Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1886, p. 2

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'·WHERE IS MY CHILD?" TH£ OAPI'l'AL OF CANADA. A CARD.-To all who are suffering from the erron and indiscretions of youth, The Spot Wlatre Queen 't'ldorla Dropped DetalJa oJ the Ca.ntbal AR'atrJa T·.tnall IS PUBLI!IHl!lD ...,... nervous weaknese, early decay, 10111 of. Qa.een Elizabeth, Ber l'IB.1 er. Cov.ntJ, GeorcJa. Abo11t the House. manbo{/d, &c., I will send a. recipe that ll:VERY FRID..l.Y MORNING, Q11een El!z..beth was the daufbtor ef tho Plain linen 1hade1 In ecru, huff and 11.1ge The full account ef the Tatnall county, A oorrupendent ef the Detroit l!'ree Press will cure you FREB 01' CHARG.11. Thil -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a mission· are more u1ed than tho111 ef a more fanolful tbu1 de1orlbe1 ~be Demlnlen <Ja.pltal : - wlolced Henry the Eighth and o Aunle Bo- Georgia, oe.nnlba.l aftair is aa followa : A few leyn, Elizabeth was a.bent three yea.ira old daya ago some of the oelored people In the The yea.rs oa.n a.lmo1t be oeunted on the ary in South America.. Send a 11elf· de10riptlon, On the lower end of the oounty ha.d a piontc. They AT THE OFEIClll Stalr-roda have had their day, Bla.ok fingeu of two ha.nds that have ala.peed 1inoe when she wa.a left motherleea, addre11eed envelope to the REv. JoaE1'11 death 11f her slater Mary ehe asoended to .....eaeemoek,1Un11:St.,BowmanTllle,Ont T. INMAN . Station D New York Citv. 467 wa;nut, nickel and broDze buUons are need the day when a. map 11f the British Poeae1· the throne, and a.mid joyful e.oclamatlons had engs.ged 1111 cook and eve11eur ef the oulloary depa.rtment an old negre w~man, In their pla.oo. They -.re muob better en elons in North Amerio& waa 1pread out for wae proola.lmed Qneen, TER:Il4:B: Great prepa.ratlon1 had been made fer the ADVISE TO MOTDERS.- Are you dis- account et moth· whioh find e. good hiding tho lnB{leotien of Her Majesty Vtoterla, by the grand procession moved along the Ae leativitles, a.nd the wport ran high. It wa.s the Grace ef Ged Qneen of Grea.t Britain . ·Lltlverannuu.,orllll.eottpaldln adTanee turbed at night and broken of your r est p4ioe behind reda. queen wa.e very kind and gra.olouu, and the A dainty bed·oomferter is made in a.nd Ireland and Empreu of India.. The t>OOf c:i.me up to her ourla.ge, with noaega.ya a hungry band that ga.t hered for dinner Pa;rment strictly ln advance required from by a sick child suffering and crying with 91ibllortbera outside of the county. Orders to pain of Cutting Teeth ~ If so send at this way : Out a place of double.width a.11guat la.dy had been left the eeleotion for her, e.nd when a.ny one wanted to speak and awaited the snmmene. It was served dJaoontlnue the pa.per mu~t be accompanied by once and get a. bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's cheese oloth la.rge eno112h te re&oh from the of a ca.pita.I fer the Dominion of C"'ntt.da. llo her, ehe would stop t he carriage. The a.t last, and the merry.makere fell to with a will. Hardly had the edibles begun to dis· be amount due,orthepe.perwillnot be stopped. plllow11 te the foot ef the bed, Pat ever this Mindful of the mutual a.mbitlon1 a.nd je&l· Ublloriber11 are responsibleunti lful !payment is Soothing Syrup." for children teething, a. layer or llwo of nice batting, Cover it with ouale11 ef the great cltle1 ef thi1 Au:iertcan oeronatlen took place a.t Weatmimter. The a.ppea.1 when made, ite value is incalculable. It will relieve a. piece of oloth like tha.t underneath a.nd realm-Montreal, Toronto, Kingston and or5Wn waa placed upon her hea.d amidst A STRANGE HUSH the poor little sufferer immediately. De- c11toh It through &nd through In apots with Q11ebec-1he dropped her finger on a point great shouting a.ad njolclng. Eliza.both fell up9u the be1sterou~ group, One had . RA.TES OF A.DTERTil!ING: ~~ Whole Column one year ............. $60 oo ~::;ii: pend upon it, mothers ; there is no blue zephel\' woratsd, pa.11ed lightly without on the map that 11eemed to her the beet placed a ring npen her ewn finsrer, to signi- been aerved with a piece ef meat that clung " " Half year ........... .