Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1886, p. 2

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- I I '. " Will you give me a. receipt for hi ~ into each compartment of the bar at the never taken hia eyes since Soi.te prodaoed efgn," I asked, "or will he draw one 1 1 Three BellB, which was a large place, wltb· 'hem. · " Receipt don't algnlfy between pe.. (lle out 1eelng Wllkln11 or a.ny one that I knew. " Yea J fifty ten1, Look at 'em l" replied who can trus~ er.ch other," he replied. On my looking for the 1eco11d or third time the latter,. pa.selng the notes towuda the .old "Wny, you do not mean to aa.y )'011 ore ln'o the moat ~leot divlalen, where I had gentleman, and once a11aln shaking down the CHAPT~R III. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1886. going tn pay all this money without a re· naturally expected to find him, a big, rquareAe the reader may suppoae, 1 was In fever- ceipt I" I exolalmtd In 11mazement; for 1uoh built man, a cuetemer who was luiming· eye-gla.as. "Well, air," continaed SJate af uae, durl~g which the # IRh expeota.tion of a 1ummona to wait upon a. proceeding waa horribly oppo1ed to a.11 my a.gainet the bar, ea.id civilly : 11 Are you ter a momen~'· p& notes had been handed back a.gain. " you Messn. Bunner, Wregg1, and Oarrowble- experience, · looking for an)' body, sir?' shall have the delivery-order ef the1e e:ooda the firm for which Mr. S a.te wa.a acting"Ye1, with Jarry," he returned oa.role11: H ooou:rred 1i11 me tb.ttitthl1 after all might Ill 1eourlty, until you a.re q ulte utlsfied CATARRH.-A new treatment has been di~ · hour by hour, almost minute by minute ; ly ; " l1's our way. You will get Into it be the aeuder of the message, 10 at a ven ~bout my principals 1 and that la exactly covered whereby a · permanent oure of thlB but the huaineae 'ook a very different tarn. aeon, old follow; a.nd when you come to tare, I replied : 11 Yee; I a.m lniieed look· qua! to giving you five hundred peands of hitherto incurable disease. is absolutely a.ffect· Mr. Soa.t.e called one day, out of the time at - 1 ed. in from one to three applica.tions, no matt~r which he a~ually pidd his vlalt1 which was know your ouHtomera, voa will deal with Ing fer some one; b11t the a.wk ward ps.rt of their money to ho1d without any s~c11rity at 1 whether standing one year or forty years. This them aooordlngly. By-the-by, yoa ID!l.f let it 111 that I de not know who I am looking a.ll. " 1 remedy is only applied once in. twelve da:ys, generally in the evening, and uld that the old Cbelps know that you have begnn bail- for. A lad came to my house, and said a "So It h-10 It h I" ohuo1ded Chelp1. a.nd does not interfere with bu'\mess, Descr1p· firm would not tro~ble me to call; they were nesa; yoa may .show him the money, to let gentleman wished h eee me here ; htit I " N otbing oculd be better, I will go Into tive pamphlet sent Cree on receipt of eta.mp by q11lte aatlefied, he ea.Id, with what they had A. H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West., lleard from him ; and not oarlng to multiply him 1ee tha.t It's a real thing; but don't let think there must have been 1ome mistake." the City. sir, and sell out to-day. My ·· I am 1ure there le J" exola.lmed the broker will let me have t.Je money In a.d. T~ronto, Cauada. C · BUFFA.LO,, N"- -y_ the agent& with whom they dealt direcUy, him be In the room when you pay Wilkins. WIIAT IS ATARllH1 In fact, he had better not see Wilkins at all." stranger. " What a pity h le you cannot Cati.rrh is a dangerous disaas~ which thous· preferred to oonalder my trm1a0Hon1 a· a All thlll wa.1 odd ; but a.a I knew lltera.lly get the aimple1t thing done In a strafihtfor. va.i:oe if I like, Oh, I can manage a.II that : and I shall be quite sa.tlafied, eapeolally if I Oraaalzed with a t'nll Stqfr of etahCeeta a.ode a.re consciously or unconsciously suffering bre.nch of hla own. Thia being the oaae, he from. It is a muco-purulent dlschar~e caused would at onoe, if I were agreeable, oom- nothing of the baalne11 &11 yet, or how the ward manner. I sent a boy with that me1- can see one of the firm; I m1111t own I ehould Experienced and Sklllf'ul J'hJ'·lctana by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the uni·en firm oonduoted lt, I oould net aay 1age to au eld acquaintance,-May I a sk like that." and Suraeo11a f'or &11e &reatmen& 01' lining membrane of the nose. 