Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1886, p. 7

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£iatUUli~-U-.-$til-t.C ~llUt_lt_. -----·---·~·-···- ~~~J'llfflJ.!l~~~~~:wiW1D!n~~"lm~"Wl\!lr.Jlillll'iR!il!.~'UM / · . The expreEs car cf t he Rnok I sland trafu :FRIDAY, A.rRIL 2,. 1886. which lea.vea Chicago at 11 P· m; waa boarded by rcbhors at Joliet &t 1 0 clock .......... ··-··-fi - ·- -- - · - the other morning, Kallogg Nlohals, expres3 messenger of t he United Sta.tes Ex:· HOUS~HOLD. nress Oomp=y, was killed, and money and · "' R emember this and purchase your Furs at i'ewelry valued a.t about$:!5,000 were ntclen, J Ii b Nichols 11.ttended to hlo duties a.t o et, ut Pla.in and Praotica.l when the train arrived at Mor rio, twenty DouoHNUTS'- One cup of augar, one cup mi.les beyond J t>liet, he did not open the of sweet milk, two eggs, 1;Jir.eo tea.spoonfula doox- of iho oa.r, Au ::e~tht.tio Woroeater horae will tear vf Jard, one tea2poonfulof soda, two tea.The loca.l agant at Morris lor ced open the any cheap blankot that may be t hrown over· spoonfuls of cream ol tartar, cinnamon or STORE~ door, 11.nd found Nichols lying drn-3 on the it Into sh.reds, but seems immensely pleas· nutmeg. Beat the uuga.r and lud together floor of tho co.r, with his t aroa.t cut from car eel when coverarl with one th!l.t is costly unt!l hght, t hen add iille eggs well beaten. A full and complete stock of all kinds of Fur Coats, Caps to ear and his head horribly out and cru~hed, and beautifut Mb: with flour as soft 11.s possible, and have l'b.o baggageman was found bound u.nd gag· A colored rail-road pQrter ~ays of travel· ft stiff enough ta roll out. · Jackets, Ladies' and Misses' Sets, &c. ged in the next car. The safe was broken ling brides: " 'Sperlenoe teaches me dat STEAMED BROWN BRF..AD.-For a 11mall open and its oontents gone. A11· the t rain dey is tickled mightily cf yon mistakes de re loaf take one-half pint ol rye meal, unsifted, does not stop between Joliet and Morris it husbands for bruddere, I doe11 It ebery one plat of gifted Indian meal, one pint of is approximately certain that the robbera time, now, an' hits 'em fo' a dollar, shuah." sour milk, one-half gill of molasses, one tea. bo,ml.ed t he caro at the former place. A daily newl!pa.per has been started in Workj spooufnl of salt, and one largo teruipoonful of T he facts c.f the express roboory as learn· Greenland, As there are only about thirty scda, Mix all the ingredients, except the .BRING YOUR WORK IN EARLY. od from the baggageman ara that, llhortly days in the summer and none in the winter, soda, dissolve tha.t In a. little boiling watl'r, after tho train left J oliet at 12 45 a. m., he it Is thought t hat the editor will bo nble and add la.st, aLlrriog the mixture t horough· heard a rap atthe baggage car door. Think· to get through tho year with out mortgaging All the leading lines and special bargains in Felt Hats and Caps. ly. Greo.ee n brown bre11d tin, or a p~il havlug it wa1 the expreea maneanger he cpened his anow hut. . ing a close lid, e.nd h11.vlng put the bread in the door and wa.e oonhonted by masked l'<·bbsrs, whe covered hlm with revolvers Robert .Morrie, a. Georgia murderer, has Gents' Furnishings, of which there is always the latest styles it, 11et it Into !