Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1886, p. 7

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·. scalding milk, continue stirring till the , "!11 s~~ ty t,·nMgAfu nDtEbeL.fi~eA.IJD~Fhot.R , D. co:nshteucy of 11~a1c h re11rly for use, then · pu~ Into the pan or dish you wish to est vo · hmk1r.1~ sadly of t he pas~. ]'RIDAY, APRIL JO, 188 5 By thia time, dear girls, you hu.ve prob· in ; be~t the whites of the eggs with a. ~~{~~efr~~~~s..:~v1~1ii~e~..'.'..~~t~~t. f!. 11bl37 oome to the conclusion that only prosy teacnp of pu.lverlzed sugar, spread over the allvwu can come from my pen, .so now W<'· top, place In the oven a few minutes till the lrat I see my little sisters. 11 '..!_a they played llbout our door ; · will t.i.lk <Jf something ple~ s~nt. I gr!l.uted frosting h a p1·etty brown. Cim ha ea.ten Pianos Tuned and Repaired. you a.t the ntart 1hat the 1 ifo of a woik · "dth cream, or is good enough without. l iOW that happy home is brokenS TAND :-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. tng fa1·mer's family must be a. hard one. For a change you can b~ke in cupa. _U, yes all, are gone before. ARTIES WISHING 'l'REIR PIANOS hui; there are few country .d rla who get all Hash R'>l h -Pr~p"re the mn·.t as for -G · 8." d all was poacefulTuned or repaired can haTe thorn attended th I lbl t f h 1I Ii · ~ ~ i>ra pgssed on. e P eaenrc po!e " ou o t ' r vea. ordhiary hash, ohoppiug It very fine, J had L"'"t 1;d oC s weet j oys0 by leaving word at the DOMI NION ORHAN "'Co's OFFICE, Bowma.nville. A ftrst-clas man \Vheu I lived oa a farm I was lhe only molst<en with a. spoonful uf cold gra.vy or J_ was tben a happy inotber, !Dow beinR in their mplo ·. 1-1.erry with my girla aEd be.ya. fe.rmer'a d11ugbter for milee i.round wh u meat juice if you have it, add an eqnal We · have all t he best grades of wue heretic tnough to ride horsebalk quantity of ma.abed pota.toee (fresh is best), ·1 h th6 1axt a ·se.1der ecene aw·its me: Newly improved Verse~ & Motto all T rue my h orse did not 9 w.iys ave · a.nd the same of stale bread crumbs finely !}1ft, the angel death is near, Chromo 0ards, with naine and a water pr oper gait fgr a lady's s ,1ddle borne, and grated and soaked in milk or crea.m oh, mybueb·.vd he is dying · pen for IOc. 5 packs. 5 pena, for 50c. l.l the W<>dd seems dark and drear. Agents sample pack. outtlt. and illus. for ma.ny yellorB the luxury d a. ~ide a..ddlo Work a.ll well t ogetber with the hand trated ca talogue of NovPlties. for a. 3c. stamp wa.s unknown to me, bnt a blanket tightly me.ke Into rolls a.bout three inches long t hat is manufactured. J lo. t my cup weu o-rer.tlowing · and this slip. !--· W ·. KINNEY, Yarmouth, atrapped un the l: aak of my Jhcephelas, a.nd half the thiokness, and brown in a. ~I Y darlings left ma, one by ~no, N. S. 0-6m We h~ve in st ock all ~inds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, did duty for a. saddle and I a.cq nlred a.u hot even fifteen or t wenty minutes, or you fl nd my human hea rt strived vainly · r o say " God s own will be uono " ease and freedom of mdion that one does ms.y spread t he hash in a well-greased American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shor ts, Oats and Chicken not a.lwa)'B get at a. riding sohool. When bread pan and eet it in t ho oven ; when · r hen I tu!'7'ed my sad heal't up Vitn d Fe~d, Croc.kery and Glassware, Fres~ and O~red. Meats, Sausages and &t the sge of fourteen, I taught a country b ro'l\-ned on the bottQtn turn Into a dish .;\ sld ug God to givti m ·' perne · ' Laid of his own make and rendermg. Life-trme experience in thiil ·ohool, my first hardly earned five d, Hara orusted side up, a.nd t>end to t;he t!l.ble, (live Ill" courage to live t his i1 fe, wa.e Invested In a recond baud side saddle. ·1 .'111 my weary h eart ehould cease. Meat D epartment