Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1886, p. 8

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WE H AVE OPENED UP this week :some special lhres .in DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hamp lon,} Murch 2711!, 18' 0. Rl)gular meeting,,mem bee& all present, M i nutes of last meeting read uud con lfr,ned. UommunicatiunE received : - From D.onriniou Bridgti ·Co., received and tiled ; from Oami?bell Sewer Pipe Qg., rucei ved and tiled .; from M. Pro,ut, BC· count -for cedar, referred to Mr. Sma le ~ from 'l'. G . .Maaun, ll<lct. goods, Poor :R elief ; fro1n James & Gale, printing aGot . .; from J. W. W.irtuti, complaining that his ~hup is being uudtirmined by the wearing 11way of the ba11k ad j1Jini11 ~ the r«ad at Enuiskillen hill. Laid on the Tabie. Mr. Sam!. Robbins a pi-e«red before the Council iu complianeti to communications from thti Clerk in r efornuco t.c~ proposed ch:.t11go in road beat. After l.\'lr. Robbi 1 ;s bad been hcard ,1 he matttir ·Was d1~lll ssed. · Mr.·Jonathan Ste.phe ns ask ed to be allowed to ·comiuute his statute labor tor .a term -of yeal'B, in CllI!Sideration uf .hi-s making a, road b etween l ots 6 11nd7, in the 4th con. 1\J<'l·Ved by Mr. Smale, .seconded by M1·. Vanc:rn1p, That Mr. Jonathan .Stephe us be allowed his own .and his empioyees' statute labor for ·thuoo years, on condition that he mak ea the .road between luts 6 and 7 , 111 I h., 4th .con. , at ptesent unopvn ed, in a .f.it and prqper state for public travd, and t 0 t.hti sati,-factiou of t hie cou"cil, th e own· ers .o f lot. 5 to JJUt up t heir lin" fence from the north gate to the next one -sout.h, this year, and the balance next year. Carried.. Mr. Cowling cnmplu.ined of the c utting of a shade tree in his beat. M·r. Tnrnouth m ade applicat iun to reut an 1rnused str~ et adjoi11ing his place in Hampton. Laid over to next ·m,eet'iPg. M.r W . M cLareu anrl olhers,Rpplied for .aid for imprnvement .,f I h" 8th con. , litH > road, Wt:st 1 Farmers and Gardeners THE LARGEST ~ BE ST ~~~~~~~~~~ ASSORTMENT Flouncings and ·E1nbroideries. Valencien11es Lace Flouncing, Oriental Lace Flouncing, Spanish Lace Flouncing, in Cl'leam, White., Beige and Black. AlloveT and Trhnming Laces t(j) :match. - -- - o ,-- -- I N BO\,VMANVILLE AT We are also .showing a larg·e range of Perrin & Frere's first choice LAD IES S:EEOULD VISIT TI-IEIR COiv1PLETE of Eunisktllen. Rtlterr ed Io Mcss1 s. Vrwcamp and Awd ti. Mr Wm . Orm t~to n cumplarned of tht1 und1::rm11110u (lf his fenc.. bv parties takin g gra vel lr;;m Lhe road. 1.'he ma t t e r was r eforred to th e R eE> ve und M.r. 'Yancam1>. who were a J50 in8trncted to end eavor to make arrnugem eut fur t.he proc11ring of gravel needed for the prns· ont yeur. l\'lr. Wm. Scutt a pplied for an enlargeme ut of h is road beat R esolved that ill vi e w of a probable re·arrauge· m eot (If all th e b eats in th e township, Ill it i s inex pedieut to nrnkti any cha[lge at p r ee.<:n t . Ill M eHsrs. Oha!l So uch , G eo. Argue and J awe~ Oarfatt were appui 11 te d Path· mastern i n pla·~e uf A . S am 1 s,Julm Pye, and John Pascoe r espectively. , In cumplianca wit :1 a communication With Clasp or Buttons, from 2 to 6 Button lengths. from H, Carter, a new r·1atl beat ~as for'l!ed on t h.