Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1886, p. 2

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I A CARD.- To ~ll iir:ho ar.e sutfering fror.a I ' THE CANAD IA.NSTA"fESfVlAN ! the errors and md1r.cret1ons of youth, 1s PunL1BHU:D a:OUSEHOLD. DOWN IN A CRATER. .4. Daring Deed Done tn tile 1'ew 7.caland nervous weaknesa, . early decay,. loBll of A Pan of Doughnuts. T~leanic Rct;ion. E"VERI FRIDA.Y MORNING, m~nbood, &c., I will send a. recipe it~t J SouR MILK DouGIINUTS.- One pint of j. In the Hot Lake district of New Zea.bud 11 sour mil h, one cup of sugar, two eggs, one· , scient ific aud sight seeing expeditions have -BYwill cure you FR~B or CHARG.11. · great_remedy was diio_overed by amissi~ll: h alf cup of la rd, one teaspoofulof s?da, a lit. just penetrated to the very centre of the 1 ary lD South America. Send a 11 · tle nut!!lcg or extra.ct of le1;non. ~IX mOlle_r- , seat of the recent volcanic er uptions, and · ' .&T THK OFU:IOK addressed enve.lupe t o the REV. _JosE~ll 1 ately stiff, roll o.ut half an mch tluck, cut rn the a ccounts forniahed t o the press prove 'l'·COllleeB eek.,Kln11t!!t.,Bowma.m:vllle,Ont T. INMAN Station D New York Citv. 467 rings and fry a light brown. the terrific nature of the convulsion. Some ..,,,. -c> .,.,.. S . -- - ··- · ou ilia 1 CmcL'.ll DouonNUTs. - One egg , one cup of of the parties have ascended M ount TaraT .z:;.; ~ ..&Mo&. ADVISJI TO MoTHER.8.- re Y · sugar one t ablespoonful of thick, svrcet wera, and have found that an immense ·L60ipe:rannum,or$1.00lfp.a ldt· advance turbe~ at ni§lht and ~roken of y_our r~st crea~, stir vrell together, then add nutmeg, m·ater has heen formed, from which a fisPQ'tllent strictly in advance required from by a B!Ck child suffering and crying '1ith a little salt and dissolve one teaspoonful of sure some five chains in length extends for nbllor1bersoutside of the oounty. Orders to pain of Cutting T eeth: If 80 _send ~t soda in one' cur of sour· mi~k; _mix as soft a,s ma,ny miles in a souther nly cliniction. The .41.eoontlnue the paper mu11t be accompanied b.Y ouce and get a bottle of 'Mre. Winslow a can be &1Hl rol out. Cut rn rmgs. whole of the bed of Lu,ke ltotomahana has ~0b1e~ !~:r°:s~~~~~?1~ru':m~~1\~:~t;::_~~~~~ Soothing Syrup." For children. teeth!ng, Twi s·r DouGHNUTs.-One egg, one table- i been transformed !nto o. gig11ntic mud ca~Qlade, , its value is incalculable. It vnll reheva spoonful of butter, one cup of sugar, one dron, or , m f_act, 111~0 ~- clnster of -volcar:1c JU.TES OF A.DVERTISING I ~ the poor little sufferer immediately. Da- cup of sweet milk , two teaspoonfuls of cream - I cra~rs, t h e s1t~s, 'of r e rarafa·)the W hite pend upon it, m o t11er s ; there is n o tartar, one teaspoonful of soda, an d flM' Or- j Terrace), ai;d le Oti.;kapumng1 _ (the Pmk ' ·.··· ·. .. .. · . . . ..... . . . . . Wh~,le Co~)lmn ~i:.,~{;!!;·:::.:: $Ws ~ ~ ~~ mistake about it. It cures Dysentery ing. ]!'lour sufficient to mix as soft as c11n I T errace) bemg oocupied by . mimature. but ll'l .. " One quarter········ . 20 00 ;:::d0 · h I t th Stomach and be r olled out CuL ofI s Ldps twist t hem I powerful volcanoes from w~nch 11re enntted SaltColllJXln one year········· ······ 56 og - - an iarr rea., r~~l ~ ec 0 / 1 ft th ancl fry in Te~·y h~t lard ' tremendous clouds of ste;om and occasiona.I Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run 1 11 . " Half year ·.···· ·····. . . 20 o B owels, curea :1i ~· so e d na . e l'OVBRTY Dou GH:N U'l"~ - One cup of so ur eruptions of mud and boulders, which for 0 " One quarter- ..··.···. 