Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1886, p. 8

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LUNG SJ..UL'l'. Mr. \Vm. HamblJ' hart been 111 but le reeoTering under the care of I ll'. Mitchell. a iood village l ot in Williamsburg. See Mr. Hassard prea ~hed a good long eermon bills for part iculars of Dr. Oliver's gre at Bowiu.NVILLE, FRIDAY, MAY 14. on Sunde.y almost tiring the con1rre11:ati<an sale of lotP o n Thur11cfay May 20th. With An honest fruit &Kent arrived at otte ot our ORONO. neighbors last WAck with some trees bnt had all 1he advantages smronncJiog this 'l'il]al.(e, there should be a. grand rash for Ladles call a t Mrs. Morrison's and see the gr e&t rrouble to find hie me.n. Mr . Wm. Windell. or Millbrook, is going t o tihese lots . Address,Dr.Oli\·er, proprietor, lal'ge stock end g reatest. \'arirty is Milliaer,. tJvcr e'howu in Orono. Remember the s tand- move his wife &nd family out with. hie br<Ytlli'ler· ·or John Hugh es, anctioaeer, Cartwright, in·l&w, Robt. M cLaughlin, while he · .ttencll Lat.<i M iss Heoburll's, Miller's Bloc!<· P. ·O., for other information. Dr. J . 8J'(lncer, our new \'c1eri!'ari; Snrgef?n. college tor & time. is meet inii with excelle nt success in h1s practice E.Byen hae gone to look for the Rock7 Mountains, don't fall off Ned, l<ince be came .here. ST4RK Vl.LL E. Mr. J. J . Coulter wn~ the rec!pent of n. gold Sandy :,<tewart Intends r eturniug to Monta11a . ·School report for April. - 4th cl11ss :pendant and a c ompli mentary add ress from to make hie fortune. ll ETSY Bos1mra,. the brothreu of Orono Orauge Lodge, prior to A!Uie Sta rk, Venie Stark, Rid1.H~llowell. b is d eparture for Toronto. WHITBY. 3 rd cla~s, jr .:- H oward GloHr, .,All!e Judglnl'. from the lo.rge amount of blossoms en the tre'es the yield of fruif, t.his year will be Tlrn congrcg&tion of All 8 & ints Church re&l- Glowr o~car Co1Jli11. !ln<l ol1<ss:- Myrtie 0 si11a M ><rt'ill. somcth"ing prodigio us, if t he frogt apaves them. 1r.ed $75 by t heir ba,allr last. wee!<. · ltuth e;ford, Jumes Sta rk ,R< Mr. S. Rae has left Whitby to eng11ge ln the Part II, s e n. : -] sa~c Ruth e r ford, Chas. 13UnKETON. h otel business atAshburnham. Bird, Albt!r t Sonch. Part ll, jr.:--A d na 1 'Ve bave been silent a ll w inter a.a regards 'L'he Chronicle wants to see a Board of Trade Mad ill and Sfanley G lover, equal; Miriam ., new~ for;the "lfr AT!tSMAN" but Burkcton l.uts est11blislied in Whitby. not been silent, slowly as yet; but surely l(0111g \-Vhithywant,s tho Gro,nd '.L'rnnk He,Hway to Allison . P ;irt I :-John B. McChesney, : 'l't w F a rragh . Avtir- · B e lla. M c Mullen. B ahead · Mes~rs. Clatw orthy & Johus of Harn· issue ticKets at ba.Jffares on market days. pton, hav'! t&kcn tbe contra cl; of i\;"r Q·1ii.;~ey's '!'ho Whitby district meeting of the Metho· age atte nda11ce, 21. Present every d1\y t wo dwelhng house~.· cost opont _$1000. lho~ dist ch·nch will ba held at Pickering village. o f school :-B.ow ·rd G iovor, Alic·· Glover, are hernl( bmlt for.the J:!llrpose of re·~tti;ig. M! · j on the 18th of May. Goodhall 1e preparrng his Jot· fol' bmldmg; his C h a s. Bird. EMMA. BltA.DEN, 'reacher, 10 acres are well cleared . Mr. Bunner is also I Mr. John M. Gerow ~as pnrchascid the getting his Jot in shave for thl) erec1.ion of a 1Brougham hotel fi:ont Mr. rhos. Poucher, aud dwelling home. Mr. Hnll i~ prcpa.i·mg for h iH mtends to condtlct it asa temperance Jtouge. TYBUNE. 11ew brick house, which will be .