enables us to supply a quality unequalled. If you do not ride you do not know how Training the Children. .fl ncl I got the ftrength I needed, The Grocery Department, under t he supervision of Mr John .Allin muoh health and pleasur e you are mlesing. ( I er n.y sad heart l:I e shed Lot no consideration of the want of a. habit , Children should be !!p!l.red from sorrow an of th~ very best quality. ~ o t~ash or poor goods k ept · in stock, d~alii v i.vine pea c~ IJ,'1 d consola t'on deter you from m111dag t he experiment, much r.s poaatble; their sunshine of hope nd my hungry heart He fed. only m t he best goods, which w~ll be sold at t he lowest possible prices. A pa.Ir of vonr blg brot her's aecond beet and j oy should never ha d im med, so 118 to p1 mtaloono, an old water-proof 8kirt, your leave thern without even t he memory of ih )'low Ipat· e~tly am waiting Your patronage will be thankfully i·eceived. ' ·j il my tro uble J life is o'er. bu1t fittjtJg waist 5nd a. little round o~p or glory. The perfume of a. thousand roses · l·lll Im called unto my Father Goods delivered to ·.all parts of t he town on short notice. Preserve Y 0111· Sigllt. tightly 1 fittf.ng hat of any kind, and y ou 8 on dies, but the pu.in ca.used by one of · 4ci;ting i. eace~ul everinor e. ' A call solicited. Use LAZARUS' Oi·te of the firm of Lazar- ma.y ba.ve a.11 mnch enjoyment a.s you wtu1.d their thorns rema.ins long after; a aa.ddened us & Morris.) Renowned Spectaclea ·and Eye· in a thirt y dollur tailor-made habit. B a. remembrance In the midst of mirth ill Uke Glasses, '!'hey are the best in the world. '!'hey gin with \lJe gentlest horse in your father's that" thorn among the roseo." Cash tol" Butter, Eg·gs, Hides, Tallow, Beet, Po1·k and LATEST DEFINITIONS. never tire the eye, and last many years with· When i!.n accident occurs, learn whether out change. For sale by Kenner & Co. Bow- stable, unlesa you v.re naturally fearlesa. aH .Farm Produce. Sit well .and firmly, keeping your face so i~ was through m isfortune, oareleBSnees or 1vfauufact-urer-A man whose contr ol of ma.nville. 6-~f. that a. line drawn from your nooe would wilfulness before you pa,sa sentence. Acoi· his ow· business 111 limited to pi!.ying the 0 . M. CAWKER, come e:x11ctly between the horse's ea.re. Go dont1 a.re freq nently of great service, and bills, J OHN ALLIN. B tt Ab t · tit · slowly at first until you ca.n ride at il wa.lk- children often learn more caution and gain · more real inform:i.tion from their occurrence oyao _,enevo1en ins ution 1mport· mg pace without allowing your body to ed fr 0 ..1 Ireland. sway with eve.~y motion of the horse. than from fiftv loasons. Be It remembered L l hilr agitato ~-A t oiling workman who There is nothing more graceful than a lady that tl.e p erfection of science ls owing to on horneback if she knows how to dde, a.nd the cccurrence and remedy of its early a.col· la.bore sixteen hQUrB a. d ay wi th his chin, Oa1·if;a,liat- A villain who ha.a acaumulat· nothing so awk ward if she sits as if she dents, were &bout to foll off a.nd bonnces up and 'l'her e can be no greater mistake than to ed sonlething by hie own indust ry. down from hAir saddl-:i. Try to sit as if CGnsider children a! deatit u1;e of underatilnd· Stril!:e-Au lmpraved gun that wounds ten you wt·re il p!!.rt of the anim<l>l. It Is not Ing ; thdr nnderijtandh:1g rihonld rather be at the breech as often ae one at the muzzle, fair tor the boy:i on a fazm to have all the appe11.lei t.o a.:ul consulted Most of us re· K night-A. bnve fellow who ·by a scoret fun. I a.lwaya vigorously disputed with membar being imp9sed upon In youth aud oath !aaa puted with his persDnal liberty. my brothers, the privilege of tii.kiDg the how our eJ.deTll .eought sometim111 to put 1111 E ight-hoar movement-A charitable FOR THE NEXT MONTH horeea to be shod, a.nd even