=== (!1,,,~,\i1loll BqWMANVILLE, FRJDAY1 OP=== Nov. 12. ··1 0 iaiist· fo:tth yall·eemaimiu;; object.viz.. to bet;ter their couditionatone in this life- are claimin" a g"od d"a.l uf attention ot the pres~ut tui':e niid are founing one of t he chief Mason ~~her~°:.~~~:;:~·rl!~i1~lt:~'a;~~;~1~rtow~h~~~: M · deCI.ded to go OUt of th e d ry r. F. MASON hav1ng t 1iac. 'i:1lao1·i11g ns Sctrn hy " ('amtth:111. ~iusscs IVINC UP B I.S ~ MR. Em.TOR :·-As tlie actirns of the Soc· the Auarchists . the L aud Leaguer~, ~ 111 <j of th~ f· :~rc~~~e:,~~1i~:~t~·~~::.~~d:i~ ~'~.;~~~,r~~~~: o ~:J:ir/~7sl~~.~s ;~,att~i:e~~7:<lti~r~01 ~~1 :~~~ our magnificent stock at p r ices t h at w ill surp rise the most in credu::~r~1~:~~!:~~~!t~~:i,~~:J.~t?.J~~~~>~n~n:~ 1lous. Remember t h e whole of the st ock must be cleared out a t some ~~i~e;:l~~~~~i~~1:1~~·:}~:a~~r!~r:~~:~~~~:~~ p rice before that dat e. So com e early _and s ecure some of the Big gest ,:,~~~ii~i?g~~i1~tt.i~~~.~~r::~~;~J~<l~~~a:1i:~~ j Bargains ever offered In Bowmanville. · i~~;~~1~i~,~l~~~'::st~,.:tii::~~~~~1~~~t~:a~~~~ .essary prc·s 1u 1d cm1 s for a 1 ll vil!age · · · goo d s b .u s1neAs, we h ave m a d e arra!-lgemen t s t o give up p ossession ·11 se1, t h e w h o1e our premises on th e 15th d ay o f J a nuary, a n d w 1 l · · w bid1 i< r .q.Jic1h becoming 011 e of th" great- 1 .ands of other" who c·1.n only manage to get employment enuu~h to barely provirle them l with the uecc·sarie· (Jf lifo and who"' ex:is· tence is one inco..a11t rn,11Hl ol t oil and hardBhi p. Men wbu"e t:uj ..y1,1Jle lot in life h as made them di"ron tcutet1, and w tio are gradrn1.ll.v imbibing B~ ciali stic idea. 01 ,ly waiting ··tm ti l opvortu11i1y uffurs to >peak out intu op~n rebellim. to com titutio1rnl a uthority . Some people advance the idea thut the :BritiHh l ; J, s an· overcrowdtd with population Rn<l the only reme ly lieij in err.igration. To this statement " e giv., a n e mphatic den ial ; th ere is ahunda1it room for hundreds more in this cc.untry iind thel'e aho11 ld be a good living for all. The fault lie~ altogether i n the sy·tem of GQ,·emment. If there be ain- who are inclined t0 doubt this ~tatement .and who desire t o convince themselves of it· truth, if they could start some morning from .any tow n. vi!lage or city in En~land a nd travel in a stra ig ht line for 50 miles,tak ia·· note of the hundred· and thous,.uds of .acreR of V»!<l<tbl ' land that arl' lying perfect ly waste---not e ve>J a poor cow or a solitary i::an der beiug seen on it - and then try and imagine thr,t same la nd peopled with a rnffi· ci~n t number <·f inh abitants t~ properlr cult ivate it, I h aven 't the least doubt but what their views would uuderi(<HL chan ~e aud they wonl<l be rrndy to a 'imit that th e country is -c<ertainly not overcrowde·I .T n order to ful ly understand the situation it is almost 1Jecee~ary to mo,·e a bout the country · nd -cnnver~e with the p eople. but as it is 1mpos 11ible for mo"t people wll'l do not r eside in England to mix: much arr11'ng its populatinn. r will try a nd gi ve your readers the bene tit of wh"t I have seen while h ere. 'Jbe L and Laws, thg system of taxation s.nd thn le·. · ying of poor rates and tithes,- I don' t pretl'Il\I to underst and th t m, and in Jiact l h ave n eve1 · ~ei; anyb'.'clY iJJ ~y trav ~J. who due3 thor ,mghly Understand th<rrt . 