Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1886, p. 3

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Harrt L. Falk, swimming In the C~n~s· tog<i. R iver, saw a black base within a.rms FRIDAY, AUGU8'1' 6, 1886. 'Vby doe.a the heart ·ometlme1 become leugth of him, He grabbed for It, wae Africa ha.a a warm climate, 110 warm that lucky enough to ca.tab hfs fingera In the gills, lhe 1rntle b~bls1 de not need any clothes. e11larged? For the aa.me reason t hat the mueole1 of ·nd ewam ashore with a. line fish, But 1uis too eold sometimes for the little MALL FARM FOR SALE.- 30 ;he bl&ckemlth's arm become enlarged-unJohn Reynelde, a bad boy of Chloago, met ~ndnr babe to be without a bhnket, l'here acres ofla.nil having thereon good frame oVonted work, that ino\'es.see the blood sup- Willie Knock laat Sanday, and a.eked him (s ooua.aionally a white frest down In lihe house, barns, stables and other necessary out- ply and the power to asslmll&te nourleh· to go to the lake, Willie, who wa.a 011 hie deep valley· In the WJnter, but It never buildings. young orchard of 4. acres, w~ll wa.t· ered and fenced. Situated J 11a~ outside the ment. In one oaee of the dhea.se, a.n en- way to churoh, declined. and John drew a oomea up the hills to the housee on the oorporationo!Bowmanvllle· Will be sold very larged hea.rt weighed nearly three pounda, !mall revolver and 1hot Willie fatally. ooast. A wa.y be.ck sixty miles ·from the cheap for cash. Apply to .M. A. Ja:r.ncs, and in another over four pounds-the oom· A Ma.lue groom who could talk no Ftenoh 001ut there h a. little loe, and beyond thl\t Office, Bowmanv1lle. 9·tf. ,..,: STATESMAN _ :: mon weight being rather less than three· 'l.nd a :French bride whe oould speak no En· on the monntaina there ~ la aome enew. qa11.rt1111:s of a pound. l(llsh were murled the other day in Lowell, My children ha.d Jlevor seen eoow when RICK HOU SE AND LOT FOR What is the ca.use of the heart's undue Me. They both h a.d understood the un- they came to America, One morning aa SALE IN BOWMANVILLE.-A very !l.Otion? spoken language of coartehlp, ~hey came dewn froll'.l. their aleeplng-r. aoma comfortable brick house, nearly new. contains~me obata.ole ta the olrculatlon, which Five yea.rs ago Li.da Garrison ef Denison, they saw for the fi~st time the ground all ing 8 rooms, besides pantries, closets and sum· mer kitchen, excellent collar. Har d anq soft oompela the heart to work hM"der to propel Texio.a, fell from a tree, and hurt herself 1 0 ll'hlte, They were very much excited and water: very good fruit garden oft acre. Situat- the blood A em!l.ll lnoreaae In the foroe of ed in the most a.ristroc1·atlc par t of the town. eaoh heart-beat lnvelves immense additional 'hat she has not einoe b*ln able to use her rushed out to phk up tho snow to see what arms. S he has aucaeeded in learning to It was like. But they threw It down quick· Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply work, to :M. A. JAMES, STATESMAN Office, 9·t! . pa.int, holding the brush with the toes of her ly, for they said it burnt their fingen; they What are the o!lusea of the obatruotlon 1 le 't foet, did not know thatsnew would bum. · The followln2 are the most common : A tivelve-yea.r-eld boy in Pleasant Valley, The Zulu mother buys a cotton blanket Newly improved Verses &; Motto al (1) Di11eue ma.y ha.ve narrowed some one 0, 1 attrmptiug to draw water from a well thr.t oeeta her a good deal of money {75 Chromo Carda, with name and a water pen for lOc. 5 pack A, 5 pen a, for 50c. or more of the heart-valves, so that the fifty feet deep, fell In. He went to· the bot- oentf), t~wra.p up tho babe on these cool Agents sample p1w!