Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1886, p. 4

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· s cotIand t'lmp t'1011 1 'ta sewage 1·n ever·v clae11. The liveliest conh1at wu, Geo. U.. Linton, Orono Foundry, had Glasgow m into the Clyde and the odor from the llll u1111al, amonit the single drivers, there 6 et11bble jointer plows on the grl)nnci. · · 1 be1·nn entrie11. For .atyle ..and W. Porter show11d hi!i "Hard to BJat" river i11 a terror to 11ens1t1ve na~a organs. .., twe,11·y.·1·x · n A fellow traveller told us that Dublin ~peed there was 1pirited .competition. plows and sulky pfows. .I emptiee its lateral sewage into the Liffoy, 'l'here 1Hre r.1ne ent~riea of aaddle horee11. Shaw & Tole had only a Mae11ey Bindin a few .daye, and at low tide the stench is terrible.. The toll.I number of entrie11 of horse· waa er on the gronnd but made a lar~e exhib16. it of plows, harrows, sewing machines, · · d C k and School Books and a.11 School One of our pa.rty w h o vmte or says 'l'he nlllllt'll of most of the exhibitor· etc., at their warerooms, Quick's Block. it is the finest city he saw. The peoµlc . finure iu the prize li11t._ · J · c ry d erman exh'b't 1 1 e d one of Reqmsites are thrifty and well dressed, fine looking, .· "' CATTLE. Coult hard, Scott & Oo's Champion Comcan be had from mi; at right prices. and compare well with our own people. bined 8eeders. I. He was particularly struck with their tidy There are a number of breeder11 of DurF. El. Mason showed a Honey F<1nniug THE VICTOR and respectable app"arance·on Sunday. ham cattle in this di11trict who ha\'0 more Mill. The Irish car-man, who said to the than a local reputation2.many of them Jae. Stollery had on inspection a root pa.ssenger, when complaining of the bad having figured amonl( the prize.takers ·of alicer and pnlper, and Gilbert'B Patent road1, "Ah, well! s ..r, what these roads the Provincial and Induatrial Exhibition11 steel flex!ble "matchle~s" harrow. lack in quality, we'll make up in quanti- for many yearl!I Mr. S. Allin wc.n the M . C. Rose exhib1te·l the Port Perry TREBIL 0 0 0 K'S ty," was not far 1yrong, for whilst the Shorthorn herd 11weepstakes prize. Some Feed Mill and a Cock.hutt Economist roads a.re usually very good, an Irish mile .· very veluable 12:rade cattlei were . shown. Plow with reversible point a ud 11hear. · is a very long mile. .Jersies were exhibited by Dr. McLaughlin 1 T . W. Underwood, of Orono, goneml · h b read b a k'mg may 111 · t t c M. P. P., M.. Porter, Joseph J'effery, and a?,en t f or th e N or th A .merican M ·urn fact · We are sltowin.::: sorne lines of" lftUSICA.L 1-..,,TRlJ· I ris eres an5 Cent Scholars' Companion, adian ladies. The loave~ are put mto a Dr. R. Young. uring Co., of London, exhibited the "Lit· = l~"' sort of iron kettle and covered with peat BHKEP AND swIYEe tle Chief" self bi!lder which is m11de by lUE'NT~ that arc Jr~llUll'kably cheap. Exercise Books, &c., coa.ls,and, like a boiling egg,are timed till There was one, f the best exhibits of the l\bove company. This machine is a I I p APER , , baked. Bread is the main a1·ticle of diet Leicester, Cotawold, Sooth . Down, a11d new one in this district, and the Com- I WA ~ ~ :llld I< A N( ,Y \\'INDOW SHA.DES are all 1pecial. in the summer when "praties" are ~carce, Shropshire sheep e\·er 11 een at this Ex hi · pa.ny h·"·e 11ecured the services of a good 1 · cheaper f li:-t11 ever. The .New Canadian & English pending the incoming of the new crop. hidon. The owners have, in many cases, man in Mr. Underwood t o introduce it. IN If f G · b · · d k The poor people we11r very heavy shoes, been exten11ive prize winners at thll Do- The Little Chief is a. gtmuine two horse ove 1es rom crn·any ate eang rec.e1ve wee Iy. and some of them told us they wore