- 36 ()() · ~,.. mistake ebout it. It cures Dysentery drawing tight and out these loops left by compromiee between the f11ur, and whioh fy that ehe was eep&uaed to the realm of to a. small jolnted b9ne. It did net leok 11 Eni:iland, and tba.t ring she wore for forty like anyt hing he hatl ever aeen come frem a. " One quarter ······ ,· 1 20 00 ;?!~ the ju11ctien ef three rivers. :& It Column one year ............... 36 00 - - and Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach a.vd the tliread on the right aide, If preferred, was frylng·pan before, a.nd he ahowed it to hla " Wha.t la there ?" she i11 said to have years. Bowela, cures Wind Colic, softens the a. strand or two of yellow can be added to .. Half year ............ -· 20 UO Ellzi.beth wa.s a fine scholar, a.nd in many neighbor. l'he other looked at It e.ttentlve· Q " One quarter·- ......... 12 60 Gums, reduces Inflammation, and- gives the blue wer1ted; the genenl e.ppee.r11.noe a11ked. ·g uarter ColuIL.n one yei>.r.. .. .. .. ·· . ~ O 00 ·"The little ha.mlet of Bytown, yeur Maj- respects her reign wa1 prosperous, but she ly for e. mement, " It la the finger ef a to:ie and energy to the w)J;o1' syetem. will be th ..t of da.laiea acattued over ib. was very Irritable, and did several things oblld," he ea.Id .. " Ralf year ........... 12 50 esty." Besides behig~ oheap and very soft .looking, .. One quarter...... ·. 8 O~ 5 " . M r9. Winslow's Sooth j ng Syrup " for There waa a. senaatlen which quickly " Let that be the capital of my Canadian which have ma.rred and atained her name, It makes a very useful addition to a bed, illxllnes a.ndunder, first insertion ·. ~O i>C children teething is pl~e.sant to the taste Ol course there Is very much te learn aprea.d into a. pa.nlc, A ha.sty ex111mlna.tion domlnlene," a.nd can be ea.ally ripped up a.t any time and Each subsequent insertion...... 0 2f and is the prescriptiOn. of one of the oldSo spoken so done. B11t there were many about her which you must read youreelf In ef other plat.ea were me.de made over. The edgee can be caught to· :rrom six to ten lines, first insertion 0 n ·history, You will there be told a.bant bor Ke.ch subsequent insertion...... 0 St - 10 est and best female physicians and nurses gether by overcasting with worated or bind- who mocked the regal aeleotion, A ca.plta.l treubles with the unfortunate Mary, Queen MORE FINGER ' WERE JIOUND, in the United States, a.nd is for ea.le by ing with narrow rlbben.-Housekeeper. ()Yer tenlinea,flratineertion,perline 0 10 removed from the center ef populatien, in of Soots, who was her relative, and wbe and pieces of meat tba.t were evidently hulliaoh subsequent insertion, " 0 O~ _ all druggists throu~h the world. Price a howling wllderneoa and on a. stre&m with Hand11eme and ornamental rugs may be The number of linea to be reckoned bJ 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for made at home, Ooe of the leHt expensive Impeded navhzatlen, Bytewn aeemed to have a.fter belnsr a prleoner m Fotheringe.y Castle man flesh were held upon ferke and gazed a.t by the new thoreughly excited negroea, he space ocoupied,.meas·u red by a scale o no future, But time demon11trated the wla- for ma.ny yea.rs, was executed. "MRS. WtNsLow's SooTJlING SYRUP." i& the Clienille rug, Collect all your weel- dom olid Nonpareil. She waa very beautiful, It IN theught '.I'hey 111az~d at eaoh other in a frightened ef Vietorla.'s choice. Bytewn, now and take no other kind, en scra.p1-ne matter hew em·ll or how Ottawa, hae grewn to ue net lllllY an Im- that Elizabeth envied her r ema.rkable way, and t hen there we.a a. simultaneous DJt. ;J, C, Ml'.l'CHEJ,J,, much soiled-old fl11nnele oa.n b3 dyed with portant, but a. very busy olty. It la looa.t- bea.uty, which is a very wicked thing to do. break for the ca.bin, in whloh the cook ha.d bright dyea and e.dd very much to the boe.u- ed on that great artery, the Canadian Paci- Elizl\beth, though homely, wa11 very vain, prepared the mes.I. She met them at the EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. ty of the rng. Out all the pieces Into orossdoor, bra.ndlshfog a la.rge knife. A wild fic. It poasea8es an unuaually be&utlful a.nd dearly love a oompl!ments. Oftloe and Residence, Enniskillen. H. wlee strips a.bout half an inch wide ; the looe.tlon, At one time there were many pfoturea of light- Ilka tha.t of a ma.nla.o-gleamed from and IP fa.et beoomlng a. noted plea.length la of no ooneequenoe. Thread a the q11eon circulated, much resembllni;: her, her eyes. T be crowd pa.need a.a the knife DR. TAMBL')'.N, needle with very strong thread doubled. 