Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1886, p. 2

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Points Fl'Om a 01s'c1n·lon In a :Leading 8cotcll Paper. To Prevent :Rust. The ruadng of lren cau1ea endlea1 bu on· Daring the pa.it few weeks the ool umm venlence In all branohe1 of mechanical"' r~. of the leading paper In Glasgow ha.ve be· n [ren rust Impairs the value of the fa ..iar · opened te cerre1pondent1 who desired t o machinery, and the ru1tb1g of nail!! and pre1ent v.rguments for a.nd a.gaioet t ht bo1'sca111u wood-wmk to loae 1trength, be· wearing ot the tall allk hat. To judge oeme leaky and fall to pieces. Ruet may from the number of letter· that have bee11 be banished and thereugh pro\ectlon i;lven pnblished en the sulject, one would1uppolf 'X' ,E R 1'4 S : ADVISE TO MOTHERS.-Are you dis- te Iron whenever it ia In such r. peoltloo that hundreds of people had devoted th~ I s sh o wing one of t he fine s t and best selected s tocks of 9l.l·!perannam,or·t.OOltpa1dln advance turbed at night and broken of your rest that a ccatbig applied with a br_ u1h iloes bed part of \heir llvea 00111lderlng tht PQmeni strictly In u.dvance required Crom by a sick child suffering and crying with not Interfere with Its u1efulneH, }!right merit1 of the proper covering of the heada be alike protectei!. and or men, and that nearly a.11 of thEm had nblor1bers outside of the county. Orders to pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send a.t ·nd rough work di&oontlnue the paper must be accompanied by once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's te may nall1, wood-screWB and belta. come to the oonclualon, a.fter dlllgent lie amount due,crthepaper will not bes topped. Get two or three pound1 of red le&·1 and atudy, observatlen and rdkctlon, .. tha.t the 'Cloribers are responsibleunti lCul I payment is Soothing Syrup." F or children teeth~ng, aeme belled llnaeed oil; do not be perailad· tr.II 111lk ba.t po11es1ed advantages over its value is incalculable. It will relieve made. Into using raw oil, Get abo some , I ~pan every form of he"dgear that had been the poor little sufferer immediately. De- ed BATES OF .l.DVEBTISING s c. ~ drier ; this will be needed at the rB~e of worn In ancient or modern times. Whole Column one year., ··········· $60 00 ~ ~ ~ pend upon it, mothers ; there is no perhaps a tablespoonful to the pmt pt oil. A commercial traveller statea that when ·· .. Haltyear .......... - 3600· ~:;: mistake about it. n cures Dysentery .. One quarter ···.·· , . . 20 00 1!!- and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach ar·d Red lead cannet be bought ready rulxed he firat took te the r11a.d he wore a suit of · nove light tweed cloth and a 111ft alouoh hat. beoauae It hardens too rapidly, Ro· Balt Column one year ............... 56 ~ - Bowels, cures Wind Colic, soften6 the all the red rust from the Iron, steel, tin or These, he thought, would be very oom" Half year ............ - 20 5(, · " One quarter_ ..······· 12 Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives other mebl ; If painted, ta.ke off a.11 that la fertable, well anited for tra.velllng, and ~terCo~!ln..n one ye11>r ·...··.···· ~~ to::ie and energy t o the whole system. not hard and firmly attached to th iron. sufliJlently dressy for a person engaged In .. Hal!year ......... - 12 Of 6 " Mr9. Winslow's Soot hing Syrup " for Mix up a 1ma.ll pet of the pa.int, bu" not hill occupation, Ria trip wa.11 not eucoeBB· One quarter...... .. 8 · children teething is pleasant to the taste more than will be wanted for the wei k in ful, though h11 abetained from all the vice lb:llnes andnnder,ftrst insertion- ~O 51 New and stylish lines oC Gent's Furnishings. Bach11ubsequentinsertion ·.·.