Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1887, p. 2

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~-1'·1'.~~lf'!~lll _ M_lll_ 1M1Jl!! _&_u _ _ i5_~~11!.~ . ·~··M!ll'tllilllll!l.l!lll.~ii~~1~.,...,, ··~lllllmPll" nmrm·::::.!"·M wu:e;_ _______ · FARM. learn to sew a littl e, too, fo1 mot h "r did not like t o see holes without pat ch es . And he looked half snu ling a t 1he spcci\VHEN TO S ow G1ass S EED. mens on his own knees. l not mend t h ose ·" " u out you d ic . I a sked · · Som e far mers sow their g rass seed on t h e "Yes, sir, but I w as in a h ,.in y , an d snow , trusti ng to the even d istribut ion m ot her said it was not d one as i ought to thereof by t he downward t en dency of water The 0 how s" 1ftl r , L · t IJeen w aslICL] · aud I aud tie 1 u se OL ~ t Iie f arm ro11 H yc::u:s scetuoha\e only passed. yesterday ·Je . T liey lrn d JUS er f or covering That Jauk and H airy and baby Fred could not ·wait for t hem t o dry. " af t er the frost has finished upheavmg the Were he1e at my teet at play " 'Vho w ash ed them·" soil, says the P hiladelphia R ecord, but i t is " I did , and ironed them, too. I j'cau d oubtful if the practice of sowing clover and nut where to rnsht are mi l>e,H1t1ft.l boys, w ash and it on almo~t as w ell as mothei other a rass seeds so eail y in the season is the TER:lv.CS: Mi J a ck aonly l(l H :tl1l o,nd [c1edof, ? ~ ADVISE TO MOTRERS.-Are y ou <lis· Oh, !ricnd, o·1e am r sme coc l ld · » f"I pr oper mode. A lthough such seeds do n ot f rom a common Ill ote h, or Eruption, J,H\peHnn u:r11,01·$l.tO!rpaltlln nclvancc turbed at night and broke n of your rest And 11C is the 0 11e th~t·s <lead "But she cloes not l et you d o it?" easily lose vitality , yet t here is damage d one ~?Fever-~ore the woist ScrofttlJ a. rheum, s," Sea y orSaltRough Skin, PQJment strictly in advance r equired !rom by a sick child auffering aud crying with " Sh e d on 't mean to have m e, lm t 1:iow by t he cold , "nd the hungry biids do n ot in short, all d1 sousos c:msod 'by bad blood are eubBoulJeis outside of the county. Orde1·s to ~ d My J :ick, ::i so1d1et so woBd'tous b 1a.1 e, can she help l t? She can h,\rdly use h er miss the opp ortunity to t ake their shai e, conqueie< l lJy tins power ful, purifying, and 4lacontmue the imper mu~t be accompamed by pain of Cu tting ·reeth 1 If ao sen at ~ You' ll find ·1 1 the t ln cke$t ti~ht , hands at all. and some d ays her feet a re so while the pr oper " catch " larorrel y dep ends inv1gori1t1r1!!' medic1ue. Gr eat Eatin g Ul· he ,,,mount due,ortliepa.per will no& bes t opped. once and get a b ottle of "Mrd. W inslow's But low srnks 1n y h eat t f!.8 fo1 l 111n I cry, I ce1·s rn} Jldfy heal u nder its borugn mfluence. · b a d sl re can liarc11 y 1eave her chau . o upon the eondition of t h e soil. Especial y hue it mnmfested its potency m ' ' 0, who1e ism\' boy to 11g 11 t 'f" 11pscr1oers 1ue r 1~spou~1bleunt1lfulJpaymentis Soothing Syrup. " For children teething, have h ad t o lealll t o mak e the beds, and I t has b een demonstratec l that w h en the curing '.11ctter, R o se n asll, Bolls, Car· ttuille. ita valu e is incalculable. It wtll r elieve You nsk me ol i.11 othei son scrub the floor, and w ash t he ·dishes, and I h arrow is u sed over the growino L ' wheat early and b nnclcs, Soro Eyes_, ScrofnJ ous Sores RA.TEl!S Ol\' A.DVER'l'ISING: - o the poor little s u fferer immedi ately. D 1" S'vclliu~s, iilp · J' oint Dhlcase, How his hlue e',es 11se1i to slime ; can cook · a Jni ost t~s ' ve11 as a gn · in t ile spring t h e r esult is b en eficial, and it 1.Vlllto Swelhngs, Goitre, or '.l.'Jaic k Alas, then· light isdat kened by Whole Column one year ............. $60 00 ~ ;::; )!:: pend upon it, mothers ; there is no " Is it p ossible ? I shall h:we to t ake is w hen the w heat is harrowed that the N e ck, nnd Enla1·gecl Glands. Send ten Thi;} fatal spu.t ot \\ rn a. " " Half year ...... ··" .. 36 Q{) · li'> m mistake about it. It cur e s Dysentery supper with you on my ay back t o the a rass seed should be sown if 0rrrass is to f 0 1 cents m stamps f or a large t reatise, with col" " One quarter ..... ... 20 O t! ~~ d · ornd plates, on Sldn Dlseases, or tho same " . . .' d t t , . k ' ll " ·t I bow m y head nP1l f e1 vently plead f.ia\f Col umn one l ear ·..... ·.·... ·. . 