Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1886, p. 2

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---- ately in more than one Instance it hll·1 already been directed . .against their pe ·~ona, tor here.· and there a knife or other rude --= · wellpon was brandished in air that wae Wire Fenoes. _ . blood covered, and ae Toulb"' Pasha urged A great deal of dissat efaction aeettlt'f to \l" hie horse along wit~1 w1ui.lspeed h,; WM ~\b!;;, /l}lt; toward~ barbed wire fenoes. When lt ' ow . ln~ to tlA crowded- cond!~:on ol the tlt . st made its appearance, it was th ..ought by l!ireete, he behe.l d a well known usurll~ 'llVho m1my to be just the thing, collBidering its , - - --- -- - .. · was trying to slink' along 'unperceived tc cheapness, ease of building, and its aprarent . Pash~ his plaoe of business, suddenly set upon with durability, But after watching it from the loud and bitter curses, jostled Into a. side al· first, I conolude that It isdvery unsa.tlsfa.o. The war has . begu'n with mud and slush, but 1 1 By the Author of 'ic N1NA, THE Nur1:L181'/ ' Tnl:i Rm:i Sr<}r," "THE R uss1AN S.ry, " ley, and there dispa.tdned with a score at tory ; and I have conc'ude th11ot unle'1l some .least of stabs, his belly being finally cut other device is got out, I shall still buUd l':Te , E'!! · 1£·.rc. open and hie bowels dragged fo«th. fancee of pine stumps; and hemlock boards Ea.ch blow and lb conoequent writhe and "You don't mean to tell mo you' h11ve It wns 110 gha~tly a sigh t that even the and chestnut poets. I know of no animal moan seemed to add to her fury ln1Jeed, and slipped the leash from off the bloodhounds' fierce Toulbi. felt sick at heart, · that should be fenced In with barbed wire when the lovely Circasaian eud·ea.vored at necks'" . But another kn minutea. brought him to f~nce. H!>rse~ and oattle ~et injurad and has a word of con solation to offer to all who are in n eed of Boots and last to ,uee her hands Ml a. shield, two Turk"I have woke them up, and if you the barracks, and half an hour later the killed by it quite often, and 1t pulls the wool Sh H h 1 d l t t' k h . . . ish girls apraug forwar_ d l!.nd seizing her by listen you wiil hear t heir distant growl- black sol4le~s . f Ali Bey Fehmy's regiment from sheep, llnd in my opinion, it ie a llar· oes. · e as a arge a,n comp e e s oc 1 avmg recerved hll'l, the wrists tWlat'ed them behind her bac& Inge." .were patrolwg the streets and restoring barons kind .01 fenoe that should by all iul.dheldthetntheresothatehewa~ power- "You did ill. You should have let t?~mtosomethlnglikeorder. meansl;>eab~ndoned, J"!lle atumpa do not .ees to pr~teot herself in any way. · suoh al<>oping dogs lie, If you have · hem ..lhe hell broth had, however, ah·ea.dy begun make the tnoet ornamental fence there is, by Not until the lovely sufferer's shri~ke be- nnxing tire with their food they will to. boil and to lift the lid, and every Euro- any means, but It is durable, and will stop and ~espectfully solicit.s the patrona&e of every one seeking good came so loud that there was dange1· of their next bite hum11,n fl~tih to cool their teeth, pean In ..Cairo felt that ere long It might any kind of stook. Boards and chestnut piercing beyond the Cllnfiuee of the harem l'hey have been pulling hard at their boil over, and, streaming down ou the out- poets also, make a good and durable fence, b~rgams. He has all kmds wanted-high aiad low-fine and coarsedid the Valida Kh&.noum d'eaist, ohalns lor a we~k past, and if . you have s_ide of the cauldron, put out the fire of their and it occupies bat little space, looks well, w1de and narro;w--heavy and li(J'ht- hand made and machine made Then she laughed and drew her slipper c~Bt them o.ft, Toulba, we shall . have a hves ; .,for they soon learnt that the war and as yet, I know of nothing more satief&c- all to be sold at prices as low asb any other house. This is no idl~ on to her foot again, with the remark : E monean massacre b~fore twenty-four minister wae