Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1886, p. 8

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lht (!µaua.diau Jtates-mau. BoWMA.NVILLE, FRID.A.Y, Nov. 26. ~ ~= ·-====---~-=c=::==·· THE b(;OfT AO'l'· Ac.:o:·diog lll ai1iiuiiiiceinent ~n oat' last issue , we givc,on our seventh pa~e, au er.:timded report of the public meei.· rng tield iu the Town Ball on W ednes· day evenin~ of last week, un?e~ the ausp;.ces of the Scott Act As11oc11\tlOo of thi~ town.· Any further remarks 10 reference t0 th11 meeting we do not intend to nrn.k" but shall h1we a. few words to say oa wocking of the Act,especially durin g the past three months. vV e havti al ways considere d the liquor traffic to be an ev il in the country, and have alway11 been in fa~or of a?y movement that tl'nded to Its curtailment. Our position i'I this rnatter must have been pretty tlwrough.ly understood, for with a sinl(le e xce pnon, every hotel keeper in the town withdrew their patronage from the N ti:WS,.as soon as the Scott Act came into force. When the Scott Act question came to the polls, we felt that if carried and properly en· forced it WR." 1\ step in the right direction . 'We Md to ·1hi3 opinion st.ill,11.nd 11ee no. reason why it sho11ld not be carried out, but a3 matters have been here THE CENTURY. THE ?.ROWLER ON THE SCOTT forthe past few rnontlu, we are forced ACT. The Century is au illnstra~ed m~mthly to admit that it is nothing but a farce. In 1887 the Living Ago enlers upon Its forty magui11e. )J,.ving a regular cuc1~J ~t10n of ·we h11ve it on good.authority that nearfourth year. h11ovin1t met with contin uous com Twelve drunks on Salurday night; nearabout two hundred thousand copies, often mtnda:iou and success. ly all the hotels, and a number of other ly forly duriog lhe week. 'l'w~lve plaoes reac:hin" and som.,times .,xoe.,diog two hunA 'Veekly Magazine. it gives fifty·two num· where for1y-rod c11n be procured; ten places as well, 11re l!elling liquor just the dred ~nd tweaty-five tbonsan<i. Chief bcrs of Mixty-rour pa.gee ea.ch, or mor" 'ha.n J1ega of vineg1u and syrup cootiiJned h)' a amoni; it· ir._ a ny a~tractior.s the .comivg same;-and what i~. worse-at all hours; Tbri:e and a Quarter Thousand Toronto firm to privftte citizens in town, year is a fier1al which has been ~n ac~1ve pre· Sundaye not being an.y exception to th0 paration for R ixte·m ;rears. It !B. a ln~tory of double-col nm" octavo pages ot readln1t-m11otter durinis on' week. A town firm sell and ~uls. · And an 1~dditional evil hae ··lso our own country in it· wost cnt1cal time, as yearly. It presents in an iuexpen·ive form deliver to their cnRtomera five gallon kegs sprung up, in the larg~ 1u~iount t~at is constdning its 1treat amount of maoter, wilh stt forth in of prunes and currants, whid1 ain't prunes fre~hnes~. owing to He weekly lsRue, and with brought in by private parties, and m the THE LllfE OF LINCOLN, a completeness nowhere else a~tempted. nor cnrrantP. And slill there are men number of bottles carl'iedby young men. who get inlo a sweat when I tell them tha\ 13y his confidential sceret..rios, John G· 'fhe beet. Essays, H eviews, CriticiBms. Serial We al ways contencleci that if the Act and Short Stories, Sketches of 'T'r& vel and the 80011 Act as we are acquainted with it, Nicolay a'ld Col. .Tnhn Ha.y. . D1scoveries, Poetry, 8ci·ntitlc, Bi·,graph· wou ld not work in West Durham it This grt':at work. begun with ~be ~auction is N . 