Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1887, p. 5

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W . H azzlewood, Raglnn, O nt. Licens~armere, b efore p urcha sing ~inder I Seo the cheap Dres~ Goods a t Couch, WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMOR SAL E.- An entire colt wit h live straigh~ crosses, rising 2 years olrl , also ed Auct ion eer for the townsh ip of D arTwme see Shaw & Tole, Bowman ville. J ohn! ton & Cryder man's. P ElRAN CE UNlO.N. t wo young cows m cal r, Apply to W · LL!A ~r lington. All or ders for sales in this JoLr., Tm,: S1'A'rESMA~ and Tm~ M ETHODIST . . Hampton, 7-2w: Ons 1:Rv1.m to Jan . 1 1888, for only $1. 50. Mrs. ~· B. ~ai:bairn . who ~as ~een F rom month to mo nth for some timl· vicini ty , l eft with F. H. Mason , Bow. ' . very seriously ill, is u ow i m!.Jrovmg mcely M USIC.-MI S8 .BYR OM ia prepared m anville, will r eceive prompt a ttent ion. B R AND OF P U RE: P ersian La!11b Cape sellmg off at gr eat- and h opes ar e entertained of her early past, our paper s have contained notic~r< 34-tf . to give instruction on the Pittno and Organ to a limited numher ofpnpils. 'l'erm!f ly reduced prices at Couch , J olm ston & an d compl ete recovery. of t h e regular m ee tings of t he "\V . C. T . U. FREE S ET o ~· HARNESS.-S. Thompson on application l\t tho residence, C1mrch 8'""'"t· Cry derman 'a. T. Geo. Mason can be seen at " The Ma ny of our readers h ave repeatedly & Co. will give grat is to t he person b uy 52-t! 1 If you h ave a cough or cold you cann~t Star House" for thirty d 1>.ys where he will ing t he most goods :it thei: sh op during W ANTE D.-Early in i\Li-~ch t~~-~-i;J; use a better remedy th.a n Stott '~ Jury s be pleased to introduca his successor, Mr. asked, "·what is the object of all --0nc for kitchen work anr1 the ot her Cough Sy~up. See t h eir advt on 1st col- Geo. Laiag, to customers . This will al so these meeti ngs, and wher e can we look 1887, a set of all Nickle Smgle Ha.rnesa wort h $25.00. as houso ma.id A nd to do needle work. Apnly umn of tlu~ p age. . . give au oppor t unity to balan ce accounts fo r the results ?" The followin g e v:.tract to Mus. RJ<:ID, King Street E \\s t, lJovrnrnnville. At the d issolution of partnership Sale, 7 ·~ W. ~\\..~~ To F ARMERS.-The undersign ed will cash or note expect ed in every case. taken from t h e C;macta Oiti~en, will g ive y ou can buy Lace Curtains wor th t wo jj;, ~ pay t he h igh est price for Wheat, Oats, D ress Goods at t he d issolution of par t· some idea. of t h e noble work that is b eing ORSES FOR SAL E.-Horse r ising . dollars for one twenty-five p e r pair, and rour yenrs olil, got by "Bi-it;sh Lion~bP.y. "ft\ , ~ P eas, Barley, etc., at Burk eton E levator. n ership sale fo rty-fo ur inch fine all wool acGomplish ed by our laiy frien ds : Cur tains wor th five dollars fo r t hree. ho..vy built, sound and well bro:O.en. Colt, r1 R · .ll:Jr'. J .B. McKAY & Co . German go~ds wor t h. eighty ceot s per ing three vears old bay, heavy. Apply to I· r,. Robertson & B on d .~-_.. <;:- - ,_ · · B efore the spl'iag thaw sets in it might yard sel li og for s ix ty cents, Cashmeres "Th~ g roat~st r esult .fro1!1 t he 'lm1.11l~st BBOWN, Hampton. ~ be advisable for th e coun cil to prepare a worth thirty· firn can t fl selling for L wenty - expen diture. is t h e c!iterion by wluch AUCTION SAL ES. OST. -A pair of Carpet Slipper line of fe r ry-boats to ply across t h e sheet two cents, twelTe cent Prints for ei~ht. · every worlung orgamzat1on should be Uppera. on t ho road from 'l'yrono t o !3ow~ ti:t ·~ ft l of water lyina i!l fro nt of Mr Bunner ll P eth ick t he Bar ber hae laid i n a n imjudged . Wh en a gun ned a nd t. ?rruted FRIDAY, F eb. 25th.Mr. James Cousins, 0 manv1 lle, on th~ 21st l nst l<'indcr will pk as~ leilve them at THE STATESMAN Office. or at. ~~4 ... ~l shCile shop. mense stock of s m .. k er's goods. Pipes, ~·an_-o~·war slowly r~u~ta ~ f~ngier for t who is retiring from far mi ug, will sell · the P . 0 . 'l'yrone . Cheap :1.t, the dissolu tion of partne rship Cigar H older3, T obaccos a nd Cigars, m :>pi eces, we are g a ' u e a , sau cy the whole of his val uable farm stock, - - - -- - - - -- - -- -· ---- 8--t - f-. The Great S tandard for all sale, black cash mere hose worth sixty endless varoe1y. Cail and see this, on e little c~rv~t~· ar~ied with but a stern· implemen ts, etc., on the premises, lot T HE PER.SON WHO TOOK 'l'HE cen ts selling fo r fort y centd , four clasp of t he lar>.; .. st 11ss<·r t mcnt11 ever br ought cha&er, firmg h g ht!y fr?m a mong the 32, con . 