Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1886, p. 6

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YOUNG AND MIDDLE-ACED MEN. the cabin of the Coquette, while bent upon Hutchins did not move. his phmdc1ing expedition Emrong poor Cap"T1y toronse yourself a little. Here 1s' t!!.in :M:ocqucb's lockers. a basket, I ~ay, which ha.a been bi ought by a The attitude, t oo, of the young girl was young girl." OR, the same ; and a.round her waist hung the The light had got very dim in the hut and F'RlDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1886. same bit of edgmg to her night-dress, which Captain Morton could not very w ell see that I he had noticed when her arm was out- awful look of another world which was now I stretched to open the smnlar little slidmg on t he face of t he dytng man. It was only STANDA.HJ) !11.EDICAL " ' ORK J<"'OK doot on board the lugger, m a faint whisper tho,t he could speak. Tim M osT FASCINATING OcxAN Ro:MANC:£ SrncE THE DAYS o:r The l a.ntc1n- by wluch Capto.in Dolan "Come-comc---eome !' COOPER ANJ!I i\'!ARYATT, couldsee now wellabo11th·mmthecabm- 1 "Where? Who.t'" ,, Only $1 IJy MaU, 1·ost1m1tl. sent ,, full my thrnugh a hole in the sitle, "Nearer--near er Come 1 llLlJSTltllTI \'E Silll'Ll:IS nu;J<: NO ALL. ' run on any rocks. That's the thiug to clo. upon th c f ace au d f orm-pai.ia _.. 1 1y n smg · "Yes " from a common Blotclt, or .!Erupt1011, CHAPTER XIT. "I · . I 1 It's dec1dedlv l(Ood" froni the ])erth~f i\"arie. 'rhe i·esemblonce I -am-gorng n ow! see the light. t o the woist Scrol ula. Salt- rluiun1, THE G:uoeiT THA'l! P~IU.LYZlllD THll! PIRA'.l'E ~ ·1 " G d f f d "Fever- sore'il." Scaly or Rough Skh1, These last words applied to another to the hist occas10n on which he had seen o I , it is 1ure<1 anc1 ear 111 ! an yet-- in short, nil d1so.1soa caused by bad blood are Geraldhadnotknownhowthecatastrophe draught of the biaudy. hei was veiy complete yet--' conquered by this po"l'iei1ul, pnrifymg, and to tile boat of the Sprny had been brought Dolan, then holdrng by the tt\ble in his The confu~wn of his mtellect was npicl ·'Yet what? ~nci:~0{~~~f/l1~~:1c~f~ilo:\r:~~~~tW1%e~c!i~ about--or, pethap3 , he would h ave shrunk aabm, glaxed about him with a ferocity of ancl com·)let e ; and ho could do nothmg rrnt "I hear soft voices p rayi ng, a nd they Especially has 1t manifested its potenif, in . ttle fr·om Ben Bowlme, who had been the expression peenIiarJy h is own o.ncl t itonghts still kneel ' by the to.ble, and glare at what u tter my name--eveu my sin f ul no,rnc !" "" ~ asJ' ' D o ii s, ·arli currng 'I'e tt e r , ·aose ..... ' ver of i ' t. He would not h ave been o f murd er camemt o lllS mmd btt11 c lclll' So··c COiltri he couldcons1der tobenothmg else t han the "Be comfo1tod ." · Eyes 'i Sc··ofnlons Sor"· ·v~ 't bl t t t 0 B ' views and h I and Swelli1tKs, I [ 1··.Toint Disease, qui ea e o en er m ens . "I don't see," he muttered, "w Y appant10n before him "Hush! hush! husli !" ~Vbitc s'vcll1ngs, Goitre, or '.l'llic.k A Great J Uecllcnl l'l' ork On !llanlloocl. ideas as to how far you may carry a prmci should be troubled inth Mocqnet, as I shall How was it possible to he other than a Captam Morton was silent; and as the ~~~fnn~~~~·~~;·'iel~rg~\~!~1i:~. ~~ ~ 18 1 'tn1 ·tv, Nervous and Physical plo of self defense. li'ght slo,vly ·vc·11ed w~ y , w ncl got di'1n1ne1· ored Pla t cs, on SInn D iscases1 or tl10 same Exha\lsted Vl u 1 · But it was an unmense relief to Gerald to be troubled. th b tt The f ilooner I'T he '11 out of h my superuatmal bemg who now met lus eyes ' ~ w J)ebil1ty. Prem1ituro Decline m Man. Errors v;ay e e er or me :ie Wl go on s ore Theie was the girl whom he had met in and dunmer ho could hear the breatlun" S amount fora treatise on Sciofn ousAIIect1ons. of Youtb. and the untold nnsenes resulting be able to leavC> the deck. else, ancl there wtll be no end of bothe r. I the cabm of the Coc1uette-whom he could of the smug'glor o " TOW fam te1. 