·· 0 2t and is the prescription of one of the old· band, The Jr.pa.n i1 used becanae '.Luick ocmmon to " drummers " and attended drying is convenient. One-tenth a.a 111ucb strictly to bu1lneaa. The few bille of goods ~om six to ten lines, firstinser. t ion 0 est and best female physicians and nurses Each subsequent insertion...... 0 S! -10· lltharge In powder a1 lead Is aemeti 11.?a an in the United States, and is for sale by IMl.vantage. Give the artlcle1 a. thin .1 oat; he aold were to small dealers of somewha.t ~- ten lines,ftrst insertion,perline 0 l~ _ 0 O· Each 11ubsequentinsertion," all druggists through the world. Price keep tho paint well stirred up a.1 It @ottle1 d()ubUul oommeroial ata.ndlDg, He wa.1 so by hl1 failure te 1eoure trade The number of lines to be reckoned by 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for very rapidly. When one coat; le d1y mix dlacourall(ed that he -iva.1 thinking of givmg up the bu1I· ba apace occupied,.measured by a 11cale o "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." up v.nother a.nd apply a.a before. If olosely neH when an Engliah commercial traveller oUd Nonpareil. 16. and take no other k indi oenred the mixed paint will keep twcnty - suggested to him that hill dreBI wa.1 net In ,IJrHighest prices paid for Raw Furs. four henr111 or more, hla favor, He recommended him to di·· Thie paint 11 water-proof, and in making card his tweed aaok and low alouoh hat, a tank er trough It 11 bet;ter than the be1t and to wear in ihelr place a blaok frock· white lead for putting Into the jointe when coat and 1hlny stove·plpe, and to try 11 hla they r.re put toitether, Dip a nr.il into red lack again." He followed the advice, and lead and pu· a drop under the head before It 1uoceeded far beyond hie fint a.ntlolpation1, la driven home and there will bo lit1ile or no He w111 welcomed r.t pl11ce1 where be was danger tha.t the wood will ever become not received before, and generally made " Iron lick " around It, Swr.b 111r11w· or ll'rge aa.1", Jt. B1JBID1 l!llMP80N, belt hole11 with 1'1 and give the 1creWB or TBll VALU· 011 GOOD CLOTHES. S TAND : -T own Hall Building, one door east Ont . Ban k. A.RRISTEll, SOLICITOR, a;c., MOPlUS belh a 011a.tlng, ud they will not ru1t In BLOCK up stair·, King Street, Bowman Thia 1tatement 11 followed by one from a t 'ie woed. "ltlle. Bolicltor tor the Onta.rio Bank1 Tin pa.II· covered with two or three geed preBperouacilrymerchant. He wrlteathat rrtvate Jl&aBV8 loaned at the lowest rates, Dr. E. C. 'Vest's Norve and Bra.in Tteatment, of red lea.d paint, re1l1t wa.ter ae he entered the house of which he is now the a guar&nteed speclJlc for Hysteria; Dil'lziness, ood1 manager and 1eniorpartner aa an effice·bay. Jobn Keith GalbraUh, Convulsions. Fits, Nervous, l\ieuralgia, Head· though they were rubber, The coating la He a~ once re1olved ·· to work him· We have all the bes t grades of ARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY ache, "Nervous Prostr'.\tlon, "auaed by the use bard and very durable; In thi1 reepect being 1eU ap ta the hlgheat round," If that oonld PUBLIC, &r;c. ' Oftlce- Bounsall'B Bloc,k of alcohol or tob&cco, W akefnlnese, Mental !V'eat1y In advance of any other painL If ·1t1air Street, Bowmanvi!le. .Money to lend, Depression, Softening of the brain reeultin11; in the color le objectionable en iron, a coat of, be aooompli1hed by ltudy, care, lnd111try, insanity and leading to misery decay and death a.nd the exeroiae of a.II lhe ability he pasPremature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power erdlnary paint may be put on the .o utaidet 1e11ed. Hill progre11 waa 1low at fint, but &OBERT A.:&JlOtrB, Red lead paint actually forma a. perfeoin either sex, Involuntary Losse11 and Spermatthat is manufactured. BGISTR.A.R, WES'l' DURHAM ISSUER orrhoea caused by over-exertion or the Brain, prote cting oeaUn1 fer iron, a.a well a· a. oe· he