Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1886, p. 7

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7~!!'~~.!!· ·~~ ·-·-~!!!lfll!ltt···~·~·.t11 . .·T~SrST·_-_ . .1111111····....!lll!l!llllll11111·1l!lll9.J8Illllll·11~111m·~a111~r:.,.m··ml!IW~l.!~!!lllill~'.'~·~. -~.~-··~-'~~ <~ ~,~~-~-~~.~~~~~~~~~~~;(}.\j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.!~~-!.~~-~~==~~!!~~~~~!!~~~~~""?'1'~~~·~~~1 !!~!!!!!e!~l!llll !!!~~~~ttt~·!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!~!!!~~~~!i~· · ~=~~~ma~.!!"""'~-!.~ .~~-"'!..~ ·! · !7 ~~ ! ~!!1l =-=======T-- - · - ]'RN>'AY, NOVEMHER 19, 1886 ·~ CJ.ESAR EA- · , ,~U BER YARD ! ---o--! A Much Needed W a nt for the T o wnships of Cartwright and Darlington Supplied. ---o--The subscriber l1as decided to open out a Lumber Y ard at C;:esarea, under the manarrernent of MR. l RICH.ARD RowAN, t>where a · k' mus --of-- LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, &C, 'for building purposes, will be kept on hand. Also all kinds of Planed Lumber, Flooring Wainscotting, Cove Siding, Mouldings, &c. '200,000 feet of Lumber, 150,000 Shingles ttnd 1,000 bundles Lath will be landed in the Yard by the 16th October, which wiJl be sold at the lowest prices. JOSEPH BIGELOW. n_ ::r:nARD ROWAN, Agent. Pcn~t P er ry, Oct. 13, 1886. . 42-2m. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost -of any proposed ·line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nevvspapel" A dvertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New Y o l'k. Sand lOets. X ol" !UO- P >.<ae Pamphlet. .THE COOlfS BEST FRIEND BELL" ORGANS Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREEa _, 6EtL &CO. L 1 Guelph, Ont. UNDERTAKI NC -:B-Y- LEVI MORRIS. W I am rully prepared t o attend Fnnorala·on the shortest notice, at the lowest posBible rates Saskets· and Burial Cases ready on short n otice i rat-clas s hoarse on very moderate terms Shrouds a nd Coffins constantly on hand, Fun ral cards suppliorl at once, Furniture Shop & how Hooms- Bounsall'sN ew Block. THE KEY. TO.:HEetLTH~ Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry. ing off gradually without w6..Ji:ening the system, all t he i mpurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curi ng '.Biliousness, Dys. Unlooka all the clogged. avenuea of the 1Cfl2ild!11$1 I· a · quest10n, the best SHOE DRESSING for ladies' use ever made. Try it I IS, -SOLD All intelligei il; 1.ireede~·~ end feeders admi t Hudson Bay, where he hope.!f to fi nd the ,' · . the importo.nct' of gettii;g a . good start on E ski)nons· who sometim~s vfoit..· th11t tmding. f Having purchased t h e Harn . eiss busine .ss lat ely carried o u· by_ Mra, HUMPHREY~ · I t tl C t t 11 t i Cl t f l<l I 1 t h b f l tt t t b d k h young < tnuna s, > lllys < t wn er In le oun ry P.os . iese a,re · H! ies. er ie , n e · na· 1 ope y ?ar e u a, en 10n o usm ess, goo wor m ans ip, !>llld firs~ class Gentlemo.n, no 11Hitter what the breed, and t1.~c.s wh,° a ccompanmed ~reut. Schw1itld1 to m aterial , to secure a share of puhhc patronage.. W e have 10 holding this, t hr·t the final r esults be up to Kmg . Vi illmm Land. Gil . der lrvecl amo1 1g stoc k and are manufact urin g a larg e Mno unt of the h ighest standar d in growth ancl profit. them for ma,ny months, and h e expects to Infants tlmt ettt freely of pot<Ltocs <1Ild other enlist sorne of t hem in h is ~ervice before he vegetn.bles get large abdomens, rmd t o the Bt<ert s 011 his formidab le unrlerhik ing next :!. . extent that this is t rue do they keep thin spring. Upon their snp el'ior ability as · · in the muscle and grow fan.lily. Such child- A:rcbic travellers. he ~-die~ lar 0,ely for the r · · · , · J Collars a spe It " t d th t th t t H h C 11 h med ren su ffer froin cold when w inter sets in anc success of hi~ . enterpri se~, a,ncl w ithou t t heir ma Y · e . m .en a e repu a 10n umr rey s o .ars a ve .ga to a degree they 11re dw11rfod by this feeding cGopcrntion he ca,nnot r,tt emp t the journey. shall be fully sustam ed ·. We are prepared to furmsh responsible parties upon bulky, immtritious food. The stomach If Col. Gilder succeeds in pilotin g o. Collar s on appro ba tion . 