Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1886, p. 5

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.- Uii fRUIT JUICE. PURE DOMINICA and undiluted full atren~th. WHOLESOME Purifies the blood, and aids digestion. REFRESHING Tones up the system. FRUITY and rich in flavor. COOLING Just the drink for warm weather, In ordering, apeoifiy DoMrNICA, and don't be put off with any imitations. BEFINED EXPRESSLY FOR Lyman Sons & Co., :M'C>NTR.EJ.A..L, For sale by STOTT & JURY. A. liberal discount to the trade. No charge for cases. LUBIN OUTDONE We have just opened out a. choice stock of the newest and moat popular ODORS IN- American perfiumery. These perfume· are superior t o an · thing ever offered to the public befo · , and they are sold at all prices from centa up. Having secured the eole control of these gCJods we are olftlring t hem at very low prices in order to introduce them to the Canadian trade and those appreciating an e~tra fine article llhould not fail to give them a trial. S'l'OTT & .JURY, Tbe reliable Druggists. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWM.A.NVILLE STATION. No corn p11titor can 'Undersell Ellison & Co. You 011ght to sec Ellison & Co's Boys' Suits. People wonder how Elli1on & Co. can sell s~ ch.~ ap . The STATESMAN to the end of the year for a quarter. . The first su ow ~f the season fell in Bowmanville on Friday. The attendance at the High and Public schools is very large. Mr. W. T . Lockhart, of Toronto, was . in attendance on the Fair on Friday. · The residences of Messrs. Collings and, Ellis, Cobonrg, were burglarized on the . 25th. M essrs. Ellison & Uo. mean business from the tenor of their new advt. in thisissue. J. E. Farewell, Esq., Whitby, reached home last week after a trip through Western Europe. 'rhe ladies of Toronto have undertaken to raise $10,000 to furnish the n ew Y.ML C. A. building. 1f your silverware wants cleaning caJ1 and buy a box of Electro Silicon from Maynard the Jeweller. W e cali special attention to Mr. Ellerbert Short's sale on 'l'ucsday Oct. ll2tl1, as the1·e are 40 cords of wood to be a.old. The Home Circle is advancing- 93i i~ew certi11c~t es granted in September. Pre~ ent m embership 1,700. Bnt 3 deaths m 1886. Dont forget t o read Maynards' nilvt. in another column. J,ook in his window and then come in~ide if you wan.t to see nice goods . Couch , Johnston & Cryderman are now showing a grand assortment of llew fall and winter d ress goods. E.very lady should see t h em. Ur. .John Fanson, Sen ., of ·roronto, was · calling on a few old fritincl!s in town last week , H e is still very smart for a mttn of h is ttd\'anced age. No paper iu Ortheopy will be submitt ed at the next Entrance Examination, but special importance will be g iven to the pronunciation of the candieate. Some people are in the habit of allowing their doa;s t " follo " t hem where~er the i-e~,11 t-0 church. This practice s often llll annoyance to oth er p eople. Wellington Lodi::0 of the Sons of Engl and in Bowmanville now h as a memberabip of 110. Most of the business men of the town who are ·eligible belong to thi:11 flour' sh " 17 society . ouetall & :M etcalf will zell stove and c e"S~f'~oa l at $G ; grate and egg $5. 75 ; half tons at $3. 10 ; quarter tons $1.GO. After one month 25 cents extra will be charged. T h e T oronto World wittily remarks that everybody is wholly interested or half iimused by t h e M ..it's uovel e_xperiment of running a tory party without "taking something." Edsall's hardware store is undergoiug a areat chan ge. 