<, outfit, a.n d lllus. the heart ha.a to force the blood through a tom without hitting the atones on the eldee, mornmge, S he has no bed or crib to put trated catalogue of Novelties..for a 3c. stamp smaller opening-In extreme ca.sea not grasped the rope, and waa drawn out hi the little one In, Bil she lays It on a m~t en and this slip. .A.. ,V,;KINNEY, Yi>rmouth, la.rger th!ll.n the diameter of a qutll, sa.ftity by his mother and slater. the ground, and there It sleeps 1weetly. N . s. 9·6m (2) A valve may have beoome so affeoted Furner Underwood, of Rodman, N. Y.., Tho mother ha.s not muoh work to do In e that It leaks, and the oontra.otlon foroos the 'mok a fine calf lnt9 Watertew.o In hl11 wag· her hut. She has no clothes te make or l blood backwards as well as forwards, the on to sell to the butohen. J .ist as he reach· w1uh or mend. S \ie does not even wash · backward fiow thus distending the rear cav- ed the ra.ilroad a leo<nnotlve ca.ma along and her blanket often, for she ea.ye It will wear ity, which II meanwhile filllng from the whistlud shrilly. The calf ga.ve a. s-tr.rt, It out to wash it, and 1 think It would wear v..lve In llhe ether end, The latter ce.vity tumbled, and dropped dea.d in tae wagon, holes In It If she should wa.9h i= clean, She '~ must do extra work to propel the supe1fl.JU8 hall only ene dish of food to oook at a mea.1. 11oppareutly dying of fright, bloed. She oete that ent In the middle of the doer, Twe sparrows attacked a oat in Stea.tor, (3) A certain condition of the lunge, or of and the men gather around it, 1dtt1Dg on Ill., drawln11 blood from ita back with their Are prepared to pay the l1ighest prioee the artsrie11 leading to them. may oenstl· the greund, a.nd eat with wooden spoona atout little billa. The oat equalled and relltnte the obstrnotlon. until they are eatlsfied, Then the women ed on it~ baok, trying to beat 1>£f the birda (4) Oostructfons mi.y be due to tumora, for all kinds of Grain delivered at the and ohlldren come a.nd eat wha' they want, with ltm paws, But the little feathered or to anenrlsm1, prea1ing against a large ar· and If there la anything left the doga lap It kept right at pusa until she gava bulldog1 Wharf or their Store Rouse in town. tery. out oft.be dish. So the woma.n hae enJy up, nn away, and hid uncler a fenoe, (5) The obstrnctlon may be due to rough· one dish and a few spoons te wash and only ening of the internal surfaces of the arteries Several daya ago John 1-Vade of Oowa.n· one room In her hut to sweep eut and no town, Md., pnniahed his vloloue ma1tlff with f~rolture to dust. -a. condition not uncommon In old age, (6) Bright's dleea,,e la apt to be followed a. pltohfork, He 'heught It bad a sal utary ·.Bnt she doea not expect to live In Idleness, by oardiao enlargement. How It comes efl:eot, hut the dog was bldlng his time .l einae her huaba.nd has p11oid ten head of 011otOF CANADA. and when his maater returned home at duak, a.bout Is not eertaloly koewn. for her. She takes great pride In hav· ·c 1:i:1tal paid up, 1111,000,000. R est, $2611,00 1 (7) Such enlargement may be due to a few days later, he attacked him, threw tle ing a oloe garden-H much so a.s your mothover·phyBlcal exertion, All leng·contlnued him dewn, and waa mangling him, when he When the This Bank ts-;r~pared to do Legltl· muioular strain result. In It, as In oase of wa· reac ~.ed, The enraged brute was shot. ers in having a nice house, mother gees ou· In the ga.rden t~ work, ehe mP.te Banking in all its branches. soldiers frlilm long·ferced marches. B e>11otlng Mre. Marga.rot W ebbar of Camden asked tie· the babe on her back with the blanket Farmers notes discounted ; Deposit& and some other priH ci>oteats are a frequent little Eddie Wood to driva her ohloken1 out I have epoken of, and mir.rehe1 out with a received and Interest paid on a.mounts of uurce ef enlargement, the yard. Boy-like he threw· a atone at great hoe on her aheulder, a dish of aour S5 upwards in Savings Bank Department; E ~la.rgement ef the heart h not in itaelf of them, and t;e hla aurprlse hit one of the mllk oo her head to feed the babe with and a.n Immediate evil. It i1 that by whieh na· fine1t of the flock a.ncl killed it.. At thia her band1 fall ef earl of oem,. Arriving DRAFTS beued and Collections made In Europe ture overo<1me1 a aerlou9 obataole. But Mrs, Webber became very