a.ttributed thl1 to the fao' that he wu .. of Marriage Licen1e11, Barr later and Attor· selr·abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con- ment ef no mra.n 1trength. The rea.eon why yeung. When he beoamea manhe draaeed We have in s tock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and F i ne Salt, tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six -, at Law and Solicitor In Chancer:r. Mone:r boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt h ie not generally u1ed by mannfr.oturere plainly, erdlna.rily in tweed olothea &Ed law American a nd C anadian Coal Oil Bran S h orts Oat s and C h icken ·ned on Real Estate. Office on King street, of Gl ' ' ' ma.y be aaked, The a.n11wer 11 elmplo. It ha.t, 10 e.1 to eave all he could on· of hla price, · a s s ware, Fres h and Cur ed M e ats, S a u sa g e s and . Bowmanvllle. be mixed In large quantltie1, In ad· ialary. He mr.de hlm1elf uaeful to the Feed, Crockery and We Guarantee Six Boxes cannot heuae and wae mere than onoe a11nre_d tha.t" La.rd of his own make and renderin g . L ife-time experience in tho at. T. PID"LJ.IP8 To cure any ce.se. With each order received vanoe, 11 It harden· too aeon ; It 11 heavy Meat D e partment e n ables us to s upp l y a q uality unequalle d ICENSED AUCTIO_ NEER tor the Count:r by ns for eix boxes, accompanied with $5, we and somewhat ooatly, a1 compared with hiuervlce wa1 duly appreciated, Still 00· . · ot Durham, Salee promptly attended, wlll send the purchaser our written guarantee ether pain ta ; it 1ettle11 In the bottom of the thing wa1 1aid to him about ta.king him .A.ddress- Hamvton P.O. 691 to refund the money if the treatment does not bucket and b not 10 e-.lly applied aa white Into the firm 11r giving him an lntereat in The Grocery Departm en t , under the s u pervisi on of Mr. J ohn Alli n , is eft'ect a cure. Guamotees issued only by J im. lead and ether paintl. To the fa.rm er none the ba1inee1. Becoming dlacoora.ged at hi· of the very best qualit y. No t r ash or p oor g o o ds kep t in s t ock dea l s Stott & Jury. Druitiriets. Bowmanvllle, O HN HUGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, · . . . ' . ef the1e thinga are apeclal objeotlon1. The prospect of advancement, he cancluded that Vv.lu&tor e.nd Arbitrator. Fire and Life 1uperlor protection 11 worth all the trouble he ml11 ht as well ·pend more o· hie eatery only m the b est goods, w hich w~ll b e sold a t the lowest possi b l e p rices, ·.11811ranee, N cte1 and Aecount11 Collected. Your patronag e will be thankfu lly re c eive d. Kone:r to Lend on reasonable terms· .A.odr088 requlJed. Finally, try red lead in putty er in <7re11 a.nd making a better appearance, · · c..rtwrip:ht, Ont. 4.72 make a gutty of tt when a water·ttght job He aooordlngly appeared at hl1 place of Goods delive red to all parts of the town on short n ot ice, 11 wanted. J olnt1 ef oarrlaget, wagons er bualneH one Monday morning In a. black GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO A call solicited. wheel1, 1et In red lead putty or pa.fut wlll broadcloth 1ult, while a tall ·ilk hat Wal every man who buya hie Licenee from " ESTABLISHED IN 184'1, net open, and a red lead coa.tillg or prlmlag on his head. He enterad en hla dutiea u PNRY SYLVES'l'ER. Enniskillen. on a. oa.rriage, cart or any ether farm tool, u1ual, and ne remark· were made about hla Cash Cor Butter, Eggs, Bide1, Tallow, Beet, Pork and ef dre111, but mere 01111tomer1 ad- . all Farm Produce. · MONEY ! MONEY !