Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1886, p. 8

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THE .A,~HOUSE C:S:A.~CE. ..... ~ Oshawa has a new steam fire engine, Notice has been given for the eeparat ion of the School Board in Lindsay . There is not a single smallpox in fected house in the city of Montreal,at present. The fees collected in the High School, .Peterbor o, in January, amcrnnt~d to GENUINE BARBA/NS! ----01---1 $91. 75; Tho thirty·ninth meeting l'f t he Whitby Collef?iate Institute Literary Society took place last week. · For coughs, colds, and all throat and lung diseases use West's Cough Syrup. All druggists. t The fifty.first Anniversary of the Cobourg Congregational Sabha.th School w"a · Bonus, 50c. worth of goods, any kind. VVitb every cash parcel over $10, . Bonus, $1 worth of dry goods, any kind. ·V\lith every cash parcel over $20, . Bonus, \iVatch 1n good running order. ·V'lith every cash parcel over $~0, . Bonus, Solid Silver \/Vatch in good running order. T he largest cash parcel f?r , February (must be o v er $50); Bonus, Ladies Gold \iVateh worth. $30, guaranteed for: five years. The person who gets this bonus n1ust forfeit other bonus. handsomely chased Silver Tea-pot offered for the largest cash pur~h~se for January was captured by Mrs. R. Shaw, Church Street. Vve are receiving large quantities of New Goods, and w_hile we undoubt e dly have the largest assor tment, we guarantee our prices are the lowest . Don't buy before you see us. rp1,, 8 ~ f\TAR HOUSE, ~ E AST SHOP E'- --·-·- - - BONUSES FOR FEBRUARY: VVith every cash parcel over $5, .. NEADS' BLOCK. T. GEO. MASON. l'ltoCEEDIN"GS. '.I.1he r esolntion was carried by a small majori ty. It would, d oubt.less, have been rejected he.d all the members been present. The ex -" 'arden, Geo. Campbell, Esq., of Cavan, visited the Council chamber last week. 011 accoun t of poor health, ho ha.s for a time retirad from the active duties of a member of the Council. H is lon g experience in municipal matters, his upriaht dnd conscientious character,;ca11se his absence to be felt at t heOou ncil board. As we ann ounced in December, upon retiring, Mr. Campbell did not give the usual Wa rd en'~ supper; but, instead, invited the members to sit for a photograph of the whole Council. This interestlng group was completed a nd ready for p resent;Ltion last week, wh en Me. Camp· bell handed to each one of tho 41 mem pors a copy, as a m emen to of tho Council of 1885. In parting with Mr. MacNach tan the Clerk and Tre9surer, in a very feelin ~ m anner he expressed h is d eep oblie;i~tion to him for the many kind acts don~ 0 vhile he was a member of the Co uncil.~ and more esp ecially during t he past y ear ~ hilo he was Warden. He said h e could not express, in worcls,all the gratitude he felt, but hoped h o would accept, as a slight token of his hjg h regard for him, a. beauttful silver double inkstand, with gold pencil, pen -casa a nd pen , -a gift alike worthy of the hon or and the gentleman upon whom it was bestowed. COU.NTIES COUNCIL. A. ::IYNOrsrn OF Bow~'Ln1v1uE, FRIDAY, FER 12. =-==-=~-=-=-= these U11i ted Coun ties closed on F riday The January session of t he Counc!l of evening Ii.st. Consicl ,..r able business was transacted during the session . Messrs. J .ohn Grims,m and Henry 'l'liu :!irst meeting of tho B oard of Educatiuu for JS8G was held on Wednesday Elliot t with the Warden , were appointed even.iJJg ~lrd inst. a Goai and Iiegiil try office Committee. :fifo1ube1·s p resent:Messrs Bl('a kly, Horsey, 'r he d uties of this coinmii tee