'When the "'i'HE BLOOD IS THE L I FE.'t from mdiscretlon or exce9ses. A book for llen had r eleased him f1om the 'i" <ral! and am liere w1tlr 1nm- h e1 e a1one, exccpt tlio have sworn he saw "0 cleunso it b{i using D r . Pierce'· ~ uown wi th the French 1.ly1ng tnan ·pok e a0,,ai ' 11, it was 1 '11 a lo·w, Thoroughly Id 0 every man, young, middle-aged an d oJd · It put the handkerchief in h is ownpoc.Ket, o.ml b l Id 't th b t ' ~ Go en ll:eo di <·aI D scovery, an d goo d cont ains 125 11 reacriptlons for all acute and oy, anc on care w 1 ta e says or w a l ugger. There she was, lookm" JUst as she faint whtsper 1 digestion, a fair sltillt, lm O) ant spir· chronic diseases, each one of whteh is lnvalua- when Gem.Id xeti.checl the state cabin of the he sees. I w1l h ave !um hunu ; and Su did ; she uttered the same wora's, t oo; and "Did you say a basket-a g ir l ?" U s, vital i;trcngt11, anu soundnc111s of blo. So found by Author. whoso experience Rift, as 1t was cttlled, he was at once rece1v- Thoma3 Clifford, the adnnral of tho iwrt, there was the little flut ter mg !,ice that hung 1 "Yes. " constituUou, will be established. for 25yearn is such as probably ne ve r before edin t h e a.rms of Captain Mocquet, who, shall see that even handed JUSttee is done; by her waist. He h:i.d happ<mcdparticular th fa1 'r h ai " r, and so sweet a look-" fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, w hile, he rubbed the region of his stomach, d tl I II 't I l 1 tt h st h n 1 bovnd m beautiful French muslin, embossed an ien wi wi i e 1 ma e er--o · ic l y to notice that "I saw that she was fair, and vei y love' 1 a lotter 1 Ho. ha '-such a letter! Oh, ivhat Yon might have counteu twenty slowly, ly." which ta Scrolnlous Disease or tile covers, full gilt, gu:i.ranteed to be 11fl 11er. wm)i: exclaimed: "ei1se than any other work soltl 111 tins "Sa,·re, mon ·tni ' · I shall call one mar1 tt tl t 'II b 1 1::r 1 I 1 Oh t J 1 D d m e vei Y v '" a e er 18' WI e :ia Ill. · · ia · while olan. with parted lips an starmg " Goel 1 God 1" Lung,., is prompt ly and certmn ly nri·ested country for $2.50, OI the moneyw1ll be riiundef tal -wha t you s11>y- du el that Monsieur ha ! Good gracious 1" eyes reu-.uded the fait unage befm e hun. "Some neiglibor's cltt'ld ?" and cmed by tlna God-gn-cn i cmedy, if tuken lneverymatance. Prteeonly:Slbyma ,pos- Jackson. Idonothkede box." D0 l l k dl' lf ·th tho ' 0 bcforetholaststngesot t he d1seascmerenched. ' · baid, Illnstrattves earnple free to any body. "What box?" said Gerald an very near c to e nmse wi ,mu then the :i.gony of Ins fear , w~uch else vV1th a wntlung movement, t he smuggler l < iom its wondeit ul power over tills terribly Send now. Gold medal awarded tha author by 8tramed laught c1 that ca.me over lum at th e w ould have killed him, found vent ma h owl lapprnacbecl close to Captam Morton; and in I fnt al cl1sease, when first oll'crmg this now eel· the National Medical .A.ssociu.t10n to the Pred"Dis box," replied :M:oc4uet, as he dealt idea of ,vhat a lctte1· he would send to Ad- of fn ,,.ht that echoed throu" h the ship " otrarJge spasinodie W"Y he \V hr"sr)ercd to ebrntod iemedy to tho public, Dr l'IERCll s1dent of wb1ch. the Hon. P.A. Btsse11·an Gerald a feeble blow in the stom ach. · s· Th CJ'ff. d IL io k l' R "f ll ° h b k H w." · ~ · thought seuousl} ' of calling Jt llls "Coll· associate officers of the Board the reader is " Oh t I understand. Maue--how is poor mn ,\ 1 ~ lI omas I o1 d. I h ol knmd e e comp1ete1y oyer on is ac c him : sunq>tion C·n e," but nbandoned thnt nurne 0 00 some tune to rccovoi , an t len e yelled ag.un, and shucl,cd fetJ.t folly. He "That was the child that was saved from ns too limited for 11 medlcmc w hich, from l ts respectfully refferred. The Science o! Lire Is worth more to the dear Marie?" at the paoel that would slide back and open r olleel to his knees agmn. H e sh ugglcd the wreck of the Sarah Ann Her clot hes wonderful combmatlon of tome, or strenll'then"She sleep like one mouton; that is, small t th b t i l d' f tl b h' lf I f ' ' · moo, nlternt1ve, ot blood-cJcansrng, nntl-b1llous, young and middle-aged m en of this generac10n ehan all the gold mines of Caltf~rma and the -what vou call him ?-huub." a way 0 e eJ 1 ea mg mm ie ca 111' a way so us oet. were ma1ked with the n a me of Grace Mor pcct or1tl,undnutut1vopropert lcs, lsunequaled, silver mines of Nevada combmed-- S. F. , and the deadly hyeiM hke ul areflashed from "Help-help I H ave mercv upon me? ton 1" not only 1t6 a tollled' for consumption of t he 1 "·where fa h o 2 I will have h im C up -1 h is ' eyes agam · !111d h e p l ungecl Ins · h and m Ben, :Martm I Oh, s,ave me I" , Chronicle. . C· ptai'n "..-or ton cri"ecl out " lotid . lungs, but foi· all J The Science of T..ife points out the rocks and will h ave him '"roar ed the voice of aptam th b t f1 · 1 1 ·d " iu " e r eas !llS app:ue as te sa1 : H e reached . t he imtchway on his h ands "My ch1 lcl-1ny own-111y little or1e ! 