8, Clarke, near L eskard. This Pera1P .n Lamb cap from the l'own Hall on woo.kness a.nd diseases of the ung s k id gloves wor t h eiaht y -fivll ceu te selling to t h e town . H air cuttinir and shavi~1 g, d~m waves, silence the g nm home of 1t he is an impor tan t sale and should be very Tuesday even111g. lfeb. 15, leaving an ollt oue "' " t d e pr 0 uounce t he f at d m its pla.ce, will kindl:v return i t to this office for sixtv.fi.ve cents, saxony yarn in a ll as UQ U al in the lates t stylea.-tf. pt7a es, a n w e a l argely attendecl. Sf11e begins a t 12 and no questions will be asked. 8·2w , . · impared nutrition, etc. . t fift · k ' mirable,' ' mar vellous . It is a matter of o'cloclc, n oon. T he h orses, cat tl e and ·- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -coIors se11 w g a ee n cen..,;per p ac age. M ETIIouIST Ons1m v1 m and S:i-ATES11,f~N. great rej oiciug when one of the la rge and F OR SALE. - A frame h ouse mid 6 B ond . - S .. vernl IJersons wh o hav.e I)ai d for I RE i ·1 1.., ue1 1ti al Soc1.. t1e· or the v1 ·.,or·ous and sheep are good. See large posters for rI ·th d b ·1d· This Oil is P ure, F resh, Nearly Robert~onand M d h S I k d f ti t u v " " full particulars. L EVI A . 'f oLE, Aueacres 0 ana, wi goo ont m rngs; . H II f M Tlie Ch ma a o eSBrs. ur oc '.l'ATESMAN 1ave as e ~s J iey can ge practical Al liance s core a t r iu mph for ti ' oneer . · about 180 good bearing fr uit trees ; a lso gooct 3 "Tasteless, and therefore most suit - B · 't b y a11 1a.- 'I' HE O:°SERVER ' by p aym g tll.e ex t r a. v "-0 the cause of t emperance, b ut the steady fruit gi<rden ; a never failing stream .r!ingrun!t · weII wor t h y o f a vis1 ros. , is throngh tho property. J. ot 2-t, con. fi l)Q dies of this vicinity. There are to b e cfln ts, m term a of o~r cl ubbmg offer of ploddw~ d one a nd the effective work ac- TUESDAY, MAUCH 8th. - 'l'heFarm Stock ton. situated ne.u· Solina, Apply to w.B urnR, aNe for delicate digestions. found t h ere an endless variety of the best the t wo pa~e rs for $1. 50 . Our answer complished by the Women's Chr istian :rnd Implements of Mrs. Trimble will Sohn11. 8·tf. N one genuine without the n ame quality of chi oa , glassware, crock ery, an d is, YES. 8end along your 50 cents. Temperanc'l U nion from su ch limited re· b fl sold by auction a t he r residence, OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.-A ssert is Messr s. Cotton & B'oster h ave b een s ou rces and by such e x trem ely econ omical Solina, also a quau tit y of houBehold good rongh ca.st House in Ul e Vilhtge of IZDAHL st amped on each c'.l.psule. fancy goods, which we ve nture to & n ot surpassed by many of t h e large city dornu a very ext ensive expor t t rade this e xpen diture may be truly t ermed ' ad mirfu rnitllre . Sale a~ 1 o'clock . S . Hampton, with hll.lf acre of Ja,nr] . Bxcc,!lent; garden with J!noO. variety of a.p11Je3 and other - WHOLESALE 'BYstores. winter, h aving sh ipped ea~t on a n ave1·.1ge able,' ' marvellous' ! H trN KING, Auctioneer . 7-3w truit. Price, :StlOO cash· Apply for further The me mbers of the W . C. T. U., of about t wo ca r loads a week. Th -y d eal The to tal expe nd iture of the U nion in FRIDAY, MAitCH 18.- The ex acu Lora of particnl,.,rs to 'l'IIOMAS SYER, Ja.net villo. or K . O.\LUHAITII, H arri~ter etc.,Sowuw.n· Pet erboro, h ave pledged themsel ves not in horses, cattle, sh eep and pigs. Mr. Ontario for 1886 wa~ a p altry $1,000. 22, the estate of t h e l ate Mrs. Jacks, of JOIIN ville. 8-1 w· t o purchase goods after seven o'c'lock on Cotton is now adver t1smg for s everal car carefully d oled out in postag~ h ere, r t1i lH ampt on, will sell th e Farm Stock, - ORSat urdav even ing, with a view of assisting load~ of h eavy ~raught, gen eral purpose, way fa re there, with a scant scat t ering of itn pldmen ts, etc. , without rese r ve. ffOUSJ<~ AN D LOT for sale near clerks and ot h er employees t o shorter carnage a.nu ~aa dl e horses. See advt. well-chosen literature,· and . v ,t the good S ule at 1 o'clock shar p. S. C . HUNKSOLINA.-1'he undersigned will offel"' · h · T · · for B ale at auction on TnuRsD \ Y , 1\1.:.roh !Ooh ser vwes on t ese evcnrngs. his is cerThe Big 20 wae kept open until twel ve d on e i11 t es tified to in nearly every ham· ING, Auctione er. 1887 on the premises. that desir able property t ai nly a movemen t in tho right d irection o'clock on T uesday n ight, in order that l et in t he P rovince. 