- The anbscriber It has no shareholders to pay dividend· to, will Insure mo1t perfect protection fer the chuge receives money on deposit tor the9ntar10 Mana.iied by e.nd solely in ·the interests of wood, By all mea.111, try 111 and teat It be· dre11ed him than wa1 cuatomary, and beC. M. C A W KER, and Savings Company, and pays m~el'elt fore dbic1111lng lte adva.ntageB with a wagon fore the week anded he wa1 Invited to bethe Policy holders, ·t the ra.te ot !l and 6 per cent. No notice of ma.ker, Indlvld11al knowledge a.nd praotio· oame a member of the firm. JOHN ALLIN. withdrawl\l required, Also Joa.us money .on al experience 11 worth con1lderably more Its Rates are Low. A German oommerolal gentlema.n, temmcrtitages at lowest rates. No comro1ss1on porarily residing in Gluaew, add1 his ieetl· ohargea. W. F. ALLEN. Bowmanvllle. 8·ly, Polletes noa forfcltable and un.eondUlonal. \ban geed " trade " reat0111, mony In lr.vor of the tall hat, He 1ta.te1 Cash Bonas Paid ever7 three :rears, that merchant. from London and Parb are 80 Bo! Gentlemen oCFasb better received in Berlin tha.n are thGse frem PlottiDg Out the Prairie farm. ten, not so Cafit. Gla.agow and Edinburgh, and he la inclbled Joint Life Policies. In 1tarting a heme en the pra.lrlea one cr.n to think that the preference to them la due Thcngh a double rish but one premium ls paid easily 1hew hie geed 1e111e In t'"· locatian of ene d o.ut a splen .d id a sscrtm e n t of n e w goods, c om p risi n g : r.Tewrlttenthe1e tewllnea the tall h ~ti they wear, &II the 11eft hate .havve_op_ for two people. Amount o! policy drawn the buildings, Here you have ..,. . ,. hundred to .&lid all I hav e to ·e.:rworn by the Scotchmen pre1ent a very on first death. ":Dai you can find me still at home, and aixty acre·, take penoll and paper, a.nd chea.p appearance, The '81tlmeny of theae Jam not gone awa:r, upen the 1uppolltion that you locate your three men appeara to be aufficient to elltab· Prints, Ginghams, Bo all m:r kind old t rlendamay come, building· all In ene corner, a111ine·tentb1 of lish the value of the ta.11 hat In the world ef White and Colorfd Muslins, SpeciaJ Inducements to Total .Ab1tainen. the 1eUlera do, yon oan ea.1lly eatlma.te the And all the young ones, too, trade and commerce. Ita vr.lue In pr·mot;&.nd geHhelrgarmentenioely made Canadian and Oxford Shirtings, amount of teaming It will rtqulre one of lng reapectabil ity a.nd morality 11 decla.red In fa11htons tha.t a re new: theee day· t;a get the produce to the barn· by many per~ons, Nliere oldansJ. yonng,dearfrlendB,may meet ASSETS Ol'EB $5,000,000.I White and Grey Cottons, A welcome greettnir. bv R. PE.A.TE INCOME OVER 1111.eeo,ooe from the forty acres In the oppo1lte corner. FROH A MOB.AL 8TAN£ POINT, Sheetings. Table Linens, Thia will lead you to locate the bulldlnga 1100,000.00depoeited with the CanadlanGovern near the centre of the olaim, The b011t plan A woman 1tate1 that 1he hu for many Table Napkins, Towels, men t tor benefit of Canadian policy holders. I le probably to lay ont the farm in ten-acre years observed the men taken to a 1tatlen lets, You can then, by leaving juat spa.oe by ihe police, and 'hat not one in 200 wean White and Colored Counterpanes, enough to drive a wagen, go to any pa.rt of a tall hr.t, Another bas netloed while travelINTESTED IN CANA.DA, .&GO,oeo.oo. White & Cream Lace Curtains, the farm in t he lea.at pes1lble time, you will ling that the men who wea.r tall hat1 beha.ve H:EAD OFFICE IN CA.NADA:- MONTREAL r.110 have the a.dvantage of knowing just In a more dignified, re·'P8otful a'1d refined Scrim, Cheese Cloth, how much la.nd you have to a given crop, ma.nner than thoae who wear ca.pa er low For particulars refer to Gloves and Hosiery, the yield per a.ore, and many other things hats, The former are net addicted to the yon ahonld theroughlv understand to work nee of profane er low language. A la.dy who E; L. LIVINGSTONE, te advantage, Bealde1 by looa.tini In the baa given much attention to the matter ef Parasols and a good assortment of Bl'k and Col'd D ress Goods. GENERAL AGENT, centre yon can 1ee all that 111 going on l!lot dre11 think· that no covering for the head WITH TlU:r e. WITHOUT TEETS. POR'l' HOP E any part of the farm, keep beUer wr.toh of la so becvmlng or tuty u the tr.11 dlk hat, )I I[ 9r to agents thro~11hout t he county. 