Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1886, p. 6

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, ---.._,,.,.-::aftlllll~.iNiD.Mlllill~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·tW.W-~l~~QllkWfiiiJJ~~~~~..-.-av ~ both itstlf a.rid rider into apace, to be er · ght pa.tn a.nd · the dta.d~y hrs.d (fortuna.telr,, after many a gy ra.iion in mid· a.ir a.me gst pe1haps, for hls horses legs) going over i1i.o the topmast branches whoee lea.ves ;.vere th.e a~yas that yv.wned m1 thdr left. · stirred by the desert air hundreds o{ frnt Then, ete tho somewhat astound~d santon b~low. could ~raw ano~her serp?nt. from hia b'1!Bktit , h ey which 1t seemed to be h t:i mtention to .do, On one oooasion oti looking down l> - -M.ANUF.A.C'l'URER OF-de,,.orled their pursuers at !Gast a hnwlnd f.rank_Donelly ha.d him hy t he be11rd, which, feet beneath them on tho ea.mo .vituiiDg grnapln.g firmly, h" firat of a.11 gave hlu patl> 1 and uo situated thut had they had any tieii.rd a good shaking thereby and then _JJy tl&e Author of "NINA, THB NIHILIST," "THE RRD SPIDER, " " IDE Russi.AN SFY,' loose rocks at their command t:hf·Y could said in stern tones : KING STREE'l'. B OWMl\NVILL _ "Y()u will eit her save us or p~ rlsh yournave rolled them over a.nd crushed the ETO., .E~o. on hand a. number of vehlcleo (and is manufacturing a great many more) of t h e newel! Bedouins or have hurled them from th~h· self. Tho.t yen 01),ll eave us I know, a.nd if Ha.a now pattern s and best finish, which I am offering for sale st the lnwest pricea consistent n11.rrow porch into mid -a.Ir, but t hf>lr wore, you dont or won't, ~ ewea.r to you that the with due rega1·d to workmanship and quality. The fallowing id a list ot rled the givj.m l, and who seemed to be no aufiloiently heavy maesea of stone about, rnoet r emar kable thmg which these .BedCHAPTER xxvrr. the principal vehicles manufactured by me swifter than 11.ny of them, even though oa.po.ble of b<>lng rendeuid servioea.ble in oulna shall fiud about ua when they ovn·· .'..IS ESCAPE IMP OSSJDLE ?- PAT CAPTURES AND every no ·v and then ho was dra.wn sharp up oubl e Covered Carriages ............... . . ..... .. . ................... . ....... $200 Upwarda, D this manner with a Jell!! , fficient instrument t.a.ko us will be your head severed from the DISMOUN ~S A JIA.TTERY. to permit of that qua.int but provoking piece than a. lever or a. crowbar, so that the flight body. Can you understand that ?" Single Phretons . .. ·.··· : ...... ... ...... . . ............... . . ....... ... ............ ·100 11 Open Buggy. ... . . .... ....... .... . . ............................ . .. .. .. .. ......... 70 11 Fa.t Mo11aghan had not exv.ggerated matters of ordn11J1oe being diech11orged from hia ha.ck. had to be cont inued witho.ut pause and with " Yea! yes," gasped t~e now frlghtmed The worst of it was tha.t at; each ·shot the no knowledge of where 11111d how it would sa nton, let go my beard and I will serve Top Buggy .... ........... . ....... . .......... .. .. ... .......... ... ................. , 90 11 for the Bedouins really were a.lref\dy in par· aim of the ewar t hy-visa.ged, red·tnrbaned end ; but anyhow, to attempt to cross t he you truly. By ~l!i.h and the prophet, I _ .1uit of them, on horc<>bllook, and m()unted D emocrat Wagon.... ... . .. . ............ ...................... .. .. ...... ......... 65 11 oannoneer wae evidently improving, that is mountain, to descend on the other side will sa.ve you all. ,on :fleet dromedaries, Lumber Wagons..... ....... ... ................... ............. . ..... ......... ... 55 · 11 True, they were not yet clear of the oasis, t o sr..y, if he ha.dn't been playing with them a.nd then to renew their flight across a. ·: You can walk besid? my horse as w~U Light Wagon....... ..... .... ... ...................... . ......... .. . .... .... . ..... . 40 11 all along as a ca.t does w ith a moute, whilst the fugitives had r eached the bound· second desert as vast and level and track- as m frent of it, for whilst I hold :you Ill Express Wagon ... ..... . ....... ............. , ... . . ...... ... .... , ·. ... ... ,........ 