them minion and Provincial shows, in former b!nder, ~mall, light an? durable; it is pro- We b..ave tlte nicest 23' cent WORK-BOX ever SllOWD "off nndon" as long as three years. They ye11rs. v1ded with a double trip, irnd on~ assists in C:a1rul·t are heavily soled and heeled and reinThe exhibit of swine wa11 emall and every the other in binding the sheaves. The "' · · · price 35 cent11, is also ready. forced with plates and spikes or knobs of exhibitor W88 awarded prizes. The ani· wheel is double geared, the kuives and Co1ne i l l and look around whether you buy or not. iron. How would they wear on your mals 1 bown were a credit to their owners. pachr beiniz driven from the front with p t F l t I a pinion, aud the binder from the inside IC .u1·e!§ 1·an1ec a O'Vt~Sl i·ates. One dozen good L ead Pencils :or smooth p:·inted floors, Jadiss of · Canada'! l'OULTRY. ot the wheel with a short staff and the Many of the women and nearly all of The existence in Bowmanville of a r · h · 1 10 cents. 1 1 the children, among the lower classes of Poultry .Association tells very f~vourably ~~:~::!~u!~i:i:~z~~~~ ~n~t;~~~ ~; ,'.: Bowmanville, Sdpternber 23, 18S6. course, go barefooted nearly all the year on this_,branch of the exhibition, for in \he wheel. The driving wheel id long. Some of the economical women, numbers varieties and vnluti of birds shown made all of iron or with a wooden rim, who wish to appear well at church, !!O it would be no easy matter to find an equal as the pnrchMer may exprdss his preferbarefooted to the door and th en haul out at any eKhibition in Canada outside of the h d · b · 'd d t e woo en l'tm emg cons1 ere t heir aJ1oe· from under their shawls and Industrial and Provincial. This exhibit ence, the most ela~tic and least liable to break slip them on their good-sized feet. wae placed in the north e.nd .of the Drill in going over atones or uneven ground. The Irish are proverbially hearty and Shed and the neBt and cleanly appearancE> All the lever· are 80 arranged as to be BowMANVILLE, FRIDAY, OcT. 8. affectionate. We saw this character of the cases in which the fowl were shown within reach of the driver, so that he has amply eustained at a raihvay station, mad a it a plePsure to impect' the exhibite, the mat·hine completely under his control where a great crowd had gathered to bid The names of the principal exhibitors ap· while in operation. There are twv levers to the reel, each workrng indopendfa.rewell tv a young girl, who was off for pear in the prize list. America. But even colder-hearted peo· There were 12 entries of homemade ently. By one it can be raised and lowNOTES ON lRELAND. ple would ha\'e abundant r eason for being buns and 8 Iota shown. ered at will, and [.y the otqer moved out Amon!>1; our twelve thousand re~ders sorrowful. and demonatra.tive on such an No baker's bread was shown, but 24 or in. By touching another lever the -OE"there is a large number who either occasion. loaves of homemade wer.e exhibited. driver can shift tho kno tter and bt1tter I themselves or their descendants came 'l'he Irish farmers formerly d epended Only 3 lots of preserved fruit. 3 of to suit the varyiug h eight of the grain. form Irelirnd, and as we have given con- upon their farm-produce, but through pickles and 5 of jellies were !110 .vn. It can be raised ol' lowored ou the m 1st"'r siderable attention to Scotland and American competition they were compell· . Honey exhibi~ was very small.. wheel independ1:e111. of the tilt mo.tiu11, and . 11 previ'ous letters, we ·s.hall con · nd 1 · _ ed to fall back on stock raising, but this · can b e raise · d or 'l'he grain shown was of excellent qua.l· r1ach en d o f · 1e mac Iime Engla fine our remarks to hela.nd tlus week. too, for the same reason has proved mi- itr, and thorn were 3!) entries. lowered inu, pt·ndently cf ·he oth11r. 