Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Apr 1886, p. 2

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f!:aundiau j'tatt.'lmau. FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1886. rHE CANADIAN $TATESMAN rs PUBLISHED ETERY FRIDAY MORNING, -BY- O\t .ER THE OCEAN. YOUNG FOLKS. PERSONAL ~POINTS. King Theebaw ls an expert poker playe:r. Sir Charloa Dllke lives In the old heme of Charle11 Reade, called by the liotter ' 'Ns.both's Vineyard," Ironyh, the chemist whose experiments led to the disoovery of the modern match, baa just d!od at l'e11~h. The ceniena.ry of the birth of Ludwig I. of B·varia will be celebrated elabors.tely at Manloh on Jnly 8, 9 and 10, The la.ta Ptince Torlonfa left a fortune of $20,000.000, to be divided equally betwuen hie only child and her eldest son, Although K ossuth ie eighty-four yearn old, it ia Hid that h e entered with eplrit Into the r ecent carnival.festivities at Na.pies. Lord Wantage has given twenty a.ores of land s.t Blewbury, near Willlngford, Eogbnd, for the site of the Gordon Memorial Industrial Soboo!s, Mrs. Marv Grant Cramer, elater of Gen. Grant, , ls lecturing in MMeachusetts under the ausplnes of the W oma.n'n Christian Tern· perance U nlon. D.m Rloe, th~ one-Hme famous .Sha.kespea.rean circus clown, is lecturing In Texas a.ad h said to-receive $500 a week for hill ora.torlcEl groand ana lofty tumbling. Q11een Victoria's recent attendu.noa of a performance of " Mors et Vita" at Albert Hall, L andon, was to a day t en ya11,n after her last prevloua vhit to that building, Cope Whitt.house, the American expert in Egyptio.n lore, hae left Na.plea fer the Nile. He 0111.imo to have discovered In Central Eg1pt tho basin of ancient L~ke Moerl11. ProfBHsor J. H. Siddons, a gmndson of the great S.uah Slddons, died in Washington recenUy. He was boru in Calcutta. in 1800, imd built and managed the first the&tre in tha.t city. He was at one time editor of the Lon.don .tlrmy and Navy GazetlP., Prlnoo Louis Napoleon ls having a good time in Inrli111. On the 13;h of ,J annary he went into the jnngle and shot hia first tiger. The next da.y bia contribution to the bag wae a r hl:noooroo, nnd a fow days later, in a. hunt aiter wild elephants, he brought down a fine old " tusker." Presidont Clevelallld denies tha.t he has the mm:veloue m emory his flatterers have ascribed to him. He ea.ya his memory ia very oa.prlc!ons, often retaining t rifling de~lls rega.rdlng l!Ome orosu-roads postoffioe while letting 11lip matters ot the first importllllce. Couut<B9 Irene Taaffe, wife of the Austrian Premier, recently told a friend that she would be obliged to sell her wa.rdrobe to give a marriage dowry to her eldest du.ughter, '.l'hero is a. question wh<.1thor she is slightly dere.Dged or Wi.'18 merely giving her fti end ii. little taffv. Mr, Henry Irvfng'a eldest son, having been successful In amateur dra.ma,tlc performa.noee, is determined to go upon the professional at.age, but his father, although a.nxlous tJ do oo, declares hlmself un~blo to e.esist him in doillg oo, on acJount of the pre· !ent Bll8teru of orge.niz'.ng theatrioal com· pa.nles. A wcndtrful Chinese boy Is mentioned in the r eport of a missionary at Pekin, At a. reosnt examination he r epeatGd the entire New '.l'estnment without missing a. singl" word or making one mlats.ke. He is now oommltting to memory Dr. Ml\rtln'e "Evldenoes of Christianity," a taek which he will soon l!.Ocomplieb, Alexander H. Stephens' grave is still nnma~ed, but . above the grave of Ha.rry Steve11,a, his colored eervant, a stone he.o been erected beating the legend: 'He was for mu.ny years t he faithful, trnated a.ud beloved body servo.nt of Alexa.nder H. Stephen1. Like him he W!IS distlngniehed for klndneu. uprightness and benevol ence. Ae a man he was honest and true, Ae I\ Christian h.e wa.a humble and trustlng." It le all.id tha.t the head of a great drygoods store In Parle. M. Jaluzot, wan about t'o marry recently a lady of high position a.nd noble family. He requested tbe head of the Orleans family, the Comte de Parie, to serve 11.s a witness, The &mwer returned by tha aeeretary of the Prince was " Monseigneur CIU!Dot r ender auoh a service