36 OU - - and Diarrh rea, r egulates t h e Stomach a n c1 y , au es ) our s L · low a gram crop . It is impor tau t that t he amount f or a treatise on Scrotnl ous A1fect1ons. F or l>oth t h ese my boys to rug-ht, Ho.If yoar ............ ·· 20 0(' Bowels, cures vVrnd Colic, softens the " ,Johnny blush ed, a nd I add ed : seed s be coverea, and if the field be har row -I " '. l'HE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Bclie, ing thnt H e who ha.· p1 om1sed so much One qua1ter .......... 12 51! G urns, r ed u cee I n flamma.ion, " d · "It'~ a pit y, my boy, that you have uo · eel there will be less loss of seed and greiter Tho1ough!y cJe1rnso it b1 v usrn g Dr. Pierce's Some da.} will remo' e t he b11ght i,luarte1·Colurr.n one yeet· ..... ...... 20 oo an g1vea · t " h f ' ' f.: olden l~Jredical D s c ovory, an d good ,. " Hall year ..... .. .. .. 12 50 to:ie and energy to the whole aydtem. ,, . " c ances or a good stand. As ~n application digestion, a fair sl~in,_ buoyant S})irsi s, ;'1 And I praise !nm fo r a v1 st0n ·· One qua:ter ........ 8 OC 5 " Mrg, Winslow's Soothrng Syrup" for . I had on~, h e said, gently, but sh,e of mtrate of soda on wheat m the spring its, vital ~tre n gtla , au<t s~uuduess ol Of a ca.use t 11u mp hant, g1und, Tl1~\t bear s 1 1sc11bcd on its ba11n e1 'S, dtcd ; an d-if sh e ha.d hved, I wouldn t push es it forwl),rd very i .tpiclly i t soon r each · coustitnhon, will lie cstabhshed. Hx 1 ,nes andnnder,first insertion .. ~O ?~ J children tetJthing is p leasant t o the taste "Ood, U ome and Nati ve La nd " H:achaubsequentinsertion ...... 0 2, d. h · f f th ld have wished her to lift and bnng wood and es sufficient h eight t o shielrl the young cio1Trom six to ten lines first Insertion. O ; . a n is t e prescription o one o e o w at e1·, and scrnb, as poor mother always ver from t he extreme h ea.t of the snn, while MJ heart is fuil, so fnll, as I think U:ach s ubsequont'insert1on ...... 0 St ..::__10 est and beat female physicians and nurses Ot J.ick and l:l m ry aud f'1ed did. Sometimes I wish I could h ave sprung the clover will at t h e same tnne make suffi- which la Scrofulo u s Diseas e or tbe ()Ter ten linee,flretlnsertion,TJerline 0 10 in the United States and is for sale by Yet I thank lll) Hcave11\1· Father fo r all the >11),y from a b aby to a man. I t's cient growth better to endur e tne w aim Lungs, is prompt ly aud ec1 tamly nrrested "' at·h sub 3 eq uen t' 0 0" .. rnser t ion· " · all druggists tl1rough' the world. Price Tho bal>y boy th"t s dead. su ch slnw wo1k growing up, and it was w eat her 'L'he harrow mAy also b e u sefully and cm ed by tlus God-given i emecly, if t aken The numtcr of lines to be r eckoned by t b ttl B d k f tho Inst st a!j'CS or t he c 1isense me reached. 25 lle epnceoccupied,measuredbyas<>alco cen s a o e', e sure an as o,~ while moth er was wai ting fo1 us t o grow up employed t o mix t he fertilizer with t he s oil before F rom its wonderlul p owei over this t errlblf. olld Nonuareil. "Mus. WINSLOW s SooTIIING SY:r.uP. that she wmked s o har d. at the same t ime. fatal diseaso, when first oll'e11ng tlus now ce 1 e;::_ _ - - -- - ---- - - - - --- and t ake n o other kin d , "But, my dear boy, you can't expect to The g1ound upon which the seed is to b e cbm t cd remedy t o the pubh c, Dr. Pmncm sciiously of ca!Hng it his "CouDR:o;, JllcLA.UGJll lN .t; UEITH. be son and daughter an d daught er and sown deserves more att ent ion than t h e grain thought s111111>Uou Cn re," bu t abandoned thnt name m othe1, all in one. You can not do t he work crop, the grass seed or the mode of cultiva- ns t oo !muted f or n mcdicme which, f rom its O~F!CE :- MOI!RIS' DLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. wonderful combination of tonic, or strcnllthention, for if the grass crop b e mtcnded as a ing, " The stage has gone, sir, but t h ere's a for t he whole fam ily ?" Dr.J.W.McLAUGHMN, Dr. A. BEITH, Gradualterati ve, or bloocl-cJcansmg, nntl-b l llous, hcent1ate of the Roya.I ate or the 'l'oronto " Yes, I can; i t isn ' t much, and I'm go- permanent p astu rage it must not b e over - pcctornl, and nutritive proper ties, 1s unequaled, w1 d de1 h ves h ere-and she has got a boy, Physimans College of n ot ouly as a rnmedy f or consumption of the h ive you o\·er He's a nice fel i ng t o do it aud the work my father left un- look ed that weeds will spring up 