Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1886, p. 7

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' ' A CARD.-To al!'who a.re suffering from Ow e rfora and indiscretions of youth, nervous weaknes&, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe .that will cure yon l'ItEE .·bl' CHARGJ!. This g reat remedy was discovered by a. missionl:?.: <" South America. Send a selfaN &sed envelope to the R:Ev. Jm;EPH T. INMAN, Station D, New York City. 46y HOUSEHOLD. Ohoice Recipes. ANGEL-FOOD CAKE,-Ten.eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one and ono·half goblets of granulv,t.:d auga.r, one goblet of flour, one tea. spoonful of cre~m tarbr. Mtx all three and run It through n sieve three times. Stir this in the eggs ver.y alawly. Begin with elow fire and inorea.ue as is n eeded. QUEEN O« PuDDlNGS.--One pint of bread· crumbs, one quart of aweet ml.lk, one cup of . sug1.1.r1 butter aiz<J of an egg, yelka of four egg~, hv.U the juce of I\ !limon, B "'ke ae oi;iata.rd. Spread a layer of jelly ovel" the pudding while hot. Beat thtJ whites of four eggs Wt>ll, add one cup o~ white sug~r, j uce ol half a. lemon. Cover with the fr oatmg u.nd plJ,ke unt!l slightly l;lro;vl\, Tll l;ie ev,tflp 0<1ld. Iw L ARR EN .ELAND, l'ri& a 11s:mm·muza Aliiii!!iLill&SJ*'P 1111& QVE& THEOOEAN. on: of tlw qnriosfties of Oxford is a much 11dmired p or trait of ]'uller, an eminent p:i.i1.<ter, t ..ken by himself when druok', During tho Ill.st three months Mr. G. Muller nau received for bi3 Orphan J:I omes at Ashley Down, Bristol, l!ingland, "In :in · f!wer to prv.yer," nearly $208 000. Liquid foel la exciting m::ich atte~tion tn ,Eoglond. With a view to its use the Rvs·ian Black Sea N avig11,tion Company la D\lilding I\ /(l.rge fiet Qj t a nk atcomera to Import j)<>tr.> leuin in bulk· Mr. Shaw· L<.fevre, e:x> Postmaster-Gen· era!, said L.t<·ly that there ii.re a. r:nillion of children in England who do n ot 11.ttrnd school by re~ eon of the poverty of their parentP . It may he added that in half of the~e cases drink iB the ca use of it, Lord St. Leon11.rd0, while at St, K!lda, a fashionable watering plao11 near Melbourne, Australia, recently rec,oeived a. very 1ound thrashing from a oolonii.l bushman for hav. ing, at a. public !'>11.r, spohn irreverently 11ond indecently of Q·1een Victoria.. 'n1e p,.rle Muuiclpa.l Council, by[37 vote~ to 11, ha~ declinfcl to support .the ll.drnlseloo of women to the franchise, One epea.ker ·urged that women in business were at lrnst entitled to vote at electforus for the Tribuna.l (>f Commerce, Telephonic c1,m11·unication has be~n es· tabliahed batween .P.irio and Rheime, a diB· ronce of abou t 115 miles, and the tranBmiseion of sound is said to be perfect. Five mi. n utes' cc..nversation coats one franc, and in five miuutes each piuty can rny eorne 500 word s. fo the fttomach d a thirty-seven.pound coafish sold iu the fish market cf Iii ·erring, Donmark, one d1.1y in November, were found £Jonot her co'd fifteen inches long, and a very large and fot duck, perfectly fresh and ap· p,1rently ewallowed alive and whole. Excep~ for a bite on the neck it was uninjured. The Empavor of Ruesia. grows stouter, more dcep-cheHted and broa.d·shr u\dered, H!s light ~ray eyes, wl.uch reeemt,le more those of bis mother's relations at HeseeDv.rmatadt than his father's, the late Emperor, which were dark blue, or what the B' ench call black b!uo, are losing their viviooity, Within the po.st month a unmher of evio· t!ona htwe t.