mllll.t er of the whole situation tory when the material can be obtained at a boas.t or advertisi~g dodge-but is a truth easily verified by calling "That will tea.ch thee not to pl;;y tricku hours are over." and their proteotor,' the Khedirn, virtually fair prioe, No bi.rbed wire for me, on thy lo~d and master's chief wife a.r.cl t.lie " In the name of Allah and the prop- a prisoner In his own palace; and though at his store, He is bound t o keep in the front rank with 5 aood quality head of the harem, my white swan of ILiZ"- het, why not, einoe it is no more than they felt that if they werl!, maees.c red their Is Hay Cheap Food? ---and low prices. belde. And beware how thonprovoke& t mo the Feringheea de.erve? respective countries would. avenge thc.m again, for though a Valide Kha.noum m"'y not · such a oon vlction foiled to gt"ve en ti-re satie'. Most dairymen suppos e, says the N atlon" Beca.uae wo enm11a give their divers I L" S k J h Full lines of Felt Goods cheaper than ever sold here before. beat a. slave with anything thai; is not tIt . d f faction er, indeed, in the maJ· ority of 1 · n· a 1ve- toe ournal, t athay' is the cheap. na 1ona ties goo excuees or aven·-ing t foo d f or thair · cows, an d t h' · a mis0 .b road and flat an d t hi n, so t h at the marks h h h ataooes, any satisfaction at all, es · w k ·It t em, and t eir veTigeance m 1 g t take the f t · b h f h h Q may entirely fade out within a fow hours, ehape of div1 'd.mg E ~ypt as 1aw f u1 spoil. True, the temporary quietude thnt wa.e or une to e B ort o ay-w !ch is, In a Q w at ~h e most sh e can have her well nigh N brought about by the p·trollng of the negro sense, t rue, f or every one~ h ou Id try t o pro k h . . o, no ; 1et us ge~ bac · t e mi1lion ac1es ~ d 1 1 th h receive special and prompt attention. tickled to death, which, of the two puuioh- 1 E la d d F h infantry restored some faint degree of con· uce a e ay r fquired for his etook-but ments, Is far worse than that whloh thou t iat <.ng n s-n ranee ave already fidenoe to their brea.ets. but even this w·s It la . s.eld. om true that the market price of filched for wha.t t hey are pleased t o term h h h h If hast received." the creditors of the staote, let us rescue Jost again when every European house gram is 1g er t an ay, we consider the Full hnes oC Tl'nnks, VaJiscs. ~atcltels, &c. The Circaealan ma.de no r eply, for she Egypt t <i the Egyptiu.ns and fright en shop, bank and other places of business and relative nutrutive value of hay and grain, or was sobbing d a~ · the · k a.le from t h e 1 product we find mea.-1 d sight d i of her viol!!oted t h oue E uropcan po and, so residences were ent ered by the soldi"ery d h of gra.ln, I I h that good $ ., Bowmanville, November 10,"1885. Iovellness, an , in ee , t was encagfi to that they shall no longar . fatten on the to search for a.rme, an order having gone ow ay or c over s no c eaper at 13 to ,.,,14 make angels weep. But the other girls, bread which they take from lto people, forth that no Eiiropean should be allowed to per ton th~n good wheat bran or middlings many of whom were almost as beautiful as and to effect !loll this the fewer drops ef reta.in any species of Jifr·de·t royit·g wee.pone at $20 or $21 per ton, or cornmeal at $22 "l angels, laughed instead as Zobeide walked their blood thfl.t we shed the bettor, in hie possesston, lest he should be t empted $2.3 per ton, or linseed cake or meal 11.t $32 along with downca.et face in their mld~t, her l'oulba.,, to use it against aul?erior numbets and 80 to $38 per ton. · Thia doe~ not mean that long yellow hair now almost shrouding her "Jnshallah, be it as you w!P.h. Wha.t court his own des truction, ?ornmeal, middlings, or odmeal would be entire form. is it the.t we should first do? "But how shall we protect our lives and Just as a.pproprl ..te for the complete food of Another minute imd the again noisy and "I must at once t o the w11or office, where I those d cur wives and chlldrrn if they are " cow as ha.y. We know that such oonoer ' langhing procession passed a.way from view really menaced?" w&s tba question often t rated food . w. ould be quite dangerous to mayexp~ctio.uimmodit~teinvaaionofooneuls, f d th t f b . d d t h roug h t h e opposite oor, an the road d put, b 11t the answer al .. ays took some euch . ~e a cow W! ou . s o. m. e coars.e oader, ut f ~ome t o c·jt)le a.n some to threaten, The t th t th t t h f was onoe more clear or the disguised pa.sha's joint cootrul, you may depend upon it. is at form 11.s: "We are appninted to defend you 1 means a. e uu nmen . 