Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1887, p. 2

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~~~~~~"!~~~~~:11_!ll __ m;mwi11tiMIK<1111H·······~:~~':"~~~~~w~~r~~~~~~~-~:S"!~- . !~~~~~·~-~~~~~~-~ A Ca.Ro. - T o all who are suffe r ing from THE CANADIAN STA1ESMAN the err ors and indiscretions of youth, I S P U BLISH n·o . £ V ERl' F RIDA.T MOE I'HNG, -BY- M . A. J AMTCS, AT THE OFE101t Posiomcen oek, lling!!lt., 11owmanv1Ue,Ont TERJ:</lS: ·1,ISO' IH~rannum,or$I.llu1 r paldin a.dvanct Payment strictly i n ad""nee required from 1ubllor1bersouts1lte of the <:ounty. Orders tu 4taoontlnue the paper must lie accomr,aniel\ by 011 ..mount due,orthepa,p.,r will nut bestopped. ybfuwi bere are respona1 hlo1mti}Cu l Jµaymen tis m11d(l, R ATES ·nr AlllVJi!Jl~' USJING : ~;§ >¥bole Column one yea!' ...... , .. .... $60 00 o;: ~ ~ ·· " Halt year . .......... . 36 oo · 1,:;~ Half yea.r . .. ... ........ 20 OU·One qua.nor._ ... ...... 12 50 .~1!.l\rter Colurr.n one yeM ..... ...... 20 00 " " Half year .. ...... ... 12 50 Ono quarter...... .. 8 00 .. HsU' Column ·· " one ycttr .... . . . ........ 36 00 - - - One quarter . ... . . .. 20 00 ~!;! 5 llix Ines and under, first insertion . . i O50 :Ille.ch subsequent 1usert1on ...... 0 2; trom six to ten lines, first insertion 0 7o ~ (JY11t Each subsequent inser tion ..... . 0 3 · .:..._10 tenlines,firstinse1·tion,perlllle 0 I? Each eubsequentinsert10n," 0 o, '1.'he numLer of lines to be reckoned b> !le iipaue occupied, mea eur0d by a i:;caleo Dlid. Nonpareil. JtlelulUGJU.IN .~ BEi'l'll. OFF'lCTu .-:&!< l<MG' BLccir, BowMANVIJ.LE. Dr.J.W.McLAUGHr.rn, 1 Dr. .A.. BEil'll, Gradulicentiate of the Hoyal ate of the ·roronto College of Physicians and member or the Untversity, l'hysician ~~~~ ~g~!~~~r~~. Sur· Surgeon, &c. "!'.. nns. ------,~~ I . i\f .H:MllEH OF COLLEGE OF PffY SICI.A.l' S i.~ and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. - ------- - - Oflloe and H.ea1dence, lCnniakillen. o&· .11. c. 1Ul'HJ1'1ELl.t, - ---- 74. l' n0\8c1e~~~v~~§i~!~t~ Bon:ro~~~YS~.11.l!:~R. l V. fl. CJJUHSTON, J,, ' · 1 C. DB. 1.'lllU.11\Ll'N, J ~~~o;iil~. Ollicc, nExt. door Lo Ne·cs O.ffice,3~~f"- Bi:mt5ler, Sohcitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money ... BIJRl!t.E SDU'S@N, " B .A.RitISTElt, tl 1· SOLICI'l'OR, &o., MOPRIS B.LOCR, a:v stuirs, Ki;,g Str.eet, Rowman 1 llle, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank !l"rivate Jt;onovs loaned at the loweat i·atea, .Jolln Jieit!O. Gnlbl'aU!t· SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUDLIC, &c. Offlce-Bounsa ll'a Bloc,k King Stroot, Bowman ville. .'<l.oney to lend, - - - - - - - ----- -- - - AR H l l:! '1' ER, ---- 1 O.ll:GI BTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUElt ~\,of Marriage Licenses, Barrister a.nd Attor n~1 at Law and Solicitor in Chance1·y. Money loa.ned on Real Estate. Office OD King e>reet, iovrmo.nvllle. .t. T . l'JlllJ,LJJ'S L fCENSED AUU'l'IONJ~ER tor the County ot Durham, Salee promptly a.ttended. ,11.ddress-Hamvton P. o. 60, OHN HUGBES.-L ieensed Auctioneer, Value.tor and Arbitrator. Fire and Life J naumnce, Notes and Accounts Collected, Money to Lend on reaeona.blc terms, Address Ca.rtwril(ht, Ont. !l72 W IJ,J,JAlU WIGHT. County of Durham. Orders left at the L 'fl!SMAN forwa1ded t o Tyrone f'.O, l!:'l'J office OI v.1111 rective prompt attent10n. ICE NSED AUCT IONEER for -the 28.6m S. C, JllJNIUl'itl, the County of Durham. Sales attended L to en shortest notice and lowest rates. Address OOllRTJCJ! p JCENSED AUCTIONEER FOR o. 36:tf GOOD WIFEGUAHANTEED T O every man wbo buys h is J_.ioenee trom A iI!:NRY SYLVESTER. Enmsk!llen. 1·ia11os 'l 'uned and l t epaired.1 WISHING '.l:HErnPJANOS 'l'uned or repmred oanha'Ve thcm attende I JAR'rrns Dy leavmg word a6 the ORGAN ti) DOMINION Co's Oir11rni..:, Bowma.nville A flret-cllu; me.u 5!0W oelng iu their mplo r. ~------- ~o Do! GentB.e:nJJen 01rF~udlll 11.@H, 1m.ot so ta.§i,. I b~vewritten these tew lines And all I have to say_ 'Ib.e.t youoa.n find 111" Btilla.t home, Iam not go ne a way· ao a.