Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1886, p. 8

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----..-- ~---~~~--~----------------------..... DISTRICT NEWS. A woolen factory is to be erected at Markham. '<='== .... Dr. Clarke, of Woodville, has moved to Lindeay. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. 'Vest's Liver Pills remove that sallowSailed on 13t.h Ma.y S.S. "State of Nevada," n~ss from the complexion by restorin!l from New York to Glasgow. . Arrived on 25th May ~.S . .. state of Nevada," the diges tive organs to a healthy action, at Glasguw Jrom New York. All druggists. t Not a ,·ery fast passage but a very favor· Uxbridge has ] 00 Knights of Labor ;_1.b]e one, tl{e more than umal length of and Por t Perry 50. tl~e ~oy~g___, !;>eiDg caueed by a~~?~·ae h ead The English church people of Uxbridge winds and alMo by Otll' g~od Cap ··MQ ~teer- ii.re building a new churoh. ing the ship over 350 mile~ off .1ts c_onrse \ Nervous headache eat'ache tooth ache · fact any ach e ' or p a m · ' cured 1·k l· n ~ more south·e asterlv direction rn or · '" .. . , . ' and m 1 e der 1ce-ber' ·' .B and ice ,. nrng1c · wit · h West's V" . ·to avoid . . floes. . · fCer· 'vorId's W on d er . 2;;. v tarn of it, we were 111 the v1crn1ty o .ice I aud 50c. All <lru«gis ts. t . for t wo day s, a cold sea.wave hav~ n ~ , . . ". . I JJ!/-ased over our ship's course, necessttatmg · . Onll_ia h'."~ agam won the Central every one putting on overcoats and .warm ./ champ10nsh1r, lacrosse medal. clothing. T he tirst t hing that stnlrnb a JS)yspeptic'd friend. West's Liver Pills, passenger by an ocean liner is the fee ling tal\ e one sugar coated We8t's Liver Pill of strangeness; all your frl low passenger~ e 1'ery night and you will bless the d ay are stra ngers to y ou and you to t hflm ; yon read t his. Thirty pills, 25 cts. All one's surro undings are so _ t otally unlike drug,;,iots. t homo and its intl1;1e~1ces.' yet·it is remark· Otonabee wheat fie ld s produce wheat able h uw sjfon this JS d1spellf d! and h~w s ' x feet s ix inches in h eight. West's World 's Wonder for external Qne n aturaTiy becurnes the child of cir· ~uu1· ta11ces even at sea a nd h ow home· · · ' f or r h eu~. use excel any other lu11ment hke every thmet assumes rn a. >oyage '. I · d b Thie powder never varies. A marvel of 13 tl "I .~ .· " , d " vVhat with mat m,. ne·Jra gm., c u ta, woun s, u rns purity, stren1,1th and whol esomeness. More across ie . rnn_iri., l· 0 n · . ' and brtllses. Always useful. All drug- economical than the ord inary Kind~. and can· pleasan t s cct·1l iutPrcoursc, pi ano and · t t not be sold rn competition with the multitude or<>an musio ein<>i w· ;tnd li1e:at.ti in the gis s. or low test, short weight, alum or phosphate ev~nings, tiu~e ili~"· ~nd one feels the p ain U:rbridge Council. has voted $400 for ~N'Zi.d¥6w1Jl1i0cJ.:~o6aw;.u ~1~1~11. BA.KQf partmg on reaching the desired haven the improvemen t of its park. J __ _ _ of destiuation. A voyage across the AtScientists mform us tha t we may lantic is now rually tho safe ot of trips ; expect a visit this summer from the t~r frlends say good-bye t u you, as the ship r ible scuurge, ·<:holern. West's PainKiDg s t'eame. off, as noconcerncdly as if going is the remedy to l< eep. Al ways ready for off on the T oronto express. a s udd<t1 attack. 25c. All druggists. t What a great em l:rlem of <l isc1:eti<~n , The Scugog Paper ~1ills Company hwe what a benevolent guardian of publtc v1r- 1 decided t o rebuild at Peterboro. tues, in his little fl oating c )lony the c1p- I w t' p · K. k 1·k l · 1t t b H 18 · I. es s am mg wor s 1 e a c iarm ~am of an ocean l~n er oug 1. . 