11ura resort, From the touch of the ro3 al and therefore not very handsome. S1> the we.a flourished ever ihelr hea.de, a.11 but one, fiDger Ottawa. epraDg by magic frem a atrag· HYSICIAN. SURGEON and .A.ccoucm:uR. Ga.ther the JJiecea through the centre with qu·e en issued a. ferma.1 proclama.tien aga.ln11t a woman, who rushed forward with a Office :-Silver Street. Bowmanville. 7 not toe fine stltohea, As fa.at as a. pleoe is gllng hamlet to e. hanchome olty ef more them, forbidding the peeple to sell them, ahrlek , "My child ; what ha.ve you done liha.n 30,000 soula, · gathered pueh It down olo11e to the knet. D. HIJRKE SIMPSON, · At first sight the ca.pita! ef the consolid- a.nd ate.ting that an artist -ivould be employ. with my child?" There w1111 no a.newer Pash each pleoe a.a tight a.a possible to the ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c., MOPRIS ated Ca.nadae ha.a a decided tendency to ed te make a t rne picture of her, Wha.t a from the old cook. "I left It here In h;,;r nu t one. Continue ln this way until the BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman make a person tired, The vlclnage of the pity she did not realize that beauty of mind, oharge," cried the excited mother, e.ppealhlg trllle, Bolioitor for the Ontario Bank, thread Is full, then tie en a.nether thread Canadian Pacific depot is eepeolally wearl· kindness of hea.rt, noblene88 of character, to t he friends about her, and proceed as before, Make in · skeins Prhate Monevs loaned at the lowest rates, " WHERB u MY CHI'LD? Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, abeut elx yards Ieng, It requires a.bout ao>me. It baa all tt!e appearance of e. back- a.nd above all, the true Chrhtia.u ~plrlt, were a guaranteed speoifio for Hysteria; Dizziness, muoh mere to be desired than 1mythlng so She haa killed it, 11 With fiendish yells the lumber town. The bulldlng1 are wooda ;John Kelth Galbraith, Convulsions. Fits, Nervous, 1'1euralgla, Head· one hundred : and fifty yard1 for a. rug. A.RR ISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ache, :Nervous Prostration, o a.used by the use Take it to a carpet wfa.ver and have It reughlv knocked tegether a.nd da.ubeu with frail and perishable as human beauty, dnsky army, fired by her agonizing ories, PUBLIC, &c. Oftl.ce-Bounsall's Bloc,k of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental woven three·quarteru ef a yard wide, If different pigments. The olty 11eem11 to end, Never, In any reign, ha.e Engl111nd known bore down upon the coek a.nd In aplte of her King Street, Bovrme.nvillo. Money to lend, Depression, Softening of the brain resultinl\' in after two blocks of this, In an e.brup~ high such pomp and 2plendor as In Ellz~beth's fra.ntlo struggles t ore the knife frem her insanity·and lea.ding to misery decay and death yeu b&ve enough reda of different shades hlnff. Bui it ie after the ascEnt ef this bluff time, She wa.e fond of parade, She onoe grasp. Evidenoea of the murder were about Premature Old Age, Barrenness.Loss of Power to make fifty·elght ye.rds for a berder at tha.t the cit y preper breaks upon the obser- went to church aurrounded by a. thousand tbem, there we.a bleed en the floor and the &OBERT A.JtMOlJB, in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat- either end, and have the centre "hit er BGISTR.A.