<lken p lacE1 on the Armagh fStn.te of Lord Oh~rlemont, grandson of the famous noblem"'n known as t he Patriot Ea.Tl, who opposad the U niou, In one case no rent h ad been paid for sixr.een arid in another none for ten years. The praent peer h1 seldom residen~. IB - wlloni 'every~ocly kuows as tlle successful ma11agerof the J,. ; uGK'S CELEBR~TED STOVES · I '. ; ' ·= . - larg&Sl H f IE Q 9 lln;rpnSeS iJl NS E Cl l.J U MARRIAGE LI C COST ONLY $2.00 AT of America, says tllat wlille a pa6s~mg_er ft&m New York on board a sllip going around GapG ~lorn, in the eo.rly days of emigration to CalJornia, he learne~ that one o_f_ the officers or the vessel had cured hiuiself, during till) voyage, of l\U obstinate disease by th1>. use of C. B. LOCKHART'S N E \V O A S T LE. . . . . .. . . .... _ . _ ... _ . . TO SELL FOit TI-IE 48-ly. Ayer·s Sarsa:parilla. SinGo t11cn Mr. LELAND has recommcnde.t AYER'S SAUSAFARILLA in mauy similarCMes, a,nd lie 4M n~ver yet henrd of it.s fall· u1·0 to eJtect !l. radicnl cure. SomCJ years ago one of l\Ir. LELAND'S fam1 laborers bruised his leg. Owing to tile bad state of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeared on the injured limb. Horrible itching of the skin, with burning and darting p1tlns through tho lump, made l!fG almost Intolerable. The leg became enormously enlarged, nml running ulcers formcu, dlscllarging great quantities of extremely offensive matter. No treatment WM of any avail until the man, by.l\lr. LELAND'S direction, was supplied wdt11 AYER'S SARSAPA· nu.LA, whieh allayed tile pain aml irritation, l!ealed the sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use, Mr, LEL.UID has personally used ·. t ;":'~ The HAPPY THOUGHT & GARLAND RANGES, RADIAN'I1 HOMESingle and Double Heater, ---AND--- .. _ __ ter, two cupfuln sugar, five eggs, .one and one·half pints flour, one-half cupful of corn ata.roh, one t ·JD spoonful ha.king powder, one tea.spoonfal ot extra.ct lemon, one·half cup-' ful of chopped peal'Ut~, mixed with one· half cupful granulated Pugar. 8eat the butter 4 L.,1-RGEST IN CANAJ)A-OVER oo ACRES. a.ud sugar srtiooth; add the bea.teu eggs, the flour, corn staroh and powder, ,sifted toSteady EmJ>loyn1cnt to Goocl Men. gether, ·a.nd tho extract; flour tha boa.rd, roll out the dough rather thip., cut out with 'Paid by sa.lary or commission. Can start biscuit-cutter, roll iu the chopped pee.nuts you at once. Dant apply unless you m e"'n d d b k" · b k business and wai,t to worlc. We fnrnl~ll ou.~· an sui;:ar, 1 ny on greaae a. mg tine ; a ·e fits free and pay expenses. Address in rather hot oven eight to ten minutea, s·.roN~~ &.WELLINGTON". ROAST GoosE.-After washing the goose Nnrserymen. rub it inui.te and out with salt and and pop· _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Toronto, Ont:_ per and fill it with mu~hrootns and two tornl.litoes. or their Equivalent of firm pieooe of oanned tomatoes, aeii.ooning with sa.lt, pepper, and a little lemon juice, sowing up the For~wly .e:nown as che" Soper Milla. ') bird. Rost before v. brisk fl.re for half an for IU1cumatism, with entire success ; and, hour ii.ad have a pint of tomato juice and the after co.reful observation, declares tllnt, in RIS MILL B-A.S BEEN ·THOR· juice of one lemon, seasoned with a. little his belief, there is no medicine in tho world UGHLYrenovateds.ndputin order.undllr pepper a.ud salt, ready to tum over the eqmil to it for the cure of Liver Dis01·ders, our own spemal supervision. for 1.he purpose o! rlst.ing and mo.nnfoctl'fring Oat Meal ·and J?ot fowl 11.t the expiration of tha time ; baste Gout, the effects oC high llvlng, Salt 'Barley, and wo are now prepared to rec~1ve