOORS , S A SH, BLl.NDB, PICKE..'l'S,, " Yes- no doubt. A s we are both mag1s . '. ' It is so. Y ou may know the place, for I " Two girls?" "' the brot he1hood for 25 years, and wa.s its .JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART M OU LDINGS , &c , k ept on hand ti ates, w e c<1n act togeth er Ther e. is a wo it is exa~~ly under the old flag staff on t he "Yes, sir , and the Frenchman He second gi and engim'er for six years H e AOIDITY OF ' EllYSIPELA8, man m cu~tody charged w ith comphc1ty ma chff top. seems 1 1 h armless man enouuh a nd wu.s i n comes from Div1s10n 70 of T oronto, of which SALT f?HFUM, THE STOMACH. ~ase of smugglm g . Sh e is in possession of The old staff t hat has stood so long, .be p or t a prisoner of the smuggle;s. ,, he h ,ts 3:1 w,1ys been au esteemed officer. A HEARTBURN, DRYNESS I mfor mabo11 t hat t his gen t leman wants , and cause nobody wrll n sk t heu· lives by gom g " W!Mt Lwo gu ls ,,, locomotive t o B o b Pear.;on 1s one of the HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN. " On t he boat s ir ,, most absor bmo- t hmgs on earth and h e I want, as t ile pnce of that infor mation, to to t ak e it down- the portion of cliff on And every s pecies or d lsea.S<> a rising f'~ le~,her w~~cl~ it stand~ IS so under cu t·" "Oh 1 I ovetldoked t h em L et me see. guards a,nd car~s for th e engine h e clrl\ es d1aontered LIVER, J <IONEYS, STOMAOW. . Y es, t h at is it Immed1a~ely be~eath Oh ! yes. Deai m e, I omitted thefr nam es as a moth e1 looks after h er child. And he " ~em ' BOWELS OR BLOOD, 1 }' ou know, :M:r . Twkley, w e always that, svrmgmg from t he water s edge, 18 the I Ah- hem. M an e Mocquet, dauglu er of 11<1s good mason to love the engme, for its Proprlro>n~' have, w here women ;md m en were JOm t ly covered en t ran ce t o the sea ca.ve whe1e Do Captam Mocqt,et." tta.vellrng record w ith l'earson at the leve1 concerne~~ m smngglmg affau s, let t he wo I Ian and t h e Rift an d all his crew ar ~ n ow,\ ' ' A mere girl, sir. ,, ls unp1 ecented In t he five years since it m~~ an~ w hern she too;~ rnfuge from the Spray "Oh very well. Let hei cro. " was bmlt &t t he B10oks L ocomotive \.Vo1ks, 1 1 Yes, 1ut- ahem 1 Th1swol!lan is alone-' It must be so. "Yes Sil Andtbe ot h et'I '?, Donk u k, New Yo1k, it has i un rno 554 1 · A rap ca.me at t he door of th e r oom. " It IS so, su·." · ' . . . miles w·t h out a repan of any J, m d Not, "Come m." "And t hat," added the a dmiral, " thcu "Gi ace, likewise refus1ug her surname on even a pm, ,, In ass or a flue has been taken: T he so1 geant of p olice approach ed and , at on ce accounts for the d1sappe,1rance of the the same plc,1 a.s tl~e youth, Gerald, but be- out durmg t h e 1ml-cage. The 01drna.Iy lo l V.ETERIN AI-;,Y SUR GEON. s11.luted the admnal. cutter annd the smo!.e of her own g uns an d lieved to ,,be tlie da,ughter of Dolan t h e comot1vc w1t h ont gener al repairs, will aver ~REEM:AN'S , . age less than (i\),000 miles Peaison , dm mg " Mote