'l'li. eff·cts of tlwse laws and_th·s taxation ·ftowever are plainly vi, ible to uny person w ho will mke t he trouble to look abotlt him; c nftice it to ~11.y that evrything is dune to 111 L ke the ,p t>0r, \JOO,·er and the rich, richer "l.'he wh ole syst em is evidt ntly founded upon !;h e doctrine "that to h im that hath shall be Gi v n a.nd from h im that hnt.h not sh~ll be t'ak en awn.y even t h:1.t. he ll>ith " To make t.h e care cl~arer I will take as w1 example t h e district sunnunciing the vi1lage f1 om which I post this letter All the b nd lying to the north, east and " 'C>t of this village is own~d by about. three wen, one m:in a lo oe h aving control ··f """"' 1000 acre' , nnl l'" a ·mall p art of which b e cultiv,it a. The fand stret:hing away t o th~ south for a d s ' ance of s;x o r seven miles ii o wned h Y L ord l'- . About one third or from that t, one h 1: of thi< hrge esta te is u11cler cu , ti· a.·io·t. Near!y 200 acres d the very best of thd la 1d is laid out an<l k e pt as a park for tlrn ec iommodation of a ~reat h er(J of deer an ·l the r emainder 0f thu e·tate stretr·hes ·way for miles perfectly waste· a nd goes by t11e name of "The Down·." In the ,,~ntre <>f this l(re>tt est at e is a magnificent mansion orerlooking t.he park. The place however,i· ehut 11p and left to t he care of the ~ervants about 10 moutl ~in the year, the o wuer only comin g here for a f t w we~k· during the Bhoot ing season . And now what i e the sta.' e of th-i people~ The great bulk of the rnh:ohitants of the coun try are ag ricultural hho1e rs. Their po~ition ia about on a p ar Mith tllP n eg roes of the Unit"d 8to.tes pre v ion~ to their emancipation . A gr eat many of t.l1em arP. u11 a1'le to read anrl t.hey areso u n<ler t h e th umb of thdr must er s t h at they are alrn·1 8t afraid t o call their so\11 their own . '.l.'he11· wages average from 8 to 10 shilling3 a w eek (" bont. $2 0r $2.50) and out of this they have t o P ' Y house .rent and buy fireing ,besides provide for about. h alf' a-doze.n children. The man , wife and all t hti chilclren-·-who can walk abont --work in the tield all d oy, whil · the infant s are carried out in the h<trv~st field a ud bolster ecl up with a couple of wheat sh ea ves and are &iven " de"d toa<l to a muse the.use Ives with . The w omen of course .do not earn aR m uch as the m en, their pay ooes n ot a ruonnt to uny more th· 111 ou" shilling a d<ly, and th e k ids earn abont sixpence a week . 'l'hey, of n ecessity, are a lways in debt an d ne,·e r h ave a copper hid by, aod when thq g row old they com· 'i:iluce11~~v expect to go t o the workhom e 01· li ve on tlw pari sh . 'l'heir spendings are'd course not enough to support ~tores of any siu iu 1h e country. so t.bat of necessity the country storek eoper is but little better off than his cnstomHs . T he great er p art of the earnings uf t be l aborers really ~nos to l the ma8ter farmer", who after putting by a goodly sum h ave t o hn.n<l over quite a hrce a mount to L ord P - as ren t, a ll of which is of course carried to L ondon- as L orcl P - - spen·i , n Par ly all hi· timti there - and T sup pose is fnttered away i:imong sp ect1lators and hot'9C j1 JckeyP. 'fh :s thin~ g < H. s on y eal' after y ear. the bard workill g lahnrer I>ever laying by" penn y. while t he weaLhy farm 1 T::::EJR::M S .. O..A..S -C:::....c:::1-1 .1 tbey w.tnt a chan;:e, let them agi tat e in a c»nstitRtioual way . " Ah. my friend·, who draw your cha ir up ar1>u11d the cheerful cna.l s t.ove. vick up your evening p aper and tht re read of .,·dynamite explosion or <> dreadful riot by an i;nraged and hungry mob, please don't SfM\k sarc·stically. When you tnlk ahout the down-trodden .Eni.;li~h <>r Iri·h la borer agitatin~ in n. ~onstituticmal manner, y c.ur a re adding insult to injury . Why didn't the Iudi·m anct Half Breeds of the North West a gitate their ~rievauce in con· st.itutional manner and not r eso1t to anrrn? For seven hundred y earB the Irish havt1 been trying t o agitnw in a constitut.ional way, to 110 purpose; at last they r esort to these means. Fearful ontr1ges are commit.ted, the deadly dynamite is carried into and exploded in Scotfand Yard.