0 qmcksands on which thecon3t1tut 10n an dhopes . Dolan at this momen t, and there was a scuf "C t 0 """ t t C t M t 1I ::i. of many a younl{ man have been fa1tally flin~noise at the hatchway. ap am mocque ap am " o cque and knees; still yellmg for a1d or mercy he H eaven! My dMlmg- my Grace!" OF THE wrecked.- Manchester M~rr01·. want you, if you please I know pcifcctly r eu,ched the deck and fcll mto the arms of "You-you-yott tlic f,·ther-" value than " olan 1" said Gerald. 11 J e a ·1 I wa11t yott , "Lpta1n The Science Of Life iA of "reater .., we ' '-'· t1 1e ten1 fi e d ciew, who, h earmg sueh yell , "I anr-1 aiu 1 ] llave coine fr·oin afai all the mcd1onl wo1ko pubJ.shed 1n tbrncountry " Sacre'" said Captam Mocquet. M w iere t !" you a1 nu tor t he vast 50 years.- Atzanta Oonstitution. "He shall vet; oome on deck. He shall ocque "11 cl shouts fr om t he cabm, luLcl ma oe a rttsh over the se!L to seek for n ews of th is little '!'he Scienco of Lito 1 s a superb aud masterly , t I" There was no I eJlly to th"' lrn,tchw:i,y to asce1 tttm the cause one I (' 1\,r I h 1 you spea k treatise on nervous and phystcal debility.- yet foe on the schoouor 1 ave sworn 1 "Oh, you won't spc,tk. You v.on't come am ,;;\p tam ·no1ton, anc 1 Jf you feel d11JI, dro,vsy, debilitated, have Detroit l?»ce Press. He comes I" said Gerald, fomtl y . "An- out ancl sec yotu old fucnd, who h as trnus l of ,1{1,~ clnld i ,, sallow color of sk m, or yallo" 1sh-br own spots CHAPTER XV. l Ihan k- than" C ~d ! _ . on fuco or b o dJ, flequent headuche or dlzzt· 'l'h"'1e is no member of eo01ety to whom the other stru"gle with thatman ! Oh, heaven, acted busmess with you for 80 long Well, ness. bad taste Jn rnouth, mternnl heat or chllls1 Science of Lile will not ..be usefnl, whether direct me"' Is h e indeed or is he not my per·baps \Ve will find some W!LY of makmg I Boom 1 came th e t l·nnder of a gun at sea, alternatmg with hot fln8hes. low sp1r1ts anu youth. parent, gou11.rd111.n. mstructor or clergy· f a thor ,,, ' ' ' IT HE A~fl-IUCAN C APTAIN CA'.l'CHES A. GLIMPSE ' 1 ft ed . man - A.roonaut. . · you Captain :JVIocquet.' and ti1e sp11i t o f t i11:! smugger . gloomy borebodmgs, n1egulEu: appetite, and Address the Peabodv Medical Jnqt1tnto, or " Holcl, Captain Dolan !" was now heanl Tiie silence was still unhrnken. OF Hrs Los'I DAr<>HTi>R "SpeaL again - oh, speak agMn !" cned coated t ong11e, you me suffe1mg from Indi· Dr. · w. H. Parker, No. !l Bulfinch Stieet,Boston I in the voice of Ben Bowlme. " We don't " ~l t d t h 1 1 ( apta rn Mor ton. "vVhere lS she? ' Vhero gostiontDY!!l·ep!!ia, uud '.l'orpid Liver, Mass who may be consulteOO. on all diseases b 1. .,_ ,, ~ r, you ptc en e as eep- you auc Once more we ta'~e our way t o that httle 1 Ji 1 · Ol1 t 11 d or "!Bil J ousness. " ln many coses only 1 ' c pm t of theso symptoms are experienced As requirinu skill and experience Chrome and e 1 ,ev,e 10 1 · , . . Gerald You n1e perhaps tlnnknw t hat b 1 t 0 I] J h l t i l ras s.ie ec me 1 · 0 ne wot "Linate"' diseases that have baffled tLe slnll ' You- don t--believ&---1.t 1 And pray, b l f "' h >ettc 1 ' on w ic 1 now l <l at vaucmg only one woi d I" a i omedy foi· all such cases, Dr. Pio1·co'· Ob" S h b you will resist me-th,it ot1 o you ave jttde was sm<nng aml list eu t o the worrls- 1 All t 11 Tl f I f b G o l den Diedical Discovery has no of all other 11hystcians a spoc1alty, uc fl Ben Bowlme, what is it that you don't e- got into a sort of citadel, where you ate hid, few no'w anl'fo1u'~which were falhna frnm f th was s I t tole rant :c appebals o lt dc equal. . tak treated successfully without an mstance 0 heve ?" y ll fi 1 C t "' 1 a er we1 c pu an msensi e c o . 1 ]!' or "\Vealr L u ngs, Spf tth1g of Blood, """'h t Ger·"ld wrote to the port adou wi nc yourse ves nus en. <LP am,, the lips of the dyma smuggler. Captam Tl th 11 . h C t . M to failure. Mention S'l'ATESMAN, Bowman ville. Ontarw. 17 y. . -'- a ~ Mocquct I say ,,, M t d t t d . 