'fhe Our visit to the Emerald Isle wa.s brief, satisfactory, and they arc now looking for S. Snowden & Son aud T. T. Coleman mat11ria.I used in the eonstructic111 of these hence our travels and observation were something else to help ma~e ends meet. captured all the prizee for corn. · machines is of the best q11t.lity, put tolimited, bqt we shall give in paragraph Even their staple £ax cannot be relied The only seed exhibited was flax. gether by skilled workrµcn, and every The glories of the past sink into ins.gnificance beside our form a few things seen, heard, thought Qr on as formerly, the linen trade havir.g Fruit was abund-&n~ and quality far a· machinti is thoroughly teated before it Dry Goods, Millinery and l11a.rned by the way. M . A. J. partially declined. hove the average. The apple entries werti: leaves the factory, consequently purchas- present wonderful assortment o Canadian sti-awberries are lame com- Fall 9, Winter 11, N. Spy 15, King Tomp· ers niay rdly upon <>ettin<> a tirst clas· art Mantles, which have been carefully selected by our· buyer, Larno is a quaint old town. ~ ared with the Irish berries. The cliB !fl icl4t. This season's bu;siuess has been a . f Ireland 5 000 000 P 8, l:'JJitz-nborg 7, Yllilow el ower The popu Ia t ion n1ate of the country is riaht for a slow and .krns th e "L1't : and which are piled upon our counters ready for inspection. ~ 13 Ribston Peppi11 7, Golden Rueeet 23, moet successf u I ot1e ' and already , We saw very few farm machines in perfect gro,wtb. 'l'he berries ore as large Rhode Js!.rnd Greening 8 , St. Lawarettce tie Chief' ill a great favllrice with ~he farIreland. as the Sharpless Seedling, and as sweet .as 21 Fall .enneltings S, Swaars 4 , Snows mert1 of Western Ontal'io. 1 The universal slogan: "A pinny, if you our wild berries. Of them and them only 7 , Duchee~ Oldenburg 4, Talman Sweet Thet New William~ bewmK Machines plaze, sor." could it have been said by old Isaak Wul- JO, Crab'I 1 L. Pea.rs: Table ll, Flemish exhibited by Mr. James Deyman were A tour in Europe would be incomplete ton: "Doubtless the Almighty might have Beauty ll, Winter Nellis 5 , Bartlett 8, eurrounded by a crowd all the time. This We have ust opeM<l up cases . of rich novelty Dress Goods, imported were Irnland not included. made a better berry than tho stmwberry, Sheldons 5· Duchess Angouleme 3, Vicar i~ the eewing machiue of the period. The direct from France and Germany, newest colorings and la.test designs The Land Court which determines the but. douqtlees he uever did," or words to Wmkfield 3, Seckcl 4, Louise 13oun.. de New Willia111e Sewing machine i.S 'leading in Cheviot, Plaids, Cordurettes, French Shudda.h, Ca.meJlettes, Kenrental of l1m1l<. exists only in Ireland. tl111t effect. Jersey 8. Beurre Clairg<'aU 4, Beurre the trade all throu~h Cauada. 1'.11e samp· singtons, Bredalba.ne, · Norman dieK, Chevron Serge, Freize Suiting, Feeling runs· very hirrh between Pro testy I f work ·urp"·· ' r1gr ever 11xh1· b 00 anyth1 0 'l lmery · b'll 11- th t ry a.uts and Roman Catholics ·· d'AnJ'ou 3, lleurre Did l, ari.ety winter es ~ ~ M1 i a · &re sma ,e h coun aod pervades 10, d h er& b e f ore· I· · Ill · a 11 redpec t 11 & "' t Kazmyr Suiting, 'Roman Stripe and Mikado Plushes to match for h d 'th l rrrentest variety 3. Plu·us 10,. "rapes e ·IS ure w omen cover th · oir ea 11 wt a s aw· · ev . ery class of society. each lookin<>' u " · · · ca.1cu Iate d .. down . 21. ·" F or variety of fruit.a T. ·T. Coleman, cIaea 1ew111g mac1 11ne, an d 1a --trimming.--.· An Irishm1 m al ways knows anAmencan · IYa want Jon., a felt \iy ti . 10 u~er s of " u'r>on, and having. ·· but .little to do with G. W. Henry, John Chaplin and E. C. t o supp on a J ·auntinc ·-car, ." because he holds on. the other. In one town we even found a · h' lt · · 1 · 0 · Beman were the competitora. 