- ~ h e v<ry centre of the police a nd detective force , ],ondon is shaken to its centre and the English aristncrat \'l"akea up and thinks ·hat perhaps it might be ad' iRabltl to do something . 'Gladstone takes advantage <Jf the tnrn in affairs and brings in his Home Unle l:lill. 'l'h" Irish are RatiR fi ed and the bombs cease to explode, th<· dynamiter retire-, h ·>ping that n0w a <Oll>titntional agitation !ta~ commence<! . his c"use will f(et a f.i~ hearing . But whi\t i8 the result? As peace rEtnrns to th" m etroplis the Eng)i,h politician grows brnve talks about "having courage to at1ck up for his convictions," "th" rights of the landed "Pr<>prietor." eto. , 1>nd so the 1·111 i· <,ppoeed and thrown out, and constit,ition.41 n.g·t i1ti11n Perhaps scm o of r,.ceives anoth·r blow. your rea<br~ are ready to exclai1n ll'.4f.i.lll ; · ' Not so faR t my fri end. a great many ot the go0d men and tme of !h· Irish opposed the meMttre, and WA believe that the l:lrit.ish politition oppoRed t.he Bill be ieving it would be ruinous to the country. " VI ell p .. rhaps they did, that doesn't sh ow it was not what was needed. T here are always p'e11ty of good men and trtrn who opposo every gre"t and good rne·sure ~nd every new invention. They opposed the ic.l1·oduction of the locomotive, the st~am'>oat; they oppose free educatinn in Ontario ; tney op· pose M ethodist Union; they 0Jl ;1ose the S cott Act and every other t ern per·nce measure ; and when the last great day shall dawn ani the nrcangel Gabriel shall stand with one fo,,t on t h e Rea and one on solid l and,aml amidst the wreck of matter and the crnsh of w 01·lds, sh all with 0116 ruigbty blast of his tl'ump~t. declare tha t " time was but time sh all h· no more," there will be some on e wh o will st and up and say. "Mr. Speak er, I ri~e to my fee~ to oppose this. very high handed mea·ure of the member from the celeBtial city, his p roceedings are uncons~itu t onal. " Tu a people like tho Canad ian , who get their daily and weekly papers regularly and are po~ted upon every subject that comes b efore th e cou:::ttry, the manner in which ben eficial measures for the p()or are 2q11a~hed by the u pper ten,oeerns almost an impossibility. 'l'ake t.he ordinary E nglish farm la b orer ; h o nuar}" to Decn ever reads a pa per from ,Ta_ ember.and all he kpows about po 1itics is just what h is maeter chooses t o t ell him. or what h e cau i-id< np in the hi.r-room of the villai;ce public house, which information is often far frl)tn ~eli able. When fl-ladst one put his Home Ruic Bill to the country h o said, "he depended for its sn ppurt and su cceRR from the m assee, and h ad th e p9ople properly understood the Bill it would been carried with a big majority. Ent h ow was it defeated? '!'be air<ieu ltural la bor ers were sounded on the qnest1on by their m~sters ; those who were fav :;rable to the bill w ere dispatched to ~orn J distant spot on errands on the e\e.ction day so as to e ffectuall y preve nt their voting , and they lrnew it would be nt the p eril of lc·s ing their situations to refuse t o go. The country was flooded with h an d bills stating that if the Iri~h got H ome R ule , th e Cath· olic rr19 jority would drive out the Proetest ant minorityl who would then fl ee to E nK· Janel and ~o flood the labor market and cut down t hl1 already m eagre wages of the Eng· lish JQ bor er. The Iri~h would f orm a s eperatc nation anti com8 over h6re and lay w a"te the land with fire a nd sword. 'fhe poor peo· p!e wer e fri ghtened h alf to deat.h by these · and other equally ridiculous r umors. and so h un::l reds of voters who, if they ha.cl underst ood th e case would ha ve supported G lad stone, r efraint d from voting at all. 