12 5 Gums, r edu ces In o.mmatlo n, an gives milk one egg twoteasp~onfnls of sugar one the most part fell back in the seethiug oriQuarler Colu:o:.n one yee.r .. ··· ······ 12 ~O t,o,!le and .energy, to the whole sy,~tefmor. te"sp'oonful of socla and a littl e salt. D~ not ! fices. A _n inspection of t . he devastated : over one month. " " Half year······ · ···· · M w t t 1 1 d t k ·· One quarteT ····· · ·. 8 00 6 . r~. W ms1ow s. S ootl1i n g Syrup mix Te~y hard, roll thin, cut in squar es. ?<Jllll r y is an ex r eme y pen ou s ~n er a · lb:lines and under ,Jl.rst insertion ... ~O 6() ch1ld.ren tetithin~ lB pleasant to the taste These are ve1·y good without the egg ; this mg, as mud av3.lanches are . con~mu&l ocJlla.oh subsequent Insertion...... 0 25 and 1s the prescription o~ i;me of the old- r ecipe acquired its name in war time when c~1rrences, an~ th~ yo!camc sh me is so tcr1111'rom six to ten lines, first insertion 0 75 ·: eat and best female physicians and nurses augar Im.cl to be used sparingly. cious that an_ m<liv1dual w?ul<l be hopelessH:a.ch subsequenL insertion······ 0 3li -10 in the United States and is for sa.le by B . R D . . f ly entombed if h rn eompamons were unable 0 l)T8~!~~~~~:~~!!~~~~~1;;~~o~~r.~ine ~ ~~ all druggists throu~h he world. Price swe~:,:~k ~~e~~alf o~~;No~T~;;;;-st~~~t%1~- to ~romptly extric< ttol hi~.. Walkking i~ t~s The number of lines to be reckoned by 25 cents a . bottle . Be sure and ask for quarter of' a ye~st cake dissolved iu one- mu protve·3 very ex mu~ iknlg w 1 or ,eclan "the 1 .. . d db..,aecaleo M RS . n~,, If f 0 ne tablespoon fu l 'g!l.rmen tl )CCOme 60 qmc y c ogg WI ..e space occup1e ,.measure , w " INSLOW s. OoT.l:IING Y .... vL. h a cup o warm water. mud that first boots then socks and finally o~npar~il. . _ and take no other kmd, of butter, one-half cup ~f. sugar, one ~gg, the legs of trousers have to be ~bandonctl to DRS, McLAUGDll.N & BEITll. ~~- n sx~:a>if.';.,...., one-half teaapo?nful of spic~/ flour sui~cie~t 1 m ak e locomotion p ossible. An expedition to mold. Set ~t &way to n se, ?oveung is ' which r eturned t o '.f'e \ Vairoa-the European OF.VICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. .. -~losoly; when h_ght, ~·oll ouc, cut mtl? sh ap es settlement which was overwhelmed-for t he Dr.J.W.McLAUGllLIN, Dr· .A. BEITH. Graduan c l let rise a.gam quickly and very h ght . purp ose of saving as much a s p ossible of the licentiate of the ltoya.l ate of the Toronto Goon DouGir_NUTs.-Onc cup of sugat·, one . p r oper t y of the residen ts who ha.d been College of Physici1.1.ns University l'hyaiclan . cup of s1,-eet milk , two eggs, three tc<is poon-1 fornecl to take to fli uht, - - C>F- and member of the · Hoya.I College of Sur· Surgeon, &e. fuls of lard, one teaspoonful _of so~hi, two SUJIFRRED GREAT HAR DSHI P S geons, Edinburgh. . teaspoonfnlsof cream-tartar, a httlc cmnamon . , . . . . . or nutmeg . . B eat the sugar and lanl t ogethei· i· a~~ · ."'?re freq~~ntly Ill imtmn.ent d,mge.r .~f DR· .J. (). MITUHELL. till light, then rtdd the eggs. well b eat en. pcrislu~ g, ,~nu it. was onl~ tlu oug~'. the pc~ · EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PRYSIOIANS Mix with flour as soft 11s p ossible i.mcl h o.Ye aonal biavc1y . o~ a half caste l'.l~ M>ll, mun . eel and Surgeons, Ontario, Cor oner, etc. it stiff enoug h to roll out. Rave the lard Arthur W arhr1ck, that effoctw c measures 0111.oe and Residence. Enniskillen. a. very hot, and when frying the cakes do not we~e. ev~ntn_ally ta~ en to rescue t~em ~rom ' Ve beg to notify the public that we will begin a Great Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Bra\n Tre.ati:nent, pier ce ' th em w ith a fork when tur ning them. then cl'.l'.1gercus predicam ent. ThrnA rthur DR.. TAMBLl'N, . .