1;0 compete and member of the Un ivers1ty, l:'bys101an Your attention is directed ~o the immellse an d h e'll c stock of low, and Deacon Ba ll lets him have h is team clone. I 'm going to pay Deacon B all t hat w ith th e grass, and for t h at reason the lungs, but f or all l~oynl College of Bur· Surgeon, &;c. geons, E dinbmgh. for a tri fle, and we like to get him a JOb m or tgage, if I live. " ground must be ver y clean. I t is best, whenever w e can. " " Heav en g rant y ou may," I s aid, fer vent therefore, that the wheat cr op to be or own DR ··J. «;, Ml'l'«JHELI., OF ~'HE It was a ho't day in July. Away up l r , under my breath, " for n ot many should be on land th <>t W<>s 1.>rcviou~ly in :\,tfEMBEH OF COLLJCGE OF PHYSICIANS among the h ills that mak e the lower slopes 'mothers have such a son. " corn, a s t he extra cultivation r equired for ll'i and Snrgeona, Ontar10 , Coroner, etc. of every descr iption at of M onadnock mount&in a friend lay very "l'rfo t!1er does n ot k now I mean to do it , corn better prepares the land not only for Uftloe and Residence, lllnuisk1llen. U. ill. Itt orcler to reach hi5 t empo rary home, and she is ver y an x10u s I should go to school wheat but for t he grass which is t o follow. land I mean t o go som e tun e ; but I kn ow If, aft er the corn crop is oft, t he land is p ut ' If you f eel dull, drowsy, dohll\tared, have one nrnst tal,e a n catly tuun for the nearest 1 DR, TAMlll.YN, sallow color of slo n, or yellowish-brown epots )HYSW1AN, SURGEON and AccoucmmR. She has just opened out one of the l argeet st ation, and trnst to t he lumbe11ng old ""here t he boys in my ciaos are st udy ing, in rye, which may be plowed under in t he on face or body, f1cquent 11ea dnchc 01· dlzzl· dusty coach th at ma de a datly tup to and I get the lessons at h ome Mothe:i spring , a nd millet or buckwhe:tt sown a nd n css, bad taste in mou t h, i.1ternal bent or chlllsa Office :- Stiver Street, Bowmanville. 7 and most s t ylish stocks ever brought K eene T he t ·ain was late, an d the stage, e<>d>.1 th~m to me ?ut of the _book, while I plowed under when g reen, an d wheat sown ulternutmg with hot fhwhcs. low spirits an "\V. !>. Oll ltllSTON, L,J,, n. gloomy b or ebodings, iu egulin appetite, 11nd to town, consisting of : af tei w ititjng awhile , was gone. '.l.'he lan d · arn wa shmg the dishes or domg her wo1 k , m the fall followmg, t he ground should be contccl t ongue, yo u are su1rm lug f rom Judi· Banister, Rohc1tor, Conveyancer, &c. Money 1and whe n w e c?m e to a nytlung we can't in a very clean condit ion, an d fitted for any Silks, lord of the httle white h otel appeM·ed m lus gest ion iDys1·01)s1a, and '.l'ori>id Liver, to loan. Office, next_ door to N ews Oj/1ce, Bow- 111illinery, Dress or "lllll ousness." In many coses only shirt sleeves, and , leaning h1>.1 elb ow 0 11 the I m ak e out I t ak e it ovei· t o rhe teacher in t he crop. msnville. 39-tf part of these symptoms m·e experienced. As balcony ra il, d10pped dow n on the hot and evening , a;nd she is very kind-she tel~s." Velvets, &c., a re1 nedy for all such cases, :Dr. P i el'CO'· D. BlJRKE SDlPSON, thirsty trnveller what comfo1t co uld be ex· Ver y kmd ! vVho would not be krncl to Golden llledical Dii!icovery has no MAKING GOOD l'iiI LKF.ItS. ~ ) .aRRIS'l'Elt, SOLICITOR, &c., MOPRIS with a. very fine stock of Feathers and cqunl. tractell fiom the opening sentence of my such,\ boy ? I felt t he tears coming to my f) BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman Flowers. ' Vcak Lungs, Spittill5:' or Dloodt l<'or No matter w hat b reed you have, says a ske tch. !eyes at such a sudd en vis ion of a son doing fllle. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank of Ih·eatb, 8l"onchitl· writer in the P ractical Farmer , somet hing Shortness Call and inspect t his fine display, which " W ould he not come in and have som e I a !(ll'l's wo1 k , wlule his poor mother held t he Severo Coughs, <Jons u11111tion, and J>rh ate MonevK Joa.nod at the lowest rates, n1Iect1ona, it ie a SO \ urelgn i·emedy · dinner 1" Ibook in her twisted hands, and t ried to help furth er is n ecessary in order to r each the k mdred cannot fail to give satisfaction. Send teu cents lCl ~ tamps for Dr. Ple1·ce'11 best success in raising good milkers. Good .JoJm Keith Galbl"Rlt h, " Yes." !um to learn. book on Consumption. Sold by Drnggi1te. blood,_ wheth er Shorthorn, J ersey, Devon , " ·w ould he seuc l round for the d eacon's "But all this does not help to earn money D .l R R I 8 TE R, SOLICI'l'OR , NOT.A.RY ~IC. 6 B~'l.'TLES 0 PUBLI C, &;c. Oflice-Bounsall's Bloc,k t eam ?" J ohnny How do y ou expect to save if yon Al-yshire, grade , or native is not everyt hing, , 'IOR $ 0. 