Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1886, p. 1

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tsm TERMS :-Jl.liO P&:a All"N UM, OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST : THE WORLD .AFTERWARDS. M . A . JAMES, EDITOR .urn PnoPRDl:TOR. VoLUME NEW SERIES, NUMBER 420. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1886. XXXII. NmrnER 33. McCLUNGS, Opposite Ontario Bank; Bowma nville. I \L W ILLIA.JI '1' IGllT . KIRBY. 28:6m · ICENSED AUCTIONEER f11r the County of Durham. All sales will receive prompt attention. Address :- Tyrone P. 0. . OR SALE VERY CHEAP.-50 TYRONE. Rev. Geo, Reynold11 will preach in the CJolonies or BeeR in splendid condition. I M ethodist church, on Sunday e vening C ,all ·t the re~idence et the un dersigned and Mr. John McLaughlin; sr., fell off the next. exsmioe or write for particular·. Aloo a Quantity of cnrnb and extracted honey. verv -.. tine quality. J. H. MANNINO, Tyrone. 323w._ f~bnce last F r iday, breaking four of h is 1 Miss Fallis, of Brampton, is vi2i ting at n s. Rev. Mr. Hassard 's . Rev. Mr. Morris preached an eloquent L..,OR SALE.- A 'fhreehing Machine, Mr. Chamber's has begun work on hie -1.' nearly new, Morris &. Watte, Me.nuf!Lc. sermon t o a large congregation last Sabnew houses i n North Williamsburg. turera, cleans grain fit ror market, bags i t up; bath murni)lg. is aim a first-class pea thrPsher. The machine We were under the impression t hat the is in gnod renair and will he sold cheap for Mrs. J os. Brisbin, of New P ark, was c11.sli. l·'or termR apply to JOHN M.A:itSilALJ,, the guest of Mrs. T. Gardiner, on Mon- Scott Act was rn force h ure, bu t, lately mta Hampton. or to this office. 32·tl men under the inflnence of white wine dav . vinegar have not been q uite so rare as C- ~ F OR SALE.-A comfortable frame Mr. Gny And rn11, of Port Hope, gave angels visits. Must be a tap loose somedwelling house, containing 5 roorne, besides pantry, closets and summer kitchen. hia friends a call on Monday last. wnere, good cellar. Hard and soft water a nd splendid Who was the yonng man south. east of The barley harvest is nearly over here, J>:arden. Situated in the village of Newcastle. For terms apply to Mus. M-~NNtNO , At "Hrand here that went to Leskard lately. Look a.n!i the voice of the threshing machine is Central," Bowman ville, or to GEO. Cou R·r1 0E, out for Captai n S., youn!.'( man. heard in the land. EsQ., Newcastle. 32·3w, Considenble excitement prevailed in Flies, self-binder agent& and people on ACRE FARM FOR SALE the west end last week. P erhaps some OR 1'0 RENT.- fleing Lots l l thought themselves so (Smart) that they their way t » Lake Scugog, keep up a certain amount of stir in our ' ·illaze. In and 15, Con. 10, Darlington, and having there· on : dwelling-hous<>, out-building·, it<>od well were going to ring the (Bell) just as they other r espects thiu~e are as quiet as they of water, youog orchard. et.c. It is situated liked. Wherd was the little man at this well can be. about 10 m iles from Howman ville, 3 miles from CLIMAX. Ennisklllen, 2~ miles from Haydon and 2 miles time. ..., Mrs. Richardson is lying vt ry sick, in trom Burketon Sta.lion, the C. P. Ratlwa.y P ort P erry. cro·sing the farm. For pa.rtio·1lars apply to SOLINA. S.A.M'L WOODJ,EY. 1'yrone, P. o. 3l·tf. Mr. Wm. Ferguson is not improving . F ARM FOR SALE.-Valuable farm Mr.Joa. R eynol ds and wife, of Oshawa, very rapidly. ot 70! sores for ea.le, being lot !I, con. 5 Ea·t have been visiting friends hEre. School commences on Monday next. WJ1itby. 'l'he farm is w"ll watered, good soil, Mr. F. Hartly, has lust a very valuable I. N . 