'f he vicu of a church not t en mil&B fr6m t hiH spot, who is known to be an advan ced Liberal, and favorahl e t o Home R ule, h as been fJersecuterl unmercifully Hince last el ection. His church h as been entered and his pulpit dau bed over with whitewash . and every ef fort lie puts .l~rth fo.- th e ben efit of the [!OOrer por tion of h is flock , is t bwartecl and o p1mosed by a fe w ign or1111t but w ealthy me n, wh o h <Jlp m ak e up the class of E nglish land .owners, all of whom ver y w ell know that if the p eo ple once got the managem ent of af· fairs in 1h elr own han rls they w\luldn't long rem ain quietly starving while thousands of of :tcres of land lay t o wa8t e b efor e their eyes Ifad I ri·ianci gained H orn e R ul e,1£ngland and Scotland would h ave speedily fol lowed sl\it . Anc l now w hat is the outlook? 'Winter , With im d~nchin g ..ain and bit ter win ds is set t.ling down llflOll th e land like a ITTeat black paH. In all the large cit ies rore .thousa nds of d·'ntitute men . 'l'Alrn a ·.~alk of a n e vening th·oough H y de ..l:'ark a nd along tbe Tham e.i Pm bankrn em, ·a nd there you w ill behol d hundl\lll<it of pool' shivering wrd ch es h ucklled to·~er under th e trees and tmon the seotts, w ith no sh elter from the cltizzling rain, save the l eafl e·s branches oE. the creuk in"' timber, while the bitter wirrd as it p1~rcos them to the bon e. 1'rngl1s in deri~ion ·a t t h eir scant y r ags . I s it a ny w ontler t h at every w eek, numbers·of these p8or m is er a bl e ou tcdat s, · 3gecl, cold. b omele·s, f riendless ·and starving, seek r elief f rom their uubappy ·s tate in th e lhrk. empty flo wi ng river a t their feet, t o be pick ed np n ext m orning by t·h e river police and t he verdict , ' 'found th d rowned ," being p asse cl u pon f h em. ey .are cart.ed away to a pau per's gr ave , R u t p aRs uu fm-ther ·m y friend ; all t h e h a rdships is not in the streets of L ondnn . Walk u p t·h P pleasant a venue. with ·its t idy houaes, t h e h om e t>f seemin" lY w ell -t o-cl·> mechanice, a nd P eep brhincl th% blinds, and t her e you will see t he f.amily t rying t o arrea se th eir lnm· ger on d ry bread, because the husba nd is out of work. a nd a.11 l he m on ey fh ey can r aise is r equired t.o p ay·h c\URe ·r ent. 'fbey Clori' t w ant peop}e to know their p overty , and 1!0 ·b~ erS mHl t he a.ri stocinit ic land o wn er, are con - stantly la.ying ti p trea ·1ure --bt1t not in h ea· ven . A R 1.he ch ildr en d the working classds g1 -.,w u p Mm e sta y t o take the p lace of the pa.rents wbo die or go to the workhouse, a fe w emio-rate an d the 1·est gen erally find their wu.y to t h e lar ge t owns and cit ies siruply bec:i.use the1 ·e is no work t o do in th e cou n try. ' Vbe wo st s land iR still left nncul· tiva·erl. I rm l 'P - ha.a a ll h e wan ts an d so has farmer Smith and B r own , and the wide;::s&r t:::t c ll o t m o or 1anU. afi'ords n gra n d ~co pe for th e n olile fox bu nt , wh ich con>ists of :.bout 100 hor~e m en ancl a gr eat crowd. of yelpin g <lCtg·s hunting- ou t and running d? W?l one poor i11noc~ nt a nd htlpless fox. It is trnl y a grand a11 ·' e!avn.tiug a mu , em ent. _ I wond~r what; the eff~ct would be shuuldlth1s n oble band of g allant m en com e upon a wild Bnfru.lo wir.Ji he ad lowered and t ail er ect,ure p ari ng t o c.harge the enemy. I exp ect the i<>nomin ion s ietre·t would be a vast d ea l ~ore am uH ing ~o an onlooker than t he prc-vions exciting- cha~e . The sta ll' of a ffairs which I h tw e ~oention ed is n ot confit,ed to one spot. bnt :is a ru'le is cha,.~ctc <'i~lic of t be whole of the British I sles, in a greater o r Jess degno. Th ~ po1?· uliit ion <>f tho already over crowded c ct ·e· is b ein.!.