of driving the otfwith eTasive aaawors or ln1ufficlent ex· sohen"' for ihe benefit of ea.loons, oowa to pasture on hl'rsebaok, 1;hls, how· pl1i.na.tlona ; how they told us some plausi· K ERP A F ULL STOCK OF Dia~dct Secretilry-A soverfgn ruler who ever, when I waa very young. ple1tory as a.n excuse or a11 a.re11ison; we al· Goods will be sacrificed to make If you do not like the farm and are de- so rememb·r that even ln our youth znd "ord·> C H out" those fill.at would like to termlned at all eventa t() get away !rom It, simplicity we were quite c11pa.ble of seeing work, rObm for a change in the business, try La\>orer-A suffering martyr from the to think oat some original path in life through theirman9uvera. I for yourself, The baaten tracks a.re overNow I do not believe in this sort of tyrawy of-strikers. so all who want run with busy feet. The wife of a once thing. There should be no atlfl!ng of truth Striker-A man ha.ving a. " good time" wea.lthy merchant being In reduced cironm- a.nd no relaxa.tlon of duty. If, as often wlll -with a. head-ache and an empty poo1 et stances, went to a frl.end to ask her advice !Ip pen, It ls not expedient or proper for the next morning. AL S O SELEC T ST O CK O F a.s to how sbe oould best gain a Uvelihoo<i. the children to know a pa.rtlcular fao; .or in· WebBtJr St11 p erseded. From "Lif e." " What is tb e thing thr.t yo11 can beat do ?" oldent, they 1hould be told ~o with klndne81! DRY GOODS, asked the friend. "M11oke chicken plea,'· and frankness, but il.t the same time with said the poor lady with an att.empt r.t a firmne111. 1 am a fraid pa.rent!! are too apt The American Bison. CLOTHING, cheerful laugh, " 1 hen," !aid her friend, ·to ove.rlook the lntelligenoe of th~lr children , Twenty years ago the chief fea.ture of the FURNISHINGS, " m11ke chicken plea." She accord ingly and address themselven to their stature ; pla.ina beyond the Missouri was the countleH 1 bought a. number of amall earthen dishes, they forget the :wind, which is invisible, in herds ef b11ff11lo tverywhere to be saen. Now and FUR GOODS, and begun In a small way her n.ovel trade. the preaenoe of ma.tter? whioh is seen. all have disappeared. Theodore R oosevelt &c ~ At first these were· sold through the Tile ~eatment of ohi~dren mast alwa.ys, says there are not 1 000 buftalos In Amerloa.. will please call at the ECLIPSE "Woma.n'e Exchange," but a.s she became for their OW!l llakes, differ muoh from that It is said one may travel l ,000 miles on the A.GENTS FOR known they were 01dered directly from her, of adults. Our.manner of addressing them pl1'lns and never ba out of eight of a. dea.d rHOUSE. ir.nd e.s they were dellcfouq and reMonu.ble must also be different; but there does not buffalo nor within sight of a live one. But In price she was soon obliged to enlarge her seem to be e.ny rea.~on why we should not !\ newspaper has t ho c urious sta.tement that esta.bllahtnent; them fall ored1t for the amount of In· a new species of buffalo h developing In the IVE~. Another lady, the daughter of a well· give telllgenoe ~hey do poHtJSe. "'."0 ma>; every woody preolpitons r egions of the mountilln known metropolitan journir.list, h u.d a. na.tnr- day see children with more d1acrimmation, r11ngee ; It sb.una the open plains, lives In ill m ..ing and aptitude tor c11oking fancy greater itoGd eense, of better r egulated mor· email herds, is endowed with great activity, dishes. O.ao of her specbltles was a new a.I deportment, th11n many wheee iall figure a.nd Is 11 cle i.r cas<i of the "survivir.l of the combinatien for Cha.rlotte Russe, for which or riper r.ge ha1 Invested t l,.em with the fiiteat;" she used oream purchased d ir ectly consequence of men and women. country friend instead of t he abominable Ole of the newest things : In p11.p er manA Bulgarian Heroine. fiilhng made of the whiten of llmod eggs, e, which !lre The vVlddin corre2pondent of the St, u facture ls ga.a and water pipensed in most bakerie.