'fhe ceiling has been ri<is~d two feet, a n ew floor put in, new plate glass is to gr ace the front and other improvmeuts a.t·e being made; M~. W. J. J etf ,ry is-vi11iting in Weatem 0ntario. . h l:J ·· . · 'ti . , M. r . .Jamea M c r1s as, ee~· ~1.Sl »~ i,~' Hiingston. . Baldwin Bee·'- 've fingel'ing, adi !l,c . ,n skein, .Tod Bros: Mrs; P. Treb11,ock!, and· aliiJlben ~re -Wsiting in Brantf1 ·rd ; . Plow point. s a.n· I landsharesoi aJl kind.a at'Shaw & Tole's. Have you seen Tod 1 Bros. ,. ail.iii w~ flan· nel at 20c, worth tf:ic.Crowds are coming for out' ehlilQp Gray Flannels. Ellison and , Co, If y ou want good : work d0ue let May:.ard the J ewellcr do .it·for· you . Call and exami1'0' M&y.na.r.dl's fa}) stock of watch<s, clockHilind hrn< el'ery ,the finest in town. A lovely assort1nent off Ladies' Jerseys in all qualities u c Couch, Jo]mston . & Cryderman's. RtJv. U. E. Molnty.l'e will preach a sermon on "Amu~emenb~" next Sund. ay evening. Weekly Globe f1 i-.m1nov1 to- end of· 1887 for $1 .00. . Subsvriptiorui taken at the STATESMAN Office. Athletic Associal.i&ni mileets in McClun Hall on this Fnid t·Y, evening, at 8 o'cloc F ull attendance 11·;qpit!ed. BoARD OF 'Ilk.1oDR- Hegular monthly meeting in Counciil Cfaamher on Monday evening next ar. i ::ID &clock. See the STA'.lllii!~'"!..N auction sale list this week. Farruens- ,,,ud auctioneers know where to come· fe~· Ill. good sale bill. The West End House is the only store in town keeping a ,;omple~e assqrtmen~ of Easton's Oel: i ibratt1·l Pamuers, Hoopsk1 · and Bustles .. Mr, ,John. Jam.,B' sale of thoro'-bred and high g ra.die stook, and farm ma.chi~ ery and im.pl etw·tl'S n ext Monday is worthy of the att1i111 tion of t he farmers of this dis trict. CARTWRitlHT F ft 11.t. - Our readers must n ot forget this exhibition which comes o:lf n ext Thursday and Frid~y. They are expectiug one of t he best fairs they ha1' e ever had. Remember the date. 'rhe aunnal prizo m e~ting _of the Bowmanville Rifle Ae3neiahon will be held on Friday, Oct. 15t h, to ~ei.:in . at 9 a. m. Over $"200 nre 01fu1:ed m prizes. Programs and prii::e li ~ts ma.y be had from Mr. J. B. Mitchel, Secretary, Bowman- Shaw & Tole'&, the place to· g~t a Mew Laughlin Buggy1 . ·. Ladies, wil'll?~ .to your acl\.1ooitage to inspect our millinery b efore rnakiing your purchases. Robertson & B~mdt. NEw, N:Rw;ir-black and coIC>mdl l>raided jerseys at the S tar House. . . Great. cha~ce- to buy · Walli naper and Pictures at }>'.' Trebilcock!s,. '.llhe Best Selection a.t IOwest prices. Fa.ll goodsi· ~riving every" dhy at the -West End Hoiae. ,They OJltl.111 iip splen· didly and wiH be sold at priou to 11uit the times. , Jersons whli)ih1we tried tho·Iii>-Quor Tea. sold by L . .Morris speak: faw:i~y of it, You get a beailtiful book witfu every dolar's worth!. l\1iss 'l'liomas, of the Union. S'cho:>l, returned from :her European .totw on Wednesday, delig/lted with hcr,.balwlt~s and visit in the Ofol.i World . · js it Ewery Lady visiting the Fair should see our New ~ DRESS GOODS -AND· E~wery Gentlemen visitin g· the Fair should see our N ew Cloths&Tweeds -AND- llrnrrlnge;. Nilclccs, 50 ceut.i;.;: blrtlls und· 411'-U U1s,.2!1M!t!11tg, E:Verybody wanting anythin, g new in Dry Goods, is invited to calll and see the choicest .and: most elegant. st ock of NewGoods ever·o ffared in Bow·m anville BIRTHS. Courtica; on the Hh inst., e ·Wire·or Mr. S. c. Hunkin~ ot a son. CLEM.liN·s.~On the Hh inst., uear Tyrone,thi;i Wiftl or Mr. A . E. Clemens,.ol\' a BOD. BUNNJ!.ll\;- In BowmanVlillB! Oct. 4, the wife l"/ W, Bunney, contraotoo,. o~· a.son. I.11l:Q'~Near DIED. mot.lier'$ residence, Fenelon Falls, S!!pl. 21th, 1886, Jl!diwin Pen.rn, member of Wellington Lodge, :::!·. ©I. &, BowmanTllle, in bis 2ltlil year. · RRAH<UON.- In 'fyrone.on Oct. ith. Frederick Funeral ail..U p. m UKed to Bethe,da Rra111o n,on aonSat o! urday Rich. lllmntou, 22 ytoara. : .BIJBK.