angry, and with she soattere t;he corn breailoa1t and oomthe enlargement tonda to go en lnoroa.alng a stick of wood beat the boy until he foll at meno1111 her digging, a winging baok ~nd forth United States and Canada. until It reeultl lo a d1latlen and thinning, at her feet, The boy died ten d&71 af~r. Mn, with her little one on her baok. thu1 reek· a<>me weak point, of the wa.lls of the heart, Webber has been arrested, W.J. JONES, lilg her babe to 1leep. She then lays it on Agen in whloh oa.ae some alight extra exertion or Four years ago Julia. Smith, who lived in the eeft grau In the shade of a tree, and exeltement ma.y oause a fatal rupture, an old heuee In a lonely place between Had- although there are so ma.ny 1na.kea all abeu1i dam and Oheeter, 0onn., died. She left as there, we have never heard ef their b1'1ng her only mourner a mongrel dog, whloh bu the little onea. There le one very large Tre~tment of the Opium Habit. lived at the honae ever since. N 11 one llv1111 eoa.ke there-large enough te awallew a In the oourse of a rery long practice I babe. I have caugM them &1 large a1 a. Has received her new stock ot ha.vetreated ma.ny oa.sea of the opium habit ID the beaae, and ne one wante to ; bu' the steve·plpe and alxteen feet lens. But the7 dog la always In the 111;tle yard, and neigh· M>cordlng;to dlffsrent plans, but unsuoce1s- bor11ay they never aee him go out, There do not awallow the children. ful1y at first bJ limiting the treatment to too When the lit;tle one wakes up It orle1 juat those who think tbr.t J 11Ua'a ghost feeda and invites the Ladies of Bow- short a time, not a.pprdclatiog the fa.et that are aa white children do, and the mothtr throw· her fa.lthful our, chronlo remedlea to oure them. Fina.Uy, a her hee arid runs to h juat 118 fut u manville and vicinity to call oa.ae fell into my hand· whloh I waa oom· A train hand ta the Sa.lem R·i~read yard down any of yeur m9ther1 run for you when they on a recent hot night heard a. cnioken'1 peep to treat through a. long oouree on aopalled and see her Pattern hear you orylng, She love& her ehild just oount of the lady'· physical oonditlon, ahe coming from a freight car, He went in, and aa muoh a.a white mother· do thoirt, lt ii being worn out by the long oontlnued uae ameng a. lot of egf!· found one t ~rough which hungry, and the mother feed1 it; with that of the drug, and unable to withatand any a ehlok had atuck Its head, The tittle fel- aour milk 1he ha.1 brought on her hea.d, and assortment of ilenaible revulelen, The habit had been bi. low was removed and now thrives a.t the They never drink 1weet milk-neither the dulged In for eighteen year·. and the train ha.nd'a heme, Tne weather la some· ohildren nor the grown people-for their a.mount of merphine taken In twenty.four timea oalled " ho' enough to fry eggs." dbhe1 a.re al way· eonr. The mother ha.a a houra when the treatment began waa a Thl1 wae evidently bot enough te ha.tcb nioe way of feeding her llttle one withont h e ohloken1. cup or 1poon. She puta her hand ja1t no· STORE1-SeeondDoorwen ·f l'f1111am· draohm a week, er eight gralne a day. T. following la the plan by which she waa our· The garden of Albert Smith In South der the babe'· mouth and make1 a tunnel, Butcher Stall ' ed ID four monuhe, and a number ofpatienta B11dus, N. Y,, has been a well·beha.ved and and pouring In the milk It run1 right down afterward· by the aame : well·oultlvated patch for nearly 1lxty y&1r1. the child'· threa.t. When the little fellow Taking the whole amonntof morphine she Twe weeks ago an area of thirty-eight la big enough te run all about the hut. and had uaed In the last aeven da.y1, I dlasolvod square feet roae three inche1 above the nor· he eees hi1 father ha1 1ome feod ready to it In a three-ounce vial o,ontalnlug twenty- mal surfaoe In a. 1lngle nl{lht, and two lnohet eat {It may be thick milk with belled eorn VETERINARY SURGEON. oue toa.1po11ntul1 ef water (ma.king three more during the day. T.he next morning ground), ~e oomea and held.II oat hh