- the first for ! The Economist ea.ya that fully two t hirds of .Burketon· the fall wh.eut crop of Markham aud Setirboro' The Base ball club h a"e -r eceived the ir We beliC\'O the "News'· special reporter had township is w inter killed, and w ill be ploughed b ..ll s and clubs from Chi cago and aro we ll his agricultural implements oorncwh1it dam~g- up. p l e nsed with tlrnrn . W e expect two oed in Cartwrill:bt recently, \.Ve sympathize I - - -.. - -- -- with poor John-. but hope it is uot aa bad as ~ E WP ARK. m atch es h~re ou !14th M ay, fur the 2nd reported. nine of t h e "Gladstones" a r e to pl l\y t he · Mr. Jas. Bradlev hae lost a fino horse. One of Burketon'a earliest p ioneers mado us o tlymg v isit r ecently in 1he Jlf'l'Son of MJ.·. M. Mr. J. \ V. G-ilford h as been ill but is men d· 2nd nine of Orono at nine o'clock, after R. Woodhou~e. of Uowm a nn!le. ing . wbioh t h e 1st niue ar <1 to play a mat c h ! Mi : M . . Beacom. late sectio n boss has bought Mr. Da<-id Stewart, jr., has decided not to with a club from Eben ezer. Admission . 00 acres ot land with the in ' en tlon of farming leave CJarlce. lor t\ change, free ; co·lect wn to h e lp p u,y 'bx peu ses . . .· 1 As you go by take notice how om· school Mr. Quigley is huilcling ii iiew lime h ouse If o u r h otel m :m wishes to save trcrn b le , and will bave lim e on hancl t l1i s week sufficient teac lu;r is beau tifying the school gronnds. Mr. S. Thompson's, .Tr . health Is recovering; and e xpense, he had b etter send th~ whip , to supply a ll. Lollis G. McK ibbon is tlgain ,-is it.iug Burkc- the breev.o of t he mountains is doing him more which .!1e t oi d< o ut of the bngl!.y i11 hi s tou, after h is winter s study at l'1inity Medical good than medicine. sht-d la;!tS1mday ni~ht t o the o wner down .Mr. 'l'hos Brown, the poot, has decided not School. i n C larke. H e wil I !incl it is not the w Ji \'O in Ponlypool r<B city lil'e i s too expen· A liver colored span iel was taken away fro in l lnrkcton i::iaturday evenin,r. The owner in· sive . He him rno\'ed to the v&caDt h ou se on righ t way to collect t - n cents for use of 'l'. Linton's farm. 'L'liat'a l'ight, your noddle is she d .·· , . . The fu ueral of t he Ja; e Mrs. tends i·ecoverin g him lit any cost. level, Tom. The Service was held last Sabbath D o ney took pl~ce la.at F riday. Mr. 1\fr. W. F uller has sold his crel\m horse; w e by t ho Hev · J. Creig-bton!at J..p.lm· was well at· ma.il carrier aR he is not a ble R <>ber ts p reach ed an ··xccllent eermo~ tended. Praying- Band e ,·ery Sunday ut two feel aony for the1 S 'l'RAGOLgw a fter which tho remains wer eca r ri.id to their o'clock. Now that w e ha.,.e long summer dav a to mako as fast time. we i·rnuld he pleased to see another minister h at r e eting p l ace in i3o wma11v1lh, cem ett nlrn alternate Sunday· with M r. Creighton, SOLINA. ery .. . . Mr.Geo.Davy took Mr. Woodgee's thus 1 ;ivi11g the Hnrketou ices service each Sab· bat h. Farmers & Threshers atte ntion-I have on appointment rn t his p l ace last Sunday W ear<' pleased to sec the residents tl·ki~g hand a fre·h supply of Jl,.ld co,not, mangold & evening. 1lUCh pa lnR in wh at will 1w u great ways m 1 t urnip seecl. Also the best <lllitl ity macb f11e C.J..RTWRIGHT. A capital chance is now offered to bny THE ..... ,....,.._HOUSE . " BUSINESS STILL INCREASING, Our sales for last month were larger than for any previous April, thereby showing that our· goods and prices and mode of conducting business are becoming better known, and consequently more. largely patronized. ---- · ---- DON'T BE DECEIVED. Anyone can advertise' the largest st ock in town,' but 've: are t o-day showing the largest stock of Dry Goods,. Clothing, &c .. in Bowmanville Anyone can advertise 'the best fitting s~its,' but 've alone' are constantly t urning them out. A n y one can adver tise 'we do the Dress Goods