consist in Couch Fair bnirn, Cubitt, al so the n ewly receiving ter<ders, l etting 00111.rn,cts, iind electo1 i me mbers, T od, \>Vindalt and Brim· exercisin<> a oeneral supsrvis; (m over the a corubi;, who made the n e_cessary declara- aoal and ~-~gi'stry offices i n these counties . tion of dli cc and t ook th.ea· seats. acts out of session, and receives re T lw gecre tarv tool-. the clrnir and it was muneration and m iltiage <L3 members of moved Ullll seconded that :Mr . :Bleakley the Council in sess ion. be clrnirm::m fot· the ensuing year, which High Sch ool Trus te~s wore 11.ppointed was carried unanimously, b ut Mr. B leak- as follows: ley declined t he position, when 11'.lr. Wi!1B owmanville,- R. Windat t. datt w~s unanimously elected chairman, m N ewcastle, - .J~s. 11-. Allan. his place. Oolbornc, -Clrn~. H. Ma.le . Minnte1J of last tw o meetings read and Brighton .- A. C. Singleton. confir·~Bucl . Campbellford, - Vv m. A.i clrnr, and vV".n . Several accon nLs were brought b efore N ealson, in the place of D r. By;im,decei:s the B oarll a nd r eferred to tl:i e Finance ed. , committeu. Commission ers t o s uperintend the variA deputatio1i of th e Min isterial Associ- ous bricl~es w3t'e appointed a c; follows: ation of West Durh:~m, consisting of Hastinos bridgo .-H. Fo wlds. Messrs. Warriner and Rob ert·, addressed Cttmpb~llfod br id go, -0. Gillespie. tho B o<Lrd with reference t o tlrn members Wallace Poi nt brirlgc,- J uo. Riddell. -of th~ As~ociatiou visit i ng the Union Al lan 's brid ;(e, - G. Bed f01·d. School, for the µur pose of giving religio us Messrs. C. A . Mallory, Percy and H. i nst ructi ou to t he pupils at st ated ti mes, Ellim,t, jr., l:hr .upton, were ap pointed DISTRICT NEWS. to which thl>y asked Lhe con sent of the Auditors, u nder the " La,w R eform Board. . Amendment Act. " The N ewmarket E ra has entered upon lt was moved by Col. Cu bitt, .sec'.>llded !\tr . II p G ould C.,stleton and its 35th year . · · ' "' '. b J B F· · ·b· · that t he appllcairon of · iessrs. Y · · ai! ;mn, · . d 1 d I .Alfred R ylev Bfltha ny were appornted B riohton village has turned the first the A8s oe1ahon b e favorably ~eceile '(] Auditor~ in a·c~ordance ~ith the pro visions sod 0 f its projected railway. ~as i·esol ved that tho classes ; 11 h e n- of t.he "MunicirJal Oor iJornt ions Act ," H·n School shall close 1 1t 3:1<> on every . Mr. Geo. Tanner, of Lakefield, n ear F1i day afternoon, and th·, t the pupils The contmct fo r the supply of 100 corns P eterboro', died s uddenly on l::lunday allall assemble under th e direction of the of woc 1d for t he ga ol and court h ouse, ,wa; week. P rmcipa.l, in such room~ as h e nu.y ~ e~m a warded t o Mr. Tho~. L awl or , a.t $3. 9o $4.22.75 has b een contributed to the com e1>ient fo r the purpoae of rece1vmg per cord. Port Hope B enevolent F und, by t ho reli<>ious ii;structio n from the ministers of The Cou ncil d eclined t o concur io tho citizens. 0 the different denominations in th e town , prayer of the Coun ty Council of G rey, pe· For liver comphtint, dyspepsia, and anu that t he se1;retary forward a copy of titioning the Minister of Education to sick headache, use \Vest'~ L iver Pills. All t his resolution to t he secretary of the Cl Use such ·>Iterations M will materially drugg ists. t Ministerial Associatio n. shorten the rnidsumrner vacttt ion. for r ural Mr. J . O. G uy, Oshawa, was appointe d 'fhe Auditors report of t he 'l'reasurers schools. High School ·rrustco, by the County A nmrnl. Statement was prese nted and The School Committee recommended Council, t h ie