4.S~s '& your stock, If out in p11sture, and 1ee that and she regreta that they are se expensive dogs or wolve1 do not worry 11r destroy and so liable to cauH hea.dache and bald· neu. Thia letter oa.111 out communications · · · PJLUJTICA.L DENTIST, ' your 1heep. The divlalon Into 111ts of equa.l d!mcnalone, frem a phyelcla.n and a dea.ler in eec11nd· Canadian a nd Imported Cloths, White and Colored Shirts, ?VlCR TWEN TY Y EAR S EXPERIENCll, and the same space can not be conveniently hand goods. The doctor atatea t hat the Ties, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Ha ndkerchiefs, Socks, ·ttroaaOx ldeGH Administered Cor Palnle11 dene unless the land is very level, If un· tall hat is the moat healthful ooverlng fvr Pumps Cheape r and B e tte r Operations. dulatlng, or ·out Into by a dry run, or by the head, and deola.rsl that the men who Braces, &c., &c. JllCCJ.1JNG'S BLOCK., than ever, Ol'FICE eloughs, or melst meadows, which nature wear them vary rarely have the hes.dacha, laid out witheut regard to section lineB, you If the hat ha.a a. ventilator at the top ef It The Subscriber hv.ving built a large ne11 will have to out according to your cloth; the wearer la net likely to be co~e bald, It even In ~hat oa.ae It will be a g11od plan to causes the top ot the head to be 1urreunded Pump F actory in Or ono, ls prepared ha.ve 1tal!.llll every ten rods ape.re on the eut- by_ air, which is the pooreat conaucter of - t o furnish elcte lines, If, however, you plant a row ef heat, thus keepb1g It warm In winter a.nd 17 treea around the claim ' by aetting them a ol In gummer, rod ape.rt a.nd ualng a Lombardy poplar The dealer In 1econd-hand artlole1 ef for every tenth one, you can see from a. dla- dre11 1ta.te1 that he pays more than twice With or without Porcelain Cylin der, ol tanoe, and loca.te any point with coneider· aa much for ca.at-oft silk hatl ae he doe1 for the B eet M a.teria.I, on the 11horteat notice a.ble accura.cy ; and It will aid you greatly felt hats that originally aeld for the aame In getting the looatlen or size of any plet on price, H e think· if they were generally v.nd at the lowest prlce11. the farm. worn that dealer· would pay half-price for Having p urchased t he H ar n ess b usiness la tely carried on by Mra. H U M P HREY, HARNDEN, L. them when they had aeen alx month'· 1erOistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. h ope by careful a ttention t o b usiness, good wor kmanship, and first class vlce. They would be cleaned up and shap· Qradna.te oftheRoyal College o lDenial material, t-0 secure a share of p ublic pat ronage. W e have i n A Ri!!"hteous Judgement, ed ae aa:to oonferm to the lateat 1tyle, Fis urgeons. Ontario, stock and are ma.nufact uring a l arge a.mo unt of WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. A Long !eland doctor, who showed his nally, the teatimony ot r. prof1111or of 101· OFFICE OVER DICK80 N 'S STORE, 1klll with the p istol by aboetlng a tin oa.u enoe and navigation la given In regard te lOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY. atop the hea.d of a oompanfon, and banged the ta.ii hat aa a life·pre1erver. He Hy1· It ate Work exeooted in the la.test and most away nntll he net only riddled the can but la more 11ervioeable In c11e of ahipwreck Improved style of the Dental Art, killed the ma.n, wa.s la1t week convicted of than any buoy he haa ever experimented Collar s a specialty. W e in t en d t h at t h e r eputation Hump h r ey 'FI Collars h ave gained man1la.ughter In the 1eovnd degree. 