· Warbn ck subsequently descended mt o the Clearing sale ol Dry Goods and Clotbiug, on a guaranteed specific for Hysteria; J?izzmess. HYSICIAN, SURGEON and ACCOUCllEUR. Convulsions, l!'its. Nervous, :Neural,na, Head· A ll the above r ecipes have ~een tnecl a_nd crater on t he site of tho Pink-t errace, and Oftice:-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 1 ache "Nervous Prostr'l.tlon, o a used by the use are u sed freque~1tly b~ the writ~r, and with his foolhardy f eat is thus descri bed hy a of aicohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental t h e u sual care m frymg they will all prove local p aper :- "We walk across a small "lV. S. ORMISTON, L, L. B. Depression, Softening of the bra.in resultina; in stone strewn plateau, a nd before us lay a Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money insanity and leading to misery decay and de11th good. to loan. Office, next door LO News Ujfice. Bow- Premature Old Age , Barrenn ess, Loss of Power . y awni.ug chasm with pr·ecipitous sjdcs. It During the time of sale, between the 4th of October and the manville. SO· tf in either sex, In-voluntary Losses and SpermatEconomy m Fuel. w as apparently a bout 80 yar d s wide atth e orrhoea caused by over-exer tion of the Brain. D. JllJRKE S IMP841N, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box conOne of the most difficu lt things t o teach a 0 P· a_nd BtP,am issued frm~1 countless c_ r e · the 31st of December, we will ofter goods at such prices as bottom and sides. Vvarbnck will make it easy for the p eople to decide who sells the ARRISTElt, SOLICITOR, &o., MOPRIS tains cne month's treatment. $1. 00 a box. or six girl is economy In fuel. Nothing seems to vices m the _ boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt BLOCK, up stairs, King Street. Bowman sa tisfy but 11 continnal piling 0 11 of cottL cr~wle~ ca~tio~isly. to t h e . ed~c, an d afte~,.a or price. ·11llle, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. cheapest Dry Goods and Clothing in town. s soon t~s a little git~ luis burned off, a vigor- mm:ito a o~-n~m~:t:~n, decla_rc~ that , th ou.,h We Guarantee Six Boxe8 A P.-tvate Manevs loaned a.t the lowest rates. ous shalnng and ru,kuw out of. a sh es follow s ; the'. e w:as .,rea.t 1 i.sk of the sides of the chasm. To cure any case, With each order rec~lvod then the stov e fi ll ed a.~ew t ouching and lift. fallmg m, h e would descend. A r ope t\bout .»ohn Keith Galbraith, by us for six boxes, a.ccompanied w!Lh $v, we ing the co-vers, which 800;1 b ecome red hot, 130 yards long was pr?dt10e_d, lan~ ma de .0 A RR IS TE R , SOLI CITOR, NOTARY will send the purchaser our wr itten guarantee and the process is r ep eated from morni ng fost to an alp~~stock'. dnvei_t firm:y mto tho U P UBLIC, &.o. Ofilcti- Bounsall's Blo?,k to refund the money if the treatment.does not effect a. cure. Guarantees issued only by JNO. till night. T each h er in order to obtain and mnd, a~d. 'v\ arbnck lowered hnnself over King Street, Bowmanville. M.onev to le nd, Stott & Jury, Dr uggists, Bowmanville, secure a good dra.ft the coal ought n ever to tho p rtic1p1ce. To guard agmns t t~e fumes of every article will bermarked on large tickets, t o show tb e extent of be abevo the lining'. of t~e sulphur an~ other gases which m1~ht t he reductions. W e are crowded with new stock from cellar to garret . JtOB.ERT A.JU9101JR, And in this connection I mn r eminded of possi bly b e ~ct with a~ the bo~tom, h e _tied We mean business, therefor parties a::;king u s for bargains will not be D EGISTRAR, WES'r DURHAM ISSUER anot her practice which seems to com e to a h a.nclkerclnef over his nostnl~, a_nd m a l\. of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor disappointed. kit chen girls by intuit ion, or hand ed down second or tlvo a cloud_ of stea111 hul hnn from ne7 at Law and Solicitor in Chancer y. MoneY loaned on Real Estate. Otnoe on King street. by tra dition ; that is, to put sad irons, or the g~e o~ t he anxi~us w atch er s 01'." top . dow manville. flat i rons ,.. gen erally called, on the stovo The v~bratwn _ of tl~e I op~ showed th;t he EST.A.BLISHED IN 1847. oTer the hottest fire hours b efore use . con - w as still pursnmg h rn perilous d esoen ., but SDAW di TOLE, N. B.