'l'ho predlspo~. menoe our j >Int work by either seeing people auylhlng aga.ln1t It. where yoa llve, air? ' all «:hronlc DJscaae1, "Yon eba.ll do 10, air," answered Slate. ing causes are a morbid state of the blood,_the at my honeehlmeelf, or making a.ppolntmenta Mr, l:io111te added 9ne plaoe of fnformatlon "No. 9 Yfotorla Loulaa '.terrace," I re- " Oae of them shall be hete to 111e the comblighted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison to whloh I ehoald attend. thla day whloh Wal Wlllcome. He Hid· that plied. ol syphilis, mercury, toxomce, from the r etenpletion of the tra.n·a.ction, He will like to I could have no po111lble objection to tbb, ID:f eneagement woald be oon1ldered to oom· · " The young Idiot I" aa.ld the 1tranger tion of the effete matter of the skin, f!Uppressed li>el'l!Pirations, badly ventilated aleepmi:c. apart· beyond tile grave one that I had no experl- menoe from this date ; tha.t a rent would be " I told him a totally dlfforent number, It do 10, being Mr. M\tley'a firet piece of bualCbronle Na·al Catarrh, Tbroa& and oen on their account. '.Chen. sir, In hi1 pres · meuts and the germination ot otbe~ poisons in Luu1r Dhea11e·, Liver and Kidney \\he blood Irritated by these. the !ming mem· 011oe In buying and eelllng, and did not even paid for the nae of the offioe, the amount of i1 evidently through me ye'f/. have been enos, I will give you the dook-warrante, and Dhea·c·, Dlad11er Dlt1e88es, Dl11ea1to1 brane of the nose Is ever rea.dy for the recap· know wha., kind of goods I was expeoted to whfoh would depend upon his report ; and brought here, air ; and though I did not y1>a will give me eleven hundred pounds. I er Women, Blood Dl·eaaea and Nerv· ti:on of the parasite. which rapidly spreads, up ex\\mlne. To a.II this he bad conolu1ive npBD hie report al10 to be sent In at the end oome my1elf, I moat ,, poleglee for the u~ter 1 may 1ay, a1 between friends, that these oa· A.lfeclio1i., cured hero or at home the nostrils and down the ta.uces, or back or a.nawera. A man "with hi1 head aorewed of four weeks-when wJth or without soemir the i;>atient. Come and l ahould be lntrodaoed lt;upidity of my meeeenger. You mUBt have thing· a.re already at1 good M sold for two tbe throat, causing ulceratio.n or the thro~t; up US, Or Bend ten cents m stamps for our ~e ensta.cblan tubes causmg deafuess. bu., on the rlll'ht way," a, mine was, would to the firm-it woald depend whether I wa1 a glass of aomething whh m 1, " thousand pound1, There's budne11, air. lnvll!lld·' Gulde Book," which gives 1 irowing in the vocal c0rds, causing hoarsene~s · have no diffiJulty 14 picking up euoh krlow· pa.Id by salary or oommlealon, ' "And you all particulars. I tried to deoline thl1 · bnt the stranger 1:18ttrping the proper struct11re of the ,bronohia.1 ledge; while at flrat he would eee everything m:1.y rely upen my report saying the beat It wae clearly one of tho1e .:Vho think nothing Onr fir..- \nows were to plant the articles. " Ne:rvon·Dcblllty, lmpo. "M , Jear air,·· exclaimed Ohelps, "h'1 tubes . ending in pulmonary consumption and, rfght for Ql!l· ~d wheuhe waa obliged to be teucy, Nocturnal Lo1111ea, oan for you, old fellow," he oo,ntinued. "l ie complete until ra.tified by the wln9·pledge, aa good a.a done, If I had any doubta beand all 1'IO'rbld condltion11 death. 1 away, wonld leave me lnatruotie1111 how far Many in gen ions spelftcs for tor t.he cure o oould have goi thl1 1ettled a.t onoe; but I or wha.t serves In modem life for the wine· lere, what you now say, and the 1l~ht of citused by Youthful Fol· catarrh have been invented, but w~thout suc- to go In any purohaae, But there I it Ws.i know wht our P;"incll?lea a.re, and~ am con· pledge ; 10 I ha.d to etay and aa111re him of llee and PHnlcioue Soll· cess until a physician or long etandmg discov· making mountains of molehillll to talk In fident that to wait a bit will ma.ke a. differ· my completel;io e:roueing him, and llaten to tbo1e notes, ha.ve quite removed ibem, and · tary Practlc'OIJ· are speedily I 1hall not be eaay now antll I have had the ' - - ·. · . _ _. and permanently eur ed by our ered the exact nature of th diseaee aud the that atraln, Several Interviews of thla kind enog of fifty pounds a year to you; so yo11 hla repeated apologies ove.r a. glaae of ale, pleaeure of aeeb1g yo11 and yoar friends to· Speoia.li8ta. Book. post~paid, 10 cts. fn stnmp8. u nly appliance which will permanently destroy 'the parasite no matter how a11:gravated the took place ; and [could not help \hlD klng can , draw on me for fivt>, or ten If }'OU before I could get awa.y. ,~ Rupture, .or Breach, radigether." cn,Uy cured, without the knife, 'Case. Sutre~cra should se'n d stamp at once tl)at Soate took care never to hold them In ohoose, while the month runs on, and pay I foand M't, Ohelps leanln(( over the gate, Mr. Sc11ote shook his hand beartly, reeterRUPTURE. withou t dependence upon t~ descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to th~ the presence of Mr. · Chelps ; and I aome· me at your leiaure," and 1moklng tra.Dquilly, When I told him ed the notes to bis pooket·book, t&·>k the trusses, and with< very little hu.slness mana11ers. A· H. Dixon & Son, 3()a tlmea actually thought he maat lie In wait It was impossible not to feel gra.tefal to a of my adventuraa, the old gentleman laugh· letter