constantly witu it, dredging every now and ltbe um, Sores, Eru1>t.ions, and all tha orders ·froi:n all our old cudtomera an d 01 herP· then "'ith flour, so that the outside w!U be various forms of blood diseases. for work and we gurantee to give them who nicely browned. Wo llavo Mr. LELAND' S permission to invite lntruat i:{s with tho same entire ~a.tisfaction Oate and other gi·a.ins tA.ken in exchange rm FRIED 0YsTE:RS. -Beat up the velka of all who may desire further eviden9e In regar<t Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. &:. J, '.rOWNS, Bow four eg~s witll tnrne t!llblespoonfols of sweet to the extraordinary curative powem of manvi!le . 227. oil, a nd aoaaon them with a teaspoonful of AYEii's SAUSAPAillLLA to see him personsalt and a saltl!poonful of cayenne popper ; ally either at llis mammoth Occau Hotel, 1'.T b eat up thoroughly. Drytwelvefato:ysters ·! Apg Brauch, or at tlle popular Lelancl Hotel, 11 on a napkin; dip thetn in the egg-batter, ])roadway, 27th and 28th Streets, :ts'ew York. then in cracker-dust, shake off the looee Mr. J,F.LAND'S extensive knowledge of tho oraoker-dust, <lip thsm again in the egg-ba.tOF CA N A D A· good done by this unequalled eradicator oi RES'l', $220,000 ter., !i.nd, faatly, roll th"m in fino brea.dCAPITAL, $1,000,000. bloo'd poisons enables him to give inquirers _,,,,_ cxumbs, Fry in very hot fat, using fat much valuable iuformo.tion. This Bank ls prepared to do Legiti· enough to cover them. The oil gives them PREPARED DY mate Banking in all its branches. · a nice flavor. POTATO CHIPS.-Saloct large potatoes, Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. received and Interest paid on a.mounts of poel them, slice them on a plv.te. or cabb1>gcSohl 1>1 a.11 Drugglats; Sl, six boUles.for $5. cutter, which may be procurncl at any houije~upwards in Savings Bank DepartmenL fumiohing oture, throw the slices into !cs· DRAFTS w1>ter or very cold water, !ilnd let them soii.k Issued and Collections made in Europe, awhile to dra.w out the starch; then remove United Sbat.es and Canada. to a. clean towel and absorb all the w&ter from then> with the towel, t hrow them into W. J. JONES, a wire basket in hot lard, keep the slices 27 Agent. separate, l\nd when a delica.te yellow drain. ESTABLISHED IN 1847. - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - them from tho fat. Spread on bruwn pa.per to absorb the fat, sprinkle them ·lightly with aalt and put in a. dish, They may be It has no shareholders to pay dividenc1a to. Managed by and solely in the interests ot eaten cold or hot, nnd aro good for many .the Policy' holders. days, e.s a. little while in the oven will make them as good a.a new, Its Rates aI"e I.ow. BREAKFAST MUFFINS.-Sift together one 1·ouetes non fo1:l;eltable nnil nncontlltional. pound of flour, 11. tea.spoonful of salt, and <:uilh Bonns Pal1l every three years, tw'I tespoonfuls of baking powder. Beat together I\ tableapoonfal of E\iga.r, two tableD\'SPEPSIA OR INDlliESTtON, spoonfuls pf creamery butter, aud the .Joint Life P<;>licies. WHEN yelks of two eggs ; add to the flour ; beat the whites d the eggs, a.nd add them also; Though a double rish but one premium la paid for two people. .A.mount of policy drawn add a. little over half a pint of sca,lded crea,m; on fl~st death. mix, half fill the hot buttered muffin-rings, "'Ill thoro111ghly cure you. They and bake in a quick oven. A. G E N T S \V A N ·r E , I) I JuMBLllS - 0.ae and one-hail cupfuls but. FONTHILL NURSERIES. PARLOR OOOK:J .all fitted with the Celebrated and only Duplex Grate 1 They stand without a rival. FURN ACES, a specialty. For sale by Caledonian Mills. Ayer's Sarsaparilla S. S.