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER orrhoea causeil by over·exertion of the Brain,· miH," ver, a. thing of exceeding beauty, New as men In armer, and drums a.nd trumpets table we.o smeared with it. The living it ma.kea a beautiful rug. of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and .A.ttor selr·abuse or over·indulgence. Each box consounding, child w11os net here te be seen, but In ita These rugs a.re very llandeeme, and being it ls, there Is no prettier Ce.nadlan city. It ner at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. MoneY tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box. or six Y ou will rea.d In her life ir.bout the Es.rl of place wa~ n portion ot a little human bcdJ may be said that the streets are altogetl;ier loaned on Real Estate. omce on King street. boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt alike on both 1ide1, wear bea.utifully, The too narrow, and tha.t there is too frequent Enex, whe was a prime favorite with Eliza.- which he.d been of price, only expense le In wea.vln2, genera.Uy fifty fk>wmanville. TAKEN FROM THE OVEN. an attempt to arohlteoturally a.ggra.ndlze beth for n Ieng time, but ho offended her, We Guarantee Six Boxes cents er one dellar. Thie work utilizes stufty a.nd she caused him to bo executed. She little buildings, .at. T , PDJLLIPS bad onoe given him a ring, to ba returned to Pieces of fleah had been carved from It, To cure any case. With ea.ch order received plecea that w1.>uld 'etherwise find their way The Parlls.ment bulldlnga stand on an her In oaae he ever needed her aid, When The exoltement among, tho 1ee.rohers wu IOENSED AUCTIONEER for the County by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5, we in the rag be.ii. of Durham, Sales promptly attended, lmpoalug blnff en the south oank of th Ot· will send the purchaser our written guarantee In prleen he sent It, but it was intercepted. ef the wildest kind: l:hey tore ever)ltblng Very pretty ruga oan be made ef small Addree3-Hamvton P, O. · 59, tawa. River, The locr.tien is admirable and to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JNo. allk sorapa, no matter how mncb defaced oemmanding. They front on Wellington The queen get a.Dgry because the ring did to p!eoee In the cabin In their fury, It w&s not come, and therefore thought Euex wa.u plain enough that the eld wemc.n had mur· they will all werk In. Cot In atrlps about OHN BUGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Stott & Jury, Dru11:gista,Bowmanville, Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life hall an Inch wide and two inohe11 leng. Ta.ke street, one of the clty'a principal thorough· very proud. After hie death, however, she dered the child there, and t hen cooked half fares, 1;nd a.t the back look out upon the ex· , nsurance, Notes a.nd Accounts Collected. a piece ef ticking, having the strips about learned about the rini, and we.a therefore ~f the bedy, Wheru was the ether half? Money te Lend on reasonable terms, Address one-third of an inch wide, cut i~ Into the panse of tho Ottawa River from the Rideau thrown into deep distre1a, a.nd soon pined There were drops of bleod aoro1& the floor, Ca.rtwri11:hr, Ont. 472 te the Chandlere Falla, The architecture away and died, She had a.bent three then· Someone, lest exalted than the r est, follo'!l"ed size of the rug wanted, Thread a sewing .me.chine with coarse thread (number thirty) of the building dlffera from tha.t of :my aand dreBBee at the time ef her dea.th, In her J the teli·ta.le tra.U. It led to a barrel 311et GOOD WIFE GUARAN'rEED TO and behind the shanty. A shout and needle, Plaoe one ef the ticking strlpea structure In the U nlted Sta.tee of like char· wardrobe. Her la.st words were, "Millions evtaide _ every man who buys his License from ESTABLISHED IN i847. !lll:NRY SYLVES'l'ER, Enniskillen. informea his oompe.nlena that tbe missing under the needle, then la.y on tho silk pieces acter. The dfslgn le Italian Gothic, and of money fer an lnoh of time." She wa.s buried in Weatmlnater Abbey, , port len had been foun?, They rushed out oiose together, with the middle of each piece the material used In their oonstruotlen is ONEY ! MONEY !