11ewmg mac mes. 11 111mp ., m . con· o;> Gla.ds·one ill groa.tly respected ~or his Scotch street and. an It-ish street. 'l'he The collection of vegetables WllS also 1tructio11, quiet in motion, easy to run ; ~ Irish policy. Many look upon lum as feeling among the Protestant denominathere ia plenty of apace under the arm. It almost a saint. tionl! also msy be said to be one of anti- one of the largest and b~st SOllD for yeara is made of the best material, and finished f t here. Some monster turnips were shown · h · b · ·th Farm hoU1!.eB are nf limestone, of·en ·pathy, wl.nc may e se~n 111 · . e ac · h · · h i:o the mo11t workmanlike manner, by the whitewashed, and present a strong con- that. at least in Rome .o f tl~e towns the old, by S. Snowdeu & Son, .six-. of. t em we1g - moat akiiful me~hanica that money . can · .·. ~ · 'to t.he evergre'o11 turf.· N_ at10nal Sch . .ools.· f.. or . wh1c.h .lrela d was iag 100 lbs. There ";ere ~f~ ·,,en,tz:ies . of .prt·crire... Spilcial~a.ttentio.u .· is call .ed. to. a trmot d m~ ly· cel e b rat e d , are a t h tn!! of t h e past ; roo . ts arid · n l!etables. ' For ·oestcollect1on pa·t .. nt devi·cll for · n t . · . "J.USt " autJmat1cotlly adJUStltl"' . · fron1·' o 50 acres ~ 'ze ' wer ' ethe,o ·n1v ex- · ~1 · f h · · T en antfartll·ra.nge · "· ~ . and each denomination has <istablished the· threepr1 · ·w1'nne"· <D h. k' d · "' f and are mostly wor;k~d by hand. Cluef its own 11chools. hibitors. .. ~·he ega o t e mac me to any Ill o cropll: potatoes, turmps, oats and hay. Tl I . h d d . th·, ~ fioor ·on the fro1atfoot of the right lt>g i1 a A . . ie ns roa s are mo es. In Domestic · Manufactu~es ere ~.a~ 11mall thumb ncrew, which when loosened, . ... . 1 'rhey are 1 .Belfas~ ·:1s the most mencs_n ci ..y we macadamized with limestone, and al- only a fair exhibit, ziearly !\Very artfole rele1mis the adjustable castor which will saw dµrmf§ our Old Country tr~p-i.n re- thou"!l the stone too readily grinds into shown ta.king a prfze ticket. · ' · at once c&use all the legs to rest on the lo.4 spect to its .appeara~ce, not t-0 its r~ots . powder, and in the towns and villages W. H . May and J. R. Bradley made tfoor. Tighten the screw and the Mach· -AND-v The roses, p1Umns., and fuchsias of keeps everything dusty white, they are Axcellent displays of double and single in.e will stand aolidly, thus in a. very aim· CO Northern Ireland are .u nexcelled for fine roads to drive over. Most of them harness. pie manner, ohvia.ting the necessity of 1-i bea.uty and vimety, porhaps unequ.i.lled. . are skirted with stone walls and graceful Our local artists both ma.de most ex- wedgea, 1c-rcw drivers. etc., being &tuck ~ Corduroy trousers are extensively worn trees, ~rooked and often quite picturesque cellent exhibits of large and si:nll~Lphoto· under the leg to level up the Machine, lJy laboring m en. '!'hey la st fn.m two Labor .1s so cheap, and' ~he rule of ~he gra.plts. We doubt if a.uy o~lier town of and when movin~ 1t to another place, it -.ANDto five years a.ad cost $3 a pair to order. country so long es.tabhshed respectmg the size in Canada .cau produce 811 fine a is only neoeasa.ry t . . repeat the loosening c:+ A muddy hoot is seldoin seen, there is them, · t.hat w~at might be ·alleJ a b,\d collection of pictures. · and tightening of the thumb screw, to enh:j so little rnud on the roads in Ireland, and piece of ro~cl is alm?st never eeen. Af~er In the Fancy 'York aod Fine Art De- sure a aolid etanding Ma.chm0. .,_.. particular pains are taken to keep boots a gentle ram the ~riah country roads give partments there Wl\S the usual good col· At the Ea.stern Ontario Exhibition held ~ Up 0 lish11d . one an