~Some J ob Lines will offered at half price. E sequetly they are ru'i.ned, for if _on ce h~atecl y,resent~y t~e ro pe slackened and a cheer of ICEN SED AUCTIONEERS for the lt has no shareholders to pay dividends .to. to r edness will e-ver af t er retam h eat b ut ti All n ght came out of t he st eam. Then bargains in Ready-made Clothing. county of Durham. All sa.les will rec~ive Managed· by and .solely in the interests ot short ti.me', and lose t h eir smoot hness, t oo. t he ::itoud . clear ed away for a mom en~, and Bowmanville, October 1, 1886. miit attention. Addi·ess :- Bowmanv1lle, the Policy holders. 40-3m. I w ould rath er lend almost a nything else to the rntrep1d halfcnste was seen standmg a t a neighbor than a flat iron. In ironing, t he b otto1;n of the chasm. have two holders to u se alterately, tliereby WAIST D EEP IN THE STEA}lrNG ll:UD .... ·r. 1·1nLLll'S !{ ICENSED .AUUTIONEER for the County l"olielcs non forfeit able antl uneondltloJtal. lessening the heat of the hand and insuring and round him play ed fumaroles and mud ·~ of Durham Sales promptly attended, ()ash Bonus l'ahl every three year·, a greater degr ee of com fort. vol canoes. H is non chalnnce timid such t er Addrees-Ha~vton P, 0. · 69. rify ing surroundings induced others of the par ty t o follow his example and d escend Hint s. OBN HUGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Joint Life Policies. into t he cr ;1t er. " Soon after these adven · Valuator and Arbitrator, Fire and Life Though a double risb but one premium Is paid Ginghams and prints will k eep their col or turous spir its had ascended o ut of the cr ater , neurance. Notes and Accounts Collected, b etter if washed in w ater thick ened with a violent earthqu ak e shock was experien pfor two people. Amount of pollcy drawn Money t o Lenci on reaeona ble terms, .Aedress flour Atarch. Flour is very cleansing and ed, ftnd in a moment t h e place was.enshr oud· We place our elegant new ,q-oodR, complete in assortment, G plendid :in Cartwrigh1., Ont. !i72 on first death, will do the work of soap in one or two wash - ed in dense volumes of st eam. '.['hen t he quality and overflowing with generous bargain s in ings in the star ch water. This, with the crater commenced to vomit forth column s of "\VILLIAIU '1'1GllT· ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Special Inducement.~ to Total Abst«inM"'· rinsing , will he sufficient, and the goods will h eavy black smoke, and this was followed look fresher tha.n if washed 11ncl starch ed in by a violent erupt ion, tmd stones being County of Durham. Orders left at the the old -fashioned way. b<rATEBMAN oftlce or fo1·wa.rded to Tyrone P.O. .UlSETS OVER $5,000 , 000. \ ejected to a h eigh t of several hundred feet . Much trouble may be avoirlecl by k eeping ]fortunately the party w ere t o t he windwar d '"'Ill receive promvt attention. ~8:5m lNc:JO!llE Cl'fER $1,000,000 flat -irons in a dry pl ace so they sha ll not of the cmter, ai1cl so the stetun and smok e S. (). JIUNKJNG, $100,000.00 deposited with theCanad!anGovem rust, and by remembering to wipe f1Ch iron, w tire blo"'n away from t h em, otherwi se they lCENSED AUCTIONEER FOR ment for benefit o! Gsnadia.n policy holders. not only the first time it is t aken from t h e w ould havo lJeen unable t o make their way the County of Durha.m. Salee attended sto-ve, but ever-y t ime. Spermaceti (dropping t o a pla,ce of safety. A s it was, they had a ...., ~n shortest notice and lowest rates. Address of candles made from th at substance will tul· Yer y narrow escap e, as the ston es fell in all .0 0111\TlCB P . Q, 36:tf INVESTED IN ()A.NA.DA, $600,090.00. swer), tied int o a small p iece of linen, rub. directions around th~m, and they wer e before you at prices that must lead to a speedy sale. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED 1'0 HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-MONTREAL b ed frequently on the iron scorns t o k eep it erally b espt\ttered with mud. '.l'he v olcanic smooth, and, I think, gives 11 gloss to articles . every man who buys his License trom action is, h owever, _ steadily subsidin~, and ; For particulars r efer to i&NRY SYLVESTER. Ennisklllen. stiffen ed with cold starch . though the hot sprrngs r.nd geysers m the ' , ' · · . To elean a spice mill: If you wish to vicinity of Rotorua , at Ohinemutu, W haka~ o Bol Gentlemen o.t·Fasll clean your spice.mill, grind a.handful of raw rewa -rews,. ttnd elsewhere ar e still active, GENERAL .AGENT, rice in it. The particles of spice and p ep · the confitlence of the people, who were so · ion, no l tito Cast. · POR'J' HOPE p er, or of coffee, will not adhere t o it after rudely shaken , has 1tppar e11tly been com Or to agents t.hrou!!hout the county. 48-lls e. the rice has passed throuLYh . pletely r estored , for t hey h ave r et u rned 1 h~Te written theMe f. ew line& A way of treating soiled kitchen walls : t o their d eserted homes, and, w h erev er · A.lid ·Il I ha.vo co say_ Try our best Dissolve a lump of ext rnct of logwood t he That youoan find me Btlllat home, fD ft lll !D~ Ill IA 1~~1'1! A ID ~ . ~, r~ u~ !M/A size of a grain of corn in hot w:tter and put ~~~is~~~~' have resumed their customary avoJam n ot gone away. Bo a.ll my kind old£ riends may com&, ru~lij ~ f'~ ~ ~, L~ ~l~!Jri;,~l!f\ ~il 'I ~ , it in four or five quar ts of lime that is r eady A nd all th e Young ones, too, to use. One application w ill be as good as A.Dd get their garm ents nicely made none bette'.L" made. two with out t he logwood. A Grim Discovery. lnfasbionsthat aTe new: P u m ps Chea per and Better T o scour knives easily, mix a small quantnere old andyoung , deartr lends , ma:v mee~ Since the annexation of Nice to France in ity ofbaking soda with your brickdnst, ancl thr:i.n ever. A welcome 1>:rAAtine. bv R. PEATE 1870, th e former Dominican church h as see if your k ni ves <lo not p olish b etter. been u sed as a m ilitary bakery. A few The 8nbscrlber havin g built a large nel1 days ago it became necessary to examine the roof, an d t h e architect w11s h orrified to fin d Pump F actory in Orono , la prep~red When the Shower Had Passed :Sy. in the garr et about 600 skeletons, flung - to furnishP at was one clay lat ely going along a peiemele. Medical experts d eclared that street , when it came on a -ver y h eavy show er! they must h ave bee n buriec l a t least t hree of rain. T o k eep his coat dry he entered or four centuries ago. It a1Jpears tlrnt t h e d oorwlty of ti st at ioner 's shop, but w as when N ice w as occupied by the F rench With or without Porcela.in Cylinder, ail immediately pulled u1' by the shopk eeper troops in 1792, the rnouks wer e ex pelled the Best M aterial, on the ahort est notlCll; asking : " W hat 's y our bu siness t here, my from the l;milding, tir1cl the ch u.r ch of St. Dominick was converted into a national ma n ?" and ~ t the lowest prices. Pat -" Ocli, t hin , I wasn 't wishing t o dis- baker y ; and it is supposed t hat in carrying WITHOUT TKET H WITH TEETB . Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied turb yis, but now that I've got yer attintion, out th e transformation the graves in t he F OR I was want ing a song called the ' Ould Arm floor of the church w er e emptied of their '" content s, which ' fere transferred to the g11r · l'RA.CJTJ()AL DENTIST, WELLS CJ...EANED & RERAIRED. Chair. rct , a nd flu ng t h er e in heaps. Most of tho i.;.... Sh opkeep er - " Oh. vc~ ; h cr.c it is." '!>VKB TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOBI, P at-" Thin I would like ' Annie Laurie .'" p ersons interred in t hat church mus t h ave <I) lltrou110xtdeGaaA.dndnlste:redforPalnle11 Shopkeeper- " Just at lntn d h ere, sir." b een member s of noblo families of P roven ce .+-) Operations. . IJ P at - " Thin 'The. Last l{osc of Summer,' or t h e nei gh boring d istricts, who possessed ~ .O Jrl'l()JI: '1tU:<JLJ;NG'S BI.O<Jll, and that will do. " t h e pr ivilege of a place of interment w ithin l.>\J '.l ' h e showel." ha-ving abtttccl, Pat w as mak - t h e ch urch "for ever ." The m ajority of ... (]) TO GIVE S.A.TISFACTION. ing for t he door , w h en h e was reminded the sk eletons wtire of women ; v roln,bly (]) r-,-i that h e had left his songs 11nd th at t he among t h em was the sk elet on of a tl u chess f-1-4 Orders2by Mail promptly attended to. ch arge was th.rec sh illings. of Savoy , w ho is known t o have b een buried ~ Pat .:_" Och, t hin, just p ut the ould arm in t h11t church . A ll t hese remains ha-ve ~ ch air in t h at com er , clap A nnie Laurie in ' since lleen buried in on e of th e cemeteries of "' DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, it, and st ick thJ last rose of summer in lier th e town. · <l) ~ r-1 MOU LDINGS, &o., k ept on. hand , breast ; and if the craythm sh ould weary, -·-··--·~-··-··-· ·I (J';)!Y· l>-4 give h er t hat good ould song , 'Jilted by a 'f he P hrenological J ournal says : " In f..l..l · ....t Paddy,' to amuse her. " ch oosu1g a wife, b e governed by h er chin. " ~ A ma.n is apt to be g overned by t h e same G'J ,..,..-<! U ~ -··--t h ing after he gets a wife. U HARND E N, L . Work and Health. I A n E< n g11s . h p b yswrn.n . . h as d iscovero " d an t'I \... ~ r-i rn ~ i-1 'I.I McDOUGALL &MEfCALF~ are offering Coal as fallows : M A JAMES I I ----- A -·- · Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 6.00 = I Grate and Egg ::::·:. 'I I gg - I I = ·-= LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORDWOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. w ' s s I I HEALTH IS WEALTH. I I McDOUGALL & METCA L F. CREAT ClEARINC SALE M DRY coons AND ClOTHrlNC I P MONDAY, OCTOBER, 4th. Th e B I I I E D Pl~ICES BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., ELLISON"" & l?e co_ L RIGHT TO THE FRONT· J L BOOTS AND SHOES, L Slippers, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks and Valises A liJ:- E,L. LIVINGSTONE, The Latest Newest and Best Fall and Winter Styles at the Lowest Prices consIStent with Good Quality Orono Pump Factory. FR EN CH D ENT I S T RYs John Boot and Shoe E mporium. PUM P SO FE VPIY O E SGRIPTIOta rrHE ART G ·ARLANDS FOlt ~ 6 are still ahead of all imit ations. AGE NT 1. M. BR IMACOIIBE, ALL WORK CUARANTEEn OJ c. D. S ., ·w ork , punJ and sn~1ple, however h ard . artificial mocle of mriking q uinine, by which ! ~ H '."nd l~owevcr constant, is r'."rely the cause of the pr ice of the drng w ill be r educed to , V v · ....t nnp~u:i;nent of _ h ealth , 1f on'.y COf'.1111011 t h r eepeucn pe1 ·· ounce. T his will hring t h e ~ r. SPECIALTY 9 J .iygie .:'m c p re'.)lrnt w ns be observett. _ I t iH the 1 shtikes wiLh in .thc i·each of the poorest c.:i:ti· 1 >-t r1 ~ L..."t.i lOLD FILLING A . hmned 11nd irregular meals, and st ill !llO l' e i zen . ' H ate Work executed in the latest and mGt t · inc<>u111r "pick-me-nps, " w hich <lo t he , . . \J · ....