\l my J;:indold r riendemay oomt, And all they oung ones, too, t.nd get thelrgatmentsnieely made In fashions that are uew: Vhere old and yonng,de.arfriends,me,y me1>t A wel<Jome Ptreethuz, hv R . PEA.TE 11.'R TE E Tllo J.M. BRIMACOMBE, PRACTICAL DEN'l'IST, YEARS EXPERIENCE. u &r!lla· Oxide Gas A tl rut nlstered f'or Palnles ?VER TWENTY Operations. MCULllNG'I'! BLGUK. :; · H A RN DE. 1 \1, l. · D · S · · Qi1>duatc ottheHoyal College o lDentnl Burgeons, ntario. Ol"ll'lOlC OVEH DICK::lON'S STORE, W rk exeooted In the lat est a,nd llmoEt .. te li:provedstyle o f t h e n eU:t e.l.A.rt. "'E"'TB EXTRACTED W I THOUT PAI N) · .. lhe use of Nitrous Oxide Qe,s,wit houtlnjury to the patient . ~ ·t 1loularattentlon pa.id to thel'egnle.tion o f OHILDREN ' S TE E 'l'H . . ,,.., .a. o 'l)LD r ~ u~I LLIN G A SPECIAL I I ""'"' ·LL W('J "K' WARR .a ·NT,,.D. -"""'<\ .. "" M USIC. EACHE R O:E' ORGAN, PIANO, "VOICE and l'HEORY. Terms on appli· cation a "Brn 20." 28;ly -· - - Cape Brobon has n, m\tive 6 feet 9~ inches fo height with his boots on, and Antigonish has a citizen 6 feet 4 inches in his socks, S . W · RUSE · T flesh and leaving inst ead a tright.fu l gaping BREVITIES. wound. A neigh boring milkman returning 1J1rough Baby Ion was captured by Cyrus t he Great nervou s weakness, early d ecay, loss of the lan e from his morning traflic , as near 538 B. C. THE DOG AT BE.SCHWOOD. manhood , &c., I will s end a r ecipe that enough to witness the disaster but c1 ·11ld 1iot Paris W>B greatly shocked over the Colin will cu re you FREE OF CHA.ltG~. This llY MILIITA, llIONTREJ.L. reach the spot m time to rescue tlie cluld Campbell scandal. great remedy was discovered by a mis sion He was a lar£e, gaunt, ugly mougrol of a from harm. Prairie fires have devastated, 3,500,000 ary in South America. Send a s elf- namel ess type. He beat off the dog with bis wl1ip, and acres in Texas t hi s year. addreeaed ~·nvelope to the REV. JOSEPH His black and shaggy natural garment lifting the shneking creature in J11s ttrms The strect-ca,rs in P ensacola, ·r. INMAN .~tation D New York Citv. 46y had a fierce <\nd uncivilized a,ir , <mcl he had ca.rried her without ceremony iul,o Mr. run wholly by electricity. the eye i:md temper of a hyena. Perguson's kitchen, During the year· 800 duels were fought in And by somo sti ange irony of uorneucla,Nobody there w~is surprised at th e misAilVJSl!l TO !Vl01'HERs.-Are you d is France without bloodshed. tnre, his mime was "Boz." fo1 tune, and the mistress was sent for. turbed at night and broken of your rest J mce of ripe tomatoes will l'emove Y cs, he wa,s called "Boz," imd although I \¥ h en Mt·s. Ferguson re>iched the kitchen by a sick cluld suffering and crymg with have long h0en a.ware of the unpe1fections she found that poor little Meg luid f,cintcd, stains f1om cloLh or th(, h<Lmls. pain of Cuttrn~ Teeth ? If so send at of his illustrious ua,mesake, I think the and was almost glad of the opportunity to The church es of C11mbridge, MtLSS., have once and gLt a l1ottle of "Mrs. Winslow's fact of so calling this h·dcous 1.mimn,l wa,s examine quietly the mangled limb. She done awa,y with the hired pew. BUFFALO~ N"_ -YSoothing Syrup." For childl'e n teethin2" an inconsistent and grouudless iusult to the had the child cn,rried to a lounge in a smal ita value is incalculable. It will relieve character of that great man. sitting-room close by, and though she shudMr. Dtmham Oclw1 man has served Belle- Orga11ized 'vlt h a flall Stan- or elgJiteen tho poor little suffercl' immediately·. D fThis unpopular half-b!'eed "\\as rather a dered to seio- the torn sinews imd cruel ragged vilie as tax collector for twenty years. Exn>erknecd m id Skillful Physicians Prof. Tyndall s.1ys tbe sky is indebted p end upon ir, mothers ; there is no favorite with his owner, and "Boz" return- wound, bl eeding rapidly, she washed and IUld S1trgeorn; £01· tile treatment Oi.' ed the pa,rtialtty by f1 modeuitc measme of bandao-ed the inJur ies w ith such steady for its blue color to the particles flou, ting in mistake about it. It cures Dysentery all Vh2·ouio liHsca!lcs. rega,rcl which recleeme(l, i n his master's skilful° fingers that the operation was soon t he air. and Diarrham, r egulates the Stomach and Cigar cases mn,de of pigskin bound in G)~R geu'e~(E03 Bowels, cures \Vind Coli?, softens the eyes, his genernl attitude to the remainder finished. She wa,s trying to revive the. little i;ne solid stlvel', with match-box inside, are ~'lll~' @@,. Gums, reduces Inflammat1on, and gives of the human race. He Imel a house o:f his own in the h tml- when she found Macdonald st andmg beside among the novelties. lhroufio Nasal Catnrrlb, Tlu·out and tone and energy to the whole system. yard of a pleasa,nt suhurb::m resiil.cnce called her. Th . 