except to a titled person," This answer ls a.bout the mt>st unpopular statement thllt the C )mte de Parfo, who pretendil to be something of a democrat, could have sent to a. I!'renonman. Princsss Ypal!nntl, whose bankruptcy h&u excit ed so muoh ~02alp in Viennu., and, in fa.at, t houghout Europe, ie a. daughter of the cel;,bra.ted bs.nkex· Iluon i::litm, ri.n.d widow of the late Greciru1 Minister. P dnoo Y psilantl was an ino~rrlg~ble gambler, and bafore hie death b&c1 6punt eever:>ol fortunes, mcrt· gaged his estates, and induoad hie wife to algn he&vy bi!ls gunnnteed by her per~cnal property. At the death of the Prince bis creditorn immediately besieged the nnfortunate. Princess, who, to prot~ct hcrsolf, was obliged to declare herself & bankrupt. Her bea.lth broko down under this etrain. I S~ASONABLE SMILES M, A.JAMES, BE.ALTH. Spring Winds and Cold.a. -011r early spring weather ls peculiarly trying t) delicate persona, and no ene who has any a.ffectlon of the cheat, or bronchial t11bea, should expose hlmaelf to high wind·, .especially those that blow from north ot ea.at. As a rule, still, cold wea.ther will .never hurt any one, if properly clothed, but if moderate weather h accompanied by cold winds, then beware. Nervous . people will ueaally find a hea.da.che, and general depresalen of the whole system, to be the result ef awalk ona cold, da.mp, windy day, But there are many whose bueinees calls them oat in all weathers, and to these we would ay, take t he greatest pa.Ins to tone the system so aa to reelat oolcl, and protect the body agalnat sudden changes. Cheat-pro· teotora of silk, ohamole skin, or even byen of newspapen, should be worn both back and front, for the lunge Ile nearer the shoulders than the ohest, It la the food which le d lgeated that supports life, It la a. good plllll, too, to duh the neck, chest, and a.rms, .every morning with oold water, rubbing them vigorously afterward, with a rough towel dipped In a.lcohol, Rot ba.tha should only be ~en a.t night, and cold onee In the morning. When a creepy, chilly aensa.tlon .is felt, and the first symptoms of a cold a.ppea.r, three or four drops of oamphcr on a r , wlll often prolump of sugar, or In wa.te. duce a reaction, and frequently ward off the threatened attack, Hea.lthful sleep is Na.ture's great restorer, and this should always be procured, but by rational means alone ; narcotics, except ID extreme oaees, are alwa.ya to be avoided, A biscuit, a. bowl of oat· meal porridge, or gfass of warm .milk, taken on retiring, will aid in drawing tho bloed from the brain, and produce aweet, healthy drowelnesa. Bedrooms ahould be well-ventllr.ted and oomforta.ble, a.nd the bed-clothes warm, but not heavy. It 18 said that colds are often contra.cted in bed, and those with weak chests will do well to wee.r the lung-protector at night, &a well a.a by da.y, as the portion of the frame most frequently unprotected is that between the .ehoulder bla.dee, · .A.T THE OFEICE t·o 1&@lllceBloek,1Unr;St.,Bo,vmanTllie,Ont ljl1.se:perannum,or$J.001fpaldln adTanee .Payment strictly ln ad..-ance required from subscribers outside of the county. Ord~rs to discontinue the paper mu~t be accompanied by ne amount due,or the paper will no~ be stopped. mbeoribers are respol!sibleuntiltul !payment is made, RA.TES OF ADVERTISING I 1 Sa~ -VboleColumnoneyear ...... . ...... 860 001l:;::i~ " u " Ono quarter ·.··.···. 20 00 l??tlalt Column one year .. . . ·. . . . . . . ·. · :16 00 - .. Half year .... .......·.. 20 00 " ·· One quarter ..... ...... 12 Jnarter Colurr..n one yeo.r ........... 20 00 " " Ralf year ......... . . 12 5 " One quarter...... ·· 8 001 .tx lines and under, first ins_ertion .. $0 Blaoh subsequentlnsert1on . ....· 0 25 l'rom eix to ten lines, first inaertioi:., 0 75 ·.,. Each subsequent insertion...... 0 36·=-lO 'ver tenlines,firstinsertion,perlioe 0 IO_ Each subsequent insertion, " 0 03 _ The number of lines to be reckoned by110 spo.ceoccupied,.measured by ascaleof olid Nonvareil. Halfye&r ............ 36 oo.