trade,' but we , -alone sold 40 silk an d wool dresses in on e day recently . \l\!e invite a careful inspection o f our stock by intending purc hasers. STAR .HOUSE. EAST SHO P NEADS' BLOCK. of p anting maplea and ··tiler ornamentnl trees. Please give us a. call. n. M . KrnRPATl<ICK. ENNJSKILL/iJN. "'\V ho i&tl!u yon Ilg man that goes ~est eve ry 'rh e Qua.rtcrly Meeting at l\1 1. V <>rnon was Sa turdaY mg ht by tram. and whut is the at· well >Lt ten ded on ;,5uoday 1 1t~ L. He v. U. Taylor w ..) o;xpect to have a lirst -cla·s t ··mpertractlon! preach ed an e:xcellent sermon. ancti hot el' h ere n ow with M r .Joh 11 Moyse !ja u t. Jt. L . 'Werry conducted the scniccs at KENDALL . El dlld on Sundu.y evening 2nd inst. Tbere was as lancll ord .... G r ear. pre p a ' atio11s aru h ti ing made for I\ good day h e r o on the lWr. SandfrAFinley's child is now doing well; a la1·gc numl.Jer preeent. lts life was cJespai<"ed of for a time. Most, of the farm ers in t his neighborhood 24th of May. Base-ball, Foo t-Bal l aud \ Ve observe Mr. J. Sh R.rpe from Ponty-pool have finished seeding. othe r spo rts during the d11y T h"' Tea in in the \'illag1~ on Sunday last. He was on his '!.'he small boy can now hfl seen wenrling his the M ethodist Church in t h e eveu i 11g is w ay home !'or a visit. He ·reports busi11.ess way arounu the banks of tho stream with fish· expected t his yfar to surpass 1h .i dforts looking up ilJ Poutypool. 'l'hey pur pose bmld· in l<" rod m hand. jug a church in the iaear future. of former years , and a great tr eat is l·mk· How doth the b usy moEquito, imprO\'e each 'l'he Belle of Oak lands hns returned after a ed for in th··· l ecture by t.he Hev. Dr. · long visit up w est, uud will now be ready to little hOur. ·sit.y, Cobr.u r£!, M·r . W . Asl11on loet a valuable w>Ltch out of Ba d >!ely, of V1ctori1< U ni ve1 peg in and give t he other girls a rest. pocket while working i11 lbP. lieldrecenr,Jy. on "Preparat ion i>nd Conflict. " Th<> Dr. Au yonr correspondent is In the nmrrying his Mr. W . Werr y h a d a bee on Tuesday weBI< mood he has been casting around a little aurl will a lso preach hero morning and evening looking up a suitable match. Kendall scBms taking down his barn. Mr. D . Montgomery b ll.8 erected a fine fence Sabbath the 23rd rnst .... A. Eport associ to he tl10 right place for such a one. The cor· Tespondent of the Orono News for Sto.rkvillc in front or his residence. which improves its a t ion h as b een formed h ere for the ecas@n, sce1ns to t;hink that is the best place to gu to, appea1·a11ce v0ry much. and bo1 :h base -b all a nct foot· ball t eams bu t Turn a li tt.le doubtful o! tb1\t. 1 know one Mrs. McGibbop'a l;tealth has greatly improv· orgnnized . ... Mr. H.. Geo. Davey, of poor victim who went into that neighborhood ed since hervieit at Mr. Worden's, and came away ballering and c ryinl{ with a Whitby, has been vi~i t iug frien ds h ere "8hu.1·n pain in hi! side. They dont catc h me this week .... JYi r_ Geor g e R i ggs h as r e like a. iui..,uic , not for Joseph. Give we Oak· NEWOASTLE. t ur11ed home h·wmg g reatly enjoye d b is 1an ds. \ YA are prond t.o-da)". t.his beaut irul fi rst o r v1si r t ·.) N ew York City .. . . Mr. T. R. 'fhc Methodists hel<I th eir qnarterlymeetinp; hel'IJ on Sunday mr,r ning and a fi ne tnl"ll out May that .our little village was a place 111 tho~e McCullou" h htis retnrn e1l t o '!'or()l ·t o t o it was too. The services througho ut -.