0 . Why is it thus? i<'.al. Historical, and Polllical In formatof President J,incoln. and contmued under would not work any where, and for the In the firot place, because the t emperion, <orm the entire body or 1"oreign ·the authGrity of his Ron, the Hou. lfo~ert .T. Periodical Literature, and from the fll·sL two months, our hopes were high ' llnce party lack efficient imd harmonious Lincoln. is the only full anrl author1tallvt1 001111 of the that it was going to work all right. organization. The Scott Acl is no mr,re record of the life of Abrsham Vncoln. Its n·or Jess than what you wake ii. 'fhero Scarcely any drinking was noticeublo, authnrs w~re friends uf J,incolu before bis FOREMOST LIVING WRITERS. are abo11l five temperance sooielies in this and a drunken man was a rare sight. Presidency ; they were most intimat~ly l!'sThe ablest and most cttltivated ln!ellect·. in town who 1ue only playing temperance. 11 sociat.ed wit h him as private secretaries every department of Lileratnre, Scienoe. PoliThen the first violations occurred and instead of doing tne reading and rectitation throughout his t.erm of <'ffice, and to t hem tics. and Art. find expression in the Periodical all the h otel keept>rs were brouii;ht up, Literature o f Europe, and especially or Great act they would roll up their sleeves and do were tran·ferred upon Li~icoln'~ d.,ath all ~is convicted and fined $50 and costs. Brit ain. priv,.te i;apers. Here will be told th.e m& little practical work, thfy would soon Living Age, forming fonr large volumea Shortly after. second convictions were side history of the ci vii war and of Pre·1de!1t a The ceaHe to be a pnblio guy. The temperance year, furniRhes, from the great and ireneral· securod, but when the cases came to be Lincoln's adr!linistration, -importal'!t details ly inaccessible mass of this literature, the only parly are either moral indolente or mort1l of whwh have hitherto renfained unrevealed, tried , t!-ie Inspector entered them as compilation that while within tlte rear.h of all oowards. U nlesa they organize their toi!\l that they might Gr"t appear in ~his,i.uth~nt~c i "8liefactory in theCornplc·en eea with whioh first offences a~ain-althoui.:h it was the strength and fight ii all tho wl\y,tbey must it embraces whatever is of lmmedU.te Interest, hi~tory. By re!lsun of the pubhcat1on uf this second violafr1r1--and instead of b9ing never expeot lhe Scolt Act lo be even a or of solid, premanent' value. work. fined $100 as the l:i.·11 directs, the whole It is therefor lnden·able to every one who parli..l success. THE WAR SERIES, wishes to keep pace with the evenle or lntelSeoondly, tho office of Inspeotorsbip is pa··ty got off with $50 dollars again, and which has been followed with unfla<(ging in- Jectnal progress or the lime. or to ~ ultivale in no; efficiently filled . II is impo·si\>lo for trum that time there h,as bee n no atter~st by a ~reat sudience , will occupy foss himself or his family general intelligence and a. man to edit a newspaper, officiate ns secspace during the coming year. Gt;ttysburg literary taste. tempt made to enforce the Act in the retary for some half dozou aocilitiee iond will be describeu by Gen. Iluut (Chief of the towu , and all h!!.nds have been let tin· U ni<·n .Artillery), Gen Lon!(~treet. Gen. Iha posiHou of Inspectnrfill th'.Jrongbly tirelv alone, and ae cited before the Act Ji:. M . I,aw, and otber8; Chickam·mga. by 'l'o ho.ve the Lh-ing Ap:e ls to ho.ve the keys ~hip. II is too much to ask any man to do has become a farce and a laughing stock. Gen . 0. H. Hill; Shermo.n's Ma.rch io or the entire world of thought. of scientitic and it is more than any man ougM to do. investigation. bsychologica.l roserch, critica.l No1v why should this be 1 We contend the Sea, ·by Generals Howard and Slocum. I w11ut H uuder;1tood thal I am not antag, or poetry and romance. It has never General· Q. A Gillmo~e, Win. l!'