- Broken Front,. Darlington. on Oct. . 4, Annie, dU.ughte· or the, lat& Jesse Burk. aged 1 38 ye ,.OOT'l'.-In llowma.11wille, Sept. 30th, Isabelle. beloved .wife or W. ·11~ Scott, aen .. in her ~0 th. yeru-·. b·i~wo und. PEA\Ui.~At his COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMA,N, One Door West of Post·Office, RET I RI Nc FR 0M Bu S ';·f. ·NE ssI L_ CORNISE:=1 Tlae stock soJd Retail at \Vhole~ale P1.. c-es. F .. om 20 1&40 JH~ -.. cent discouut Cor S1·ot Caslt. $20 New Gold Buntin~ Watches 1.-ethtced to $ 16. $30 do do · do $!.!4. $40 do do do $ 32. Bt>wmanville. Having decided to retire from the Jewelry Business,. 0ffers his stock of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silver P late. Spectacles, etc., at TRE 1\lENDOUS REDucnuo~s until the whole is di,sp0t:ied of. F:Lou R, ~ 100 Th&· ········ $2 00 to $2 50 Correctc·I by Jolwa l.yle, every Thursday. BOWMANV1ll.LE MARKETS. . pm NG ~.UT . Local .. ...... .9.00 am Bxpreaa......1.0.03,. m Mixed .........4.95 p m Local; .... ...... 7.20 pm .Exvresa ..... ~ 9.39 pm .. . GOINQ we:sr '· -:..:· Ex-presa ... ,,_ .,.7,00 a ..n,i on eer Hunking has got an- Mabel P erkins, Arthur Osbo.r ue, . ,Alte rt Local,.,,,, _ ~ -8.20 ' & m column·, · auct1 e r ·: Exprees . . ..... 9,16 a m other young man t o look after the farm Worden. R. J. M oRtto w, Teac4_ . w ill be able to give more atten. while h e Mixed ....... . .4.05 Pm Exvree11. . ..... 8.*5 I> m tion ,to~uctioneering. Courtice Scho<>l.- 4th class- B Broo~a; ....~ M Morrow, F .Gay. i::x· . 3rd claa~-L (j1 Mr. Chas. Tod is re-m?~elling his sto_ ro, Rundle, Wesley Hauc_ ock, George Coleini'&~ .lft'.11u\1itlhtU iil1\1t~u1tt1:1U / putting in n ew floor, ce1lmg and makrng man. Jr. 3r4 Olats-Lyd~a B ..laow,Laura 'fll -" ~.n "-"~ at' " "'""..... ·, ' other r epairs. Mr. 'rod's cuiltomors are Ca wke r H edley Oke. 2nd cl!lss- Lavinia ~~~~--~ --~---~, b eina; served at t he store _ o f Tod B~os Skinne;, Maud F oley, Chai-lie Cornish. during the t ime the r epairli 11-re b ew g J . H. ALLIN, Teiioher. BOWMANVILLE FRID.lY OCT · · ' ' m~e. Tyrone School Report : --5th Fe.rm:- ' N ow is the t ime to order a s uit of clo he& h(;fore the tailors get r ush ed with I. Hodson, M . Emmerson. 4th Sen : work. "·They will get you up a suit at L. P ettioger, W . Emmerson. 4th Ju: thil W est E nd House in first cl ass style M. Hodgson, E. Cade. · 3rd Sen:- R . The STATESMAN circulation is going up, at a very small cost. Call, see goods and Walter3, T . Hoidge. 3 rd Jn :- M. Jewell, Up, up, A. M anniog . 2 nd cl~ss : -H. Emers rm, c. Br"uton . Average attendance, 56. Mayor Howland, of Toronto, bas gone get pricts., great is the aumber of orders arriv- A. S. TtLLEY, Teacher. to Ne w Brunswick. g at the Upper Canada Furniture Fact· S.S. No. lO, V arlington.- 4th classOrder Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picketg, ory t hat t h e factory has been r .mni~g. over Freddie Harris, Blake Col.,, Herbert etc., at Mor ris' Planing Factory, Libert , time for some weeks past. Our cit1zen1 street, R. H . Osborne, leaaee. will be ploased to hear of the con tinual Couch, Jennie Harri3, Arthur Brent. class- Bertie Breot, Mable H!lrl'ia. Mr. W . L ong, D cpu·y Gnand M ast , popularity of the B owma11v1'll e f urm·ture. 3rd 2 ud class- Ettie Gifford, Edith H oar, of the A. 0. U - W. , died last week at h The promoters of th e W hitby a ud East Weslay Hoskin, Ethel Col ~, David R oy. h ome in Lansing, Ont. Whitby U nion P l owing Club are now en- Part II--E lgin Wight, Fred H udson, J , H. Bmdley's Spring Pad for single ' , aed in prep.m·in:e: a prize list for holding Rich ard H oskin, George Walli:ey, Ada and double harn ess gives entire satisfact- a · 0. !ncli. 