'fhi:i n atural ques· known as the Olford Estate, being on" acre or · t lo.nd and good house with a. Btone cellnr, good an d we h ope t o B ee m any o th er sis er the public m ight kno1 v the exact eta.ta of tion comes : Why d i d t h ey not spend BIRTHS. wood sl:~d and orchard, A dceirable eitua.t1cn the polls. A s the r eturns were for war ded more and greatly widen t he fiel d for t heir , 1 · quarter of a. mile east o · Solina. an d a mile and U nions following t heir example, ! JllNNINOS.- n Whlt~y. on th e l ith rnet., tho a. ha.l(from Hampton, in the ·rownsbip of Da.:t· lington. Some stovPs and furmtnm in the> AucTION S.u Es.- R . Hutchison , L icon - by 1h B C. P . R . Telegraph Co., they were useful ness 'I The answer is found m the w1te or Mr. M. L . J enmngs, or 11 daughter. 8'rMNTON.-1'iear Ennisk1llen, on the 9th house will also be otrered for sale. Terms aml aed Au ctioneer for t he Townships of copied out an d posted up by !l:lr. Andrews fact that the to tal receip ts for t he y ear tile wife of Mr. Joh n Starn ton, of a son. particulars made kMwn on day or sal.e. or Clarke, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlington in s nch a convenient man ner t liat one footed u p but $1,409.24 ; a.nd h on est inst., M&NIH ·. - A t Podonk on t ho 9th inet, , the on application to WILLIAM WmrnY, Solina; or J oN ATHAN STEPmrns, Bo~ m anv1Ue, E:1.ecuand Whitby .All sales att ended to p romptly could tell at a glance, just how t he elec- business women as t h ~y are, t h ey k new wife or Mr. James Menel, at a duughter. SHORTRJDGE.-Jn Dar lington, nor th or Hay- tors. S. HUNKI:S-G, Auct10nee:: -. and at r easonable rates. Where it is not tio"s were goin:t. Mr. Andrews certain - better than to run into bankruptcy. We 7-td. are n ot retai n ed by the Union t o drum up don on the 11Lh inst .· the wife of M r James Solina, Fob. U , 1887. con venien t to see me, arran gements for ly d eurves the t h anks of the public. HoRSil:fl WANTED. -Steph en Cot ton, subscdbe1.·s fo.r them- ii:i fac t we n t h. er Shortridge, of a. daughter· sales can be made with th e Editor or by d 1 ti VmTUK.- At E nmel lllen on the 15th Inst., .CROU P, WH OOPING-COUGH, ETC. ; addressi ng me at Enniskillen, P. 0 . th e B owman Yille H orse Buyer, will be a t d re~d t h eir 18P eas?-r~ m lU~ eir;poamg the wife or Mr. R. C. Virtue, of a daugh ter. 1 ~ a c rym.g llhame N. B. -I have no agents out begging fQr K endal l, Tmsday, Marc'! 1st; Janettheir. pover tybut it CL4RKIC.-Jn Hamptom on th11 I6th inst., the S h ould fa~ke STO TT & JuRY' s 'rille, "\Vedneeday, 2nd ; 'Villiamaburgh, t h at 111 itenerous Ontario, ~t a h~e, . t?o, wife of Mr, Thoa· Clarke. or a daughter. s ales for me . R. Htr'l'CHISON. tf. Cough Syrup, b ecause HAYCRAl'"1'.-Near Hl!}'don on the 17th Inst.. I n Th ursday 3rd; Claremont, Friday 4th; when the temperance sen timent is nsmg t/ie rniatter of J A Jl1ES While the pr ocession in h onor of t he B rookli o, Satur day 5 th ; P ort Perry, as a flood, a.ll that can be ~fford~d to. the the wife of Mr. W. J . Haycraft, or a daughter. H on. E. B lake was en ter in g i h e eastern J.\llondav 7th·, L it tle Britain ,Tuesclay 8tl).· , n obl e .wom en connceied with tlus fruit ful "M ARRIED. BRA DLEY, 1 {/ tli e Town of end of th e t own, so me creatu res, wh o ar e J k b l f t J d cl d' 0 ll .w. a d isgrace to t he female sex, undert<'ok to Cannin gt on, Wedneeday 9t h i Kirk field, wor La are Y our een i un re ars. HEN.REN- MA R'l'rn.- At the M~thod ist pa.r· B owmanville, in tlie County rvrone.on the 15th rn·t., lJy the Rev . w s now·ball those who were In the differen t Thursday 10 th · S ut ton Friday l ] th · A nd r emember not a Cf>n t spent for salar- sonage · -Onoe using it, alwa.ys recc;mmend it a.nd aiid Beavert1Jn 'saturda~ 12th prepared iea ; every fart hing for t h e work! Kenne~.-Mr. W. Herren to Mis3 Sa.rah Mo,rtin of Dur/~ani, Jlarnegs JJfakm·. T he sleigh con taining Mr.Bbk e t o buy h eavy draught, general ' imr1)0se, If you would form some idea of th e im- b ~IY-of Darlington. will not use any other kind . H a.eta like eleighs. f I b d k d Prncu-GaRDINER- At the Methodist Parson was the target for se veral missles. It is 0 bad t hat in small a town aa Bowman· c:irriage , and sadd le horses, young an d mi' n se amoun~ a or n n er ta en age. on tho 11th inst .. by r . he Rev. J ohu F . M agic, and ch ildren like it so well t hat t oo 80 ville, t h ere can be found re r> rescnt atives of a.ged . Tell your n eigh bors, and bring faJt h fully earned out by this b orl.r, ~w:ite G.erm1mM, Mr. MWm. Bray .Pmch. of . Bowman. rrH E INSOLVEN T HAS MADE AN they J · th d the Presiden t (Mrs Chisol m 127 ank ville, to 1ss n.ry Gurdmer, or Whitby town· a es1gnrnent of llis Estate 1o the undt'r · e ay. ' · ' ship a class who frequent the slums of L on d on ; h orsea ear Y m !3igned, in pursnance of an A c t respe ctin>(" people so devoid of all sense of decency G · d · l S tree t, Oit;\W!l,1) for !1i q>py. of the Ao__ !!a\ I · . Assignments for t ho benefi t of Cred itors, 11.3 rip ma e specia arran gements~ a ep o1 ·t for '86, not for ueHiug lo enclose DIED. Vic., Chap. 26, and the Creditors ttre notilled 1hat they glory in disgracing themsel ves t elegra1 Jh1 'c and ·rt1 ·st1 · h I· J f t " c- Y w uc 1 a eu ' t en c~nts t o cover che cuat. There y r,u Coun'!'1C!iil.