adcquat.e idea of the luxury of an lection, thouooh the number of paintin"s at Belleville recently, the New Williams <-. we over-country drive. "' · · . ., . The jolliest, beat natured people m the ,, . ~" k- wa.s smaller than for some years, but the took the lirst orize over all competitors · 1:::$ 1 world are th~ Irish peasants who always .. Wh,it '1.0 you.neon most1 Y: we as superior excelleuce of the exhibit more for a family ri1achine, viz: thti Singer, have a pleas"nt word and kindly. smile ed of a bright 13-year-ol~ Insh boy at than made np for the falling oft' in num- Raymond and White. The judgement - -- - - - - - - -- OQ -....:=--...:-..=fc r the stran<>er. La.roe. B l'ead'.sor. Don.t you have ~ny hers. Thern were upwards of 34;0 entries was given on mechanical points by two ) . o . · meat? Weclont.,sor,savmg at Christ- inthesetwobranches. We think it is juc!geewhowereoldaewingmachinemen. Very h ·tle !fl· <l.0 ·11 ? 111 the !f.ay ?f r estor- mas time, sor. What, no meat during to be regretted that so little attention is As a. proof that the machine is as good as · ing. lao~ by art1hcia.l _ fertihza~lO n.' th:e tho year'! None at all, sor, afther thnt. now given to domestic manufa.cutres. The represented, it may be eaid that not one' We are showing some choice styles in Hats and Bonnets for early fall 11ave to dr1" 11'-?. · mam_reltance for Jrnepmg the soil gcod is Wl1at do "OU th o · "' , 'Natl1er, u11eful acumplishments i;ha.t our mothers machine has ever been returne d m rotatwn of crops. · . sor, and milk and a little tay, sor. Are and grandmothers were so ptoficient in, last eleven years, and the manufactory at wea1·, comprising all the latest shapes in Rough and Ready Milan and The Irish people liave II <lea! mo.re thrift you lrnppy ? We are, sor. Do you like such as knitting, patching, we-.v.ing, darn- Montreal has a capacity for tuming out other new and novel Braids. t han one would expect, co11S1denng the Ireland? We do, sor. Why? ( Hesitat- ing, mending, smock, shirt and pant mak- one thousand machines per 'l'teek . Mr. adverse circumstances under which they ing.) ltd so wholesome, sor. What do ing seem to be .almost forgotten. How Deyman, the accomplished and ouligtng All the beautiful novelties in Fancy Ribbons, Birds, Wings, Aigrettes, have lived for centuries. you mean by wholesome? Healthy, sor. many girls are there in West Durham to· 3.l(ent, will take pleasure in giving any inBeads, materials in A.strachan and Tufted effects. !f-:~ 0 Don't t ell us the Irish a.re incapable Would you like to go to America? I day who can darn a hole tile size of a pen- formation t o any of our r enders about the In Mantles we are showiog Short Wraps, Walking Jackets, Newof self g~vermnent. Give them home yrould, sor. How many room~ ha.ve you ny in the heel of a stockin~, or sew a New 'W illiams. Any woman can run the markets and Ulster3, Misses' and Children's garments. rule snch as wo enjoy in Car.ada and the 111 your house? Two, sor, a kitchen and patch neatly on the sea.t of their father's machine, so that no professional expert is world will learn a. thing or two. another, sor. Do you all sleep 111 one or brother's pants, or make a. shid or a necessary. These machine~ are always Jiev . vV Frizzell, Presbyterian minister room· ? We do, , eor.. ~n)'. curtams be- pair of o ver-alls? How many can work a on exhibit.ion at the Big 20, Bowmauville. 1 of Toronto, who mada one of our party tween :fOUr beds. (Hesitarmg as .to what button-hole, trim a hat, cut, fit and make John N. Ki veil, woman's best friend, of"Canadians .Abroad in 886" epent his a ?urtam was, after an eKplanation, he common dresB to say nothing of a fine b c e he is doincr so much to li"'ht~n 1f~ ':ie .ha;J° noi:iet s7r· A W~~tt ~o l~u ~ne, do up a fin~ shirt and many other h:r~~bors, was on hand with the E"gle holid~ys with his piirents at Dungannon, 'ft11 · 1 0 0 0 111 le wm er · 5 1" useful things that come under the ca.ta.