·ere eighteen cour.ties which have fought their ycry inter esting and v ery profit.able to all who way inch by inch till to-clay Scott Ac t is Jaw talrn t he~ Sum.,, or s c~sio n a t Trinity took pHrt ln theru. Tbe business quarterly over every broad ucre C\f these fair constitnen- M ed ical Schoo l. . . . lllt·illig(' nce was ren1eetinr~ was held on Monday and wuo quite cie·. Oh w hat a ti·inmph and oh what prayers and t ears and atrngglcs It has cost! May we ceived h ere on Monday e vening of rh e .8UCCE·Hful. illn ess of Mr. S. A . Brown, te>~ch er at "V.' e understand that w e are to hnve a new be wise to hold fest what we have gained. We had hoped up to the very last day, thut GrPen Ri ve r . We trust it wil l n ot be ofllccr in t he Salvation Armr. sometlling new l8 n e@ded again in !he wny of novelty, to rally on<' or our hotel men would ha ve Reen his way serious ...· Master Alfred Mitchell Cl\ngh t clca.r to fall into ha.rmol:ly with tho present t ho scattered force· . Our mills are dojng a rushing trade :ind state of atrairs, but when the te mperance party a ten oz. trout o ne foot l ong, while fishing found they were thrown on their ow11 reR01 ircee last Saturday . .. . School report for April thir1gs ure quilo lively hern for this time or t.hc it w as most refreshing to see the quiet bus iy oar. n ess energv with ·wh ich the m1>mbers of the - 4th class : - Alfred Mit chell , M.a.ry Mr.J.F .McMillen.has one or the finest stabll'IS Sco1t Act Committee and Wome n's Christ.ian Virtue, Jenn ie M.cL aren. 3rd chss : and bm;ns in the count y. he 11as lately ma de 'l'empernncc Union t<>ok hold or the situation. great improvem ents tti·ounu his b;nn yai·d nnd A liue dining room and kitchen were at once Ettie Gilbert, Fred M o ron ey, J<J\Ja Staina ltogether it is a lovely place, not forgetting secured in t he large build mg of the late Massey ton. 2n d cla~ s : - Barry Pye, Emma the. v ery interestrng famiiy; so m auy of our \Vo1·ks. A bright capable womnu wn~ iaduc· L e wis, J oseph Dettn. 1st class se nior :-yonng men think. ed 1 .0 talrn charge of it. and in _ a few short \Vebster Virtue, l!:d ith G il be· t, Norman .A.t tho last Quar1erJy bu sine·e meeting of hours an entinghou se wns .tempo\·arily furni~h the Methodist 't;lturch. h eld in this place on e_d a nd rea.<lv to accomodat e the tra.velling p ·ib· Gilbert. T. L. STAl'.LES, 'rcacher. he. They also secur ccl a sumplc room fo r com· M ay t he 3rd. tlte rollowing resolution was u mercial tr11vell1!rB. church sheds and pri vat.e nani1.11ouslr adoptcd:'flrnt this Board desires to place on record stab!tA were thrown open lo to the public, in O.AKLA ND. its sense of I.ho pres'e nt s ph·itual unrl financial lien or those that had heen closed . A num ber oommo· prnsperity oC the circtut, aud also its gratitude of Christian h ·mca offer ed sleeping o.w There has been f.tnot h er wed ding her.i . to the Great Head of the church and lo the datirm· N otices or these appointments wero R ev. S. S>tlton. for his dlicient an d faithful imm edin1ely prop>tre.d and phwe:J in fricndly Altho ug h Wednes d ay. the 28 t.h ulL, w ~ e labors on the circu it during the p ast; year; and s how windows anu by noon to·day we felt we .;u ch o fine clay " nd t he farml'r~ Ill t.h1s "e pra.y th a t God'· richest b lessir1 ge m a y go had <lisarmed ull adve i sc ciUl!:ens. Now, two vlilh bim and his fa n:nly to 1beir f\ltnre sphere qu iet street co1·1wl's are conspicuons by the ab- vicinity were very busy eeed i· ·g, h did s ence oflthe drunkenness and prof..nity our not prevent abont sixty fri e11 d s and of lubor. youths have been compelled to witness. But ONE w HO w ANTS TO MA.JU<Y . our work is only just begun. \ Ve must always n eiO'bbors of Mr. W . Rohinson aud Mis s be on the alert to b old the monster in our Ilfa~·~aret Ard , from a ssemblin g at th e gras p "eternal vigil,.,nce" is freedom's price, KIRBY. and never