( incre"""d e ver y year by fresh arri vi.h frnm tho co<rntry di"tricts. 'l'he great mass of these people are nneducat ed ; t bey know thev h ave '"'rievan ce·, tl.tey know also tha.t it remed y rr:fc;ht ea·ily be "PP1ied , bu t iust bow t o bring preSi<nre t o b ear upon those w h o h a ve t he power in th ~ i t· hands, t hev d o not k now and h ence, d riven t o desp ·, r:ttion, t hey attempt t o t ak e thiLgs in their own b arn!A. And j <1't h ere I ouppose some of your read~rs will Eay '" tb at i· no excnse f<:r All the outrageou ~ things t l:tey h ave done; if And whereaa there iR no debenture d e bt existing against tho l\innioip11.lity. And whereas t he said debt of $4,500, and interest iscreatedonthcsecurityofthe apecial rate herein settled. Be it therefore e nactecl by the Municip<1.l Council or the Corporation of tlleV1Jlagc of Ne\Ycastle, a,nd i t is hereby enacted by the 11.nthority of the same : (1) That it shall ancllmaybo the I Corporal.ion ot the V illaga oflawfulfor N ewc a11tle, to , . . purchase a nd procure a ]'ire Engine a nd Hose and nece691lry a ppliances and for the protoction a~ainat fire of 11.'iachmeats p roperty in . . tho aaid Municipality. (2) That in order to raise and obt.ftin the said enm of $ 1.500 for the purpose aforesaid it shall and m ..y be lawful for suid Corporation to i s6uc d e bentures of not less tht>n $ 100 each, and the same shall be saaled with th e corpora le seal or said Corporation, and signed by the Heeve and counter-signed by the l'reasurer of the ea id Corporation, and shall have o.tto.ohcd t horeto coupous for pay ment of iri tereat at the ra.to or J<'ivc per cent p er annum payable annually and the said debentures when so issued shall be placed in the h a nds or the 'l'rea.surer of aald . Corporation, for th e purpose a.-..d w ith the objec t above recited; (3) 'fhat said d e bentures shall be made pay· able from lime to time, within twenty year11 from the day h erewaCter mentioned, for this By-J,,. w to take effect a t. the ofilce of the are ~ Standard B ank or Canad11. in the aforesaid V illll.l(e of N ewc11st.1~. and the saia coupons for interes t shall also be payable at suid oJlice. U) '!'bat. the said sum of $~.500 ·hall be made payable in aui.i1al inst alments. one! for the purpose of forming a fuud for the payment of sai<.l <leben Lures trnd m ternst thereon ..cc r uing due at t.he times aforesaid as the dates the said de bentUN'B aud interests beco m e p ayable respectivnly, there shall b e rs.ls d and I am still running my Mill at Tyrone and will keep both Stone and. le vied annually by a special rate on all the Roller Flour in both Mills, for sale or exchange. ratab'e p ru peri.y in tho said Mnnicipali'y of the V illage or Newcastle. the aum or :$313.18, OUR BRA.-DS A RE in each and every year, for th e next ensuing l 11 HIOHEST PRAISE. - The well-known 20 years"'" being the time limitod and specified drug firm of N . C . Polson & Co., of Ki ng- for r e payment of th e sum BO borrowed, eton writes that Dr. Fowler's Extract of together w ith the interest thereon. t5) 1:hat this By-la w · hall take effect Oil f rom " I Wild Straw berry has long been c onside r ed ancl after the l at day of December, in the year ' the b&st remedy for S umme r complaints of o ur Lord 1886. in the market, and adds that th eir CUB· Aud it. is further enacted by the or Council or(ti) tlie said Corporation of 1he Vill.nge Newtomers spe!Lil in t h e highest terms of its merit~. Wild S trawbffry is the best ,, by ballot. pursuant to t11c Oct passed m 1he · ' · known remedy for Cholers M orbns, Dy- forty six:th year ofHer M oj esty's reilffi iutit.u led ' sentery and 11il Bowel complaints. ! "The Consolidated Municipal Act of 1883." and A k ' l'll a n d Cle t th em. chapteredeighteer.,on s a.turd aytho20ih dayof s your grocer .I' 1or a b ove b ran ds or call · a t the M 0 Novembei-, A. D . . 