'Ve guarant ee satisfaction · or no sale. of tho ct1lf, tho p ig, mrtJ -' of Eskimos into r egions where they W e als.u keep i n st ock a full line of goods usually fou nd ~ 'm d t he colt o.re n.lso 1 small, and ~when t hese (HO d ist ern.lecl by sec no certainty of i·rnple food supplies, he in first class h arness s hop comprisi ng coarse ·food , t hey ho.ving to depend up on will do what other explorers have tried to ' this after WCf 1ning , the belly gets hig aiid do an d failed. Lieut. Stoney says in the . I f ti l cl . t l l f ' k n n · growt 1 o l e lo Y m n. mea,sure s ops. report just pnbli~ le( o h is two y eo.rs wor , , · , , . . , 1 After frost has nir)ped the grass it will in Alo.ska, t hftt one party w hich h.e sfatr t ed I S ll B 1 d h A · o · 11 i ee onr Bu one W J:i. i pssomethin " new. W e have also in s tock prove fatal to t he h m lt h of the young t h ings over >tn to t e retie cean wo.s compe eL ,., ., to . h . b th . F k' rowinginthevoealcords,cansmg · hoo.rsene~s, if t hey b e made to depend upon this k ind gi vcupt e JOUrney ecause e1 r ,s ·iusurpin g th e proper structure of the bronclnal of food. :Frosted gr11ss ]ms lost its nntri· mos, seei ng poor prospects of game ahettcl, ia;;;;, . n tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and t iousness, and that par t which can be digest r~foscd to go on . . It w as w it h the greo.te~t death. . . us 8 ciflcs for for the mtr!'I ot ed at all will be acted upon but slowly, drfli?ulty th<tt . L ockwood p ersmide.d lus ca1i1a~·~h ~;:~~een fnvented , but wi.thou~ sue- fe1mcntati.on will set in, the bul ky . stulf E.skimos dog .dnver to accmnpany him on for Hor ses and Uatt le, a sure cur e for bruises, sp rains, cuts, and sores of all kinds. oess u nt.il a physician of long standmg dwcov· will pttss t hrou ah t h e intestin11l C[tnal · tM·cl- ln s famous t np, though they were w ell supShop- Sign of. t he Big Collar . 17 -Sm ereci the exact no.ture of. th di sea~e 1 a:r t~he ily and in this~~·ay w e get the big abdomen. plied with food. Lieut. Greely says his only appi~ance whic\t~~ll R~~u:~~~J'a~a ~~~ U1;on this h alf-deadened foll feed the young E ski mos c o~1lcl not under:stand the ·pLupose ~~~:.arg~~~;.~~6 8 :;r' dreacled faeld wor k, a nd were 0~tld send stamp ·at once t hings, bo~h calves and colt1:, in connection of .exploratwn, _ 1~ descriptive p>tmphlet on catar rh, to ~hi! wit h t he bw abdomen are lia·b le t o become 1 dnveu along w it h th e sledges only by prom v· 0 i!Oo constipated, "' tho bowels ' movin"' fordily o.nd 1ses · ' business manai<ern. A · H · D'ixond & "on of 1a1 ·gc presents. 0 King strheeRt, we Est,B'l.'o8 r,oten·:e ,'.s~o ' ~n~ a Cle1'fm· the f reces beincr imr)a,cted a,ncf ch·y · . From In the two attem1Jts mo.de by Dr. Eessels 0 Whatte ev · Conferen · · ""ce · " ' 1the moment this · t o reacl1 I::fum bllt · of the io,;,don of the Mft1w· condit ion set s in t he flesh of t l1e l' ol itris o c Gl ,. ac1cr ~~~.?Church, of Canada, kas to say in re~7·d l begins t o sl.triuk tmd in place of t he yomw from Lifeboo.t Cove, he was defeo.ted ])y the To A.Ji. Dixon & So'fl:s New Treatmen or f a nun:1l being on ' t ho r oacl to succcssf ltl fit- refusti! of t he natives t o k eep on '.:Vith him Catarrh, nada March 17, 1883 ting for win ter, it is trnveling a,wn.y from it . after th~y h1td r eReh cd hnmmockyice. J?.r. 0 11k lanD H,_ Ont.,,,_?~ . ' vv'h en cal ves n.refound to be blottting up H ays said that when h e star ted up .Srmth Messrs B. ixon "" · the ra · 11, ho.vmg · l G' '11 DEAl{ .A s ins.