may we r ela x our efforts till the r eside nce of the bride's father to witness \Ve have been much dis appointed or late at proud banner of Prohibition waves through0t1t the Rev. A. Fraser, of O ron o, unite the not seeing our prosperous littlo centre rcpr c- our whole Dominion· happy couple in t ho holy b :mds of w e dsenterl more frequently in your column s. We The \V. C. '1'. U. h eld tl1eir concert in Iha onee had a "Scout" who attended to the work M ethodist church on the evening of t he 4th lock. Tho cere mony tflok p lace abou t 5 very well, hut it appeai·s I.hat other und more and a good prograrr-m o was provided. 'l 'he p. m., after which the compirny_sat down importan~ dntios now demandR hls constnnt night was vory stormy and Sll\'erid other unt.o :t magnificien t r epast t~) w ln c.h. ample at\,er.1 ion. We have likewise had severa l oon trullablo events prevented a large audieuce others take up t be pen, but they too seem to but those present we1·e well pleased. Excel· justice .,as done. Tea berng over every h a ve grown weary in well doing. But as this leut aid w118 rendered by way of music from a one s ettled down for an eVfining's am use · ·-r.ink and white" talk is cheap wo will pass on few frien ds from Bowmanville who a lso ga\'O m ent, when all who wer e incli n ed "tiped t o B<Jmolhing more in terestiug. som e good recitation, and an excellent reading by Miss 111ason. T he t.hunks of our community the fantastic till t h e wee sm1~' h u urs of .Mi~s Lizzie Shaw, of Bowmanville, has re· turned home, aft.er yisiting bAr sister Mrs. A , are due also to the valuable aid rendcted by morning, when all took thoir d epartu re friends from Orono, who did uot remain away .Marr, j r. or the rain. Qur local t a lent did wishing the haJ?PY coupl e a long hfe and :Mr. John Crosby h11s returued from visiting ou nccount service, so that o. epleadid program w11os future proep ent.y. The presents t o the f rien ds in Englund. bringing wit h lum a part· good bride were useful, nu meron ~ ar,d va luable ner for·iifc. We wish them succes, and may f1re~e n tcd. t heir lives be f ull of happiness. as will be seen by the following list :Mrs. Marr, sr., has r eturned from \'i3itin)I. .rents, M r . and Mrs. R . Ard, bride's p f BAYDU.N. with her sister in Haldimand. set stone china ; Mr. and Mrs. H. A rd, Mr..Ji.mes Powers intends erecting an addlt· Our population is incr~asing. i <'D to bis barn; h o is a lso rr.modelling his F'armers are mostly throu gh seeding, Mr.·T. siher pickle cr.uet ; 1\'lr. a nd Mrs. A. house. McLaughlin finished on tho 3rd. Moffat , crystal bread plat<i ; Mr. and Mrs . Mr. "P. Lint on ia the possessor of a young Our mayor has been visiting friends in Clarke A. McKay, crystal water pitcher ; Mr. Che.mean; this is tile t11st we h ave h eard of lat ely, in t~'.is vicin~ty. . _ . . . . Mrs. Uobt. Bradey is able to ba out again af- an d Mrs. J . Warman, c rystal fruit dish; M r. and Mrs. J . A1·d, silver pickle tower; s1ting ter her severe illness. !\l.iss Jonllle J.V'Iillor , of 1>-cndall, is T1 fncnd~ amund here. . I Mr. H bidge, of ·ryrone. has the contract for Mr. and Mrs . .J. G ardiner, crystal fruit Add1110na1 charing nlltlst be lent tocourtsh11J \the rnaeon work on Mr. ftundle'e new house, dish ; Mr. and Mrs. W . Cooney, crystal wbe11 tho cuu trat;tmg purL of the _second pu~·t nn!l Mr. l'ennington, 1110 carpenter w ork, tea set ; Miss W. Burgess, cryst al cake :l.grecs to meet tho party of the 11r8t J)a.rt 1 _ n o10 They havo commc mced the foundation. than ha.If way. 