=Iu Di1111ington1 Q!! L h e 19'11 in· to mce< at the Oltlce of E . R. C. Ul, A.RKl30N, 1"9, 2GW~Uingt on i;ltr~ ~L !P ~~t: Tm:gn to1 o~ Ior it. T ry on e bottle an d you wil before the ey es of hundreds of spectators. hitl1erto unattempted in illustrated jour- will find t h at th ey h ave Twen ty-two stant. Snsanna.h. .l:lelo\·!1. wire of &o\lert n ever be without it in t he SPECIAL NOTICE - Every person wh o in nalism was accomplished on Wednes - Superin tendents of D apar tments, a mong C~rt~~~ ~ge! 61 yeera: 1!' b . . 11 h ouse agr tiu . t ends buying a set of Harness between day, 23 inst.- the d ay after the elections. wh ich are found such practical Glll: a n ~a~Le~u, ~~~ 11 0~v~1~; J~ ·J!~:tg~~l n ow and spring would do well t o call 0 11 On t hat day Grip appesr ed as a 24·pago Jines of work: as 'Scien tific Te m~er- ;it ifed 2ti yec.ra, 7 months. F uneral on l·' rl<Jay' J;;s1,,y'1' tt o·cw ci{; r . M:, S . 'l'hompeon&Co. "\Ve are building a paper, wic h a large d ouble cartoon i n ance Instructi on,' 'Te m peran ce L i te ra- a t 3:30 p.m. , to rece!ni statenie:titt< or hie all'airs, appoint lot of superior sets of Harness, both t hr ee colors, gi ving ( pictoria.lly) the re · t uro,' 'Influencing th e P ress' (r~ther ~ - - -·-- - - -- - - --·Insuec1ora, and fot tJJe order ins of the ·lffe.ir!f smgle and double, out of an extra grade ault of the elect ion s. 'f h e tront and b ack a l arge undertakm g !) work among the BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, of t he Eatate generally, nf No . 1 leather, p icked out especially for paw.es arc also in color s · This isrnc F re nch and G1:rmans, the lumbermen, AND N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN C:o1·rectc1 l by John Lyle, e'tery tucstlny. our trade, and we intend to sell this will go to all regular subscribers free, but t he sold ie rs aad ·ailors, ' Prison nod th.at a fter 20th March. next. the said 'J'ru stee . Burness at goinl( prices. We employ no will sd l to uthera a t 10 cents. Address Pol ice,' ' Ra.ilrc>ad Work, ' 'H ygiene and will p1·oceed to di·tribute t he &sscta of th e said DebtOi" nmong l he par ties entitled thereto, cheap workmen, no appren tices, and Grip, Toronto, or ask your b ookseller. Heredity,' and 1mm y others as sensible FLOUR, w 100 lbs... . . .... $2 10 to $2 50 hav'lng ~ ,eiz.ard only to the claims or which T .11E N EW YORK OBSERVER CALENDAR and pr essing. Mor eover, t h ose depart- WHEAT, F all, ~ bush . . . . · 0 80 11 0 85 NOTICE shall hne been given, and that he guarantee our Harness No. 1 in every it Spring, u . . . .. . 0 80 11 0 85 will not be liable for the assets or any part .Cures Chapped Hands quick~ r espect. Remember, also, we have come fo11 1887 is now ready ·Designed a nd ments are n ot merely orname ntal , for at BARLEY, ~ bush . . ··· · · . ·· O 45 11 O 50 thereor so dietrlbuted to any person or person3 t o stay . S. THOMPSoN & Co. (H ay's printed in beuutiful colors by Mar cus the r ear of th.., book Mn be found full ot whosr, debt or claim he shall not then h.av& er than any other remedy. RYE, II · · · · ·· · · · · 0 45 " 0 48 had notice. old sta.1d. ) Ward & Co ., of London, expressely fo~ u.nd e ncourn.gin~ r"porta from ever y au p- OATS, II · . . . . . . · · 0 30 II 0 30 JOSEPH P EASE, Trustee. The p;reat polit ical battle is at last ove1-, t he N e w York Obser ver. It contair1a:-A &1111tenden t, reflecting a gr ..at dea.1 , f P EAS, Blackeye, ~ bush . . . 0 70 · 0 75 Wellington St, East, Toronto. ~lurulillU ~UlUJtmall. an d it is to be h ep ed t h e excitement will calendar for t he year, list of legal holi- !1:.i.rd work with mo re of au ey e t o rflsul ts " Small, " 0 50 0 52 Feliy. 5tl1 , 1887. -aw. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ :;peedily cool down and that p eople will days, list of church . days, ecl~ps es for t lu1 u to 'red tape' ur forma lit y. Thus, fur 11 Blue, . . . 