-Yours of"'on. the 13th Inst. to h an d · m been changecl from mi·1k, S ?lll~cJ , yv,iere ·o1. (".1 <er IJroposes t ( > 1ea.cl rt ae\)med almost too good to be true that I a~ and perha,ps a rat ion of grnel twice daily, Im; Esknnos, th~ rnit1vcs .w~re .puzzlcd to uncured of Catarrh, but I kd~w tho.t ~ a::!ver t he bowels ])eincr costive as st ated the coo.rse d crst tmd the object of lus iourney, a.ncl told 1 have bad no r o t111 '.nf 0 f 1thheo.v ese~~~~da~o muny ch·y food will b~come imr)o.ctecl ii; t he third ! him they never thought of entering t hat 1 relt better m my 1 e. · many cases n? prompt aml 1 eg1011. excep t to catc ·hb · on1 - - A T -things for Ca tarrh, f!Utfered so m~ch . and for. stom~ch, anc~ m . e.a.rs, anLi th · en y 80 many years, that it is hard to realize tha t sufficient relief co.11 ])e had until the hard en- when m tlttnger of starnng. r an;i re1711\. ~~~;:;;inc wa.s a very bad caae; it ed mass is diluted, which Cftn only lie done I :when Schwatko. o.:id tli}_d~r made their 1 COllS!de t d and chronic ·invclving the hy u siug t he pump provitlod for such cases bnlfant dash to Kmg \ ·\· ilh am Lancl the :ii~~ar~~\1;!ft ~as the nasal po.9sages. ttnd I By pumping in an ahundttnce .of wat er th~ Eskimos v;ith. them . t ravelled over theie thou;<ht it woulcl require the three .tieii~meut~ hn.nlcnc<l mu ss becomes soften ed and will I· well.k nown hunting grounda, where gn.me but I feel fully chured by t.heet·~i .on~~~~J'1~ci s~~d be encour1iued to ptiss ont li t t le by . Jittle was in abu ndrm ce. It may n ot be so easy to 0 · ' : ' · I a.m thankful t at 1 was ev · · · d th t' t t th t · . , .· a s 1.t 1s soften ed mid m1xctl w ith .t he .w ater, m u ce , e .ua -~ve o en er e va~ r e1gon 10 you. You are at liber ty to use th1s letter statin~ wluch had better be used wo.rm. By cl1ssolv- i south of Srrnth ::sound, w here game is scar9e that I have been cured~ two treatige~tss~~e in" a q1io.1 ·tcr of a iiouncl of cpsorn rnlts in ; and no human hoings li ve. '.l.'he opinion has r shall g~adir re~mm.~10,1;,_rr:~.;i;sreme Y 0 th~ ..water a laxtitive effect may follow when I been expressed tlrnt Col. Gilder will never of my fruy~~r-:, .:;;,~~e~a;,y tJw.;,ks. the mass r eaches t ho bowcfa. return from b is o.dventurcsome jour ney. It REV. E, B. S·.rEvENBON. Now to esc-.pe all this is easy How t o seems more probabl e that he will not be A d hnndreds of othern . ' Sunply . " · by fcedrng . ·· ca'lec 1po· er1 ' 011s dan. do this? concentrated '. l 1 . n t o. rr1eet . . .. ·11y " . " ·.Ory . n · nutrit iou s food, seeing to it that the bulk gei' owmg to mo.b~hty to mclu:e t he Es~i is in kecpillg wi th the cal'ity i nto which it I mos to.face the perils and the arduou s t oils goes, leaving space t herein for the stomach of the journey he proposes. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the to a.ct UJJOn tl1e contained n1ass, as in t his ---~-LIVER, STOJ UA.CH', KIDlllEYS A.ND BOWELS. w" Y the dammiug up of t he passage is preA Silent P artner. vent ed. A large p roportion of nutrim ent A ta.ll woma.n, with a r ed face and confi - They invigorate a.nd restore to health Debilitated Coust itutiOns, and must be contaiued in the gi,ven bulk of the j dent mo.nner, walked into an uptown bttnk a are inval uable in all Complaints Incidental to Females of all Ages. Fo1 food given to young a nimo.ls of any species, few days ago m.~d p r?sented a check. '.' No C h ildren and the aged they are priceless. as the no.tura l tendency is to grow fastgood, madam,· stud t he teller, bnefiy, this only b eing possible upon t he use of " t he check is not endor sed. " " Never food in eve1 ·y way calculate<l to meet the mind that, " sai\l tho applicant for cttsh, wants of the developing body. This must ' it's all righ t, he's my husband." "It Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast s, Old Wounds, Sore£ be ettsy of digestion mul ct1sy to b e CLssimilo,t- makes no difference. Vi' e rriust h n.ve h is own a nd Ulcers. It i s famous for Gout an d Rheumat ism, For disorders of the ed, else w e get upon our hands t httt worst of signature , even if lie is y our lrnsbiind." -Chest it has n o eq ual . all entailm eJD.w in stock·gl'Owingstunt cd " \ \Tell, yon give me <L pen . and I'll sign h is Continues to tfo a General Banking Dusineso name. I just wm1t you to k n ow, young rrrowth. sBo wmanvillll Bran ch. FOi' Sore Tlaroats, Broncltitis, Couglts, ()olds, .,, man, that he's i' m ig hty silent par tner in DEPOSITS Gl11.