~ . They were so ends to tha.t newspaper found very eervic~11oble. It is stat ed that delicious that a hotel m11on who heard of Pet ersburg Novesti M them; gla.d to find a new source of profit the followin~ a.ccount of a young Bulgarian theee pipes, when properly ma.de, will re~ Filled with absolute purity and correctness. for himeelf and pleasure for his guests, ask- girl who t ook !Ul u.ctive part in t he late war alst an Internal pressure of so111s 2, 000 ed her to ma.ke them for his est11blishrr:ilnt. against Servia, dlstinguiablng henelf at pounds thcugh the t hickness of the mat e, She la now working three hours a. day, a n d Siivnitza. a.nd a.t Pirot, and reoalved two riii.l is only a.bout h11olf an inch. " . Will, to ma ko room for Spring Importations, wl.t h the asslst:r.nue of u. ma.id is making crosses for bn.very, P revious to t he outmere money tba.n her fothe:-. The mor al of brelllk of hostilities ehe joined a oomrauy of · offer for the next GO D.A.YS, the whole of thb le " Lea.rn to do at least one thing rn.Hitia-such oompa.nie1 were then lorming -hie immense s tock . ofin vaHoua p& r ts of Bulgarii>.-and a.coomwell," A writer of intelligence and observation panled it to the sout hern frontier in the hope Boots and !Sh o~s, once ell.Id, " I wish I could impras11 it u pon of t here meeting with the enemy. During the minds of girls tb?.t the chfof end of some time sho managed to conceal her se:i:, Sli1>1·e1·s, Rubbe1·s, woman is not ·w ma.i-ry young. " I would fo:r her comr ades took her to be a youth whlob t here t o add that the chid end is not marry- wit h a.n effeminate fa.ca, T11.·t1nks, Valises, &c., like _ ing 11t a.n y al!'e. Ab t wenty few girls wonld W&re ma.ny auch t o be met wit h a.mong t he ArG prepared t o pay t he hig hes t prioes Don't fail to call at t hink of mo.rrylng t he m11n they would militia, Only the commi!.nder of her aom· - A'rgb dly hir.ve married atsl:ideen. As a wo- pa.ny knew her ·liecret; she was obliged to for all kinds of Grain d elivered a t the man grows older her mind and her know- disclose it to him when t he company had set Wharf or t heir Store House in town. ledge of t he world increa.srn, and ehe k nows out upvn its m:>l:'oh, and he appears t o have batter than to judge a me.n merely by Pp- loyally kept it t o himself, In all exercises, And le prepared to execute all pearancea. She learns th11.t a. man fo p!!.ra.des :i.nd reviews ishe t ook pa.rt jointly - - - anrl see the - - society and a man at home are two widely with her mah comrades. At la~t, when different balngs· . Wait Ulltll you ha.ve Setvfa declared w11.r age.inst Bulgaria., the on t.h e shortest not ice. passed the peanut a nd t affy stage before heroine took par t In the forced march int o you choose a partner for life. R~niember Servb., fought at the battle of Slivnitza, and During that you cannot disca.rd your husband as j oined in the att11.ck upcn P.irot. you would your silver spoon, when tlie the fight.she did all ahe could to encoura.ge A fresh st ock of T~unk s and. Valises j ust received. her comrades, and they in return una.micnas was worn off. neatly and promptly attended to; having none plating and gloE ly voted to hel' t he company's medal for B11t i1i seems to me that I drop into adbut ftrst·class worfrmen employed. vice ae naturally as Silas W egg dropped in- bravery. W hen, ln consequence of the war 1 1 S ' SATISFACTION GU A.RANTEED .~ to poetry, and of all t hankless ta~ks, giv- oomlng t!