0 50 0 55 forget many of the hanty things that have 1887, rates of dom estic and fore ign post - iiiet ance, in th e pe tition depar tment, Il1JTTER, best t able, ~ it. . . 0 12 0 18 BOWMANVIL LE, FEBRUARY 2:l, 1887. been said during t h e h eat of the campaign. age on letters, n ewspapers, books, etc. ; 9,674 signatures were obtai ne d to the pe· LARD, ~ it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 10 0 12 W e b elieve the speak'lrs of b oth par1ies facts ab ou t uotes of hand,etc. Standard tit10n against t he 'beer· and-wme' amend- EGGS, ~ doz .. . ·. .····. . . 0 00 0 18 - OFG 8AN D THUNK RAILWAY . have had a very fair hearmg at their meet- T ime- Eastern Central, Mountain, P aci - ment that t hr eatflned th e Scott Act l ast PoTA'l'OES, ;iJl' bush .. . · , · , · O 25 O 35 JAMEJS McHOULL , late of tha ings with only one or two exceptions, and fie. I ntor colonial e.nd N1ivig11tor's . List seesion ; i n the 'Preas' d epartment e very H AY . . .. ...... ·· . .· ··.· . 9 00 10 00 Towns hip of Oar twright, in t h s BOWMANV IJ,Lrn STATION. it i~ a p ity for the good name of th e riding of Am erican religious bodies; n umb er of journal of an y importance in t h o Province D RESSED H OGS ..... .. . ... 5 00 5 50 Cou nty of Durha m, har nesst hat any ··owdy1sm should have been their m inistera and m embers. S ummary was intervie wed a nd requested t o i nse rt. CLOVER s~Eu .. ... . . ... .. 5 00 5 30 GO!NO EAST GOING WEST m aker , d eceased. shown. The days have gone by whon it of the religions of the world , etc. , etc. temperance ma~ter, t h e r aaul t of t h e work A LSIKE . .. .. ·. . . . . .. . . . . 4 00 () 00 .Loon! .. .. .....9.00 a m Express ..... , 6.20 a m was though t funny t o t ry and break up a P cico, 10 cent$. being seen in t he numerous Yf . C. T . U . E x13ross.. . .. .10.03 "' m J,ocal, .... ....8.20 a m p 0litical meeting by me ai~s of an up roar ; Wm .Rennie's Seed Ca talog ue, although columna scatter ed through ourexcha.nges; ·w . U . IS~ll'l'll, OTICE IS HER.E BY GIVEN :Mixed . .. .. . ... LO > p m Express* ...... 9.16 a m Local: ... ... .. . . 7.20 p m. j Mixed .. ....· .. 4..05 p m let ev.e ry speaker h ave h is ful l say, and not as pretentious in appearance aa some and in t h e 'work among solclieB,' tbe vat to Section 3! of Cbap te~ 107, P. ICEN SE AUCTIONEER for Bow- t:. 0 ., Pursuan Exnreas ·..... 9.39 pm Express ·. ... .. 8.45 p m then JUd ge b etween the r elative merita of the catal ogues iss'.led by the Uni ted nous camps were visited, mee tings held, ns amended by Cb.ap. fl, of 46 Vie., Ont., manville. Darlington. Clarke, CarLwright, that all creditors and at.hers having clarn111 ~Except Mondays. S tat es aeedsmen, is fully as compl ete and and literature distributed, while t h e aai-1 Manvera ; also Ea.~t Durham. All orders against the estate of .TAMES McHouLL htte of of th e two. attendAd to. ·r erms liberal. Addres the ~'ownehip of Ca rtwright, in the County of The HaFnilton Palladium thus solilo- as fully ill ustrated . Mr. H ennie has di· ors wer e well l ooked after at Obtawa, promptly CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. W.K S MI'l'H, or F&ANCIS MASON, ilox !G, How· Durham. harness· maker, deceased, who tliect m11nv1lle. JS·tt q uizes :- "To t hink of sending thousands vicled his seeds into cl11sses, beginning Burlington and Owen Sound. * ·~ -r.on or about the 12th da:v or September, 1886, BURICl:!:TON STATION are required to send to the uudcroigno1 l, ,l as. of dol lars out of this city t o furnish with vegetables, following with flowers Another prounsing sub·organization is ) H t. E. C. ltl cDOWEI.L. Par r, Agent for Atl mi nistrator, Cartwright. Bibles and creeds t o a. lot of conten ted and t h en in troducmg agncult ural, wluch the Young W . C. T . U .- the 'Y's,' as they pa.itiuulars in writin~ or tlie1r c!ninrn i:m d t he GOING EAST. GOING WES'l'. savages wh Q are so warm that t hey can 't are subdi >'cded m1o roots, clovers and a re calleu. Th ese are composed of young LICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE nature o! securities (It e.ny) held by t hem and; E xp-resa .. .. .10.Z!J a m J Express . . . . 9 45 a m wear a nything but a n eck l ace and a fan, grasses ancl see d grams. · R en mes · ' grasses, Ja d ies · wh o h ave earJy t a k en h " Id o f t iie nollel{o or PhYAicians. Lon1lnn. J<;ng.: Mem bcl' of their Christian 1ind Surn»m o, uddrt,Jscn' and. of Phy 8 icia.n s ·urn Surgeons. On tario. E:x;press . .. .. . fi.62 p m Express .... .. 