Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1886, p. 1

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TB RMS :-el.liO PER A.mroM:. NEW SERIES, NUM:BER 4.23. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M . A. JAMES, E DITOR A.ND P:KOl'RI KTOil., VOLUME BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1886; A public picnic was held here o~ Friday last, on the groundA of Mr. W. Penwarden. The weath er being fi ne, a good number of our villagers and the su·rounding country met, and appeared to t'njoy themselves iinmensely. The committee of management provided swings, croquet, &c.· for th ose who wished to participate in them, but the feature of the day was a base ball match between onr h ome team and the Orono club. Everyone present enjoyed the match, especially t he fair sex, of which there was a good turn out. The host and hostess were moat liberal in th eir hospitality. The farmers in our neighborhood have commenced drawing t heir barley to market. Mr.Geo.Elliott, of Port Gr anby, js receiving large quan tities. Mr. J as. Thompson, of this village has laid the foundation of ?lfr. Robt. Best's dwelling house. The work will now pruceed as quickly as possible, in order that our old friend, B ob, may move in ht.fore jack frost appears. Jimmie is the right man to expectite. D eath has again visited our neighborh ood, Mr. Wm. Whittiker, ba~e line, died last night, of lung disease. XXXII. NUMBER 86. - Is The ]awn party in connection ft'ith the 10th anniversary of Rev.Mr. Drummond's hou~e pastorate, was held at the mao~e, NewMUitOOCH . 32·tf. 13th, on behalf of the parsoDRge fund. castle, on the evening of the 25th nit., and proved a grand success. T he weather rt1U RENT. - Tho Joli form, lot 16, 4th All the places in the circuit were rPprol con. Darlington. For partioule.rs applv to Ht:nted with the exception of one, and the "us all thet could be desired, and the W. F. A r,LIN, EsQ., at McMurtrya' store, Bow· necessary arrangements were made for gathoring was one of an unusual nature manville. 35-tt. ·:arrying out the project . m t hi!l vicinity. A pleasing fe atur e was -U·ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.the larRe number present from the various .t: Being front half of Lot 9, Con. 1, Manvers. congregations, which shows tha t the utHAYDUN . For terms apply to W. s . PICK UP, Millbrook, most harmony prevails. Numerous friends 3Hw. The methodist friends of this place are were also present from Bowmanviile, Having boughtrout the entire stock ofMcCLUNG & Co., are TRAYED into my premises, Lot 13, improving their place of worship. A Orono, N ewtonville and the s urrounding lofty pulpit has given pine to a broad Con. 7, Darlington, on or about August 1st, count ry. No pains w& s spared by the prepared to give bargains is every department. a large Black Hog. Ownor can have same by platform , and the chair formerly located committee to make the grounds as at· provm!l;' property and paying expenses, PETER in the back part of the church, is now WERRY, 'l'rrone. 34.-tl, t ractive as possible. This was the mor e behind .the mini11ter. A ne 1 v organ has easily accomplished on account of the been purchased from tile Bowmanville OR SALE.-A quantity ol superior usual beauty and convenience of the Clanson l·'all Wheat, just threshed. Per· firm, which give1 general 11atisfaction. manse grounds. The banquet and ice eons wantinK Seed Wheat will find it to their The church is to be painted within and we have the largest and nicest assortment in town. cream r eflect great credit on the ladies of advanta.11;e to CA.II on MESSRS. J . & R. BROWN, without, which will greatly add to its Lot 25, Con. 6, Clarke. H.tt, the committee a nd other11 who provided appearam1e. the spread. W hen d arkness drew on, t he OLTS o'OR SALE.