I ha.d written ; and then, after ir. most in fjtnmpll\. pum. nook B!lnli: for· ten cmts R:ing street, weet, Toronto, Canada. Wllat the Rev. E . B. Stevenson, B.A., a Oleruv· In tho ncighbourhoJd to see the old gentle- man who did 10 much fir a stranger, and ed hea.rtily. I thought b?lelness was con. expressive wink a.t me, whloh Implied anyPILE TUMORS and STJU:CTUBES >:?'u&n of the London Confe1·enceof t~te Met/to· man go out, so promptly did he look in dl- who was 20 perfeotly dleintereeted; yet-a.I- eluded ft r that evening; but at the very thing but respect for hie new partner. ne treated wi!lh the greatest succem Boqk eent diflt <fh.,.,rch of Canada, has to sav ·n regard reotly afterwards. B lt l\Ir. Chelpa waR 10 though I hated myself for allowin. g auch a la·t momi;nt, jaet indeed as we were going for ten cemte in shtmps. Ad<frese WonLD'S left, 1 .:.'1. 0 A .H. Dixon&: Son's New Treatment for DISPENSARY .MEDICAL .A.SBQCIA.'l\J(!)N. 663 :Muin lu.tereated In the mal;ter, so anxloua for aot· feeling to exist -I wasoonaclou1, even while tC> bed, Scat:e oame In for the parcel left by /..:(;?Jaf;arrh. (TO :BE CO?>TINUED,) _Stroot, Bulfllllo, N. Y. 0 akla.ns. Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 ual work to begin, he said, th~t he genera.Uy I was thanking Soate, and thanking him sin- Mr, Jerry '\<V ll kina, I went with him into The treatment of' many extracted a pretty full account frcm me ; oorely-I was ooneoioua, I say, that I was the dlice, where I experienced& momentary _,.."Jliess1·s. A . I!f. Dixon di: Son: thousands of cases. of those DEAR 'Sms.-Youl'S of the 13th inst. to hand. beeldes holding long conversations on his gradually growing almost to deteat the m~n, "turn" br not being able to lay my hand A :Palatial Indian :B.a-ilroad Station. d.ise1tses peculiair to> DISEASES: OF '· rt seemed alm0st too good to be true that I am my benefactor though he was. upon the p1uiket In the dark, wmich I made The· G-reat lndla.n Ptnlnsula.r Rallro11>d "VV <> J.v.J::EJ.V :. cmred of'CataNh, but I know that I am. I own prospective share with M~. Seate, WOMEN~ 1·" ti.aye had no1 t'6tm:n<it the diseaee, and never Among other prepa.ratlona for the a.gonoy, Soate did notoc m~ In again tba.t day; a.nd aura I oould have done, On precurlng a. termin:u at Botee 811Dder, Bombay, now _ _ at the Invalids' Hoter _ _ _ _ .. Surgical Institute, bas and af, · 11'.elt better in m y life. I have tried so many Mt, Seate ha.d some effioe furniture brought I took the first opportunity of telling Mr. light, however, I feund I had merely made nearly completed, Is one of the finest bulld· ' t hings !or Catarrh, suffered so much , aud for In J so that:, what with a maaB!ve hble and Chelps wh~t my inatrn3ticns were; showed the mfotake ol supposing tha.t theparoel wae Inge in Indi-o., and ia aurpaeaed by few ra.ll- forded large experience in adaptiug· remedies for tb.eli· cure;. und r · 3 o many years, that it is ha.rd to realize that .. 'I.if am really better. . desk, half-a.-dozen heavy cha.In , wiih va.rloue hlm the money, &11 auggeated; told him that on a. ob.air to the right of the door, when In 1oa:i stations in the world, The bnllding!) "1 consider that miue was a very bad case; it ra.oks and shelve· fitted on the walls, my I was now fairly In the employ of the firm ; reality It Wall upon one to the left, . DK.. PI:IJ:RC'.E:"S oonta.ln over forty large sffiaes for the 11od··wa.e a.ggravated and chron!c,>invclving the front parlous &llsumed quite a ·olid, ba.nk· thr.t I waa to be lntreduoed to them In foar " I Rh all be 'leund early te-morreow," aa.ld ministrative etaff of the ra.ilroa.d, Including t hroat as well 'as tho nasal passages, an:l I thought it would require the three :trnatments, ing, or life-assurance aspect, whloh met the weeks' tlme, a.nd!that my pay would be 1et- M r. Seate, "a.o, 1inoe 1 aaw yea, I have had the freight· superintendent. and clerka, the but I !eel fully cured by the two sent me. and a.oproval not only of Mr. Soa.te, b11t of M r. tled on such a sea.le as the report of Mr. a ferelgu letter, which you muatanawer. It police, p ~stal, audit, trafilJ, engineer~, ' l am thankful that I was ever induced to send Chelpe, Soate, justlfie~. He asked :m01 a.her a. mo· le from Belglurm, and will le11od tro a great agents' and provident fond depa.rtmentil. C:o you. . The first transaction whloh was completed ment a nflection, what tbs addreu of the deal of buine88. Yol undentand :French, The agent, it may be expl!Wned, ta t~e re- ls the result 01': this vast experience;. You are at liberty to use this letter statmg proaent11.tlve in India ef the b~ard of direct- · It la a powerful Restorative- To.n le that I have been cured at two treatments. and In tho 1;1ew office, took pla.ce very suddenly firm was. I told him that I had a1ked the I bt!leve ?" 