two do1101 a da7 for lieven daya,) adding five It wa.e seven lnohea above the aurrounding hands pat 1iogether and 1ay1, 11 GI pe baba drops of tr. nux vomloa, and one.fourth land, Thia yea9t-like prooeaa baa been go· ukadhla kwa.ko okum uandl 11 [~Ive me, grain of quinine to eaoh teaspoonful, and ins on until new the spot I· three foet high- p1pa, some foed of yoUl'll which 11 nice.] enouirh 1plrlt1 of lavender to color the 101· er than the re1t of the .garden and ·till rf1· fhe father fill· his hands heaping full and uLion. The maximum quantity of morphine Ing. A Carnell professor 11 going to· visit he la.pi It all out without spilling a drop,un wu employed for the first seven daya to es· the ecoentrlo garden and explain the phe · the ground. tabllsh the patient's oonfidenoe, that the nomenen, .'The children are contented with plain prooe11 of treatment waa no~ aiverae to hor The lofty wooilen apirea of the churches foeil, and have but one kind ef food at a oravlng. · Tnen, for twenty weeks, I went In Ma.ttoon, Ill., have been pleroed lo hund· meal, They never eomplr.ln of a. ha.rd bed, on lessening the a.mount ef morphine every reda of plncea b7 woodpeckers looking for though they sleep on a mat on the ground, seven day1 by one-twenileth, and at the food or for pla.oea for neata. The holes In often without even a little bla·ket t) cover aame time lnoreaelng the llnoture by one the :Methodist church steeple became 10 un- them. If 7ou should go Into their hut you drep, and the quinine a one-fourGh j?Hln at sightly that a ma.n wa1 employed te shoot would find "the little darklea io bed with each change, until the morphine wa.a left the blrd1. Then beea teok up their abode nothing over them, 11 l'hey nrs j us· a.1 happy entirely out, In the meanilme, however, I within, and their honey drips from the holes a1 the goa.t1 they·sleep wUh at night, er u ooaaed to augment the quinine after the and 1mee.r1 the steeple, The Conj?rei(atlon- the monksya that come down frem the bpi ninth week, but added ten drepa ef elixir of a.l oburoh steeple 11 well filled whh honey, of the tree te ater.l the o~m a.1 1oon a.1 it 11 Graduate orths Ontario Veterinary Co!lege, vitriol to ea.oh dose taken afterwards. The and so are ateeple1 In nelghberlng towoa, ripe, They are a1 cheerful 1111 the bab11on1 Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary diminution el morphine wa1 so minute and Six swa.rm1 of beea were seen to qui& the that oeme out from among the rook· to Medical Aesoeii>tlon. irradual, and the ta.ate being the 1ame, the mplre of a Paxton church lo one day, eoratch up the corn the mether plant., U «Office and Residence. Newtonvllle, Ont. patient was unable to detect any ohani(e ehe doea not renu.ln In the garden all day Will visit Orono every Tuesday and!Saturday whatever during the four month1'. treat· and keep them out, They are very fond How a. Man Goea to Bed. Office hours from 10 a. m.. to <l ll· m., at ment, For a week er tlwo after the mor· of play, Oae of their amu1ement1 oonsi1t1 Coultera' Hotel, Calls by Telegraph receive pbloe had been left out I continued the Speaking ef how a man goea to bed, an In ma.lo.Ing oxen and oewa and other aolma.11 ·immediate attention. ume 1olutieo. whloh was olamored for exoha.nge saya : CHARGES MODERATE. of olay. They 1ldp and j amp a.bent aa h111pwhenever I proposed to dispense with .-Its u There'· where a m11tn hu the advantage, py and j :yfal as the aoimala abaut them, use ; and when I beoame aatisfied that the He ci~n undress In a cold reow aud hio.ve his Bat there ii a kind of happlneas which yen TIIISOUTandret.urn to us with habit was then all In the mind, I annonnced bed warm before a woman hs.9 got her hair· have aud which they have not, And they lOc. or 4 3c. stamps, and you'll get that she had not taken a particle of mor- plne ou~ and her shoes untied." do not know hew to get It until mioion111rle1 by return mail a Golden Box of " T ha.t'e how It looks In print, and thh la oome and tell them, uooda that will brlniz