0. clay bottom: havinl!' t.bereon a frame dwelling 1 f d' t house, good barn and other out buildings. It is cot, ro-m- 18 emper. eituat"d 5 miles norn Usbawa and withm ~ K large number of relatives and 11cResolution of Condolence. · f \~'h ' b 0 h B mile of a cheese f"ctory. blacksmith and '""' pcnt,er shops and eaw mill. Terms easy. l<'or uamtancee . rom , " it Y, ~ awa, OW· further part.icular" anpJy to JOHN Y. COLE I man ville, P1ckermg, Court1ce, Enfield Whereas i t has: pleased Almighty God Hampton, or McGEE & Jo:-.xs, Oaba.wa. and this plllce 11a.thered at the residence in hie all-wise providence, to remove from 33·3w ,., of M r. E d ward Pa~coe, at a lawn party, the active scenes of life, brother Thomas on Thursday, 29 th ult. The young Darlington, a brother beloved on account people amused themsel ves playing ball, of h is earnest, consistent, christi'l.n life, The subscriber will pay the highest cash croquet, and other games, while the older who , d uring a. period of twenty-si x yean vrice for any quantit.y ot good Merchantable ones engaged in a genera.I chit-chat. A bout in connection with the Church-a£ MethoWool and 2c over that in trade. Dont give away your wool when you can get a fair price fifty · sat dow n to the tables, which fairly dist church, fai thfully perfo rmed the in exc!iange for BlankAt8, Sheeting, Tweeds. groan ed under their load of tempting dut1ee .incumbent upon him as Sabbath etc., Carpet Yarn and Sock Yarn al ways on band. With thanks for past favours and edibles. A very plaasant t i me was spent school teacher, steward and trustee, we soliciting a contmuance of the same, I am by all. : desire to exprese our sorrow, b ecause of your obJigin~ servant, D, TAYLOR, Hampton Miss llatten, of :Bowmanvi!!e, has the loss we sustain by his remo val, and 23·3m· \Voolen .Mills. . -- b n visiting friends here. would extend to sister Darlington and Mrs. Hillis ha11 had a fi 1111 fence erected family onr profound sympathy in this th e hour of their bereavement, and earnestly n front of her re11id:mce. pray that the great h ead of the church FOR YOU.N G LADIES. isa Laura Rundle, of Harmony, is may p rove a father to t he fatherle~e, and vieitin11, friends here. a husband t o the widow, while li fe shall Preeident- Thc LORD BISHOP of TORONTO, The crops in _ this neighborhood are last ; and that when th~ 11cenes of life are The School will RE-OPEN !>n TUESDAY, looking exceedingly well. The barley forever clostld, there may be a glorious ~~Y~eptember, Boarders toarr1;ethe previous . harvest is nearly finished. reunion beyond t he river. ..Application may he mad e to I.he L11.dy Prin· SPEC!AJ, TO F ARMEJ\8 ANU THRE8RERSSigned on behalf of the Official Board. If , t d · f H t ctpal. Wykeham Hall, College avenue. A. YOUNIE, you .rnn a goo pair o arves w. H.MAY, Mitte of any length or size, call at R. M . Kir1-patrick'.s, Solina. I also keep the T . SHERIN. best quality of M~chine Oil, give me a Bow..uanville, Aug. 2, 1886. BEST I N' T H E lYOULU call. 31-5w «Get the Genuine, Sold Everywhere. Mr. J no. V ice intends building a fi ne residence on the corner of King and Temperance streets, this fall. Something I n lllc111ory or Gerald, little son ot Samuel that will 1n:irprise the citizens. Lockh11r& . Huckleberries are now ripe, number11 The loved, t he bright, t he beautiful, of pickers are seen wending their way to Entire stock to be From earth must paas away, the patch, weet of thi11 village. And bitter are the tears that fall Tke whistle of the steam thresher can Above the senseless Clay. be heard around here. JACK. Ala.a ! 'tis hard t o part with thee, The goods will beaold down below cost. / ENNISKILLEN. My little darling boy, Y.et well I know 'tis promised t hee, Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Lnces, Flowers, A Ladies' Aid Society, in connection To rise to perfect j oy. F eathers, Silks, Satins, PlnslJ.es, Velvets with the Methodist church, waa estabFringes, Gimps, Corde, Colla.rs, Frillin0 , lished last week, with the following Oh ! I shall miss thy joyful laugh, Aprons, H ose, Wool Jackets, Berlih officiah1 : President, Mrs. Salton ; ViceAnd shout of childish glee; (Both in leather and cord.) Wools, Saxony, Silk Floss, Arasen , President, Mrs. Jae. Pye; S1>cretary, And listen oft with throbbing heart Tinsel, Embroideries, &c. For thy footstep light ana free. Miss F. Virtue ; Treasurer, Mra. HutchiWhips, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, &c., always in stock. Also a great variety of Fa.ncJ>i son. May they