1 lf..uu1g Dh·en!!le'1 Jr, ivor aud lf~uduoy "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth11Jg Syrnp " for ]~P-echwood, and waB s upposed to be an efHe h<i·l not been lonet in hearing the ill ere t;i:e 1 ~ t~e em~loy of the U . S. Gov- .llMsease!ll, iUad· e?' ~ililcase!i, IHsoai!Hls ' d t "'f 11 h l b ermnent < >DO Snuths, :360 lh owns 820 John<>II 'LVomen, lnloo·l Drnea!!les and Nervchildren teething is pleas:mt tu the t aste ficient i.;uardian of the p remises in case of news, an 1 ier own ears c w en s 10 o i ·ro J ' Cl!lG Affoc;;io;11·, eu1ecl here oi at home and is the prescription of one of the old- need. served the mttn's eyes swimming in drops of sons anc - 1 oneses. 1 with or wtt110.1t scomg the 1,Jatiert. Come ana e8t and best female physicians and mn·ses Gold was discovel'ed iu California in the M~fl us, or send teu cents m stamps for our As lii·s duties were not of a conHictinu na- anguish: · wrath ?er sy11'.pathy d" ·· f 1848'<t · b ou t six,,y · · rml es a b ove t l10 i:ll " lrnvaHd!ii' in the U nited States, and is for s.i.le by ture he was able to concentrate his mind ln spit? of his .1s s~ung 0 · particulars. Gu.Ide Book," which gives all druggists throur\h the world. Prico upon their performance, and still havo time armed bun, . "'nd she .wisely. said noth~ng I present city of Sacramento. Nc~v o~rn ~nMHty, JlmpoGuo<l thoughts arc great travelers that te~~°K·1,.r' 01~!'{('.;nl ~.a°'!"cs, 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for to spare. Aud his evil disposition led him Ll~en_lrnt mo(,1oned to !um to sit down bes' de have come a,ll the wr,y from he11ven, bring~~ns~d b~ ")'.1~nif.}~ul t~?~i~ ":M:Rs '\'V1NsLow's SooTHING SYRUP." to indulge art incliscriminate host ility which hrn little dau!7hter. had earned for Ferauson's " l:o?." the repu- l Almost the first words Mog said were mg messa,ges from Gocl. - Marvin. I DISEASES liei;i and Pel'niieious Soliand t aku no other kind, ~tion winch a cow~rdly tymut ustrnlly en-I" your <lin::ier's .tll gone, Da.cldy>'.' a1~d ~r. There arc 20 universities in Germm1y. I~ ~;,Fpe~~:~et~ti~sc~:·gdsb~e~~~ Joy&. . Macd?nald.s heart accus~cl lum bltterly ior They show,, muster roll of 28,000 pupils. tlp~crn.hsts. Book. p0Sirpa1 cl, ll! ots. in stnmps. Many cornplamts and remoustr~nces had allowmg ]us .blue-eyed mnocent ~o face a A seventh of these a1e lectmed in the class- , ~ !i?uJ?haro~ ~r Broach, _r~d!· been made ·rnd some of the worlnng-people I danger of wluch he hn,d not been ignorant room,s of Bedin TU"E ciill r cured, ,vithout the knifv, 7 . ' · , . ' · , · 11 · wit1 iout rlejJendencc upon whose clnldren had to pass the back-g:1tes Meanwlnle, Mrs. Fcrgu on had sent for Duncan C. Ross will match himself to trosscs, and with very little Your attention ia directed to the immense! as they came through Ferguson s fo,uc, ha,d ~elly, the in-doo1 servant .man, and desiied I con~end ma, mo~mted broadsword contest I j~ ptiiu. Book sent for ten cents stock of ~been bold eno~1gh ~o suggest !hat the dog hun to fill the small C>trt v, lth soft clca1~ hay, \ ngamst any man m Europe, and will g ive or 1 P.IIILE 'lI'l!Jll.lI(H:l§ and !ii'i'l'R.lfC'!T'UR.ES should be clrn,med m the day-tune. wlnle she herself brought wraps and pillows t<Lke expenses. I treated with the greate:st success. Book t>ent But Mr. Ferguson was a gentleman who to m ake a comfortable bed for ti·" sufferer, There is 110 better medicine no "'"eat ,· for ten ceuts in stamps. Ad<l1ess WoitLD'S , tl ht l 'ttl f th 1 , op· I t b l . l . th t f I . ' ". " er D ISPIUNSAHY MEDIC l.L J\.~"OGIATlON 668 Mam . . 