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and f or our combination n.ncl I'm the boss. " Timely Suggestion s. :teoelved In Savings Bank Department and cont racted and stiff joints it acts lik e a charm. 111.ll and interest allowed at current rates. No An excellent feed for swii1e to begin the 1otice of withdrawal neceas1uy. All deposits fattening process is cooked potatoes with Pianos Tuuecl and. ltepaired. · ;iaya.ble on <lemand, Manufactured onl y at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, buck wheat, whole or ground, thrown in 'vhile the potatoes <Lre hot. Aft er st anding ARTIES WISHING THErnPIANOS .EXC:HA..NGE 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, ()XFORD STREET), LONDON1 long enough to cool the mixture mn.y be fed Tuned or repaired can haTe th om attende 3oughta nd sold and Drartsinaued upon E urope freely with no risk of cloying, provided a 0 by leaving word .at the DOM INION ORGAN And are 11old at ls. l!d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s. , e.nd 33s. each Box or P ot, anl Jnited Sta tes a nd C11nada, also Gold, Silver and Oo'e OF\i'ICE, Bowmanville A ftrst-clas man may be he.d from all M edicine Vendor s thr oughout t he World. little care be exercised in the first few days 'low oeini;i Jnlted Sta.;es Greenbacks bou11:ht and sold. In their mvlo r. ·Purchasers shou ld look at the J.abel 011. the Pots and Boxe11. I f the r 4dre to see tho.t only as much is given as may be ~COLL !EC~'IONS ea.ten clean. U a 533, ttx rord Str eet. London. they are apurlon·. MARVELOUS PRICES! A writer in t he .D1tkota Farmer sttys that Promptly made at current rates upon all par Jf Great Brittain, the United States and Do a few months since he visited a dairym an in minion of·Canada. N ew York, who httd for yco.rs kept good Complet e :Novd" o.nd Other Work:8, by t,111noue common cows. Four years ago he bought Telegra1·h TransrertJ A.uthun, Almo8t Glve11 Away. 'i hc ro11o"·h 1g books a fine pure-bred Holstein bull and crossed u e 1m1Jll111lled in u cat p am11lllet rorm, '.'-ml all a.re printed. Ma.de tor large or small enms on all parts of upon his cows. Last year his two-year-old f rom aio~d type ~pun aE'OUd puptr. 'fhey treat o.r n. ,:rca.t vt1.rrnty or aubJCCLS, and '\TC thiuk n o one tH\11 cx n.nunc Canada. This is especially advantageous to t.hu lint whbout fmding therei u rna.uy t hn.t h o or she would persons living in Manitoba or the North·west h eifers gave double t he quant ity of milk his Jike to poswcss. In cloth-bo und form these hook~ w ould oo~ t ~~MA NUFACTURER OF- as It makes the funds available at once at the C,'Qlllmon OOWS did. .1.00 ecu~J. . 'Jl:flch bonk iR co~pletc in itself. 1. 'l'he \Vtdow lletlot t Paper&. '. fhh ls tbP. book place of parment. Knowing t he benefit from har rowing spiing arer whhlh )'OUr grandmot he rs 1 o.uglted till t lley cried, a nd jt is just ;i.11 t'Uuny to· clrLY. n,; i t c·rcr was. Forturther particulars call at the Banking grain after it came up we once tried the :l. Win.t or Evenlnc ltec re1ttlo11s, a. brge cullcctiou llouee. t!. Acti11g Clu.rn{lerJ, Table" ux, Gu.wes, P uzzles, etc., for so~ sa,nie plan on winter wheab in the fall. The KING STREET, BOWM ANVI LL tlal gn.U1eriug11, printe t h1Ja.trl c11.IR, nui:l evenings at horue. T.BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, ,· r asult was not sat isfactory. Unctoubtedly 3. Hac k tio the O. l<t Jlo1ne. A Novel. lly Mary Has now on hand a. nnmber of vehiclea (and Is m anufacturing a great