prosper in their good And oft in slumber shall I meet, undertaking. Thy small mouth's rosy kiss, Goods. Last Sunday evening the Rev. S. Sal· And waken with a bitter pang, · t a-..delivered from his pulpit a much MILLER'S BLOCK, ORONO. Thy t wining arms to misa. neededand-very effective discourse on : 1 A vacant place is at m y b oard, CA N AD A 'S GRl!:AT " l'he Proper Observan ce of the Sabbath A void is in my h eart, Day." My child, my love, .my beautiful, At the close of the service last Sunday 'Tis hard with thee to part. morning, the Rev. A. McLaren, after AND . preaching a very earnest and practical To lay thy little form a.way Agricultural Exposition, 1886 sermon, announced that he was about to Within the 8ilent tomb, take hi11 vacation. Tbere will be no Then t urn and leave thee there alone service in the Presbyterian church nex.t In darkness and in gloom. SEPTEM BER 6TH T O I STH. An immen se Programme of Krnv AND GREA T Sabbath , and a stranger will 11upply the Ye~ , Gerald , darling, short. thy stay ATTRACTIONS is prepared for this Exhibition. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the N ew Oils, p ulpit the Sabbath following. Chea'(' l ·'« re· iu1a .Exc1tr $io11B on all lty' s Within that narrow bed ! Cop11~s of P rize List and Entry Forms sent to Onr popular dentist, Mr. F. B. Taylor, Thy little form may scarcely feel any ouc on appl ication, by pos t card or otherhas. returned to our village to coml'lete wise, to the Secret ary at Toronto. Entries close Corruptions' wit hering tread. Saturday Aui:-es t ~8 th. H. j . H I LL, his engagements. J NO. J . WITHROW, Man.ager and Sec'y. Ere thou wilt hear thy Saviour's voice, President. TOROMTO. Our energetic teacher, Mr. T. L. Staples, Arise ye dead a.nd 11ing ! Try it once, you will use no other. will r eturn this week and will re·o1>en our Where is t hy victory now, 0 grave! academy of learning, Monday next, 16th Aud where, 0 death, t hy sting. lllctJOI~L BROS. & CO'Y, T o r onto instant. KALISTA. We welcome back to our ·village, our old friend, Mr. Martin, 11r. He is staying Persons wishing t o borrow money on -o-:--with hi~ daughter, Mrs. F. R ogers. rfarm security can be accommodated witl1 Mr. E. LE.aroyd, Ottawa; Mrs. Dickey, any amount on application to. t he STATES· Among our many departments, Toro nto ; 1\lrs. Martin, Colling wood ; MA~ office, at l owest rates of mterest. tf. Mrs. GJadman ·and daughter, .of Peter· 1 The West End House is noted for - - MANUJ!'.A.CTURER 01!'- Dress Goods will have our special boro' ; and Mrs. Dr, Oliver, Williams· having t he largest, best, and cheape1t ave been visit ing friend1,1 here, aMortment of H osiery in to wn. Ladie11 b ur attention, and we purpose makin~ That young man from Hampton, who you would do well to ci:\ll and examine hae been P,aying his addresses to a young for yourselves. KING STREET, BOWMA.NVILL lady west of here, should have his wheels La.dies,in Tait & Morrison's stor e you Hae now on hand a number ol nh!clee (and ls i;nanufacturing a great many more)o~ the newe3 a great effort to lead the trade patterns and best finish, which I am offermg tor sale at the lowest prices conel8ten1 rh-eteci on his buggy before he goes in can see the prettiest, cheapest and best with due r egard to workmanship and quality. The following ii a list ot t hat neighborhood again. Tho11e jealous Fancy Window Shades ever introduced the principal vehiolee manufactured by me that branch of our enterpri~e. youn g men who removee1 the wheel h ere, their cheepne88 is most remarkable. Double Cover ed Carriages ..... ............. .. ................................$150 Upward1, should have provided a saddle, and not Call and see them. R ollers, cornice poles We will constantly have Single Phrotons ............ ..................................................... 100 11 obliged thu Hamptonian to ride home fixings for drawing, ~tc., in 11tock. Open Buggy.............................. ...................... ... . .. ........... 70 bare-back, especially aa h e was u naccu11· PURE TE.l ! P URE LITBRATURE!!