'l'he with, BETH EX TRACTED WITHOUT PAIN\ TO GIVE SATISFACTION. It now aeema evident tha.t t he 1tove-plpe shall be fu lly sustain ed . W e are prepar ed t o fur.nish r espon sible parties lawyer for the defense made the 011rlous \he use of Nitrous Oxld~ Gv.s, wlthou tlnjury hat ii the m111t potent r.gent in every de· Colla.rs on approbation . W e guarant ee satisfaction or n o sale. plea that the ma.rksman waa 1) expert that t o the patient. partment of pregreBB r.nd reform that we We also keep in at ock a. full line of goods usually found Pr.rtlcular attention pa.id to the regulation o t Orderalby Mail promp_tly attended to. he wu certain of hitting the mark aimed at, pos1ess, We new understand why there is and there wa.a oon1equently no folly in his in a first class harness shop, comp rising CHILDREN' S T EETH, se muoh wealth, refinement, culture, and shooting ae he did. No man In this world _..ALL WORK WA.RR.ANTED. .._ DOORS, SASH, BLINDS , PICKETS, ill 10 ·killed with fireftm· and so 1ure of intellectual activity In Lendon and Parla, ETC~ MOU LDING S, &c., k ept on hand. hitting the mark e.1 to be warranted In The men whe live in these cities generally . 1hooting at tin ca.ns and apples and potatoes wear ateve-plpe hata. In view of the testimony tha.t haa been given on the 1nbject on the head of man or woman er child, In S ee onr Bull Hone W h ips- someth in g n ew. W e hv.ve also in stock thl1 particular case the fa.lla.oy of the . de- It aeem1 likely that we have not yet diacevhalf the virtues of the t all hat, ered · fendant's argument we.a demestrated by · the fact that the bullet Intended for the can did mlaa the ma.rk and penetrate inatead A Knie;ht of the Bath, V ETE R I NAR Y SURGEON , foe br ain of the man, There are a number It la proposed In Canada that our dis· for Horses and Ca.t tle, a sure cur e for bruises, sp rain s, outs, an d sores of all kinds. of platol and rifle ahot1 in this country who 17-3m S h op- Sign of the Big Collar. tlnguiahed and enter prlalng Sta.ten Ie!a.nd give stage exhibitions ef their akill by shootmlllioua.lre aha.II be knighted a.a a t oken of a.t objecta pla.ced on the bead of a ing Hon orary Graduate of Ontario V eterin ary human being, Every once in a while the Canadian recognition for the benefits he Colleg e, will v.t t end to all d iseases Pia n os Tuned a n d :Repaired . papers rep.rt a case of death caused by t he baa conferr ed upan the Domin ion. It la a of dumestie ani mals . pract ioe, There are laws enough to forbid fit idea, th11ugh, of courae, we Yankees 1uch uhlbitiene, but they are not eften en- and Dsmoora.ts would net think any better "P AR'f IES WISHING THErn. PIANOS for ced ; nor are the shoot er s who cause of him because ef hi1 a.ri1tecra.tio title, Tuned or repaired oan he.Tethom attended D entis~ry 0 by leaving word ,at the DOMINION ORGAN auch death hung a.a numerously a.a t hoy .Bu t Sir Eraatns W iman weuld sound finely, Oo's Oana.da comae to be annexed, 0 1r11IC E, Bowm& nvllle A first-cla.s mv.n an d when aheuld be. For cost of advertising in a uy p aper or A SP E C I AL T Y. l he would get t he right to be eleoted Preai· list of papers published in the l ' nitf·1l 11cw being in their m vlo r. dent, a.11 the same a.a though he had been Sta,t es or C:amtlfa, 8e nd to t ile A DVEitTlS· - ·--- - -- - -- - - - - - -- It was a Oruaher. Calls and .Orders by mail or telegr aph born south of the line. · H a.ve t he Ca.nadia.n1 IN(} .AGENCY of EIJ WIN AL [)E.lT & BRO. , ssoo.oo WI LL CURE OR R E LIE V~ will ' receive prompt att en t ion. " .Then yen are going to the seaside soon, ever thought of t hat In t heir political C i n c inn a ti, ': " ' J 'N e w Yor k, FJ/l/OUSNfSf,~ DIZZINESS, epeoula.tlons ?N , Y. Sun, CBA1\0ES M ODERATE. (.}or. 5th & Vi1ie >. ' ;ts. , f ;SI 140 .Nasscuo 1 St'i'eet. Cicely, dear," ea.id her morning caller. D 'f8PEP81A, [)ROPSY, * . *Our ~~ Ne wspa.pcr Combi nations,' ' a. hook of " Oh, bless yen, n11 ! We go t e the mounO F F ICE HO URS, 8 TO 10 A. M. 150~ pn.gcs, containing prices .of ~dverti.