1n t eee oods --MANUF ACTURER OF- retreat. an end "·!th Ga.rnbttt.. sovertbrow, go Franoe Tb.at is our business, You have nothin'g to ~Ill be a~ cheap t o 'Qlake up any deficl·oy One might feel inclined to blame him for do with auoh things " Ill the r ation at thoee prloes as hay at the not hii.ving interposed fo the Circassian will a.r,t· mpt to hum bug and Ea!!'land to butAud tho~e who ~ere .so addressed could prloe mentione .d, T.herefore_, when hay le , b f b ly and Gprmany Austria and Russh will gir1 s ehal , ut how would he have dona . ti d see that their defendero ·hat ed them every -' uear l n t h c d llotry d lstri cts, instead of buy· eo without the danger of betraying hie sex, ..1m ch!e. 7 atwi ening the breech betwefln bit ae muchae the populace did and that Ing hay the dairyman should buy grain in which if discovered would by M'oha.mmcd1m ~hem whilst estr,.nglng both nations still the unwelcome comma · nde of tb'ei-r ofil ' cers some form to help h. im out, The grain wi_ ll KING S'.rREET, BOW JVIANVI LL forth er from us, 1 sba.ll have to i)Ic.y with b h t d h Has now on hand a number or vehicle~ (and is manufacturing a great many more) or the newee ,· h 1 aw h ave made h 1m eunJeet t o t e p enalty, ,.11 t hese petty diploma.ts as with chessmen alone induced them to do that for which in e,c eapes ·an . lS cows come t.hrough m pattern~ and best flnish, which I am offering for sale 8 ,t the luwe"t prictitl conaiatent of death. a.nd Elmar, the buffoon as his on a board and ti· e more violently that heart they were wholly disinclined. much bet~er oond1tion for the m1llung ·sea.· with due regard to w:orkmanship und quality. The f <11lowing i J a list ot guide anii conductor likewise, Indeed in all So the trusty " ell.<>ons, if they could not son than if they had all the good hlly they the prmc1pal vehicles manufa ctured by me b bTt l b h f h roguea oan be ma.de t o quarrel between th~m· r Id t All I l pro a 1 1 ·y an ent re ate o t e lovely eelvee the better for the honest man whom be concealed were given up with many cou ea · a cow r equ res over twe ve D ouble Covered Carriages <1'200 U d harem sla.vea would ha.ve bt en sent to har d and sore i' I 1 th I ' I Ph t ... , . .... ........ ..... ....... ................. ..... . "' pwar 8 · 1 1 or fifteen pounds ol hay should be made up 11 labor in the gs.Ile.ya on t he mere suspicion tb<Jy all want t o rob. you will thus perceive and almo~t s~;, ;.!\~'iuglye rw~:de~s mu~ ~ in gra.in food. Twelve ponnde of hay and 0 m g e B re e ns. ··· ·· ··· ...... . .. ·· ··· · ·" · · ...... ··· ····· ·· · ········ ········ ··· 100 11 that his surreptitious visit had been to one l'oulha, that my time will be iully occupied." would happen next. e ng w a eight pound,e of wJJldlinga per day will win· TpenB uggy ............ .... · ..... " · ·· ··· ··· · ·· · ··· ······· .. · .. . · ·· ···, · · ······· 70 · or t h e oth er 0 f t h em, f or a goo d exouse for be "Good, your t excellency, now you'll d P0 , ·h ' be. uggy kind euuugh o set ma mvand work'.' Mr. Tn z;rr adopted another method for t e~ & I · ooo ·J>Rlln, 'lf. IJtU~r. t ter than D op emocrat w~-·~~ ............................... . ................... . ..... .. ..... 9o II weeding a harem and so making room for "y ill . . h i hia own, aud his i11omily's sa.fety for after thirty ponpQe of)&~ .Jle~ d'il-1:· Bot ~h~ ~W g ......................................... ... ... . -... ... ... ...... 