many more) of the neweet Accountant. ""\eo;i l l'h"J' auLllvr of " lfo.hlcu P erilli:." llcl:s.n~gei the h arrowing ca,used increased growth at pattern s and best finish, whlch I am offering for sale a.t the lowest prices consisten* , .f. Dlnl0&euett, Recltu.tJone au1<l llcudlna:e, a. large ____________________v_ t he time, but it also mo.de the soil more and choice ..:ollctitlon for 1:1chool ex hibi t.l on a un d public aud w ith d ue regard to workmanshi p and quality. Th e following i11 a list ot pri vate entertainments. the principal vehic. l ee m anufactured by me pm:ous, and leveled the surface by b r eaking 5. 'l,hc Stnu dard J. .ett e r \V.rlter for La< l \e!> and GenUe nien, tt. complete gui1 le to correspondence, giv ingphtin down t he r idges mac le by t he drill and D ouble Covered Cal'riages . ...... . ..... . .. . .. ......... .... ..... .. .. .... ... .... $150 Upward·, d irections for t!:le compos ition of le tteri: or every kind, with which helped prot ect the grain . The wheat innumerable rur m~ a.ml e x:LU1plcs. 11 Single Phretons ......................... . .... . .............. ....... . . ........... 100 evidently winter-killed worne for the h ar c:l11~';.t:u~~:>~?~~'l'Ptee~f'~ru~i t1~[\\~11~\~ti~?!~: By ~l"~Jkio Open B uggy ..................... .. ..................... . . ... ... ... .... ........ 'lO 11 1. U.ed (.lonrt Fnrm. An i nteresting Novel. ByMrs. :rowing. T op Buggy................... ...... . . ... ... ....... . .... ....... ..... ............... 90 11 ll~~~l"1i~0 1;:.l~ho~l?r t~l'1l~a.st!:f!;:e,~yetg"ir· W nlt, e r Scot~. A lo.rgo crop of p otn.toes takes from the 1' 'fh1J Lady or ~lie Lake " i s a. rollla.uce in Ycrse, a ud. ()f all 11 soil n early one hundred pounds of p otash lhe m ) rlrn or ScotL none i s morn hc1 rntVul thuu t h fa. 11 9. I n (lupld's .Net. A Nomi. Uy tbc author o! " Dora p er acre. l<'ew soils will st and this drain Lumber Wagons .... ~ · ········ ··· · ·· · ·· ···· · ·· ··· ··· · ·· ··· · ··· · · .. ·· ···· ···· ······ 55 Thoruc." Light Wagon ....·.···. ......... .. ..·.····.········........·.·.·...····. , .. ,.. .... 40 u mid therefor e the yield declines. The potn.JO. A mo~ Hnrto11. A Nov~l . Hy George t<:tiot, nnt.hor ol " Adum l~t!, " " 'l' hc ll ill o n t he lt' loss " e ti;. 11 to crop is universally sold from t he farm, Express Wago11···. .··..... ···. ..· .· . ··· ··· .······.· ·· ... ···· .·,.. .. ..... . ...... . 75 11. JJn.41y . Gwendollue's J>remn. A Nornl. Ey tho nuthor.or "Dora. 'l 'hornc. " and it leaYes less refuse 1ts manure tho.n any Skeleton........ .. ............ . .. ... ..... . . .. ......... . ..... .. ... . ........ .. . .. ... . 50 11 12. '1'he Aly !!lt e r y o f the Holly T ree . A Nol'el. othcl'. Potttt o tops should be lJL·ought to By the A u t.hor or" .l>oru. 'J'home.' ' Sulky......................... . . . ................. ................. .............. .. .. 40 11 rn. 'l ' ho U ndlit'et ol' Wit, Humor mul Fun, a ' l:trge tho barnyard to bo worked into the ma,nnre collec1,iou of ~he fu 1111y olo rit:H, :skctcllc!i, uucctlotc~, potms Posseeslng superior tacillties tor manufacturing carriages, I Intend t o sell v ery che11p t or O' e a n d jolcc.o;. Q h ef1p . '!" hough not bulky they conta i n con or approved credit , and by so doing I h op e to greatly increase my number of sales. W ould H . ·Jo ltu Uo werbnuk '" Wlf'c. A Novel. l3y Mias sidernb le fer tilizing material. Left in the sell the wood par ts only , or t he gearings of buggies ironed, Mulook. 1~u tli or or "Jolin H a lifox, Gen tle m an, " e tc. 15. T l1c Gruy Wonum. A :tfovel. Jl3 Mr!i:. Otokell, field they will be blown into fence corners in author or "Ma.r.v. Ba.rtou," ew. winter, and thus be lost. rn. S ixte en Comulete St orl t·~ by l1opu1ar Author!! , emt>ra.clug lo \·e , humor ous a u11 dewctin) storicl!, stories of Next spring many farmers will complain oocicty li fo, or adveut urc, of ruilwu.y life, etc., all Tcryin~ tcre~ trng. At the S h or test Notic e, Painted a nd Trimmed if D esir ed. about their seed cor n, because they will not 17. .IB8per. Dnne'3 S ecret. A Novel. By Miss M. E. Brnctl'l.on , aut.hor or " A ur?ra Ii' Josa, · · etc. At t he Factory I also <lo P laning, Mat ching, Turning ancl. Sawing with Circle, Band or Soro select· it a t time of hu sking , or before. There 19. }"nncy\Vo.rk fur Jlome Atlornm cnt, na c mir!