. Smith" note that as the Act is in force it should be onistic to Mr. Climie, nor do I wish lo- do b0en so hr1ght. so comprehensive. so diverJohn Gibbion, Hord Ct' Porter, and .Tobu S. ob·crvcd, just the eame as a.ny other law Rffted in interest, ae it it to day.-Boston him an injuelice. Mr. Olimie has been Mosby wili describe the spH':ial battles and TratJeller. on the et.itutes. We understantt th 1~t blllked and hampered by men who shoulil incid~11ts. Stories of na.·:s l eni(ngementi, It le one or the pnblications that lntellhtent the Ir.spcctor stated that the hotel keephavo .sto:id by him tooth and nail. Still pri!on lif,., etc ., etc.. will appear. people r. oflo.rd ae practically indispensable. ers promised t.hat if they were let off on he could have hustled and flirriUed out From it· pages one learns what the world ie NOVELS AND S'fORIES. thinklnfl about . n is an educaUod in itaelf. as ca@ea ,if lie bad all bis limo lo devote to ii. $50 for the second offence, tlrny woul,fl ' 'The Hundredth Mau," n novel by Frank well as an entertainment.- llartford Courant. l~inslly only one third of the liqnor a~ree not to sell any more. W., do not R. Stockton, antbor of · ' Th~ Lady, or the It contains nearly all the gnod l!eralttre ot conflumed in to.,n is procured here ; the wish t o cond~mn Mr. Clirnie in this mat'l'iger?" etc., begius in November. ·. 'fwo the time. Tbere is nothing 11ote worthy in biggo~t two thirds is brougM frum Toronto novelettes hy Genge \V. C able. storl'B by science, art, literature. blogra.phy. pbllo~ophy ter altol-(ether, as·perwnally, we are on auct Belleville. With this the Inspector Mary Hallock Fonte, "Uncle Renhte.'.'. or ~eligion, tha.t cannot be foun<l in it. It Is a frien<llv terms, and hope tha't the~11 to· can11ot cope. Thal ia a weak spot in the Ju!i..u Hawthorne, Edw'l.rd Ei;rgleston, au<l library in itself. The Ch1trcl:.man. Nt10 York. lationu' may continue. ' But his position ' It may be truthfully and cordially a.. id lh&i other prominent American author~ w.ill be Act a.nd prevents h from bemg lbe suocees aa lo.Sl)ector is a public one.and as sud1 it. n11ver olte·s a dry or valueless page.-N(.w printed dnriug the year. it otherwise c0t:ld be made. The passage Ym·k Tribune. is open for criticism; and in this m&tter · of the Act has ~bown that the people wan' SPECIAI, l'.EATURES Nearly the whole world ot authors and we cannot h"lp thinking that. he has not writers appear in it in their best moons. The prohibition and lbat they havo cas' the re(with illus~rations) include a series ~ f articles reader le kept well abrca"t on the current done Whl\t he should or might have sponsibily or liscensing · the trt1tlic from on nffairs in Russia. a.Lei S iberia, by George thon11:ht or the age.-flo3to11 Journ11/.. done His first at.tempts at enforcin~ them, thus far tho act iq a eucoees. KenLan au·hor of "Tent Life in Siberia," its pages alone, it is p()8·ible to he who has' just returned from a mo·t · ventfal asThrough F!lrther than that il i11 decidedly question· the Act were successful, and if he had well informed In curroM Jitera.ttire as by the visit to Siberian prhons ; paper· on Urn Food nble ns to the result.-JV. D. News. peru·al of a long list of monihlies.-Phila delcontinue d as h e started out, we contend Quest ion. with ref.,rtnce to i ts hearing on the pnia l11quir tr. that the Act would not have resulted in L!<bor Problem; Eng li~h Cathedrals; Dr. The subscription price le sli11ht in compariit0n the Miaer:ible failure i t i11 to d.c1y. Iu Eg.;-leston's Religious Lifo in the American wilh the ma·s of the beet current litc ra.ture CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. the town of Peterboro and other places . Colonies; Men &nd \IT omen of Queen Anne's which it brings with it In Its weekly vlelte In f<ei)ln. by Mrs. Oliphavt ; . Ulairvoyar.ce. fact. a re11.der needs no mure than this one puhas well,eal<eS are coming up evt,ry week. TOWN HALL Q ,\RTWillGilT Spirituali.