7.42 pm descriptim;J.B, !lefore the 1st d 1 q of April nex;t, s llcreby gi vco thtl.t :i t the ex piAnd notice 1 Tickets and fu rther infor·nation may be had while m <iuy of our citizens are s u ffering s uitable for high and low Janda, ttnd mix- temperance work m a most fittin g man- SunGERY AND HESIDENCE:- Rear of M·ssrs. ration of thnt timA the sa.idAdmi111strator w ill for food and cl othing an d f uel, seems to tures that have at~racted the attention of n er. Under their charge we find a, flourH1ggiubotham·s Drug Store. llo wmanv1lle. fJ;om R. B. ANDREW, Big 20, Railroad, and 6- l yr.· procelld to d·ijtr1buto t oe asset" of tJte s:1ul Steamboat Ticket Agent, Bowmanville, us anything but Ch ristian to say t he cattle men fr om t h e U11ited S ta tes, wh ere ishin g B and of Hope, night schools for dec"!ased. among t he Pat·ties entitled thereto. l east of it. What h elps to mak e Christ- p er manent pasturage is a n ecessity . The indigent boys, and sewing classes for t h eir PIA NO FOR SALE.- A 6-octave havrng regRrd only to the claims of which he J\ ~OTI'l'ITillT..:N ATAOES. t ' th d · t ! d s1a · t ers, 1 ' t cllen gar cJ ens, fl ower m rns1 · ·ons, Rn IMAco~rnE, Pia.no for eale or to rent. Apply to .M. ~ hall then have not.ice. and th11t ho woil not he .>1 Dentist. .2J w, Stage lctwcs t he Post Office. Bowma.nvillo, ianity unpop ular no w a clays is se ndin g a arrangemen o, e eee s m o c tll88es an 8_ liable for the asoets, or any part thereof, to anr daily (Sundays excepted) for Hampton. l!Jnnis- box of Bibles to a fat fam ily of b lacks in a lph abeticail y is quite .i convenience, es- aud mllcli of t he lighter and d aintier - - - - -- - _ - -- - - -person or per sons o! whose clai m ~ he Eho.11 not. k,illen, IIu.: · ou, C1~rtwright, Cadmus und Z ululand when the sa me money, judi· i-ecially when theentire contents are care- work. There ar e fifteen of these budding SHORT HORN CO W, (will register) then have had notice. Creae.rea, atHU. 3D p . in., nud r eturns totown at siously expended m ffanne l pants & J AMES P AHR, t fully in dexed. Any of the above c11.talunions in t he Provi nce and man y 111orc with Calf a ruonth old by side, for sale. A <lp. m. Agent for Administrator. 'II be sen t f roe to app1· · choiceof Stock twowillbeg1Ten. ·w hat l ots og ues wi ican t a. a.re read y t o b u rst f rom b enea til th e riper la.ndvalc Farm. Solma.W .WERRY.Rose. S-tf S·±w. Cartwright, Feb, 25 , 1887· Tyr ~a at.age uer1ves at, Ilowma.nville at h om e, wo uld d o more good. 10 a.. m., and returnu,g leaves own at 11 a. m. of U fl want is tro users, n ot t racts ." Address, W.Renoie, Seedaman, 'foL·onto and fuller r ose of t h e elder Union . . - - - - · - - - -- - -EED BARLE Y.-I have for sale Do uot forget th e Temperance R evival In th ese Uni ons and their beneficent Amc- 'l'he crazy-qu ilt furore Services, to be hel d rn the Town Hall, wor k · women ts · fi ll" t l1e sph ere for about 500 bnshels of clea,n seed barley.quite 1 111g L OCa1 all d 0therWIS0. is No..i.ir's ree from noxious seed ofuny kind. RICHARD at an en d , a nd wome n wh ose intellect Bowrnanvi lle, commencing Friday even- w h ·ch s1 · we11 qual J 6e d an d r1 c hly en1e ta PA SCO E, Enfield. G - 4w.* -OFhas not b ee n irretrievahly wrecked by itti d d l ] 1 t d t th 'den ce, p r ow- intricacies are n ow tur ning t heir a.Ltcn tion in " ()', Feb. 25th . M essr s. Hebdon, Dun- t ' ··we d. . · n le r wer e pf an e a · e crea· Dr· P o t '.er , ou· d i ce an d rest OR R UBBER AND META L 0 er~ Block, KirlQ·st., flo wn1a 11v1 ·11e. 1- t f. n et and Stead, popularly k nown as the i on ivwe powers petsuasi nn , uri t o t he kin d of patch-work k n own na " H amilton Helper s,., will conduct t h e now m · t h is " wor k of Chr1 ·s t ian " t emperance at.. rnpa, for Ohurch. Snnda y SchflOI and Oil.le., u8e, address ROBERT H. COX, No. 4 Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~ , Noah's ark . T h e qmlt is of serge cloth, t. h 0 h ·11 b 9 h 11 · ' I fl she is d udicating t heseher high est fac- King Street East. 'l 'oronto. 6.tf 0 · etic t M · ' Pl · F L"b satin sh eeting , or in fact , anythinrr. The me~ 1Ugs, w '. ,~~ e c n: ·le ., a o1Tis amng actory, L er ty Noah 's ark is r·a tl1er above t he cen-tr·e. and l oww g or der .- F riday, F ub. 2oth, Tern- ulties- to t h e grandest , n obles t and h oli> Bkeet, R .H. Osborne, leasee . Add b I H bd cl l't est of works. 'l ' ne h ouse. wifely instinct OUSE TO REN'f ON QUEEN-S1'. . . h . f the ani mals are, of co urse arr un ged " t wo perance resses y ·. e o:n, ~n ev . i · s shown i'n t he C" reful econor11y of t he - Two Htory Briolc. Will b!l ma.de very James Gr eat red uct 10n m t e p n ce o cutters E R oberts uppropr1ate s mgm 0 " by ~ c:omfor ta.ble for a respectable family. Apply ~· Sl <- T I ' <r;4~ I b by t wo," tlui elephant a nd the k angaroo, " · ' unions·, her womanly patience in th e per· to A. Bucru.im. Jeweller. 