0 0 . King Skeet, Bowman ville. Money to lend, but lies at the foundation. Something can" Y es. " 1g ive yom time indoors " ' " And t he boy?" j. " Oh , I don't d o girl's wor k all da y ; n o, not come from nothmg Treatment m r aisROBERT .t.RlUOUlt, World's Dispensary M edical A ssociation, I h ave worked out my t axes on the ing a milker should be something d1ffe1ent " Y es. " 1mdeed. EGIS'l'RAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER Proprletors, 6G31ifn.1n St., llUFIIALO, N. Y. from t hat in raising a beef animal or a n aniESTA.BLISHED IN 1847. A nd the dinner was eaten, and t he 11oa:d. I t wasn 't much , but I h elped t h e men ot Marriage Licenses, Barrister and At tor " team " came round-an op en buggy and 1hmld a stone wall down by the river ; and mal for labor. B egm as soon as the calf is ne,r at Law and Solicitor in Ghancery.Mone:Y a day old ; see t hat it h as suffici ent to eat loaned on Rea.I Estate. Office on K inv, street, It has no shareholders to pay dividends to, au old whi te ho1se, and just as w e wer e 1D eacon B al_! let 's me do a great ma ny d ays' and is kindly t r eated an d regularly atten ded 11 seated th e door of th e litt le brown house :work for !nm, and when I get a chance t o \~~ce s LITTLE Managed by and solely in the lntereste of :towmanville. to. Never p amp er or overfeed, but g ive over the way opened aud out rush ed the take a ny one from the hot el to tide, h e lets the Policy holders. '\ e as ~:'l':t. LIVER .d. T, J>HILLJI·S "widdei's b oy ." ' lme h a_ve his team for alm ost nothing, and I it good, generous food , t o cause a iegular, u~£.a\.\'1e ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County In his mouth was th e l a.st morsel of his p ay hun wha tever I m ak e. And I work on ear ly and st eady grow th. A ccust om it t o Its R ates a1·e Lo'1'. 0'\'\0\.~ PILLS. ot Durham, Sales promptly attended, lled, but not t o such an extent as t o dinner. H e h ad learned ev idently how t o · ' the farm with the men in su mmer; &ncl I b e h anc Address- Hamnton P.O. 591 ANT I·BILIOUS aiul CA.'J.'HAKTIC. Folicle~ non forteltable and uneondittonal. " ,eat aull run." His f eet w ere clad m last 1have a cow of my own ,and I sell t he m ilk at the acquire object ionable habits as a cow, but OH N BUGBES.-Liceused Auctioneer, flash Bonus l"~hl eve1·y three years, winter's much worn boots, whose tavern; and w e have some heus, too, and we rather t o b e fond of t he prnsence of the keep- Sold b y Druggis t s . 25 cents u vtul. Valuator and Arbitrator, Flre and Life wriukled, yellow legs r efused to stay sell th~ eggs. And in the fall I cut an l pile er. K indness helps t o cr eate a q uiet d isnsurance, Notes 11nd Accounts Collected, modestly within the lunits of his J wood m the sheds for p eople who h aven't position so impor tant Ill t he dairy cow, and Money to Lend on reasonable terms, .A.odress Joint Life Policies. trouser s. A s his legs flew forward his arms, any b oy;:,-and ther e's a good many people t his education must begin wh en the calf is ~72 C!'.rtwrighi , Ont. Though a double rish but one prommm ls paid flew backward in an ineffectu al struggle t o about here who have;1't any b oys, " h e added, young. Auy habits ,icquired wh en y oung is offer ed by the proprietor! or Dr . Sage's Catarrh Hemedy \'l'ILLIA.l'I " WIGHT. for two people. Amount of policy drawn get hims elf ms1de of a jack et that was much 1 tho.ughtfully , _brus;1m~ a fly. from the old are apt to cling to t h e cow when grown. for a case of catanh which they F or a milk er I would have t he h eifer come on tlrst death, too short in the sleeves. w lu te h orse with tile t ip of his w lup. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the cannot cure. If you have u discharge from " T her e he is " said the hostler· "ther e's After this w e fell m to silence, and r ode in a t two years old. She is then olcl enough County of Durham. Orders left at the the nose. oll'ens1 ve or otherto become a cow . I would n ot, as a r ule, STA'l' m:>M.AN office or forwarded to 'l'yrone P:O , Special I nducements to Total Abstaiiwt"· w1ddcr Beeb e's ' boy. I t old Jun{ I'd hold , on through the sw.eet N ew 1£ndand roads, w1sc, partial loss of smell, t aste, wUll receive prompt attention. 