75 11 .A~ last a ba.11 hummed paet eo close to lee· as many a seB was not to b~ thm;ight of. this way I'll be the ~etter able to take dI less desert sands and were nkimming a.cross Skeleton ................. . . .. .. .. .. ... ... . ............ ... .·. ...... . .. . .. . ... . . .. .. . · 60 11 Pat's ear that he Involuntarily rr..f.sed a them &s yaohtll under fnll sa.il skim the sea.a ; Frank Donelly waa still re.eking his brnins your head on t he slightest show of luke· Sulky .......... ..... .............. ......... ................... .. . . ... ............... 40 11 bnt for a.11 this their chances in the life and hand thereto to etill the ringing in it. and encouraging Nellie by turns, whilst Pat warmness or treachery. If you serve us Next he uttered a strange national inter· Monaghan orought up t he r ear whfotling in well you shall be well pa.id-:aye, paid be- Poeseaeing superior facilities for manufacturing oarriagea, I intend to sell very cheap tor o~eh death race that was assuredly a.bout t '.l en· or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase m y number of sales Would sue would be small indeed against the long· jectfon (in naming it after one of the nine mbdued tones one popular· Irish song after yond your moat greedy desires ; a.nd you sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, ' -legged camels 1md the swiftfooted drome· pa.rts of speech we are speaking mildly) and another when all at once t he soft cadence must know well enough, ) ou old fool, that daries of the wild sons of the desert from the next instant, to the infinite surprise of of som~ reed instrument became clearly If you delivered us over to t he Bedouins, both hie master and Ndlie 'rreza.rr, they a.udible at a little distance in the front, whom they were seeking to esoape. they would- only throw you a few para.s t urn r ound and spur furicualy "God save all our people I" exclaimed beheld him The air was monotonous yet not unplr.a.s· for your pa.ins." . At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmeil. if D esired, toward instead of away from the approach· (Japtain Donnelly presently, with great fer· Ing, but a.s much could not be said of the .Al~ the while he was prea.ch1ng to him fo g score of Bedouins, who were now, how· vor, a.a the remembrranoe suddenly ocourred plo.yer, who at the next turn in the asaent in this manner, Frank· Donelly was drag- .A.t the Factory I also do P inning, Matching, 1'urning ann Sawing with Circle Ba.nd or Scroll Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd others tor building pnrposee to him, "for Ara.bl Pashllo counts upon el:xt.y ever, stretched out over fully a qua1ter of a wa.s suddrnly reveal ed to their view stand- glng him a.long likewise, for t hey were in no ' Bin every style reouired, made to order. · Ornatnen tal and Plain Pickets ror fenoc thousand of the Bedouin robbers a.nd cut· mile of dosert, the gun camel ancl two dro- Ing ln the centre of the narrow m ounts.in position to waste even a minute. throats to help him to rid Egypt of its medaries being well in advance of the t rack and intently regarding the steep .By the time thi\t he had finished speakC hristian popnla.tio_n. I have heard so others. mcssy banks 011 t he right whilst he played. ing, however, t he sa.nton seemed to see the "I.Jome baok, madma.n !" shouted Frank So intent was he on what he wa.a a.bout force of his remarks and to fall In w ith his from the beot authority." " I dare say they will be officered by those Donelly, at the top of hie vc!oe, but P.i.t tlu.t he neitl:ter heerd nor saw those who r easoning as well, for he said in mGre de· who will be able to keep them well under Monaghan \VMn't as mad as his maste1· were approaching him aa fast · as ever the c!ded tones, " I will eave you," and pres.control, for I do not even yot believe that deeme d him, for theugh he rode straight at steepness and roughness of the road per· ently a.dded, "Behold, the do01 t hat leads the war minister is one-guarter so black M the ca1ne: and its rider. and with fully as mittod. to