- The subscriber It he.s no shareholdel'B to pay dividends to. on the ticking stripe, and 1titoh down to the oream-celor a.ad red aanda,ene. Thev ceet where many ef the grea.t ef E ngland sleep In t9 fin d him pulllng it from the barrel, receives money on deposit tor theOntario Managed by and solely in the interests of end of the stripe, then atitch baok age.In $3, 000,000, and farnlsh a. very elaborate unbroken repeee, where It Loan and Savings Company, and pays intet·est HAD JIEEN SALTED DOW.N', the Polley holders. cle11e to the last row of stitching ; thle will a.nd commodi9us headqua.rter1 for the aovat the rate of 1 and 5 per cent. No notice of Then there was a general ory for ven· ma.ke Ill strong, Pat tho tioklng in place ernment of 5, 000,000 of people, The build· witbdrl\Wl\l requiredi .Also loans money on mortgages at lowest rates. No commission Its Rates al.'e Low. A Prediction Fulfilled. gaanoe, a.nd t he frenzied ahGuta re.Dg ·w ith the next atripe under needle. Feld Inga, which include thedepii.rtmental offices, oooupy three sides of e. equa.re and faoe e. charged. W. F . A.LLEN , Bowmanville. 8·ly. Tlae Emperor Napoleon IIT. we.a by na.- threugh t !Ie treea, Some su11gested lynch· Pollelcs non forfeitable and uncondltlo».al, baok the fringe, ma.de by the preceedlng principal street ef the city. The Rideau row,. ba.ok out of the way a.nd proceed e.e ture very superatltioua. T he fellowing in11, but there was no rope, Others wanted Cash Bonus 1·atd ever7 three 7ears, .@o Dol Gentlemen oCFash befere, A bla.ok border and mixed centre Cana.I run1 through a serlea of look· at one a.neodote we.a related In 1864, long yee.ra be· to ha.ok her In pleoee whh t he ea.me knife aide of the grounds, that teok the life of the little child. Still are very rloh looklnj!'. After the rug Is fin· iell', not so Cast. In the pretty suburb of New Edinburgh, fere the fulfilment of the prediction tha.t it another oried " burn her," and the ory wu labed line with some heavy ma.terlal to keop Joint Life Policies. centalns. Napoleon Ill. one day took It aorou the Rideau River, la the home of the taken up a.nd repeated until all the excited Though a double rish but one premium Is paid It flat,- Good Housekeeping. ave written th-.Jee few llnee Governor· General, Rideau Hall, whenoe the Into bis bead to ooneult the celebra.ted chl- crowa were or:11lng "b11rn her, burn her." And e.ll I have to say_ for t wo people. Amount of policy drawn ~sba.roJles, who died the other Marqc bt of J~anadewne a.dmjniatera-.l'be.- rolll1'uOIJ'n, D Sh11 fon l! h b like.a. wild beast. She crouchedl Oake Basket. ;fhatyouoan ftnd me Stllla.t home, _ _...ox...,,,:rst...d10&tl»gevernment a.a the vloeroy ef Vlotorla. '.llh11 ~y-at a "Very aa'Vl:\nol!d age, D eabareUoS" 1he etruggled, she u11edller teet li and llaXJda, Jam not gone a way. told him eome carious faota reepeotlng hla . MINIST.l!:B. 8 SPO NGE 0 AKE.-Thrlile egg11, oitlzen1 ef Ottawa are very proud of this sOaUmykindoldtriendsmay come, But her oapt.ere were too many to oops w ith and one.half cup of cold w&ter, 'l>ne-he.lf 1hadowy aemblanoe ef reyaUy. They were oha.raoter, his ta.stea, and his past life, · 111oceeafully, and she waa led eat to the And a.11 they oung ones, too, Special Inducements to Total Abstainer,. one te1111peonful of soda, one tea1 poenful of oream prouder still ef wha.t aome were pleased te " Now," quoth the Emperor, ··tell me ala.ugbter kicking and 1hriekiDg. They .A,nd get their garments nicely made ta.rta.r, ene a.ad ene-half cupa of 11.eur, one denominate the preceding " reign" ef her something about the futnre. Where will dragged her te e. trea a.nd In fashions that are new: !Vhere old a.nd young, d6artrlend s 1may meei ASSETS OTER $5,ClOO,OOO,! qna.rter teaapoonful of .a.It, ene teaspoonful Royal Highness the Prlnceu Louise and my death take place, and by what m!\lady .A welcome !lreetinir. bv R. PEA.'IE BOUND DER TIGIITLY TO IT, INCOME OTER $1,ClOO,MO ef extr11011 ef lemon, Bea.t the egg11 live her con1ert, the Marquis ef Lorne, Lans- 1hall I die ?" DeebarQllea hesitated for a mlnute11, add the sugar and beat twe mln- dewne does not ha.ve enough geverniDg te moment, " Sire," he 11ald a.t length. " you Then they hea.ped brush a.reund her, a.nd 8100,000.00 deposited with theCanadie.nGovem ntea more J then a.dd the other Ingredients. have asked me for a frank response, and I do to trouble his reat at night, Sir J ehn fired lt In a dvzen places, A clrole of fire ment tor benefit or Canadian polic:r holder11. will reply to you frankly. You are destinWHITE CAKE.