-· northern town line from lots 4 to 1.1 lwth incln·ive, J a m<Js Ash- ·l,J ton tu ho p a.th mast er of ·he samo. v . ~ I ' ( ./ ' . (t '.l.' he C ie rk was iustructed to order ten ./ ne .v road scrap"rs. On motion of Mr.Worden,secondod --~~~~ ·~ -~~~"""~ =m~-~·~,.,.._.~~~ a~ ~·~d ~ .... ~~ - ~h~$~~--~·~~~~~~ N W~lS~ii~~~ -by M r . Awde, it 1n1s resol v~d t.h ~t th e fur ther considera.t ion of t h e petitiqn ~~ iJ;;\ -, t1 ·.,,,,""' ~; .,.~~t" ~""' 11 ~1 T he 45tl~ Dattalwu., V _ i ctoria Oo., inpr eA~nte d at last meetin g to I open tl,l:l " ·V i\.C ~,\U4h~l·Hl' o;i' .h~ 11o-lJ!nHHh t end goi n>!. rnt.o ',c amp m ,!une, a nd h ave road b etw ee n J..; ts 2G a nd 27 in the 3rd ~~-~---,~--~~-,~-~-~- selected Kingston MB the site. con., be deferred to this d ay twel va BoWMANVILI,E, FRIDAY, A P.RIL 2. ] Torpid liver, the eanse of untold sulfernl(\nt.ha and that till further orders, in·> and misery, restored to its no1-.nal Richard Kichola be a llowed t o occupy co~ dition by t he use of Weat's Liver P ills. th e said road at a r entul of S5 per anDISTRICT NEWS. Also pure co~>ti ve nc si , constip t·tion and uu m. dyspepRia. A ll durggiots. t M r. Law nppli cd for some graveling Oshawa. cricht club ha~ re-orga.nized. The B,ev. T. Booker, of !\foun t Forest, to he d one on t he 5th con . l ino lots : ;n Oril lia h as a p opulat ion of 3,801 people has received a 11 d accepted i;. cal! to tho and 22. H efened to M essrs. Vancamp and 217 do£;S. pas tarat" of t he O"hawa Bllptist Church. and Awde. D. O'Connor, Pickering, has a b orn Th" floods n,t Pickering last week were Ordered that Mr. Koapp'~ nam1~, as lbrec-le1 .:ged calf. th e greatest k nown fo r some ti.me. One p ath ruaster be dropped,two patruuaaters April showers bring forth M ay iiowers; lar ge b1'1 dge near the railway wa:s swept having by mistake been appointed for ah.o brmg ou rh eumatis m. Cure, West's away. t h e same bt:at. The Reeve repor ted that pursuant to World's Wonder. All drnggis·s. Even J,1 pau and China dealers keep in ins tructions at bat meetinl>(, he had Claremont is e rect in~ a new school- stock and soll We;t's Liver Pills- " the ord er ed tb e cutting of tt, e umber in house to cost over $3,000. wurl d's bcs i. " L iver crm1plain t, dyspeptho road betw een Jot.a 2 and 3 in the '.l'he medals for the North- West vol un- sia, in digestion !md sick headache readily 1eers have arri,·ed in Otta wa. yield to th.,m. 30 pills 25c. A ll drug- 9 th con to be stopped till further order ~ that h e had also consulted the :!lir. Kennet h Davidson, near Beaver ton, J gists the wudd over. t aolicit~rs on the mat ter and was advised was b a dly bitten by a horse rec~11tl y. :Fred Swire,, B. A., one of the smartest that if the l ine~ are disputed it i s the West's Pain King, a speedy cure for :10wapaper wnter:! C11uad~. has. se~:1 durd uty of the owners to esta blish the same icolic, cramp;. di'.'rrhoe~, dysen tery_ a nd rng tl~e ~re~e'.1t century, m ed m I oronto and that, the couucilis u nder no all bo wel. difhcult1es. 2oc, all drngg1sts. t o u F11?1l.Y last. responsibility in the mat.t ar. On motion 1' he Cannincrton Lii.crnsse Club was The Town Oonncil of v~hitby_ ~as t he act rC\n of t h e R eeve was concurred o r ,anized last ;eek- 50 or 6() me mber a. refusrd to allow t ho Womens Ohr1sttan in and the m a tter allowed to drop. g . . T l.3mp eranco U rnon and Band of Hope On motion the Clerk was inst ructed A large quantity of fish ha~ be<m sp ear- the free use of th e Cou'n.cil Ohamber. t o communicate with the a uthorities of e d tluough r h1~ ice of L ak e Simcoe lately. the 0 P . R., r eq uiring them eith er to '\'Vest's World's Wond er acts like magic DAvrn' PAIN- Kr~LER.