-· EDS.ALLq T STANDARD BA K are this week giving special Bargains in Clothing. N 0 TE THE :E' 0 JL L 0 \.VIN G: BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE GO., WHY SUFFER FROM pie~ Feadaohe do not gripe or purge, but act mildly, a111d whenever used tare coneiderccll priccloss. 'fhe1 have WEST'S LIVER Pl LLS proven to bo tile Woolen Underclothine;· Among the many mea.ns by which we seek to guard ourselves from the effects of ohlll there Is one which hardly, even now, receives sutlicient attention-the. n·e of l"ool· en underclothing, ucq>t in the hottest weather. The msj r , rity of persons of the male sex do, indeed, show their appreciation of its wholesome q 1 10.litiea ; but there remaine a consider11.b1e moiety of these, and a greater number of women and childrrn, who prder an undersult of smooth, but rela.tive· ly meager, linen. Yet the superior advanta.gee of wearing wool n~xt the akin are ea.ally apparent. · They do not depend merely on lts greater wa.rmth a.nd closeness of a.ppHca.tiJn. U is further capable, according to its texture aud by vbtue of lta compoei· tion, of better adaptation, in r eGpect to tem· pera.ture, ,to the needs of v arious climates a nd the chaugen of seasons tha.n any other dress material. Moreover; it exhibits a. specia.l focultv for a.b~orbing 1md dfotributing moisture. It ia this property especially· which renders it the nat ural next, covering cf the constantly perspiring ~kin . Women, as well as m en, we repeat " but above a.I! chilrlren arid the · aged, who a.re alike particularly apt t o take colci. should cert ainly adopt i; woolen materl!l.l for.t'ieir customary undergarment. It fa ea·sily posoible to :i.d· just ttrn texture to tha afla.eon, so th:i,t it sb.ali be warm enough in winter and not too warm in summer. Special Indiicements to Total Abstainer.s. ASSETS OVER $~,ooo,ouo.~ IY()OJlE OTER $1,000.0011 $100,000.00 deposited with the Canadian Govern ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. INYES'l 'ED IN CANA.DA, $600,000.00, GlREATEST : r ~LESSING ·oF THE> AGE Disordered Stommch. HEAD 0Fl'ICE IN CANADA:-MONTREAL For particulars refer to E;L. LIVINGSTONE, GENERAJ:. AGENT, POR1' HOPE, Or to agents throughout the county. 48-6se. To all sufferers from lndlgeat!on, THEY ARE AHO . Aif . ABSOLUTE . PERFECT CURE U9e thom and be rlilDlcv~d from your misery. 30 fl'ms In a box, 2Gc. per box, IS b?xes for $1 FOR SAL£ BY All DRUGGISTS AND 0£AL£FlS ltV fAEO!C/NES Bew :e of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Ger,.,.foe- wrr.pped only in Dlue, with signature o'n every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to an y address on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. JNO. C. WES'f &r: 00. . SOL.E PROPRI ETORS SI AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. Do y011 want spl onc1id, handsomely bound story book? You can have y'Jm· cl1oice out of the bes~ that are pJiblisl1ec1 ii you will obtain two sub. scriptions for TmJJ W.!i:J<:!(LY MAIL. A cata~~ !.ogueofstan~u. U..-v'-'<-4'~ dnrdnndmisccll o.n eo u s publications, given as prizes for getting up clubs for Tm,; l\Lnr,, ·will be sent to ·[l,ny adc1rcss upon a,pplicat ion. There is no boy or girl, young man or yo\1ng 'vo.1nan , amon'g you who crtnnot secure :::. ha.ndsome lot oi books Lhis wi11ter with very little effort, if you will Qn ly· m rdrn up your ·nimls to it. T/o,e b oo ks ai·e spl'e,1~idly bound and o.l"e the productions of the' best known authors, which is a, sufficientqnarnn ._._ t ee that the-y- wilL on aff 0 rc1 £ nuscmeut but beasourueof pro~ frt. 