'rhe place and date are Hoar, Willie Roy, W i llie H ndson. ion . No hors~ will have a sore back not fix ed yet . W"hy do not the farmers M. E. M.1.NNINa , Teach er . wher e they ar e used . of W est Durham org anize and hold plow E~NISKILL&N ScHOOL.-- August and Sep'£he finest assortment of English and ing matches? t ember report. 4~h cliLss- Alfifl Mitch ell, Scotch tweeds, pantings, overcoatings, ' Vh o dare ~v.y t h ere is on virtue in Jennie M cL aren, Mary Virtue , 1-tose etc., ever offered in town, now sh owing p rin ter's ink'! L. Cornish t ells us h e means Brown, Carrie R ogers. 3rd class- Ella ,a t Couch, J ohnst<m & Cryderman's. e very word he says in his advertisement S taint" n, Oalvin MillR, Charoltte Rogers, At the Provincial meeting of the W . C. and to prove it h e sold four gold watches J no. Virtue, Fred Maroney. S r. 2nd T. U . la.~t y ear, Oct. 17th was a ppointed on Saturday, and has h a d a tremendous class- Emily L ewis, Geo. Thompson, W. to b e obser ved as a temperance S unday rush of b nsiuess the whole week . No Hogers, w. st~into n, Charles .Moyse. and a ll ministers are requested to preach humbug about it . J u. 2nd class- W ebster V ir t ue , Norm an appropriate sermons. T he editor of the 'l'oronto 'l 'el egram is Gilbert, Edie Gilbert, Harold Mitchell, Vick 's M actaziuc for Octob er is to h and (\'etting up an agit,.tion in favor of g iving Geo, L e wis. 0 and is a very valuable issu <i. Every lady prizes at our exhibitions to th e girl who L eskard P ublic School , A ugust an d in the land who keeps plants and ·flowers in t he shortest time provides the b est Septe mber :- 4t h c lass: - A Davey, Sophia s h ould take th is magazine. Add1 ·ees J as. cooked m1ml for a certain number of per- Trull, H Robbins, Ada '.Crull, Bella V ick, Rochester, N. Y. son s. As it is b eing successfully carried Davie. 3rd class:- ~7 Law, Beatrice M. M ayer calls special attention to his out i n the States, how ,,.ould it do to try Davie, W M ercer, Ber tie Han cock, Mary n ew s tock of Fall Hats, which an'l the it h ere? Lawson, A Robbins. Sr. 2nd class: -- E ' '\Ve r'e in a pickle now," said a man Walker. Laurie Sacnis, Ber tie Moyse, v ery latest, b est and cheapest in tow:n. In Gents' F urnishings a large and ch o10e in a crowd. ' 'A r~gulnr jam,"said anoth er . Nellie Hancock and Lucy W righ t same, s tock received lately. So come along "Heaven preserve us," said an old lady. G Law. Jr. 2nd class:- Er!die Davey, They were all pushing th eir way to parker B Simpson, Eddie R obbins, Maggie friends and examine goods and p1·ices. .SuccEsSFl'L S ALE. - Some of the prices & co's carriage, t h e dyer s and clean- Davie, Fred Wal ker, Alfred J ackson. T. A. BROWN, Teach er. realized at Mr. J as. Stanl ey' s sale on ers of,toronto, to get the ir olcl a nd faded S. S. No. !), Clil.rke. 5th ch.ss :- Kate T uesday: H orses- One 2 years old, $302; rrarments dyed for t he fall. Don't forge t ey will b a h er e .on Colville, Mattie Colville, M ary Ren.wick. on e 3 years old,$270; on eGyea rs old,$173; t his i~ your clutnce, th_ one 7 y ears old, $158; one 15 years oid, Friday and Saturday Oct. 15th and 16th. 4 th class:- A)ice Hamm , Mary Wilso n, . Dora Dickson. Sen 3rd class:- Ettio $ 100 · one driver, $100; and a yeiirhng Don't forget 10 t oll every body. $86. ' Cows- $110, $92, $55, $70, $66, HATi', C.n 's AND F uns. - At th e l ead.mg Colville, Ettie Buck ley, Vesta Samis. $ 63 and $50. Sh eep sold as high as $18 establish ment of M. Mayer the Practic:i-1 J unior 3 rd class:- Milton Pollard, per h ead. The sale realized $2,447. M r . Furrier, you can fi!ld t h ? largest stock m 1Phoebe Gibson, Jo hn Mason. Sen. 2nd H ezzlewood conducted th e sale in h is the above lines m t lu s county. For class:- Nellie Ooh>ille,Charlie M c.Don ald , usual pleasing manner, and the _prices Ladies : in jack ets, d olman ettcs, capes, Maud Barrott. J un. 2nd class: - Eva o btained at t h is as well as at all h ts sales caps and muffs a great variet y. F _ o r Toms, Annie P el'l, Ruthella Hamm . entitles h im to t he position he h ol ds, as Gents : a large stock of fur coa.ts m Sen . 