· ~~ 50 505 0 1 = Dr. A.. BEITH, 1 RADUA'l'E01" THE 'rORON'rO UNIV~Il J SITY, Physician, Surgeon, &.c. O!fice King treet, MORRIS' BLOCK, Bowma.nville. "· w. l!leJ..augbltn, M. B., LICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of Physicians and member of the Royal lollege of Surgeons, Edinbur~h. Office: MORRIS' BLOCK King-st.,Bowmanvll_le_._ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ DR· .J. (J. J UITCHELL. '\KEM.BER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS .n. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. eto. Otllce and ltesidence, Ennisklllen. 74. DR. TA111BLTN, .. P HYSICIAN, SURGEON and AOC'?UCHEUR. Office :-Silver Street, Bowmanville. 1 D. UllRKE Sll!lr S ON, f'> BLOCK, up stairs, King . Street, Bowman rille. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. rrlTate Jllone'l'S loaned at the lowest rates, D A.RRIS'rKR., SOLICI'l'OR, &o., MOPRIS Science for the Siok. Invalids, as a rule, have a great dea.l of leisure on their hands-more of it than they like-and to fill this time pleasantly ie a queetlon involving a good deal more than mere amusement. The importlllloe of mental dlatre.otion to invalids Is a fact too universally reoogniir..ed to call for comment here, my obj eot In this paper being merely to suggest a mode of diatraotion that, in my. own experience, has not only boen attended with the ha.ppiest results physically, but has proved a eouroe of Intense and never-falling plea.sure. I allude to the stud) of botanynot the tiresome, profitleas study of textbooks, but of the woods, and fields, lllld me&dows, The beauty of ibis pursuit Is that it takes tjie student out-of-doors, and thloat and hmg trouolee, !iii h1ur been truly said, are beuse-dleeaaea, I am speaking, of course, to those who ha°\-e begun to fight ·he enemy beforo he ha1 captured the inner defenses, and who are supposed to be strong eneugh to do a reasonable a.mount of walking, and 1ome solid thinking. For botany, th11ugh the simplest of the ·clences, can not Ile mastered without some effort, Y on are met right at the threshold by tha.t fearful, technical vocabulary which must be conquered before advancing a single step-a. la.Dor so formidable and repellent, when undertaken aooording to the old school-book method, that I do not wonder so many have shrunk a.way from it In disgust or in despair. Sohn n.ettb Galbr11Ub, · A.RltISTER SOLICI'rOR, NO'l'ARY PUBLIC &o. ' Oftlce-Bounsall's Bloc,k King Street: Bowmanville. Money to lend, B (\, of Marriage'Licenses, Barrister and At tor· &:r at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Money >aned on Real Estate. Office on King street, lowmanville. ..:_ ~~---~~~-~- ROBE RT A.JUllOUR, fl EGIST RAR WEST DURHAM ISSUER __ __ 21. ·r. rHILLirS rr ICENSED AUUTIONEER tor the County L ot Durham, Salee promptly attended, 59, Addresl5-Hamvton P, 0, OIIN HUGBES.-Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator and Arbitrator. Fire and Life J naura.noe, Notes and Accounts Collected. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO man who buys his License from A. every SYLVES'l'ER, Jll:NRY Enni~killen . Money to Lend on r easonable te1·ms, Address ~72 Cartwright, Ont. w. W. DICKEY, ETERINARY SURGEON, graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Office and ieeidcnce, Nlllw1'0NVILLE, Ont. Will visit Orono every 'J'ueeday. Olfice hours rem 12 a. m. to 4 p. m .. at Coulter·s Hotel. * Special attention paid to Surge1·y. 82-ly V M ONEY ! MONEY !-The subscriber receives money on deposit for the9ntario Loan and Savings Company, and pays mte°reet 11ot the rate of 4 and 5 per cent. No notice ot withdrawal required. .Also lo~ne money ,on mortgages at lowest rates. No commission charged. W . F. ALLEN, Bowmanvi!le. 8-ly. Health and Sunlight. Aa the sun now resumes something of hl11 fervor and brilliance over our hemisphere, health seekers should make it a point to.get a daily aun bath. Yve all underata.nd the bad effect of the withdrawal of light from plants In winter, But It I~ too easily forgotten that throngh the short a.nd dai;k days of winter the human body suffer& m the same way as vegeta.tlon, and hence needs the therapeutic agency of sunshine at this .season to repair its waated forces, A write~ 1.n the last number of t he Meteorological Magazino forcibly stat~s the connection between eunllght and health, and quotes from Dr. Bell's la.te work on climatology the following weighty sentence : . " Free a.ccesa of light favors nutrition and regularity of development, and oontribntea to beautify the oountenanoe ; while deficiency of light la asuAlly ohara.