Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1885, p. 8

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......... - .... Xmas CorifeCtiOilery for 1885. The proposd morr"ter ice catnh·al at been abandoned. BOYS AND GIRLS who are growing. rapidly, should, (to . enl!lure strong and -healthy" oc>mtitntioas} be 11iven r egularly Ro:BINSoN's PHos1·110R1wn EM ULSION; to keep up the wa11te, that is continually going on in the aystem during the growing period. . _ The cases tried at t.he recent 1esaion of tho County Court were not of 11pedal interest to Durhamitee. Ayer'a Sareaparilla is the best medicine for every one in the spring. Emigrants e.nd travellers will !ind in it an effectual cur-e for the eruptionfl, boils, pimples, eczema, etc., I.hat break out on the akin-the effects of disorder in the blc.od, ca.used by sea-diet aud life on bo1lrd ship. Mr. Vine, a butcher ot Hamilton, on a bet of $100 with Mr. John Clark, killed an_d dressed six sheep in the space of fifty mwutes. Ottawa, ha~ .F acts are Stubborn Thi~"J'B. ,, ) New Year's Cakes for 1886. Great Variety jn Quantity and Quality at King and Division Streets. J. HIGGINBOTHAI & SON, DRUG GI S '1~ St Desire to submit a few facts for the coµsideration of their patrons and friends and the general public: _ ~·EVERYBODY INVITED~ .AT~HOUSE FACT No. 1.-We ho.ve never resorted to meaningless advertisetments to keep our business afloat. FACT N_ o. 2.- We understand our business and know when a.ndwhere to buy. ·_ -, FACT No. ?.-We have always bought our goods for cash and got the cash discount. FACT No. 4.-We never make purchasefl froru second class houses. FACT N_o. 5.-No house, either in this country or in any other, buy · therr goods .better or sell their goods cheapor than we do. H'ACT No. 6.-We have alway s done our business on the square and ~~!'!"'~~!'!"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!!!'~~~~~ . The unanimons vendict of tl1e dr1~g g1ats, both wholesale and retnil, throughshall continue to do so. · \t.tl BIG BAJ: <.GAINS --FOR THE-- CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. CHEAP DRY GOODS -and CLOTHING. "le will still continue our BIG SALE for a SHORT TIME. It-has been an immense success, and the amount of business we have done proves clearly that the public fully realize the fact of our selling t11e W CHEAPEST DRY GOODS I N THE COUNTY. We do not beli~ve in quoting prices, as it does not convey in any way the actual value of the goods; but what we wisit is an examination of our goods as displayed on our counters. \Ve have a big roputation for CLOT . H ING TO ORDER, to which we pay particular attention. Our MANTLE GOODS STOCK is very complete ,and contains as well as the lowest lines the CHOICEST and NEWEST DESIGNS-both in style and quality- to be found in the trade. Our BLACK CASHMERE STOCK is very large and well assorted, and contains some ch oke goods at astounding prices. REMEMBER we only continue the sale for a little while previous to business change. Don't b e deceived if you want bargains. Give. us ,a .call. ~ STAlt ~ S'l'AR HOUSE. HOUSE. T. GE 0. MASO·N. LESKAllD. On Mond:iyeveuing at t h e ro,gular meetAt the meeting held h ere t o form a m g of the Bowmanville Fire Co. No. I, ~.~~~r--~.~~~ branch of the electoral u nion every rate- the f_ o llowing ofiicers were _ ,elec,te<l for th e BOWMANVILLE, FIUDAY, DEC. 25. payer present became a member. M essrs ensumg year:- Capt. N. S. Young; 1st 'ryerman a nd Davy were appointed to Lieut .- W. I-t._Climie; 2nd Lieut. - John _ _ _ ___:_;_-_ _ _ -:=_..:= visit the other voters in the ward and L yl e; Secy.- John Percy; 'l'reas. - J. B. also to solicit subscriptions for the' pro- j Martyn; Stew'cl- G. D. F l etch er ; Br'.lnchLOCAL NEWS LETTERS. secu tion of the Scott Act . ..... Th~ re· men- W. Cann and T. Percy; Assistant HAMl" I'ON. viva! services still continue and con sider- Branchmen - 'l '. StonhouseandC: . D owny. W e were favo urad with a small Gale able good is already to be seen. M essrs The V ictoria Lodge No. 37 A.]'