- Steam Washing Ireland Mad1ine, Matchless 1 · · ing and looking afther the stock. Do you logue of ordinary h ousehold dutios7 We Wringer and Eagle Family Manl(le. In 1 Four-wheeled vehicles, fimilar to our eat fl.ah? We do, sor. Can yon catch and can name a very great number who can callm,g at.tention to the Eagle Steam = "' l' f d " many hacks, pay iD5 a year icense ee, an eat as as you please? We can, sor. · · etlO W t Id J tD b playonapianoororgan,entertainayoung Washer, vie believe we are conferring a cars "" 000 e a.re o I la u · This is a portraiture of "home life" a- gentleman in the parlor whi)e her mo.ther boom of incalculable worth on every wife p. .untrng 11 f · "'10 I in receives ..~ , revenue annmt Y rom moo,.," the IJOor in Ireland. this Eource. is performing the drudgery in the kitchen and mother in this beautiful land, for by - - O F ---- - - ·-· paint in water color~, oil, on canvas, vel· the use of this Machine, the distasteful "The pig we k ape in the parlor,an_d th?'t vet and her own cheeks, · tat, crochet , and slavish work of washing day is ent.ire· i~ Irish, too' ' We saw some cabws m male flowers, birds, work slippers for the ly relieve.d of its drudgery, and made a \l'hich pigs a · cl hens had the run of the young mini~ter, d octor or lawyer, attend source of pleasurable exercise :-the un'fhe annual l!'all Show of the West house, LU' this was only among the very Durham aud Darlington Union Agricul- picnics, balls, concerts, theatres and lots equalled qualities which it po3sesses of poor farmers. tural Societiea, was hold in this town on of other nice things; but we know very thoroughly bleaching the clothes, giving We b eg to notify the public that we will begin a Great T1vilight in thu n orth of Ireland in Ju- Thursday and }'riday last, and though the few who can do the work before mention- them an unpa.rallelled whiteness; and its ly and Au<Lust lasts till 10 p. m. Think gate receipts foll considerable behind last ed, bake good bread, bune, cakes aud )Jies, harmless action upon delica.te and colored Clearing sale of Dry Goods and Clothing. on .of that, ye love sick swains! The morn- year's, t.he exhibition as a whole was a broil or lry a beef steak as it should be fabrics, r end er it peculiarly u seful and ing light glows at 2 a. m. Think of that, fair success. The live stock was a great w7:h ye Baehanals'. feature and attraction of Fnday's program. you a.re to blame for this state of things, other meritorious f~a.tures. Any per11or1 ' · The old ferry at Larne Harbot· must HORSES. for your <laughters will be very much who will give it a practical test will be During the time of sale, between the 4th of October and the have been establisht:d under a lucky star, The exhibit of Clydesdale, agricultural what you train them to be. On you rests unquestionably convinced, that from an l 3l fD b '11 ft d t h · for a life h as never been lest there. ecem er, we Wl 0 er goo S a . SllC prices as Some attiibute thi~ to the fact that St. a1;d carriage horses were a very interest- the res!_)onsibility. If we have, in our economical standpoint . it is umurpassed t le . st 0 ing one and somo sharp competition pre- meditations on the decline of the useful and uneq ualled. The consumption of will make it easy for the people to decide who sells the Patrick once hlessed the ferry. vailed in tho v11rious rings ; it is all the arts in our homes, over-drawn the picture fuel is materially reduced, the saving ef· b tD G d d CJ th· · t c eapes ry 00 s an 0 mg Ill ·own. The Irish jaunting car is a two wheeler more creditable that the large maj ority of let us hear from you in these cdumns. fected iu this item alone will in one yAar, capable of ca!'l' \ ing five persons- two on the horses shown are owned in West Dur- We know there are some worthy eKcep- equal the price of the machine. As it caeh side faci · g outward~, and the driver. ham. Excepting the South Ontario Fair, tions, but the percentage is small. only entails the consumption of two-thirds They aro fairly comfortable on a smooth it is <loubtful if as valuable a collection of Mi·. Jas. Morris had a very attractive the amount of soap used in the ord inary .