Y;OU in more phine for two weeks. She w11.1 dazed, oovorlng her faoe with her hands and remained hew it id In ror.llt.y, " money in one month than anytbrng else, ,lo .A.mor!ca. Either sex make money fast, CIIY silent for some time. She ws.nted no more "I am going to bed, my dear. I t's halfJS OVELTY CO., Yarmouth. N.S. morphine ; her health had beeeme very paat ten." mnch Improved, and her gratitude seemed No reply. In a. Mexioa11 Dungeon. unbounded. Any physician ms.y succeed "N11w, J;Jhn, you know yeu're alwaya The ba.rracks In which A., K , Cutting, the by thh plan, l think, If he will prevent the late In the morning. D.;i get to bed !" p ..tient resortlu~ to stimulitnts ; at loaat I "Yes, in !I. minute," he r eplie11, as he American newspaper man, h Imprisoned In have never failed when etimulantia a.re 1tric1i· turns the p aper wrong side out and begins PiAae del Norte, Mex ico, waa vldted recent· ly a.veided. a lengthy 11o1tlcle headed : " The Home ly, It would ba dlflicnlt for Mexican spite Rule Q1estlon." l!' lfteen minutes later she to select a more dreadful pl11oce fer the pun'. calls from the b edroom ; " J uhn, oome to hhment of a huma.n victim than the room in A Pa.ta.zonian Paradise. which he ls confined. H ~ le placed In a Not long ago Pabgonla wae believed tli bed and not keep the g&s burning here all rlnngEion with ahouL twelve other p tiaonere, night," and murmuring something ab aut be one of the most desolate and uninviting " the blll being big enough now," she creep1 The dungeon h<MI but a door far ventilation parts of the world. It has been learned between the cold sheets, while John sits pnrposee, and thh is closed at night, and within the p11ost three yea.rs, however, that 11. placidly on, feet aeroae the plano-shol the prisoners left for twelve qoun te suffer great deal ol Patagonian Is not to be judged a.nd a olgar hh in his mouth, By-and·by he In tha hea.t and foul atmosphere. But 6 by the b'eak and vordureleu AtlanGlc seayawn&, stretches himself, throws the cents a day le allowed eaoh prisoner for food. board. The Argentine Military ex peditlen1 rises, paper on the floor, and selz;lng the shaker and most of them preaent an emacia.ted aph11ove brought homo same astoniahlng reproceeds to that vlgorou1 exercise, ahaking penra.uoe or are succumbing to dlsea.ee, port·, whloh ai:e 11ow supplemented by the the coal stove, J 11st at this stage a not al· Ont tlug la given feed by friends whom ihe discoveries of Col, Fontana. a.nth orlt lce are luollned to pormlt to see This gentleman, the Argentine governor together pleasant voice lnqulres : him, beveral of t he prlseners eonfined in ALL SIZES. · For pity sake I ain't you ready fer bed " of the Chubnt province, has just explored the diam ..\ dung~on are ahe American1. yet?" the Chebnt river from ltt mouthGn the At· Tney have been confined fer months, and "Yes. yes, I'm coming I " W hy don't lantlo coast to lts head atraams In tho have not been able to oommunlo~te with you go to sleep and let a fellow alone ?' Cordlllerae, travelling 3,000 miles, and the outside world, One of them eta.tea tlla.t Then he dlaoovers that there's coa.l need· oroselng In vouions dlreotlons a large region ed. W hen that le 1upplied and rattled into h~ ham been given no tria,J, and does not extending 250 miles south of 4 20 south know why he la confined. He present· a -ALSO- . !atltude, ln a. letter whioh the prealdent the stove he alts down to ws.rm his feet. phlable Bight, and begged the Amer ican& Next he slowly begins to nndre!B, and aa he of the Argu1tlne R9publl~ received from stands soratchlng himself and absently gaz who were admitted to .do ·omethlug to s11ove him a few weeks ago, Col. Fontana s11old him. The Amerlcln oenBU! h11o1 been snubthat he had diacovared ma.ny fertile valley1 1 Ing on the last garment, dangling over the bed, and all communloation betweea hln:. back of the chair, he remembers that the well-watered plains, immanse tracta of and the authorities has cea1ed, H 11 has doh pasturage, a. number