> an end, th~ militia waa dispersed ing advice on this subject, Is the most she went to Sofia and was there presented D. DA. VI thankles~. Aa long 11s the world revolvt s t o Prince Alexander, who awarded her a L CALL AND GET ONE. Express Office Building. on his a:xls the dwellers on it will " marry seoond decoration for bravery. She then returned to Widdin, her place of domloile Bowmanville, Feb. I 1886. in ha.ate and xepent at leisure," ~ I lu\VI) l\ p oi1ltlvo romody for tho l\bovo d i 11enac ; b y ita U81J before t he war, wh~re she acts a.s servalt t hnuu nde o ( c11.Rc a oftlie w OrALk in d t1t11\ oflon g atH.udfng b nve been cure(l. Jn <lee<I , so strnnii: is my tn.tth. In i t11 t o an old la.dy, She says that should ihe Choice ll.1Cipes. c ffi cn.cy,.t lu1t [ will sen d 'l' \VO B OT't'J,ES F'HEE, together w i th a V AL UA..UJ,E 'I RF.:ATISK o n th1s <Usc~al?I t.o a n y Klsses,-Whltes of two eggs, two cup3 Se, vfans begin another war she will again eufforer. Glvo c::i:prees n.n d P. 0 , nddrcss. them, but In her womir.n'e atfight age.inst rm. 1'. A. ffLOCIThl , suga!', one teaspoonful vanilla. Put the J3ra.nch Office, 37 Yonge St., '.r oronto sug"'r in a basin on t he stove, with about ti re, for it ls n ot worth while t9 change Olle'e d ress for such an enemy. three ta.blea11nonfule of cold wa.ter. Cook uutll lt h<.1.irll, H;i,ve t he eggs well beii.ten, ssoo.oo Essay on "Oolumbus." and turn the ~ugar little by little into the bea.ten whites. L st the auga.r boil until all The following story coi;ri.ea from a school used. K eep at irrlng unt il stiff. H ave a in the Midlands. The master t old the vtry hot oven, and oq lll p iece of harcl wood boya of the third class to write a. short eseay lay a. gr eased paper, ar.d drop by spoonful s upon Columbus. Tbe foll<'wlng was 2ent the mfature on silid pa.per, .B!lke until a up by a.n ambit ious essaJ lat : " Clumbus AIE w1ll pay the above Beward -.fo r a ny light brown. They may be filled wi th was a rn11on who could ma.ke an egg sh nd on I V case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, jelly, whipped cream, or ot herwise, end without .bre11klllg it . T he K ing of Sick Headache, Indigestion or Costiveness Ohllc!ren'n Pudrling.-Hea.t a generous Spain ~aid to C!umbu ~, ' Can yo11 discover we cannot Cure with WEST'S LIVE:B. pint of milk to bailing ps!nt. St fr into the Amer ica? ·Yes, ' said Olumbua, 'if you PILLS, when t h e Directious are strictly milk one tablespoonful ef corn starch wh" lcb will g ive me a. ship. ' So he h11d a ship, complied with. Large Boxes, contaiutng ha.a been emo ot hly mixed with a lit tle cold and sailed over the sea. ln tho direction ao l'ills, 25 Cen ts; 6 :Doxes $1.00. !Bold milk, t wo well-beatt;n eggs, a. t a.blespoon · where he t hought Amer ica ought t o be by all Druggillts. foi of butter , and sugar to taste ; es3ence of found. T he ea.Hors quarrelled, and t hey -·-----------------~ - ; POSITIVELY CURES : nid t hey bel.fovcd there waa no ouch place. k mon Is ple1 mmt as fla.voring. Lst all this 1 boil up once, and t h1m a.dd one cupful of Rut after many <la.ya the pilot came to him st ewed prunes th11.t have been seeded. and 2a!d, · Olumba.a, ' I oee l"nd, ' ' Th6D P<Ju r the mixture in~o a buttered bakiog ·that is Amerfoa,' said ·ciumbus. W hen dish and b i!.ke for t wenty mfoute3, Serve the ship got near the land w11s full of blaok men. Olumbu.o aa.id, ' Ia this Americl\ ?' with oream or sauce or au natural. 1 P.usnip Fritters. - Scrape the p arsnips, ·Yea it i~,' said t hey. Then he so.id, I you a re the N iggers ?' ' Y~s, " suppose and if large put them into boiling water and boil, with salt enough to season them nice· they ail.id ; ' we are.' The chief e11id, 'I ly, till qulte ~ender, then ma11h them, add· suppose you a.re Oiumbus ?' ' Y ou a.ro inll' to four or five parsnips a heaping ta.ble- right,' Blllid he, Then the ohief turned to . ner ally aware that apoontul of flour, one or two beaten eggs, hie men and ea.Id, ' There is no help for it ; sufferers are not ge . us or that theV we a.re dlsoovered at la.at.' " and pepper and salt to taste. Make up . are contag10 · these diseases f living parasites into cakes a.nd fry In hot pork fat. Even A New Way to Raise. Ohickens· are due to the presence o f the nose and A few Boxes will cure any c ase .of :Dys· those who have a root.ad prejudice against · ., membrane o h pepsla, simply by taking One J.'111 every parsnips will gener11.lly like them in this "Pompey, ha.s yo' hearn ' bout de new tn the llnina Microscopic researc . 