65 " 11 fbreahEfavtorltes Istoftetant eagerhly eeizedd upon the "P::p~ k~~~i~e i;.u 1fr~!0 !u~ c !t~rt:; ha·ing made hfo bank tempora~ily secure gro:i~d f~eu ~hoold W iW,~ff 'wrt'ti'~t'lfiilt. 1 ; er agons........... ... .... .. .......... ...... .......... .. ... ........ . .· ..· 55 y as orn po en as, w o now o no· ha.rd In their service, tell them that they as po·si ble, he took advantage ,.,·011-tj _..m_9~~~'Y'.J;'c;., t ne ground feed wlll -llfflilWe>l' n .... c;p·····"· ...................................................... 40 11 daretomakeuseofthefamouaold fashion· must be patient for a little while or that soldiery patroling ,tft.!'~!t<;:~~li'V"drl ve -direct toit, andmuetbe i;atien .1111':,i:· ·MI , Ex agu, ~ .... . .. .. . ..... · - · · ·~ .... ...9................................... 75 ,. ed method of the sack llnd t he bowstring. th ey will ruin all my fine proj ects by tbelr to ~l~e w,~r £!.ii; in orc1er, firstly, to obtain r~leed ·and t re~a.s~oa.te:, ] ine . ..lue<-,; , ~b 1 · Skeleton ....... ... -..:.::l" ... ....... .... ·. ... .·. ····· <;:· ..... . . -· · - - .. ·-r··.. 50 11 He had therefore bitten his lips and dug over zeal; also tha.t on no account mno'" _BQ~~."Written permissfon f1om the minster a one, istnotb raf1eethant remh11.st1lc tahteat. f nt Sui.,.....~ ·. .·· - , ... ..... ........... .. .. ................ ... .. . .. ,',' .,.J " " h!s nails into the palms of his bu.nds in F i h bl 00 d b h d b. .. . , -···· to carry wh . t v h l"k d d t goes on o e our a omac w ou ur· -".,J IJ" · 6 8 e · order to restrain himself, and during the err ng ee ec_lj,'.0-i;hereby t> ~ er weapoi,s e 1 e an ·o ther mastic ti · Possessing superior tlt1ltttties tor manufacturing carriages I tntend to sell h t 0 II whole while of the lovely Oirclilssian'E we shall draw all the F.-cfoghee nations a~m his servants, aleo ·econdly, to remind a on, or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to:greatly increase m y uumbe;e~[ 8~1 e:p ~r ;.{ down upon us to aver .,· the 'i · r brethien and him o_f the offer cf milit:.ry p rntwtion, both sell the wood purts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, e · ou punish ment t h e thought ha.d been 11ppermoet .., , f Ji h Wh S p p 'l in his mind that ILS the Valide Khauoum ,,f that they w}~ast us into worse bondage or is om? aJ?d bank, Wil;ich his wife had y Dme armers a1 ' the Khedlve's harem was persecuting this tha.~;i,y~- Tue the~e written instructions W~?iffi~ hun w~ht\:r1°rntg.h b k They will not make compost. poor girl, so would the Prinoee· Z~r ·b · .:.i.'Ali Boy Fehmy Ka.er-en -Nil barraoke, h 11 h 1 ary prnd ec lOll. (~r t e . adn yob'! T hey breed t o and from scrubs, At ti16 SI able to perseoute "'nd~Yture 'N"cliie -T;~zar~ ( Elere out ca.me pocketbook and pencil 1 8 a ave, my ear, sir, ' NP.1ie Ara 1 They do not curry their horses. iortest N otice, Painte d and Trimmed if D esired. when he had accomished hie terrible vow They are to instruct him to have the streets blandly, "bnt for your private mansion it is They have no shelter for stock, At the Factory I also do Pl!!-nlng. Mateb iog, Turning ann Sawing with Circle Band or lfo oil 8 and mad . e the f_merr his he·d wife · nd the patr olled day and night so that any out· now out of the question, Circumstances They put off gr.ellsing the wngon, aws, and prepare all kmds of lumber for carpenters nd others tor buildi~g purpo8 es a~!r.':Ve. w w brea.k ot the populace may be ohecked In have altogether altered oa~es, and if I Tiley are wedded to old methods. Ornamen tal and P lain Pickets !or fenc<e in every style required, made to order. , the bud. · wer e to grant 1 u_ch a faver unto you, how They give no a.ttention to det!lils· · · , .frue, the soul of a harem lady's slipper ·r_ "He had better serve out no ball cart· could . I r efuse it t 0 0 thers · · A dd e d t 0 They have no method or system, 111 not more than the sixteenth part of an ridges to his neoroes, nor allow them their which _ I have w ·t present b a.reJY enough They see no uood in a new thing, inch in thick neSB, and though a blow there· bayonets either, "' the mob und e.r· " fowls roost in trees. for the blood of the Soudan troop1 in the citY t 0 k They iet their · tiep d from will sting an burn like fire for a few b hot, and were but one Egyptian life to for th~ same a.lwa ys rises t ~ the surf a.co Ill 'l'hey weigh and measure stingily. 