-Th~ be~t and make a cuttin g or erect a bl'idge at the ]TI all cases of r he umatrnm, neuralgia, moot popular J:'.am1 ly Med1crne m . the burns bruises cuts a nd wounds. All world. A lileso1.ng to the nch ; a ~nend intersection of t heir road with the road allowance betw een lots 4 and 5 in thi s drtt"O'ist s. t ' to the poor ; . wit hrn rea~h of all, 1t has 00 towns hip, so as to r emove the pre~ent · · sa1 > ed more lives and rehered m ore sufJ. G_. Dudlay'i;i hou se wit h conte nts 111 farin g ·incident.al io trave lling than any obstrnctwn of traffic o n said road. <Jramahe was destrnyed by fi r e on Sahu·- other modiciue. A By-law was passed to chan ge locat io n of t h e road on th e west h alf of lot day. Robt. Armour, of P ickering, on resignThc Hastings Observer is now a thing ing h is ;iosition of t eacher for St. Andrews 15 in the 2nd con. On motion the R eeve was inst ru ctE<l ~f the past. Its experience was '· sh urt Sabbath Scho,;l , was preseut<Jd with a to grant ord ers on th e Treasure r for and sweet." h andsome gentle man's curnpanion tiy t he the following ~um a : '.!.' he s taad;trd. \Vest's L ivar Pills. scholat·8. Giio. 'l'ye G copies of Wh o M11y V ute, Al ways reliable, ne ver fail. Unre all ilver and stomach diseases. 30 pill 25c. The P" rfum e nf freshly-culled flowers ~3. 0() T G Ma6on goods, poor r elief acAll druggists. + is agr ee:\ hle to every one, a nd so it is count $4 25. Jame~ & Gales' prin ting wi th the d e l ig htful fragrallCe of MURRAY It is now a settled qu estion t ha t & LAN:'dAN 's l!'LomJJA W ATER. l'ijone account 8 17. 20. Indigen t persous , Gay n.nd Wall er $5 each ; Oampbell. Mallet , B righton is going to have the second reject, it, nonH ai.iike it, F rom t h e L;:itf Kern ick and Alsw11rth $ 4 each; newspaper. tro pics t o th e frigid zone, it is the u niLane, Cumis h, Hoard, Wilson, Trick. 'rwo br illinnt cornets are to visit the 'iersal favorir,o on tho ·han dkcrthief, at D ell, Cornish & D ean $3 each; Stacey visible portion of the heaver1s duri ng the the toi let, and in t he bath . anii G r egory ~i2 each. Juo. Av ery $G. .com ing spring. \ . . W' · ·!1 n · Jd.. t 0 Stxteen u nmar n 1:>cl yc,nng m e 11 l eft the 'f otal ~~G7 , 0(). ",oopmg-cou7 r eatc hi .V y ie £~ . . uei!!hborhood of Millbrook last wee k wi t l1 On motion th e Council adjorned t o W est 3 Cuugh .~yrup. e ~ever ~11m g all ~he 11eceseary set1lers ' effects, for A laSatu1d ay 24t h Apri l a t 10 a m. c ure b r: bronclu:t1s, cousumptwn, asdrnrn, m ed .1, N . W. i'., where t hey commence R W INDATT,T . c. ~tc. All drn!!gISts. + . farming permane nt ly . -----·~.....,~·-~· A lodge of Unitccl Workman h its JllSt Jl:Inrdoch Br os', are selling T11ble and been organii<ed at Oampbellford, ~viLh a Hanging Lanrn~ . much l ower than usnal. members hip of 28. · (;O:>; JS !T~?PTff!PI< l{:JJRl':D .