\ kettle of boiling Wlilter, Boil b· en sentenced to be hanged on April 16. it four hours. Remove th e lid , and set the and forcad h im to give up the key to the exprelll! car. Tho baggageman wi;i11 guarded \Vhen the Judge 2e1;1tenced him ho laughed, and best quality at lowest prices, such as Rubber Coats, pall in the oven a few minutes to dry the by ons of the robbers, . while the balance and to the Sheriff he a~id : "Sand me p!en· t op of the bread. Umbrellas, Underwear, H ose, Braces, Gloves, &c. · .,., to eat, ao that I will be be~vy enough to turned their attention to the express car. .,, SALLY LUNN,- One quart of fl?ur, a piec~ break my neck when I fall. " ~ lt is aupposed they obta.lned ~ntran~e to of butter tb.11 siz3 o! 1.1n 1:gg, ~hree ta.blespoon· GI VE HIM A CALL AND PROCURE A BARGAIN. ·the expres11 car by ra.pping and explaining Ihrbara P.obioaon, a little unoduc11>"1ld fule cf euga.r, two eggs, t wo cu pa.of milk, twv t hat the baggageman wanted to get in. At nillo·year-old negro girl of W eat P oint, G11>., t.ea.spoonfuls of orea.m-ta.rtar, 1>ne teaspoonful 1 my rats the oxpresa oar do:r wau opened bidB fair to riva.l Blind Tom as .a pianist. of salcratua, and a. little salt. and the desperadoes entered ; a.~d then en- She plays with wonderful correctnem any Sift the orea.m· tartar, ea.It and sugar in the eued a b11ottle fer lifo and the property en· composition that she has once hoard. L\ke flour ; add the egge, t he butter melted, and trusted t o bis chuge on the pa.rt cf the ex- Tom she oeems obliviou6 to everything else one· half of the :muk:. Dirsolve the saJerat preas messenger. when listening to musio or playing the us in the ot her half of the milk. 1i111d atk e.ll The interior.· of tho oar shows thr.t he piano, .,_ together very ~horoughly. Broke i 1.1 two fought the robbers from one end to the A Georgia farme}(', who was carefully rear· pans, other, but a.t last the blows that they rn!n- mg a nice Utter of Berkshire pigs, couldn't WmTE RoLLS,-One cup of graham 1md ed on hia head with u.n Iron pokar forued account for i;he dhappearauoe of a.ll but vno cup cf w.bl.t e fl nnr, one tableepconful of him to suooumb, and ho waa left dead in f.bree, One day he h<.11:.rd one eqneaHug euglll', one-half teMpopnfni of 2e.lt, ono the car. The thieves rifled hi!! pockets of the tablespoonful of melted butter, two eggs, keys of the safe, which they robbed of all'its shrilly in the a~r and B&W a big buzzard sa.il· lug off with it. The former nhot the buztwo cups of ~ilk, b11.ked in a hot hon geoo contente, variou~ly estimated at from $20, 000 7.ard, a.nd buzzard and~pig fell to the ground pans. U se Dover (>!lg-beater to ~tir the to$25,000. Checks and valu~ble packages not dt'tlcl, whole mass to a creamy lightness at the last containing money t hey left aca~tered on t he The bl<> onow atol'm In :nf!l.ine pruiked the moment, floor. In one hand tho dead m1m clutched nrinoRple "street3 i in Dlxmont w!.th a drift NOl' rnD~RSl!.D , A Goon CAKE.- 0.ue cup of sour cream, d Id a lock of dark hair, wh!ca must have been ~ A. communimi.ticn from the Hon. J url torn from ~he helld of one of the asaassins. fifteen feet high, r.n ao Eo i that horses one cup of powdered augar, one a.nd one-half oonld be driven over It. The young men cups of flour, two rgg@, one cup of raisins, Taylor of Los Aogeles, announced that he one level teaapconfoJ of coda, one tsn.spoon· had compounded a. rmnecy fer chllblainB Sheriff R!elz a.nd Chief of Police Murray und boy11 of the village tunneled t his drift, organized a poase and ar e l!Courfog the anclafter two days' work, ms.de a tunnel 175 ful ol extract of v1milla. After mixing the which w1.1s indoraed by the goveYnors of five have country in purauit of the robber~. ,.. r I d s f id The Rook Isl!hnd Ru.ihvay will offer a ' re· foet long, 1 feet l1 gh, an eet w e, otherlingredfontili :;,dd last the fiavoriing, W estern S tateq, P eop1e who h ad b een an· and the 1mleina ro led In flour, Eeali hard noyed fo1· tw~nty