11econds, It ca.n make no mark even on the times of populP.r com t .A I most delicate skin that last for an hour. be taken for a European's in your na.me, I mo ion. s am They leave their plows In the rleld, would not guarantee your present popular· most anxfous, .however, for the safety of They hang thoir b . arness in the duet. or two ; but the mere aha.me and indignity ity continuing for a.11ingle hour, You know my affianced wife · and 0 f ·coutse h er paren t B They take no pleaaure in their work, ofsucha punish ment would be felt, and almost the fiokle humor of Ure mob " a.a ~ e ll ' you h ad better. servant 8 and aII· They never use paint on the farm, · 11ure to kill a highly educfl.t ed and sensitive · . _ ' remove to my paface, wher e you wiil be Th th b d -th 'I European girl; and then there were other The wc.r mmiater b1~ his lip, for he kn?w quite secure from all harm." ey prop e arn oor wi a rai · harem p unfahments , he had been told , there was much truth 1n what Toulbb. .aid Th. "' f · T hey milk the cows late in t ho da.y. " ,, . . ' is ouer o the war mmister Mr. TrezThey starve the calf and milk the cow, which lef t no mark whatever on their vioYou 1Lre right, he remarked after a mm- zarr at once a,ccepted time, such as being held under w.1ter in the ute6 nflection. "The fs.vor of the people (TO llE C~:NTINUED,) They think small thinge not importaut. baths until almost sufiocat ed, ot· tickled must be p r eserved at all hazards. For this They let th1iir gates sag a,nd fall down. {as the Valida Khanoum h ad j11st hinted at ) reason, a little rough horseplay with the '1111 · · - · They do not keop up with improvemen ts, until brought t o almost the vei ge of insan- Ferringhees may be allowed and some trif· · The Price of a Blank Shot. They don't k now the best is the oheapost, ity; indeed, he had heard of u.niortunate lh1gpillage and sm~:.liing\of windows a.swell. "We had," said one of the crowd, "one They do not read the best b>oks and g irls being tickled to death by i·ivals who But these thiuga must not be permitted to of the funniest duels I ever .saw at collep,a. newspJpers. were jealous of their superio.r fo.vor with go too far, so wherever more than a score It wae a put·up:job, of course, The pistols 'l'hey think the buyer of a t u ccessful their common lord and master, such a rnur- of rioters gather together, they must .b e wer e not loaded with ball, but the duelists neighbor's stock at good prices is a fool, and der aornetimes taking hours fo the perpet· dispersed in a firm but good tampered man- d!d not know that, The $tMd up like men the seller very " lucky. " ration, and the viotims lll'ioR befog mdfled n er by the & al<liery. Th. e r e, thex·e, where is apparently, but one of them got eo nervous They sell buy, grain and straw off the ' if not entir ely. still by stvffing h er mouth the need oi caµtioning you furt her? Act as t hat he fired before the word wa2 given. farm instead vf turniog them into meat; full of feathers or t he pressing of a cushion yo·1 think best, and I'm sure th.