'l'o· n\llkO the matter phuner, . , . dish ; Miss Smith, colo red crystal pickle Some persons broke mto ~fr. Wn.ldocka '!llll auppo,;e t hat two parties li\·c in neighboring villages and also suppose t here is a h ouse last we ek an_ d stol~ u quantity of flou};· 'l'hts ls boat : Mr. F . C ooper, crystal fruit dish ; about midway between them. Now then sup· t.he second tune I.bis has bMn don e. I here 1tre Mr. ~nd Mrs. W. FreQborn, c rystal tea pose l'Oll , would It ll(lt be very handy to moet so111e who w.ould rather .steal . than work. A there suppo~ing both parties were ugreed. few months Ill tho stone J ug might teach t h em set ; Miss Sarah Ard, silver butt e r cooler and wall pocket ; '.\fr. and Mrs . Fraser, Strange as tbie supposition may appear , such a lesson. 1 'l'ho boys who upset tlrn buggy bad to replace col ored crystal egg dish ; Miss Ettie things have re11.lly been kuown to occur. Mr. J , Ki\'ell is "up and at. it" again after his it a bout ae q uick us .t he man bad to replace the Cooney, pair crystal p ickl e dishes ; Miss recent seyero sickness. He bears the marks of h og peu. 1 pctin. Mr. D. McNeil is visiting friends in Clarke, Ester Ard, crystal fruit dish and half l<'Hrmcrs o.re gettinz along nicely with !heir Sevei·al from this neighborhood attended dozen berry dishes ; Mrs. Vinson, fancy seeding operation, the land being in good con- Cartwright Fair. t idy ; Miss Ellie Cooney, cry stal bread dition. · It is reported that Mr. John Ryan, a retired plate ; 1\'lr. and Mrs. J . Harris, si!vflr BillyPatLerson·s prem ises are dally thronged J butche r and drover of this place, has leased pickle cruet ; Miss Marion Coo per, cryst a l with visitors to inspect hi" elydesdales. He the h otel in Enniskilleu. has two of the finest horses in Uanada. Did you ever get Jertl Suckers must be very wate r pitcher ; Miss Katie Fraser, te' Mr. U. N . 'L'hornton ia home and again has I.empting, Billy. pot s tand ; .Mr. J. B.. C ooney, silver Lb_c bronzed appearance ?f tl_I.e farm youth. Mr. Geo. Brown has been visiting at Mr. S. butter knife ; ]}'.f os I. M o ffat, crystal L ies 1a eucceedmg well m lns studies up at Soper'· celery clish ; M.iss M ary Ard, bed room '.l'rin ity Medical. · . . . mack .Tack is threatened with e. dose of tar Mr. Joh,n Wright a~ll fanuly moved to Les· s e t ; M r. and Mrs. J . Simpson, half d oz;. and feathers. Jack is well acquainted with kard on 'lhursday last. we mourn our loss · . silve r teaspoons ; Mr. a nd Mrs. Ilnrgess, the latter, but we fancy the tar will not bl! Mr. J. ltuudle sold "'fine young 1!orse sired <Jltito so acceptable. 'l'ho miserable lout de· by Pride. of Scot.land to an Amenc:in buyer lamp ; Mr. and Mrs. ,V, H a rris, fancy ~ervea it o,ud a good cowhiding thrownin. last week for $ 1.SO. bread plate ; Master " Willie Cooney, p a ir \Ve n cte with much pleasure that. :Mr, J . r.. Mr. \V, H . Creeper h as t.he frame of his pepper stands ; Miss Sophia Cooper,Powers is rt1modelling a.nd repairing bis house. stable and driving abed up, 'fhos. Gilders has china. cream pitcher ; MisEi I. A r d , one When complete it will add much to t he ap- t he contract. pcara!'.co of the village. W e aheady claim Mr. w . .A.unger has.stocked his riincb to I.ho dozen crystal p e rserve dishes and c rystal that h.1~by is the ntll.te·L and most pwturesque great annoyance or 111s neighbors. water pitch e r ; Master J oaie Cooney, pair hum let m the country. T" ported one of our citi:r.ens traded horses salt stands ; Miss Lizzie Ard, crystal ·w e 11.1lmire the cleionli!1ClBB and taste shown on s~~~lay . In showing t.be speed othis nag by the t eacher and pupils 1111 at the sclloo_ I he had the miafortuno to smash his buggy cake ~tand and cheese plate ; Miss Free· g r ound. 'l'be yo rd has been well· rak ed a~d which is on the roadside a relic of _Sabbath borne, cryst:1l bread pl ate. A GuES:!'