·m, Astrology; etc., by the Lev. J. licalion to keep h im well a.breast ot Enw:lish If tht!'{ nspector believes the Act is being Nov. 1st, 1886 M. Buckley, D. D., editor of the Christia.n pnodical Ii er..ture. -Suncla11 &hool T imc3. violated he takea n ~earch warrant and Advocate ; astronomic"'! _papers ; articles ·Philaclclph.ia. The Council met puisnaut to ndjournm~nt l!'oremost ol lbe eleclic periodlca.la.-N. Y. with - the Police officer goes in, and if throwing light on Bible history, etc members sll present, the minnt"s read and "fVo,.lcl . liq\lol" ie found, it is takeri as evidence It turnis hes a complete comolla.tlon of a.n in· coniirmecL PRICES. A J<'REE COPY. dispen3..ble lltero.ture.-Ohicaoo B ver. ino The Committee appointed 'to examine :i.nd that '1A10 .law iR being violated, and the, Subscription price, $1 a yEar, 35 cents a Jo 1trnal. repair (if necessary) the bridge betweP-n lotr; guilty·eartie s are pnm~hed accordingly. number. D edcrs, p'>stmasters and the pub· IL tmables its readers to keep fully abreast of 22 and 23 in the 9Gb coll. report ns follows : liabers tn.ke sul>Hcriptions Send for our beau- the bei<t- thought anrl li~er1'ture of clvililld.lion. In sOllle of these places sevual have '"l'tiu.t they had examin<d t.he said l1ridge -C h1·fat-i-a1t Aclvocate. Pittsburgh. tifully illustrated 24-p,ige cntalo!!ue (fret) , been committed to gaol on the third and found the centre support leaning to the It 'saves not oniy time but money.-Paeifl.c containing- full prospectus, et<J., including a offence. Now if this can be done in south in cousequence of the mud sill being special offer by which new readers cr;u get Oh1trchma1t. San Pra1oci sco. undermined, that they amployed Mr. Su~ -0ther ,1aces \ll'hy can it. not le doue here? lthas becomeindispen·able.-N. Y.Obser11tr. back numbers to the heginning of the War gitt tb make temporary repairs so as to It keeps well up its repnta1ion for beinit lhe Our In1pector knows ri~ht well that the Series at o. very low price. A specimen copy make tt ·fit for public travel until nex~ sea(back number) will !:e se11t on request. Men- best periodical in the world.-Morni?tg Siar. Act has been openly violated during the Wilmington., N. C. s tion tbi· paper. past thre9 months, and ts to blame for Can y ou afford to be without THE CENTURY~ I . PublMied Weekly at $8 a year. free of poetMoved by Mr, McKee, seconded by Mr. n o t taking any steps towards its enf..,rce1.'HE CENTURY 00., NEW·YonK. Spinks that the Clerk is hereby imtl'Ucted agt;;.'l'o New Subscribers tor the year 1888. rement. Be is u salaried Jfilcer, appointto notify all persons whose fences are on tlie mitting before J11n . lst, the numbers of 1886 J tid for this business, aud should be in a issued after the receipt of their subscriptions '!'own !me between Darlington and '.::1trt"THE IDEAL MAGAZINE." will be sent gratie. p ositio n to devote his tim·i and atteh· wrig ht, according to recent survey to have for young people is what the papers call Sr. C Lvn-P:R!CES FOR THE BES'l' Ho~rn AND the seme remcrv;,'! with in siJ> weeks from t.ion t o it. And just here it occurP. to NWHOLAS, Do you know about it,- how l !'OREIGN Li'PERATURE. this elate. Carried. us that the indivi1;h1!ll 1 V/h~'Clver he may good it is, how d~an aPd pure and helpful? [Possessed o_f Tho Living . .Ago ond o'!e or j The Clerk vrese11t~d 1111 aocotlnt for ·er· If there are any boys and girls in your house otnt'lr be, holding thi~ position, should have of out' v1vac10ue Amenc"u m onthlies. a vice~ d.lld CXJ?enses cotlnH()ted with the Court will y ou not try" number, or try it for a sub~criber will 11nd hi· nealtin commaurl or the nothing else on his hands , He 11hould <ii revision to reyise the Voters' List of t,ho ye,.r, 11ri<l see if it i·n'tjust tee element you whole Hituation.