1st class :- F lorence B ellwood , F red ·o ne of the foremost auctioneers in t h e Russian lamb, Bokarian and coon, m all Bowe n Alie B uck ley. I Tabl<~t class:.P rovince, and a worthy successor of H arry p rices. · Slei gh _ roJ:>cs by the dozen ~nd Murry 'Barrett, Bertie Bnwen, L C haplin. Phillips. Be sure .and hear him sp0ut at caps of all description. In gents form.sh - II Tablet class :- L ena R enwick, H enry M r. John .Tames' near Maple Grove, on ings t he ?est st ock of u nderwear, ties, Dickson, L izzie Dickson. III Tablet M onday n ext, and Mr . W . J11ll's, n ear braces, slurt.s and r ubber coats. So co me class :- Willie B tickley, :M:aud Lusk, Hampton on t h e 13th inst .- ADVT. al ong ~riend~ . and bci ng your c.a sh and Harvey Barr.ett. For Good Conduct :-;All Mattie Col ville , Alice Hamm, Ettie Gr eat Clearing Sale begins at E lliw n you will d ecidedly get a b~rgam. kind3 of fur altered and r epaired. B uckley, May Barr ett, Nellie Colville, .& Co. Our r educed prices will astonish our D ecidedly the clt9apest J er;,eys in town Eva Toms, Freddie Bowen, M urray Har rett, L ena R enwick, Mau d L usk. The ,frien ds. E llison & Co. E llison and Co. followin rr wer e presen t e very day in t h e P eopl e admit th'l.t i t is 11.dvantageon s tu W e must h ave a thorough sal e at any month :...'.:'.Mary Ren wick, M ary Wilson, .cost . E llison & Co. d eal wit h E llison & Co. Dora Dickson . Willie Ren wick , P h oebe You ought t o see E llison & Co's G ray . B l;ck and Colored S arah Satins, ex· G i bson , Charlie McDonald ,, F lorence .F lannels at present prices. t remely low. E llison & Co. Bell wood, Annie Dickson and Henry t·i·of. Low·~ H1111:lc Sulpbar Soap h lll::l1l y NA'l'lUYA.L PILLi. itre n ntlhl purgative, Dick~on. Average attendance 35. K. l'ecoinefle ·l rur a ll bumcirs nud sl ·ln db· ncllu:; on the S lonmc h , Ll ver an·l Buwcl.IJ, R. SQUAIR, Teacher . .:ases. r emoviu:: all ci-.sfr u c Uous , I Having a large stock ot' Material for all' k inds of Repa~ring on hand, the Jobbing Department will be a special feature in this Great Cloo1·ing Sale. All Repairing at g reatly reduced prices~ . ANTED HY TOE l9TH OF OCT. , September ·school 'Reports. 11. r ounq qi rl as general houee maid. Al>· Main Springs put in .... 50c. to 75c. : Watches cleaned . .,...· 50c. to 75c. ply ro MRR, E. (i. Hume. -~:_:~ NA.MES IN orrnER OF. l\CERIT. A NTED.-Girl. for gentlnl house J ewelR properly fitted ... ;)Oc. to 7tfo.1 Watch Glasses fitted . . .. . . . 15c, work, llood wag~e. Apply to MRS. F . Case Springs fitted . .. . 50c. to 75c.j Clocks cleaned.:... .. . ~ . 40c. t o 75c. S . S . No, -t Osb.orn1i' s" D ~rlington. ; MASO.. " · Klnq. sf. . . . 4.0·tr. 4thclass :..::....MaudSqui.res,,,V,al~er011bome, All other work in proportion. All work warranted, a.sGu the past. Lilian :Annis. 3rd claes :..:.....Flora... An nis,. '~VANT .WANTED- lMMEDIATE1 A call solicited. As will b e seen by notice in anot.1er D'llly Ok'e , ' Allie Wor den.. 2nd c;:lass :~LY.for gene.ral hou~"work. ·Apply t.o Mns, · WHF.AT, Fall, " ' hush. .. .. 0 70 11 0 77 " Spring: , " 0 70 11 0 77 ]hRJ,EY, 'lJI" b usJt. .. ., .. · ., 0 50 II 0 58 R YE, 11 · . . . . . . . . . . 0 45 II 0 50 OATS, " · .. · .. .. · 0 30 11 0 30 P EAS, Blackeye, f' bush ... 