1sg5; at tl1e '!'own Hall in 1 Every baO' guaranteed first-class and full weiaht· the Ba.id V illage of Newcas tle from nine o'clock o o in the fori-n oon until five o'.clock i!1 the after- j Chop ground in either Mill any day of the week.-~ noon a nd that George Cm·t10, Esqmre. clerk of. , , F. G · t" · II l " ·t d the said Corporation shall be returning o1Ilcor 7".r:r· armers r1s Ing esp ec1a Y so ICl e · for taking the said votes a Lsaid polling place. I d th h" b t · · C l .I' Wh t d (71 '!'hat Saturda the 20thclay of November. am prepare to pay e ig es pnce in as l 1or ea elivere d A. D., 18_86, at 5 o'clock in the afte!·noon slu!-11 I at either Mill · also for Barley and other coarse 0 crrains delivered at be the tuue a n d tho Town H a ll m the aaul ·· 1 · M"ll · h V ill.&ge the place wlicre the clerk of t he Conn- [ Darlmgton Harbor. "pos1tive y no credit at e1t er l · cil of said Corporation shall sum u n th e num. b er of votes given for 1ind aii:iLinst the By-law; ·' 3.:3 ~ a.ml Saturday t be 20th day of November , .A.. l)., , Bowmanville , October · ~· · · , · 18~ 6. at nine o'clock in the forem1on ·lm.11 be t time and the 'l'ownHall in the said V illage ~ the pluce for the appointm ent of persons to att end at the pollin g pla ce, and that tbe final ) sum min~ up of the votes by the cler k . r espect· i . ' . ivcly, on behalf of the persons interested in Rnd promoting o» opposing tho paasng0 or this 1 B-v-la w respectively . 1rAKE NO'r I CE that the above is a true copy of a, propoesd By-!aw wbicl< has been taken into consideration and whtclt wlll b e finally I passed by t he Counc il of the Corporation of th e Village of N ewcastle, in rhc evcut of I he; a ssent of the electors of B llid V illage being 1 oblltined ther eto, after one month from public- I a.tion t h er eof in the " Ca uadhin StMesm a n" ( new sp11:per. th e d!1te o f which first publication . ' w·s F i'1day t he ot.h dny of N ovember, A. D .. 1 1886. ar.d t.lw p oll will be h elc l and th o v ot es of l the qualified fllect ora ttJ.ken tu ereon at the , fall in tlHl tJ.foresaid Village of Ne wc'1s' 'l'o wn lc tic on Satnrdaytbe20th day DfNuvember. A.D, l SSG, 1rom nixH' o'clock in t he for en oo n until rll .live o'clock in the afternoo n. ii 111 Dated ,~t, Newcastle t his 3rd day or N'ovem ber GEORGl!: CuRJi~~k. A . D ., 188G hind s11!lhng faces they hide cmµty stomach·. 'fh1s cB'!! form a great bulk of London pop· ulation ; they know what they want, and are pre1>·>< t d to vote for it when they get the chanoo. Hut knowing cqun.lly the rower of the upper ten, they de~patr of ever Jiving to B·tl auy improv.,ment in their condition while thing· 111ove on in a constitutional way. ABd now gentle reader I a sk you. is it any w~1nder when strong men tramp the etreets in e1mrch of work and s·arve, when children wail tor bread a ll() have to be refused. wl-1 w on.en sicken and die a nd hundreds of poor humeleas ,..,..~dcrers a.. ' " con·tantly h ustled trom evlj!1 lilie meagre shelter of a door st tp by the policeman'~ order llo "m)ve c.n. " I B><Y is it any wonder that strong m en f&mished and dt;!lperate. hail with delig~t ~ho bright h opes held ollt tu t'\1em by th" ~ocin.l ist1c leada.s a.nd that only a f·w poo1onate w orcls are D~ed.,cl'b'o excite tb~m to deeds of violence. and with hoorse y ells and sl: out8 to m arcli tbrotl"h the streets seeking vent for thdr pent nr> feelings: on a.nything and everything th:<t co1~es 111 their w_ay A nd then tl1e telel!l"aph wir"s al'.16 put 111 <>perntion. the police are summoned tog~tl1er, skulls are cmdced, shots are fired, nnd dozonR of om fell <>W creal<ures of our own blood and lanJ'fl]"lf'l, aro hurried into. eternity .