1 aud Nervlne;. nnparts vigor and· strong-th I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some -to me J and was surprising by Its brevity aame questIon of S ca.t a, wh ., bad repIled , I said I had a fair knewledge of that ora In E ngl ~ d, and ha.e, th9refore, the pow- to the system, and! cures, as if by mngic,. Leu. '-... U~ my .fl:ienda who.are sufferers. and various special fea.turer, oommoD. (J'Jr· tha.t I had better postpoae all inquirle1 tioll lang·1a.ge. era ef a. genera.I manager. Tbeae efficea vary corrJum, or· "'vhUes,,, excessive .: · ·'.X_ qu.tB, :w.Jth many tllmike, haps to my novel business, but altogether the mouth wa.s OTor; they wonl!l prefer it. ··That's a. goccl j >b," oontinued Seate. In aize from the agent's chief cle~k'a effi.ce , flowinir, painful inenstrnutlO'n,, un' ' )&gy, E, B. STEVENSON. " Ab , I see, " sald the o Id tgentl ema.n. " I t h as b aena staggerer to me over and over 23 f ea t b Y ·' , 2 f eet · to t he ~ent.1· ~enera.l · ' falling natural or suppt·esi;iions, us or different from my previous Fxperienoe. It th>e utont s 1u·ola1>. , veak s flac·k 1 ··· .And hundreds of others waa conducted thus. At twilight one even- "Until that tlmo, you are, aa one ma.y aa.y, again, the not knowh!g anything of the· clerk's cffioe lH leet by 43: 1eet, M.ny of . auteverslon, .. ~etrovers'1011, bearing! ha.ve prlva.te dreeelng aud bath . do,vn scnsatrous, cltronic c6!nges- ARD OF TRANJ{S.-To the ~~na.: ing, only a few days after the aubjeot waa on proba.tlon, Very cautious of them, very, parly voo i·argen, Thia will be a big trans· the effioes · tlon, inflanuuatlon and ulce:ration w ould lose no 110t t o a11ow M r, Soa.te event& reveal hi,,.d · a.otlon, you will find.-And I ray, M"tl~y !" rooma attach od , a very welcome luxary In · , of the woinb,_ tnrlnmmntlonr,, pain f the Fire Insurance Aeaociation . fir11t broached, fer Mr. Soate , and t e1ulcrress in O'Va>"lcs, tnt'erual Srn f~e~eby return thanks for the. pr~mpt time In the matter, he c11,me in, and repaired dreae until then,-Bnt I like them all tl1e -this exclamation was uttered just ae he the hot cllmir.te of lndh. payment (by your a11;ent, Mr. Thos. ~~~0 ~ma to th.e Gffi.oe, Re ha.d not been there five better for It, Bir; I do, lnde~d. Now if I 1ea.ohed the door, :wi II It were a sudden The aooommodatlon for pa.uengers le 11.lRo heat, and f emale " ' cakness."' · a f ew d a.ya, I may h ope- thought-" ja.at so1md old Ctielp11 aboui bis verv compl ate, i no1 · .and It "U'eak.iuiss: promptly "ell.eves and cures N-.rnsea for roy Joas by fire, caused by a spar minutes, when a man knooked at our doer got my money 1n u d lnga.ceotra1 b ..11 82 ft. I of Stomacb, Jndlgeh llteam thresher, h!'-vli;-g g~t p~y~eyn!ef~[ a.nd a,1ked for him. It ao happened that I as Mr. Seate holds out the moat h.voura.ble money, If he can.get it In two or three days x 76 ft.; two refreebment rooms, 62 ft. x 47 tion, Dlonting~Ner"Vo us J.·rostratiou, tents at market pr10e , no s or " . t I see on the Dominion Grange Policy to tenan e. opened ihe door to 1;hla person, who, In the expectations ta me-to be "ntrodaced at the It will be j11at In time to make auoh a. profit ft., and 47 ft, x 25 ft. r eapectlvely 1 four 1 and Slecplossu.ess, in eHber ll~ Yours gratefully. THOS. HARIUS. 38 few words he apeke, 11Bemed to have an un· Hme ilme as yourself. I should like that, be· for him aa he never got ia Au11tralla, or waitlog rooma, first and aec:md claH, for OR 6 no·rTLES Tyrone, Se11t. 11, 1885. pleasantly furtive way with him ; a.nd nl· oa.uae, of oourse, I should not Invest without wherever he baa ~een, Tell him that ;· and la.die3 and gentlemen, with'· lavateriea, etc,, " 1 l"OR $B.OO. though not disguised~ any particuh;r man- knowing something of the i:eople, no mat- tell him that a.fterwards it ma.y be teo late. attached. Pasaengeu orrlvbig from up Sold by Druggists c~·ery-wbere·. Send ARD OF TBANKS.-To he ~~na.· ner, hla hat was so douched· over his brows, ter how high my opinion of Mr.'Scate might I will oome round and 11ee him myaelf as country and wishing to embark on the ten cents in stumps for Dr. Picrce's1 large ger of the ]j, ire Jnsur!"'nce Assoc1at10n : and the oollar ef hie coat llO pulled up, t, ha.t be." well." steamer, can frnd all their wa.n111! well attend· Treatise on Dlselt&!s of Women, Illustrated. SfR 1 hereby return thanks for the , pr~mp~ I ·greed with the old gentleman that he He went rapidly away with the pa.11oel ; ed to without going to a hote~. The buildpayment (by your agent, Mr. Thos. Bkmfg am It wa.1 lmpo11ible to dlatinguiah his features C m lose by fl.re caused by a spar rem a clea.1ly. I showed him lnte the cffioe, and wa.a qalte right In this. and I ha.d a long talk with my wife, before Ing is hr.nd.Bomoly decorated t hroughout and s't!a.rft hresher having recelved the fU!l amfount wont down-stairs. As I did so, · I thou11ht A man "'ent by with plants In a barrow I went to