0 70 11 0 75 11 Small;. 11 0 55 " 0 55 11 Blue,. 0 55 11 O 55 ·BUTTER, bea.i table, 'l.i" th. _. 0 12 11 0 16 vill~. L.um, 'Ill' fu,.. .. · · .. .. . .. · 0 10 11 0 13 Every town on l he lake front will cer· E oos, 'II"~ ·· , ..... ... .. O 00 11 O 14 tainly rej oi ce at th1.1 defeat of t he Trunk - P OTATOES,, ~ bush. · · · · . · · 0 25 11 0 30 1ewer by -law, ill' T oronto, on Wednesday, HAY ....... .......... .. . . 900111000 That Toronto shall drain h er filth into the lake, t r > be floated down by the current; ·N .rw '.JlhDerttsemtnts. distrbuted into our harbors and thr..w.n upon our 1hores, to ~he .detriment of our \,./'>..l""./""o./"' ./"~,,.-.....~~ ., SHAW 4 TOLE, health and comfort, is simply outrageous. We are gratified tt> learn that the majoriWENSED AUCTIONEERS for th" County of Durham. .All sa!P.a will receivtl ty of t he ratepayers of the city sat upon prom.pt attention. .\ddress :- Bowman ville, · the s cheme , Ont. $60 do do do $ aO. New Silver Watelles, all naakes, at same reductions. About 60 second ha.nd Silver Watch es, from $3.00 to $8.00 each. Silver Plate, Rings, Chains, Lockets, Broache8; Ear Rings, &c., a t even greater reductions. This is a BONEFIDE CLEARING SALE ; all goods warranted a,. :uepresented. I purpose remaining in t o w n and will be responsible for all goods sold. $30 do do flo $ .tC·. L. BUSINESS FOR SALE EN BLOC, . W W M.A. J AM ES, Centre St., Bowmanville, . -·- ---· ·· 711 31. TO RENT OR :FOR SALE.·apres, being part of lot con. In F ARM ·the l'owxlilhip o!Clarke. Enquire of COLK, . 8. '.l'rrone. . · M. WN. B.-To save costs, over-due accounts must be settled forthwith. B owmanville, September 23, 1886. l. CORNISH. S7:2m 39-tf. s: REWARD . for the · recoTery ot red apotted steer, Any poraon returnln11: the above to Mn, · PmLrr Bm& 1 ,ow, 8th con., lot 21, Clarko, will reQeiv., the above reward. STOLEN- FROM LOT ~12, C'on. 3. J)arllngton. on or i.bout, 23rd or ,September. 5 Ewes and 3 LRmbe. Information leading to their recovery will ·bo thankfull:r re· ceived. W u. YEOMAN. on the vremi3es, Bow. !0-3' man ville, P.O. OR $10 00 ci"rR.AYED Darlington Voters' List. FARM .FOR SALE. Local and Otherwise. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WILL PUR CHASE , N a Court will be held pursuant to the ., a good fa.rm ofl50 acres 1 · Voters' List Act, by His Honour the Judge or in the i th Con, D<1.rling-ton. Sme.ll amount ot · t.h e County Court of the United Countie11 or Se money required down. Apply t.o Nort.bumberland and Durham, at the Councll pnrch!L WHl'l'IJ:, Box llG llowmanvillo, or to .Ton:-; Room. Bowmapville, on Wednesday the 13th ED. McCLET ,LAN,. Port Darlington. 39·tf of October, 1886, at I Oo'clock, to hear ond de· termln e the several complaints or errors and $10 500 tng business at th e Court are requested to attend at the said time Hnd place. Dated the -o~·-25th day or September. 1886. R. W!NDA 'l'T, E LI Z A BETH GRIFFITHS J t In pursuance of Chapter 107 Revised Sta·ute Clerk ·of the said Municipality iO·Z .' · . e ot Ontario and amend1n11: acts: · -·-·----- -of the T own of Bowmanville, 1n Notice havmg i9 ~ereby a~y pereo~ or the County of Durham, married persons anyglnm claim that or claims agamst _ 01, Y.AL UABLEwoman deceased . the Estate o! Isaac Westcott, late of the Town of Howmanville. in the County or Durham. ' arerequestod tooendby N OTICE S H EREBY GIVEN blacksmithdecenscd post prepe.id, addressed to Mrs. Mary .Ann · pursuant toISection 3J of Uhnpter 107, P. Westcott, Bowm.,nville, Ont., the Executerix · S. 0., as amended by Uhp. fl, or >IGVic., Ontario, of the last will and testament or the deceased that al! creditors and others having claims t.he