1 1en, w1 a w1 c rus , ap am £ or n Sl101"t11es"' or Breath, Brouehitia1 mu'l.l." ' . o1 on was so eep y rn eres e m ev~ry- lficw from the hut, and ciicd a loud . Sove1·c Coughs, Consu1n1>tio11, nna Dolan thought he heard a slight move- thmg th.it hatl been utte1ed by Hut chms, " Urace--Orace 1 my chil d 1 my own dar- kmd1cd affection,, 1t is a soveie1g·n iemedy. " In deed!" Send ten cents 111 stam pa for Dr Pierce's " Oh, that's all very well. Captain Do- ment on the other side cf the panel and he rn telatrnn to the chilcl that had been saved Iling! I t is your own fathei calls you- book on Consumpt10n. Sohl by Drugglsta. lan, but l\fortm and I don't belieYe." dtopped on hrs knees by the table and too~ 1fiom the wteck of t he Samh A nn, that t he jyour p oor suflering father! Gr ace- my OR 6 DOT'l'LES "Martm and you arc two mutinous r as- a pistol w ith t> long, bught barrel from ~1s 1knock at the door o.f tho hut had ~o be r e- own dc!Lr one! m~ own h ttle one !-do you · 1 .1·on $a.oo. cals and I will speak to both of you another breast and leveled it over the table, shuttlllg peated before he paid attcut10n t o it . not hear me 'i Grace ! Grace ! Winth er tune. I suppose, though, I may he permit- one e~e, as he thou!l:~1t, very slowly, so a.s J 'f hc dymg man heo.ru 1t, however: Iho.ve you fie~,, Yom father ca.lls you, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, ted to go mto my own cabin ?" to take good a nn ,,t Captam Mocquet when 1 It had all the eflect upon lurn of a sum- 1hold you to h is heart for ever and f01ever !" P1oprlot01s, 663 Mam St., IlUl'FALO, N. Y. "v'Veil as to that--" he should make !us appcaJ. anoe. mons to the grave. \ V1th such shouts and cries Captain Mor "Oh, ;nuch obliged to you- ha! ha I"A1e you ~ommg ? A.re you corni~g, With a loud cr y, he spr.tngup toa sittm.g iton !led along the be!Lch and up the irnr row much obligccl ,,, my dear C~ptam Mocc1uet . I am wattlllg posture m his bed; and holchng out Ins pat hway that led to the town and the fish The rapid sound of Gaptarn Dolan's de- for you '.[here is no dm1ger- not a bit-- arms before h im, as though h e would ward ermen ,md. then wives v. ho h ad retired t o \~~ce"'s LITTLE sccndmg footsteps came flamly upon the not a bit. ' Yet, sto?; I w~nt to aay some· lso~~ethmg ~ff, he shn eked out: ' r est, mut tered prayer~ as they heard the "\ e as a:n'\ LIVER ears of Gerald and of Capt..1.m Mocquet. thmg to ) ou. I "as nearly fo1gettmgNo, no' not yet- not :yet-oh, not yet !frantic crtes and the r a pid foot steps. u~ ~a\. \'1 G · Use F. LAZ,\RUS' (late of the firm of La;m.r· The l atter seized upon Gerald . and fling- very neai ly forgettmg vVill you give m e I cannot go ; I know you ! Oh, spare me It JS Iona now smce we have set foot e~\.e"t.s PILLS. &~a~s:~rr{~Ji\.~:~~r:.,e~e~fr~tX~;~o~kf. I mg open the 8lidmg door of th~ littl~ berth that order for the twenty thousand francs ' yet--for the lo\ e of Heaven, and of H ea Iwithin the"'preci11cts of that sea a irt house never tire the eye, and last many years with· where Mane slept, he dragged him m with Eh? V>'ill you give me t h'Lt and then I will ven's merny, spare me yet ! Lot me have where first we dcscned the y~mg g1rl 11~ ANTI-BILIOUS and ()ATHARTIC. out chv.nge. For eale by Kenner & Co. Bow· hmi and abruotly closed it. tell you where your ltttlc daughter is ' 1 tune to repent. Oh, not yet 1 I know you I conversation with the old sailor who had Sold by Druggisls. 25 cents a vml. ma11v1l~e_ . - - - - - - - ------ - __61f. It was i..t 'that moment Captain Dolan Good, tha.t ' I will tell him where his little - I know you too well '" charg e of the beacon ot the cl~ll, as de18 reached tho cabin. dm:ghter ancl then he cai:, ho.ve no com"vVho is it'/" said Uap t.ii n Morton. scribed in the first ch apt er of tlus veritable All was d;;rkncss plamt agarnsL me H a, ha !. "Death-det\th ,,, histor y. is offered by the proprletore Commg out of the famt night·lightDol an was JUSt under the mfluen?e of the "Nay-you a re deceiving yourself." vVe now return to t hat myst erious place. of Dr. Sage's Cat urrh R emedy which, after o.11, is ever a sort of light m the ardent sptnts he had taken sufficiently to "No; it is d eath- death!" Joseph o.nd the young girl are no lon~e1 !VETERINARY SURGEOft, for a case of caturrh which they op en o.ir, and gleaming frnm the smface of have lost his discretion, and to utter al oud 1 "Death does not come rn a matenal f01m. on the top the cliff. They occupy a. posit10n cannot cure. ~ If you have a discharge from the sea--the d.Ltlmess of the cabin of the 1118 s~cret thoughts, as well as those which Compooe yourself and h ope for the b est. on o. sort of pl<tteau, about halfw~~y down ~ 1he nose, otrerrnne