-Two Black Colts, grounds presented a beauliful appeara.noe ZION. one 2 yea.rs olcl and one 1 year old, sired bv from the nu merous Chinese and other " Kean Rothschild ; " also ono Hay Colt 2 yr'e Zion church, which has been closell for old, sired bv "British Lion." Apply to JAMES lanterns. Mr. Drummond took t he chair, MILLER, Lot 4,Con. 1, Manvers. NewPa.rk. P.O. renovating, will be re-opened on Sunday, when short speeche~ were delivered by 31-<lw · September 5th, when tho Rev. W. R. Revs. Walker and Fraser, an d by Mr. Barber, from Richmond Hill, will prea.ch ARM TO REN'l'. - 100 acres of land Wightman, who has spent some years iu in Pickering township, being Lot 15, Con. at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. A grand Fro.nee and Germany, and an excellent 3. This fa.rm is situated one mile north of fes tival will be held the day following, poem was read by Mr. E. B owie as an Pickerm11: village, and is one of the best In the we. have all the latest styles, also a large stock of township. For particulars apply on the prem- at which addrease3 will bfl delivered by addre~s t o Mr. Drummond. Excellent LUNG SAUL'l.'. ises to s . J. HAIGHT. 31 3w. min isters, interspersed by excellent music and much 11ppreciatd mu sic was r endered Mantles and Mantle Cloths. from 4 to 6 o'clock ; refreshments will The harvest is now n early finished and by the Trinity ohoir, from Bowwanville, "IJX)Lt SALE.- 8 very superior heavy then be served . Admission, 25c . Collec- threshing is all the rage. Miss A. Browu and W. B rittain, of N e w~ dr.aught coltl<-3 ftlly toles- sired: 1 by Lions on Sabbath. 'General <Jordon,' I by ·Day Star,' l by 'Peer· A big time expected at the tea here castle, and Mr. Go.:usby, of Orono. The or the 'Realm:' l fllly, rising 2 year, by · Baron next Monday, to be held in the grove proceedings closed after a most e nj oyable Lennox,' will make a fine brood ma.re : i horse OOUR7'IOE. tiveuing. Net proceeds, over $62. 00. adjoming the chur ch . colts ;rising 3 years, flt ror work; J:10. FOS'l'ER, Bowmanville. 35tt Miss Lent and Miss S nid er, of BelleWe are mu ch pleased to see J . J. is in charge of MR. W. TAIT, :a first-class cutter, Beacom able to be out again. l:J'l(DR SALE.- A '..threshing Machine, ville, have been visiting at Mr. Lent's. UBONO . of ~ 11. early new, Morris & Watte, ManufacAll the latest styles Mr. R. B. 'Vatson is about t o take up The young carpenter ie home, vrepared I turel's, cle·ne grain fit for market, ba.ga it up; hie abode in Fergus, having secured a to do all work in the n ewest designs o Business in our village has be31l quiet is also a .ftrst·class pea thresher, 'I'he rnachi11e is .in good reoe.ir and will be eold che111> Cor situation in Hie High School, there. architecture,and still he talks of forming. for t he past few weeks, a.a the farmers in this vicinity have beau busy ta.king oil:" cash. For terms aoply to JeHN MJ.RSHALL, Mr. L ent, having returned from his Mr.J . Thompson, of Ellison, ib visiting t heir crops. Crop~ were fine. Hampton, or to this oltlce. 32-t! ' holiday trip is pushing forward the con- frienda here. Th reshing ~oing on n ow. Barley yield .4. 'l'EACHER WANTED for S. S. struction of hit1 'Stable and driving abed. a'nd a large assortment of all kinds of cloth t~ choose from. Virtue Brothers are going on the home- good, fine sample, &c. B..1 No. IO. Darlington, Duties to commenoe '.!.'here is to be a monster picnic on the stead, lately occ.upied by Mr. Penwarden. Jan. lst, 1887. Applicants must 8tate tme grade . . Our jovial farmer, Ezra Hall, reporta o! their certificate and salar.y expected. A.IL Base L ine, 011 Saturday September 4th. · Captain B rown had a lot of fine lookin~ over 50 bushels o bal'ley per acre ; and 11.pplfoations to be in by Sept.e mber., 20th. T.n. TRIM., men on drill, Saturday evening. l'JOAR, Sec'y of Boa.rd of Education, 'J'yrone. many others in the n eighborhood of fifty_ 3.S;iw. P.·O. A man near hero says his lit tle mully Good encouragement for men t o go farmH A.Ml'TUJ'i. As most of these goods were selected by one of the firm in cows 11:ive11 32 qts. of milk per day. Sup- ing. ARM TO RENT.