111ight on retiring. They do uot lose their form. way o' raisin' chickens ?" Eustacian tu~es. fact and the resul\ Tea-Oake.-Llght: White onga.r, one e4ect Ulr.e other 2"ills. "No, Jube. W'a.t'e dat ?" has proved this to be ad h~ been formuand one· half cups ; butter, one-half cup; " Why, I b'lsbe dey calls it artyfishµe is that a simple ~me ~iseasos are cured sweet milk, one·half cup ; flour, two tea.· mefod, or ra.leln' chlokena without a. mud· of baking powder ; flavor with der." lated whereby t e:e: simple applications 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $1.00. spoonfols lemon. Dark part : Brawn sugar, one ' 1 R!lialn' chickens 'dout a mudder ? Lor' In from one to t~ descrtptfve pampbl·t·'\_. ~ THtRTV ~A aox .. ~ cup ; molasses, one-ha.If cup ; butter, one· eakes I dat boy 'Z akal o' mine knows all made at home. . by A. H. 'half cup ; 11weet milk, one-hll.lf cup ; yolks 'bout da.t." sent fre· on recetpt of~~ Wut. of four eggs ; two and one.half oups of SQLD BY ± LL DRUGGIST$. "He do?" 'Dixon Be. Son. 805 n 'flour ; two teaspoons of baking. powder ; " Y a.as ! He'm been raisin' ohlckene off Toronto, Canadi!o mix in separate parts ; flavor with spices. o' rooists deze las' ten year, ir.n' I don' apeo' Florentine Pudding-Put a qua.rt of he obber took his mudder wld 'im once." THIS OUT and r eturn to us with IOc. or 4 3c. stamps, and you'll get milk Int o your pa.n, let It come to a boll, by return mail a Golden Box of If Senator Wilson gets his bill through mb: smoothly three ta.blespoenfuls of corn· Goods that will bring you in more str.rch and a little cold mUk, a.dd the yolke doubling the ra.te11 on fourth.class matter he money in one month than anything else in of three eggs beaten, half a tea.cup of will p robably find it cheaper to triwel a.a America. Either sex make money fa.et, CI TY NOVEL'l'Y CO., Ylll·mouth, N.S, sug.r, fiuor with vs.nilla, lemon or any· freight. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~ ... ~~'5~!.~~-~-~~~~~=!·~sa~a~-~:~s~a~z:aa~!"'~'~'~~~·~~~·~·!!!~c:~a~z~a~,p~~~!Mf~·!&~~·!ew~a~ · ~~~~~~~~~~!!!~!!!!!~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ /it'\tU dt.\i'U ~t\.-wt· tittt\i'U 1 HOUSEHOLD. thing your fancy auggeste, stir into the ADreamofthePast. ~»-::J "' ~ --· ,.,l t~ '-""' + Table Talk. D · ... IB lll rK m rn ~ Grocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. w £~ ~ u fil P 0 A , . A complete stock always on hand. 50 ~Q~~~B; Alm~ ~~~oom BL~ur~ a F. srocK TAKING Eclipso House Bargains Ill J. HIGGINBOTHAM & 801, Chem i sts and Druggists, . PURE DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. Hair Brushes and Combs, Perfumery and Sponges Toilet Soaps, Chamois, w. GREAT 6 H. 0 THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD. Pure Ground Oil Cak e. DAYS' C~ARING SiiE ! · n. DAVIS . -...... - PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS. GRAIN o f Jno. McMurtry & Co. ' · aas awn oTnaaa t Greatly Reduced Prices. W. H8 N1 AY'S HARNESS STORE ORDERED WORK REPAIRING s, DUNN'S BA Kl NC $18 Nickel Plate Single Driving Harness. POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Bull Bone Wh p s still take the lead GONSUMP-TIDN. WORLD'S BEST I WEST'S , LIVER - QE ARD! .PILLS DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, INDIGESTION. --·- John C _ . Wes_ t &·Co. PROPRIE'l'otts, TORONTO- --·-. UT C

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