yeara had b£en oompieto- ward of $l0,000 for the oo.pture of t he throngb. which tea.ms were ddven fot· sover· un!;il it ia creamy, t hen pourin the p!in and ly curr.d by a fow appl!catlens. The com· men who committed the er(l'<S3 r obbery, al days. pounder had !!.imed not to u.mpute.te the foot, and $5,000 for the arrest of any of them. bake at onoe. · At a recent Dunkard baptismal service bnt to eradio11.te the dise·se, Although Tb.e ba.ggegeman hao baen anested on at Jonee'g. Falls, Md,, one of the b11optised his application for membership lla.d been l:lU.i!picion of being implicated, parsonB, :. young woman, was nearly st ran· Hints and Sue:gestions. r r j ected on the gr~uuds of llge, ho h()ped ____ _..,... ,_.. ·......,.........,,,.,..__ gkd at the eecond dftp, and eo prostra.teci at Cov<r house plants with newspapers be- the club would tinkle him most to deat h by tho third that she hr.d to be og,rrled to a fore aweepirog ; also give them ammonia. I ;dordiDg hfo chilblain remedy. A Wonderful Feat. neighboring hem c and revived. A thirteen· - - -. AND--occs a. WEek i.n the wa~er you put on them. "Gem llln, it can't be done," said the As the 811uth· bound freight train left year-old girl endur <'!d the ordeal with a Bmll Teething, fov,edsh children can ofteu be Praaid~nt 11.11 he looked t· p and down the Gridley utatfon the other e.floernoon, a num· ing face. E'!.ch was in the ice-cold water at quieted by ba.th~ng them in w&.rm wa.tar in aialee. "WhG.t a.m do chilblain? It am a ber of the citizens were aye·witneeues of. a leaat ten minutes, whioh you.have dlcsolved !1. large spoonful of sort o' carpet tack ll'hich eighteen degreea ecene that made the blood in their veins run A huge Oe.lifomla ha.wk swooped down below zero hita on de her.d an drives into de cold · A tramp was trymg · t o "beat" his OI· a. aleeplng·oat at Santa.~Rosa the other salera.tm. Eider down is much used this winter in fut outer eight. Do mo' intmenta an' ea.Ives passage on the trv.in, a.nd a.ttempted to get dr··'· an.d bore it squealing and scratching L " in the air. When about 500 feet high You rub on, de mo' dat tack a!ip11 ara1md, on v. b ra... e· b eam, H e micsed h" 11:1 rec k onIng, high lining the old-fashioned qui.lted eh!rts, the Hcah am fift· ., libin' examples of de rack dat anu -' h. " is f oet d raggad Oil t h e t rack a b et ween the hawk logt ito grip, 11.nd the cs.t came pumpkin hocds, and the old-fashfoned Eng· de lesa you fule wid a chilblain de bettoi· he the r111;!la, The tr11o!n wa~ moving about r.il: down with fo1 !rful veloc~ty, but tho h11owk lish pelbsea that are b eiug imported.. will behave blrnelf." · h mile~ per l1our, '" ..1.0 l et go was certa.In aeat '· caught i·~ ag&in joet before It atruck the How many women there e.re, with oilly TOO F.AR·FETCHED, He struggled frantfor.lly to ge~ hia feet on the earth, and w1~0 carrying it off, when tm!!.ll i!lo~ilias to do for, who adopt such Samuel Shin a~ked permission t o rrnd a tho brake-bee.m, but failed. Meanwhile, sudaenly both foll like lead to the ground. hard wa.ys to do their housework that It fo letter which he had received from a. colored the spectators were .h oiTifie d , and m1my 'rhe ca.t had bitten t hrcuoh the hawk's head impossible for them to rnjoy any leloure. widow in Trnne11Be, She stated that her turned t he1r · eyes a.wEJ,y from t he scene. A'· · killing it in:atantly, 1md "the fall killed the by No prettier foahion of wearing the hair husband wan on his wa.y to the post-office to · last, by om almost uuperhuman effort, he got; c~f:. Ill seen, than a ~imple cercmet, made by the mall an applicatioll for membership when both iect