safety is at han1i. " much ardor as that where with Don Quixote he is painted," replied Nellie, gra.vely. (To llE CONTINUED.) _ 'l'hen all at once h o dropped his inetrn11 You a.re welcome t o think what you like oharged the w lnd mlll, yet he gained far mei;t and darted out hie a.rm, and l\8 it ·waR -----------~---c>f him, darling, since you cared for him so more by the enool\uter tha.n did the Knight withdrawn Capti\in Donelly perceived that ITEMS OF INTEREST Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the little that you preferred risking tho perils of L a Marchv., for though he ma.de pretense it graaped a serpent which was writhing and and hardships of the wilderness with me. I to charge with his spea.r, ytt no sooner did twiatlng in a futile 1>ttempt to esci~pe . French flata a.re b rn()m!ng very popular LIVE R , S T OlllACD, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. wish, though, that those infernal mountains he got close by than quick as lightning he Whilst thus engaged the utter and un- in Bosten. 'fhey invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and were a little neo.rer, for l vow t hat deuert slung that, under the circumetance11, ueeless radeemlng hideou~neas of the man beca.me 'l' ha largest American: cann on throws a eand is more deceptive to distance than even weapon, and drawing ht& revolver ga.ve tho appiuent. are invaluable in 11.11 Complaints inciden tal to Females of all .Ages. For 1,080-pound ball. water. Ther e come the Bedouina out Into huge camel and the two dromedaries a couChildren and t he aged t hey a.re priceless, Ho was cla.d in a. masa of flutterin11 ragu, It le estimated tha.t there are 1,000,000 pl e of charges apiece. the open deeert at a. trot . and wherever his ekin wa.s bare (which it 'Twas even so; there they were, humped To miss suoh bulky targets was a.lmoet must have been in a hundred places at least) cattle in Montana, upon their camels and dromeda.1ies, or be- impossible, and the camel immediately it was covererl with coarse hair like a gorllllll. The census of 1880 pface11 the number of Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorea atridlng their horses like Centaurs, with toppled over OIJto its nose dead, whilst one Bis naked and emaciated arms and legs Mormons at 110,377. -and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout 11.nd Rheumatism, For disordera of the thoir long beards and the loose ends of their of t he dromedarie3 oank on its &ide utterbig were In the same condition, whilst a. curly The English " setting up" drill, which -Chest it has no equal.1100.rlet kuffeeh (or eha.w l head oove(tng) the moet pla.intive bellows and Its compan- iron gray beard and whltkers reached up· produces the ideal wooden soldier, is said to JI.uttering in the air, and the white moon- ion, maddened with the pain of a less seri- wa.rds to his eyes and downwarils to his be a. fertile cauee ef Jung and heart diaea.ao. For So1·e Throats, Bronclnitis, Couglls, Colds, light glinting on their bright lance points, ous wound, tore tcumpeting across the waist, his long mn.tted elf-locks streaming The oldest Mwly-franchised laborer in rifle barrels, drawn swords and the whole plain, at right angles to the oeurse that it over his broad shoulders In the same filthy England voted in the villa gs of R0ston. He Gl~ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has n o rival; and 1:for armorJ of lesaer weapons th~t each man had J1itherto been pursuing ; so having and unkempt condition. cont racted a.nd stiff j oints it acts like a. charm. was 93 and he wa.lked a long way to vote, carried in his broad leather b$lt. e.coompliahed all th&t he had deeired or in· To complete this app:i.ll!ng looking being's of course. One of the camels, t oo, WM surmountecl tended, Pa.t co.ma galloping ba.ok wild wi\ h deeoriptfon his huge broad nose was a.1Manufact ured only at THOMAS H OLLOWAY'S Est ablishment, King Solomon, in Ara.b lltera.tu;r, a.a well by a. small piece of artillery called a ginjaul gle'l to his compi>Illons, yelling at the top moat blood red, his lea.den lipped mouth