- A valu able form Rev. J. P .. R ice (who was 116a:tioned at ply the tea with milk a.nd butter, B illy. UnderwO"od Bros., of th e "Corner the English i:narket, an:l imported direct, we are prepared to of 75 acres, being Lo~ 23, Con.:li, Da~ling. this place some E'ight or nine years ago) The friends here are intendin!! t o build Store" seem to be doing a rushiag business h d b S d · l h' .. ton, having thereon a ll:OOd Ira.me dwell inghouse and out-hnildinl!'S: also a. good orchard preac e ere un a.y evenmg ast , is a new church next summer. In behalf in the mercantile l ine, if we can Jud ge sell goods cheaper than any house in town. Come and ex- and anever-failing streamofwatel'. TA situated discourse was very int.e re·tiqg, a·n d was of this noble Q j ect 11. public meeting is to lrom appearances. withintol W. mile of Solin1.1. vil!H.f{e. termt1 listene .·~t.0 with rapt attentioo. be h eld nevt Momlay afte rnoon, when amine our goods before purchasing. apply BA.KER, Solina, P. ©. J.i'or 35·3w ~ Alexander & Foster, also report busi-···· .. -·- .. Several of our inhabitants have been addr esses win be delivered by several ness good, they sold five new buggies ARM TO LET. -A gond .farm, being on the 11!;Jk list this week, am on g the clergy men. A public t ea is to be provided last week, parts of lots 2!, 2ii and 26,i·n the 9th Con., number were Messrs Joseph Ward and by the ladies of the cpurch; May there Our new Dr. ie healing all the lJa.rlington, 175, acres. 'l'lus fan11. is in a good I "--d' d M n1. J . be a. larga g·· ·theri'na. sta.te or cu lti~ation, with. comm-0dlous build. · L · B rown, M rs. · ....., t~r , u ., ings, Plenty ot orchard and well watered. 1 Clt1t worthy and Mr. Wm. Ha my Jin. At · A cider m~H 41tarted here lately is doing sickinese in the country, we presume, ·as we never hear of any one being sick now. For further parttcu~ars aDJ:rlv to WILI,IAM ime of !frriting aH were "1:na.kiug slight .goo:l work e~ry day ,· turned 01 1t 3 gnls. 0R~tIS1'0N, near Emlid'..ollen, or D. O RMISTON, t ·~ u Horace bas got his beard shaved off, Sol'r, Whitbft. ·rovemen · before brea;k.fa.et, Sunday morning. Be36:2w Da~d Wh tby. :l(lth Auiruet, il~. On ~onday morning, .1111 Mr. Thoma!! ware, ·D . BETSY BoBUITT, and, all he wants is a. dude suit now, and the girls will think he is on the mash. OUSE AND GARDEN "TO RENT. Rowe was driving through the village hia That large a.nd commodious 2 etoiy horse took fright at an uobrella carried Tom and \Vill ie, of the "Corner Stor'.l/'· SOLINA. brick residence of the late Chai lea Fare well, by some children, turnimg suddenly he pa.id their parents a visit last Sunday, . east of Oshawa;, capsized the bugq-y, throwing the occu situated at Harmony, H miles< Mr. Geo. H. Hogarth, H. A., l 1ift for is to rent. It contame 10 roO!Dll,'h,.s It acres ot We hear t hat E zra Hall h a~ lo:it, 1' colt-,_ - - IIN -Kincardi!Ml last week, to resume his work ·1a.nrl, and good stable on the ,premises ; hard pant ou·t, injuring bis sh<l'ulder considerit strayed out of the field when the gate . in the high school at t hat p lace. and soft water and e.11 modern eonven1enees. bly. was open. 1!'or terms apply on the premises , or to DR. Miss Maggie Washington, of Clinton, J':A.REWELL, Oshe.wa. 35:4w ~ umber of the farmera in this The ScottAct is working fine down here,, in this n eighborhood. is visi ting neighborhood have threshed par ~ of iheir as we scarcely ever hear a profane word . The sdhoolhouse h ere has been cleaned or see a. man drunk on the 11treet. ACRE 'FARM 1 FOR SALE grain, the yield seems '00 be good, and ~ Olt TO .atENT.- Heing Lots U the q11ullity superfine. and repaired, and the scholars rejoice. and:l5, Con. 10, Darli11;;t"n, and having thereJohn Waddell is doing a fine business . Mr. H . Argue has m~de t he purchase The officials of the Methodist church on ; dwelllng-housH , out-builditigs, good well in the furniture line, &a we 11ee him very of water, young orchard. etc It is situat<>d tliink "°f ha.vmg a harveat h ome enter- of a. new top buggy. about 10 miles from How111anvl:J.kl, 3 miles from tainment h ere early in Sept. often in the mornings coming from the . Mr. a nd M rs. Geo. Joli, of Bowman· 1tation with load11 of goods . Success, l!