1· 1oug very i e o o . er pe~p es . m~ w io "'.as o. e c nvo;1 iome m a, a~ 1:011. puriii~r, no better friend to good health, Street, llutl'alo, N. Y. " · of every description at ions and a g?ocl deal of his own , and as he While 1 ,h1s was bemg done ~he coaxed ,ind I cleanlm ess, and long life and sunshine. : _ """""'""" The treatment of many r. ... was not afraid of the dog ~e _concluded that I soothed Meg, and fed her wi~h some good I 'l'heie is a,n old proverb which says : U·E~ O'" thousands of,~nses of those iM'IB~ \~iG')~~J~~· ,~~ '~ those '.'ho differ ed from him m that ~espcet j soup that h ad been ~·eady for l:mchcon, II" Where the sun does not enter, the doctor ~ !J!SE1t\ll ., r d1sen~es.pecu.mr to __ · (8\llf"\llle~iJ~ ~~ UID'~~'Ws.!ua ·b lJ <t~ ~ere simpletons, and h<i:d no scruples m say- 1ui:id told Macdonald kmdly to 1 go mto tho, must." Aud the trnth condensed in that ~ WOMEN ~ 0 :J'VJ[E I"\l 1 She has just opened out one of the largest mg so ; at the su,me trnie forb1dclrng auy I kitchen, where the ser~a,n~s ta,ble was I s!,atemcnt is a whole lecttu·e on the health ~ 11;t tl1 e Invalicls' Hotel and s ever brought one upon the place to tie np the dog. u,lready spread, a,nd get lns dmner. of the home Snnsh'ne costs nothing is re I B.utg1ca1 Indstit!-'te, has af1 arld most Stylish Stook , . . . . . . . . · . · · · . forded 1urge cxpcuonce 1n ll. aptmg remechea to town, consisting of; Mr. E erguson was makmg improvements, Be was not very willmg to eat lus dmuer ! freshmg, mvigoraLing, life-giving to both 1for tlleir cure, uud · and employed,\ number of p eople. One of there that day, but the lady was peremp- j sick and well. l'eoyle have somehow gotten ]JI i l J in e l' y, D l" C S S S 111.:s, hii; men, a Scotch Highl,mder, was almost a ·tory as_ well as kind, an~ he kne\'; th:->t s~e I' t he idea that not!1mg is valuable wluch does DR· P ll: lE RC E'S V ~ l vets &c., I patte~·n to his cbss. Ma,.cdonald was sober, 1was gneved, so, after a little hcs1ta.t1on ne uot cost som~thm;;:, and are too likely to 0 0 I mtdhgent and pa111stakmg, as faithful to I obeyed her. value all blessm«s by the money value they I "":!'ll\lffflr~'li'i6l ··tJl~cr~nil' u ~n with a very fine stock of Feathers and his employer as he was to the lu,1ge fa.mily 1' Then Meg was carefully .laid.in theca.ru, : represent. " f!J1 ! IUI HU H~'i» Flowers. whose daily bread depended upon hrn la - a~d 1~ htrge basket was put m with her filled I Tim EARTFT AS A Tnn,-JCEJ,'PER.-A prob-! is the l'eoult of this vust experience. C oll and 1·nspect this fine display1 which bour. with comforts for Meg s mother, l\nd some lem which is attracti1irr the attention of lts-1 a · · S f th h ·k ·d t I3 h1 ·l . d f. J . t f or M ' It la a powol'Iul Jlilosto1·nHvo Tonic 1 eg I tronomers robtes to "' cannot fail t o give sat1afact1011. om~ 0 e men~- 0 WO! c.. a eec new- aic eggs an ies 1 soup-me,l the earth as a. time- 1 and Nervine, 1mp!uts vi '"' and strength w:ood lived a,t a considcr:i~Ie .dtsta~ce and . h erself. . . . . ? .. . i k.eeper. We. meast~re tii1:c by dividing tot.?~ system, a1,1t1 ~/ll'L'fl, !lS ' ~W' mag-1?, Lyn· ·- - - - -did not go ho1ne to theu m1d-daJ nteal. . .i\s . they were leaving Mrs. ] erguson said . eithci the period during ,vluch the earth re- co ~ 1 J:.ca, 0? "l.Vb.1te~, e~ccssi ve 1 . I fllowiug, . 1.::r · They either brought their little p<iil home go to 1vo1ves aIOLUJC 'h' 1 it pan1fnl. inenP-tn-uah on, un1 tiio sun or t b "'t. .... .U L!i . . I 1 f l of cof- i to Kelly ' "llefore you come . . 111 w 1c1 ua~u1·al ~,upp1·c:s·1Jo.,~ , pJ·oJapsus or fee, with.the remamde1 o t iat ruga repast, 1Doctor Hackett and ,1sk !um, with my com- turns on 1ts axis By the first method we i'aHhl" oll' tile utell·ns ·weak back in the morning, or some one of their children , plimcnts, to a,ttend to the child immediate- measure a year by the second a day The anteve1·siou, ret ro ve 1 ·Jio·!, bearing! m RI """ cam e with <1uakinl7 hearts ff" the lane to ly" h l' ' '. dow·n sen·jllhOlHI, e bron1c COJll{O!l· · " ,, ·0 · '" C>Lrt , a,ccorc mg t o some astronomers, is los- tion, i11fla]1u:iiation und nlccrat1ou brmg Daddy ]us dmner. Mac<lon<>lLl was 1hen M,tcdonalcl said a few grateful words ing time through two causes-the sun's at· of the woJnl" hi~ Ja mmattion, pain ESTABLISHED IN 1847. one of these, and the laborers could be seen i !U rather bad l£nglish to his former