year . the Council to memorialize the.Legislatur e Pain cannot exiBt when Wes t's vVorld'11 r eferred to the Finance committee. It was moved by 'V. B. Couch, seconded to so ame nd the Public School Act of1885 Wonder is applied . Cheapest and best . by :J.B.Fairbaii·u,that t ho following morn - as t~ compel to~chers ~f lli_gh ~chools to a nd 0c. All druggists. t 5 bers compose the S tandmg committee for preside at Entrance E xamma t10na, as a 25 ~ the ensuing year: . . . part of t h eir duties, . without other _ r e· T wo young men were fin ed $2 aml costs Fin auce-Messrs. Fatrb<tlrn, Couch a nd rnun er atwn than their ordinary sala ries. and another ·$4.and costs for disturbing the The recom Ule ndation was a dopted. Salvation Army 1Metings, Whitby. :Brodie. . P r ope rty- Messrs. Horsey, Cubitt and The F i n an ce CommiHeo refused t o The stand ard r emedy for liver com:Burd en . honor <Ln account prcsentad from Mr. W . plaint is West's Liver Pills ; they never Visiting- Messrs. Bleakley, Tod and H . Erye, R egistrar of West N orthu m bor- disappoint you, 30 pills 25c. All drugBrimacombo. laad, for cleanina office, making fires, re- gists. jThe Principal's r e poet of the n.tt~ndance movin g sriow, s1.1 p plying ink , pem, etc. , A grant of $100 was made by the Northof the High and Public Sch?ol for J an . for siX: years, amounti·1g t o $312. umberLmd and Durham Co:inties' Coun1886, was r~ad and on motion was reM tissrs. V ancamp, L on g, Parr, D a>id- cil at their late session, to the Williams c eived and filed. sou, Gr irnson, Mallory, Crouter, ~~agleson M emoral Fund . The F inance committe~ n .commended and Elliot t , were appointed a committee I · roorJUCHE. - Do you suffar wit h i t 1 t.he payment of the followmg accour'.ts : ~ to take into consideration , the i_ m p_ ortanco Go. buy a bJttl~ of Pain-K iller and find Veal &Braddhaw, cord wood . . . . . $'12 oO of d e visrng so me mealls f > r rch evmg the r.elt ef m the t wrnk le of an ey e- for toothSherin and K i rby, painting . . . . . . 13 00 ratepayers of these United Count.ies from ache it is a specific. p . Trnbilcock, stat~onery . .. .. . . 28 25 intolerable nuisanco and in.convenience j Mr.E. Sb.ipman, of Oshawa, fell from .John P <Olrcy, mend~ngsto,ve . ... .. ~ 00 caus~d by the t '.>ll-15atoa wh1c~1 a re upon a load of hay, which he was assisting to R. Windatt,Returnmg officer . . .. . ~ 00 c ert<Ll~l roa~s w1t hm . tho lumts of the bind, recen tly, and seriously inj ured his p Col eman, do <> 00 counties. They were UJs trucle~ t o report back and right hip. John l\~cDougal, do . ~ ~~ at the next session of the Counc1l. To Ladies . The great beauti fier fo r G.D. :F letcho~, postmg bills . · · · · , . It. seems that some ugly rum_ors got the co:nplexwn : One of 'Vest's sngar L . Lyle, drawmg wood._. ·· . .. ···· i 50 floatmg about raspectmg al legetl irreg ul- coated Livd P ills taken ni!l:htly. 30i;>ills .Jolm McDougal, sundries . ··· · ·· · 3 SG arities in the award of the c· J ntract to M r. 25c All druo«idts -f R . S. Ma!lning, do · · · · · · · · 10 30 W. T. Law, of Pete rboro, for the co n · · ~b · R h h· _ Mun son & Bmmey, carpenter struction of tho ne l\' Wallace l'oint bridge. hMr. Gfeo. A. T~ose, l 'f eac ' ti as F ur 1 W >rk. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2 50 Th e members of the committee appointed c ased rom Wos d.d. uhrney,f le . a;h 1 to act in con3nnction with a committee of ~n~wn asftBrn ke f mt g ! am u arrfn~ in ° $120 16 t h e LJouuty of Pet erb oro, ga~o a f u ll ~x:- ;,n,_. con. ,o roe .. ·. or 1e s m o . .,. , . . The Audito1 ·s' report refe rred to t he planation of their conduct m awardmg SMITH s G ERM.AN W oRil! R EMEDY. - R committee sh ows tho account of the the conkact E md the Council unanim'.ously M orrison of t ho Domimon Electroty pe treasurPr to be correct an d in good order, passed a ros~l u tion e xonerating th~rn fr<;im Foun dry, 5G7 Craig s~reet, , l\ilontre_ a l, and recommended th e publication of any bbme wha t.e ver in c onnectwn with says one dose of DR. S M ITH s GERYJ:A.N said report iu on e of t he local papers. the performance of t heir du ty. WORM _ REM_ RDY r emoved 13 large worms Moved by W . M. Horsey, seconded by In r eference t o the question of extim d- from lns cluld 4 years old. W . .B. Couch, th at, on account uf the re- iug t he j urisdictiou of Police Magistrates M_ r ., ~· Fegan, b;a~~srnan on the W ._ P. cent chano-o of the sch ool law respecting to ctiunties for Scott Act and other put._ P. d1v1s10n of the <~. 1. R .. wlule c~uplmg High Sch~ol grant~, t h e Finance commit- pose~, the Council ap pointed :t committee {a car at Po1·t Perry , recently ! ost his f~ot t ee be an d ar e h ere by instr u cted to ex - composed of M essrd. B edford, Robsun, ing and b ecame entangled with t he rails, a mine and r eport at the n ext meetini; of Vancamp and th e W arden, to @btaiu in· inju ring hiB leg and shoulder. the B oard, the effect the change iu the forma:ion ;111d ro~ort at the June sess~oml No suffero~ fr~m ai~y sci·o,fulot'.s. ~is approyriation of the High Scl~ool grant_ s, Durlll~ the closlllg ho urs· of t he sess~on, ~ases, who ~ill _ fairly tty .Ayer s ~arsapar ( Government aud <:oun ty), will make rn Dr. Willo.ighby introduced a resolution, 1lla, need dt_ s pair. of a c_u~o. It will p urge our finan ces, causing increased taxatwn of gra otincr $ 100 t o t he W illiams' M:emorial t he blood of all nnpunhes~ thllreby desth e rat epay er s of this town. fund . Nea rly h alf the Co uncil opposed t roying th e germs _ f royn which scr~fula is The Board adjourned until the first the grant, mainly on th e g rou ad that it d~veloped, and will mfuse n e w hfe ~nd F riday in March. was unconatitutional to appropriate money vigor throug hout the whole physical J·oHN M cDOUGALL, Sec. for an obj ect which did nut come within org<Lnization. . The FancyGoods and China that the purview of the Municipal Act , by Ask to see t he prepared Mmce Meat o.t Murdoch Bros' are selling is wonderful. which their expenditure was controlled . Murdoch Bros'. BOAR D OF EDUCATION. It 1 heldonsundaylast. · For rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, wounds i or burns use, ·west's ·w orld's Wonder. All drug-gists. t .Mr . A. Ross, of Port Perry, has con tributed $2,000, to the new Met hodist church, of t hat place. The moulder's a t t he Osha1va Malleable Iron Company's W orks, went out on strike on M onday of last week. 'l.'wn very old r esidents of Brighton t own ship have died recontly--Petcr Maybee, 82; James Mason, about 100 years . Some thief brok e into the S. A . officers residence, Cobourg, last Friday, and stole a cornet valued at $ 18 and $2 in money. West's Cough Syr11p stops tickling in t he throat, stops that hacking co ugh and gives perfect relief ; it is certain ly worth a trial. All druggists. l A very serious type of di phtheria has broken ou c in Pon P erry. It is reported that several deaths have already occurr ed from tl10 disease. Some say " Consumpt ion can't be cured. " A.yer's Cherry Peet.oral, as proved by forty years' experien ce, will cure this disease when not already advanced bey ond t ho