28.6m llow h er to go farrow, but milk her up to a the deacon's horse while h e w en t to 0 a et a ' with Monaduock rismg before uo eve1 uear or hclll m g , weak eyes, dull pain bite." er and moie majestic. I t impressed me wi thin a few w eeks of cah ' ing , even if I did or pressure in bead, you have Catarr h. TnouS. «;. llUNKlNt:, of eases termmate m couaumptlon. A.SSJETS OTER $5,00ll,000.1 T he h or se did not l ook as if he needed t o with ~ sen~,e of its.i·ugged stren11th- one of not ob tam hut lit tl e at a m ilking. A cow sands Dr Sage's CATAHRR Rll~rEnY enree t he worst ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR t hus trained will give more milk o.nd be INCOME O VER $1,000, IHll} be hel d b ut the hostler aot his dime a nd t he t he lull:s rock-u bbed a.u d auctent as the cases of Catarrh'- " Cold i n ibo Head 1' r' the County of Durham. Sales a ttended more likely to hold out long in milk if her and Catai:rha l :Uca dacho. 60 centa. t o on shoitest n otice and lowest r ates. Address 8100,000.00 deposited with the Canadian Govern boy av1;10ached m time "to reheve n;y mind sun"_; but I glanced from t h e mount~in to after care is judicious and liberal, as it should as to w hether h e would conquer the jacket ! t he l~ttle i~d-headed morsel o~ ~um,imty at OOURTIC~ I' 0 . :J6;tf ment tor benefit or Ganadian llOhcy holders. or the Jacket would conquer him a:id tur~ n~y si~e, with a sort of recogm t 1on of t h eir be. Such t1catm en t t ends to form the ha uOOU WIFE GUARAN'rEED TO him wrong oide out. ' kms lnp. Somehow .t hey seemed to b elong_ bit of giving milk, and, as we know, h a bit tog ether . I felt as if the same sturdy stutl is a sor t of secon d na t ure. Couple t he heifer 0 very m1<n who buys his License !l'om lNTESTED IN CA.NADA., $600,000,00. CON CE RN I N G :iENH Y 81: J .VES'l 'ER, Enniskillen. He w as sunhiown~d a nd fr eckl ed, lai.ge was in t hem bot h . It was only a fan cy, with an older bull- one, uwo or t h1ee and r : d haired, a homely, plam, but it w as so confirmed th e next day; for year s older th,\n she is preferable to a HEAD 0 Fl!'IOE IN CANADA:- MONTREAL mouthed, _ Pianos Tuned and 1te11aired.I pa.tched, litt le Yankee b oy ; a nd yet, as we when I came back to t own after seemg my yearling-and bet ter stock is lik ely to come For partieula.rs r eter to r ode a long through the deep sumn~er _ bloom invalid friend I went to call on Deacon Ball. fi om su ch. After t h e h eifer h as come in >ARTIES WlSli1NG rnErnPIANOS and fragr,i_nc~ of the Ja ded road wmd mg up j I found t he deacon white-haired and her fe ed should be regular and liberal. ::: E, L. LIVINGSTO.NE, } Tuned or repaned c1<n ha..-e thorn attende l Good clover hay is t h e best of all, but we all t he long lull m the glow of the afternoon kindly -faced. H e kept the v illage store an c GENERAL .A.GENT, 0 by leaving WOid at the DOMINION ORGAN sun , I learned ~uch a lesson from that litt le , owned a pretty house, and was ver y "well- may not h ave this for stall feed; then we Co's OlfFICE, Bowmu.nv1lle .A. firet-clas mtin POR'l' HOPE fellow at my side as I shall not sooll: forget. to-do." N atma lly we talke d of J ohnny, must mak e up for w hat is lacking in some !!OW oeing in their mnlo 1. )> Or to agents throughout the county, 4.8-66 e. H e did not look much h ke a mtmster, as and t he deacon sa id to me with te:i.rn in his concent r at ed food, s nch as o,it meal, shor ts, oilmeal or t he like, but great cam an d good h e sat stooping for ward a little , w hiskii':g 1wat er y blue eyes : ' !Ito 1101 Gentlem e n Fash the flies ftom t he deacon 's horse, but his I " " W hy bles3 your h ear t sir you d on 't 3u dgment m ust be used 11ot to overfeed. ton, not so last . se1 mon was one ~hich m igh t have b eei: heard ' t hink !'ti{ going to tak e his ;non~y, do y on ? by >tll t he boys m t h.e lan d. H e d1d not 1T he only son of his mothei , and she a "1d ' 1 b·ve written these few Unes know he \\a~ preachu!g, or he would have der, and all t ied up into double bow·knots LIGHT AND H EAVY H AY. · A.nd all I havo to