capable of t hrowing a. half pound ball to a of hie voice as he drew within earshot:': showed through a volume of champed-up as in the writings o! the natione they sub 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LO?lDON ' great distance and with accurate a.lm aa "Faith, an' I've silenced that battery a.r d fou.m ra.ngen of jagged yellow teeth that dued, appears aa the greatest ma.gioinn the And are sold a.t ls. ltd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 22s. , a.nd 33s. ea.oh B ox: or Pot, and world ha.3 ever seen, .well. dio..mounted It ao well, an' sure, now tl\a.ti would have done credit to the jaws of a wolf· may be ha.d from all M edicine Vendors throughout tb.e World. The Paris municipllollty u.ro about to hold No sooner did the Bedouina d~scover the I've had a :rale brush with the enemy J 'll Hs ears were tremendous a.nd almost as red exa.ct position of those of whom they wo:re run avva.y as fa.st as ever you like." wrurchasers should look at the J,nbel on the t·ots and Roxes, u the ~ d tlre u as his nose, and his eyes gleamed beneath a lof;tery, from which they expect to makfl in se1Jorch t ha.n they waved t heir taa~eled lk .. r.aa. Oxrc:r<I StJ:"r.et. London; they are Hpnrlo·s. " I B houldn't wonder if ycu h11.d saved a.11 joined bnahy brows with a dull red luminous a million !loud a h alf francs for the relief of apeo.rs o.nd sent up a wild whoc.p Into the our lives by your couxage, and wha.tever glow that told eitht<r of madness or some· di&tresued workingmen. """=='""""',,....""""""....,,""'=-:3=::3 moonlit heavens that sounded not unlike happens we'll consider eurstlves indebted t hing more fe11orful still. At the iela.nd of Innishoffin, Irelimd, th ~ a. chorus of wolves over nn unexpected to you and it t o no small degree, my brave - To add, if it were poaelble, to the horror whole population, about 5,000, are verging fellow," responded Captain Donelly, 9.S the of thin seeming ghoul's a.ppeu.runce, he on actu"l ~tuvation, At leaa t 500 are subfeast. Nellie t rembled a.nd felt faint at the fierce three once more sped across the level desert carried a big but somewhllot dilapidated sisting solely on seaweed. a.nd barbaric yell, and the young officer ·Ide by side. bu.sket on his back, through every fis&nre For $2,481 there was recently sold in Bos· could not help exclaiming, " Would to hea.And in truth Mcnagha.n had rendered no in which a serpent's hea.d was thrust forth, ton a aingle ticket from that city to Drnver, ven that we had haza.rded the ra.ilway oars small servioe, since the ra.ce wa11 now a.I· whUet over hw shoulders, across his brawny good for apa.rty of nine, in a special car, after all.·~ . But no sooner had the vu.in re- most one of horse against horse, for the breast and in and out through the filth of with privilege of loitering on the read. gret escaped his lips tha~ Nellie rejoined, other co.male that the Bedouins possessed his ha.Ir and beard orawleda perfect colony A German geographer and sta.tlst1clan, " You acted for thti best, Frank, and God seemed to be of no great account, two be- of huge scorpions, their scales ra.ttUng tmd Dt. A. Fiahe1·1 e~timates that an o.nnua.l can proteot uo hel'e a.s perfeotly as in the ing heavy with foal and the remaining three their death-dealing tails 11ometi'me1· , lashing slaughter of 40,000 elephants is necesaa.ry to train. We shall h&ve to endure, perhaps, a evidently old and stiff. · the air. supply the ivory exported from Africa. longer suspense, but that is all." Yet, though, thanks to Pa.t's valor, cir· Captain Donelly had by this time recogAs for Pat Monaghan, he replied to t he cumstanoes had wonderfully i mproved nized in t he stra.vge and repufalve looking . In Lincoln county, N. M., near the Pattoa Bedouin yells with a oheer that was almost with them, t lle three fughives were far being who stood directly in their upward Mountain, can be traced what were once as wild and quite aa reckless, and as he from being out of the wood, for not one of pa.th one of thorn scorpion eaters and snll.ke walls of a large city, Inside the w~lls a.re a.lso had a