of lakee, and ex clook h not wound yet. When that Is at · forwarded P"per· to Washington, and re· and all lines of tended to he wants a drink of water, !i.nd tensive forests oontalnlng trees of uonsu11ol a.way he proceeds to the kitchen. Of oourae, mains powerless unless a.Idea by the Gov· size, when he retnrns his skin resembles that of a ernment. "I have found," he writes, "new lands picked ohloken, and oooe more he aea.ta himof a snperlor quality, well adapted fer self before the fire for a last " warm up," oobolzatlon and cattle raising, and a health· 1-:>ts of Fm1° ful climate, an abundance of wood, and As the olook strikes twelve he turns out the A Cambridg e mother sen t her small boy ga.s, and with a. flop of the bed ·olothee and useful mlnerala, Thia region, I believe. few spa.emodlo shivers he subsides-no, int o t he oonntry, s.nd after a. week of anx Is destined to become one of the most a net yet ; he forgot to see If the front door lety ha· received this letter : " I got her e beautiful and prosp,ereu! parts of the Arwas looked, and another flop of the bed· a.11 right and I forgot to write before ; it la gentine possession, ' a ver}I nice pla.ce to have fun, A feller and The oouutry explored by Col. Fontana clothes brings forth the remark : "Geod graolout !" if that man alnt I went out In a boat, and the beat tipped Ilea j net a little south of t he regions con· over, and a m~n got me out, and I was ao cerning which prevleue expeditions m ~ke enough to try the patience of Job I" Setting her teeth hard she await· the full of wa.ter I didn't know nothln' fer a e.'m9st .:qaally glowing reports. final flop, with the accompanying blaat of l(O od Ieng while. The other boy has got te ~Call ..EP cold air, and thou quietly IDq 11irea-" If he be burled after they find him, J:ils mother Fa.ther-"What ought 1 to do to a boy la settled for the night," to which he re· come from Chelsea., and she cries all the time, A hoes kicked me over, and I have who ill lazy and disebodlent, who he.a no re- plies by mutterini: " If you ain't the provoki~geet woman !" got to have some money to pay a doctor for 11peet for hl11 parent1 ? W hat 1hould be done dxin' mv head. I lost my watch, and I am to that kind of a boy?" Son- " Don't, for "Pa," said a. 5 ·year-eld son, "can a rope very sorry. I aha.11 bring home aome mud· goodness sake, talk him to death, G:ve me Tinware and Stove Emporium, the llckin' thr.t'a oomln' 'o me,au.' be doml walk ?" "I think net my' son." answered turtles, r.nd I 1hall bring heme a tame' woodchuck, If I Olr.Il get 'em In my trunk,' the father, "but U might; if It were t;au~" . tf with it," BOWMANVILLE, ~ auiuliau J tatt.\ltuau. HEALTH. Enlarr!ed Hearts. ROU.ND 'l'HE GLOBE. ' S _________________ B 50 GRAIN Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCAI.F beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at ;LowEST PRICES. -We intend to keep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles,, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. Jno. McMurtry & Co. THE BOWMANVILLE AGRICULTURAL & CARRIAGE CO.,. Kl.KG STR E ET E AST, BOWMA NVILL E, O N T ARIO. STANDARD BANK We are now £n ishing 30 of th e best CL'rriages and Buggies .ever ~a.de in this establishment, wit h bes t grade of Wheels, Steel Axl es an d best Steel Spungll, trimmed with t h e beat s t ock and well painted. W e are gett ing out 800 of our Ce Ie b rated Champion Plows I Every Board warranted to be made of the beet S teel and well tempered.' We are also getting ready a stock of MOWERS, improved and second to none in t h e market . T hey will be ready in good season a nd warranted to d o good work. We are also m aking a number of HAY T E DDERS, wh ich will also be ready in good season . They have been tried by som e of our beet farm ers, t o whom we r efer in tendin~ pur chasers. W e are also AGENTS FOR THE · DUNDAS CORD BINDER, which h as gain ed a good reputation in t h is locality. Plow Points of every description by t he t o n, and made from stee l, wrou