say_ s~opped I t hmk . A s i t was I l'.ad to spur with the r heumat ics besides ! True enough, In t he various r u les for est imating t he T.nat y ouoan find me B t i llat home, hun on now and then b.y questwns, t o get I l et the fa th er h ave the money, and my amount of luw h i hulk not enough difler ence L (am n ot gone away. )> hun t o tell me all about h nnself. wife, she say s, savs sh e t o me, ' vVell, d ea- is allowed for t h e Y'.Lriat ion in w eigh t de- I soaumy k lnd olcl tr lendsmay come , And all they oung ones, t oo, "My father died, you see, and l eft con, my d ear, w e 've neither chick nor ch ild, p ending on the condition >\hen cured, the <( C,) 6.nd get thelr garments nicely made mot her the lit t le brown house opposite the a nd we shall be JL 1st as well oft a hundr ed exp osure to r ains and othc1 causes. The h I In fashions th~t are n ew; t avern. You saw it, didn't you, s ir -the years h ence if t he wielder n ever p ays a cent; same sor t s will have much ess ~1 eight in llolil '7'1:\')re old and young, deartriends, may meet one with the lilac bush es under the w in- b ut cor ding to my calklat ion its better to p roport ion to hulk itftcr being d ried o ut by A. wElloom e "'~"otin11:. by R. PE.A.TE Una pproached for dow? F<>t her "" as sick a long t ime, a nd let the b oy think 1he's payrng . ' Says sh e to a cold w mter . H ay t hat has b een bleached "" when he could not work he h ad t o raise ' me, 'D eacon, you m ight as well try to keep by long exposu re to rains will al w,\ys be "1Jf ~~~ Tone and Quality. money on the house. D eacon Ball let him a b arrel of vinegar from working as t o keep light rn weig h t, and be pro11ortionately lesi! have it, a lit t le at a time, a nd w hen father t hat boy. It's the mother in lum, and it 's valuable t h an even i ts weigh t woulcl indi· It is th o only preparst:ion in the wor ld that CATALOGUES FREE, was ~ 2'.one mother found the money owed was got to w ork. ' v\i c t hink a ~ good deal of the cate. The soluble j uices which 0 o-i ve hay its luxur will do what is ths claimed foron i t.bald It has produced wn t grow of h air heads w here almost th1 ee hundred d olla rs. A t first she wielder, M andy and me. I did, b efore I greatest value h a ve been washed out by baldnes~ has existed for years. It has restored 1 thou~ht s he " ould ha \ e t o give up t he house, ever saw Mandy ; b ut foi all that, we hold r ;1,ins, leaving an u ndue pr oport ion of woody the color ·ind vigor to numerous crops of ;;ray b1 1t t11e deacon sai d : ' Let u s wait awhile,' the mor tga ae, <tnd J olumy \\ ants t o w m k 1t 1 fiber. T here is, !Jesicles, a consiclernble and tad < ·d ha1r. It has rehevi:.,_d hundreas of and h e tmned t o m e, and patte(l me on th e 1out. M andv and me, \ \ C arc a,,"oin' to Jet var iation in the origmal constituents of muny peu;on· uf disagieeablo rnfl;' nd h as saved J \1lten h all· wa s Danrl fallmg, fraom becommg head, and said: ' \Vhen J ohnny gets big l11m wor k." grass and hay, d epending Oil t .rn character ba ld. JtJf" R emember tbese fact,s and i r your h air is enough t o ear n something I sh all expect him I I turned away, fot I w11s t o sup at J ohn- of the soil on wh iuh It is g ro11 n. ] 'armers to p ay it.' I 11 a s only nine years old then, ny's h ouse; b.it befere I 11 ent I ask ed t he Oil ·wet h , muh cky oYerfiowed out a.nuth l>(·co1mng get may a bottle t save " grow th,thin or , you loBA si t · and 1 f l land com- falling on ce and ITH TB:ltTllo b ut n ow I am thil t een ; I remembered it ,, d eacon l10w nm cl LJ o h nuy had ah ead y paid. p l am t at t cu· arge crops o iay do not forev er. Ask: your druggist for HAUt MAGIC ,, ,,. r and 1cm cmbcr cd h ow mother cried, and j " vVell, I don't k now; Mim dy ki1ows, I p an out well w hen brought to t he weigh mg and take nothing else. VETERINARY SURGEON, said : · Y es, deacon, Johnny's my only pass i t to h er, and shdrncps the book. D rop scales. T imothy grown on sucl1 soil has .A.. DOltENWEN D, Sole ManufactUl'er, 'Io· T , h ope uow ;' and I -wondered what I could in before you go to the train, and I'll show coa1se, h ollow stems, wit h smaller propor- i onto. PBAC'l'l(;A.L DENTIST, .Ll , do. I really felt a s if I ono-h t to commence it to you. " t ionof leaves. Such soils a.re often deficient' HIGGIN BO'.l'HAJll & SON, !JIV ER TWBNTY YEARS E XPERIENCE . H onorary Gradu a te of Ontario V e t erinar at . once, and yet I could {;ot think of any · I dropped in a nd the deacon showed me in mineral fertilizers, a~1d a dressiug of phosAGENTS FOlt BowMANVILLE. U tr·u110xtdeG&M Administ ered Cor P a l nles he accoun t. I t was the book ot a savings p li.tte w hen the lan d is seeded makes the Y . thmg I could do." 1t Coll ege , w 111 a tt en d t o a ll d iseases <9perutlonM. b , f · , I · cl b tt d ti l · l d h of domestie animals "Well, what did you do ?" I asked, M l K o a n e1 ;;,1 >oru fig t own, a n on i ts 1 c::,rt ·i:;p t h ·r and deti, ier: e . er a n 1e 1~y ric ,~e M.