epea.r to wave he did it with a their human foes was muoh the worse for wizards that arc so common in the cities of growing monetel' cedar trees, so.id t o he Monaghan's ~kllfu l diversion in their fa.vor, Egypt at oerta.h1 seasons of the ye ~ r, though thouYands of years old. will. In faot, like the pet rel, which Is only live· a.nd though they were doubtless no.t a little at other times they are nover seen, and who A baboon on Stat en Island Is a confirmed ly and cheerful in stormy weather, Pat wa.c diaooncerted i\t the Feringhecs being pos- reap llo rich harvest by charming houses from beer drioker, and often gets hilarious on it in his element again, 11.nd felt a.a m11n 1Jore sessed of weapons tha.t could do suoh a being entered by serpents or ana.theml\tizlng - makes a man of himself, aJI it were- but prone to feel after a bottle ()f champllgne, maximum of damage in such a. minimum away those who ha.ve alrea.dy made a home will not tolerate the music of v. band in his 1 When t he Bodouins presenlly diaoharged of time, their vaetly superior numbers therein ; who also hea.d sundry of the relig- vicinity if he cv.n prevent it. their firearms and the bullets ther efrom all evident.ly gave them oonfidenoe tho.t they ious processions !md pret end to be imbued A re<:ent cue in the Glatgow Sheriff fell short, ma.king scores of Httle foun ta.Ins must coma <>ff triumphant in the end, and with tne spirit of prophesy, on which occa- Court brought ou·t the fa.ct that there are of sand where they dropped, his joyous ex:· so they still kept up the pursuit with ardor sion they become so excited that they not large numbe1·s of girlo from hftt en to eight· oitement reached its zenith and he exolam· and with 11.n lnorease of s11ovagery. only foa.m at the mouth, but eca.tter lt a.II een yea.rs old working for hrr.Zf a dolfar ed: Bnt the race would now take a. longer about them as t hey rave, when it ls eagerly (t1 vo shillings) a. week of fifty hours. " Be ja.bers and if there wa.e but another time in the running (both pursuers and pur- collected by their credulous dupes who fancy WMhlngton supports between 12,COO and five of the old corps here to ma.k.e up a. na.te sued ~new that), and the la.tter were cheer· it wlli secure them certain admission to half dozen, we'd soon rid yer honor and ed by the very minute nearer and nearer Paradise when they die, no m1Jotter what may 17, 000 dogs, of wh!ch ns~ h ~lf a.re licen·ed. .the young leddy of them scarecro_we," and looming of the mountains, those mountains be the nnmhwr &nd weight of ~he ir Hine. Yet the ponndma.ker nevtr knew of a case of hydrophobia. In the District and the only at this point Pat sent up a.n eldrioh tiheut of from whose summits Cairo and Alexandria But In hi.If the time we ha.ve ta.ken to.dedefiance, are alike visible, with the blue ocean lap- scribe thi~ ghoul·like being Captain Frank ma.d d<Jg he ever aaw was one in Germany " It's no use wishing for the impoeslble, ping the Ia.tier town and merking the high- Donelly had determined what he should do in 1862. Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. It is a Yankee who suggests that !;h e way Pa.t, and we mu it ta.ke comfort from the old way to Engl11.nd. wHh him. nw t h11>t he who fights and runs away will to det ermine whether or not your room is Another t en minutes and the ground beDoubtlei;s h e thought the mountii.in was live to fight another day," gan to rise, five more and the desert sauda his home and he 1'l'ae acquainted with lta properly ventilated ie to keep a goblet of This from hie ma.