undersigned ou or berore the - IN TllE11gaiust t he estate of ELrnAUE'l'Il G Ril"1"11.'HS, or deliver to Day Fll· "l'EEN'l'll of November next, a state· 1 ment of bis or their claim or claims. and his ate of the Town of Bowmanville. in the County or their chriRtian and sums.mes &ddresses and of Durham, married woman, deceased, who 'tY 1 ·t diedreqnil·ed on or a1'out the 21st day undersigned, of August, 1886. description and the nature of t11 e securi Belon~ing to t ne E state of the l ate are to send to the D. any held by him or them. And that imm ediate·· · Burke i:li mpso11, B.o wmanville. Ont., Solicitor ly after the said date the said Executrix will for David ]fisher, E sq. , Executor atal '1'1 . ·ustee , of tbe last ·wrn and l'estamont of the said proceed to distribute the assets of tho said deceased among t he pa.rties entitled tl~ereto, l!;r.1zABE'.l'II Gnn-.1-·n·us, deceased. particulal's having regard only to the claims or which she - VI Z. in writing of their claims anct the natm·e of PARCEL I.- 1'he south half of Lot 19, Second the securities (if any) held by t.hcrn, and their shall then bn.ve had due notice. Dated at Bowman ville, this 21th day of Sept· Concesston of the Townshi p or P ickering, con· Christian and Surnames. ad<lrcsses and des. ember, A. D., 188ti. R. Jiusse:r.r, Losool\mE, taining 100 acres, more or.Je.ss. or which about eriptions. on or before tho l SLh DA. y OF 40·4w Solicitor for said Executrix. 10 acres are bush. On t his u a dwelling house OCTOBER, l 88G. a-nd stable·. ~t also a.ffords an excellent nud ) And notice is hereby given that at the exp it·· Tare opportumt.;y; to mill owners, as t he West ation of t hat Lime tbc said Exccmor will probro.nch or Duffin s Creek runs acrnss_ the South· ceed to distribute lhe assets of t.he said de· East corner of the . S!'-me, t.hus olftiflDP:' one of ceased, among the parties entitled thereto, the,finest water pr!v·l~ges m Ontario, having regard only to the claims of which he PARCEL ·II.- AdJolmni.r P11:rcel I. '~on sl sllng shall t hen h!tve notice, and t hat he will not be of tl:e No~th part o~ ~ot. 19, tn the First .con., lilLble fur the assets, or any par t ther eof, to any of Pw~ermg, contaimn,g 3! acres. more 01 l~ss, person or persons of whose claims he shull not on which sta.nda aA excellent stone dwe!h!lg, then have had notice. D. BURKE SD1PSON', with stone kitchen. woo1·bed, stables. dn vmg The undersigned has received instructions aheds and harr.s. Parcel I. and II. have form· Solicitor for Executors. from e ample Bowmanville, 15th Septem ber. 1886, 33..1.w erly been used as one farm, and haY buildings. ·tone stables and root house under barn : also good orchard, wells ancl cistern. · . l.Yl ' Together is a splendid grazing nncl gruin-grow· 1 is giving up farming, to sell at P _ublio ing farm of 13! acres. The present tanent Who leaves 28 acres plowed, and · 1 acres in fall Auer.ion. without reserve, on the D urk !!'arm, wheat. Possession to plow immediately. 1'llis Lot 20, Cou. 1, Darlington, near Maple Grove. property is beautifully located at the .i Llnction O.N MONDAY, O C TOBER 11t h , ofKi.n11;ston and Brock -Ir mile west of Pickering village, abont Iroads, mile from Pickering A his valuable Farm Stock, Implemen ts, Field station on G. 'l '. R., H miles from LiYcrpo()l H.oots, etc., including: · harbor. and 20 miles east or Toronto. HOI<SES.- Brood mare. 5 years old, sup· P ARCEr. HI.- 'l'he North half or the South Under and by virtue of the power of sale conpaaed to be iu foal to "P rince George;" hair of J,ot 21. in the Broken Front of Pickering tained in a, certain mortgage, which will be span brood mares, aged; 2 buy mares, a11;eu; containing 50 acres. more or lesR, (best land in produced at tile time or sale, there w ill b e geldinl:\' l year old; filly, Z·ysars old, by "'Ken· the county), on which is a J!:OOcl b~rn and offered for salli by Public Anction, on tucky;";uckingcolt, '·Pride,~fPerth,"5 crosses, d:!"reblo liunr g .