<iterlzed by uglineos, ricketa and deformity, and is a frnitful source of scrofula and conaumptlon in any climate." Thie atatement, we may add, is corroborated by a faot notloed by Dr. Hammond, that " various experiments demonstrate tha.t tho a.otfon of light is of benefit In many condl· tiona, &ll remia, chloroala and phthlsis being -among the number." It is probable that one of the chief benefits derived by invalid a from a winter's sojourn at Alpine or tropical resorts is due to the brger amount of sunlight enjoyed, So Jlo! Ge11t1eme11 oCFasl1 ion, not so tast. ave written these few line& .And all I have to say_ rtiat you can find me Siillat home, lam not gone a way. So all my kind old rriendsmay come, And all they oung ones, too, A.nd get their garments nicely made Intashionsthatare new: Vbere old and young, deartriends, may meet A weloome llrAetinR. bv R. PEATE Ry DENT I ST ~ · · WITH TltETBo II· T m· BRI'V ·cowrBE · ..LU.A WITHou·.r TEErH. .W. ' PRA.CTICA.I. DENTIST, ?VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. lltroasOxldeGas A.·lminlstered Cor Pulnles Operations. OFFICE HCCLUNG'l!l BI.OC&, Scarlet :Fever. · After a roam has been ocoupled by a 1carlet fever patient, all the artloles, clothing., beddh>g , etc., that have been used about the patient, that can be washed, must be put ink a tub with a disinfecting lluld. The following ls good : Eight oz1. of aulphate of zinc, one oz, of Ol!olbollo acid, and three gall, of water. L et C. H A RN D E N , L · 0. S ·, them 1oak at least one hour, and then put Graduate ofthe Royal College of Dental them in boiling water for waahhlg. Feather Surgeons, Ontario. beds, pillows, mattres_, flanne11, and the OFFICJI: OVER DICK80N'S STORE. ca.rpet must; be fumlg·ted thoroughly. It 111 well to have the aide walls and oelling1 lOLD FILLING A. SPECIALTY. cleaned a11d whitewashed, and the wood- ate Work executed in the latest and most work and floors thoroughly scrubbed with Improved style ot the Dental Art. soap and wa.ter, If the walls are papered, EETH EXTRACT. E D WITHOUT PAIN, it should be taken off, and the room re· use of Nitrons Oxide Gas, without injury t he papered. It would be better to take up the to the patient. carpet and carr y away all useless things from the sick room at the very first, if pos- Partloulai· attention pa.id to the regulation ot CHILDREN'S TEETH . eible, It i.e said by physicians that the infec- ,....ALL WORK WARR.ANTED. ..._ tion ca.n be conveyed by both books and pe.pers, and it is certa.ln that It oa.n be carried by clothing. A woma.n who was dlsgnilled a11 a man waa fonud out from the fact that there were no auapender buttons in her pockd. A young girl hiod io r emii.rkable adventure while tra.valling on the railway between DJver and Canterbury, At the further end of the open carriage were several men, one of whom climb1.ld over the partition into the middle compartment to close the window. The girl wu.s a.!armoo, il>nd, opening the door of t he compa.rtment in whloh she was travelling, jumped out. The train was at this time running at full epeed, but the girl e£ca:i;ed !Vltboat i.ajury, DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER favorite comic and sentimental songs and bal· lads, a vast collection, for only 10c or 1 3c, stamps and this slip, A. W. KINNEY, Yar· mouth, N. S. THE C ·OOK'S BEST FRIEND Q In ordor to introduce our S 0 NG O. catalogue of all kinds of Books, and agents' goods, we will send 100 Thoma· Carlyle'· house in Cheyne row, Chelsea, la the property of a proprietor of When the Arctic Ice Breaks UP· quack medicine, BY FRBDERICK SCRW.A.TK:A, Grace Hubbard, a ohil en~ineerfng graduAn ocea.n channel in the arotio &ea1 during ate of the Iewa State University, ill em~lOyed by the United S ates Government thewinter ls rather hard to deacribe. Fir&t, imagine the foe we have on a large river a.t :Survey In Montana to mile map1. ilom.e to be eomll seven or o!:;ht feet in thlc~ The late