0 e. in relievin" p1in in the stomach all lS . n~t a very enviahle positm~l. H t he bowel diffic~1lties and cholera. Nu trav· sl11p is nu~ makw g very .go?d tim~, blame eller si1ould be without it. Should always tl_ie ca.ptam. lf the ~hip is ~naki_ng good be in the ho use. Co:its but 25 cts. All ALL LlVER AND KIDNEY COMhme, blame the captain ;-he 1s !;OIOg da~i- drng<>ists. -'gerouely peedy. lf there is ~O'> much fon 111 " . I . . t ho smoking room, if youug ladies flirt too ~ bndge to co~t about $1,500 is to be PLAlNTS, DYSPEPSIA, IN DIGESTpersistently with young men on deck on built over Lynde s Creek, Whitby. ION A:N D ALL DI~EASES ARISING moonlight nigh tir, then blame the captain; Wonderful is the ins tantaneous effect FROM DISARRANGEMEN'l'S o~' THE in fact the captain usually gets blamed of We·t's Pain King iu relieving cra!Dps, for all that goes wrong aboard, and, poor colic and all bowel difii culties. Worth LIVER AN D KIDNEYS. fellow, I hope he has the capacity to bear its weight in gold and costs but 25 cents. it. All this was exp erienced by "Yoors Should always be kept in every house. 'l 'rooly," on th e voy age, and more. One All dru~gista . t o(l Vt:ning we h ad a very uice concert i n the F i ve out of seven cases inN orH1 Ontario :saloon, t.loe admi.ssio.11 f~e being i~1 behalf proved successful in fining hotel-keeper s. ~f the h fobo1t met~tut10ne. Wit~ rrndA Co"f.PLI<.:ATED CAS.E. - Harry Rimirds, 1!1gs, eougs, recit·; twns an d . rnusw the of Meaford, Ont . , testifies tlrnt he auffored tme sped; but, would you believe it gen' frolli rheumatic gout aud chronic troubles · tle reader, one uf our passengers took ob- of the stomach aud liver which Burdock Proprietor, Toronto. jection to the performance presumably Bl ood Bittel'S effectually cured, after all because one of those who t~ok part was a<> 0 ,he r tried remedies had fail ed . t actor , and gave us a comic s" ng accom. . SOLD :SY p anied by a well execured jig. When a The woolen w.rll at Ux bridge was totally. person is incapable of appreciating a goocl d estroyed by fire last week. Insurance lllGGINDO~'H t~ .U & SON, so ng, a well executed jig or hornpipe, lrt: $4,000. BOW MANVILLE. -0r she is ;,bsolutel.v to be pitil-'d rather A F Am PROI'OS.ITION.-There could b e Bow~IANVILLE, FmDAY, J ULY TAIT & MORRISON'S CATALOGUE. 2. I ClothWindow Shades, ROLLERS, Sec our large stock of CARRIAGES for the Babies. W c have a fine assortment - 01r- I H ~ Dolls and Carriages, Cornice Poles, Bfrthila!J Cwrd;;, Wheelbarrows Gout and Silvm· Shade Pulls, and Wagons Perf<rrated Boa·r d &c., &c. for Girls a n d Boys. Sc·r ap Allnnns, T1°ansfm·Pict1M·es, Sc 'rap s, G <tj E-t r:i:1 ~ ~ and Paper. Our Store is Head Quarters for PH:OTOS 'Valking· C:.nnes t'Or ENLARGED from the tiny Locket Pictur e up to 0 ~ g·c n1.h:: n ien ; 1V.lee.1r· schauna and Bt·iar Pi!)CS. Aho LIFE SIZE! And we do it all ourselves in our Studio . r-~~~~~--------- 0 Absolutely Pure. . <tj H -NEvV- - · ' · w. ril H 0 Wc carry <t fin e lot of WALL PAPERS in Beautiful Patterns a nd W e can s u pply you with any musical instru1nent known. We invite Lhu belies to inspect our Toilet Articles for Ladies and Gentlemen. Hand Satchels, PUR SES, DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY ~ J ewellry ~ Fancy GO ODS. D:1 Low in Price -.AT- Card. Cnses, P e rfumery and Toil et Soaps before purchasing. BITTERS I· CURES BOWMANVILLE. Is noted for taking excellent PHOTOS of ·----------the Babies. We arc ng·cnts fen· T..A..IT TA IT & MORRISON'S ·-,-Ve -h a -vc _ a_li_n e ,_li.ne of also a tine stock of SPECTACLES, SC ARF PINS, all Ncwspa1·e 1·s and 'Ve do not require bright days for our work, a~ we use the instantaneous proctJSM alt ogether. P e ri_ o (licah. Can Colla:r, Cu/}' a:nd Shvl't Studs. SUJlply any reading 1uaUe1·. OFIEAP. The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. Photo Al]1ums always in stock; also a good assortment of PHOTOS Beautifully C olored by our assistant artist, CHBOMO S r o n.- E M 0 RR IS, HOME DECORATION ! ' Ve can supply or make up any Frame you wish on short notice. Mould ings o n Hand. BIBLE;S, HYMN BOOKS - A~D- MISS C. SHAW. Bring in your Photos for C oloring. CHURCH PRAYER AND HYMNALS. ·- t han commended. Verily, we are gettrng too fin e now-a-days; wire-drawn ideas aud cork-scrc;w notions are takin,.; the place of robust common sens<>, and if t hiuga continue as they are d oing, the purists ~· ill soon have o.ur weddings ~nd parties ltlie a funeral. I r egret the act10u which some people ; take in r egard to t he st~ge. _ and those who follow it. . I know t.hat if pcopll) go t'J t he theatre they go fo r recruat10n n.nd amusement an cl n ot to l~arn, but 1 aho kr, ow that 1t 1s 1 ;ery possrbl~ t~at health.)' drama~ carry with th em a n 111c1dental moral which shall b? dete rreot fr~m wrong . and provuc~t1ve of virtue. 'Ihe world is not s o wicked as good people paint it. But , gl'ntle reader, I am forgetting, that bane of Atlan tic voyages, sea-sickness, s tr uck down the ~reater number of our passengers. Soma of them were sick the wh ole ua~saae across . Bnt if one is well, the · sea air improves the appBtiLe aawz;ngly, iu1d one can e~sily partake of all the meals the ship affords, and of wl1ich we had five each day. T he tables are set to please the most fastidi ous, every thing is good and well cooked. One is s truck with the large number of sea-birds that a re seen all the w:.1y across; n10rni~g, noon and night they are in the track . Ill ~ho wak e o f. the vessel,_ and eagerly pick up anythmg dropped over the ehip'e side. Of course we saw a whale, t hree of them on separat e occasions, and, as very little proves exciting to a colony on the bonudles~ wat~r8, the. sight of a w hale .or a por poise raises qL11te a t umult of exc1teme1~~ among t,~rn paese1_w:ers ·. aud 1 at. the cry. a whale. there !s qmtc a stir of exciteme nt and commotwn to see the mons ter k in.~ of the deep. When a bout 200 miles from the coast of Irelund a little grey Jirrnet flew aboard 011 t » th ~ ship's poop ; some of th e passeDgers went to catch it 11nd the little bird as if totally exh:nrnted , fell down the 'aide of the ship into the sea and wis ne l'er seen again. H ow tbe little bird had got out; so far i t is hard t o say, as the liunet is a land bird. ft was a matter ot r emu k amongst our passengers that even with · sucl1 a large amoun t of business done on the great waste o~ waters, so few vesaels are, me~, and this p~obably conveys tu ones m111d the better idea of its great expanse. Bu~ at last we u~ar land in the early, m ormng, everyone 1s np on deck, for be assured that it is a gladw me sig,ht. 'fhe eye l?ngs for a ch ange of scene, f~om the heaving wave and b1!lows to the hill, dale, valley and mountam of m?ther earth. Onr good 8h1p paHees t he Giant's Causeway, Kynlee, Buie, Arran, Islay, and u p tL.e beantifnl Frith of Clyde to the Hiver Clyde, to the pier of th e State Line c(,mpany, and then comes the "good-bye" to each other with our fellow-passen !!ers, True io life- meeting and parting. lf in r eading this shorL note, the writer has i mposed on yotir good ualur·e, he craves your indulgence, as th-:i edi tor asked him, so blame him nut. Your s, to the best ot his ability, J . K. Glasguw, Ju ne 15, 1886. ' U1 l ·on o f p ure S COtt · S i;.oillU Sl fJO(l Liver on. wit!