'l '. 1nu W mmr,y A'.. ·- " I , " ~ _ ,u/ Il:Lm:, is ~G.._most '~C.,t:/<kt. f.A./IYv popnl«-r weekly publish ec l , ancl is only One Dolla r a yeu.r. It l as now over 100 000 subscribers. Speci\]1en copy anil prize' list sent free. Acldress Tim M .AXL, 'l'oronto, Ctrnu.c.10,. ti, p -;,. ,. _._ , , , , (") own D:spensary. A CHEAP CouGR SYRUP, and one whfoh I know t o be p,ood.-Ra.lf an ounce of tincture of lohelia ; 1 ounce iinid extra.ct of lioorica ; 2 ounceR tinctu1·e of blood root; 4~ ounces of syrup ma.de of sugar. Let the syrup oool, but before entirely cold, add the other ingredients, and ahaS:e w 11 before using, This will make you eigh t ou nces of good cough sprnp at a cost of £rem 25 to 30 cente, Do2e for an a.dult, 1.1 t~hlc,poonful or. foes every two or three hours, or when the cough is troublesome. · For children, <lose according ro age. This wlll relieve th e croup.wl1en given in larger doses and oftener. Pumps Cheaper and Better CURE l·'oR SORE EYEs.-A strong solution than ever, of coppera.u and rain water ie good fer sore eyes. It ma.y be used a.a often as the eyea feel ti·ed thre.e (J"f four timea in an evening, The Subscriber having built a large nelll when one is r eading or se wing. There is no Pump FactQry iu Orono, iii prepared danger of u·ing it t oo· often. - to furnish For burns, eque.l parts lime wat6r and olive oil ; mix Lime water io an excellent EVE~Y DESCRIPTIO~ dentdfice and purifier of the Lzeath. It is prepared by vourlng a ga.\10;1 ()f roft water With or without Porcelain Cylinder, on so quart of unalac!!:cd lime, an d draining the Bee.t Material, on the shortest notic< from th ~ sediment when: settled, A table· und at the lowest prices. spoonful in milk is a fine r emedy for flatulence or acidity of.the stoma.ch, Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied A good liniment for neuralgia. :-Oils origanum, h'9mlock, sa.ssa.fr u, one ounce each; eother, ~ ounce; 'alcohol I pint; mix, WELLS CLEANED &RER.AIRED. Our English law m"kea a difference between .ordin11ry lectures a.nd thoee dtilivered at univtrsitles. It has been recently decided, on appeal, at Glasgow, that a university student may take ,notes of l· cturee and publish them, if he pleases, without the conAent of tbe profiles.o rs. The lectures are considere :l pul>lio prooerty. The Birmingham Medical Re11iew tells pf rui old Highla.n·ior who ;vas ordered by his doctor not to exceed two ouuoes of upirite ddi!y. He a.ek~d his son how much liquor that was, "Sixteen drams" wa.s the r eply, "Vlhat a guid doctor," said the Highland· er, "Run and tell Donald McTa.vlsh and Big John ta.e ca.m doon the n.icht." In a. report on hydrophobia., ll\tely made to the· Academia de Medecine by M. Leblanc, !\ttention wa.s ollllled to the fact that thu di.sea.ae increasel! in proportfon to the lax application of the prefectorial la.w11 con· cernirg doge. In Berlin, where the laws are executed with precision, there was not a case of hydrophobia during the past y ear. At the sale of a collec~ion of old plate, which took place.a. few days a.go a.!i 11 count~y house in Bedford~hlre, England, the extra· ordinary p : ice of $21.50 per ounce was paid for a pair of old English scones dated 1718 Nearly as much w ..a obtained for a. true Queen Anne lovinp; c11p, with double handles and cc;ver, dai.ed 1713. A qul\int old hoa.ter, with gridiron, dated 1679, reali:illd no less than $~30, The celebrated St. John's Gate, Clorkenwell, London, Is in course of restora.tion, having been a.cqui;:-fd by tre Ambuhnce A·· sociation, in con nection with the i:e·establieh· ed orde: of St. J ohn of Jerusalem. The Hnspitallers oi St· John, to whose priory this gate was the entrance, had upwa.rd of 19,000 manors r.ttached to elght gr»nd priories in a.a many nations. · One of their Lo>:1don manors wa.