. r1dd ed of rubbish, t he _wood m cely piled rn breaking . such m en ought to be pumshed. the shed, trees pl ...uted, Howers beds made B:nd M" M d Marion McConm·chle or 198 in fa.ct the whole preunses wear a homelike · 1Lry an . f . d' h r ' West's wrapped and inviting appearance. We are ;:lad that Clarke spent Sunday wit1l nen_ s e e . this spirit is beitog cultivated in the pupils and Mr. J, Drimacombe and family o~ Bowmall· in bluo- the standard remedy for liver we hope to see the place still furthe1· b eautified ville, spent Sunday at Mr. A. McNeil's. complaint, dysp epsia, indigest ion, and so that i t may form an t1ouorable exception to Mr. \V. J. Haycraft sold Mr. M. D. Williams sick headache. All druggists. t the u sual dreariness or such vlaces. 11, s hort time ago a ho!l' th1\t weighed 600 lbs. bcau t1 fyl ng our p lace in the fu t.nre, nM.mely oil · f or threshers or fnr 1 uers' .gP.r.er-u.1 usf~. - --........·--~----- T. GEO. MASON. LIGHT BINDER THE TORO T WITH SHEAF CARRIER ATTACHED. ---- - . -. ------ Challenges the WORLD for an Equal Reco:r:d ! Is guaranteed to contain more malleable iron and steel than any other Binder in Canada. Ts guaranteed to cut closer a nd handle short and lodged grain better than any other Binder. Is g uaranteed to be mow easily operated than any other Binder. Its Cutting Appa ratu' i ~ t he best in the world. Th e only Binde:r. rum1ing the. Conveyor and Elevator BeltB and Binding .Atta.clrn 11·nt with a Single Chain. The only Bindor running the Conveyor within halt' an inch of the Cuttern. 'rht-1 only Binder having perfect Pitman ancl Knife-heel Connections. T he only Binder having irtterchangP able Bu sh BearingR The only Binder having Spiral Springs in the Canvas Belt Guid es t.o recei ve the strain and tighten the B.-lts in wet and d· ry weather. Theo only 13inder provided with a R i>lief Rak e. Tho only Binder fitted with an An}!ular Steel Cutter Bar. The only Binder on which the Sh eaf Carrier is u sed successfully. The only Binder having a Clover Seed .Attach r_i»·nt.. SHAW & T OLE, Bowmanville. Bowmanville, March 25th, 1886. MESSRS, SuAw & ToLE,- Haviog bou gh t a T oronto Lig h t Binder, and after rnnnini;( it for two harvests cutting for myself and n eighbor s, over 200 acres, not costin g m e 10 cents for repair ", b ein g able to h a ndlA it with t"'o horses with ease, I consider it the ch ampion Binder of lhe Dominion . My neighbor, Mr. Neil Osborne, had ~ field h ., coo ld not handl;;f with the Chatham Binde r, they c o uld not go thro u gh wi th o ut c h oking and I 1ven t i n with the L ight T orun t", w.. ztt six time~ aro u nd t he field with o ut leaving m y seat, not on ly cutting and b inding it bnt tnrned o ut and <;llt t,h e st.nbble t he C h a tham had passed O\'er, e levated and bouud t h e rnm e. M r. O abor mi had t he li t t" Brantford and the Dundas for s everal days cutting for him, but gave h is order for t he Light Toronto. W. H OsllOJtNE. NEWH.ARNESS--SHOP IHAINE S' CA.RRIAGE WORKS, ---o --The undersigned begs leave to intimate to tho people of llown11m\·ille and vicinity. tha.t he has opened a new Harness Sh op on King St., opposite Mr. Wm. Glover's Livery Stables, where he will ha\'e constantly on hand. aud maA"e t o order, Harness of all kinds, yiz. : GEORGE c. HAINES, Proprietor, --M.ANlJll'.A.CTURER O F - - Heavy Lumber, Farm, Light E x press, Coach , and Harness. I CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS. CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., Double KING s ·rH.EET. BOWM.A.NVILL Hae now on hand a number of vehicle· (and is manufacturing a· great many more) or the newa· patterns and best tl uish, which 1 am offe ring tor sale e.t the lowaKI prices oonBisteni with due regard to workmanship and quality. The Cllowina: l> a list ot the principal vehicles manufactured by n·e Double C over eq Carriages ... ......... .. ......... .. .... ....... . ..... .... .. .. .. 