- .'l.D om physic!n.n . They h:ive a great assortment too. r etir ed from practice, lmving had µ lace d in his An effort is being mau e to form a Press Jiands A merch ant once, from day to day, was by :1.n J~ {tet ImliP. missiomtt·y the formu la .Assocratio11 i:or tl;e Couuties of Outario of a s imple vegetable remedy fol' t.he speedy fi lled with g rief and pain. He fo und his and p0nwi nent cnre ofC:onsumptioa.Rrori chitis. and ·w ei;t D urham. Cata,n·h, ,\ sthmn and nll throM and L ung A f· business did not pi.ty, and va inly sou!!ht West's Oough S yrup is now the leadin g rect ions, >J.lso ti positive and radical cun' ror in e very way hiAcred it t o maintain. UnNervmrn De bili ty und a ll nervous Complaints, til he advertised at last his husiucss in remedy f"r cong!Js, colds, sore th r oat, after h avi ng tested i i s wond erfal curative b ronchitis, asthm a., whoopin g cough and powers in thous n.nth of cases, has f.ilt it hiw this p ap 0r, and s traightway grief and ciare duty to make it known to lus s uffering fellows. wero cast aside t h e r elics of the past, and consum ption. All druggists. t Ac tnated by this mot.ir o o.nd :t desire to reli eve hnrn:1u s u!l'e rim: , 1 will send free of e har-1 : c, to t rade a nd fortune shines. Mr. H. Sprou le, o.nrning ton, lrn d a a ll w ho des iJ·cit. th is recipe, in German,Jhench, <runaway last week at t h e railw:iy tracli, or E u g lis h, w iLh full tli recLions for preparing I '.l'o introdL1~e and nsing. Sent by mail by 11ddressing "with !lnd got .his wrist bl'Ok en . · t-bern WP. w ill StlLtn P, IllL ll lin g- Lhis J)<eper, W · .A. NoYES 149 GIVJ<; A 'VAY 1,000 Sclf.Op ~ rntingWash · A telephone l ine is to be creeled be- Power 's Blocl.;Rocheste,. N . Y. <l.5 ing Mach ines. If y 0 u wan! -. one send u s tween Uxbridge and Orillia, t a pp ing a ll I yonr nu.me, P. 0. r. nil express oJncc 11.t once. the interrn ~dia.t e villages. ' 'J'loe Na~fonal Co., :!l Dey i:lt .. N . Y. The b me, th~ halt, the rhennutin all sin" t be prai'ses of \ Vt·st's Worltl's ' Yon W1icn t ~ay c u re J (.}o not ntca11 merely t<;> tilop U1cm for .'l. t im e and tl!1:n liave t h ::iw r eLu1·r1:\gr.in. I 1m:1rn a ra·ikal der~ Try on e bottle and you will n ever I' c u re. 1 hAvn mtlde t hcdi.s··:1 !::1! orFIT:S, F.l'TT ..Jo ~~y orF .\ T.r,.. . J h OYO I\ poeiti \·t,; T(llll Otly fo r th.11t110vcdi BC£llO; b '/ tts 'lHIO use any other limment. 25 and 50c. A ll l XU t;tCKKl-:.. j.') a li fo-l unr. at 111t-:,·. I wArnmt my rem ~<l·y thc>i1snn1h ofCr\1'00 o f t ho wo 1·1:1 ~ kiotl 1 uid of l ou ~ .".tnndl nr; KID . GLOVESI . Black onlya Lawrence Josephine in Black and Tan shadesc . Black and Tan shades. Eugenie Ill NEVV CHINA HALLI and see the elegant new display of China, Glassware, Hanging and Table Lamps, &c. ~~~....__.....__.