up between hiti hand.a againit t;he Steamboat ~,rank, 11 Modoc Indfan who ho.ir being oombed to the mITddle cf t he head, he foll over ti. cliff ar,d was killed, She had b r a.k e· bar ot· whicl I h e h a d a h o1a, · and nf t·er wau ca.pturod·11>t the time of the Modoc war, , loosely braided, and pinned 20 as to give !t bsen advised t 1> brio" suit a"l!alnst the . club · · l · il h' b -" h d ' swmgmg saver11. t 1mea unt _ l ouy: a. awl who la ~till a prisoner ol: ihe United a. gnoeful, fluffy nppea.ranoe. for $10,000 damage!, but after due refiaotion game · d s1.iffici ent momen t am, h e Iet go W· 't'·u s.11tee, le .-:.0be:toding, by perm~t of the Gov· .t~rtnwtnirty minu~;;;; fvr boiilng potatoe~, had decided to compromise on enough Cllbh h!s hands &nd shot out nnaer the car head ~rnment, the Oak Grove Smit'2ry in Maine, 11.nd forty-fiye m!nuteu for bak!llg them, Pa.re to buy a mule and a mourning bonnet, and firat, and. l1»ud1.d on his back on the eide cf Hs now cr..lle himHelf Frank lVIodoc, and ii! ,,,.-,,.. _,.....,. _,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,_,,,_,,.._.==-~=-=-~:===="'-~~"' ·"'=-"'-"'"'-""'!"""'.~ ---- -~ ----,,--them, If for boiling, a.nd put them in boiling ga.ve m!nnte directfons i>s to how the tho embankment , down whfoh he rolled ntud"ing for the mini&try. He is ma.ldng ~r:"'"'====:-:_ · t o a mud pu ddle, HIs f ace was d evolCI · - goodJ i;rogreul! in his studies, and is apparwater which Bhali j ~~t cover them, 'Vhen money should be sent. Samuel !lbserved Ill done ponr off eve ry drop of t hEJ v1ater, and that hie sympri.thles ha.d been deeply timoh · of col.ox wh0n he i>.rose, the palms of his enliJtt a clevottt ChrietiBn. He la ·nl'oud of ed, !lnd he would move thn.t tha mun of $125 11!'.n '-· d s were bleed. ' ·· chief· pu~ Iii towel ove1 tte lz-ett!e a few minutes, mg, an d h e t remblec·1 11os if· h!s descent from .-. long line of Modoc be immadfat<oly forwardtid. suffering from Bo aevero chill, His adventure t11ins, aud conduct s llihnself w!!ih t rue In· A little turpentine nn the wash-boiler will "Btudder Shin, how muoh oaeh am you and marvelous esoapa aroUB!!(l th:i aym· dian dfanity, mr.il:eclothes very whlte, a.nu will often re· wlllm' to contribute from your own pccl;;et?" th! 1 · th 1. ·t d ·h 'k t ~ pit. es 0 ose wuo W l ,ne~ae " 8 I.in OJ a '.i.'he prevention of dec:i.y :· in wood iB said move incorrigible ati:.mu from white · goods. 11osk6d the Preuide:ut, " I doan' reckon I kin pu~ up nufilo, "dea.th's door," and a colltetfon of savernl to be effectively aooomplillhed by erhauat· A tablespoonful of turp1mtine to a large boil· dolla.rs was promptly taken up and given ing the air from the pol:'es and filling them er or a tea.Dpoonful to two go.llonu of wv.ter, eah." 1 "D:i.fa de way I reokonad; Brudder Shin'a, 1 !m· He fwaa 1~ robd u~t youdugl ma l~ ofta.boh~t with a gu.tte. peroha aolution, a snbatance There is no smell, the boiling preventing It. KEEP A FULL STOCK OF 2D year s o ~.ge, an owe 1 a «e 0 m ·~h 'ch !.}-rn·.·er"es ·.ho wood alike from moisam mighty consolln' in a caso vf tl1 d 'l't .. ( · · ~" · If iDk ia sp!lled on the carpet throw sympathy 1 whoopin'.cough, but it won't buy chicken· strsng an ag. V· ~ tnre, water, and the action Qi 'the snn. 'l'he enough salt on !t to abuorb it. · Take It up - - - -f eolutfon is made by mixing two~th!rdc of il>nd put on more s111t, rubbing It well inta soup. Dis claim am too fur.fotohed, e.n, The L0<ver's fatal Blunder. ~gutta. percha t o one-third of parafine, thii; the Ink-spot. Repea.t it until all the ink is will be re.sisted morally an' legally. 