sleep that night, upon the singu- great pa.Ins have been t11ken to secure good 663 Maini Street, BUFFALO, N . Y. · . ' OLD on the occasion o my ot my insurance INYG tba.nkfully 'l'HOMAS for an inata.nt thr.t I caught alght of Mr. tha.t afternoon, and Mr. Chel pa deola.rlng- la.r features of tho employment on which I ventilation, and the beat sanitary appliances, SQlden wedding. ours · Ohelp1'1 faoe, In the dusky gloom o~ the rather to my surprise-that he was au en· had entered; and we ha.If decliied that The ma.in 1taircaae to the officea Is 8 ft, 6 JARD! Nll:, 38 '!'yr one, Sept. 11, 1885. staircase, peering over the banisters. I thaelaatlc admirer of flowers, bought a. num· unleBll 1 1aw the principals at the end of tho in. vlde, a.nd la aurmountctd by a Gothic pa.used to look again ; but no one was there, ber, which he toid Mn. Ma.tley-who really month, and liked them when I did 11ee sto11e dome, © ft. die.meter, The m<Jiln oorDilion11 Hea-d'a.!.1·e, and I went on. was fond of them-he would plant in the them, I would not continue the engagement, rldors average 12 ft. wide. The main build· Dlzztucs!!I, -Ou.i~ t i on, Indlge'!ill In a few mlnutea Mr. Seate ca.lied down front garden after the sun went down, He I apoke to Mr. C nelpa In the morning, aa ing forms three sides of a ~11a.dra.ngle innnd Dilionl! ~itacks, Formet'ly Known a.s the" Soper M!lls. ') the speakiDg tube which he had oaased to be waa as good a1 hi· words too, or nearly ; for dealred abont his lnveatment ; and the old cloaing a garden with fountain, eto. The promptly cured: by Dr. oarrled from the cffice to our elttlng-reom, be went into the garden with spa.de and gentleman seemed an:.doue not to lose the atyle of arohlteot11re 11 Italla11 Medfre va.l Pierce's Ple,as·ant RIS MILL RAS BEEN THOR 11.nd asked mo to step up, I complied, and water·oan, and slowly-for · It was plain he promised cha.nae, a.nd said that perhapa, by Gothlo, whlob le said te be well suited to Purgative P ellet·. 2ll OUGHLY renovated1indput inorder,nnder found him with the stranger I had prevloua- wae not an e:rpertgardener-:iommenced hla sacrificing a tri ~a of lu.teree~, he m ight get the ollma.te, tlhe ma.salve stooework giving cents a vial. by; Druggists. eirown special supe1vision,for the purpcse o! 11:rfsting and mauura.cturing Oat Meal and Pot ly admitted ; but their figures were barely work. 1 offered to help him; bat the old hie money a day or two earlier than a.greed, elfc<0tual proteotiiln from the sun, Work Barley and we are now prepared to receive discernible, as they were eittlng without a gentleman said that hall his plea.sure in whioh woald be In a.bout a. week later, Per· was oa.rrled 011t partly by E11ropean a.ud orders from all our old ouatomers and orhers, light, and the twilight had now almost ahruba and :fl.owers would be lo~t unl'lsa he ha pa M·. Soa.te would show him a. wa.y out (ff parfy by native contuctora and workmen , tor work a.ud we gurantee"to give them who ohanged to da.rkneas. I naturally notloed planted them himself; so he went en until the difficulty. But It waa not likely.that he under the direction of Mr. F. vV. 8tqvena, t ntr 11at us with the same entire satisfaction. this, and effared to precure a light. -A'l'THE (t waa a.lmoat dark, ma.king, however, but would give ap all this money wltho~t an In· chief engineer an. ! architect; Mr, S. Kc.un· Oatl!l and other grains taken in exchange for ~roductlon to the firm, and being well aa.tla- neraa, aealetant eng\neer, and Mr. Ma.dha~a.e "No, thank ye," returened Mr. Seate. little progreis, :Flour Oat Meal, &::o. H. &:: J, TOWNS, ~Tw· It waa between twlllght and dark when a. lied of their atabllity, or. In lieu of thi., some J anardhan, aurveyer and overseer. Thie we.nvllle · " Our bualneBB la finished, and I am going work ha1 been In continuous progresa slnc111 out directly, I wlehed to ln~rodnoe you to c~b 1topped at our gate, and a knock follow- sanglble secarity memwhile. A1 soon aa Mr. Seate aa.me, I told him 187\1, and the total cost of the eiat!on and thla gentleman, who will be here a.gain to. Ing, I went to the door, expecting to fine'1 had thla. He decl11ored he grea.tly applauded the cffioea wlll be about $1,200,00C/, morrow, er the next night, and wlll transact as it proved- Mr. Jerry Wilkln11. continues to do a General Banking Business some buelneaa wlth you, Mr-a-a.