~ter ; but Monaghnn was were left h1ihind and the bright bloasoms of e ·rery cavern, in wbich oaee he would be we.tel.' on t he table, and when you eee it not so ea.ally paolfi~d. the prickly pear gleamed from between able to show them ma.ny a secret hiding- filling up with gobula.r particles open the " Fa.Ith its r unnmg away wldout any clefts in the bare and a.rid rcckii, whilst place, from whose snug seclusion they would window. fighting a.t all, we are. Ha.If a crust ls bet- higher u p from between the imturalrolumns be e-.ble to b,ugh their foes to acorn ; whtire· It is the faehion to place gold paper ter than no brea.d, eo on th0 .same principle of pillared basalt the wild fig and plum, fore willing or un~villing, he should guide hrarts and dried rosebuds wrapped in magone blts at a Bedonin would be more s~tis· the pomcgrnnate, the date imd t he melon them thereunto. nolia leaves m the tomb of Juliet d e Ve· f y lng than six &nal)s at the empty air, But all bloomed together, amidst clustering rona.. J 111iet's tears are sold in Verona ; Eie had no doubt th ... t the man knew aomcIS NOW PREP ARED TO SUPPLY EVE RYBODY WITH A thunder a.nd turf, it mi.y come to tha..t yet, masses of the pink and yellow wild rose, thin" ot Englfah, from the number of times but they are confectionery, a sort of Verona. for those ugly b8.llte11 wid t'li.eli.' corpora.tlons brandy ball. he h';;d doubt;le~a performed bafore Englishon their backa a.re making the running, a.nd It is the test imony of a. Boston physician spellking pe.iple in Cal·ro, .Alexandria and CHAPTER XXVIIL :no mista.ke, and the ohap w!d the swivel gun other places, and therefore.at once tackled tha.t infants frequently die of starvation in HAVING 40 SETS IN STOCJ{. TIIE DE:B'IANOF OF THE SCORPION EATER. on his shoulder is slewing i·ound to fire," that city as t he result of their being fed prehim in ~he langua.ge he best understood him Frank Donelly gave utterance to an ejo.· pa.red food , He say11 furthermore that this A spl endid i·ange of Bo1·se Illanllds froli't $ 1 to $.f Whilst ascending the mountain side Cap· culation tha.t sounded like one of alarn,, for tr.in Donelly began va.guely to wonder what self. " My good fellow," said he, " we are pur· pract ice, resulting from ignoranoe, is most each. A lso, Robes- Grey and Black- Good value. on glancing round in tum he aa.w tha.t the was to be done next. During their flight sued by Bedoulrs who would rob us of 11>11 ext ensive among the wealthy classes, where ca.me! tha~ carried the glnja.ul headed the towards t hese hills hie only thought had that we possenc and then murder us. Save ignorance of other things ae well ae this is Rnbbe1· llugs and Horse Cove1·s, &c., very low. - chase, and that it had been dra.wn np mo· been of reaching them a.e the only possible us from suoh a fate and it shall be thP best most to be found. tionlees to permit of the little piece of a.rtil· place of safety, but now that they were paid night's work that you hll.ve ever per· lery being fired. reached, tho qullation arose, wherein waa formed in your liie." Tales of the Sea. The match gleamed, a.nd with a. puff of their sa.fety 1 Tho scorpion eater evidently underetooJ white smoke a puff of red flame the ginja.ul At noon on 0 Jt. 24, when ten miles eouth- For Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Sore Backs or Sore N ecks on horses. True, he had both read and been told what Wllo8 aa.ld to him very well, but the proexploded with a shrill report, and the iron tha.t at a certain height they were perfectly miae of good pay altogether fa.lied to win ea.st of Kanelang Island in the Flores Sea, Cannot be excelled. Try a Bottle. ball therefrom hummed over their hea.d2 riddled with cavern~, which h ad been bored hie suvicf>s. tile steamnhip Hl.\mpshire sighted the track and fell far in advance. CASH FOR HIUES. "Accursed K~ffirs," he yelled, "and le of a. large whale, end ehort ly a.fterwa.rd a into their sldos t o form sepulchrea so long It was a moat unpleasant dieoovery thr.t. ago th11.t tile r a.00 who had mo.de them wer" It to me that ye would appeal for your mis- number of men were observed about four they were a.lree1dy well within range of thie forgott n even in those ancient d11oys when erable live? To me who have .quaffed of t he miles B.way off t he port bow. The ship's novel ·kind of "bow-chu.se.r ," albeit that Phanoh reigned in Egypt a.nd J oaaph was blessed Zemzem well and kissed the black course was immediately altered, and we ran there was eome ground for congratul:i.ticn in hie Vekil. B11t thon, suppose that they Btone of Mecca? To me who h!'