· The mob iR.d llill>en hack, ord~r 1s restoreu, and then public attent10!1 is arouse? , and as t~e wealtb.y snob sips his grog bes1c~e the bln_ z. ing ~he fir'l 11~xt m~rning, h e will p rob:bh1y rell:iark, ' "Wh at clo those wretchec'I people want, poor d e viii', thfy sny they ar~ lmngry, ab. WHll that!!! t<>o bad, I t1!i~k I will don~te a few pounds llOwards prov1dm!!. them "'.1th some soup. Ah, y es very r,ood 1den ; w~1t~r brin" in a.me more cca.1· fo1· the firs, it 1s duc;d cold this morning." · _ And so the thing goes on.:. mcl wher e w1ll 1t end? Will ~!ii.tors sit.in their halls and t alk Bnd tak allll practlc,.lJy .do n otl11!1g , while nll through the lnnd there '" a growmg feding of discon tent among the masoos, which 1s bei11g constantly l\g1-:ravated ~y th·i overheamnce of the upper clnss; until the smouldering fires c·f disco~~~nt h_re~k out into a tremenclon ' flam e. I h e soclllh stR of London. claim tb<i.c ~hey can call ,ou~ 100.000 armed men in that city a lone. This atatement 1 dare s~y. i ; a bit of bluster,but tlm.~ iKnot the 1oo·t doubt thn.t snio~s tronbie ' " brewing and that unles· someth!ug ".ery tangible is ·peedily done, the public will wa~e up som e fine riwm ing to fin:! the country ltl an uproar. 'l'he litt le clc;i1~d no '1iggcr tha.11 a man's band i" plau>ly v1s1ble n pon the hor izon, while ti1e rnmb~e of distan~, thun,der warns of an approachmg. atorti;. I he Ji,nglish arist.ocrat however. t s quite happy and serene- ; he doesn't want a storm, and h e h~s made i::p bis mind there "on't be any, and ts quite r eady t o annihilate anJ p arson who ventures to su ggest that the sky looks dark. Anrl in order to p revent any ~torm, he . ~o es out. without hi· umbrnlla . Wonder if h e will gtt wet? W. B!!:NNll'!i'. ~~;~~~1;;;;'/fr-2/ Some, t hi ng New. in the Corporation of the Village or Newcastle. \Vhoreas the Village o r Newcastle is without adllquate protect.ion a'~ninst fi~e and it is dee m - 1 od necessary and expedient a nd advanta.geo11 s to the inttlr.,st· of said Villnge to provido sutta,ble applillnces for such purpose, .And w herAaa tho estimatf\d c<>·t and outlay t o necure such protection ia $1,500. .And whereas to c arry the a11.1d object into effoct it is ueces·a.ry to raise t he said aum of Sl,600, by the issue of D ebentures or tile said Corporation. And whereas it will req11ire t.l1e 8 1111' of $3-13 18, to be rai sed annnally for the p ayme nt . of inteiest dnring the currency of the debentn reR so ieaned and a lso ror the payment of r.he d ebt created by the issue of the debentures as a foresaid, and such 1rnnu1tl s11-n sh&ll be rais·d a nd levied in each ye1Lr by a special nue sulll· cien t therefor on all th" ratable property in the :M:uniclpsltty of the Village of the Newaitle. And wher e a s the amount or the whole rateable propel't.Y of tho said M u11icipalit.y A.ccordiflg t" the last revised Aeaossment Roll is ~ 1 93.:i98. JOBBING D E P ARTME N T --.AT-- T OD BR OTHERS, 1n t h e rear end of the S tore. All Goods in this Department will be sold at: I I . I n the regu 1a r D r y G 0 0 d s ·d assort · we h ave a s p 1en d 1 ., h w e a r e s elling· · men t w h IC at r ock bott om pr 1· c e s . TOD BROS. ~B O "NMANVILLE~ HALF PRICE. J: <.OLLER :IM:ILLS The above Mills are now in full running order, and turning out the best quality of Roller Flour. ' · TYRONE MILLS. ~!fJlt~~~~~1~~~~0~'0!i'i~llt~1ia'k~~l~r:'~h~eJ3~.'i!!: I "ECLIPSE," best Patent Roller Flour. v·ICTORIA " Ch01Ce R0 IIer Flour· "GLENCOE," xxx Bakers' Roller Flour. EXCELSIOR " Cho1·ce Stone Flour I I 1 · I w est £nd H0use J Q ·VAN STQ N E - . ' MAN TLE CLOTHS DRESS - F OR- Absolutely Pure. Notice to Creditors 'fhiB powder n ev e r varies. .A. m1>rve1 o! Of JOUN EW .AR'l' late of the 'J'owns hip of i purit.y, s tren gth a nd ~holeso1;ncncss. More ec onomic al than t h e o.