-Twe eggs nalng the whites A. Macdonald relieves him of me11t of these ed ro breathe yeur la.st en Eaglloh aoll, and surrounded her, and fcom thH midst of It only, a soant half oup of butter, one cup of burthens. He ls e. very blue· blooded figure- you will perish by the knife." Very ourl- she b agged for mercy one moment 11ond l!VTESTED IN CA.NA.DA., $6eO;OH.ot. powdered sugar, one 11nd one·ha.lf cups of head and that is all, but he coats Ca.na.de. eusly was the prediction fulfilled, though shrieked her lmpreoe.tlon1 the next 1 and flour, ene-half onp of aweet milk, one tea· the plea.sing stipend of $ 50,000 per annum the knife proved to be not the.Ii of an a.uaa· around her the excited negreea watching HEAD OFFICE IN CANAD.A.:- MONTREAL apeenful of aoda.. .Flavor with extract of besides the maintenance of Rideau Hall, the fla.mea aa they arnrohed her flesh and Leoklng to lihe northward from old Bar- aln, but tha.t of a. aurgeon, selzad upon her clothing and enveleped For particulars r efer to rese er lemon. This la a delloate oa.ke and her In a abeet of fire. It was a. scene too may be varied by adding one-half oup of alt· racks Hill, the rocky promentery en which A Nautical Vlew.-Ma.mma, - "Don't terrib.e to paint, but net one ef them took E; L. LIVINGSTONE, ren out fine and orna.mentecJ with a nice the Parliament buildlnga 11tand, the eye creases the broad Ottawa ltive1, the ilttle you know tba.t your father ls the malna,ay their eyes from h er until she fell int e the fre1tlng. GENERAL AGENT, ofthefe.mlly ?" Freddy.-" Golly ain't be, a.shes a. bla.ckened corpse, The woman wa1 FEA.TJ!ER CAKE, - One cup ef 1ngar, one fringe of settlement en the oppeallie bank though I And the epanker, too I" WITH Tll:ETBo WITHOUT TEJCTH. POR'l' HOPE and then spana a long vista. of green a.nd undoubtedly Insane, two thlrda cup ef sweet milk, ' a heaping egg, or to agente throuihout the county. i8-6s e, tea.speonful of butter, two cups of flonr In almost virgin country that 1tretohea away whlon a.re thoronghly sifted one tea.spoenful for many mllea to the foot hills ef the Height PBACT·cn DENTIST, of cream-tartar; and one-'b.alf teupoonful of ef Land. It la a beautUul landsoa.pe. Thia OVEB TWENTY YBARS EXPEBIB:NCEo aoda, Flavor with lemon or va.nllla, and all lie1 In the Pcevlnce ef Qaebeo, It ie an ·Imus Ox1dcGas A.dmlntstcrcd tor Palnles bake in one leaf or In layers ; and It will be unbroken wlldernEH, except for the lumber Pumps Cheaper and Better Operations. found an exoellent cake, eapeolally If eaten camps of the Upper Gatlne&u and an eccaBlonal very email group of French aqua.ttera, ODICE MCCLlJNG'S BLOCK. while fresh. than ever, KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. ' ROLL JELLY OAKE.- Four egga, one cup Communication with these remote oa.mpe and petty settlements 111 very dlfliault, as of fl 1mr, one teaepoonful ef oream· tartar, The Subscriber having built a large ne11 one-half t ea.spoonful of soda., one oup of pow· may be illustrated by the faot that j uat the We are now £nishing 30 of the best Ctirriages and Buggies ever made dered auga.r. Spread thin en Ieng tins, Ae other day a horrible mnrder In one of the in this establishment, with best grade of Wheels, Steel Axl es and best Steel Springs, Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared . trimmed with the best stock and well painted. We are getting out soon as ba.ked turn from the t ins on to a Ga.tlneau lumber oampa reilohed the Ottawa - t o furnishdamp cloth, spread with jelly and rell up newapapera a.bout two weeks old. It ls r!l· lated In Ottawa that the few people In this Immediately. expa.nae of ceuntry enly pay taxes a.beut LEMON 0 AKE. -Twe and ene·half cupa ef enoe In five yea.rs and then &t the earnest Every B oard warranted to be ma.de of the best Steel and well