Gov. Seymour said: "I never ne.tls. Then in this thfok lee Imagine a. great yet made or procured ·n appointment for a number of large dry-goodo boxsa, and pilee young m:.n for a. clerkship which did not in of dry-goods boxes intenpersed here and the end prove to be a g reat injury to him." there with sma.ll ..:ottages, and oooa.slonally The recent census In Bavaria. has brought a two-story house, a.nd hwe a.ll these things to light the following terse, thoal(h some- whltewaahed to represent snow, and you whatlengthytitle : "A--B-·, Re.ya! Ba· will not have a very ba.d representation of varlan Rallroadconetruotioneectlonfire-wood an a.retie channel of foe when covered with 1torehousekeeper," snow. All the~e large and 'small jagged proMr. Arch appeared at the ri:oent Pt1rlla- t11bers.noea, which give the parts where they mentary banquet given in his honor in a are reatlng the name of " hummocky" ice, pepper-a.nd-salt eult and scarlet tie, Ho eat a.re the le~ -blocks from the year before tha.t beside Mr. Chamberll\in, who wall in full did not melt during the short summer, and evening dreu. got fro11.en in when the new 1heet of loo wa, form~d in:the e1i.rly winter. Thi· loo would Poor Lord Bute, h&vlng spent £1,000,000 be floating hither and thither, mg.king the on hie new house, can only afford .t o give "ice packs" and "ica fields" of which we 1·5.000 of that sum to the widows andorph1n1s rea.d in polar literature, and where the first of the colliers who were killed while lately oold snap of coming winter caught lt, there working for him, ft froze in the "ioe· flo i" to reml\ln throagh A diamond, larger and nure valuable than the winter and break: up again next sumthe K.oh-i·Noor, is about· to 11.rrive from the mer. Cape, The lapidary has been enga&ed eight· In the eprine of the yea.r, from the ht of een months in cutting the gem, The Koh· Juno to the let of J nly, acccr l ing to the Jo. cality, the snow on thle ooe:in ot a'lnel ice I-Noor is said te be worth $1!0, 000. In 1799 the Pa.rllament of Grea.t Britain melte, and the woret trouble a eledgeman bad to us.nse.ct the bm!nees, so far as hvme has ln crossing It ia the freah watEr in great affairs were concerned, of about 12,000,000 lakes and pond& on t ip of the s11olt w~ter ice. people; to-day of a.bout 35,000,000, and the 1 This la.sts bu~ a few days, dra.ID.g offthroug11 affairs of Ireland (then transacted in Dahlin) tho tide onoke and 11eal-holes, and the &alt a.beorb a.bout three-fou1tho of time, ~o that w.i.ter ioe is exposed to 'he rays of the n ever preasing English bualneaa haa to 11ta.nd ovo1, setting sun. Wherever the ice Is a little Dt. Phlpson, in a Gcrma.n scientific jour- darker color, or near shore where dirt from na.J, advocates the general 11se of sugar as an the banks has blown out on it, It melt~ rapa.rtlcle of diet, not simple s.s a pleasing ad- Idly. I have seen a kelpstock of ~Jack color dition to food He affirms that d11rinl{ cut down tnrough the Ice some a1x feet beforty ;sieHs be h~e eatan at least a quarter of fore the ioe broke up, the channel It m11ode a pound of sugar dally, n ot o; untlng sugar- being bat t wo or three inches wide as It forming substances taken at the eame time, disappeared, Thus the grea.t sheet of rough and has been benafitted by it. toe melts unequally, and when ·_ome drlvf.ng N 0 Russian lady can t ravel without her storm springs up about this period ef its exhuaband's assent t o the issue of her pa9s- istoi:;ce, it h broken Into pieces and sont port, but ia Austrfo. woman'e right to a drifting around a.s ice-p11ooks and icaveto has just been rccognlzad. It Is stated fio~d:tho 24 ~h of July, 1879, we were sltldgtha~ a decree has recently b aen pr~n;inlgated ing cm tho ice of Victoria Channel in the ~o tae lffeot that no m11>rrled Aus.nan s11b- Arctio Sea., It was very rotten and ho:ney~ect shall htnceforth receive a. passport for combed with seams here'and there, and it Journeying be)'ODd the frontier, without the was evident that it wenld go to peioes t.ho express consent d his wife. first storm, The sledge rose and fell on the Prince Krapotklne, the "Cltfzan Prinoa," rough wrhoe like a ehlp in the &term, and as he is now