~ St. John's Wood. A ia.rge poi·tiou of their beautiful priory at C lerkenwell "· as blown up by gunpow<ler fot· material t o build the ma.nsion in the Strand of the Protector S1.1merset. Experim~nts hnve recently been coniluct· ed with a view to improving the qur.lity of the wine pxoduced in the C »pe Colony. S'>me Montngue wine, purchased last ~ea son, ho.a beou blncc Ma.oh subjected to a 1,ew treatment, with the special .object of r"moving the excess of ta.nnlc acid from the liquor. The wine when purchased is said to have brnu brownish-rlld in color, wiuh a. rough a~tringent tasre. The wine was r a.ckea, the .a.eking consisting cf aimply bring· ing t.ha wine in contact wf'th the air by moving it from dean Cl\Bk to dean cank. The wine thus manipulated is said to become moat palu.tab!e. No spirita axa used, Prince Alex,;,nder's life, .eapecially now, i!l one of almost uninterr::ipted work. F rom 9 in the morning until midday h e r eceiveis his Minfatern ; in the afternoon milltll>ry m:·t ter:il are rilsuurised,.iuid seldom Me the evenings free from recreation. At the court of Prince Alex~nder, if court it csn be termed , there is observed nei· hAr the eti · quette of the Eaat nor of the Weat, l t is simply a military Aociety, where ceremony is little t hou.11ht of and admission ia easiiy to bo obtuined, As there is no arlstooraoy nmong the Slav people of t he Ba.lkane, there la no mark of diet!nction beyond the possession of a. greater er lesser stor e of boucles. Consequently every Bulg1uia.n has a rir,iht of free speech with hi~ ruler, and thfo right h e fa fond of uning. There is one d rnwbaok to it -the want of personal cleanliness on the part of his loyal subj ~cte. A Man's Overcoat, $7.50. A Youth's Overcoat, $6.00. A Boy's Overcoat, A Man's Suit, $7.00. A Youth's Suit, · $5.50. $4.oo: A Boy's Suit, $4.50. Persian Lamb, Seal, Russian Lamb, Imitation Lamb, Plush and Scotch Knitted Caps, all sizes, and first-class values. See our Stout Men's.Shirts anu Drawers ·at 85 cts., ~eav~, all WDOJ. Our 1'1cdiaun Sizes in all lVool at iiOc., 60c., 7oc., and $1.00 ai·c being raphHy 1akeu up. See our Tie-downs and Blankets. Heavy all wool HOSE at 25 cents; Children's sizes, all wool, from 10 cents up. Brwmanville, No ember 27. 1885. MASON BRCJ. Sll IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEDIENT. IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY EVERYBODY WITH A Carri~ge or Team Harness remarkably ]ow~ HA.VII.NG 40 SETS IN STOCii:. All n.. splendid i·a:ng·e of Horse Dlanlrnt s lrom $ 1 to $41; eacb. Also, Robe~-Gi·ey ::uu1 Bl~tc!.1:-Good value. II.lubber Rug·s and Hoa·se Covm.·s, &c., VCi'Y low. ELLI MAN'S EMBROCATION! For Outs, Sprains, Bruises, Sore Backs or Sore Necks on horses. Cannot be excelled. Try a Bottle. CASH FOR HIDES. W. H. MAY., THE ONTARIO BANK Continues to do a General Banking Busineae ts.Bo wmanvillo Branch. DElPOSI'l'S Received in Savings Bank Department and call and intar.. st a llowed a.t current ratea. N. notice of withdrawal neceasai·y. All deposits payable on rlemund, P:l:.l.'.Lr~ TO·mJP v:::-.2l JE.1t T:E:!-:i'M U N l·:wUALT,ED J N 1 1 o ne1Touc h, WorkmanshiD &Dm'a·~ility, ~OS. EXCHANGE Bought o.nd sold and Drll.ftsisaued upon Europe United States and Canada, alsoGold,Silverand Gnited Sta;es Gi·eenbacke bought and sold. Promptly made a.t current ra tes upon all par\ or Great Brittain, tho United States and Do minion of Canada. 