~nnisk!llcn. 2~ miles rrom Ha:yt'lon A.nd 2 ·miles ---A.T--from Burketon Ste.tion, the C. P. Ro.ilwo.y Visitors to our village this week, M~. ville, spent Sunday in t his place. J ohn, but do n ot bring too many coffins, crossing the farm. F·or particulars apply to SA.'M'L WOODLEY. ~yrone, P.O. 3l·tf. and Mrs. Chas. Stonhouse, Bowmanville. Harvest.ing is finished up around here, for you must remember that Dr. Shaw ie . and Mias Lena Rowe, nwr Hamilton. · and farmers are now busy ploughi1tg. here. · We .expect businese will be lively h ere Mr. R.V. Lyon, of Suspension Bridge, The weather has been very hot for the . this fali, farmers have good crops, and if has been visiting jaround here. past week, but the late rain has cooled the, prices should prove to be r emunat ive, we Check;ers seem to be the faverite game air and we may not expect 1mch extreme, will oo ·doubt see a revival of trade. in the v:illage al; present. Who will yet heat again this season. P ICA. TO ~ The l\Veather was extremely warm here, hold th.e championship is hard to tell. the latter pa,.t of la.st week. Some :young Mr. F<red. Spry is very ill with infla m men found the air too oppressive to stop mation. The numbers of The L iving .Age for in chuwh during service Sunday morning. August 21st and 28~h con tain, among The Division is again flourishing since other a.rhi:les, Native India, .Asiatic Sww BoY. h arvllst. Quarterly; Letters and Letter· Writers U napproache.d for The Mis1e11 Grant, of Bowmanville, N-ineteenth Gentiiry ; The 'remplars. Good Tone and ~uality. ENFIELD. have been viait1ng in this village, guests Words; A Tropical Calm and ~unset,and Our sc:thool is again in rtill blast under of. Mi811 Hooper. for everything in CATALOGUES FR1 E:E.. The Chateaux of Touraine, Spectator; the a.ble management of <'o ur esteemed The C ons have been doing great dam- Beaconsfield, and the Men of th e Turkish teacher. age t o t he corn crop in thfa neigh borh ood. Ar my, St. James'; with instalments of Mr. Ed. Niddery,sr., i8 ,at work again; "Treasure Trove, " " A Garden of MemJACK. his reput&Hon as a thresher is e. flattering ories," and ' 'Don Angelo's Stray Sheep," one indeed. and poetry. Subscription price $8.00. KIRBY. Littell & Co., Boston, p ublishers. Mr. D. ®yer is highly pleased with his Mias Louise Thornton, of Brooklin, is new Brantford Binder ; he considers the chain sttperior to · last year's gearing. h ome on a short visit. Mr. Clarence L inton, of Shiloe, made Their China Hall contains t he Larged Assortment of Mr. Dyer is :a good machinist .and having Entire stock to be a. good ma.chine it is not surprising to aee a short vi&it here on S unday las!;. Glad him take up tangled grain of .every kind. to see you. Clarence. Come again . We are informed that there has b een Our village implement ah6olil, has bee11 2 enlarged, &Ddl iie well supplied with imple- serious riot.iillg h ere of late, but we hope -oThe goods will be sold d own below ,cost. ments of all kmds. that after a. few more law suits, everything will reign in peace and happinesa to be found in the district. Mr. and MG:'B. Archer have returned to once 1 Hate, Bonnets., Ribbons, L aces, F lowers, Our Millinery DG p&rtment (one more. Feathers,· Silktt, Satins, P h1shel!, V clw.ets, their home at Smith's Fl\lls afte~ visitint'( Miss . qo_ ra Rowhson, . of Leskard, has of the most extensive in th t ) F ringes, Gimps, Cords, Collars, Frilling, among their numerous friends here. e own Aprons, H ose, Wool .Jackets, Ber1'in Some of o ur fair ladies a ttended the been vrn1tmg at her inater's, Mrs. H. Birch . . ] . Wools, Saxony, Silk F loes, A.rasene, show at Oshawa. cora Thornt on, .h as returne d 11s now rep ete with all t he la.test . M 1ss Tinsel, Embroideries, &c. The 1heriff is among us. from visiting friends in Hope. It" ~so a g reat variety of Fancy M r. Rea.ttoi;e is e r ecting a man1i-0n at 'dst wit . h nove les for the summer trade' . in . our 101 M r. W . Ste.p les 1s Burketon. Goods. his new Wa.terous traction e ngine, which Th · 1 It is reported t hat one of the members gives excellent satisfaction. We wish e entire se ection is of the newest BOWMANVILLE. KING