mis- i trnction and the friction 80 to speal· of the aud tcuderne~s in o vm·ies, iute1·nal at noon grouped within the open b<Lrn l tress but he had relmquishecl none of his t" l Tl ·l t' ' t· " · h heat, and " fcn1a!e ~l!oaku.iss," .' . . , d th b"t f I ' f " nOll. ,, I ices. ie specu a iv.c <p~es ~on w 1 11c It promptly relteves and cures Nanl!!ea . It he.s no shareholders to pay dividends to. d . o01 , ot s~xetc1 le upon . e l o .sunny ' uatuia1 ee1mgs t owaIC1s I these astronomers are discussma I S whether and '4VoalntOliH ;i o~ Sto1nael1, Jud lgosManaged by and solely in tbe interests ot green outside, as cheerful, if not so impo>- i When he came home that evening Mrs. I in the end the Mrth will stop it~ revolutwn tion, Sloatani;, Ncr...:ons.P··o!>tratfo n , t,he Policy holders. inoro fumous bailC'lleter·< F h d · and Slce1·Iessncs6 · 0 ,,, " "S ) ~ ~ "· 'crguson a somo pnvatc couversat10n upon its axis antl present ahvays the same ' 1n 01thcr sex. But one thing marred the enjoyment of with her husbancl, which ended in his face to the sun. When that event occurs ~ ~n 6 RO'J!'TJLES the hour to those whose dinner was brought going up-stairs before dinner was served to , there will be perpet,ual day m one part of fl !.;; .i.> ,IJ 1 :u,o:a:i:. $5.0 0 . l'olicf.csnon forfcHable and nne011dltlon:ll. by their little sons and da,ughters, and o. 1 unlock a small case from which be took a' the eaath and perpetual night iu another. Sol«! by llllru;:rJ:h:ti;; cvcryv·llerc. Send ()ash Honus ll'aid every tiu-ee yea:H, vigilant watch upon the formidable brute I small article too commonly used now-a-1 But there is no occasion for immediate ten cents m ~tu1111J9 J :w Dr. l'im·ce's Jorge who roamed in the rear of the premises was · diiys. ahum. The rato at which the earth is sup-· Treatiso 011 Dasenacs of Women, illustrated. 1 necessary to ensure the s afety of the childOn his way out he called Kelley, and they , posed to lose time only shorteus the yea.r by World's Disnansar 11 Medical Association, Joint Life Policies. reu. I" 1 1went together to the barn-yard. They were half a second m a century. There are more Though 1~ double rish but one premlum is pa.id 663 Main Street, BUFFALO , N. Y . At last Macdonald's Highland blood was ! not long gone, and very little was said when I than 31,000,000 seconds in a year · thore1 for two people. .A.mount of policy dra wn so stirred at sight of the terro\· in the blue ) they came back about what had been done fore, if the earth ever does cease to 'ievolve on first dee.th. eyes?£ his seven-year -old Meg, that, with , there, but there was a supl?ressed exci~.e- j on its axis, it will be more than 6,000,000,the aid of a stout rope and the sympathy ) ment among the servants which was ccrtam- 000 years before it wi ll stop.-Cooper's Jour· 1nal. RU ions Headache, and connivance of his comrades, he off ,btual- i ly not displeasure. Special Indi~cem.ents to Total Abstainen. 1 · ' An hour or two later Macdonald came up Ui:7.ziue!!s, Coust lpa. y sec'.1red tlie d og f or some h ours dUJ·mg tiol>, :n:ntl i gestio u , the middle of each ea,y. land ltskcd if he could see the master. Kitchen Reforms for This Year ':\and Bilious Attack s, ASl!lt>TS OVEJll t.\5,000,000.' ]\fr. Ferguson was in the city all day1and! "Don't toll him anything," said h is old , . . . , ' , prrnn1>tly cured by D r . 1!.°ioree·s Pleasant INCOME OVEJII $1,000. ooe> very seldom came home to l uncheon, but he · fiieuds in the kitchen, " Let him go in and So.me mdivi~lmtl "".'no h(l,s. pronably sp~nt 1 JP11rgative Pellets. 21' ocmsionally depMted from his general prac- 'I speak his mind. It will do him good." I cons1~erabl.e Lune m the kitchen courtmg ceuts a vrnl. by Dr ugg!Bts. $100,000.00 deposited with the Canadian Govern tice and 011e morning, not long after Bo:-, \!Vorel was brought from the dming-room the. lnred girl, ha,s noted the ma.n y leaka,ges ment for benefit of Ci;;nadian policy holders. had been iguumiuiously deprived of his I that Ma.crlonal d W[l,S to go in, and he en- wluch c.au:e the head of .t he :·im1ly to growl. liberty, he came home unexpectedly while tored the comfortable apai-tment, where I In ma~mg the slate of l~for.m for. the