affootionately called by the when ~he da.y's work was over I wae glad Socialists, is a stuillous-Jook!ng ma.n of to see 'my E equimau dog-driver, Toolooah, miudle age, with a bald hea.d a.nd Shake· get in to the shore i!afely with the dogs and epearean face, and wears a sealskin cap 11ond sledge, for a utorm was ooming up in tho spsct&cles. He speako English with scholar- well-known b&d quarter, and to be out on ly oorreotnesa and .French with vernacular the loe when it broke~ up, 111.ud the great fluency, His Ideal of government is what cakes commenced rolling ovor each other he t erms anarchioa.l communism. was certa.in death to a puny man caught in A large number of m11.haraja.hs and rajahs suoh a fearful predlo11.ment. We pitched will attend the Colonial exhibition in Lon· our little tent and crawled Into it. About don next summer, Tbov will be aocom- noon of thu.t de.y, tho water C)ming up panled by their ladies and native suites, to our tent, I ran out to view the situDurba.1s, with s.11 the gay and gorgeous at!on, and found that my 11o~at feara Every where the pondtr11.[plngs of the Ea.st, a.Te to be held in the were reallzad, grounde, in order to familiarize English peo- erona blocks of the breken Ice, sorr. e aa big pie with one of the m '.let mterestlng phre.see 11.B houses, were in ten lble metion, rising ol princely life in India. and falling, tumbling a.nd g1inding over The entire dRax through the sewers ea.oh other in a thundering r~ar upon roar of Paris ls aeoertained to amount, en a.n ttat made the loudest uommMds lnaudlble average, to 362 000 cubic metres a da.y, or at a. few f Mes. Great fields of ice, coverabout 66.000.000 gallons, this being almost ing acrea in extent, would bo lifted high In exactly three-quarters of the total amount the air by tho driving ma.BB, and .breakl~g of water fnmletted by t}le aqueducts and the by it.II own weight oend blooke of 1oe as big rainfall, the other quarter being 011rrled off as cabinupinnlng over thewhiten~d, frothy by evaporation absorbed into the aoil, or by sutfa.oe, crushing every thing In their way, flow over the aurfaoe directly Into the while the terrible splashing of the wl\ter, &En ding geyser spouts aloft, wa~ driven In Seine. fine spray b oforo the ·hdo.ldng g<>lo, ~p The Danes do not purpose to have any ping all these warrlo,ir foroes ol na.ture m a deception In their butter supply, A law en· wetrd light that a.dded a mysterloua solemnacted in Denmark last year compels s.11 ity to the appalling 1oene before us. makers and sellers of adnl \erated, Imitation, Perched high on a newly made hummock, and bogus butter to pa.ck it in elliptic&l tubs, a.& If It bl. i climbed there to look for a consplcnouely marked "margarine," and means t f eacape, was the ha.If loe.dad lledi;ie, puniebea infractions of the law by a fine from in imminent danger <f being upset, All 200 to 2,000 kroners about ($5! . to $540). ha.nde turned out In a twinkling and our Tho ena.ctment was force~ by the agrioaltur· aeronantioal c:r.rrlage was soon eately aehore. al element of the country, despite the op- Thus ended sledging, on the 24th of July, podtlon by the bogus butter people. until the oomlni;: winter's ioe should form There would seem to ha.ve been something or about the middle of Septemb11r, less than more in the questlan put to Geor~e Steven· two monthr. son, "What If a oow should get on the railway?" than he, by hie answer, was willing Could not Help Thinking. to a.dmlt; for near Sheffield the other d ay, a four year old cow eeoaped from a ca.r, rs.n There wa., once a little girl who became u p the railway and proved very trouble- tired of thinking her own thoughts, Sbe some. ThE> a.ins had to be stepped, ana went c.ut of doors and eat down on a stone, various device& resorted to to oatoh the and said to herself, "Now I will not think creature; but ehe kept the track for two any more. I'll just stop thinking." miles, knocking everybody down who a.t· But, to ht r grc at surprise, she went on tempted to reaohher, and ehe could not thinking harder and harder and hardc;r, even b e shot till three hours ha.d eh.peed. Nothi:ng she could do would stop ft, She Snoh is the story. sang, ~he