or other· Rift wtts somethmg very impenetrable and he. wished to keep to hunself ; so t hat Cap· Yon may still seek for merny where mercy t he face of i t, and t hey are both lookm" out "1so, pm trnl loss of smell, taste, profound to Captal.n Dolan ; and he p ,Lnsed tam Mocguct and Gerald, by both hstem!lg is infinite. " to t he sea. "' or hem Jn'", weak eyes, dull pam on the tluesholc l as a man mtght p ause on attentivel y, h eard much that otherwise "VV1th a deep sigh the smuggler fell back "Come, com e, Miss (ltace," said Joseph, or pressure m bend, you h ave Catarrh. Thou· 1 the br m k of a woll they could only lrnve fam t ly gu essed t\t. upon lns miserable bed :.m d said faint ly: " I advrne yoa for the best. You w111 h ave sands of cases t e1mmate rn consumption. \. Dr. Sage's CATA rum IlE ~IEDY cures L'<1;1 ";. rt Helmll b een veiy much brnised by his 1heydHlboth llstenmostsilently. "Yes-yes." i\lhs vVagner commg after you soon, .i nd cases of (Jatarrii. "!Dold in n1e Heaa<1" fall down the forecastle hatch As no bones Mane slept. C11ptam Morton went to the door, which , you know h er." and Catarrhal Headache. 60 cents. J we10 broken, he hacl managed to crawl up, It was, strange what a ~eep ~lumber ha~ at the reque~t of .the uyi11g man had been J "I do know her, Joseph; bu t I know that 1 with such an accession of sava.geneas a nd come ovet the young gn l ·but i t ~as, p er- closed, 111though it could easil y have been I am no longer a little clu ld." I , rngc about his h ea1t and hram that he was haps, to be accounted for by the fatigue con opened from without The cap tam flung it J "Well, no more you are, mi·s, if it com es capable of any act of crnel ty and oppres- sequent upon the brief cessa,twn of the Oldl· open, saym g, as he did so. 1 to t h<tt, b ut you know th. · t yom father - " CO N CERNIN G sion. muy cur rent of hfe, w~en sh e was all b,ut "\Vho is there?" "I will not c,Lll him fat her, J oseph." The crew of the Rift he dared not, he drowned, aft er the smkmg of the Co- I There was no reply from the person seek ""Vell, well, miss, dou't then; and I well knew, rnise a finger against; so his que,tte. . .· . mg adn11ss1on to the boa t -house ; but by can't say he's much of a father i;o you. first idea was to make Gerald feel the Cettam 1" is t_hat she slept soundl y- the dim, very drm ligh t , Captain Morton What mak es you shake so, M iss Grace, to. weight of his vengeance. nei ther t_he confuston upon the deck of the could see that 1t was a young "'lrl with a ~ mght ? You don 't seem ltke yourself." Honorary Graduate of the Ontario eterinary " H1lloa !" h e said; " hiiloa !" Rift~ n oi the fi.rm g- hoth from i t and from s~,1wl placed over h er h<'-:;1cl and pmned or I "I hardly k now, Joseph." ....:' College, 'l'oronto. R egistered member or the There Wf1S no reply. the Spray-nm the strnfiglc tlMt hacl taken tiod be11Mth her chm, wlnle the long ends "'Vby , now you aie cr yrng." '"'l.o. Ontario Vetermary Association, in accordance " Gerald, I sv.y !" pl,Lce with Gerald, when no w~s for cecl upon hung down over h er shoulders. " I k now I a m. I don t mmcl telling you. II:: with the 'Veterinary Act, No answer. the dec.k, had sufficed to awaken her. I " 'Who a1 e yon ?" he said again. " 'Vhom I went, as vou know, in the boat to Hutchins' .:::::; Ia prepared to treat all diseases of the Dom· ll t h l le 1 , ,.,,. 1 ad a sor t 0 f con seek yon here, my gh 1 ·' estic Animals, according to the latest theories. "Skulking, eh 2 Oh, we will soon put an . u m er s eep 8 i cottage a little t une tL"O. " ... All calls personally, by Telegiaph or 'l'ele· end to that--oh, very soon 1 :::ltop a bit , M oc- sctouaness of that latter t umult. "Jabez " "Yes nuss · and ~om rowed you along llJ phone will r<1~eive prom11t attention. quet, hillon ! Captain Mocquet, holloa, 1'he young gn l h~d m?anerl sad ly when "Who is J ahez ?" the littl~ bit of coast, didn't he ?" 'tr.