STREET, MILLER'S BLOCK, ORONO. of the P r aying Band lost a pair of kid you success, "Vill. . ' gloves from hia pocket last Sunday Miss Mabel Wright l1as returned home and most fashionable description. eqen,ing; to avoid further trouble ·th.e thief would do well to return them as to Port Perry, after spending h er holidays Our assortment of HAT 8 and early as convenient. We are sorry to with her sister, Mrs. J as. McCormack. Well, really, we are gla.d to see that have t o state, t hat the morals of a few of Stead y EDiployD1e11t to g oo1l men. one of our young men has formed the BONNETS, which cqnsh;ts of t he our boys need reformation. None nee1l be idle. Mr. D. Dyer has purchased a ne w set intentiCln of living a. Wright life. We Previous experience nGt essential. We pe.y either salaries or commission. 100 smart men of silver mounted harness for his Stride- congratulate you, .Ab. and hope you will latest and most desirable styles, we.n ted at once to ca.nvasd for tlle sale or s.way colts. He n ow goes out iu gay be :mccessful in your espousal expeditions. Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. 11tyle to be able to appear in full dress Always remembering that" If at first you embraces the fol~owin!l makes and ~ he on y n eeds to be a member of our don't succeed, try ag11in." ~ township council and to have a. footman. La rgest 111 Camula- Over 400 Acres. What we would like to know :- When braids ;-Chip, Loop, Tape, Twist, .Tack intends going to L eska.rd a.gain ~ Don't apply nnless you can furnish first-class Mr. D. Dyer hos me.de a large sale of references and w1>nt to work. No room for t horough-bred animals ·all of which we How it is that Wes. t hinks there is noth - Pedal, Swiss. Pearl, Milan Satm" lazy men, but can employ any number ot enering so sweet as a hawthorne bush ~ What .. ' ' getic men who want work. Address. · bf1lieve are going to t he American mar- attraction there is for Jack at Kendall ? S'l'ONE & WELLIN~TON, ket. A thorough -bred bull and ten If Bert has made e. new mash 1 If J e.ok Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn, PorcuNurserymen, 30 TORONTO Ont. shropshire lambs will be seen leaving his ever was scared by the old man 1 farm one of these days ; these animals pine, Cordinette and Split Stra. ws. (Both in leather and cord.) to 818 a day. Samples a.nd, duty FR:Jl!E we h ave r eason to believe are classed as Lines not under the horie sfeet, Wnte No I. How is that for E nfield 2 raoF. 1.ew·s SRPll1IR se.&.P 111 n clu·ap BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN :fIOLDUI J · ' XV aad handy forn1 or obtll.i·lng the h eaUng Whips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, &c., always in stock. Co,. Ht ll;v, Mish, "'· vl rtue11 ot a auphur batn. NEVT FIRMI ~~~~~~~! A committee of ladies met here on OD SERVANT WANTED for Wednesday last, to arrange for a harvest G Ogftucral work. .Apply to MRS. P. home supper , to be · held Rt. Tyrone, Oct. BETHESDA. NEWTONVILLE. I NE WO.ASTLE. McCLUNG,BINCHAM &Co. A large. stock of S In Dress Goods and all kinds of Trimmings F .rerseys at bottom prices. C IN MILLI-NERY F THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT Pantings, Scotch & Irish Tweeds 0 ..Ev:ery .. suit guaranteed a good flt or no sale. F A.large Jot of GARPfTS below cost to clear t~em out. F -MCCLUNC, -BINGHAM & CO. GREAT BARGAINS H Boots and Shoes ooo FOR 30 DAYS -G-0 . · D-A-V-I -S'. D ··· MURDOCH- BROTHERS G-:R.C> c E:R.I E s . St'a-ple and Fancy B~&CO.,Gnelp~Ont. M~.M ORRISON'S (CHINA, CROCKERY LAMPS & GUSSWARE) Cleared out in 30 days HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for all kinds of Farm Produce, Butter, Eggs, &c. MILLINERY. VICTORIA BUILDINGS, HARNESS, KARNESS I vv. :E3:. 1'4.A.. AGENTS WANTED. Now is the time to get a first-class hand made Set of Harness, extremely cheap. The Fonthill Nurseries, i' selling Single Harn ess for $10; Nickel P lated Single Harness, $16; all other goods in proportion. Call and see the best FLY NET ever made. $5 .. ...... Robertson & Bond.

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