· lfyJlOl·lrn.·t·ltltcs In Geneml Debility. EmaC'iatiun. Conrnmpti.on anct 1Ylistinr 1 in OhildreH, Is a most v:d uable foo d and medicine. It creates : rn appeti te for food, strengthens the nervo1Js &ys lem and bui lds up the body. It is prepared 111 a palatable form and presc ri bed twi venally by physicians. Take no other. l'Olt NETT LE UA;,;il, Su u u1rn 1· llcn t., F.1·111> · lion s :uuJ ;.:c11c1·a1 loJlcl t· u1·1·uscs u~c Lon·:, JSnlt·hm· s o ap. --- ·--> no offe.. more hir t hau t.hat of the pro· prictors of Hagyard·s Yellow Oil, wh o hav() long offered to refund e very cent expended for 1h at r emedy, if it fails to give Ratisfaction on fair tri.tl. t Calcutt, the great Ptiterburo bre wer, is movi nn iub Has tin"s 41 connty, with all his ha;;_ds. " Life saved at. midnight by th'! timely use of Wests Pain Krng. Do not fail to --AND SEE-always keep it in t.hR house for attacks of colic, ch olera, choler>< morbu~. cram ps, INflux , dysente ry and an kindred diseases, always very sudden. lJe prepared. 25c. I All <iru a"i~ts. t --AND- HAGGERT BROS. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, VICl'OR FANNIN G MILL, B . "' 0 · b · t th L d usmess ~s oommg a e ' ans owne WIDE AW.AKE SEPARATORS, · CHAFF CUTTERS, I'URNI P SLICERS, woollen . n~1lls·. ~olu rnbus. Six nelV SAW M ILL MACHINERY, ROOT PULPERS, UlWSHERS AN !) GRINP.ERS, looms arn n mmn,,. THE LIGHT TORONTO BINDER, S'l'UAR'.(', B URROWS & MILNE'S, AND OSBORNE & - - IN - ~rnu PRAISE.-Mrs. J~lm Neelands, THE TORONTO MOWER, wntmg fro m the Methoutst Pa.rsonage, KILLY'S WEIGH SOALl~S. Adelaid~, Ont., sa}'s : " ~ have us.ed THE MAS~EY MOWER, '.L'HE McLAUGHL IN B UGG Y, Hagyarcl's Pectoral Balsam m our family 'l'HE MASSEY HARY ES'l'ER. THE HAINS ANlJ CHATB Al\i WAGON, for yc~rs . i:or heaoy colds, sore th~o~ts THE MASSEY SULKEY RAKE, THE TORONTO WIND MII,L POWER & FOR CE .PUMPS, and d1 strec;~mg colds no other med1cme WILSON'S HAY TEDD:Ii.;RS AND HAY LOADERS, THE WANZER, RAYMOND A N D DOMESTIC SEWING so soon relieves ." ! EVER SHOWN IN ORONO. SINGLE, SULKEY AND GANG PLOWS, T he Marklam Sun alleges that $7,175 MACHIN ES, of the fonds of Scarboro' township have CULTIVATORS, H A!'.tROWS, SEED~RS & SCUFFLERS, BINDER TWINE AND MACHINE OILS. REMEMJlER THE STAND: been r:nisappropriated. LATE Miss HEPllURN's, MnLl!:&'s BLOCK. 'rhis season of the year it is very importan t to have a re liable remedy in the house for such disAases as fiux d ysentery diareboea summer complaint' cholera d110lera mo;bus aud cholera in'. fantum'. Such a. remedy is West's Pain King. On!.} 25c. All drug_ gists. t ---o--A Plymoth Rock hen belongiDg to Geo. Mcsweeny, Oshawa, layed two egg 3 on J OH A .-~One lot of Fancy D ress Tuesday of last week. Goods, which we are clearing t his · . .. . . . . week at t e n cents per yard, J" ust ,· Is guaranteed to contam more malleable iron. and s teel than any other B. inlier rn Canada. Is guaranteed ._ 1 DECLARTm IKcuitAlll.R.-:E . C. McGovern, 1 d h c;ll ' h t d 1 d d b tt th th B d I d b of Syracnse, N. Y., who 1s a well-known . half the reaular price. to cut c oser an an e s or an o g e gram e er an any o er ..:>In er. s gu>trantee to e IDore 0 ~·esident of th~t plac_ e,_ was de~lared easily operated than any other Binder. Its Cutting Apparatus is the b t'st in the w1JI"lcl . The only B i nder · ml'.nr.ible by _lns. physrct~n, the d1s~ase Jon _ B.