. & A. Moment and Scott of Orono, have dooe M. C:.R.O. met on Friday evening last last Sunday morning · ··· · Mr. and the yeoman eervice in the good work on and elected the follo wing officers :- H . Misses Riggs, of Enniskillen, were in t.hf' several evenings . ..·. . Mr. John Scott W. G.D. Flet cher, r e-elected Master; S . village .on S unday · ·· · : .Rev. David lies at dea ths d oor with consu mption. W.- Bro. W. Cooney; J, , V. - Bro. W. ~orrs hs ,_ ,ex pe;ted to give '~h P0 J?ular His fath er a11d broth er have died from C. Tyler ; Tre.as.- H. W.l~ro . W. Edwar d bee ure b~~" m ~~iuarf · · · · : · - tbere~s t o the samo di~ease during the last y ear .. .. Pethick; Secy.- Bro. 'vV. Dustan; S. D. l'.u ic/nt] m~t .le~! in ~ Mr. Corani' s horse which had its leg - Bro. H. Arel; J. D . Bro. ,J, Archibald; t ~ immt 13 8 Y a er . -ie tnof1i~a 1 ~n, b1·oken a couple of months ago h as re· I. G. - Bro. .Tames Alexander; Tyler0 · t ormt a fetmhpeSrantcteAnmon l\~o Ia 1 er covered. M uch credit is due to the V. S. Bro. ,V, Lvceth . i n eres so e co · ct ...· . · '.Lr. saac. D Yo L l d l f tl · Cl k t t · d l £ r. ung. . · . · . es rnr ms one o ie Bro Chas Stonhouso D C R or<ran ar 1e ~~ _er ai~~ , a nu_~ )er 0 young mosG successful y e t honest horse traders ized a 'court.of J u venil~ F~r~st~~-5 in° th~ 18 :ptiop e a . 1 rnlt .er s res1.( d~~e ~~~ e~en in the province. Mr. Dave B ell ta.kes Foresters Hall on Mon day niO'ht with a ~ngdrecent Yd· t" 18 ropdor tc. · l a d e tohys t he cake every d ay of the week. membership of boys between ages of ~·a a goo .une, ancmg an o er · - -----· , amu.~ements being engaged in . . . . . . A KIRBY. 7 an~17 years. The first o~cers a.re:large sleigh load of young people from Pres1de11t- J. 0 . Labelle; V1ce-Pres1dent B ow!llanville, called on Mr. & Mrs. I. L. Quite a number &f young people from - Geo. E. May~a:d; Treas.-·T. H . Spry; Brown, Cedar Valley F arm, fast F riday h ere went to Enterprise 8ons of T emper- Sccr. - E ._B. W1llt~ms ; Asst.-Secy.- qtevening. When they alighted from t h e ance entertaimnr.nt. If tho5e who took son D unn;,ug; R.S.P. - N orman Sherm ; sleigh they some what resembled a gang part in t ho prog ramme had studi.:id t heir. L.S.P.- ueo. Ch erbono; R:·~ . V. P. -H. of apple pickers, with @askets in ha.nd, pieces properly and some blatant boobies Jones; L.S. V.P.--Harr y W1lhan~~;. 0.G. and to m11ke th e si.mile etronge1·, oue stayed at home, it would not have been ;-;-Harry Sl~te; I.G ·- ;\mmon Wilhams. J uvemle Cou r t w . 111 m. eet once a . man carried a bar rol or t ub. sue h a comp Je t e f r0 ud . _. · . . · J.\1 r. wm. Ihe I I Youn_g· After taking poBsessi©n of t he house, i t Cooney has l ost one of his tine carriag 6 mont i ; tie next .m eetmg will b e h eld on was aJ)pare11t tlir.t it was not t heir intent· colts from inflammation . It was a valu- ~he first ~onday m. February.. Further ion to pick apples :it least not off the I able beast anil quite up to standard of mformat1011 respect~ng tho Society may trees. After w me t ime was spent in h ori>es bred by this gentleman .. . ... Mr. b e had from t he officers. music and soci;\I chat the guests were M cDowell intends spending his Ohristmas -· - -- invited to a largo dinin ~ room where tb ere holidays with his pare nts at Cookstown The Canadian Horticulturist, waP a very bountiful spread, provided by ...... Messrs. K nox and Moment, of the young ladies, tho young men bei ng electoral union notoriety, h eld a meeting Published monthly by the Fruit Grower, thoughtful en ou gh t o fur nish an abund- here on M onday evening. They k no w Asilociation of Ontario, and now entering on an ce of fresh Oysters. After t ea a very wh at they a re d oin<r too, and d ont you its ninth year, is the only horticultul'al pub· lication conducted with special rc<ference to _ enjoyable time was spent iu singing imd torget it . . ... If Fr~nk Scott dont do a peculiarities of our Canadian climate. It other amuse ments, l\L·. Archihald con· big business in his line, we would like t o numbers among its contributors our ablest tribut ing largely to the entertai nme nt of know who does. H is l!lhop is lilied with horticulturis~s. 