- The Top Buggy.............................................. .......................... 90 all the latest productions that the tomed to auoh work. Li-Quor Tea Co, i11 the largest and beat D emocrat Wagon.............................. ... ...... ....... ............ ...... 65 · Packet Tea Co. in the ll orl<l. A hand · Lumber Wagons.... ........... ............... ................................... 55 co~t's Emulsion of Pure some volnme given away with every 31bs market affords in Frer:ch, German Light Wagon............ ... .... ............................................ ...... 40 Cod :Liver en, with DJ'popbosphUes of this celebrated tea. It is not neceasary E xpress Wagon...... ...... ...... ........................... ....... .. ............ 75 and' English materials, together For L un g Tro1ibles and Wasting Disea$es. io purchase the three pounds at one time; Skeleton.. ....................................................... . .. ...... . .. ... . .. 60 a voucher is given away with every half S11~y ......... ................................. ................................ ..... 40 Dr. J. SIMONAUD, New Orleans, La., pound, By drinking t heLi-Quor Teae, th Buttons, Laces, Fringes, with says : " Scott'11 Emulsion is the finest Poali-'9slng superior facilities tor manufacturing oarrlages, I intend to sell very cheap or o ab consumer becomes a participator in the 1 or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Woult preparation of t he kind ever brought to advantages which this company possesses sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, Plushes, Velvets, Silks, Satins, my notice. In affectioo11 of tl10 lung11 and over all competitors~,or h e gets a better other wa.,ting diseases, we may consider t ea at a lower price t an can be procured it our mo11t reliable agent. In a perfectly elsewhere, and he s ares in the inestimand all Trimmings to m'.ttcb. elegant and agreeable form." At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if D e11ired. able benefits of a gigantic enterprise. ...., the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Clrole,Band or·sor Came early and get E> benefit of our unA.LWA.YS JlEQIJIBEIJ- A. good cathartic SaW'!t and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd other&tor bulldlnit purpoeea. L EVI MoRRii:<, Agent, m e d l d lle, ~llUonal Piils will n ot tllsnp· b roken stor,k, vruamental and P lain P icket11 for fenoee in every 11tyle required, made to order. 1u1Jni )'on, Bonneall's .Hlock. 11-tf C "_61" . . :2.... · SHA.W d: T O Li!:, L rnENSED AUCTIONEERS for the County of Durham. .All salPs will reoeivt· prompt attention. Address:- Bowman ville, Ont. F The members of !\fr. Jonathan Tyer· man's class. C. M. church, hare present?, Mrs. ,T o~eph F. Tyer man with a ha17d· some 1md va~uabl e me 1~oria.l go!d .r ng aocl locke~, w1t.h appropriate mscript10. s acco mpamed with an address, expre~s1 ve of t he e·t eem 1>nd r esprct t hey entertained for her late h u$band. ~ CAR7'WRIGHT. 1 A Good Life Insurance Co . The Mu tual Relief Society of R ochester While Mr. Thos . Freeborn and family were at church last Sunday, some sneak thieves broke into their house and stole fivejlollars. ~ horse and covered b uggy belonging f o Miss Sarah Deacon of Cwsarea had a misunderstanding o'n Monday. ' The result was a badly demoralized b nggy . N. Y., which has a good m embership in :Bowmanville, has paid in death claims from 187!) to March l s.t, 1886, seven hund re<l and ninety-seven t housand dollars. This l:lociety has now over eleven thousand members, insured under thirteen thousand, five hundred and n inety certifi. cates, aggregating t wenty-nine millions, fonr hund red and seven ty thousand dol· Jars in force. 'l'he Mutual R elief Society has m ore than doubled its assets in the !Mt year and its R eserve Fund is increasing over a thousand dollars everv month. The avc1·age mortuary cost~all ages (18 to £.i4) included- has been only $8.25 per annum for each $1,000 of insurance. Each member is assessed according t o age and the younger m ember pays on ly one half as much as the older member. Every member can comfort himself with the fact th(l.t the cost in t h e M utual Relief Society for t he vast amount of in surance afforded by i t from September. 