~ G\5 Improved style of th0 De11tal .11.rt. VETERI NARY S URGEON, misghi.cf. Monotony of wor k is, however:, in! , The.F 01·t Arthur.. Sunt·m el stt1t?s th:·t . the ~ ,..._, · ..l.l:ETH EXTRACT ED WI'fJIOUT PAIN, t~e long r~n, as cletrimcnta\ . to intcl.lectm·l l ]<,::urn f<.ud mm c. ttt Silver ?Moi;int:u~.t l'.as ?ec~ . ~ f"'lj " , vi<rour as 15 a monotonous diet to t h o diges- 1 sold to a company of Engh sh . c,1p1 t ah sts , 1 · ,....; ~-I *he use of Nitrous 0 x ide .,.p.a, withoutlnjul'.y 1 th t $200 000 h b t l f ·J ,· ,, 10 to t he pa1 ;ient , Honor ary Gradua t e of Ontario V e t erinary tive functions ; but r elief here is ea sily ob- · a :· ' as een appropna e< or " , ~ ~ "ar'"loular attention paid to therti= latlon 0 I Collerre, will a ttend t o a ll d iseases tainecl by forcih!P. diversion of en ergy d uring I ~levelo]JUJ~nt of ~he property, 11nd t lrnt act· . ,1 <I) · · "'" some part of t he tw enty-fom· h ours into an· I ive operations will b e commenced at once. ~ · of d omes tie animals. T S fi ned I · C HI L D R EN' s TEE 'l' H . A man at Spring H . ill, 1' 1->. ' . , was ' other channel. 'l 'he statesman, exhausted - -.ALL . W ORK W .ARR.ANTED·.._ by t he resp onsibilities < L ·td e11rcs of office, · $5 a n d <.:08tS fur p u t ting out poison in his <I) may seek r ecr eation in t h e felling of timber, garden , which clestroy crl a numb er of his · while _ t he woodcutter, if h e be wise, ".'ill ! n eighbor's h en s. He was earnin g $1 a day , \ A S P E C I ALTY. take his over a book or a paper by the f1 ro- 1 but r :tth er t han pay t h e amount of t h e fine l side . The complete cha nge of occupation , and costs, ,, 1- . 1t 1~7, he served out ;i twenty l i0 C l ".l ize.d Iron EaYes·trough ino- in si feet lengths, is Ca lls and Orders by mail or t elegraph , and m en tal a~t~vity on Su n days must be. tlu.v c1' '.c:ua w µ;r.o l. S. W. RUSE. will r e ceive proin t attention. , of immen~e u t1h ty to th~ Jad ed bauk-cl : rk j A b oy named George F.clr.::rnion, Ash Ur ;:a \ n , !:!> ' · ~,EACH ER OF O RGA.N, PIANO, C M P or busy trndesman , and, if for no other i ea.-: field arose before the rest of t h e fouulv one the best and cheape::,t to be ound. Try it, · v · OIU-"' d 'r·1Eo 1 >y T 11 HARGES .ODERATE. .. , . 11 t l· . l l ' '. l h "l h" J I . ,:.. an ~. ·' . erma on 28 app · son, rn .u g 1 y o > e commenc ec . mo _rnmg _rccon.tly an ..c w _ t c was m g w as · , All 0 ,,. , dere'd worlr gtta . ranteed. C><~ion a t " Brn 20." ;l y 0 F F ICE H 0 URS, 8 T O 10 A. M . ~-·-·-· ··· seized with a fit iinCl f ell rnto a water trough · '" '· l\ »YE JtTISJ>ll S byaddreaaing GEO. P A 1!rst·olass stock ofMed ieinesalways HotelProprietor- " \Ve don ' t allow any and was drowned. A fo-..· yP.ars ago his : r> KO WELL di c:Jo., 10 Spruce S~., New Y ork,. . ? ". han~. . games of chance her e. " Gambler- " T h is , grandfather , while in 11 fiu, foll into <~. ditch o ~t)-#':ERW§~~1~coi~!1~~~J>roj(l~~~.P~~~1~~: N. B.- W11l vmt W il h ameb urg e very , isn ' t a game of ch an ce. My frienc l h ere has . n:ncl wa.s drowned. Hoth were subJect t o . BOWMANVILLE. ~IOO·pngcl'nmphlel, 1oe. l Satur d ay o f each week. 16-ly no chance. " · fits. 39-3 m. Graduate o!theRoyal Collegeo !Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE OVER DICK::.ION'S STOR:U:. B . FE A J 0 It E I l · ', · ' 'I r "'RG .U S ·ON. I s . I I l . . . . rn l o--t 0 I E N N I S KILLE N I j en MUSIC. Operations & Dentistry I r-., tEV~RY STOVE CUARANTE!E£D. ~ --=-----··· I o! i J-' · G . Q l JI C K

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