pnso1.cr s, sir , sent m by Lieuten· t hose of the Sprn.y W~ll, it is n~t a lto I smuggler ant And e1sol', who took them m a b oat m ge~herso ver y absurd or Cap.tam Giay to \Vith a ~ry t.nat drew un usual att ent ion Ins career m the cab, h as travelled 111010 PO W DER S~ the bay l ast lll"ht. The lieu ten ant will b e I t h mk he has sunk h er- she slipped mto her to him, C1i.ptam Morton sprang from lus than a million nules without an accident hme, 81 1, rn .Lb~nt )1<1Jf a n h our" se,t ca.ve." , chair, and ,1 bnght ~ush sp,cad itself ovet He w as burn m J<~dmbm gh, ,md c,tme t~ .l:M plen.eant to t ake. Contain their owt:. "Men' M en i·rion" t hem?" "She did. She lies th er e now; and thc1e ~ rs face, as h e m nd, m a v01cc t hat w,ts mus t his count ry m 1851 ln tn ,it year he work f urgo.t1ve, I u a. sate, suxo, and cliectul "Y es, adnm al " ° Captain Moi ton, IS your child Grace. A 11d , wal nnd u ch w ith feel rng eel m the maehm e shop of t he Cmcm nat 1 ile.Btro.Ter ot worma m Chtld1en or AdulUI "Yer v good. T h,it will do Mr T1cJ, ley there, tr10- ha 1 " I "Ag'.lm, ag'1m l or clo I dream' 'rhat l familton and Dayto11 gu id 1t Cmc m nat1' > 1\1rs Urvag11e1 T I l d · t l · 1 ')H ~ ) that d1& pn&es of your little objection." T he snnl ed . 1 nmne a m, e.cnp ion <'g,1 m, at nnra · At 18 yerol S of age he w ;i,·1 c handlin" t he lev 1 "Gt,LCe " ,1clmna,l placed a sti ess on th0 word "hot le," " \Vih~t would you say?" ei , and su.ce t h en has dnven ~i e1 , '; 111e for which Capt.mi Mor ton thanked lmn by a " \Ve ~h.111 see - oue at a time Thcie 1 "EnouJh 1 Oh 1 n ow and c·vcr- my hear t w1th<rnt e . u siu" th.e sli0 ·htes t ,n u1 y t., ~'111y look. aie othc1 fich in t he sea besides one w or th a spc.Lks to me- my clu lcl.- my own- my hunrnn he~ng. "'During i;J , p tr oubles on 'the "\Yell, well, a dmir al, I have 110 p articu · thousand po~nds It's well to h ave two beau t iful 1 It.was the v01ce of N ,L turc t h at Intcrcolono l l{,u.iltoarl of Cana.d11, a few Jar obJecttou- none m t he w orld- only ou e stn ngs to ones bow, a nd to h ide the & econd spol,e to .m e lll th e Mr she bic&thed. I yearn a.go Chief A1tlnn d cs1cr11<1ted P earson don't like d angerous precedents, but I'm on~-;~a ! ha ! I feel quite safe now I thlllk lit1ve felt u.s tf her h ttle Jiancl rested en mv to i epi es~nt au Ottawa. I~ ten mrnutes I h eai t. S he 15 h eie- my own lit t le one- my aftPr Peai son m et 8 1r Cbn.rles Tupp e1 min sure to obhge th is gentleman (h ere Mr T.ck of 1t. ley mad e one of J11s odd side bowo,) I would "Com e, come woman, " said Mr Tickley; cluld- loug lost- Oh, God, how long lost ' istei of railways, the chffcrences between! do m uch- much. Suppose yon see h er h ere, "No levity here, 1f yo u please " 1 liuw long mo nr ned, Grace, Grace' Yo.ur t he comp any a.ncl i ts employees were a d I G1aduate of the Ontn.no Vetennr. 