New the men were ·tt their dinner, n,nd dnvrng l Mr Ferguson sat very much at his ease, I ~ ea,r · Just gla,nce over this httle bill of parlNVESTEB IN CANADA. $600,000.00. cmruE RNJHG up the lane, entere<l the y,Li;d where his can- 1with his hat off, it is t rne, b ut with no other II ticulars: . HnAD OF1mm I N CANA.DA:-IvlONTHEAL ine friend was tearing at his rope and ba,rk- '. sign of deference or concilfatiou in bis mM1In c?okmg meats . the water is thro"\\'n I E~ ~wE For particulars refer to ing furiously, wlule his enemies ate and ner His face was very >1lute and stern, . out without removrng the grease, or the · drank in undisturbe<l contentment close at and his voice harsh a,ud broken in its ntter- 1grease from the drippi11-pan is thrown ! .-==---~ JlJ. L. Ll VLNGSTO.NE, hand. i ance. away. I7 GENERAL.A.GENT, Before speaking to any one he l'ele11sed l "Well Macdonald," said the gentleman, Scraps of mea,t are thrown a,way. 'Jt d,i;,. PORT HOPE the dog, who in return be~towed so~e , " What do you want to say to me? " Cold potatoes at·e left to sour and spoil. marks of giatitude a nd affect1011 upon his !\ "Not much, sir," said the Highlander. D ·, 1 f ·t . 1 k ·d f . db : ~ Gr to agenta throughout the county. 48-0a e. liber:i,tor "Tl . t k. cl t d cl I neL 1m s are not oo e a tc1 au e- ~ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _.,___ _ ______ _ T · : h d . le mis rcss was very m o- ay, an \ come wormy 1 hen m extreme anger e tnrne to 11s i am thankful to her but I want to have the · Q:: 1 H LL"'menwithtbebriefqncstion . "Whotlai·ed l clog killed. I WOl;'t be satisfied without I. Vinegar and sauce aro left standing in h§ to tie up the dog ?" th.~t." . . . tm. . . " . j ll>l!..!! 1faedona.ld CMne forward at once, though " The dog is cle"d, Macdonald," said ]us old I . Apples,~ie left to decay for want of sort- (!'j he was pretty well aware of what wou ld 1master. ' 'I shot him myself two h ours ago. mg ovor. I :;\II follow. 1 I wish it had been done soonc1. I was '.i'he tea-cannister is left open. ;:.::. 1 "I did it, sir," si. i id he, with his strong\ wrong to keep him, and I am a,Jmost as sor- I Victuah ate left exposed to be eateu by I )> H1~hfa11cl :::cceut and hesitatiI~g t ongue ~o : ry 11s Y,?u arc, Macdonald, for what has hap- , mice. · =::;o;;;P."Ul ;;hich0.tehc.cai~~So!l~~m,tllyman~ str.i:it. !pe,ne~. . . Bonesofmea,t a,ndthe carca,ss of turkey~ Q My.httleg1rl 'i1,is afr,\1~ to cou;e ~n, with rlns wo.s not what Mactlonalcl ho,d expect-1 are thrmvn aw:ty, when they collld be used , !L'~f _ my dmner, a111~ I ci;nlc ln t bear 1t. sn·. eel, and he felt lns a.uger in eltmg :1~a):'. He in m,Lking goou soups. 1 fllll" "Very well,' said Mr. Ferguson, "go could have been more eloquent 1f 1t had U.. Una.pproached for abou t your· busiuess. You aud your httle t been any use to speak Gt\elic, as it was he ~nga~-, tea, c?ITee and nee are carelessly \ll'fll ..., Tone and Quality. girl can get your clmner elsewhere. Go." f only s'tid, "Good night, sir. I can't expect spilled m handling. 1~· he repeated, as the man made a plead-1 any more." Soup is left to dissolve and wa ste in t he 1,. 1 'd th t . th 1 ]J! Cparu..1,on CATALOGUES FREE. 1 1n · "f to n,sk a lrnarmg · f 01· h' Ah 'd , wat or. t.> l SLle ony c wor, , a mg gtstu1 e, as 1 ts s e t.urnedto go outMr. F·~rgusou sa1 will do what w ollmned for it. It hi.ts produced unrea.ay speech. " There's no more work ! "Good mght, Macdouald, and ii you cho?se Dish-towls are used for dish-cloths. luxuriant growt.hs of hair on bald heads where for you here" I to come back to work on Monday mormng N k" d f l' ht l baldness h·s cxrnted for ye11re. It has restored · 'J ! ' l'oor Macdonald was not fluent as I have ' vour place 1s reacly for you You shall have j ap ·ms are u se or c ls · owe s. I the color ancl yigor to numerourJ crop·i of gray 'd d "f h I db l ·f ' Id ' d ll Towels a,re used fo ·· holders and fod<'d hair. It has xehev1> d 1rnnd1eds of · . ld· 1 1 1 1 unti t 1e o u sa1 , an i e Ht een t mt g1 t won not an extra o ar a wee<: is per: ens of ·lisagreeable Diuidrnff !tnd hn s a1>ved TE ! have served. him now, so he gathered up his t well." . Brooms and mops are 11ot h ung up. m1rny :-.1hen hmr was fallmg, from beeommg few belougrngs and went ont of the gate 1 M eg wu,s kmdly cared for and ~ot well More coal is burned than necessary by 1ba~ 1, b th f t d "f h · · "tila Iieavy l mart for h e I'new 1 ancl st rong agam,. b ut tl1e a dd't " J lf7 not arrangmg . ·= .emem erbecommg ese ac thrn, e a.n got 1 your auat xs h omeward s Wl. Ill ' i iona wee' dampers when not using the I falllPg out and a bottle 1 · · !!hi ' that he was losmg a good place where wages · dollar was not withclmwn from her fathers fire. 1once and save th e gi·owth, or you may losA it were sure and punctually paid. ' wa.ges. L' ht8 ft b . h t d :forever. Aak your clru1>:grnt for HAIR MAGIC 1\,facdonald had ·1 good character and was '! vVe are told that Nero had one friend who ig are 1e urumgw en no nsc · and t>i,lrn notl1 ing elso. VETERINARY SURGEON, not long idle, but' men were plenty at that , secretly strewed flowers upon h is tomb , but ~'in dishes are not properly cleanecd and )ro~io?OHENWEND, Sole J\fanuructurcr, 'l'o· time, auditwasaweek ormorebefore he I neverheardofamemorial wreath being dried. l ·:11JT"'1,,.,lrl't\TITTJA(l>'ll'JIArl1'tll "'- i.<tflll'!lT i.; ' obtained such w o1·k as he wa,s fitted for. f placed upon the grave of "Boz," al though I Good new brooms are used in scrubbing AW ltJ. 'I o u A .tlll.if.11 ll'4'· ~'U'J.'il ' S:onorary Grad nate of Ontario V eterinai'Y I T hese weie hard <l,1ys in the. poor. man's h is ma,ster did give him decent burial. kitchen floors. AGENTS J·OR BowM.'>NVILLE. College, will att end t o a ll diseases ho111e. He h ad a good and thnfty wife but SilYer spoons are used m scmping kettles. of domestie a ni mals . there we.r e half-a dozen small months to Cream is left to mold ands oil. _ _ _ feed, besides a sturdy baby clamourmg for She Gnawed. . . . P his own particular faie. Mustarcl is left to spoil m the cmse, eto. 0 His new empl oyer ha,d a large nursery , . ·: Tiil!n~~ ie~~e;~{~ s~~~ !h~~~~~t~bin Vinegm· is left to stand. until the Yeasel 1 garden an d greenhouses, and these were sit- I m 1 ie/~rc e, b de~ Y k t cl e I becomes 0orroded and sp01led. j 0 A S PE CI AL T Y. uated hut a short distfmce from Beechwood. 1~~~sle °w a fia t empe~ wdas · ep dun er. Pickles become spoiled by the leaking out . I cl 1 . 1 " ien 1 was rs rnarne , a goo many . . I h 1 1 · t t . th _ __ , n eec, you ac on) o urn e upper cor · 1 I t· d th t I ·f ot 1 or ev.tporat10n of the vmegar · b 'I t 1 h l ucr of the lane into the main roH d which years sgo, no ice . a w !en my WI e g 0 a 11s an d 0 r·ders Y ma1 or e egrap , 1 d t ~,,. "" , f t d .1 : anirl'y she never smd a.nythmir, but at once l'ork spmls for want of salt, and beef be- ! t e pas m.r "er!.'U"OO s ron 0 r>ronn s auu · ~ ~ I ·11 · w i recmvo prnmpt atten tion. f l d d d, b disappearecl into t he cellar. One clay I fol-1 co,uso the brine wants scalding. 1 tho gard ens lay a " ow mn re yar s ed h d t .1 tl · k l . M C HAP.Gl!:S ODER.A.TE. · l d. I 1owe er, an W 1ia uo you 1m s ie was Hams become taiuted ui Jilled with ver 0 F F I C E Il 0 UR S , 8 TO 10 A. M . yoSo ·MaclloJMlcl came u p t he lane as usu:11 I doing?" . . min for want of care. I to his work, and little Meg trudged up " Praymg .A ftret·clesa stock of Medicines always Sh ·'" su11gested " . one· t th t Cheese mol ds and is eaten by mice and 1 " N on hand. daily w ith his diuuer ; h er small heart in 1 e w~s gnMvmg a pos a sup- vermin. 1 N. B .-Will visit W illiamsburg every something o.f a flutter ~s she neared the , po~;tA~~e i~oc~s :~d her?" from several' Tea. and coffee pots are injured on the ~ ontinue~1 to do a General Banking Buslne.ee Saturd a,y of e~cl:i week. 16-ly I top, bu t still much relieved t lmt she had " \"' .t t'l h Al1 ·t . stove I "11lo wmanvillu Hranch. ' i_ revives I . i not to enter t he dreaded gates within which 1 ·v ai un i you ear. . . l J) ~·' lif'l'!J:i§ lrlf~ \ "Boz .· resided. I sad memories," murmured the qmet man. 1 Woocleuware 1s unscalded and left to "' "' i;DZ:ll<ll!tli!i'Mtiifill1t·IH!4llliM!!ll!!CAm...............!lll'A'll In the meantime thcie was somethina \" One day she. girnwed the post tluough and warp and crack. '\eoelved in Saving-A B:i.nk Depa.rlmall1 8,>it\ 1 . . d fl' . ·B h » the house fell into the cellar." 