&;'41. ' - " road, but one""" break his neck on (or draught horses will be seen at any county <Jxhibif, uf farm wagons, top and open way of wa.$hing, this item of economy is off) them on a rough road. exhibition this year as waaon the grounds buggies, J emocrats, Gladstone phrotvns, eelf·cvident to every person. '.rite great- of every article will be marked on 1111ge ~ickets, to show the extent of eet saving, however, i6 effected in t.he the reductions. We are crowded with new stock from cellar to garret. Peat beds run from two to ten feet and here. In two year-old fillies and 1rncking and a jump soat buggy. l\1r. Geo. C. Haines also made a splen- wear and teat· of the clothes; every in- We mean business, therefm parties askfr1g us for bargains will not be more in depth and are the beds of old foals the jud.ges found great difficulty in forests. Stum~s of ~rees are of~en found mak!n'I' the a ;va~ds, so uniform were the did display of wagons, democrats, phmtons telligent individual knows that the use disappointed. open and covered buggies and a bran new of the wash board wears the ·ariom in them. The peat 1s cut out m blocks ments of the animals. wagon for tha D. 0. & P. Co. fabrics more than nnything else, and as about 8 by 4 in. and 4 inches deep, and The agcicultural or general purpose· Mr. ,J. M. Jouess had on exhibition the the Eagle Steam Washer renders i t.a use are sun dried before being burned. They class was not so numerously represented, burn slowly and fill the cRbin with a but very good animals were shown. The 0 abinet Champion Creamer and churn absolutely uneceaeary, and t hereby obv1N. B.-Some Job Lines will be offered at half price. Extraordinary strong pungent smoke, "easily detected," dou bit! teams shown in harness in their that are becoming so very popular among ates almost entirely the necessity for bargains in Ready-ma.de Clothing. "clothes mending," its saving qualities in (they say) m homemade Irish whisky. classes were all very superior. There our farmors. Bowmanville, October 1, 1886· 40-3m. . The Bowman ville Agr'l and CarriageCo. this p:nticular will be nt once apparent 'l.' he Ji re smouldtrs on the h earth in the were nearly sixty enteries nf carriage · lj,nd appreciated. wide mouthed fire-pfo.ce all d ay and night. horses, and the competition was very keen exhibited stu bblo. plows. SCHOOL OPENS = Fair -W-arning I Everyone_ in West Durham is cordially ·invited to visit the Novelty Store ?,:,, " -known as- Noiseless Slate. &C. 200 PACE SCRIBBLING BOOK. VARIETY HALL. H I S r.I' 0 R Y, I P. TREBI LOOCK. 9 KENNER & CO. Q Q aosaaraon & aoNn~a EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. CRAND EXHIBIT NeW Fall Goods I Novelty Dress Goods, 0 "' 0 · · ° -· ' · · Boy's, : Prince, Youth's Regent, Q hl·.ldren'S Q Cl· oth1"ng. ...... .J..'\llperial. Millinery and Mantle Department ROBE RT s ON & BON D'S CREAT CLEARINC Come and see them at. '...,,,,=,,,,,..====,,,_,,=,....,,==========,,.,,,=====,,,..,====="""' SALE WEST DURHAM FAIR. DRY coons AND CLOTHING I 0 :~~l' i:~sl~:g~~;~~:~e~~:p~~~.;ha~~:;:~ ~~~~~~~~ a~~eqt~i~:i~~ ~~~~:~;s t!~= I M 0 NDA y c T 0 BER, 4th The REDUCE · D P'l,Qj;l#"flES I ELLISON" & 00. .r

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