-1.t you will That plaoed him a~ the mercy of his oppon- ohet1se and· butter, and L.i.creaeing their aupnot go far wrong. We have each oux separ· ent, who waF.1 a poor d evii and rather ply of manure, · therepver. His mind, occupled with such _ painful ate and widely diff; rent work to perfvrm, shrewd. As sr1on as the pistol went off tlfe '.I'o which solid trut hs w e beg to add :thoughts and f.,arful unticipat;ions !IS tllesa, and ·t he momeo.t th11ot I set a.bout mine the individual who fired it got utterly scared, '.!Zbey don 't conduct their farm on business he followed Elmar the buffon in eilence b0tter." The other stood calm and d etermined and principles. We have the EXCLUSIVE sale of these Wat ches, which cannot be under the grer.t olcth of gold curtain, on With those words Arabi waved his s ubor. pr oceeded to t ako a leisurely aim. They think tha.t pinching and fcrim_pin g ea.oh side of which a gig<\ntic eunuch st;ood dinate an adieu and rehetook himself to hi.a "Don't shoot !" yelled the vi ctim. "Don't 1ig conomy. beaten for time. on gua,.d , naked scimet a.r ill h a.nd, and one c11.rria.ge, whilst w ith equal haste Toulba re- shoot !' 'f hey don't know that a cheap Impl ement of them on tbfo occasion asked the jester mounted the beautiful white A~ab stallion "I believe it Is m y turn, isn't It ?" k,;i ls usually a vtry d""r one. · We have a reason to be t h ankful for past favors during fort y y eara who her oomp~nion was, t hv.t had borne him to the pallLCe a.nd dash· asked u.nd turned to the seconds, They ma.ke their homes so cheerleas and in business here. B11t Jn mar was quite ready with a reply . ed Ca.irowards a.t a gallop. "Of course it is ; go ahead, " And he unat tri>otive tha.t no one about it ::an work "She ia a m edicine woman tm '1 a· sor~eragain lefourely cover ed his man, with v im or energy. Now our st ock is on e of the largest in the Dominion and we ~~ess," said she, in a n awed kfod of whi~ per, "Hold on I Hol d on I I 'll g ive you $500 if ArJd lastly tn~y do not t ake j;hdr loca.l He the city in a, fel'ment . the buzz, you won't shoot." pa.per as she suffered the war mioste1· to p aes on, Thefound native population were on - · _ _ ______, .. ______ _ _ _ and ihese impoutere being a common claas ol: like an angry swarm of bees:" "Ta in't e.nough." Holding the :Brea.th. visitants to be.rems, the eunuch merely ob. Arabu in long white burnouses, Fellaheene "For heaven 's sake I I'll give you $750 " Daep breo.thing e.nd holding the breath is served the.t she ha.d almoat the walk of a The man with the plstoI sneered and covregardi~g no man, either J ew or Gentile. a.n ite m of imporca.nce. P ersona of weak vlma.n, aud looked. t\nother Vi llY' for he had in nothing but blue cotton shirt and drawer·, ered him once more. ,. street gamins as na.ked as they ca.me into find au uninterrupted succession of ta.lity heard thu.t mec1101nc women a.nd sorceresses "How muoh will you take?" deep and rapid respiration eo distressing often:poseeaned the evil eve, and he had no the world, all clamoring for they hardly " A thousand dollar~." FRIENDS, W J".. MEAN BUSI NES S. h bU · knew what and ripe for any kind of mischief d eslre tha t t e tmg Influences of such an were mingled up with portly tra.dera wen· "I'd give it.. P ut t hat cursed thing that they are discouraged from perseve1ing in the exercise. Let sµch per sons take into optic Ehonld fall upon him, hig yellow or red turbanf, yaemacked wo- d own." the lungs a.s much ILir as they can at a breat h A few minutes later, therefore, Ara.bl d And he pa.id his little $1,000. Paahv. was let out t hrough the little, low- men, r1Lgged camel :;.nd onkey drivers, lll. · and h old it as long ae t r ey c;i,n; they will dd · t id y sol dier s in ,dirty linen uniforms and ......._.._... _ _ _ _ find a grateful sense of r elief in the whole abWhy She Pointedarched · 0 ly pamted door tha.t, wa.u em- 'gaunt, wild-eyed dervishes andsantons strip9-3m dominal region. P ractice will increase the ' blazon ed ail over with t exts from the El d t th I t "t h rttl h I A school-t eacher from" out West " tells ability t o hold the breath and the c&p1Lcity . Koraµ , and having hand~omely remu_nera.t- pe od t'e w i a" ' w1 I e copper o "'ns · · · . · h aroun ne r necka and long white beards tbs following laughable little incident : "On of the lungs, After a time the art may be . ed the b u :tlion, o 1oat no time 1n hast,ouiug ; fl th - b d h ir tt d e1r ronze a -ma. e C hristmas Di>y I was invited t rJ dinner at learned of packing the lungs. This is done ' thr ough the ora.nge grove and rejoining ow1ng over T oulbs. Pash11., otherwfoe " His Brains." chests! these latter running hither and thith· t he h ome of a farmer iu the neighborhood. by taking and holding the long breath 1md " You he.ve been long gone, Me.y the e:r, . stirring up. the hatred of the mob He had a l arge family of children, and I was then forcing more air down th e trachea by spent time have been worth the outla , ,, ag1unst the Forrwghee, the unbeliever, the not the only guest , several families in the swallows ot air. The operation ma.y be de· Such WILS Toulb!l.'s greeting and ~rabi"s a,ccursed of Alla.h, the scorners of the pro· neighborhood having betin Invi ted, scrihed by th!l.t of a fish's mouth in water, · phet and so on . · " Just before we went out to dinner, a To tho:ie who ha.ve never learned it, it will · response took the form of : " 1' i l b 'I f 'l'heee foul lookmg blrda of prey were the t en-year old daughter of the family, a favor be surprising to what an extent the luuge he t me 1.as een we, ~pent, or what· t h" h T lb p h 1' a J ever I do I shall de under the eanctfon and a.gen_ 8 w 10 on . a · a.a a a cii;np O'![e0 lte pupil ct mine, came Into t he room, and may be packed. ,C aution is at first n rndful, authority of His .1<f ajeety, tho .3ulta.n, the to ra.1ae t he popu;ace in favor of !'i~s chief, began ailently counting the guests, pointing bnt later practice will wa.rrant large use of supreme ruler of Islam" &n~ he ?ould i·eahza now, ae he lls,~ed to h er finger at each pernon ae she coun~ed. t he treatment. T he whole thoracic and abt heu: wild and impl!.llsioned r hetoric, a.nd " As she stoo<l near me, I thought to give domina.I oavities will receive immedia t e beuSTAND :- Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. beheld them foaming at the mouth in the in- her a little lessen in etiquette, and whisper - efit, and continuance, with temperance in CHAPTER XVIII. t ensity of their excitement , how much easier ed,_ . eating, and good air and right exercise, will IN WllICH THE BELL BROTH BEGINS 'l'O BOIL it is to set e, stone rolling down a mountain bring welcome improvement, " ' Don' t. point, Milly ; it ie not polite.' AND L l :fT THE CAULDRON LID. side thaµ It is t o stop it when once it hae " 'fo m y amusement and the cha.grin of ._._., For a minute or more after Ara.bi h ad obtained the height of Its velocity. H e has a ll the best grades of her mot her, she instantly r eplied,__: Afra.id of Woman. spokm the t wo pashas continued to regard The E11ropean population h ad already " ' Well, I gueas ma told me, 'cause she's A n ew word, coined by Oliver Wendell er.ch other in silence, t aken the a.lo.rm at this eruption of t he na- afraid t here ain't mince pie enough to go Tlle n<iws was almost too good for Toulba tive element into their own more especis.l round, and she hopes nobody won't take two Holmes. h!ls ma.de Its appearance, and though it is not pretty to look at, it suggeata to readily believe it. qu»rters of the vast city, · pieces, ' " that is manufactured.· pleating possibilities, " Gvnephobia" > Ho did believe it, however, for he knew '£he magnificent ehops. some of whic'-l the word, a.nd it means a. constitutional hor- He has in stock all kinds of General Groceries, Coarse and Fine Salt, h!a confederate to be the very mirror of were equal t o that of P ..rls, London OJC rnr of woman, At first sight this might ap· truth, N ew Yor k, were alr~ady olosed whilat the Never Mind. pe11or to apply only to snob inveterat'3 old American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken " It is well," said Toulba, " and it mak es banks and principal h (Jtel s were evidently What's tho n·e of alwByo fretting, · bachelor s as Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Bill, Feed, Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and me almoat sorry that I've done what I · being prepared for a possible seige. At 't h e t rfals we sh11ll tlnd Ever strewn along our p& thway ! but