()(;J,IJNG'll RLO«JH.. '-'"Fli'lCt; · quickly , for I w as a:rnid h e would s top, aud p ages w er e crec1tts o a 11 t he lLttle sums t he IS I11 IS coarse 1 1ay is sa1 alJ1e ,m oes n o o I ho) h ad earned 01 p aid ; and I saw they cxlrnust t he ~01J ,\s does hay grown or. uplanrl. I wanted to hear t he r est "\Veil, at first I did ~ery funny things were standin g to ' Vidow J3eebe', p,ime. I T h is _ mn,y be one 1cason why the hulk of h ay for a boy. M y mot h er used to k nit socks ~rasped the d eacon '· han d H e wa~ look - I sold is gro» non lo" , mucky trnd O \ eriiowcd A SP E CI ALTY. to sell, and he sewed t he rags t o make t ag rng ,~way oveL' the house-t?ps t o where Mon - l a,nds carpet, and- I hel ped .. , , J, 1dnock was sm ilmi;: unueL t he good mght STORI.:W HAY W irI I STH.<\'>\ , Calls and Ordors by mail or telegraph " H ow ? Wha t could you d o ?" \ k1~~e~ of t he su n._ '" . ·11 t · " \ Vell, the 1 )cople who wo uld like a car·· f_,ood-b ye, su , goo. cl· b_ye he said , reW here the hay is p ut up ratl,er gr een it wi C r e ceive p romp attention. 'luch J\.1 p et could not alv; ays get tune to make it . t U1111ng my squeeze w i t h m terest. " n m ay b e saved iu good condition for feeding HARGES ODER.ATE. So I w ent ft um house t o h ouse amon" the obleeged , I'm sur e, lt'I~nd y a nd me, too ; by mixiug with straw. The surplus mois· 0 FF ICE H 0 URS, 8 TO 10 A. M. farmer s, and t ook home t heil rags~ old but d on't you be worned abont Johnny ! t ure of the gr a ss is absorbed, and with it .A. Jlrat·cla.as stock or Medicines always I co.it s, and everyth ing they had, a nct out in W h en we 8ee i t we know th e real stuff it much of t h e aroma which gives good hay i ts . ?1: han~. . t? e w oodsh ed I rip ped and cu t t h em u p. ' ~a.~es to m a,ke. ~ man -and J ?lmny .h as got d elica.te flavor. I t can hardly be said that HA RN DEN, L. D. 8 N. B.- ·W1ll ns1t Williamsburg every '.Ihen m othe1 sewed them, a nd sometimes I it, Johnny s like t he mountam ovei t lier- the nut rit i ve va lue of t he straw h as been Continues to d o a General Banking Busin es11 Yraduate of the Royal Collegeo !Dental aBo w ma.nv1lhi Bra nch. Sa.turday o f e a.ch week. 16-ly sewed some, t oo, and then I rolled t h em into chuck full of g n t and lots of back b one. " mad e equal to hay by t his process, for its Surgeons, Ontario, DEPOSl'.l'S b alls and t ook th em back to the owners a ll constituen ts have 11ot been changed. But t'FFICE OVER DICK::30N'S STORE, r eady to b e woven into ea1 ·p ets." ' The Death of ScUiler. in making straw more pa.latab le t here is a leoelved in Savings Bank Department and " But did that pay you for your work 1" BI w. A, s.mi woo I. decided ga.i.J.1 in its nut ritive va lue, as what- ell and interest allowed at current r ates. ~ o LD FILLING A SPECIAL 1 " Oh, yea ; w~ go~ so much a pound , and Slo\\ ly, slowiy smks the dai -sto,1 ever is eaten with a reli~h is digested so 1otlce of withdrawal necessary. All depoalu ·'e Work: exeooted in the latest and lmo1· I used to feel qmte like a merch ant, when I 'Neath the wave>of purplrng hght, much better than that w hich is not. If ~ayable on demand, Improved style of the Dental.A.rt. weighed them ou t myself with one of our L1lrn a holi h e1ghted ' ··s·I straw and h ay are to b e stored togethe r next EXCHA.NGE U:ll:TR EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN· steel yar d s. But t hat was only one way . ~'.idi ng palely h olll our 01ght. s ummet· t h e s traw must be sav ed in good 3oughtan dsoldandDraftslsaued nponEnrope 1 1 1 &b.e use otNltrousOxide Gas,wlthoutlnjur:r ~~~ ~~1 J~~~ ~0~ t~~:~~1:Je~c~en us we have two or three old apple trees out cond ition now. l\'lany farmer s