1)1,.p an de nex' time your feelina ,, . mixture being t,hen he mted to liquify the taken up, then brush the salt well out, If down, Samuel, 1 t h dJ t · k t "J,on!oo, l!&id he, as t hey se.t m the par - gutta. percha. when it is rea.dily introduced d prop~rly done no!; a trace of inlr. should re· ~::a e~f~i'el ot~cb!ckl~~.~;roun youl' poc e ·S lor together a. few oveniaga before the d~ing into the pore'11 of the wo ;d the effect of the ma.tu. If coi.l-ol.l Is spilled use cornme&l in RECONSIDERED, of thi: honeymoon--:" I ough~ to tell you gu.t &a pero1ia being, when become~ cool, ALSO SELECT STOCK OF the manner described (.11obove. I h!l.ve ~Een Sir Jaalo Walpole oil\lled up the case of th2.t I bol~ng to~ ljfaaon.!c loogo, and ha VI;' to harden the p<?res, both these r emediea uaed with i;ntlre suc· to attend 1to ae13F.1J:on11 ; 110 dearest, when we ·· Elder l'udong J:.i.ckion, who was suspend- a.re ma.rried yuu mum't fret ii some evenings .A; goose farm is one of the curHo~1,",!ea ,of ccss, 0.11.e bushel and twelve qua1ts of 11ound ed from active m~ mbership some time siuco I have to be awe.>' frt'm my little wifoy·pi· ag~!oulture on the eastern shore of V.rgln.a. engaging fa a religioua diacuseiou in the fey." And tho designing villain chuckled \V1,hln an aroa of about ~,000 acres Uve corn, or its ~qulvalent in ot her gra.in, wm for hall whloh ended in his bestowing numerous at h in prndencti. 5,000 geeae, of several var1etiee, attended keep a fowl a year. And that the average "O.f course I won't, Willililm," E he s~id by he?~era.and reguhrly fed with ~orn, &c, hen will lay ten a.nd a ha.If dozen egge per kicks. upou the p erm.in of Prnfeumr C:r.n:ja. annum makes it oertain for you to secnre ha.r Jones. S!r Iiiaac had traced the Eldu'a softly . , , how many l ooges do you belong The o~ieot i~ th~ collect!ng of down for qullt!I . and ·p~aows, an~1 onca m about cl~ weeks a genealogy ba{Jk for si:i:: grneratiom1, i>.ud lu~d to ?" ' a profit of $1.20 to t$1. 75 per anuum, Ile· pluck!ng ta.kes plaoe. Only tile breuet rmd 11 O.<l.l y one, da.rling," he answered. cording a.a the ptfoes of eggs, poult1·y and dleoov~ rnd thttn &11 h fo 1u1cc3tor11 were very "And when does it meet? How often? ~he s~do!!I under tho wings are plucked, and AGENTS FOR grain a.re varied by the market or your excitable on the subject of religion. They were all Harcl·She1l B!\ptiat11, and they On what evening?" 1t r_tqu!res t he yield. of nrnrly., 100 gecee to loce1lity, wouldn't t ouoh a Metho-:llst or a. Presbyter"Oh., onca a week - on-on · Thursdays," weigh_ a. pnun~. The raw f eavbsr11 1>;re eent 0 Sometimes a wick becomes too short to fan with a ten-foot pole, '.l'he Elder had "Very well ; the:il I shall ha;va you at to Phalade lph1a for cleanln., and scrt!llg, carry up the keros~ne ami the lamp goes inherited thla exoitc\bllity, While lit wo.s home every other evening in the weekR ; .B. Sw!!.nkin vf N<>rth Manohe~ter, Ind., out;, ~ If you have not time t o put In a new very wrong for him to kick P rof. Jones on that will bo ao nlca," lrnd the re1iut11ition of whip" . ing hio wife a.ad wick u.:pioce cf cotton rag pinned on below the shfos, it must be rramembered tha.t the k h i t b k "' And as &be too out er t ny no e- oo abuair.ig hia children. One ni.17M a mob of will answer every ;purpose and become a Professor hacl observed that he wouldn't and made a. memoru.udum on the llUbjeot, he men and boya wont to his house and told good feeder, If a hole should be broken In even let his dog bite a Baptist. Waydowu felt that, after all, he h111d made a mistake, him he muet quit the town at once. They the glass chimney paste on a piece of pn.