1v Ccllop;e, admnal , and sh e may say at once wh,Lt t ln s "You h old yom t ongue, sir ," sMd Mis. r fathcr- yom own father calls you- my child Justed R ev;rn1cred m Pmber of rh P Ont.iuo V< ten ue.ry gentleman (her e cumo r.iiother of t h e obli que Wagner- who appeared to feel herself m is- 1-my dear on e 1 Oh, heaven, h ave mercy MccJ1ca l A.ssoma tion. bows) r equires." tress of t he situation - " yom h old your I upon me, .ind saYe me i i om the cold chill of 11@-omce arn1 R cs1deocc , Newtonv1lle, Out. Baby Must be a Haril D1inker. 'rI1e aduural and Capt,;in Mort on b ot h t ongue , sir, and go and cheat the p oo1 men hope deferred, now Grace- Grace, my clnld ·will v1~it Orn no e"ory 'l'uesdav nnd Saturdsy w1llmgly accee1 A ne\1 baby had aruveLl at little Johnny's led to tlns suggestion, and i n your chalk pits, by mal, ing them take' - my ~hilcl. To your own fond father's Office ho111-s frnra JO A m , 1' ' 4 p. m., at Mrs. \\"aguer, between t .vo of th e police, ba,d S<».p and bad flour- m ottldy, si.i - and h e.ut ! rcr,idc1·cc. and th e you ngste1 was admitt ed Coultcrs' Hote1 C~l lS hy Tel e~r1t.fl h 1eoe1ve to t,\l,e lus tit :;;t look ac t he lit tle stranger (To BE co:-nrn UJ·D. ) v.as u sh ered rnto the room. T he moment b1d c,;u ples and bad chee;e, as a goocl part l ll'..Hn ed rn..te o tt cn LJo n H e snrv eyecl 1\. ealmly for a momen t , and w I o.ro ! u!ly prepared to c.ttend Fuuernl~ on C HA R G JCS MODER.A.TE. of thcfr w,1 ges Go along , do. " · ---·-·- - - - - - - - - - -- she saw Cap ta'n M otton sh L:J ca.lled out. then , looJung up, exclaunecl enthusmst10- the shortest notice, at the lowest poa.,1bfo rates " My t h ous<ind p ounds- gi ve me my " Good grncrnu s 1 " cried Mr. T1ckley. Caskets a n d Bur ial Cases ieady on short n otice ally · ·w hat d o I ~ear? H em? 0 Lord ! I apThe yolk of one egg, t ht ee dram s of gly II"" to fiH! n dav. Samp !~s a.nd duty In1F:Ill thousand pounds, sir -I wa.nt my thousan d p e-ol "His face is JUSt the color of Uncle i rat-olass hear se on very moderate t e1m s to y ou, Captam - a - a- Horton - " j cer rne and fi fte en g rnins of carbolic acid 111 ~\ J,mes n ot unde1 tlre ldJr ·e'sfeet. W rUa p ounds ! ' a nd Cofllna constantly on h a nd. Fun Shrouds " W hat does she mean!" said l\fr. T ick " M orton." m akes an excellent mixt ure for softemng Geoi ge's. Gosh, but h e must b e a hard ral oarde 1mtiplied at onoe. Fnrmtura Shop&! I fiR,~wsnm's SAF~'r y R mN H OLDEH Co, H oll, Mic h . ley. " I beg your pardon. Mor t on I appeal to the hands. RoornsBouneall'sN ew Block. h ow clrmker '" RIFT AND SPRAY; mea~~~f . ,...~~·~~-I.......... Pacifi~~:a:il;a~-;tatis~:- . NO VENGEANCE AMONG THE SM LJGGLERS. L O VE A YOUN GAND M IDDLE M ACEU M EN. I r p; ° 0 0 j CATARR H -- ° ir ' I I I I R T 3 0 0 ' I ?, I a1' I"' I JOHN SPENCER, DU N~S B KINC I PO DER THECO O K'S BEST FRIEND I i ! Orono Pump Factory. 1 1 "UMPS O f E\f[qy IJES:': fflnTIQ116 d nc I 1' " i ° t J°j All 'VORKG U A R A N TEED I I i1 I I[ " I I go.:: I 'r. AULBURNa e-o .· po _ I I I I I I I WOR M i; · $u I" l lJNIJiERTAKINC I

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