- !oat no time in answering the knook ; but old g~ntlema11'1 oa.utlon, and a.eked me to ---o--Q.Bo wmanvmo Branch. Mr. Ohelpa wae already In convenation with call him do~n, that we ml11ht ta.lk things Mr. - - - " Oaug:ht in th.e Storm" "Jerry Wilkins, you know," aa.id the tht vlllitor, and inviting him, as I could over, I did so; and Mr, Chelp1 oame a.t DEPOSl'I'S Clothing and any amount of suits hear, to admire 1ome beautiful bulbs he wa.a onoe. Mr, Ji. E. Dawson, late a.asiatent aupe!!ln. Recetved in Savings Bank Depart.mentand , other, as Seate he1itated. s&nt out ever.y day. holding out for hia lnapeotiou, Mr, WU"You ar a natnra.lly dealrou!I cf knowing tendent of the Great W oetern dlvl1ion 1 G. T. " To be sure I-of ooarae I" excla.imed the call and interest allowed at current rates. No uotice of withdrawal necessary. All deposlu latter. " Mr. Wilkin·, thl1 II 011r new kina, who ha.d struok me as being of s. some- were you put; yonr money, and what It is R. waa in Kansu City, when the pla.oe was ' payable on demand. agent, Mr. l\htley, who will carry on the what morose turn when I admittdd him on for, Mr. Cnelpa" - - began Soa.te, vlalted by a terrible hurricane tbt ca.zried the previous even1Dg1 looked gloomfor aud "1 a.m, sir, natarally 11.nxloua, 11o11 you Bay," with It rain, dev1utat!on, and d"ath, and Our ,Coll111rs, Ties, Gloves, Shirts and Jewellery, biuineaa at this br .. noh for th'e preaent ; 10 tbe very latest styles. EXCHA.NGE you will knew who to aek for when I am aulkler now. He turned with a. very uncivil Interposed the olr' gentlemiw, feeling for be glvee an Interesting !Uld thrillln~ acwunt grunt from the gurulous old gent!ema.n, and hla eyeglass, as he al ways did when '\mainese of the ocourrenoe which he witneased. He Boughtandaold a,.ud Drafts issued uponEnro:ve, not here." U nited States a.ud Canad.a, alao Gold,Silverand "Yes ; I shall know him," returned the came In the moment I open~d .the door. Mr. we.a the topic of conver1atlon. S1:ouring it himself e:rperlenoed a very narrow Hciape V nited States Green backs bouizht and sold. atrarger. His wcrda were not a. direct re· C!:ielpa, however, smiled with lmpert11rbable a.t laat1 he fixed It to hh eyes, ·and looked from being caaght In the furlotllt ga.ie. FROM $2 UP. ply to Mr. Soa.te'a remark, and although I geed-humour, but, as It was teo dr.rk to see ea.meetly, yet with an expreaslon whloh waa When the etorm deacended upon the olty t COLLECTIONS ooald eca.rcely see him in the da.rknees, I felt any longer, ga.ve up his gardening for the rldioulou1ly helplas9, at Mr. Soa.te. "No he was h&atenlng r.long the street, and fm. PLEASE 1'0 CALL AND E.."\:AMINE Promptly made at current rates upou all parl he was eyeing me narrowly, However, there night;, offence, I hope," he continued; " but you medhtely eought shelter In the moat oon· at Great Brittain, the United Sta.tee and Do was little time for this or anything more, " You aro not ab enthusiast In flawers, aee a thnua11nd pounda, or eleven hundred, venlent plaoe, which proved to be a. drug u1inion of Canada. as Seate rose from hil seat, and in a few Mr. Wilkins," I began, "I am afraid y ou is a great deal to me ; and although I ha.ve atcre. Hewaa about to enter the plaoe when Telcgrapll T1·ansreri N . B...:._We have disposed of our stock he received a fearful blow upon the aide of word1 Intimated that our buslne38 wa.a did not Bee a.ny partioular beauty In the bulb every confidence In yon, yet"-whloh Mr. Ohelpe 10 greatly admlre1." "No apology, my dear 1ir," exclaimed the faoe and hea.d. Th.e .f orce ef the blow of. Fancy Dry Goods to MH.S. IVES, Ma.de for I~rge or small sums on all parts of concluded. 11 ".Beauty, no I" said Mr. Wilkins, What Soa.te; "yoar oonduotJs 1trlctly buelneaa · waa so great that he wa.e du:u dand atanned I opened the door for them, and the)' Canada. 1'his Is especially advantageous to pel'Sons l!v!ng In Mamtoba or the North·wesl went out, not exactly together, for Mr. do I want with a. t hing a9 looks a.a ii it W&B like, and I will fatlafy you, O.ae of my for a few momenta. Involuntarily he reeled ovposite the Salvation Army Barracks. ·11o!l tt makes the funds available at once ai ihe Wilkins left at once, while Saa.ta lingered pulled out of a. repe of ouien1 ; and very prlnolpalY, If not two of them, aha.II wait backward toward the street, a.nd woald inr.:~lace of payment. evitably have been la.unohed Into the centre for a ceuple of minute· on the threshold likely waa. He's a.n old fool. And yet Nod upon you here, in the first place," Forfnrther particulars call at the BanklnA with me, a.Ithough he seemed to have nothing Scate le going to do budnea1 with him, lm't "Oh, I'm aare I wculd not trouble them ef the raging harrioane had it not been for House. the preaenoe of mind of a 1tra.ng0r, who, ob. ao far," said Mr, Chelpa. partlcalar to sa.y. A,s I oloaed the door, he?" 