· Bebee moved that the o;i,ee be reconsidered, k i k _ , . ··i;?a.ve hi.m time to pa.c two gr peac s, and per, wl:J.ioh may often be done l in a. moment, and the President replied: · D · then they marched him dol'1n the main and it will annwer its purpose fo,. a lon.g " OI oo'sQ, if diB religious excitability am Oonjue;al evot1on. street, a big fellow wa.lking behind and time, or until you can got a new chimney. [n de blood, an' was bo'n In de bone, we d I l I l h" w Not long ago as an el er y coupe were cutting his legs w th a e!l.tt e w 1p. hen Sometlmen th1l burners of the famps become ca.n't blame de Elder 80 w1irry much, We oat walking, v. ln.dy on the other side of the the town Umitn were reached ho wa.a strip· gummy and prevent the wioks moving ,free· ly, Boil t hem up In suds over a fire a short wlll recondder his eeo.tenoe, o.n' I hope it ntreet sllpped and fell down. The old gen- ped and lJOundly whipped with blacksnake Filled with absolute purity and correctness. wlll prove a great lesson to him. De nmn 1.lem·nrUllhed·cro·stb.e·treef.,'raisedhis hat whips. T~·~ i the secimd ocourren oe. u uw B ..of th · e time and t hey wm,become entirly clca.r a.nd wh.o has to k lck somebody to prove dat· hlu and offered to asist her In any posaible way. kind reportedJ from Indiana. within a few work well. religon am de bes' had hotter hunt arou:i' R ia wife fol.lowed him across~at a elow pace, weeke, fur a new one." NOT OF IMPORTANCE, t>.n d, witnessing his devotion t o the stranger, Janitvr K ing of the Vlrginfa City Court The Hou. Delaware Green aro~e to make i;b.ook her fist at him. "It's all right-it's Houae bought a. piece of cheese and put it Pianos Tnnetl and :Repairecl. an inquiry, He wanted to know wh~thor ·ill right!" he whhpered, "Yes, I know in hiB overcoat pocket, and a.fterwarda lnid t he Lime.Kiln Club believed, with the Yir B is!" ahe eJ1cl11.imed hotly. "Hore an =· the ooat down for a time, T hen he put It ARTIES WISHING THEmPIANOS ginia. cb.uroh congregation, that the aun known we.man hurts her toe, and you plough on and went to a saloon where he played . '.L'uned or repaired can ha.Te thom attended moved araund tb.e earth, or with the debat- e.oross the etreet to ea.t her up with kind- cards for the drinks. He nQtroed as ha 0 by leaving word ,at the DOMINION ORGAN · t , t·ha t T em Gracy, w h o w ~s lo oklog Co's OFFICE, Bowmanville , A first-cla.B man Ing soc'ety In Vermont, that the earth mov- ness. The other day, when I fell down th\lugn ed around the sun, H e d idn't want; to r.talrs, you llteod aud lii.ughed, and wanted on nudged him vory oiten aa a7eigna.l how sow l>einR i n their mplo r. I seem 011optlous, but would like to act 0 11 .to know if I '.vaa pra.otlsing for a c!rcus 1 ' to play his ca.rue, He lost, und accused STAND:- Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. 11ome E'ettled policy. Gracey of misleading .him. While Gracy "If dis queehun was decided either way A prosperous farmer of Owing~·!lle, Ky., wac denying th'l.t he had touched him a big would flour and bacon become any cheapwoll-preaerved widower of over fifty, baa rat jumped out of King's pocket, He h11orl er!" a.eked the .President. ! wo sons who were both in love with the been feaeting on the cheese and nudging the "I doan' reckon dey would, s&h." !!a.me girl. She found difficulty In·deoiding o&rd player. We have all the best grades of "Den you had better peg afong aa you w hich to take, and the old man solved the One of t he clergymen of Louisville is at am. It am a mat ter we ehall git !\round to problem by B!mdlng the boys off on busir!.e 58 any ra.to consistent ln his opposition to Sun. In time, but jist now it a.m of no great im- and mafl'yliag the girl himself while they da.y nevr!lpapers. To a.'