~'i~~:.;;-~~~~.St., Orono, one door north of boy 1,, ~he Iamt echoes of Ge1 alcl s v01ce came to he1 "Hutchins, sn ,, " H e did. I went to tak e him the little (!J 11 CHARGES MODERATE, All was still. ~ he: dreams; and sh e muttered som e few "He is very ill- dying, I think- and can - , basket of things that l a lways t ake him - - - - -- "So you won' t speak, either ! N o doubt mat h culate worcts . a nd her eyelashes had not see any one. You come frnm some of once a w eek. " you are both agr eed on that. But who knows become ch en chcd with tears. the cottages, I suppose?" TO BE CON rm ll'ED wewon't finclawayto makeyoubothspeak? Butthenmse hadceasedand Marie hadj "Oh, no- no! lhavel)loughthimthis." ( · .) ., Ha, ha! who knows? Come, now- I know slept on as be~or e. She produced a little basket ove1 which - -- - - · ··· . . . well enough that you are both h ere, so you She slept still w as a clean, white cloth; and i t was just Th W G' l Your attention 1a directed to the i mmense may as w ell speak-eh ' --{)h ?" Captam Mocquet and Ge~ald were cl<?se at that moment, while the 0,,ptain Jiacl his 6 rong IT· stock of j A ll the sound m the cahm was the hoarse to the panel that opened mto the cabm, hand on one of the h o.ndles of the h ttle Fair Man:clla in the patloi echo of his own words. but .they h~d no notion that Dolan w as pre- basket .>nd the young girl still retaiuecl h er Pl~~~anR ~~r1114:.;1 ~~~.1~:1~;~1 !~;end ' ' "Oh, Te:i.y well, very w ell. Please your - sentmg a pistol to that panel! wlnc~, at the hold of the other that th e sullen echo of a 01 a thrilimg novel read She "as st} hsh fl esh, ··ml damty, flClves, only don't think you will do any good caprice of a moi~ent, he m~ght discharge, g un aml then of anoth er came f1om over lhe lt is tho only pre paration Ill the world t hat by it. Don't make a rush at me; I am arm- possibly to the mi ury of Mane. 1 sea, apparently far off. She had hands ""white as snow, of every description at will do whitt is claimed for 1t. It has produced ed- I am armed !" Had such a thought as that passed over I " Ah '" said the girl " I f ear- " Ao~1~~·,dd~~;'.~~T,8;~~:i1 ~oo~n.~iry luxuriant growths of hair on bald heads where baldness h as existed for years. It has restored The idea that such might happen came then· mmds , they would n ot have hesitated What do you fear ;,, the color and vigor to numerous crops of gray "Poor Gerald- my poor Gerald l 0 God Little Jenny m the k1tchen, oTer the craven heart of the ruffian and he a moment to sally out and confront him. and fad ed hair. It has relieved hundreds or As it was, Gerald whispered to Captain be ~oocl to 111111 !" ' · M~k~~'~ ~~;~1; ~::~1~1i'~ffr~~~Zoffce, She has just opened out one of the largest retreated a couple of steps np t he hatchway pereons of disagreeable DandruJf and has aved many when hau· was fulhng, from bM';o;,;nlng clear of the door. .Mocquet; '.I:he youn" airl started from the open door Mnkmg btscmta fresh and "h1tc, and most styltsh stocks ever broup;ht bald. ' "Hoy ! a light h ei:e I" h e said. "The1e . "~'had better go to him and speak to of the little bgat-h ouse, an cl then, suddenly Busy · 11 eeplllg , clustrng, couKtn g , to town, consisting of: t2f!" Remember these factRand if your hair ia was one, but it is out. A light here. Hoy ! him,,. I pausin0 a, she looked up into the ni,,.h t sky. " Heie and thole, and to and lro," fallin g out and becommg thm, get a bottle at "Jks, One of the cr ew brought a lantern down to N I shall \ -. Good and fan , but nownyS\ s:ty Jt::;h, lllillinery, DI'ess S I on-non. . · A b eautiful rocket rose lngh among the Jennv 10 , ed "dehghtful Joe,, once and snve the growth, or you may lose 1t forever. As k yo11r druggist f or HAIR MAGIC him and lit it on the steps. "Not you, sn 1 H av:e you not heard 'clouds and t hen burstino- sent down a mm Velvets, &c., and take nothrng else. Now Marcella and then Jenny " Ther e you are, sir. 'I that his t lu eats o.re d ir ccteu ag.. mst Y?U. ' of emerald-colored spark;. It seemed as if .A. DOREN WEND, Sole Manufacturer, TO· Cn.ugh t tho gay, u ncertam beau , with a very fine stock of F eathers and "The Spray, where is she? Me h e. reserves for som~ futur e fate, which some fain t r eflect10n from that green um ront o. One day holdmg little bro'rn h ttHis, "Oh, she's- why, there she is ! will give him moie satlsfoctwn ; so for t h e of li"'ht found its way to the fau face of tho Flowers. Next th e ha nds as " l ut e as ::;no w lllGGINBO'.l'JHiA.IU & SON, B ut when llstenrng to :Ma1ce1l,t, lyom~g gnl, for as Captam Mort on looked Call and inspect this fine display, which The 1eport of a gun from the Spray suffi. present, I am safe." Pl t.