~dmar;r .ltrnds, and. can - J?::;~~!J~'" in t heConnty ofD ur ham,l·'armer, not bo sold in co111pet1t1on w ith t he m ultitude Notice is h er eliy given p urs uant to Section , ot l ow test , short weigh t , a lum oi· phosph ate powders . Solil only in cans. HOYAL BAK- 31 c f Clrnpt.er 107, lt. S . 0., as ame nded b y Cha p. n or 4G Y ic .. Ontario, that ull creditors ~ I JNt; P OWDER CO.. 106 Wa~I S!::_~ '. Y. a n d others h a ,·lng c laims ag ains t the est ate , of John l~wart late o r the 'l'n wnsJJip of D:tr · \HOUSE AND LOT FOR S ALE.- A ling tou . i n t.lrn Connt.y of Durham . !!'arme r, very comforta ble ilwcllin g and acre of d ece1;serl, w h o died on or a bout th e second d u.y land on Wclling L ou S t.. 8 room s and good e el· of October, l SSli, a re require d to send to t ho lH,wood shed und st a ble, hard and s oft water, undersig ned,]). Burke S impson, Bowm an ville, ch oice large and sm a ll lrmt t.1·<·cs. Very cns y OM., Solicitor for A:udrew S mith, E sq ., t e1·m s. Posseesion J an . l , 1887. JOHN H.un· Jl.:xecutor tind Truat ee of tbe last Will a ud 'l.'ceta m ent of t he s 11.id .John JcJ wa rt de ceas ed, DOC J(, B owmanv ille . 42 :~ w * parti cn iRrs i n wr itin g of their cla ims a ud the n a ture of r.h e securities ·1ir "ny i held by t h em, and their Christian a na Surna m es. add resses a nd descriptions. on or before the 8th day of ·wher eas it ha com e to our k uowledge th at Decern ber, 1886. parties ar e inf rin gin g on o n1· pa,ten ts fo r th o And noti ce is h er eb y g iven tlmt at t he exmanuracturo and sale of the Champion Cabine t piration of t h a t time th e said E xecutor w\ll Cre am er an d C:hampion Churn. w e h e1·eb y pr oceed to dis tr ibute the l.!.SSet s of the sa id llot ify th e i;.u blic th a t theso parties. h 11:ve . no deceased . among t h e p 11rties e ntitled thereto, author ity from uS'; a nd that !hey are mfrmgm g h a vmg r egard only t o the claims of w h ich h e 011 our pa tents; and tha t action will be take n. sh all 1he1t 1 rnv·e notice , a nd tha t h 1:> will not be a gainst both the m a nufa cturer s !"nd .u.ser s of liable for th o a ssets o r any p iLrt tb nr e, r. to any these infring m" nts a s soon a s their r esidences pers on or poI·sona .cf, whose <lla i ms h? s h».ll n ot and names can be a.s:certained; that J . M. th en ha ve h ad nottce. D. BV.ttK m i:iIMPSON, ': J ONESS, of B ow m an v ille, is our agent. for the · Solicitor for E xec u·tor. \ Counties of On ta rio a.nd Durham, onlr ho or Bownumvi lle , llth Nov., 188tl. 16·1w persons a p pointed by lnm llav e a nthonty f rom I us t o sell Cl'Ur Champion Cabinet Creamers a nd Peo p le are c oming 20 1111Jes fc > 1 · the cosI'Chu rns . W. N . BA.RRT1<, tumc Dres s G oods. E llison &Co. , 16·4w B.. B . P rm NTWE. F LAN ELS, B LAN K ETS, !TWEEDS UNDERCLOTHINC i CLOVES, TIES, COLLARS 1 co Q o s $( C 111 ' ' ' ·tee. Call and see prices, they will be right. JJOO~e Rc1Hrtw'E~~lfe P.S.- Now is the time to lay in a good supp.I y· of Factory Cotton, the price is going up;; still selling at old prices at West End House. Ext r a ordinary value in Man tle Clot h s. Elliso n & C o. See present pric es o f Ellis on & Co's blue serge s uits . . . D ecid ed l y the che a1icst J e r acys rn town Elli son and C o . Ellison & Co. arc willlng t o sell at cost for one season. Caution To The Public. W mus t have a thorougl1 s a le a t any cost. Ellis on & C o . S atins, ex · Blac k and Colored Surah tremely low . E llison & C o. - ~\' I ),'JU·:l!lllAN 'S 'VOltM PtHl'U.EltS ILl'C s1tre In nil cnscs . T hey ·lcdYoy nutl remove worms tu cJ11Idrcn or 11111111 ~ .