~in _q-, ful 1 IND!Gt.:8110.'I , FLUTTER/NO tains t his year. The 1e&.11lde ls t oo damp. A Det roit t ramp, who for ten de.ya had in stru ctions , etc., sent on rcce~p~ of zoc . Our ~\A m. A ftrst·clo.es stock of Medicines always J JHJND.'CE. OF THE HEAHf, It ruins all one's nice Summer dr esse1,". · on hand. been driven frem place to plaoe by the police, N e wspaper Cal:1.lo15uc" ('O r:tauun~ n;:imcs of eve r~ E will pay the above :Reward for a n y " Yes, t hat's so, Especially if you try to aa.w a little boy fall lnte t he r iver , and u.t n c w ~; pnper p11bJi ~!; cd. in the U ..:.i · · a.11cl C au~cla, £ RY8! PELA9, ACIDI TY OF N . B.- Will visit Williamsburg every St.: nt IJll rcct.::.i pL t1l IJriCt:, :j-:1.50, listunatcs h c:c, ma.ke them do ·we aea.sona, you know." c ase of D yspepsia, Liver C om p laint ,, SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, once plunged In and saved him, although 16-ly S at urday of each week. N e Deed of a. fa.n t o oloaa t hat Interview. not until the boy In his st ruggles had nearly Sick H eadache, J:ndigestion o r Coativenese: HEARTB0 RN, DRYNE88 we cannot' Cu re with WEST' S :LI VER drowned both. The t ramp was assured by OF TH!f /ifrfN. It was oeol en ough wit hout, In ordar to introduce onr HEADACHE, · · · catalogue of all kinds of , l'ILLS, when the Directione are stric tly a. pallcema.n tha.t be wouldn't be molested An d ever y species o ;f d lsen· e ari sin g fron! Book!I, an!'! agents' :goods, we w ill send 100 di&ord ered LI V ER, K I D NEYS, STOMAClft i com plied with. Largo Boxes, containing The University of Oambridge has confer· any more, t he byst u.nd ers praised him, and fa.vo1 ·i,te co:mic and sentimental songs and balBOWELS <>Jfi: BLOOD, I SO Pilla, 25 Cents; 5 :Bo:s;ee ljil ,00. Solc1 l&ds a v&st collection, for only !O c or 4 3c. red the degree of LL. D., upen Sfr Ohiu1e1 the boy thanked him. H a 111oked hungry by au Druggists, sta~ps and tb ia slip. .A. W. tKINNEY, Yar· as he walked away to dry his raga. Propr\T~ .._ Tupper, mouth,N. S. · 'THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M1 A.JAMES, A C.a.RD.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, IS PUBLISHED nervous weakness, early decay, _ loss of manhood, &c., I will _ send a recipe th~t ·l'ERI' FRIDAY MORNING, will cure you FREE OF CHAROJ'J . This -BYgreat remedy was discovered by a mission· ary in South America. . Send a self· AT THE OFEICE addressed Envelope to the Rxv. Jos:RPB PM&emeeBlock,lllngSt.,Bowmanvllle,Ont T. INMAN Station D N ew Y ork Cit11. 46y THE FARM. '.I'HB STOVE-PIPE HAT. KEEPING to tho FROJT I MAYER ATS, can Silk, Drab, Shell, Woodrow's and Christie's Stiff :a: 2t: Also Fine English, Canadian & Ameri· can Fur and Wool Hats. Manilla and Straw Hats, all kinds and prices; Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handk'fs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Rubber Coats, etc. 1 ; :_:: Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants._ B B A complete stock always on hand. ~mD B.Q>LLlf1jlt l'IQmm EJLQTJ!ilt R L J BRITISH EMPIRE A MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CD., TOD BRO s. DENTISTRY J' B R I JI A CO BE Orono Pump Factory. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Inspection invited. A pleasur e t o show goods. TOD BROS. PUMPS OF EVEJIY DESCRIPTIDR c. D.S., ....... ALL WORK GUARANTEED LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. BLANKETS, ROBES, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, F. A. JONES; R FERG UsON ENNISKILLEN, ,Operations & ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION -.... - [~win Al~en &Bro. QEWARD' ! N SONGS T .M ILBURN &fiO .·

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