who w ell Jnited States and Canada, also Gold, Silver a.11 d ~o the patient. the back y ar d by th e wall. a nd we dried t he e · know the b enefit from this p ractice scarcely J nited Sta~es Green backs bon1Z:ht and Bold. apples a nd ~old t h em. Then some of the Lo ' yon moon, in veil of crnnson ' ·t ·IO!llar anentlon paid to the regulation or Aver t ry i t, for t he r easo11 t h at a t hayrng Mounts the ouent even' sk, ; farmer s who had a good m any apples began Sadly from he1· unpcnal thr one COLLECTIONS ORILDREN 'S TEETH, t ime t he old straw is a ll gone, 'lnd t h at from t o send t hem t o us to d1 y, and we paid them Weeps h ot· " an mg destiny the new g ram crop is not yet threshed. ,_..ALL WORK W.ARR.ANTED.~ Promp tly m a de a t current rat es upon all p&r Her lo11e1, duse across the okyso many pounds all d ried, and then had all Jf Grea t Brittain, the United Sta tes and De t he rest to sell. .. Must everi In cllg' creature die I A cuiions h abit of d eer is that of eating minion of Canada. " But surely you coul d no· do m uch in "Raise my bend," cnetl d) rng Sclu1 lcr, bones. If a dead deer is left on a hill, when Telegraph Tra118rer tj .k t h' " ' Let me sec the setting sun ; l wa ys i e IS ? re to 11101 row," 01 ied the poet, birds an d insects h ave eat en its flesh, it s Ma.de tor lari;t'e or sma ll sums en all part 3 0 t "No, not mu ch , but something ; a n d And life's iournc) n 11l be run bones will often b e consumed by i ts own r e- Oano.da. This is especially advantageous to t hen w e had t he krntting . " "No\\ turn me to the moon ," he cued, S. W. RUSE. lat w ns. Deer w ill also eat h orns t hat h ave persons llvinR; in Manitoba or t h e Norlh ·w e11i Aud blessing all around, he died. " Did you knit ?" been eh ed. as lt makes th e tun ds a v ailable at onoe at 1he EAC HER 0 F ORGAN, PIANO, "Not at first, but after a w hile mot her . · place of paym ent. VOICE and THEOUY. Term s on aupli· A n elderly Boston man, w ho was induced Tlte rmkt um h as vam sh ed, t h e sk a tum began t o ha >e the rheuma tism in h er cation a1 "BIG 20," 28;ly For f ur t her part lenlars call at t he Bankln11 hauds, ancl the j oints became swollen a nd to t ry t h e t obogo-an slide and is laid up w ith has fled ; t h e rollum 1s banished, t he wh eel nm Tobog is th e !daisy that now r ules JBouR eeO . DIE The h andmaid of Script ure wa.s a simple the finger s t wisted, and i t htll' t her to move a broken leir ~ m ~ousequence, w1ote to Sam is d ead. GEO. McGI LL, N e w spn p e?' A d vertls tng Bureau, .A.cconntant. Man11.Q er. thing compared with the t ailor-m ade g irl of t hem. '['hen I learned t o kni t ; before t hat Jones the oth er day : " Go for t obog i n t he . day ; l et's tob og t i I we're crazy, ii-tu 10 l:.p r uce S t, N e w Y o rk. you r next sermon. I t's j ust awful !" · ra-h -lay ! ·Iv I a lways w ound the yarn for her. I h ad to the present day. , Sc!'.\4 :tOot·. tol" 100-P~g-e Par.nphlet. -~CARD. -To a.ll who are suffer;ng from f th · . the e rrors and in d 1scret10ns o you , 18 PUHLH:! "!ED nervous weakness, e arly decay, ios:s of T will send a recipe that " ili:'f' l':'.U \ PR IHJJ,t !f( l't'10Rl\llNG, roanbood' &c. ' .l .11 ctir·e yO" OF OII ARGJ!:. This 'l F~EE ,. Wi - in:· great remedy was d iscovered hy a mission~ tll Amer1ca. Send a. self · \, 1 . A. .i.~~1:1.~8 , ary in oou addressed envelope to the REV. J OsEPH Al' lHlil 01'Ji:ICE f'··1umeen ock,iUng81. ,nowu1anvUtc,Unt T. I NMAN Station D N ew York Cit'!/. 46y THE CA~ADIAH STA1ESMAN 1 My Boys. n' n ~' s Go1rn li~ I sit a\ono in the twilight Aud 1lt oam of the da;s d gonc by, ' l cd When he1e w1thboys t he and s1 :ia l. o" · w e ga. ier , M y lrnaut1ful J CURES ALL HUM ORS, s '1 I =_ I I 1 1 CONSUMPTION, I I LA I S, E ULL OF GRIT. M IL L I N E Ry CHRONIC DISEASES liver, Blood, and lungs. l I I I BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., PRICE $I 00 R L J $500 REWARD L I I I I L i\ . . Dr. DORENWEND'S :c ~ or " I fl: DENTISTRY. 0.. - .. BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. E N NI SK IL EN I F. A. JONES, Operations & Dentistry J.M. B:R.IMACOIIBE, I I I I c. THE ONTARIO BANK I - ··- - v ADVERTISERS u; MUSIC. T can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertisi~g in American papers by addressing l Geo. P. Rowell & Co., I

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