tempered, , With or wit.hout Porcelain Cylinder, cl powdered sui;:a.r, throe-qua1tera ef 111 cup ef solloitation of a. militia. company tsent up butter, ene oup ef aweet milk, three'full cups the Beet Material, on the shortest notice of elfted flour, feur eggs, tho juice and grat· from the capital. We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second Ottawa. hu no tribata.ry farming oeuntry and at the lowest prices. ed rind of one lemen, one level tfaepoonfal worth speaking ef, altheugh the railroad· to none in the market. They will be ready in good season a.nd warranted to d o good HARNDEN, L. D.S ., Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. · of 1oda. Bake In two loa.vee and frost with u.re developing that portion of Onta.rio nerth work. We a.re also making a. number of HAY TEDDERS, which will also be ready Gradue.te o:tthe Royal Collogeo lDente.l a white loing flavored with lemon, in good season. They have been trie d by some of our best far mers, to whom we a.nd west of the oity very rapidly. Surgeons, Ontario. r efer intending purchasers. We are 1ilso The olty, new the seat of BrHa.ln's AmerWELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. OFFICE OYER DICKSON'S STORE. He'd Vote the Way His Master Did. ioan dome.in, may yet see Itself.the capital ef a mighty rival of our own greatellt gov· lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. Old Te.m Mnrra.y, whe wa.a well known for ernment en earth, The Oa.nadian Paoifio wh ich has gained a good rep11tation in this locality. his Radical opinions, was interviewed at the ha.a epened up to her an empire of timber, ate Work executed In the latest and most Impr oved style of the Dental A.rt, Ia.at genera.I eleotlon by the laird's wife, whe coal, gr e.zln11; e.nd grain country. It ha.a Plow Points of every description by the ton, and made from steel, wrought iron, &o wa.a ca.nva.aehig for the leoa.l Tery candidate, already knit the people of Oanada lnte a Jl:ETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN~ We are also getting r eady a stock of WAGONS. Mill and Engine Work a specialty TO GIVE SATISFACTION. and area.t ouriG11lty we.s experienced by ha.rmonlous whole. '.£here are drea.mers the use of Nitrous Oxide Gae, wlthou tlnjury All of which will be sold on the m ost reasonable terms. Tam's oomradea aa to what reception the about the Pe.rlla.ment bulidlnga '7'he cenfi to the patient. · lady would meet with. "Weel, how gat ye dently expeot to one day hea.r e. C1madian BOWMANVILLE AGRIOU LTu RAL & CARRIAGE Co. ParUoalarattentlon pa.Id to theregulailon or Orders!by Mail promptly attended to. en wl ' my leddy ? ··was the first quaetien Pa.clfic conductor ahout: " Ottawa I Ohe.nae OHILDREN'S TEETH . a1ked at T&m, a.a be preaented himself at oars for New Otlea.m, New York, Uperna· 14-3m. Cash paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. .;.-ALL WORK WARRANTED. . _ DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, the amltby on the evening ef ihe Interview, vik, Hudeon Bay, San Franol10o, Sitka iwid "Oh, brawly," said Ta.m, with a twinkle In Pekin I" MOULDI NGS, &c., kept on hand. bla eye : ' 1 .l'm thlnkln' there'll be a. phea.e· ant up my way the m11rn." "Ay, me.n I wha.t 1a.ld she ? Was she askln' ye to veto Present Need, tor Sir George?" " Ay, an' I pleased the Mere gentleness, mere sympa.thy, mere bedy gra.n', for I tell't her I was to vete the ws.y the me.isterveted, Ye eee the m.1.ister'U oonBlderatlon, more knowledge of characVETERINARY SURGEON, vote fer the ma.n that he likes beet, an' I'll ter, more rea.l reapeot for one another, are vote for the man that 1 like beat, an' that's needed In all the relations of life. Somevotln' the same way aa the ma.ister doea, thing ef the old chivalr y needa to be revlv· ed. Let there be more deference of hue· Purify the Blood, col'l'ect all Disorders of the Isn't It ?" band to wlfe, of brother te sister, of pa.rent Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary to ohlld, and homea will beceme more bless · .L IVER, S'l'OMACH, U:IDNEYS A.ND Btl~7JEJ,~. College, will attend to all diseases Hal ed, Let th.ere