45-tf ""' iaw m o es. "JP o cutters wil e r ound and r oun d t h e en tire q uilt m such . Messrs. Stead an d Du nnott and t he Tem1Sold for $30 ; and $35 cutters for $22. 50. Cl S d ft F b sistent 11n d long suffe ring stru ggle against a we.y as to form a design, Scraps of fur per an ce 1 01 :'un · ay a er nonn, e · a lmost insurmoul!table d i fficul ties ; and HE U NDERSIGNED HEH.EBY O LA.DIES .- Lad ies wantin g plain Wha t y ou can buy at the dissolution and embroidery of silk and wool, wit h 27th . M onday evenmg, .Feb. 28t~, ad · otrer for sale the whole of t ho valuable essew ing and dressmakmg done at t l<leir tata or the late J ames Woodley, a· follows ~ of partnership Sale , D ress 8~tin R hadame cr oss stit~h and outline, or in what is 1 dress~s b y ~ev. ,J. Whi~loek, " . H. the str ength of her i nfluence in the mar- homes w ill Inquire for Miss Jerome nt Mrs. S, UJd Marveilleux: woi t h one dollar and a Warrmer ruesday evenmg Mar 1st vel lous 11uccess of h er work among t h e Thompson's. corner Sil.:er and Church Sta., Pa.reel Number One.- Composed of t he home· · ·' · '· sold iers and sailors and th e illi terate Bowmanv11Je, k no wn to art workers M coa~hing, are all stfnd property,bemg Lot number 8. Concessi01'< 4·3m, .q u arter per y f\rcl selling for eighty cents. u sed i n the sa me piece of work. Of course addresses by R ev. H.. D . Fr~zer, and M r. classes whor o t he kindest of m o11 h ave 8. 'l'ownship of Da.rlm1:ton, containing tw3 hundred more or leEs, about 17(; acrea much mor e iugen u ity is required ti.an in ~unnett. , ' ;ednesday cvemng, addresses only blunde red and failed . R.i)bertso11 & Bond AR M FOR S ALE.-One ot the b est of which acres, are cleared and i n an excellent stll.t& in t he 'l'ownsltip of Darlington 70 acres, Pf cultivation, The prorr ra m of the union for t h e com'rhe following letter , in wh ich was t he cr azy qu ilt, without which it would ,Y Hev. C ..E. M cintyre, and I. Hebdon. the bi.lance is well timbereit. good brick dwelling, good outbuildings. good soil is u rich cla.v loam and well wo.t.ercil. en.olornd $1.60, was r eceived by a m erch - b e a dismal failur e. A nd ther e is a ques- 'I h es.e meetmgs wd l comme nce .promp tl_Y inl{ yeur embraces as extensive lines of orchard. well fenced, well watered, within one The t t 30 h A '.!'here is a good bearing orch,.rd of about sh: 7 a nt a fe w d ays ago :- " I o we t his much t ion, whether any of t hese q uilts, in Iv - a . : eac . evenmg. ppropria. e m usic mile or the town of Bowman ville. l!~or partic· nores of choice frnit trees, The buildir.gs a.re to you. B etter for me to pay it in .this ing such an outlay of labor, pay. will be fu rm ·h ed by M essr s. Stead and effodt, a.£~ ~aricd a~ they I are bise and nlars apply to 'l'HOM!.S WOODLEY. Bowman- composed of n large brick dwellmg, rrame P. 0 . or on the promises, Con, 2, Lot 6. w orld than in t h e next . Yours t ruly." U.J;).nett, (boLh .first-class si11ge1·s) assi~tecl goo . e1r consciences ia ve een op· villo, und ot her ontbuildin{!s. barns stables 5.tf At the regular meeting of the W. C. T~ by t fte Temperance Choir and others. A p ressed wi th the great wor k before t h em . Parcel Number Two.- Composed of enuth The aonu al soiree of the C. P . Church U ., on Thursdy last, t h e fo llowing ofb. collect'i: n will be ta.ken at each mee ting they have fear lessly developed bold and OR SALE.-The h ouse an d lo t on par t ot nor th half of Ult number 9, Concmmion Queen Str <>et, Bowmanville. the property 8. Darhngton.· conta.ming seventy.Ji vet a.cros, Newtonville, will be h eld on M onday: cars were re-1;lect ed :- President,-Mrs. to d efra expenses. All are welcome . · comprehens11'e plans for its accompl ishMr, Joseph, Neil, at present occupied by Mr. more or less. about ~5 acresof wl11cll are clearAddresses by Rev. M r . Mason ; Vice Pres.,- Mrs. Brim11,comb, w e m ent , and their tender hands have laid of F eb. 28th. and balance Ill vBluable cedar and other '! 'hos. JI. Spry. 'J'here a.re 7rooms in the house ed. Abraham and others. Music by t h e M rs. Sh aw, Mrs. Galbraith, Mrs. GilfilJ h old of im mense bur dens. Shall t hey b e a good oollnr. and a.bout 20 fruit treea in the timber. 'l 'he soil is mostly clay loam. For further pa.rtlcniars apply to orchard Parcel Number Three.- Composed or north choir of t he first Presby terian Chu rch , l an , Mrs. M orris ; Cor . Sec.