(ly Saws and prepare all kinds of lumber ror car penters nd others tor building purposes, is plenty now if it be saved p roperly . Pick new work: u 110 11 t hi.s subject, coutn.iulug l':.1.sy und i1r a.c L ical Ornamenta l and P lain P ickets for fences in every style reQnired, made to order. inst.r uc~i ons for 11mld11g fancy bnakct.~ , wall 1mc\tct::i, 1 )rackup the best ears, st r ip the husks, except a c t.o. ut!edlc work, c mbroiJ.ery, Ct'l., ct-O., profuiH.:lj' ond c lc· g:tntI.r . lllusti:-:t.leJ. few reciuired for braiding t hen l m1id in strings and in it dry place wh er e there is free n1;:~, ~oJ:~~L1i~;1~of'/i~?~{!i~~1~~1~1~b~~rie~~1 ~rJ;~!~~:i,fr·eaT~~= delighted with th em. circulation of air. l ,20. Mun u11I of EtIQ u ette for J;adics and Gentlemen, h.as been dis .4 covered whereby va permo.!lel!t . cu~e ot ,tb is. hitlierto incurable disease, is abso\u,ely affec t· ed in from one to three applications, no m~~ter whether sto.nding one year or in. fortyy13ar s. da~a. Ihte only i·ppliod ?nee twelve remedy is ·and does not interfere wHh busrneae. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on r eceipt of stamp by 1\. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King sr.reet, West .'l'~ronto, Car1~':;iA'l' IS CATARHH? Catarrh is a danger ous dis!'O.St:· which tp.o,ua-· P.tHls are consciouslyoruncons·;n ouslysuJiermµ: from. It is a muco-pur ulent d1schttri,e c.aused by the rilerobrane presence of a the vegetable arasite m the lini·lr, of nose. p 'fhc~ nredispo~ing:canse· 11.re a morbid state of the blood._ the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syr hilis, mercury, toxo.m,rn, from th" ret~ntion <;f the effete m atter of t11e skm, ~uppresoed perspirat.ione, bo.dl)' ventilai:ed sleeprng. apar.t· m:enta und the germination of othe~ ;:oison· m the blood. by th ese. tbe brnng mcmba'ane of theIrritated nose is ever ready for the r~ception of the parasit.e. which rapidly spreaus. up . auces, or back: .. of t.he nostrils and down the f throat ~be throat;·.causin"I" u Icero.t·o.u 0 fth e .· · . · up . lhti e llsto.cl:Ji1rn tubes, causmg. de.atnes0. bu,... H.!....A.n~w treatment C 'T'RR. ~ CATARRH. I' d' FARM. ee w g . y . A . r·8 oung. .. µima · ... The Man who Has Gone to Col. Gilder, ,V.ho sto.rted £&~ the t h e Pole. North Pole . b ywayofWinnipeg ~ wh_il,e itgo? was at last accoun ts nciirrni< ] ort . Ch urch1ll, on ~ Il1 [DID] ffi rn ~ITI I · I . ~ . -. . ~ ' ' ID] ~· rr rn m ! . I ( J . ' ,( I .... I LIGHT A ND . H . EAV'Y }:.TARN ES . S I . a S DUGS HORSE c· ovERS WHIPS BRUSHES ETC. IBLAllKETS ROBE rLLIMAN'S ROYAL EM 860 c ATION I A GREAT B .A RGAINS Boots and Shoes I· · · · I FOR 30 DAYS D. · ·· D-A-V-I S'. HEALTH FOR · ALLI 'THE PILLS - 0 0 . , · THE OINTMENT THE oNr.A:Rfo·--:BA.NK P BOOKS~=~ MILLION HAINES' CARRIAGE -WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, - -- ------- - = CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &G., Democrat W agon................................................................ .65 All Kinds of Veh icles Repaired J BUTTON'S Weather for November, 1886. In November t here will ])e considerable cool, raw wm, ther, though there w ill be some pleasant weather sc11tterccl through the mont h. It w ill not be o.s plettsant t\ month o.s N ovember of last year . In the greo.ter part of th e countr y t he temperature will average considerably cooler tho.n it did in the same month hist y ear . Though in some quat t ers we think it w ill be n, trifle warmer than it was then . There w ill be con siderable stormy weather in most of the coun tr y , t hough t he o.mount of rainrall will not h o excessive, except in~ few places in th e East and South. In port~one of the West and ~orthwest there will net be as mu ch rnm as is needed for the wells, t hough the surface of the a round will generally have plenty. "' On the P acific coast there w ili generally be plenty of rain, though it will not be as excessive t h ere o.s it wo.s in November host year. 1 1 --·-- a guide to politeness a ud. good b rectiiug, glviug the ruic11 or modern et iquette ror ;di l)ccn.llions. book of usefu l in furma.t lou ror au, u1io11 1o aDy awl varh> ua :.!~. '1'h e llome ()ook Book a&nd. Fun1lly PltjY,.f· c lo.n, con tniuing huudrc1l s or c >,:.;cllcn t cook i ng r cc1pc11· h i u t s t o hou11elrnepers, t olling b ()W to cure a.ll common ail~ :u . UHe ful K uowlcdg-0 for tbo MJlllon, a hn.J1dy RETIR I NC FR 0M 8jUSI NESS L. CORNISE::7 tmLjt1Cts. b eyon m co tsi by eimplc bolllc remedies. & . J~nndil· very iu tereiulug rind instruct.ive bol)k or t r a vels , 2:1. Munucr· and C u 1<.touuJ In F11r Awny i 11g the peculiar lite, hnbita, m nuncrs a.nd customs paoplc or forei gn countrieg, <B describot the pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Rsa.rtburn , Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, D imness of Vision, ,Jaundice, Salt Rheum, lil:rysipelas, Scrofula, l!,luttering of tho Heart, :N"ervouaness, a nd General Deb ility ; all these and many other similar Complaints yiA l<l. to t he BY- ·w ords or all the old a nd new songs. :.!!>. ()nlle<l Bo c k . A Novel . Dy Hugh Conway. 26. At the \V orld'~ :l:lcrcy . A No\'el . )Sy J<'!or,cnca W nr dcn , n.uLllor Qf "'f hc H ou se on the Mnri;h," a uthor ~B. ~ I.e. 24.. 87 IJopulor UollR.d E4. Same l:iize as sheet tuusfo. JENNINGS, AT THE P A RLOR BOOT & SHOE 21. Mlldre(l Trev anion. A Nove l, By'"l'hc Duchess;· Bnek." Do.rk Unys. A Novel. By the author or " Ca lled 1 or "Molly H :\WtJ/ ' etc. $5 STORE, NEADS' BLOCK, h appy influence of BURDOCK where are now ready for inspe<Jtion complete lines of Fall and Winter F elt Goods, BLOOD BI'.L'l'ERS. t:J/· Rubbers- Canadian and American -.Over t t l M , d B , · L te · !l'. L J.II,BUmr & CO., ProIJdetors. Ta:-onta. sh oes m a s · s ·Y e~. ens an oy s Coarse .Shoes, L a:dies' Fme Boots and to $8 a day. Sampl rs and duty F REIC Lines not under th e borf·o'sfoot. \Vritc everytlnog found m a firs t class Boot and Shoe store. BREWST1m's SAFJ>'l' Y REIN Hor.DEH Co., Holly, Mich. . O rdered Work a Specialty . I ~c'SO: L~~ll1~~ nn;a11:~yd·g~~11Rlit~~~-a~i:h~:··~:~·Brenda Y orKe . " 3".l. 2!L Shad(tW8 (tll th e S n ow. A Novel. Jily B. L. Far.. · &uthor of "'1\o Naruc," etc. 31. Gubr .fel's J[n.rl:"fn~e. A Novel. By Wilkie ltcn1>f n" the W hJrl wfnd. 1 Colli~a, (I don, nutborol' " L t1.dy Amlley·a Secre t ," etc. c~.1 ii~fak;hi,~~~~~;~ M~t!~~~; .'s ;fy ~~f~~·M~E. Dr"d~ 0 A Novel. By :Ma:y HavinO' decided to retire from the J ewelry Business, offern his stock of Watches. Clocks, J ewelry, Silver Plate, Spectacles, etc., at TREMEKDOUS R EDUCTIONS until the whole is disposed of. The s tocl.: sold Retail at. \Vholesale 1·rices. From 20 to 4.0 pel." cent discount C01· S1>01 ()asll. $20 J.'{ew Gold Buntin~ Watches i·cduce(l to $ 16. $~4:. $ 30 do tio do $ :J2. $ 4:0 do do do $~0. do do New Silver Watches, all n1alrns, at sa1ne reductions. About GO second hand Silver Watches, from $3,00 to $8.00 each. Silver Plate, R ings, Chains, Lockets, Broaches, Ear R in gs, &c., at even oTeater reductions. This is a BONEFIDE CLEARING SALE; all ~oods warranted as represented. I p urpose remaining in town and 0 will be responsible for all goods sold. $~ ~ ~ ~ $ LI O. 34. A G ol<l e n u Du wn. A .Novel. lly tho n.ut hor of 35. Vnlcrl~'A :u·u.tc.. .A Nov~l. suthor o r ·1 'J'he \Vuoing O't," e tc. Doru. Thorne," e to. $ 60 do By Mrs_ Alexand er, .. 