·house, situate ~ mile from Liverpool ~ ~ sncking colt, by "Portland. CA 'l"l'LE.- 8 good milch cows 2 cows, with PA RCEJ'. I V.- A hou~e and lot containing calves a t. foot; l D11rham bull, 3 years old; 2 bout l acre, situate in the village of Pickering. / JJ ] J heifers, 2 years old; Z yearling calves. SIIF.EP.-9 good breeding ewes; 5 ewe Jambs; The above lots of land will be exposed for 1886, at · 1·wo o'clock in the _ afternoon, by 1 Shropshire ram, t horo-bred, ahear1in · sale by H. liU TCIIESON, Auctioneer, at P rc:s.-5 Berkshirepigs. PlJBLIC AUCTION MACHINl!:RY.- Setf binding reaper; Massey - ONIN 'l'HE YILLAGE Ol!~ OROXO, H a r vester; mower; sup erior seed er; horse power; chuff cutter, for power. The rnuth twenty.four acres of tho north halt CARRTAClES- 2 far m wagons. one nearly now; of lhe south hai r of lot number t wenty-eight, covered buggy; open buggv; pleasure sleigh: in the sixth Concession or t he 'l'ownship of bob-sleighs; dot1blo cutter; single cutter, Clarke, in 1he County of li1trham. n ex t, at 2 o'clock p. m. , at t h e IMrl.F:MENTS E·rc.- Sn.lky horse rake; re· TERMS :- One tenth of purclrnse money at volTinK rake; turnip drill; iron scuffler; root Gordon House, Village of Pick lilring. time of sale ; suffic ient to m alrn up one quarter slicer; 't good plows; sod plow; 2 gang plows ; wit hin seYen days thereafter. and suillcient to ws from day set iron harro ws; tield roller; 2 set double 'l' ERMS :-10 per cent on day of sale, enough make up one half within thirty d1 harness; 2 set smgle harness; pair scotch to make oue·third of purchase moaey in thirty of sale; the balance to be secured by mortgage collars; fanmng mill; pair farm scales. 1,400 days; balance to be paid m five eq ua annual OU the pren::ises, bearing interest 1't 7 1'111" C01H. , lbs· grinding stone; large furnace; wood stove; instalments, with interest at 6 per cent per payable yearly. The purchaser may pay off hay rack; wood rack; pig rack; gra.in cradle: annumn. secured by tlast mortgage on the P l'O· the whole purchase money within t hirty days scytbe: 10 cow chains; 3 set whillletrees;. 2 perty, from day of sale, n eckyokes; 2 bee hives; .corn marker; lot gram Property can be seen by applying to oceu· Conditions will be made known on day of sale. bags; rakeo, forks, chams, hoes, barreJq, and pants of the premises aud written enquiries For further particulars apply to the Aue· various other· articles: a quantity or good hay; will be responded to 'by WM. FORRE::l'f ER, tioneer, or to D. DURKE SIMPSON, one acre carrots and one i.cre mangolds. P ick ering, or G, B . MILLER, Uxbridge. Vendors· :,>olicitor, Sale begins at 1 o' clock, sharp, POUCHE R &; HOWLAND, 38 TERMS:- On Pigs, Roots, and all snms or $10, 37·5w. Auctioneers· Bowmanviilo, 13th September 1SS6. and und_ er.b1;1 c&s!:'; over e.cnouo.t 12 months Elli~on & Co ar e willlna to sell a.t cost See present p rices of Ellison & Co'a credit will given on that approved notes. · ,.., rnits. b lue serge 1 , V, B:&:ZZELWOOD, Auctioneer. for one season. Notice to Creditors. I ~~\i;i~~~)~~u!~~o:f~~~~is~ll~~::o~u~!~~ IN OT ICE TO CREDITORS Au cT I0 N sA LE FARM ANO VllLAGt PROrfRTY Townsh1'p of Pi' cker1'ngJ J QR DAN p Q ST. EXTENSIVE CRE0IT SA l E. MR JOHN JA MES I MORTCACESALE V'LUABLE FARM PROPERTY. 0 ·s t tn IBtn a f t a ur au e av 0 0 c0 er HALLETT'S HOTEL, S aturfa~ the 9th Da~ of OCTO~f R 1

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