ght iron, &c We are also get ting read y a stock of W AQ ONS . Mill and Engine W ork a sp ecialt)' All of which will be sold on t he most r easonable terms. BOWMANVILLE AGRICU LTU RAL & CA R RIAGlll MISS ·McTAVISH GOODS., Co.. Cash paid for any quantity of Cast Scrap Iron. 14-3m. BONNETS, HATS F. H. MAS 0 8, -DEALER I N - TRIMMINGS Saw Mill Machinery, 'L. D.S.' Engines, 'Peerless · and 'Grain Saver' Separators, Watson's Deering Binders, Iron Clad Mowers, Sulky Rakes, Bain_ Wago~s, Cultivators, Harrows, Seeders, Scuffle r s, Single Sulky and Gang Plows, Honey Fanning Mills, Chaff Cutters, Turnip Slicers, Root Pulpers, Hay Loaders, Crushers, Grinders, . Tedders & Forks,, Warerooms--King St., Bowmanvu1e. Repairs for L. D~ Sawyer and Noxon._ FOR A.LL! C UT THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of t he J.,IVER, STO.llI AUB, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore t o h ealth Debilitated Constitutions, . and are invalu abl e i n a ll Oom plaln t s 1n ciden t a.l t o F emales of all Ages. Children and t h e aged t hey are priceless, For THE and U lcers. OINTMENT Is an infalli ble remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, S ores It is famous for Gout end Rhe umatism, F or disorden of t he - Ch est i t ha.s no equal. - For Sore Throats, Brerichitis, ()oughs, ()olds, Gl~ndular · MILK CANS, Dairy Pails, Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for con tract ed and stiff j oints It act s like a cha.r m. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S E stablishmeni, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late li33. OXFORD STREET), LONDONJ And a.re sold at le. ltd., 2a. 9d., 4a. 6d., Us., 22e., and 33s. each Box or P ot, ant m ay be had from all Medicine Vendors t .hrough oui tlle World. Wl"areha·era &hould look a' Che Label on the Pots and BoXClle I t the r ddre t· D 533. Oxfo.rd St reet. London, they are ·1>urlou1.1 MILK PANS TIJSrVJ .A..RE. No Cheap-John, shoddy stuff, but goods that will wear and give satisfaction. and examine. L. GEO. QUICK; Equal to the Occasion. Killed in Time. Who Is thatl horrible whiskey bloat ?" A hu1ba11d who had been out shooting, asked a female ef an acquaintance, while but had not been euoceoful, rather than re· they stood viewing the gue&ta a.ta faehien· 1 turn home empty- handed, stepped Into a able reoept.ien. " Which one ?" " That 1hop and purchased a hare, f l There, my ducky," he Hid to hl1 wife one with the red m ou1taohe and awful nose, den't rou see !" f l He le my hnab~nd. " OD reaohlug home, " you see I am net 80 "Oh,' laughed the lady,' "1 eee you a.re a..vkward with the gun after all," not sen1ltlve, " altheugh ahG saw veDgeance "L:1t me see !' ' In the eyes of the lns11lted lady, " Several "Isn" he a fine fellow r' oighta ago & friend ef mine ma.de n similar " My dear," said t he wife, a1 she oar ried remark about my husban d, and I became the hare t e h er nostrlb , and p ut It down very angry. I deola.red h would anger any with a grlmaoa, " yen wer e quite rlghi In woman, but my friend said that you, having k illing him to-da.y ; t9 morrow it woul d the best huabr.nd In the worl d, would not have been too Jato," care, and I wagered a. pair of gloves t hat .....,_ .· , .. ,..,,- - - -you would, but you see I ha.vo 101t . I hear W hite dreBBel tor houae wear are In gen· tha t your husband ls apok en of as an avail· era.I use by persona lo mernlDg, able candidate fo r t he City Ceuocll, H ow An Irishman, owing to drendfnl mlafor· clever he must be I" tunes, resolved to commit auiclde, But aa · -·· · he did net wish It to be kaewn, lest it eheuld Denouncing the vapid verbiage of 1hallow leave a eta.In on his family, he Ien a note on praters c~rlyle exolalma, "Even Trivia.I- the table to the following eftect: f l I hope ity and' Imbecility that oa.n al· silent, how yon will not think that I oommltted eulolde. l The pl.tel went d i u I wu olea.nbag It. " r 1111peota.ble a.re they in comparlaon. " 11

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