skipped, she ohaeed the butterIn a sketch of t be F<r.ir Isle it ia told that fllas, she waded In the l rook. llut all the this isle Is part of a Shetland parish, and while the thinking went on, faster than the Is visited, or suppoaed to be violtcd, once a brook or the butte1 fl.lee, never stopping fo ye»r by a minister of the Es~a.bli~had Chuzch a single instant, of Sootl1.1nd, Some yea.rs a.go· the visits of Then she began to ory, finding h~w helpthe thm ministers were so few and far be- leas she wa.1, and that she mnBt still go on tween th!l.t a boy waiting to be ba.ptized thinking, whether ehe wanted to or not. had grown old enough to use highly impro· B ut th11ot did 1to good either. So she begu.n per language when the tardy rite wa.e a.t to laugh, It was se funny tha.t she must keep think· last administered. What was felt or aa.id by imp,tient lovers who had been waiting ing as long as 1he lived. Although they were so many years to be married la not record· her own tboJghts she·oould not stop them ed, but a registrar, It a.ppciara, has now been any more than ahe cenld 1top her rosebush from blooming in J Dne, appointed, Since neither she nor anybody elae could M. Charles Girard, ohemiet ol Parle, reoently amused himself by Investigation of help thinking she could think only few the ingredient& of a beautiful red currant and pleasant i houghts. She found that jelly cha.rmingly put up for expott to the thie wo.a the only power she h a.d over her United States, There was not an atom of own thoughte, She ooald not put a.n end fruit In the mass, as waa demonstr&ted by to them. Bat she could choose what they the adding to it of methvlated alcohol, should be like, whether kind or unkind, which woutd have turned It grean had it merry or aad. contained any fruit acid, It was found to conaist of gelatine, sweetened with glyoer· According to Profeaeor Langley the In· lne reaidue, colored with plohaine (a pt>ison- herent temperature of the moon is below ous mineral extract), and fl!lovored with no that of meltlng ice. one knows what, A grea.' many people The average aalarlea of aohool teachers in this country imagine no currant jelly 10 good a.& that which la Imported from .l!'ranoe. In Nevada are, for males $140 a month It ls announced that Me1ara. Appert of and for femalea $96 a month., It ls said that about 10,000,000 crowns Cllchy, E'ra.nca, havo discovered a prooeas that will ma.ks glass blowing by mo-q.th un- yearly are sent home bo the fa.thetland by necessary. Ma.ny attempta.have been made Swedes dwelling In Amerlca. to get rid of this painful proceH in the oper Nt1w Haven's cat show was boycotted aUons of glass making, but to this da.y in every bottle house, m!l.v be aeon pale-faoed last week because lta priz011 were ma.do men with their ohoeks hanaing limp In folds, by a firm under th11 labor ban. the rEl!IUlt of yeare of glasu blowing by the Gen. Bazaine ls descrlbed as "aged, mouth. Cases have been known ln which stout and bloated, shuffilng painfully mm'11 cheeks have worn ee thin that they along the public streets of Madrid." have actu!l.lly cracked, and it Is a. common B~ptlsm by Immersion, with the tam· eight in a bottle house to see blower& at work with their thin cheeks pulled out like the perature four degrees below zaro n early killed a lady ab California., P.1., recently. finger of a 11:lsve. Thirty-two fried eggs and numerous Miss Braddon and her husband, Mr. Muwell, says a correspondent, are familiar fig· "trlmmlngs" were eaten, ab a single sib· urea at the Pduoess and al~o the Lyceun t ing, by a Sierra Oity miner, a few days Theatre on the first nlizhts, The lady· h In ago. t h e prime of maturer womanhood. H er In Slam, it is said, a wife who redeem s hair has ta.ken on a. p11.rtial frost. Her face her husband after he has sold hbnaelf ab is a ruddy one, _suggesting a comforta.ble English matron, mother of a. numerollo fam- gambling owns him thereafter as a oh11it· ily, rather than one of the moot pr elific tel. w tlters of the da.y, She wears a pretty lace Cz.uoaslan petroleum, whl.ch exc1ilfo 1\ll oap and carries around with her a. decidedly others in illuminating power, is said to be ocmfortabla, good