'l'clegraJ,b. T1·ansf'c1·~ Made for lar11:e or small sums on all parts of Canada. This ls e3peciaJ!y advantageous to persons living in Mamtoba or the North·west o.e it 'Ilakes the funds available at once at the place of payment. For further particulars call at the Banklnp House. · , '1. ~-H.LlA~lr M ;'ll /HH· : & CO. !?';':lfnH.l ~OG "\Vt1 ~t TI::..lt11110re Street , ~J al tln~ore. N'o 1 : :.i r-'i l't h A \rcnno. N'f' \V YOl'k. Orono Pump .Factory. THE GREAT R .usH[ T.BROD1~,,....... 1 ...,.., GEO.M··~·r· Eclipso Houso -'l'O 'l'IlE- PUMPS OF The British in E~ypt. ____ .., .........qr......................- _ , . ,- not tr King Thebaw, of Burma.h, la 26 yea.re old. Hfo chin is i·ather heavy and sensual looking, but otherwise he ls a r ather good· iookingrn a.n H :s complexion Is fair,hia forehead good, his mouth is firm and his eyea are.clear and steady, He is tall and airly well built, Wildcat hunting Is one of the SUOiCesaful pastimes near NQrwich, Conn. , just now. One killed the other day, after a long fight with dogs, weighed sixteen pounc s. Ra.lph Diuaeli, Lord Beaconsfield's only surviving brother, hl\liJ b3en ma.de Clerk of Parliament to euocl!ed Sir William Rose. The salary II! $l5,00U. Duty, nil. Oue sign o!' the perm1Lnenoy of the British occup«tion of Egy pt is, that clus~es for the study of t he Ar:.bic language by non-commissioned officers and priva.tea h11ove been op· ened fo Alexandriii. and C.Uro, under tue a.uthority of t he British War Office and at t he expense of t h e British Militiny Department in Egyp~. ThiA la as it should be, for petty offfoet·s and men must often ouffor much inconvenience whep thtcir duty brings them inconta.ct with the .nntivea, who a.re lgnornnt of 11nytongue but their own. BL"itlah soldiers a.re. not famous for picking up languages, and this free instruction in the Egyptian TO GIVE SATISFACTION. vernacular will he of great benefit to them. P erhaps H a. few loasons in French were added it would be o. great gain to the foreign OrderS:by Mail promptly attended to. soldiers, for this is the language of the European port ion of the inhabitants, and with. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, out at least colloqufal lmowlec:lge of it the reaide'lt feels himself completely at sea. MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. ,English is being more spoken than it used to be, and is gaining ground every da.y, but it will never supplant French as the la.ngua.ve of society, diplome1,cy and the law courte. America.a Paper, cl PH01___ 0GRAPHY. ___ HENRY'S New Photo Rooms A.RE NOW OPEN. Stand formerly occupied by t he Post omcc. KING STRlUl'l'. still oon tinues for those Super Diagonal Overcoats.... $8.00 W orstcd Pants.. . . · . . . . . . . . 3.00 Mantle Cloths, per yard.. . . . . 50 All Wool Shirts and Drawers 1.00 ... Dress Goods in all the newest shades from 10 cents. ~ All WORK GUARANTEED ::BC>VV:lv.I".A.N"V"Z:UX.E, The Gallery is first-class in all its appointments, and furnished in a comfort able manner. There will be n o poor work allowed to leave the rooms, and these who favor me with a call can rely on being pleased ~The instanteuous process only will be used for Photographs. OUR ORDERED CLOTHING IS BOOMING, The people know that if they -want a- FIRST-CLASS CU'! suit of clothes they must c? upon IVES. R. FERGUSON. Come in and see me. RH. HENRY, w. H. I

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