~ m g in the p t.rlo1 dim, ~olan spoke agam . . at ].t he could h aHlly persuade himself t lMt A GENTS F Olt BowM.a.NVTLLE, oti.entiy answeied the inquiry, but it was evi· cannot fall to give satisfaction. H e was su 1e the st\rlish ma1d eu dent that the shot flew wide of the Rift. Now .I gt ve you fair notice- both of i t was not sornetlnug more than mor tal m \bs the v e 1y "'fe fo1 lnm "Keep on," said Dolan, "keep on for the you. I will have you. out-out at once i ts beauty th,tt met lns eyes. Then ngam a t .Jenny's table, As for you, Ger,tld, I will- h a_1 ha 1 - I wtll 1 A deep and strange feeling came over his bllf', and let h er Just sec us go in.' Lo"ed ~ind honoured ~s a guest, " Ay, ay, six. " thmk of you· but you, Cttptmn :M:ocquet, I heart and he knew not why or wherefore He was s ure t he hou sehold 11 a 1de n, "This sh all be the last, ' he muttered , as may as well settle w~th at once Come, n ow but the teats rolled up in his eyes and h~ Of all "1vcs " ould be tile J,est So bet1Vcen the maids he do noted he went into the cabm again, and set the - abo!lt tho,t little g irl of yours- what will ' st epp ed towa1d the girl wit h his arms out Till one rng h t- 't.1:s m ost1v so-lantorn on t he table-"this shall be the you give ? · How much-e~? If I .tel~,, you stretched, wit h ,,11 impulse to clasp her to F 11ir Ma1 velln, 1n the m ooullg ht, last of 1t N o more voyages m the R ift for where sh e is, how much w ill you giv e · Ihis b1 east which could not be withstood. Wuu the lie u, d el1i,rh tf ul Joe. me A good round sum- t1venty thousand '!.'he stillness vrns now unbioken fot· a few I "The R ift !" she said, as she clasped her Ten yenl's iftcr I Then he knC-\\ ibA Much N eeded Want for the pounds- tha.t will do ; and Gerald h anged moments and then Dolan cried out m a voice ha.n cls. " It is t h e R ift !" Kn cw t ha.t h o had chosen wrongfo1· prracy. Ha, ha ! wh at glorious n ews of rage · . , Another moment and, fleet as a chamois, J{11e w a d ainty h onrn aml U1 m 1tH Townships of Cartwright and foc the a.dmiral; '"hen I tell him ! Now, "I tell you, Mocquet, if yo:n don t oome she was gone. A light flut tci of drapery Wern far better th rn a song: Darlington Supplied. Knew that white hind· rnay be pretty where are yon ?" out at once and , speak I will shoot you 1m the darkness and he could see no morn of -F"ot a lover to ca.1 ess , DoIan g lared 11oround him in surprise throng h the panel ! ' h er But that lmndo " ell tra111ed to duty 1 at the empty sta.te of the m bm, and then "Ah " said Moc']_net, and he ma.de a step I Captain Mot ton st ood on the threshold of Are the hands tlmt ret\ll v oless. Continues t o do a General Bo,nkmg Business The subscriber has decided to open his eyes fell on the little shdmg-door to the forward i bl;t Gerald took him by the arm the boat-house 1iJ,e a man entrnncecl. berth and he said. and chew hrm back. "\Vh at is this '·" he gasped. ""'Why am ____ ___,,_ __ ___ sBo wmanvill" Branch. out a Lumber Yard at Cresarea, "Very wise thalt--very cunning. A8 if, " No-no I will go ! I t hns full ofagitution ·1 Why does m y heart Why This Perpet u al Worry? DEPOSITS under the management of MR. n.ow, I did not know of that. Come out,· "Non- non !" b eat so r apidly and strangely and why are I of t en wonder why some men w1 ·11 h el p ~eceivad in Savings Bank Department and RICHARD ROWAN, where a kinds come out, I say! How faint I feel I It was C1ther herfot he1 ·'svoicc or Gerald's 'my eyes filled with tears ,,, their wrmkles t o deep en and m cr C<Lse thou 111.ll and mteres t allowed at current rates. lS o Th:andy I brandy 1 Another drop. This whwh at this moment hrnke throu1£1.1._ the He leaned agamst the side of th e old boat . baldness by flyrng rnto such t antrums when lOt ice of withdrawal ne cess!!.ry. All d e110·1ltJ - -of.-fall has shaken m e- very much shaken me, p_rotracted slumbers of poor Mane .. With a The tide, w 1t h a surging luss, was laymg their meals ar e a tnfte late or the button" ~ayable on demand, indeed. Ah, t hat is the'thm,,.." sigh she opened h er eyes, and h er idea was the beach, and he could hear the wind , with are off their shm;s. I know a Chnstmn man EXCB.A..NGE I · ' ' Dolan h ad found the case of liquors, ancl that she was m her. own lit~le cot on board melanchol y, clir ge-hkehowl, battling with a "pcrfesser," a deacon m t he church, who tand sold and Drafts issu ed upon Europe for building purposes, will be k ept h ad sol aced himself with a d eep draught of the Coquette. It is astomslnng h ow the 'the waves m the Ch,Lm1el H e st rove ~o mak es In s wife's life a burden t o her b ecause 3ough h brandy mmd will! without consul t mg the con~ep- p1cr t:'e the dMkness with hrn ey es, but all m of lus ce>L~eless complammg and scolding Jnited States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and on and. Al so all kinds of Planed H e felt tlecidedly better, but not more ti?ns , revi ve wlrn,~it has con cluded exists, v lLm; n o trnce of the y oung gnl could h e l"bont t nfles. Do ot hei reaclet s k now su ch J ntted Sta~es Greonbacks bong-ht and sold . 