9150 Upwardr. Single Phretons . ........... ........... ...... ............. . ...................... 100 IN ALL '!.'HE LA.'l'ES'L' S'l'YLES. Open Buggy ..... ........... .... . .... :.. ........ .... . ............................ '10 Top Buggy ... .. . . ... . ..... .............. . .. .. ...... . . . .. . .... ...... .... ....... . . .. 110 A large Sl"OClk of ColJILrS or eYcry dc~erlptlon alwuys on h:rn1l, or customers can J1a"e D e m ocrat Wagon ... ...... .. .. ...... .. ... .... ..................... . .. . ... ..... .,. 65 mom 1111ule lo order on shortest notice. Lumber Wag ons.... . .... ...... .. . ...... ...... . . ... ..... . ........ .. ... ........ . .. 55 Finest stock of Horse Millinery ever shown in Light Wagon ... ....... . ...... . .. . , .... ...... .... ....... ,........................ . 40 town, .includiug : Expres s Wagon.......... ... .. .... ........ ..... . .. ..... ... . ........ ... ....... .... '75 flOBES, Skeleton.... . .......... ... . .. ........ ... ................ . .................... .. . . .. 50 BLANKETS, .B"'LY NETS,~ Sul ky.... .. ... ........ .... ..... ..... ... ........... ... . . .......... .. ................ . 40 WU.AP <:>, " Posseseing euJ)erior rac1lltles for manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very ch eap tor e ··b WllIPS. BHUSHES, or a.pproved cr edit. and by so doing I hope to greatly lncree.se my n umber of sales. Wonl& . sell the wood parts only, or th e gearings of buggies Ironed. COMBS ancl everything in season. Fine Single Harness a specialty We werenta little pleased to see the famili· ar phi:r. of Harry Uhapples in our midst al(ain .after h is illncsa Ye spent l!:aste1· in company with .M1·. l\lcDo'w ell among friends in Ca.vsa. 0CCAS1A. Mr. W, 'L'rcwin colq fii:e fine cattle to M r; "\\' . R. R. Ca.wl~~r. we1 gh111g a.bou~ 6,000 lbs }?armers arc beg mnmir to see ~hat i t costs very li ttle more to raise a good ammal than a poor one. At the ShortesttNotice, Painted and Trimmed Desired. PROMPTI.Y .A.'l'TE NDED '1'0. .iU the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning a.nO. Sawing wlth Clrole, B&nd orrSo7 . Saws, and prepare all kinds. o! lumb ar for carv.enters nd others for building purpous. Satisfaction guaranteed. I ntending pnr ohasers Orna·nenta.1 a.nd P lain P ickets for fences m every style r eauir ed . mado t.o order. · will do well to give me a call. H aving bought all goocls of the lat est style and best quality, for cash, "I will bo able to give cust omers the J.AC1' F ROST CONQUERED. - Althoucrb Ge t your buggy painted by the No. 1 b enefit. painter, B.. Stott, at Morris' Carriage during th., cold s tJaaon "Jack Frost" gets in his work lively, y e t Hal{yard's Yellow · · · . ' Works. Bowmanvillc, May 6. 1886. 19-1w Oil b eats llim every time, curing chil- - -- - · - - - - -Collars and ' Cuffs, new styles in Oel· blail}s, frost bites, and all their painful IJSJl r nor. J.O'l" 1' SIJl.PIUJR SOAP for J·rJcikl y D eal, Ne ille lta·h, Sealey Erupilon, Call at Tait & M orrison 's t o see Mm. luloid a nd Linen, a t T. Geo. Mason'· effects. Ii a.1110 cures croup, sore throat, ll~b. Rllll all flhe>i~ed cionilltions or the rheumatism, and most painful affectiens. t Clarke's Cook ery l:look. Star House. aktn, s of Vehicles Repaired J REPAIRING - 1 Kind_ if' J R BRADLEY Al Li~er .31rtll'l-genuin~

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