-Phi!aEv. Eveni?t{] Bulletiv,. Municipality of Cartwright, for the year }?~ {' t.;.~;:; 11ntirely independent of every l!'or $10.50, 'l'he Uvini: AJ:te a nd 11.ny one ~f need in the h ousthold? 'l'he London Times 188(;, as certified by the Judge.amounting to "~foe. ;Ne~ l'tll\ ·1 who is tied ·up with a ha.Rsaid, "We hll\e nothiug like it on this the American $! Month hes (or Harpers Weekly or Bazar) will lie sen_ t for a yoar. pest$17.20. The account was onlered. to be side . " Her~ ai·e some lending featnres of businrna of any kind, we care not what paid; or. for $ 9.50, Tile i;:t,v!ng Age a11d the St, paid. Nicholas. Address, LIT !ELL&; CO., Boston. 1 it is can eiliciently discharge his duties Moved by Mr. McKee, se.conded by Mr. ) as [~·pector and attend to his business Spinks, that the Clerk he in~t ructed to notSCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ify Wm Bruce, Jobu Bruce and ~t ~pben at the same time. One or the <·ther · .l!'~R 1886-87. Demilt to wove their fences off the :illow· Stories by Louiga M.Alcott and Frank R . I'ublished Monthly must be neglected; and as long as things ancc for road between Lots No . 6 and 7 in Stockton -several by each author . are so the Scott Act can never be a WITH ILLUSTRATIONS the lat Con. w ithln eight days from the serA Sbo~t Sel'ial Story by Mrs. Uurnett, succea~. Our Chief of Poli\le might just vice of Ruch not\ce and that in the event of wlwso chnrming '·Little L ord Jfauntleroy" as well be engaged in a huainess ,and has any JJart of the fence un the en<it sic1" of the 1'"I RST NUMlmli R~ADY DllC. 15'l'H. has been a great feature in 1h e p:wt year of I Lot occupied by George Harden. vi z., I.ot just AS much right to do so .as the InSt. Nichclas. No. 6 is fouo<l to he now on the Klloid allow· \Var stories for boys and girl·. General S CRIBNElt's MAGA ZIN E will spector has. '!'here are men 10 our town th e ance for road ace<ll'di ng to the survey re :Badeau, chief-of-staff, biographer, and con who are prepared to take the position, widest sense a rnagazme of general htera- i cently made by W. E . Y&rnold, P. h S .. £<lentia.l friend of General Grant, and one devotin« their whole time and attention ture, and each number will be fully )\ the Clerk is required to rn;tify the saitl of the ablest and most popular of livrng milt o it, will bo quite satistiecl with Harden to re111ove the same forthwith. Car. itary writers, will contribute a number of illustrated . Move,fhy Mr. Spink~, seconded by Mr. tho salary now paid for the St\tno. papers describing in elear a nd vivid ~tyl e S om e of t he mos~ notable paper s _to that Messrs McK·e, Fal.lis, ancl D evitt, ~ome of the leadmg batt les of t he civil war. It is but fair tn state also that a cerappear during the first yea r are a sanes D evitt be a Committe t o make such ex'J.'hey will be 11anoramic descriptions of siatain ' anwun t of blame is attach ed to the of Unpublished Let t e rs .of 'l'h ackery of I pe1iditure on the qu,.,rter line ~etween Lots gle c0ntests or sh or t campaigns, presei!ting a Temperance people as well- 'l 'hey will ()mid 7 in lhe lat Con. as w ill make the sort of l iterary pictnre·gall ery of tbe grand very great a u tob10grapl11cal v alue ; acrit1to and vote for a m el\sure, and aa Bame safe for public travel, Carried. · and h eroic ::untests in which the pa rents ef M inister E. !:I._ Washburne's Hemnus · M oved by Mr McKe, seconded by M<·. l!