reach of medical aid . E ven then its u se affords very great relief, and insures refreshing sleep. Mrs. Margaret Prentice, relict of t he late James Prentice, one of the oldest and mos t respected r niden ts of t he Township of East Whir.by, died on the 1st instan t . Whitby Council consists this year of two lawyers, t hree fa rmers, one prod11ce merchant, one shoemaker, on e builder, one nail carrier, one flo ur and feed merchant, one shoe merchant and one butcher. A good variety. As a general thing ladies who make any protellC\IS t o r efiner.neut d esire to h ave soft whi.te hands. We believe that there is nothing wi ll tend more to p rod u ce th is effect than the co nstant use of M u mttl. Y & I;AN~ltl.N's F r.O lnDA W.HER mixed wit.h .lves r ed t ho water in t h e basin. It reUJc ness and r oughness. 'rh o ladies of Cuba and South Amer ica were th.e first to discover t h e extrnordinar y virtu es of this floral water as a cosmetic, and h ave long since discarded tho use of all ottiord. Mr. fl awthorn and l\1iss:Lick, daughter of Mr.Jerry Lick, were driving west towards Mr. Lick's r esidence on'l'nesdayof las t week, t hey wen met in rho road by a man namedl\fasson living between Ushawa and Whit by, aad anot her party, they both tried to pass at on ce wh en N.Iasson's h orse shied and sprang into Mr. H 11wth orn's cu tter, th e shaft striking Miss Lick in the side passing throng L her clothes and tearing t h em badly, and stnashi ng Mr. Hawthorns cut ter all to pieces. Miss Lick was dragged up the hill for some distance before she was freed fro m th e shaft. No STRONGER \V.ARRA.NTY can be given for the merits of a cough medicine, than we offer . Wo say to all wh o wish to u ee ALL1"N'S LUNG BALSAM, tb:it unless it "ives ent ire satisfaction i.hey ,nay r etnm t he bottle t o us a fter t hey have used it 48 h ours, and the monay will bll cheerfully refunded . '.l'he sam9 warranty has been offered from t h:i day we offered the Bt1.LS.Al\l firnt for sale and to t tiis time, the fi rst b ottle h as uot been ret urned, and we have recei ved nothing b u t praise in its favor from those whCJ have used it. Ocean fare $13 .00, steera ge, from Port· land or Halifax by Allitn Line, t o or from Londonderry, Belfas t, Queens town, Galway, Limerick Glasgow ; Cabin also reduced. W. A . N EaDs, Agent. 48tf 0ver Fifteen Thousand · Dollars Ill Fall and -W-inter DRY G-OODS:J Millinery & Mantles. ----o--- I AT LESS THAN COST.. - ---O<-- - Blankets, worth three dolla1 s, for two dollars. Bed Comforters, worth one dollar, for sixty-five cents. Grey Flannels, worth twenty cents, for 12~ cents. Twilled Cott on Sheeting, worth :fifteen cents, for tHn cents. Home Made Flannel :::ihceting, worth forty cents, for 32 cents. White Qu:l ts, worth one twenty-five, for eighty-:fivo cents. All Wool Drelss Serge, worth forty cents, for 28 cents. Wool Shawls, worth nin ety cents, for six ty cents. Ladieis' Kid Gloves, worth eighty cents, for sixty cents. Ladies' Cloth .Jackcts, worth three dollars for $ 1.50. Cloth U lsters, worth two dollars, for $1.25. Silk Plush, worth two dollars, for $1.35. PIERCE~ '-1 0. ------------ - ----- J. H ICCINBOTHA &B ON, Che1nists and Drug g ist s, KERP A FULL STOCK OF FURE DRUGS and all the Patent Medicines advertised. ALSO SELECT S T O C K OF Hair Brushes and Combs, Perfumery and Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Chamois, AGENTS FOR &c ~ THORLEY'S IMPROVED HORSE AND OATTLE FOOD. Pu re Ground O il C ake. - ---- -=====~ AUCTION SALES. TUESDAY, FEB. 23.