'I'. BRODIE, GEO. McGILL, But Seate lnterrapted him, and went on served hi· predicament, and wne, reaching Please to call upon her and you will see I could make no reply for the moment, Manager I again tb.eu g'tt I saw Mr, Chelps, thl1 tlm~ .Accountant, 1 ·lv at the farther end of our little entra.noe hall; the ma.11 1 valgar familiarity, arid hh know- with the same boa.etful swaggering air: oat his arm, firmly gra.epad Mr. D~wson by' tho prettiest stock in town - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bat It was verv dark there, and I might ledge of Soa.te's plane, so tlloronghly ata.gger- 11 '.rhey ahall oome, sir ; and you 1ha.ll a.r· the ooa.t, and after a severe 1trug1de maneaeily have been mistaken. I a.t ence light- ed me. range then, if you Ilka each other, for a. final aged to drag him Into the 1tore. There he "But a regular fool will ault Ned Seate interview a.t headquutera. l'h'lir reference, wu, for th.. time being at leas~, safe from ed the gaa, and went down te our breakfast· room, where I found the old gentleman better than anything else, eepeola.lly If be I may ·remark, wlll be to three tolerably the fury of the elemente, but fer some min· calmly smoking hie pipe In the dark, r.nd bat a good opinion of hlmeelf," continued well .known esta.bliahments-tbe Bank of utea he remained leaning against the ooantby himself ; for Sa_aa.n we.a e.baent, mall:· Mr. Wllklna, not heeedlng my silence,- Eagland, sir; Baring'a, air; and Rotliechild'1, er, almost ancon11Cloua, unable to move, and oompletely daaad. Finally he fully recover· Ing some trifling puroha.1e1 In the neighbour- 11 Well, governor, there'· the atnff', and I air, Are they gool(! enough? want five-and-forty pounds of you." "Splendid I Oh I I 'm aare;" commenoed ed hla eenae1, but doea not know, nnd pro· hood, I apologised for hia not having a. light; "Yea," I sa.ld 1 "Mr. Soate teld me I Mr. Chelpa; but hero hi· eyeglass fell down, hably oan never realize from what flying but, in his usual cheerful manner, he said it was te give :vou forty-five pounds ; and a! and the Interruption gan Soa.te a.n opportun- mi1111le he sustained the fearful blow, a.I· The undersigned begs leave to intimate to the Hy of going on. ~hough he bollevea ho must have been atruck people of Bowmanvllle and vicinity, that he wa1 of no oonuquence, aa be liked to elt and for a. receipt" - " Well, then, hand over the oa1b, ir.nd let smoke in a half. dreamy 1ta.te, to whloh twl· 11 It i1 po111ible, Mr. Ohelpa," he aa.ld, by the corner of a. heavy abutter or by aome has opened a new Harness Shop on King St., opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery Stables. light, or even da.1'kne1111, wa.s very fa.vGra.ble. me step it," Interrupted the man, " What's " that the .Belgian tranes.ctlon I have apeken sign tea.t waa journeying a.l"ng the thorough- where he will have constantly on ha.nd, and He was chatty on other subjects, but, for i. the nae of keeping the cab at the door ! of may be finished before yen can arrange fare. The store wa.a crowclea. , te Its utmost ma:.:e to order, Harness of all kind.a, viz.: wondu, did not refer to baaineae, whloh la· Ned Soa.te never told yon to ask for a rewith my l-rlnoipa.18, unleH you oa.n have oa.paoity wltb a terror·atrloken throng of -:EIY"deed, we.a not spoken of until my wife re· oeipt, I know." A moment'· pa.me here, yoar money a.t once, In fa.ot, I know thla men, wemen a.nd children, who huddled to· Heavy Lumber, Farm, turned. She had gene out just after I had while he rapidly ran over the gold. "All will be the case. Mt. Ma.tley, who ia luckily gether In a oomp11,ct ma.aa, while to add to Express, admitted Mr. J srry Wilkins, and ao natural· their fear the entire place waa envtloped In right, governor. Will you come to th!! cor· a capital French sohola.r, ha.a written this . . a- I am fully prepared to attend Funerals on ly asked me who the visitor wa.a, But even ner and have a. glaaa ?-Yon won't ? Well, mornlllg ·formal acceptance of the&e foreign· Impenetrable darkneas, aud the wild cries Coach , and 'th0 sh6rtest notice, at the lowest possible rates Caskets and Burial Cases ready on shor t notice while I teld her, Mr, Cholps wa.a too much tba.t'a your buslneas, Mine Is to clear out ; erb' terms. They will telegraph to their of tho female portion of the crowd, as fiy. Light Double Harness. Flffl-clas.11 hearse on very moderate terms engrossed by hla ptre to var any attention so good-night." Saying this, he went, leav· a.gent, who will be here on the third d11y ing objects craahed against tho bulldloga, Shrouds aBd Coffins constantly on. hand. Fun with a growing feeling of dlellke to from this with the dock-notes of the goods, ema1htog the windows and breaking every· Fine Single Harness a specialty era! cardssu;pp!ied at once. Furniture Shop & to the subject, or at anyrate 'to jain In the ing me oonveraatlon, the 11 11oganoy," with which Indeed I ha.d whfoh are lying here, I have already seen thing but the aolld wa.lla from their fastenShow Rooms-Bounsall'sNewBiook . . IN ALL THE LATEST Sl'YLES. Though on va.rloua occaslen1 Mr. Oh.elps never boon greatly ena.mtured. my prinolpals to-day, and took upon me to ings, lmpa.rted a. still further degree of Indulged in a glass or two of grog, it Is only Mr. Chelps, who, aa he expla.lned, had say-being anxloae to forward your wlshea dread te the ahea·dy panlc-striken mass of A large slocklof«)ollars of every cle.