- One lot of Ladies' Rub- running the. Conveyor and Elevator Belts and Bin~ing Att achment with a Sin g le Chain. 1'he only Binder bemg a curnplrnation of k tduey and liver b er Circulars, warranted p erfect runnina the Conveyor within half an jnch of the Cutters. . The o nly Binder l1aving pt:nfect Pitman' a n d ?0 mrilaint . . In two da_ ys h'~ foon~ relief and water-proof, an excellent. cloa . k Knife-l~eel Connections. The only Binder having i n.terchangea b l e Bush Bearings The only Binder havm Burdo\:k _ B lood Bitters, aDd rn one f h d th I f d month he_ entir ely r ecovered . :t: or t e .usty w<:a e r, c earmg or in <r Spiral Sprin gs in the Canvas Belt Gui es t.o receive the strain and tighten the B··lts in wet and dry A young man died in ·Pickering from one dollar each. w~ather. The only Binder provided with a R elief Rake. T he only Binder fitted with an Angular Steel the eff~ct s of eating fo ur plates cf ice JOJl C.-One lot of washing fast Cutter Bar. The only Binde r on which the Shea f Carrier is u sed s ucces:,Jnlly. The only .Binder having cream at the R . C. picmc. a Clover Seed Attachment. A GROWING EvrL.- Scrnfnla, or kin g's color Prints and Zephyr Ginghams evil, as an enlargement of the glands of clearing at eight cents .p er yard, the neck is hmned, may be called a formerly sold 1:1 t 12k cents. I <11·o win!! evil in more than one sense. ' Bnwmanvilie, Murch 25th, 1886. Mrs. Henry D obbs, of Berridale, was Joli D .-One lot of Boy's Wool 1 MESSRS, SHAW & '.L'O LE,-Having bought a Toronto Light B i nd er, and aftn 1·unniul! i t for rwo harvests cutting cured of enlarged glands of the neck and Tweed Suits, fitting boys from 5 for myself ~nd n_ eighbora, ove; 200 _ a cres, uot costing .m.e 10 cents fo.r repairs, bein~ ahle 1o h ano h· 1 ~ w t h tno horses with sore thr·Jat by th'l in ternal and external to l 'i year clearin<T a t less than ease, I consider it tl:e champ10n Bmder of the Domm1.011 . My n~ighbor, Mr. N eil Os~101nP, h> ·d a held h ·· co uld no! ha.ndle use of ffagyard 's Yellow Oil. :I: · :;, . o . with t he Cnatham Bmder, they could not go throu gh without chokmg and I wen t rn with the L :ght T·'""n "" ·fent s1x ~t imel!I Mr : Joshua. Brooks fell off the shed of cost Prices w1ll be exceedmg ly around the field without leaving my seat, not only cuttin g and binding it but turned out and tu t t he s111t.ble the Cha tha:m the new Bapt 'st church, Brooklin, the low a.s w e p urpose dropping out of had passed over, ele vated and bound the rnme. Mr. Osborn Ii had the little Brau lfi.rd and the DundHl'I tor severnlJ d ays other d ay a!ld was s eriously iujur ed. this c-1.epai t ment. cutting for h im, but gave his order for the Light Toronto. W H . OSBORNE. ,, , . . . QuINJNF, AND CHIT:Ls.-Qmnme. is the proper remedy for clul! fe".er , but It does not alwi.1~s cur.e. ·o- Esquire ~el tun, . of . .. ~ II . ' Gr~ss Lake,_ :Jy.I1ch1~an, too~ m .all 600 gram~ of qu m me fur chrome ch1lla .and .t1, \Your attention is tdoicrkect efd ~o the immense ma!ar1af f.;ver. Afte~ tha~ and var10us r 6 0 other remedies had failed, tive bqt~les of :JF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS Bnrdock B lood BL tters cnred lum . + 1 As thore are many iuferior Mr. John Hallett, Whitby, had several goods, corded with jut e, '.!'he largest and finest constructed hotel. in of every d escription at horses rLln over bv . a !..rain, on Saturday hernp,etc.,offe1·edandsold the city, on l'a 1·k Avenue, one block from as· Cor aline by some un· Grand Central Depot. · week, he estim~te; his loss at $ 1000. p1fociplod merchttutstra<l(ON AME RICAN AND EVROI,EAN PLANS.) SocRA'£ES' SPOUSE.