1r,Jl 11n1 l interest 111lovred at eo1Ten L ra.t efl. ' o 1 e out. oor a ans av eec woo1. 1 : " li. · ,,, f. totlc11 of withdr1.1.wal ueoessa.ry. All d.ipof.11!~ . cl h . th 1 amissmt 1 1 b 11: 10 . cr litn e ~~uns ! Many things went wrong which had gono I h , n cf i om a. The Dog's Grave. ;myable on dem1u1d. · tll gh h tl ff ohl cl , c orus o voices s1mu a,neous y. v v ,,., iua 'li. \'&! ,.- q p ;smoo iy enou wen re lb an er s "No," heansweredmockly;thenheadd-1 Softlfestheturfonthosewholindtheirrest JiCLl~. 'i'J.il.11/!Z.Hl'!l>i~) I sh arp, honest eye was about the rroperty ; cl . t " d . "Sh I d Hera on OU! common mothe1'sa.mple breast, for , although 110 special authority over the e lilt. u·e ,voice, e ias never guawe Unstarned by meanness,'" tmce a.nd pride, 3o1.Phta.nc1 sold a.ndDrafi,a issued upon Eu1 O:>·' other hands had been given him, Mr. F er- a ~os smit' t · · 1 1~·%1~;~0~:~~1~t~~~~~:r11a0:;h:r,1 ;;,~~c~~~:~i~. J~ff:g ~~r~~ t~~e~11,~~i~·:~~~Ki~r;.;~i~~f~.a.t d r guson had tacitly relied upon the man's J ympa le ic si,ence. No bu rnmg alcohol, no sttfli11g smoke, 1 1 1· 1 tll10 1 11 · t d anv,ti t o a· 1 _ ,»· ,.'ll:.."'. 1 ,,1.~,~i., ·P 'l!l°'"·"" !'~r "".·_·· l c1 l .d 11otrnow11sva_ue l tWort1,anc nn1 '1e1·J1eer11111g-t1e 1spaoe, ·""W!l.u ,v .>11.·'""·'"""' 1e COS' 1 ~missed him. They mn, but no1 ·e1 het.ted tm a r'tce; A Ve1·y Thoughtful Hueho,nd, Co11trnt with ha1utle·s ·ports 1md moderate food, l Pr ompth nu.de at curreu t r1tter. upon all pi<r , l One day, cleo,n, 1 .icly little Meg tiotted up I llounuless tn 10\e, anrl !tu th, o.11tl ;:rat1tudc. Gres,t" Br.tram, the United bt&l,Cla Pllll Do !r the lan() with her Daddy's dinner wl1en it Snuth- " Its gettmg late ; I mus,~ go, ! Happy the 1uan, if there be any such, rninion 0 ;c"'na<lf,. J. unforturni.tely happened that her old foe 1for I am expected to.be a t home now. . Of whom hi· epitaph can ""Y as much. ~ ~ '1n~~Ci,~!l'.':l!.~i1cll. '"- l'!'~Ml.~u1~;.ll'!'. was stanclinn- in the orcn ga tewity she was 1 I J ones-" Don't be in a Imrry. Y our wife ' a.bouttopas~. 1told my wife this morning thl1t she was D t M&tl aforlargeor small :mmil on all purtB (; t 1 l . t ·1 . t th t d ld uy1ng a ~resen. ,Cau ·~cla. 'i'h!!! is e 0 1iecrn.!Jy ~'l \'lbl! tl!!!,6U\JS to ., 1 · He was in a wori;e moocl t.ian nsua. I gomg cu .1 111 es ;n o e coun ~~'an wou ' . . " ~raons livi111r in Munitobn or tlw NoxL h ·west Perhapshewa,s lrnngry,anclkuewthittMeg 1st:i,yt\llmgt.t,nthher mot her. " Youn1, lady(m,?ook store)- A volune ~alt'nM,estheftrnu:rn.\alfilV·catonve at. ~be - 5 carried a remcdv for tlrnt grievance. ! Smith- " 'fhen I must go at once. of po~t1y, plea,~e. jp1ace of v R:-m 0r.t. At a,ll events· he spraug u:pon t h e child Jones-;;' 'Vhat's the use? W ho will exy'~'t'. es, mLa'da,m. "]0~1j-wlhdat .~nthor r th" " For f1iri.l101 part<o11.lm·&oall at the l~&nk!nJ.l · · ·) with a rush that took her off her feet in an ! pect you? onng a y i, on care any m., Houn~. Newspaper> Adv.,,rtis ing Bureau, instant, and RS soon as he ha,d her down,! Snuth-" The hired girl. She gets very acou.t the. aubhor, but, the cover must_llM· j P, BR01; rn, rrno. 111:ccr:_.J,, sernP.d upon the upper part of her right leg lonesorne when my wife and I are both mdm~e '~1~h ~'cherry parlor table with a A'lCOIJJltant, M1m~1 er 10 Spruce St, New York. 1 Send iOcte. for tOO.,P~lJe> Pamphlet. 1 in his savage teeth, tearing out the tender away." ·e P us op. l ·v YOUNG F OLKS. Invalids ·11~tel §Surgical In stitute f IELD Ott: I I !""""""' fi£L!GATE L I . I I ! I I j M I L L I N E RY I LV rr l ! I I F · p I nr uu mauru J.l LIFE ASSU RANGE co., BRITIS EMPIRL.I. I· ,, l . I I . . pn1cr: I no I I I I Dr DQR N ND'S < .. ... BE l I a S G R AN ueIph 011t G I I I Irl.«'f' I I . 0 ,. BELL &Co F A J 0~t s · · I I I I ENNISKIL L E N I I I_ · I JI"'" Operations & D ent istry . !, . . I I . . · °· 1 THE ON'I'1lRIO BANK I l i I ADVERT I SERC. can learn t l exact- .; :) t I of any proposed line of 1 I . . papers by actareSSlUCf I Geo p Rowell & Co · . · · · ,\ a clvert 1s1ng in f-\.mencan I f I I I I ,. . \.J! "'"' ., , B . ·

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