~on as they carry it will fold their many a lx>y a{id girl of t o-day took part ce.nces of the Siege a nd Commune of D evitt, that Mes~rs. Spinks and J!'alli" be a The aerial stories inclnde"Juan and J u~n [ P ar is; GlirnpRes at the D iaries of Gouhands a nd no more. This shoul d not Committee to make such expenditure on tl1u ita," an admirably written story of Mexican be so, bnt it is exactly what has been verneurMorris, M i n ister to at i·oad between Lots 22 a.ml 23 in the 8th Con. life, by })'ranees Cou rtenay Baylor. author d o ne here. If ovei·ybody exerted themas m ay be required to ·clear the said road 2.5 of ·' On Both t>ides ; "also, "Jenny's B oard· t h e clorn of the la~t century (g1vmg selves in this matter a great deal of asfeet wirle in the centre . Carried . i ng Houoe," by J aroes Otis"' story of life int description o f social !ifo and charadern ! On m otion the Reeve Bigned orders Gn the at the time); a collect 10n of contempor- 1 sistance could be rendered the l nspec · a gr eat city. 'l'rensurer vs foliow" : ·,John Cuthbert . ;HO Shor t articles. instructive 1 md en ertaintor. We have several Temperance S~ a ry letters deB cribing .l<~arly N ew Yor k , londs of graveHH·7:; ·John Brown,work on ht ing wi ll a bound. Among these a r" " H ow and New En!!,land Society. cieties in town; let them introduce this . . i con . opposite Ldts 21 and 2'J, $ 15 ; llohert a Gr"'at l'anorarn:~ is l\'.f ade," by T heodore suhject in some of their me~ting.s ancl Mai·tin. MrR J,ou gbead, Robert Edgerton, H. Davi·, with profuse ilhrntrations ; "Win- ( 'l'here is much excelle nt fi ction, m - 1 try to work up a little ent.hustasm m t!Je eluding a scnal by H arold Fredenc; imli"ents $4 each; \ V'. I.ucus. serviceR and lllD " a Commission" {Navul Academy.) and exp;nses ~onnecte<l with'C~urt of llevisiou, storie~ extending thr ough :ieveral n u m "R~collectiona of the Naval Acad-rny";' · Bormatter.- W. JJ. News. ing for Oil" !lnd '·Among the Gas-wells." b era by H. C. Bnnnei-, J. S . of Dale, $17.20 . . . . 0'1 mot.ion the Council :idJourned nnhl with a number of tttriking pictures. "Chiid - and others. an d short storios hy R . L. BAliLOU'S MAGAZINE for ~ovt.1nher tlle ifr>t Monday'in '.December. a t one o'clock. Sketches from G eorge E liot." by ;Julia Mag- Stevenson, Jo el Chandler Harris, T. A. --No maimzine which come· to this office has w .TJUCAS, T.-0. rnder ; '"Vict or Hugo's 'fal es to bts Grandimprooed as this bas within th" -pre·ent ch ildren," reronnted by B rander Matthews; J a nvie r, Mies J ewet t, Octave '.l'hanet, EL y ew. It i8 ty;)ographica\\y OhP of ~he best ··Historic Girls. by l~. ~ , Brooks. A!so in- H . B oyesen , :Miss Crosby, and a host of vrint'd m0nthlim1 of t he d"Y· '1nd its conENTER.PRISING GODEYt eresting contribu t.;ons from Nora P erry , others. tent s are of a high grade . of excl:lll~nce: . It Harriet Prescott t3poffol'd, Jooquin Miller, is mostly a story magazrne : hut its f1c~10n Not~ . ble special papers to be pn blished \Vith the rec"eipt of th e usual prospectus H. H · 13oyeeen, \Va·h ington Gbdden. Alice very e ,1 is cheerful and brigM in t orie. Its o nbh sba ud announcen\ent Of ' thi~, the best of all rly Ml'e Gen eral F. A. W al ker's on Wellington Rollins,.T . T. T rowbridge, Lieut. er eviclently understands how to make "' l ady1 magazines, viz .