36. ~I Htt~r U.1"41~. A :Wovcl. By WjlJtie ColliDs, a uthor of ·· 'l'he '\VQma.11 i n White," etc. 0 Farmers, Th re she rs and lVI il lrn en · Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. - ---------·--··- - - -- -- - --- 1 .Ra.sL Ly nue.' 37. A nne. 38. 'l' b~ A NovcJ. lly Mrs. lleury Wood, autllor ot E qu inoctial. Wi' MJtS. A. D. 'l'. ,,WHH'l': llY. J,.au.:re l Uus ]1. A Novel. Dy Miss :U.uloc k , n.u~llo r ol ··Join H alifax , Gcutlem:m," etc. 39. JC.ohlu 11,m ". <Jru~oc. .A L h rillil.14\ uarrntivc by D tt n id "l)i: Foe, d 1.::;eribi.o ;_; t tru ad \'t:ntun::fl of & cMt<i.w a.3 i ll Lile S ()uth ]>ttt:i llc ()c('alJ. 40. Jlow to lU.nkc Poul try )"lny .. A p r{l.c t fo:il :ind in..etruct iui i;~r i >J;s of articlci; b.v Mr. P . JI. J1:cobs, Po ul tr y LA T:&rE BES T '~\,111 . ~ ~'v:.l DJ: The s un of life ho.a or ossod t h e line. '11he Bmnmcr shjne of lcngthcnect'Hght Fa<led and failed, till where I stand MACHINE 0 l. E== One after one, as dwindling hours, YGut h's glowing hopes have d ropped away, And soon may barely leave; th e glcmn That coldly scores a winter's d<>y. One side I see the summer Held~, Not yet disrol)ed of all their gTecn , Wl1ile westerl.v, along the hills, F la.me the ft rst tin ts of frosty sheen. Ah, middle p oiHt, where clo ud and storn1 ".Make bat t le g round of this my life,' Vh ere, even ma.tehed, the 11 ight aJid day l know, \\·hen that is over,J)as t, 'Tis equal day and equal night. ::.ook wh.ich tell s how to l)erronu h undreds or &musi ng trick3 ill rua.gic and i ns tr uctiyc c:q~rim1.: 11ts w.itb liim pl ~ ageJJtR. 42. Gem s of f.lrn Poet~, containmg charming ~e lcc· tiom from 'l 'cn nyi<on, J,nng!"e\Jow, W l.it.~ier, .Hyron, ~hciley, lloore. lln ·:t11t. irn cl ro:m y otbcr s . 43. n l!i.il<lln4: J>IRns for Prnctlenl, LoW-('O~t Jl ouMe~, "Editor or .. 'r h t· l~arru il ll ll O a rrl P.11," P~1iifl.. llhr.'\lr:t l.Pl'L '11. Pnr Jo,. M{tgle ru:d Cliem lcnl H:v.pel' lm e11t~. I BUSINESS FOR SALE EN BLOC, H avin()" a ]a,rO"e stock of Material for all kintls of Repairing on h an d, t he Jobbin ()" Department will be a special feature in thi~ Great Cleari~g Sale. All Repairing at greatly reduced pnces: Main Springs put in.. . . 50c. to 75c.: Watches cleaned . - .... 50c. to 75c. 15e. J ewels properh r fitJ~rl ' " ~ f 1 7 5c. 1 Watch Glasses fitted. . Case Springs ,M,,, . . J\JC. to '1vc. \ Clocks d eaned .... . ..... 40c. to 75e. All.other work in proportion. All work warranted, as in the past . A call solicited. * IN THE WO RT__,,D. Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, a full Uc~criJJLiu o. t~utl plaws or Eiglit. uwUi;;rn hou1'cis, ranging in price fr.1m ~5GO 1 -0 $4500. Il l nstrnt~tl. « . Ance dotce ufl·ublic M e n -W u.shitlgL011, }'rn.nk · Jin, " rebster , ()!ny, 'l 'ildcn, Lincoln, Scott.~ Gr1u1 1., Gar~e ld , G la.dstone, llutler, llaucock, J ....ee, a.1 1d all t he foading ni cn o f ihe c ~n t u rs . 45. MKop'"' FnblP.M. The work of an n.ncient geniu s. Children baxc read tb.em for centur ies and grown pe<Jple quote them c\·ery day . . OUR UNEQUALED OFFER. Wage rounti. me their September strife ! I bow me to the t hreat ening gale ; Among tho p eacoful h~rvcst ·Y· Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. J.llcUOLL BROS. & t::O'Y, Toronto ....\.n Indian summer comes at la~t. We have a r ranged with the pnblisl:ler Rof these book s t o furnisb t he wl1ole 4.5 to every p resent. subscri ber wh o p ays us $2 for his ow n. sn bseription for 1887 anti one new subscription to the s ·.rA'rESMAN; or we will furnish t he STATESMAN ancl t he whole 45 books for SJ...5 0; or any 20 an d t he .Paper for $ 1.25. Address all 01·dcrs to M. A. J AMES, publi s her, "l'HE CANAUIAN STA'l' J·:l"l11AN," . B owmnnville, September 23, 1886. L. CORNISH. 39-tf, A contingent of the Salvation Army ha.s invaded Winn ipeg. WN. B.-To save co~ts, over-due accounts must be settled forthwi th. Uuwwa1nillc. (;aoada. ·

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