- M iss Neads; l eft to lif t alone 1 Shall the y b e crippled OHN K. GALBRAl'l'H. Barrister. Bowman. ea.st vart of south half of Lot nnmher JO, Con. Port H ope. Rec. Sec.-Miss Bunner ; Treas.- Mr11. J · and defoa ted forth e want of a few dol · J ville7- tf, · cession 8. Darlington, conta.imng about t welv& acres. F rench coach h orses are attracting t he Hoar; Organist,- M iss N eads ; Com. to / lar!I ? I t d oes seem to us t hat t he women P arcel Number Four.- Composcd of north :a.t tention of American breed ers. Savage Can vass for M emb ers,- Mrs. B ennett, of Ontario will respond to the fi rst q ues- L OG S W a N TE D.- 10,000 logs to saw part of Lot number 10, Ooncession 7, 1JJar4c F arnum , pr oprietor s of I sland H om e M rs. Carscadden, Mr s. J on ess, M rs. tion by flock ing to th ese bands in all par ts into lumber at (R, Clark's nld mill). cast hngton: containing about seventeen aores. · h I Having secured the services of a first.class 11tock farm , Grosse I sle, Wayne Co., Clim ie ; Prn~s Com. - Mrs. Ruse, M rs. / of the provi nce an d augmenting m1g t Y sawyer, we a.re prepared to do a large amount Offers are solicited for any parcel or tho Mich., h aH; aclded a few fine F rench Nott , and M rs. Climie ; Evangelical Com. t he lifting p" wer of t he Union, a.nd t h a.t or Custom s11.wmg on reasonable terms. As the whole. · magm "fi cen t atu d 0 f I - M rs. M a&on, Mrs. H oar and Mrs. Os;;r t h e gener ous pock e · Machinery is last going be removed, is Terms of payment to eu1t purcll1JScrs. POS"· coacliera t 0 their .s 0 f our coun t ry t h a t JIO Sitively the yca.rto tho mill W i ll this be in Percher on s. I b orn e ; L iteray Com.- Mrs . Jone11s, Mi;a. are seldom buttoned against Uhristian operation. thercforo parties wanting lumber session im mediately. 'l'he valuable farm stock, implements and Anvirish rnan called at o printi "ng: office N ott and Mrs . Bassett. T he Secretary's char ity will answer t h e second q uery with sawed will do well to embrnce this opportu· household of 1he estate will be sold at. . t e l oquence of . a l"b Satisfaction guaranteed. John Ha.re&; auction, ofgoods with an advertisem en t, and, iike a prucl- book sh ows th~t a j!re~t d eal of n oble t h 9 qme 1 e rar1ty th a.t mty. c o., Hampton, which due not.1ce will be given. For further particulars a pply to D. Burke ent man , inquired wh at it would cost. '~ork !ms been .done d urmg t h e yea~ ;, t h e n eed have no misgivin~s as to the be- - - - - - -·-Simpson. !:lolicitor for ihe Execntor9, or to th~ n e"vol ence and 11 pruden will adu ca.n live home. makea.tmore H e was iuformed that for 011e i"nsert1·on sick and d estitute have b een vm ted, · ce d which d I d money & tat work forand us, than any undersigned. m lntllter its we -mer 1te an sore Ynee · thingeleo in this world . .i"<o ca.pita! t h e price would be $ 2 and for subsequen t tracts distrib uted ,petition1 in reforence to HRI . CEHL.LWIOOTO TD . JLrE.Y, ) f E XECUTons. etl con tribu tion ." ·lf * * ;:. sexes ; all ages. ne.,ded; you are star ted free. Bot t\ i nser t ions, 75 cent s e~ch . " An' faith " temperan ce worl<, circulated an d many ' b · d A fl + _ Any one can do the work. WM. DHEN T. Jr, very our ishing Bnnd Large ear nings sure from first start. Costly said h e, " rl! h a Ye two 1ub11eq uent n a.wes o tam e · ~-tr Darlington, Jan. 29. 1887. insertions. of Hope, of wh ich M rs. Ho11r i11 preaident , M en's and Boys' Ready Made Over\ outfit and terms free. Better not delay . Costs ' TIO.., ·L l'I L ' "' · · lfy . ...... . .. , r ... , is a.lso car ried on in conn oction with t h e JH t . LOll" 8 1'0Jltt Sl'.RIJF wltl r cnrn"eCOats at clearin " out prices at Oouch you no~h!ng to send.us your ~ddrees aad !ind Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor T ea at L evi M or · "" """" ..,,. ... , .. ~ ..111 v.. u,.11 WQJ'..H a·d C.se, q·lc:ker tl!an a ny oOrnr , 0 out ; 1f yon ar11 wise you will do so at once. , ' l ate.1ttmn1u!h, u "'"° a ·<I l!Ociety. 11~c. .Johnston & Cryder man I!. H. I IALLE'f"l' & Co., Por'1and, Mair:te, s' and get a $1.00 book free. USE ONLY Tl:l.E . IZ D l l AL N Q·R\V EGI A N t l F H L Co .u V » J! A Ott ....... 0 H LYMAN, SONS & 00, STOTT & JllRY, B OWMANVILLE. CHILDREN Toubled with BAD I Notice to Creditors·. M OTHERS fu CR Y 0 :;·· i I If81DAYj llTH FE~RUARt STOTT &JURY'S Rose Balsam ·&e I N OTICE TO CR ED IT O R $· I L N S E xecutor's Sale F F.ARJM:S Woodley Est ate. H I T T F F 'WAN T E D I Red an d AlSI "k e Clover seed· ST PRICE S PAID. HI CHE - - W. QUI CK & CQ. ·· VO I ··w d-.

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