· 9-och~v's -La~l.v's Buok, , Socialism; Dr. William Hayes Ward's on F rederick Rchwatkt\, Noah Brooks, Grace readable b0ok for the peopk As the ~.eason t1·e notice th:tt it has distanced all its 'CotnpeBrooks. Grace Denio Litchfield, R ose Haw- Babylon i s now approacliiug wh en people are t:hink' ian l Cylrnder p .s ; Mr. f C John C C. t itorR in securing for ·the litr:rary corps two thorne Lat hrop, Mrs. S. M. B. P1att,l\fary Ropes on tie ort ra1ts o ::esar; a pinfi of their .winter i·~·a'1ing. w e would C>'~l su<:h star· ·a· Miss Rose'Elizabeth Clevehnrl Mapes lJodge, and many others, etc., etc. tain Greene's on Coast Defe~1<le, e tc. ,etc. their ,.,ttent1on to this well-known an~ mer· (0111' Presi:lent's B ister,) a nd the best known 1. ' he' subscription price of St. Nicholas is itorious magazine. as well worthy their pat· Scmnmm's M A<l AZTN>; ivill be published of n.ll fashion writers, .JPJlUY ,June. whose ' $3 00 a r ear ; 2:' 5 cents a number. Suhscl' i p· 1·011age. Su bscript.ion pric~: $l 25 per articleR- com1ne~ce in . th o January ·n umber. \at $..~.00 a year, or 25 cents a copy. tions are received hv booksellers a nd news· year. post pa.id . \Ve see by Jts clql~}"rms I irke old wiilP,' Godey's seems to grow better dealers e;·erywhere, or by the publishers. I Subscriptions may be s e nt to and ne wsthat four ~ub8criptions ore sent for SJ 00, with age , and we·hope onr:lady "frien,ds will N~w -,olnme bef{ms with the N ovember I d ealer or book seller, 01· to . _ 'i)l.25 each. Form cluhs . if Y0'.l w!'nt_ a 8h<hv th. e ir a1--preciation of enterprise by number . s.nd for our beautiful ill11st,ratecl I C1iA11.LES ScRrnNEl t's SoNs, Publishers, l arge amo11 u t of intt:res! ini:; rt!a.(hu g. 1n an seniling \,'heir m1b~ci'iptiou (only S2 00 :vearfrue cnnt ainiril! full prospectus.etc. catalogue att.ractwe form. cheap. It i~ published b~ , 743 and 745 Broa dway, N ew York, 0 . S. lv) for our old and estee!'Iled friend. GoDEY'S 'l'fIE CEN'l'U JtY CO. New York. G. W. STUDLEY, 23 Hawley St. , Boston, b Ai'>Y's BoOK, Philadelphia, P& Mass. C I VI N C UP BUS I NES S ~! tlltl our premises on the 15th day of January, and will sell the whole of · our magnificent stock at prices that will surprise the most incredu1lous. Rernember the whole of the stock must be cleared out at some ~ lprice before that date. So come early and secure some of the Biggest Bargains ever offered in Bowmanville. l TER:MS:i C..A.S:H. Big Charace at Mason Bros. Mr. · F. MASON having decided to go out of the dry goods busineAs, we have made arra~gem.ents to give up possession or· Littell's Living Age. I fo: 1 G igan · t1 ·c B arga1 ·n s .A L · are stilJ rushing our E.·_'. !'l with Marvellous Success. Opinions. Our immense stock is being re-· duced rapidly, but we have yet. plenty of inducements in store· for those looking for value for · their money. V\Te don't i11tend being undersold by any com-petitor. BE-W-ARE.I ~ ..:... . I 1 And do not be deceived by those loud-mouthed selling out howlers. VV e, do not purpose giving up business, but intend remaining right with you ancl stand by our standard. The Lowest Prices at all times and the only genuine bargain dispensers Ill Bowman ville. ROBERTSON & BOND. bT. NICI-IOJ__JA-4-S West End House -FOR' b e i~ l MANTLE CLOTHS I ' who DRESS COOOS ' Ex.-1 no Fran~c. fLANN ELS ' BLANK C ~T - S O~ C ' « · I N TWEEDS ' U .DERCLO THINC!J i CL R~- vEs IV ' TIES' COLL A:z'.'j\~ · ft~, « 6Ac ir l Call and see prices, they will be right. ~m~~ RclmlW~~~lf~ I P. S.-Now is the time to lay in a good supply of Factory Cotton, the price is going ;upl; still selling at old prices at West End Hotrse. E x.t raord mary ' - 1\.val n e m -I.ant1c Cl ot h a. [ Ell' \ 18011 & C 0 · J W cost. must have a thorouo " h ~ale a t ally 0 E llison & Co . Ellison & Co. See present p ric es of Ellison & C o's blue serrr e suits. · 0 Decidedly the cheap est J er&ey:-; in town Ellison and Oo. . Ellison & C o . :i.re willlng to sell at coat for one season. B lack and C olo r ed Surah Satins, ex· tremely low· J<"UF.ElUAN 'S WORM POl'l'DlrnS a r e 8ll1'6 Ill nil .,.184'8, They tl l'stl·oy 11nd ;&'CDlOYC wo1·1u" IJ· d allch·cn or mhllt ~. I

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