.churoh not ice whfoh he had pdnied in a. s~tul.'da.y evening newepor tance to ue. Yve git jlat au much eun were away. that is manufactured. one way as de odder, BoD' we am indepen· paper hs added a r aquE st to the Sunday den boa.f of Vermcnt and Virginia.." He (speaking of their marriage): "I newspapers not to oopy it, and in a note to WILL W.AIT. think they both made a. very good match," the editor wrote: I learn that my church We have in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, The Chairman of the Oammittee on P ub· She : "l:Iowcan you say so? Why, she's announcements frequently appear In the American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Ile Buildings reported that the frost ha.d brimstone personified, and he's a perfect Sunday papare, They aro copied from the Feed Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and lifted one corner of Pa.ra.dlse Rall eight stick " He: " Biimstone and a. perfect Saturday evening papers. I am conacienLife-time experience in the inches, and he a.~ked what shculd be done &~ick-precisely the eanentia.la to a good tiously and out and out opposed to Sabbath Lard' of his own make and rendering. Meat Department enables us to supply ·a quality unequalled. about it. match," desecration, a.nd do not wish to appear to "We will wait," replied the President. encourage Suudv.y papers by udng them The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. J·ohn Allin, is "'Long in de spring, when de sun dr ives Justice Chitty of London wail recently eveninthlswa.y," f ryilng s:. casa when a lr>.rge piece of plaster , d d e f rost out, d at co ner am boun to settle f f · The green color whioh svmet!mes affects of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deals d · A d , ell rom t h e ceiIIng upon the oanopy unaer own aga.m, t e present time t hree oe · which h ei was sitting, "Fiat justitfa, ruat American an well e.s E \iropeaJJ. oysters hae only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. ners of my ca.bin s.m tilted up from de 1111me coolum," he exclaimed; and went on with formed the subject of a l &te specfo.l investl· be thankfully received. Your patronage cause, but 'long June dey wlll drap bMk the trial, gation by a micro~cGpht at the Smit heonian into de old place widout expense or txoublo. Institution, He flnda that it iu t he minute Goods delivered t o all parts of the town OD short notice. De:meet in' wm now eand up an' we wm Family Pliysician: " afrnld that blood cells whioh become tini;ed with green ·A call solicited. you hr..ve been eating too much on.ke and and the.t these teud t o lodge In the hear·~ tak-s our umbrella.s an' go home, ca.ndy, L&t me sea your tongue," Little and gills In numbers gr1J1Lt enough to g\ve e. C1asll :Co1· Butter, Eggs, Hides, 'Jl'aU.ow, . B eet, Pol"J.: and. '.L'HIS OU'l' and return to . us with Sir Alexander Stuart, ex·Ptemier of New Girl : "Oh l yen c!lon look at it ; bnt it green a.ppearanca. The 'coloring m!\tter, lOc. or 1 3c. stamps, and you'll get South Wales, is now in Denver, aH Warn~ P1·oduce. which 1110.y be vegeti.\ble or &n abnormal won't t ell." by r etum mail a Golde11 Dox of Goods tbat will bring you in more A renowned circus clown died recently Thomaavme, Ga., is called " the garden product of digestion, is entirely harmlGas, C. M. CAWKER, money in one month than anything else in America. 