ba mere deference of em· of domestie animals. When trade grew slaok, and bills fell due, ployen to empleyed, ef wealth to poverty, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Oompla.lnts Incidental to Females of all Ages, F or the tradeema.n's face grew long and blue ! and many Eooial problems wm he settled, his dreams were troubled through the night Let the strong defer to the weak, the Children ·and the aged they n.re priceless. with sberlffa' bailiffs all in sight, .At last hea.l~hy t9 the siok, the wise to the unlearn· A SPECIALTY. OINTMENT ~ his wife unto him said, " Rise up at once, ed, the skilful to the unskilful, the righteget out ef bed, and get yeur pa.per, ink, a.nd ous te the erring, a.nd the reote ef equity Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores pen, and uay these words unte all men : will be strengthened, and the rich frults of Calls and Orders by m ail or telegraph and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and R h eumatism. For d isorder l! of the · My goodn 1 wish to sell te yeu, and to human love and happiness will a.bound, will r eceive µrompt attention; WILL C URE OR RELIEV!f - Chest it has no equal.your wives and daughters toe ; my prices CHARGES MODERATE. IJIZZ!NESS, fJILl!JUSNEfii:i, a.re so very low, that all will buy before For Sore Th1·oa ts, B 1·oncbitis, tJoug hs, Colds,.,,, , OFFICE HOUitS, 8 TO 10 A.. M. IJ'ISPEPSIA, /JROPSY, Edward L~cey ef L~wlston, Me., stoed they go.' " He did as his geod wife ad· fLUTTER!N(} .A. flret·cla.e3 stock of Medicines always IND!GEST!O.V, vined, and In the paper advertised. Crowds on a street c9mer the other day and n ot!oed Gl.imdular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and f O'l on hand. OF THE HEAltT, oa.me and bought of all he had, bis bills a gray.ha.ired stranger approaching. The JAUND.'CE. oontra.cted and stiff joints it acts like a charm . N. B.- Will visit Williamsburg every ERYS!PELA8, MJIDITY OF ~ were paid, his dreams were gl11od ; and he man said: "My name le J ohn La.oey, I'm a. stranger here, but I've got & brother v. will tell you to t his day bow well did prln· Saturday of ea.ch week. 16-ly THE STOMACH, 8.4LT RHEUM, Ma.nufactured only a.t THOMAS HOLLOW.A.Y's Establishment, ter's ink repay. He boa.steth, with a knew· Ing here whom I haven't seen In thirty HEARTBURN, ORYN£88 years. Hie nl\me la Edward Laoey. Ca.n ~ rn order to introduce our wink, how he was saved by printer's Ing 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDO.Ny OF THfi .':IKIN, · catalogue of all kinils of HLADACHE, you tell me where he lives?" Mr. Laoey Ink, Books, and agents' ,goods, we will send 100 And eve ry species o \l' dlseas._ aris ing frort1 And are sol d at ls. l}d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22e., and 33s. ea.ch Box or Pot, ancl said he'd shew the stranger where Edward ~~~--....-~---~~favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal· dl1>ord e r ed LIVER, KIDNEY ~, STOMACI'\ m ay be had from a.11 Medicine Vendors t hroughout tb.e World. Pet r oleum cf gGCJd quality has been found Le.(ley lived, and be led him to hie own BOWELS v f; BLOOO, lads, a vast collection, for only !Oc or 4 Sc. e~ zlng from a. hele in a river ba.nk in the house and then made himself knewn te hia stamps and this slip A. W. lKINNEY, Ya.rWPurchaser11 shou ld look: at the I.abcl on the 1·ots and Boxes. I t the r ddre mGuth, N. S, · long·le1t brethor, & Prop~~~ Duck Mountain D!l1trlot. U · 533, Oxrord Street. J,ondon, theJ are spu.rtom, ·THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, HOUSEHOLD. --. YOUNG FOLKS. =:- M HEAL TH IS WEALTH. P B B R -----------------L J BRITISH EMPIRE A M MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., l 0 DENTISTRY J. I[. BRIM AC 0 MBE, Orono Pump Factory. THE BOWMANVILLE ACRICULTURAL & CARRIACE CO. PUMPS OF EVERY DESGalPTIOI 300 of our Ce Ie b rated Champion PlowsJ c. -..... - AGENTS FOR THE DUNDAS CORD BINDER, ALL WORK GUARANTEED F. A. JON.ES, ENNIS KILLEN, :EIEALTH FOR ALL! · THE PILLS Operations & Dentistry T HE SONGS r. MILBURN eo..

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