1 Lumber, Flooring Wainscoiting, clear in lus mtellcct or prudent in his without dispute. ;:;he forgot, for the moment 1 disc?_ver. hushauds, H eaven foi bid tlmt one such ' COLLECTIONS Cove Sidini:r, Mouldings, &c. speech. all that had happened to separate her from j Vi ith a deep sigh Cap turn Morton re-cnter- 1has fallen t o t h e p oitwn of any teader of = = " That will do, that will do. I w onder the :French lugger ; 0 1 tf it chrectl y floated od ~h hut , . " t h is I call such rnen vicwns. We allow· Promptly ma de a t current rat es u po·1 all par i t Groat Br1ttam, t ho United St at.,il and Do 200,000 feet of Lumber, 15 0,000 now who mvented brandy? Some great over her h alf.,, akened r ecollect10n, it was I e.m very weak, h e said, and little too mauy L iilles to vex and ft et us. I once n !nton o!Canad11. 1 genius, I should 1'1<LY; but whoevc1 he was bu· like the faint r emembrance of a dream. t\ill"'s move me. It is bec;ausc l h iw esuffer - saw a man fam ous foi lns men tal vigor ,,nd 'l'elcgiraph ·rrallllStlli°Jr!8 Shingles .I ' 1 1,000 bundles Lath good luck to him say I. llut he's past wish Wit h precisely a. similar action to t lrnt lc1 l so much " !great learmng sw ell un 11 row putplc will be landed i n the Yard by th e mg good luck to, of course, for brandy h as sh e had used while on board the Co']_nettc, The ba~ket that the y oung gi rl h ,1d wit h rage because-he ~oPJt.., i; fincl his h at. ~ade t.or large or smali sums on v.ll par t s of lGth October, which will be sold been inTen ted ever so long 11go; so, of Marie stretched forth her h and a.nu touched bt0ul:/ht with h er she left m t he hamfo of H ow ea"'Y it 18 for a m m t o make ,1 family Canada. Th is Ea esp ecrnlly !Ldvantagccus to co}1rse, the worthy md1v1t n a l IS clead- dead the brnss hanclle of the shdmg door ; she the Uaptam, w ho n ow p laced i t on t ho side wi etcehd by !us h alJlt uI wlunmg aml com- parsons llvmv. m Mamtob1> or the Noi th -west lt 'Uakes the funds nvailable at once at the at the lowest prices. Well? we shall all be <lea~ some day'. when drew 1t open , and gld,ncmg from the berth of the bed, as he said m a low v?1ce, be- p lammg and scoldmg. J,ifc is too sh ort to !\S place of. payment. TIT. our time comes; but I don t want my tune to in which she Jay , she said; ti a}'rng great exhaustion w ith feelmg waste a ny of it m su ch uscle~s mou thmgs. F or far ther particulars cali s.t the Bankm R JOSEPH BIGELO n come. Oh, n o, 110 ! I have m,1de too good "Bon Jom· mon chcr pere On som mcs- " Rutchms, here is a basket, I suppose ttonse. e. thmg of smugglmg and of the Rift al tonous ?" ' containmg some delicacies fo1 you, sent by --~-· -RICHARD RowAN, Agent. GEO. Mc GILL, gether to want that l shal l be a gre.'Lt Now these wer e the precise woICls she had some oompass10nate frien d 0 1 11eigh b01 Do The lP.rgest library m t he world ism P alis, r. B R ODIE, A ccountant. Mar, ager gentleman yet, if I look sli.t1 p and don't . utt ered '-'hen Captam Dolan first saw her m y ou hc,u me?" and contam s 2,250,000 volu mes. Port Perry, Oct. 13, 1886. 42-2m. ·Iv hf \fu\t·tt· \fU S('t\ftte!U\'\fU. ~A- -"" n a:;' .R ,,_H-" 0- ;me±~!~ ·*"'.'.~ '··1·tr.otc11fi1111QQll1.s~r··1·Vllf>llF~-~-~!TM~~sm~~~a~~~-~·~·'!!!:1~-!!M.~-~~ll!~!~~=~·~~~~r~w~-~~~-iNitiGSWW~MZ2 · : - R I FT AN - D - ~-:. _ p ___ ~ R ----A ·----y ---- -, -- - _ _____ _ - I no ;p I - LOVE AND VENGEANCE AMONG THE SMUGGLERS. CURES All HUMORS, I I I 0 0 0 0 " I ",,.,. CONSUMPTION 0 I I I cr-:rRONIO DISEASES 0 liver, Blood, and Lungs.· I I I " ° I, f PRICE $I 00 I I .fii:; JOHN SPENCER, $500 REWARD :.ef, I I l Dr. DORENWEND'S I Z I :c > 3: .. ... L A DIE S 1<C M I L L I N E Ry Ill fl: Q G 0 -.. . > MRS. DONNELY'S I" I ·- C..ESAREA- LU MB Eff YARD I ---o- ----o- 1 DU BA I PO THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND - ~- - I THE ONTARIO BANK LUMBER LATH SHINGLES &C In I' I

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