.ve rubbed down to the men, ten in number, who were the first hall ha.ving missed them , could not find those oav111.1, or worse st ill, my b: ow aga.inat the sacred camel and fl1uig clinging to some b amboos which had fl.oa.ted Still, lt was far from likely that all the that their pursuers sa.w t hem enter one of atone'! a.t t he dev!l 1 Ts me, who, by the from the wrecked vessel. .A boat wac low· rest W(mld follow suit, which was evidently them, or evtn tr·acked them t bithor by the lei>ve of Allah and the friendship of t he erod Bnd sent off in'.cha.rge of the second offialso the opinion of t he Bedouins, so fr~ntic hoof prints of their horaes, for in eit hflr pf prophet, can handle the deadliest reptile~ oer with four men. The men were picked wo.s thoir joy on peroelying it splash up the these cases would it riot in 1Jo!l probal>illty with impunlty? By theihundred and four· up and brought on board the _steamer ~iuch ea.nd in front of the fugitivea, form a. perfect death trap for them, no mat- teen Chapters of the El h.horan, if ye ex· exhaust ed. The men, on being quesblonod STAND :- Town Hall Building, on e door east Ont. Bank. cc We mu11t ride farther i>r r.rt, aye, thfl t sr whether their foes had the temerity to pact aid or assi.sta.noe from Abou Seif t he by Capt. Cal:penter, said that they were l ength of 11on arm e.nd 1111bre apart," s:.id rush in and dlepa·toh them at once or take eanton, ye are fools and the eons of fools." three days out from L 11>bre H adji, in .Allas Frank Donelly, who rightly guessed thll.t if the more prudent course of blockadi.og the The a~r of e::rnltation with which. he Baid ::!traits, boun d to Maca.ssar wit h a cargo of the Bedouins were inclined to spa.re eit her entrance a.nd ~o siarving them to dea·th ? a.11 this sufficiently rnvea.led the batred which rice, and a.bout 8 a, m. that day they were He has all the best grades of cf them it would be N ellie, nnd who there· These were disturbing thoughts enough, he bore to the entire-E uropean race, e.nd r.;a under full saU, when, wlth_out the slightest for e wished to give h er a. cha.nee of life. and almost, indeed, t oo muoh for one man he oonoluded he planted hill'eelf i·ight in the w a.rning th oy were thrown mto the water by though it might be denied to himself imd to bear, for the young o:ffioe1· could perceive centre of the n<>rrow pathway, with his right a. whale striking th em from underneath a.nd M onaghan, that his faithful attendn.nt, Pat Monagha.n, arm stretched toward them, and in the hand smashmg their vessel into splinters. The He thoughli t he would not corjecture the plaoed the IDQBt perfect truet in his ingenu- pertaining t hereto, e.s though it had bee n a men, on r ea.chlng the water, swam to some that is manufactured. reaoon of the ohange in formation, nor did it y for gett iDg them all out of the eorape lethel weapon, the se1pent he ha.d juHt bamboori which were close by, and bad been she, beyond that it might be. in order that a imd that NelUe Trazan repoJed an equal charmed forth from lte nest in the bank, in that position some four hours befor e be- He has in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and J!':'.,.if0 Salt, ball should not slay more than one at a. t ime degr ee of ccnfideuce in h.im. a.na:which wa.s a horrid looking r11ptile of Ing sightlld b~ the_Hampshire: , American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken as the:·a.im gradually grew t () be mere accurAs the l'a.01fio Mail Siea.msh1p Company 11 How he wished that Ke could only believe a.t le11>st five feet in le11gth, and a flesh color ate, and this supposition caused the blood thll.t he da~erved it, but he neither could reclining to rose, with a fla.t triangular shap· tugboat Restless was on ~er way . down to Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and to run cold In her veins, for she felt that nor dared so belir,ve. ed hea.d, scintillating, ralnbow-l:tued eyes, 'l agami, on Nov. 30 a cunQus incident ec- Lard of his own make and rendering. His life-time experience in tho their peril must be great indeed. He was quHe alive, however, to the vitil.l and an open mouth