1Githo1· sox make money fa.st, CITY In Troy. Ila ought ta have ·b een one of his city of tho South." lt is t!!le aa2diest plM>e and ln no wise due to a oopper tfaoture, &s ie JOHN ALLIN. popularly euppescd, ~OYELTY CO., Yarmouth, N.S. own jok.:e, then .he never wvuld h~ve dfed, in th.,_t ~eotfon, "Wlll Jud~e Co~aeoutive Sooith pleBse itap dis way?" asked Brothe: Ge.r.dner as bhe meeting opened v;ith s!.xbeen kerosene i1unps shedding their ra.dia.noe ovex- the hall. The Judge advanced In t wo-four time, ·d t t' d d th P roo1 iw en con mue b : · to l " J ile d ge SmIth ·yon e.m a ou. ea,r<e us ' t a k:e up your h ome "' ·- a. d' ·~ t Sta t e. an 18...n .,, ·11 I Id .L 011 w1 n o> on Y c~rry w you d e b ea' wishes of ebery member of dis ~ociety, but will still pre~erve your membership wid ue. In gwlne off among strangers, da.r' am aome ruleu an' m~xlma datit would be well to obrarve: "While It 11.m foshnabal to eatwid a fork, doan' let a good piece of bu.coo ollp a.way fur wa.nt of uBin' yer knife. "When you hae foun' a butcher who will give you m·e<.lit, you ha.s foun' au enemy. " It a.ia't de a.mount of wages you airn, but It am de numbn of days you i.m idle. ... Honest an' industrious men needn't worry :-.bout de number of p.i.tent j~il locks. "Da mftn who lights two candles ~o think by am suah' to want fur light to work by. "De time 8pent in b11ildin' air castles would purvide de wcxld wid t11tters 11.t a oent a bnahel. "H t d · 1· b t ·t ones Yam a goo po icy, u 1 am wise to wait an see what de tdder feller am intendln' to do. 't t h k · d' b ·· Y ou 011111. co c por tn a Jee ox, nor ·tsry ta"oke... ·" d a t Pay year t axes w'd · '·Ico dia n't draw. "Now, Brnddder Smith, on behalf of de members of d is club I shall present yoil wld dh oG!feemill. Ita lnstrinnick Wll>lue am not gl'.'ea.t-only fifty cents-but you will prize de sentiment which acktuated de glvoru. Do ole wcma.u k in us:i tt to grind coffee or pop-corn, and de children kin play hoes wid it a.n hurt nobodye feelln's, It am n.llus wound up. It am prepai:·'d fur ebery- cha.nge ·of weather, It nebber needs turnin', u.n' de bellows nebbar g it3 oater order. '..hke it, Brndder Smith, an' may luok an' proap£rity tt d " a en you, The J udgo attempted to voioe hisfeelinge, but it was a fa.ilnre. His chl.D quivered, a lamp gu,thered in Ms throat, and scaldlvg te1m:i tell into the hopper of the mill. ·- THE LIMEKILN OLU-B.-- A11Exvr~:~~~:~e~~1.~~~~~:~nmscar. ~~@.. -·- ·,\\.~l~~~:JJll."'--"""' -·~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~·~·ii'~~ _ ,..,,......,,...,..,,.,,._ THE WORLD OVER .Jr eaidv, a Fre11ah hors!l that was looked ur·n as the coming n.~ohw'*l when two y ..rs old, will soon appear in t he new Fronch cil'cus a> z trick ho!lle, No one can rHe him. The most brilliant solres given recentl" ~ in Parfa was that of the Princes& You¥iec&· · w1·. ky, forme~Iy the I>rinceo· D.Jlgoroukl, · the swell world dow of Alexander II. All WM thore. /8 ELF The first Law of Nature. 1VJIAYERj· s I-IAT AND FUR Russian Lamb Coats made on the premises. Ordered and Repairing a specialty. N eads' Block. M . MAYER, Furrier Bu CK'S CELEBiiiT!!!.STOVES The I-IAPPY THOUGHT &GARLAND RANGES~. RADIANT I-IOMESingle and Double Heater, PARLOR COOK, all fitted with the Celebrated and only Duplex Grate I They stand without a rival. For sale s. D FURNACES, . a specialty. ALL~ J. SOI, Chemists and Druggists, 1 F U R E DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. 'it Hair .Brushes and Combs, Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, &c. THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE AND CATTLE Pure Ground Oil Cake. FOOD~ PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS A A " P 0 G1·ocers, Butchers and Provision Merchants. · A complete stock always on hand~ wrn rm CUT

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