- Mrs. Goo. Bmdbum, who has rented her farm, will sell by auction, wit hou t reser ve, on lot 9, con. 3, Cartwright, the whole of her far;;,i stock, implements, hay, &c. H . .L. PHILl..IPS, .Auctioneer. Sale to commence at 1 p. m., sharp. T UESDAY F .1rn. l G- Mr. William Bruce, Jot 9, con. 2, Cartwright, will s~ll his farm atock, implements, et c. , without reserve, as farm is r ented. Storrk includes 7 cows in calf to thor10-bred bu ll ; 7 t wo year olds; 4 ci~lve s; 2 good horses; on e col t coming two years; Implements all go od. This will be au important sale. Begins at 1 p. m. s harp. See billi for fnrther particulars. H. T. Pm.n.Lrl's, au ctioneer. PRESCRIPTIONS and RECEIPTS Filled with absolute purity and correct ; ss. P ublic Notice. The undersigned havin~ bought ont tho GRIST MILL of J . St'··lt er, Esq., and put everything in firat -clasa order, is prepa red to do all kinds of Gr1stin g. I will g uarant ee t o make the hest A.RNECTA F Loun t hat is made in the count y , as the mill has been fi tted u p especially for handling that kind of wh~at, I have also pnt in a SAW MILL In con nection with the ab ove, ancl am prepared to take in any quantity of S11.w Logs. c,. .,£ Chopping I have l owered t he pr1 to suit the times. I :I: · lft. tl10m1antlfl o r c1u1cs o r Lh~ w ors t ktnd and o r lo n g etanltlog hnvc been cured. Jndcecl, Ao st ron g 1:1 u 1;y fo llh t u tte emca cy, tha t 1 will llcnd 1.'WO ll0'f'1'LES PREE, toirnth~r w lt11 a VALU A.fll.E '1'HKA'! 'IRK on t.1:11.1 11 111e aee 1 t o an y eo!forcr. Give F.'x.~ PIC68 ancl P . o. add.reef!. DB. 'l '. A. & l.OCUM, l 5l l'e"'d Bt·· J(.. IJ.. CONSUMPTION I hav1.1 a 11oaitlvo ram ctly f () L ' t oe a.bove Ul50Me; by f !11 wto >HEALTH IS WEALTH. 3: )> A. S. 'I 'OOl,EY, 51 P eopl.,'a Mills, Kin!!ston Road. 9 000 0 MAGIC." . C> ;: and dandmff, where the roots of the hair is not entirely desr.royecl it will produce u heavy t hick growth of llflir, it will li kewise i-estore tho grey and fad ed hair back to its forme1 · color and where dandruff'· exists will remove it without fail. Testimonials by t he huoclrecls conlirruing t h_ e good results o.f th.o "HAIR Mnnufactnred onlv by A. DOIUi!NWEND, solo owner fo1· U. s: nod Cu.iada, 103 nnCl 105 Yonge S t,. Toronto, Canada, I<'or ea.le by all principal drug stores, J . HIGGIN BOTHAl\.{ &: S 0 N , Druggists, i, Agents for llowmanvllle, I s a powerful re'lledy for thin hair, grey hair Dr. E. C. ' Vest's Nerve and Brain Treatment. CUO"WN .iU'l '" G CUl'llPANl', 2!14.Vln e St., Cln· a gnaranteed specific for Hyste1~ia; Dizziness, churnu. Ohio Co11vulsions, Fits, Nervous, :r<enralgia, Head· ache, Nervous ProstrJJ.t1on. caused by r.he use of a lcolt ol or tobacco, Wakefulness. Mental Depression, Softening of tho brain resulting in insanity a11d leading to miser y decay and deat h Prcmatnrc Old .Ago, Barrennes~. Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoco. caused by over-exertion of th e Brain, self·abnso or over·indulgenco. Rach box contain11 ono month's treat ment. $1.00 a box. or six boxes for $5. 00, sent by mail p-rcpaid on receipt of price. ANTE D- Ladies and ge1.1 tlemen in city or country to 1H .ke light woi:-11: a t their own homes. $3 to $4 fl cla:<' 1_.1 h e easily made ; work sontby m 1.il; a '> ii> ; ing. "e have good demand for ·U r >\"O r lt nd fur· W nish steady employment. A.drt mB-J. w it h stamp, W We Guarantee Six Boxes by us for six boxes, accompanied wit h $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JNo, C. W.EST & Co., 81 King St., East, 'l'oronto. To curn any case. v Vith each order receil,ed

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