this horr or of the sex is apparent ly conh11ove." Here and there on the pa.vement lay the . Travel on and never mind. fined to such females as are suap~cted of La.rd of his own make and rendering. His life-time experience in the " What In the name of Allah and the glass of ahattered windows and of brnken Meat Department enables him to supply a quality unequ11lted. havmg ma.tdmoniai designs npon them· prophet may that be ?" · .lamps, and the chimney pot he.ts of civilize.Trove! onward- workloir, hoplrigselves, · If there are, ae Dr. Holmes deolarea, The Grocery Department, under t he supervision of JI.fr. John Allin, is " A pplied the matoh t o t he powder tion freq uently ooursed each other a long Oaal n o llngorlng look behind At th· trlalo once encouuteredmen who suffer torture in the mere presence ma ga.zine before there was perhapa any the dusiy st reets like gamboling dogs, hats Look ahead and never mlad. < of woman, why would it not be well to use of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in stock, deal. prea,.lng occasion, but I thought after you which the de~ert wind, though it W!l.B blowthem for the purpose of lnoculatin.g t h ose of only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible price. had left me this morning that as we were ing half a gale, had never t orn from their And If those who might belriend you, Whom the ties of nature bind, ou r young men who develop t oo great a rfoklng much for the people, t!Je people O)Vners' h eads, but which the hands .of t he Your patronage will be thankfully rECeived. Should reluoe t o do their duly, fondness for the fair sex ? .Ae for their el might risk somethin~ for us ; e. o I sent nlltion had smhten down, not only through Look to h~aven an<1 never m~nd. ders, it would be a lux ury for t hem to be my trusty agents in amonget them, and had hatred of the owners, but of the headgear Goods delivered to all part s of the t own on. short notice. t hrown into this horror, and then t o have Friendly words are often spoken Tewfik dared to d etain you a prisoner, in itself, beoause the stiff brims p revented A call solicited. When the leelinge i>re unklod ; It gradually overco ne by the blandiehmente \no~her hour all Cairo would have dema.nd- that bowing of the forehead into the earth :r. . ko thew for their real value. of the beautiful. The inooulation idea is a .:d j OU a.t the pala.ce gates, and had he re- which they consid ered aa due five times a Paae them oo and never mindCaslt Cor Buttel', Eggs, B i des, 'J'allo-w, Beef, Pork and fruitf ul one,- .Americ!tn Pap er, 'used to give you up t errible would have day to the majesty cf the Almight y. Fate may threaten, clouds may lower, all Farm .P roduce. 'n t he vengeance that the crowd would I t would have been well had the infuri&tEnemies may be be combined ; 1 taken on him and his Fer!nghee ed mob confhed their attentions to the You cannot find a boy who has not "told ll your truot In God i8 steadfast, STAND · 1 t es," headdre~s of the Ferringhee but unfortun· Ho will help you, never mind, da d what he wanted for Chrlstms.1." AN EGYPTIAN . ROMA NC E . I I '1.'JIE 'F ABM. IWA R . and I AStory of Love and Wild Adventure, founded UD.OU Startling Bevelatirins in the uareer of Arabia I v1· ct0 ry w . 0n JI. HELLYAR N ew Fa -- 1 .... · . . . . .. - " . --..1 and Winter Boots and Shoes RD E RE D W RK AN D REPAIRING M JOHN HELLYAR.-r ~ORKSJ HA I N E s' CARRIAGE ===="' -======================..,,_-..,,.,_,,,.,...,........,,,....,,. GEORGE C. HAINES; Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C. s· 11 1 a.a 1 · wi"!. All K . In · ds 0 f V }· 1 e 1.1 c es R epaired I will Going, · QR D AN D AU R Q R A RQc _K ·p · · VTATC::S:ES_ Sell Che aper than the Cheapest, AARON BUCKLER. Wedding Rings in great variety. C. M·.CA Grocer, Butcher and Provision Merchant. K .. - A complete s toc k a l ways on h and. ·--·..... ~Q~LmR~ AN!~ ~~~llfl@ ~L~lW~ l t· :- Town Hall B'ld'g. C. M.CAWKER.

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