1879, to March 1st, 1886, if comparec l with the cost for the same amount of protection under the old line rates, showR a positive saving to its members of two millions, four h undred and four thousand, six hundred and seventy dolhus. M. A. J AMEs,Secretary of L ocal Board. Popular Errors. To think tlrn.t t he rnore a rnrm e11.ts the t11.tter aml stronger he will become. 'r o believe that the more hours children study the faster they will learn . To conclude that, if exercise is goou, the more violent it is the more good is done. 'l'o imagine that evt~ry hour taken fro1a sleep ,!s au hour gained. To act on the ptesnmptiOll. that the smallest room in the house is large enough t o sleep in. 'f o argue that what· ever remedy c1 m ses one to fee l immediately better is good for the ~ystem, without re· gard to more ulterior effects. To eat with· out au llppetite, or tv continue to eat 11ftcr it hM been sutisiled, merely t o grutify the taste. 'l'o eat a hearty supper for the plcnsnre experienced during t,he brief time . it is J .iassing down the throat, at the expense of a wh ole night of di·turbed sleep and a night of weary waking in the mom· in~. c 200 ___ _ ___ WOOL ! WOOL! ! ., C _ _,, THE BISHOP S T RACHAN SCHOOL c ., FRAZER CR EASE -AXLE · I N ow is t he time t o get a first -class hand made Set of Harness, extr emely cheap. Is selling Single Harness for $10; Nickel Pla t ed Single Harness, $16; all other goods in proportion. Call and see the best FLY NE T ever made. M~ MORRISON'S L I N"" ES_ ·n 30 days Cleared Out l Call at Tait & Morrison'11 to see M rs. Clarke 's Cookery Book. Lovely Braided .Jerseys from 1.25 up at Coucl1, J olrnston & Cryderman's R osary Bef\.led Trimming fur dresses at Couch J ohns1Nn & Cryder man's. Dry goods will be cheap for July anci Au gus t. Read Star H ouse advt . }'or a magn ificent choice of H osiery, Gloves, &c, , call at the Star Hou11e. :Barbed, r ihbon, plain and annealed wire a fuff stock at bed rock pricea at S. S . Edsall's. Call on Jno. McMurtry at the W e11f; End llouse for anything you r equire ill!. Dry Goods or Groceries. Ladies, it will be to your advantage to· inspect our millinery before making your purchases. R obert son & Bond. " WooL.-F,ar mers, don't sell y our ·wool till you call on John L yle who is paying: the highest price for good merchan table wool. ILLUSION Ol' THE SENSES : and other Essays, by R ichard A. Proctor. P rice 15 cents, by mail. J. Fitzgerald, Pub -iehers, 108 Chambers St., N. Y. ..creon11 who have tri:d the Li-Quor Tea sold by L. Morri11 speak favorably of it. You get a beautiful book with every dol· lar's worth. Coucl1 J ohmiton & Cryderman have 11old an immense quantity of carpets during the last few we0ks, but they are still showing a large assortment of carpets of all kinds.. N ervous headache, earache, toothache and in fact any ache or pain cured like magic with West's World's Wonder. 26 and 50c. All druggiat11. Farmers, Threshers and Mil Im en Use M cColl B r os. & Co.'s Celebrated . L A R D I: N E:: INDUSTRIAL FAIR MAC H I N E 0 I l · ORLD. TN THE W THE BE s T TORONTO FAMILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. GEORGE C. HA'INES, Proprietor, HAI N ES' CA RRIAGE "WORKS; oREss coons. MILLINERY. ---o--Our Millinery Department (one of the most ex tensive in the t own) is now replete with all the latest novelties for the summer trade. The entire selection is of t he newest and most fashionabl e description. Our assortment of H .A T GARRIACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., F s and BONNETS, which consii:its of the latest and most desirable styles, embraces the fol:owing makes and braids :-Chip, Loop, Tape, Twist, Pedal, Swiss, Pearl,. Milan, Sa.tin, Canton, Tuscan, Leghorn, P orcupine, Cordinette and Split Straws. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired' ROB E R TSON &BONl Robertson & Bond.

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