the.t displa.yed enormous curred. She wu.11 travelling at the rate Meat Department enables him to supply a quality unequalle" Yet all three still tore on for dea.r Hie, Importance of n ow or never getting well poleonfange. of a.bout eight knots when, without any per · heading strv.ight for the mountains thll.t ahead of their purHuers, so that whatever The suato:e looked as though at the oharm· ceptible reason the speed suddenly deorea.s- The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John A:... d , is eveey minute seemed to become va.eter and ru~e they endeavored to put in practice ero bidding i t was prepa.red to leap from his ed, although the indicator showed the same of t h e very best quality. No trnsh or poor goods k121Jt in stock, deals n earer in their front, and whioh, could they should be 11ot all events unseen by t hem, hand upon who ever approo.ched him, but pressure of steam , and the.engines were work; only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. but reach in time, might a.fford them some So in ha.if a dozen words he expressed his ~o much more serious to Frnnk Donelly'a fag smoothly . One of the crew went for. hidin g plv.ce from their Bllovu.ge pursuers, views to his oompaniona, and all three urged notion was t he danger fa.at coming up be· wo.rd, and, on looking over th e bow, disYour patronage will be thankfully received. though even that we.a but 1Jo ha.re hope on their horses up the now steep inoline with hind than the one which barred tbeir pas· earned a. large fish, which had been struok Goods delivered to all parts of tbe town on short no·: . their parts, and· on the other side of thoaa wha.t speed t hey were able, though never sage in front that with a. cheery word to by the veaael clean in the centr e, and was hills they knew that there was another de· could they get beyond sound of the hoof. Nellie not to be afro.in, for th& A call solicited. t he was only bent back slightly on each dde. A bcatsert a hundred times more vast and t errible strokes of their puro'>;el'S. "an old fool and humbug," he urged his hook was brought, and the fish securely than even the one which they were now RGugh and rugged every now and then horse forward, and as the huge serpent ll.C· caught under the gill, but it was so heavy Casl1 t'or Butte1·, Eggs, Bide§, Tallow, Beelt, 11'01·k and tra.verslng. was the zlgza.g ascent, whilst sometimes the tually did Bpring toward him at the charm- th~t it took six of the cr~w to hn.ul it on alJ Farn11 P1eoduce. On, still on, but now the agile dromedaries fugitives would have to r ide in India.n fil e er's bidding, with one hiuing sweep of his deck. It proved to bee. fine specimen.of the began to draw ahead of ll.11 t heir other pur- along the edge of a. precipice of dizzy depth sabr e, which for some little while he ha.d sunfish, and mea.&nred thrne feet four mche11 STAND :- Town Hall B'ld'g. euers, of all a.t least sa.ve the one that car· and where a single false etep or stumble on held bare in his hand he cleft it right in by two fe~t six inches, AN EGYPTIAN ROMANCE. th~ pa.rt of, a. horse would ha.ve !au .nhed twa.}n the bi! end dropping on the narrow = . . . ., . . ._:_ HAINE.S ' CARRIAGE \i'VORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, 1 Story of Love and Wild Adventure, founded upo n 8tart1ing Revelations in the Garner of Arabi Pasha. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGON·:3, &~- All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired I H EALTH FOR ALLI TH E PILLS THE OINTMENT , COAL/COAL · Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrat ed Lehigh Coal; a.ad are prepared to fill all orders at LowEsT PRICES. -We intend to keep on Wnd an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Posts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEIENT. ~- JSI:. Carriage or Team Harness remarkably low, -......... ELLI MAN'S EMBROCATION! c. W. H. MA y, II Grocer, Butcher and Provision M erchant. CA A complete stock always on h a ndR ~~~~mR AM~ ~~~Mr~ 1JF~Q>lW~ ' . .'r- C .. M. CAWKERit

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