~~~~ Black and Tan shades. Jvoune in White only. Suede . PIERCE _.,_ ~ - of'M<_ - --- · I .......... . . . SPRING--Cfs as)--SPRING THE .,..,._:E-IOUSE SPRING 't.11 . .,. Have pleasure in announcing that they have received the greater portion of their Goous, and t he VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS of their business present an assortment of Goods which or FnESHNESS, Cm1rJ.ETENEss oir AssoHTMENT and E xcm :.LENCE OF VALUE-CANNOT BF: S URPASSED. The utmost care is taken each season in the selection of Goods, an<l the appreciation of their efforts is manifest in the large increase of sales during the past year. They solicit ao early caH when you are purchasing, and shall be pleased to have you inspect their stock + vVe subjoin a List of Goods, so far as space will permit, whieh we have ju.-.t opened:W orsteds, Scotch Suitings, Pan tings, &c. Canadian Tweeds, the largest choice and best designs w e have ever shown. I>:R.~ SS Colored Lace Stripes. Nun's Veiling. Wool Albatrnss Cloth. Wool China Crapes. Wool De Beige. Canvas Cloth. · Colornd Friged Canvas. Italian Cloth. J erscy Carreaux. Ottoman Crapt'> Cloth. . Check Dress Goods. Colored Sateens. ~oo:os . Lnstera. Coupe Cashmeres. Union Cashmeres. Brocade Silks. Colored CaK hmercs. All Wool Cashmeres. Satin Soloil. Crape Cloth. Velvet een. Silks. Satins. Crapes, etc., ets. Victoi-ia Lawn. Indian Linen. Indian Mus 1ln. S pot Mu.~lin Brilliants 1'1.1: -c.:T S Lace Curtains. Curtain N et. Window Blind Net. Satin S trips. X:... I 1'tT S. Hair Cord. Diamond Leno. Leno Brocade. Soft Mull. Revere Stripes and Checks. I1ambrequins. Tape and Swiss Checks. J aconet . Hosiery, Gloves, Hibbons, Laces, etc., Co1'sets, Panniers, Hoop Skirts, etc., and an endle:ss variety of shapes and styles in Silk Scarfs and Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc. STAR HOUSE, EAST SHOP NEADS' BLOCK T. GE 0. MASON. P ublic Notice. The und er~ili(ned h a vin ~ honght oul': the 01asT MILL d ,J. rit-, Jrer, E sq., an& put ever ything in tir> t -duss ordor, is prepared to do all ki nda of G r 1stin ~ . I will g uarantee to make the hest A.RN ECTA ]'LOUIL t hat is mado in the county, ns the mill 11as beun fi ' ted u p <specially for handling that kind of wh~at . I have also pn t in"' SAW MnL 111 connection with t he " b "v-e, awl am prepared to take in auy qua11tiry of S a w L ngs. I have lowererl the pnc~ .,f Chopping to suit the t imes. Pt: .. plo 's Mills, Ki " or1 · ---- 1 BIG OF FER ·I CURE 1111ll I w fll cura yo u. F ~TS ! ~OlNSlHWPJIOi~. THE JE\VELLER Has received a lot of New Goods of latest designs. l A . S. '1.'00 L RY. A S plendid assortment of '~ !Dlap~?:~.~ GOLD and SILVER I I: _51 ____ _____ __ · lJEscR,l~ P1ucc" Road. -, tl7e North-West rebe!lion. :fivht took place- the tirs t blood-~herl in rlr~::~~~·i~ay, a year ago, the Duck Lo ke) 1o c ure tho wo:·at. cntHif1. 1Jcc:atuc oth e r~ h ·\VC fa iled 16 n e» r·l.'aso 11 for n ot n ow r ccciv!nt; n c ure . Sem i p.t o ucc fo1 · r.:. 1rcauao un rt n. Pre{' Bot~h; o ! m y l nfollthl!' rcm ecly. G !vi) l·:1q n·css nwl T'o!it Ofllcc . Branch OtiiGB, 37 Yon~B st.,Toronto. .A .'lrlre?!:.-1 DU. H. (l. UOO'r, B coatil you n otblnt: foi· a trfo.J. ~ u!Tcror. Branch Officef 37 YongeSt., Toronto J1nvo J.>ccu cun :c1. lndccil . KO 11tron g t s rn r f11ltl1 Jn Ha t:Ul('c.cy, ,lhat I wlll acnll TWO HOTTJ.1':8 FREI<;, t o~e ther w ith n VA LU Al!LE 'l'JH:..A1'ISE on this d lseaaO t o o.ny Give c.xpr"'98 ttrnt P. 0 . acMrc111~. Dn. 'J'. A. ~ l..OCUM, WATCHES ~o JEWELRY.I I Wedding Presents a specialty.

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