housewife atmosphere, gres.tly inferior aa a lubriCant bo the CanaHer figure is buxom and of tradltior al dian oils. Eugll6h build, She iB not a handsome The Egyptfan chariots bd Unch-pins woman, save when she talks, and then her face ls full of marvellous expressiveness, and of brorza, and were put together with she bao bright 1pea.king eyes and a strangely p ins and nails. Screws, 110 far as known, were not Invented. sweet emlle, Awfully bored'--Arteeiao well&, A sweet letter-A candied a. vewet Hu a. big boom-'.l'he full aohooner. A rousing appea.l-" Tlme to get up I" Glads tone's favorite composer, Chopin. Isn't an attempt to prove an alibi solf-denl&l? A false faoe-l'he face of the girl who ilte you. When the car drivers atrlke they de not break anything. A vessel la called she became you see her bow before meetiog htir, Foun'-dry men ; Most aaloonkeepere have had this experience. When a. man planks down his awl for hie board ls it 11. fair Inference that hie finance· a.re knot hole ? Iron is much ohea.per than gold, and still there is more demand for gold, and it require11 some brGss to get I~. Ooca.sionally a good Ide~ C<lmes from PrnHia. She h!UI j ast ordered the poet Kr11z()wskl to return to prison, The new song entitled "That bouquet I bought for ll dollar," promises te be a. great er favorite~ i~h the ladies than ··Only a paney blossCJm." 15 All the olothes he bought me was a bunch of hair and a nu.II braeh," was the wall of a woman in cciurt the other day, who was 11pplylug for a divorce. A man, in his hurry to as9lst a fainting lady, got a bottle of mucilage b1stead of oampher and bathed her face with ·~ She Wl\8 a grei.~ deal stuck up by his attentions, · 011r friond X hae just establfohed a newspaper, Ooe of his friend~, meeting him, asked him how his new paper was getting along. "Oh l it Is selling like bread," he replied enthusfaatlcally. " How is t hn.t1 by the pound?" Fellow-townsman to (manufacturer) : "Hullo, Jacksorew I Your worke closed ? How'o t ba.t ? I underatood you were busy," Jackscrew (braes founder) ; "So we are; but our 'ands took 'emsclves dl: to· day, to join the pr'ccesion o' the t'nemployed." A husband who ha.d incur red the anger of bis wife, a. terrible vire.go, seeka refuge 11nder the bed. " Come out of that, you brigand, you rasca.l, you aaeasain !" Gcream . ed his gentle companion, "No, Madame," he replied, calmly, "I won't come out. I am goillg t o show you tha.t 1 shall do wi I please in my own houee I" "Wall," Hid t he graDger, "what be that tioker worth ? ' pointing to an ornate and Intricate piece of time-~ecordlng meohauism on'the shell, "That, sir, " said the clerk, " Is a wonderful time-piece. It la worth two hundred dollars, :m d will run three years without wln<lfog." "Great Scott !" gasped the gra.ngor. " Thtee years without winding ! Se.y, mfoter, how long would the thfog run If she was wound up 2" $500.00 ~EWARD! N 80 Pilla, 25 Cents; 6 by au Druggists. E will pay the above Rewazd :for any case of Dyapepllf.a, Liver t:omplatnt, Bick Headache, Indigestion or Costiveness we cannot Cure with WEST'S Liv.Sl. , PI:LJ.S, when tho Dlrectlonn are strl." ·,y complied with. Large Boxes, contail ·~'lfl :Boxes $1.00. S <:'i.!d GRAIN Jno. McMurtry & Co. Wharf or their Store Rouse in town. ' · Are prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Grain delivered at the Use F . TJAZARUS' (Into or the Hrm ofLazarns & Morris,) Henowned Spectacles and Eye. 'l'hey am the best i n the world , They never tire the eye, and le.st mttny years wit,h. outicbange. F01· sale by Kenner & Uo. Bow· ti-~f. 1 nanville. Glas~er, . neral\y ~~are that Sufferers are not geta ' ous or that they · l . s are con gi these disease f llving paras tes are due to the presence o f the nose and membrane o h · . in the ' ming M"croscoplc researc 1 Eustacian tubes. t: ct. and the resul\ has proved this to be ad a has been formu. ' mple reme Y d is that a s1 hes11 disease· are cure lated whereby t simple applications in from one to t~~escrlprivo pamphlet la . made at home. I t of stamp by A. H. sent free on r ece Ktng-atreet Wast. bixon &. Son, Toronto, Canada. :05

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