- Who knows what ~~1~- 0:.,;,~.1 ';;'ll~!'~~i~11~: 600 rooms, elegantly furnished ancl decorated. excnse thero may have been forXiutippi's j wo warn the ladies agttiust The ventilation, drainage and sanitary ar- Sh e has j ust opened out one of the largest · Il, j such imposition by to drawrangementR geuer nlly, aro the most perfect sad temper ? , 111 "' ally women are suapp1s ing theii' attention the and most stylish s tocks ever brought that human Ingenuity and skill can devise. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. querulo1 1s and sour, simply because they necessity of seeing that the to town, consisting of: Stairway and 3 elevators. l'our 'l'r!ps per Week lletween nre suffe ring. Dr. Picrco's " F a vorite · name No charge for conveying ba.ggage .from or to < n lUilline l'y, Dre ss Silks, D ETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAAi» Prescription " is a certain cure f·or every II onunynu " ' the Graud Central Depot. feminine weakn ess and derangement, and I numr VIII v · et. I&g:~~d!:~e.!>noJ'53a;1ooh~1~~~'H~:~svwe, HUNTING ..t RA..JlltlOND, Velvets, &c., ·1 I restore h eat I1 l d · · h 1 '" ~tamped on inner side of all Coraline goods, et. Clair, Oakle.1111 Rouoe, M&riIJe City. Proortetora. 21-3m. w1 1 anc goo sp1n ts to t e with a very fine stock of Feathers ai1d :Svery W eek Day lle1wcon . l t d · 1·d Without which none are genuine. must nervous an d d is iear ene mva 1 , ·M . . · Bl k B Flowers. D ETROIT AND CLEVELAND the; eby making h er a. blessi ng to her M 1 Jno. c urtry 1s s 10wmg ac - ro-1 . · · · · · OUSES T O SELL AND RENT.- caded 8peolal Sund1<Y Trips during July and A11gUat. Silk, Black Gro. Gr am Silk, Black Call and mspe?t !hi~ fi n e ~1spl'1:y, which family and t he world. A single bot tle I have to rent n good Brick House with · cannot fatl to give satisfaction . ---· OUR I LLUSTRATED PAMPH1.ETS : will prove it.a s1ll'pt1.ssing m erits. Price Dino rooms &Rd excellent, cellar: good garden Satin suiLable for summer mantles, lovely Bales e.nd Excur!lon Ticketo will be furni&b.ed with fruit trees. Also a desirable residence for reduced to one dollar. By druggidts. Notwithstanding; the recent advance in b;r your Ticket Agent, or addreaa sale, suitable for a retiring tanner; contains Black Chenille Fringe for trimming. C. 0 , WHITCOM B, Gen'I Pua. Agent, Call on J no. McMurtry at the West. silks, yon can still°buy all colors and all Mr. ])foDerruott, fi>h inspector, has seven rooms and snmmer kitchen and wood· b t C t] d l fl d shed; ~ acre Janel with choice fr uit trees; ~oocl Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. . een a a:sarea recen y an l as ne "fell and ciste1·n; W-. B.. H.. Ca wirnH, Bow- End House for anything you require in qualities at the old prices at Couch, John· DETRO IT, Ml.CH. Dry Goods or Groceries. ston & Cryderman's. I over twenty persons for unlawful fishing. man ville. 20-tf. READ CAREFULLY AND REMEMBER THE CONTE NTS. LADIES, M~Ni~·~ni~s SH AW Greatest Variety & T The· Largest Stoek -- -DEALERS ' MILLIN ERV Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Record ! SHAW & TOLE, Bown1anville. Rb 0 BEW' ARE .. ertson & Bon d. MURRAY HILL) L AD I E H QTE L, NEW Y 0 R K. s MILL J NE RY MRS. DONNELY'S MACKINAC. Summer Tours · . rw-TO ! C ORSET CO H

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