~erl11Hon right that I should say th.a' he never, even gone out for a abort atr<'ll, returned soon -that I could have your money by that \)llople. Mr. Da.wson eaye he ha.a mingled u1,.,,-a3·s on Juuul, or custo1u c1·s can lu1vc lhem made to 01·cler on sllortesl notice. a.t first, give us the Idea. that he wa.a an In· after Wilkins left, and j · l ining Mrs. Matley time. Accordingly, a1 the total required with many orowds, but never before had be temperate ma.n, He certainly seemed led a.nd m)'&elf, baga.n what promiaed to be a will be sixteen hundred pounds, they lland- ccoa.alon to 1eek shelter with 1uoh a fear. Finest stock or Horse Millinery everLshown in town, including : away a little by the example of Seate, who long, as It wa.s certainly · a.n uncenneoted ao· ed me five hundred pounda In notes. Here strloken throng, and he strongly hopes that ocoadonally took, we thought, a malicious count of hie gardening experiences in the they are." He pulled out a. bulky pocket· he may never again be called upon to under· ROBES. BLANKETS, plea~ure in tempting the oldgentleman. We coantry ; bat ere be was f111olrly in the mldat boo.It a.a he said this, " They a.re atr iotJy go 11\loh an orde11ol. .F'LY NETS, did not and could net like Seate, while we of hia n&rrative, a knock at the street door rsady-money p Pople, a.a I told you," WRAPS, WHIPS. both felt favourably dispo1ed to our lodger wa.e heard; and, to my Mtonlshment, Lizzie " What I the B3lgla.ns ?" exola.lmed Chelps, The Medical .l:Soarder't1 Ohop. BHUSFJES; frrm the beginning, brought down a me11a.ge to the effect that a. whose eye~ sparkled at the eight of the ruatl C_ OM BJ The next day l>oate came early, and had a gentleman wished to see me a.t the Three Ing notes. "And wh11ot a.re their names?" "What a.lls your chop?" a.eked the land. and everything iu season. 11 I did not mean them ex~otly,' retarned la.dy of the medloa.l boarder, who 1eemed to brief Interview with me In the o1fioe, Ria Bells, a. tavern in the next street, It imme· ebjijct was to say that Mr. Vi' ilkins would dlately ooovrred to me that It must be tbat Soa.te. "I meant that my people were be absorbed In stadylng the aua.temy of his prob11bty call that night, and If 10, would dre11dful Wilkins, who wiahed to tra.nsaot ready-money men; but 110 for the matter ef dinner. "I think eaalfic\tlon has aet In," bring a parcel, of which I wa.a to take charge some freah piece of the most irregular bad· that, a.re .Belgia.na, eipeola.lly when they a.re waa the reply. "Well, lt'a pretty ha.rd 11 PROMP'l'LY ATTENDED '£0. and for which I was to give him forty-five ness In which I was engaged, and this was ulllng anything. Their namea are Delrel, 11cratch1Dg, aighed the hoateaa, " l have You may ha.ve to pinch and aorub and mai:ce11vre to make Satisfaction guaranteed. Intending purchasers poanda, Thia money he ga.ve me all in gold. perhaps his way of manir.glng it. I hurried Vie.net, and Company. Mr, Chelps aa."ing he would heard of th~m' ." the end1 meet." "Ah, well," .replied the w!ll do well to give me a call. Having bour:ht " Am I to examine or check the goeda ?" offaooordlnglv, ~ b d h ldl th h h fin f all goods of the latest style and best quahty, " " 11 Yes; I think I have heard of them," I began. amoke a pipe in the front garden until I oar er, 0 ng "e 0 op on 11 ger vr for cash, I will be able to give customera the " 0 no," he 1ald l " It Is a.11 settled a.bout 011im1o back, so that he should be out of the ea.id Cbelpe. 11 And a.re all those bank- olo1er ln1peotion, now you epea.k of It I benetlt. .Newspaper Advortising Bureau, tho:n, We know Jerry, and have dene way while Mrs, M a.tley and Lizzie prepared notee ?" Hit interest In the Belgian firm suppose that the end· are meat, but the wa.a evldelltly 1mall compared with hli In· trouhl~ 11 tha.t t;he thing la nearly all mid· · · 10 Spruce st.., New York. many bits of business with him, ao we can the supper, 1 I hastened a.way, as I ha.ve attild, and went; . tereet In bank-notes, from which he had. die," Bowmanville, Ma.y 6, 18S6. 19-lw ~ncl 10ot.:t. for 100-Pa110 Piunphlet. , t : uat hl.n,". Qtauadiau jtattsmau. MY . NEW FRIEND. ·cATARRH. Invalids 'Hotel:Surgical Institute OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. m DISEHES DEUDATE -···-···· Favori1e Prescription C 1 r?k:; PRICE $I 00 C World's Dispen:sary Medical Association, SICK·HEADA. CHE, Caledonian Mills. r BUSINESS BOOMING THE ONTARIO BANK Eclipso Honso. READY-MADE .CLOTHING See t~e ~est ·.Value in Town, W. H. IV·ES . NEW HARNESS SHOP ---o--- . ·UN DE RT A KI N C .· LEVI MORRIS. ADVERTISERS can learn ·the exact cost of any proposed line of :advertising in American papers by ad.dressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., R E PA I R I N G l J R 8 RADLE y ·

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