'l'he subscription is only ONE DOLLAR the company. The party retired at an horses from morn till nigM. A YEAH, which entitles the subscriber to u. early h our, after what seemed to be a copy of the Annunl Report of the Fruit v ery pleasant :tnd profitable evening's Gmwer's Association for t he year 1885 con· NEWCASTLE. enjoyment. The _Host and· Hostes3, taining the disauBl!ions at the three meetingg thmk t hn.t if they are a fair sumple of the Mr. Geo. Belford's humorous and held durini: the y~ar carefully reported b-y a young ladies and geatlemen of Bowman- dramatic r ecital in Fothergill's Hall on short h11.nd writer, AND IN ADDl 'l'ION, ville, they are a credit t o the town. . .. . .· 1'lmrnday Dec, 31st is a rare treat such whicht ver of the following articles t he suhM rs. Browne, of t ho parsonage, is quite as WAS never before offered to the citizens scriber may designate namely (1) twJ plants of the Ontario Strawberry, or (2) a yearling indisposed, but we hope soon to see her of Newcastle and viciniLy. M r. Belford tree of the Russian Yellow 'l'ransparrnt in h er accustomed plaC(!, fully r est ored _. stands without a peer as an elocntionist Apple, or (3/ n. plant of the Lucretia D ew.... Miss t;ynthrn Cryderman is to return in Canada tv-d ay. 'l'he people of Orono berry, or (4) a yearling yine of th., Early fr om New York ihi~ week . ' Velcome arc so .mu ch enraptured by his readings Victor Grape, or (5) t wo plants of the Marl· "ack., Cynthia. SLow Boy. that they are gettrng him t o give a third boro Raspbarry, or (6) n pock!lgc containing three papers of seeds, viz: Gypsophila pal'li· recital. D on't fail to h ear him. See cnlatn. . Aqttilegia ccerulea and Delphinium, bills and. programs. SO UNA. mixed colors. A sample copy will be sent to any person · rniruan, of 'rorobto, is home on application. If you t n.ke any interest in · · · · 'l'he Missionar·y G-o to Taylor's Mill~ Hampton for the cultivation of any kind of fruit or 11f " £ek, was. a g ran d cheap Tweeds, F lann els,' Blankets, 'etc., v;igetables or flowers, and wish t o have the Manmng nn d and wh ere you will get good prices for experience of our best cultivators and t o ~' ·-~hted the ·wool and good Rolls. D . TAYLOR, pro- keep abreast of the times in t hese matters take the Canadian !iorticulturht. ·, Th e prietor. 25-tf. Sub.criptions may be sent direct t o the E ditor. · w:s Already the candidature for the ' WarD. W . Bl~ADLE, St. Catharines. y den ship is being canvassed . It ls gener1ly considered that Richard Clarke,Esq. , JJl'Elt1'1SEJt8 ! send for our Select IAst of '"fl of Cramahe, will be the choice of Local News papers. Geo. I'. Howell &, Co., Oouneil. A b etter man could 10 Spruce St., N. Y. I -.-. I out t he D ominion is, that D.a . Sinrn':i GERMAN W onM REMEDY, or Wormerine, has the largest an le, and gives the most p·e rfect satisfaction of any worm prcpn.ration t hey have ev<Jr handled. An order-in-Council declares the Canada Temporance Act in forct1 in the County of P eterboro after the expir y of the present licens.is. Dr. HARRIS, of Middlebury, Vt., says: " I have h een troubled with Bronchitis for two yenrs, so affecting the organs of speech that I could 11ot speak aloud for six weeks . I hnd with it a se vere cou<Jh 1 a11cl cold nigh t sweats. I t ook two b')tthia of Allen's .LunQ Balsam and am entirely cured. I Mr. Geo. Campbell, the retiring Ward en; is goin g to present each member of the Counties Council of this year with a group photo of the members. It. i;i a good rule t:i accep t on ly such med1cm es as, a ft er many yt~ars of trial, proved worthy of confidence, 'fhis is a ease wbere other p eople's experince may be of of ~ood service, and it has b een the e:xpl!'rience of tho11sands thnt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the b est cough medtc!ue ever llsed . The mails for Ballydnff, Lotus; Burton, Yelverton, J anetville and Lifford no longer 20 from B ethany on the :Midland Railway, bllt are distributed from Ponty· pool on the Canad~an Pacfic Railway. We believe " th., cause of the wonderful suc()ess of our Mu 1mAY & L'~N MAN's Fr.<illlDA WATER may be found in the fact that the p rinci pal aim in its preparation has always been to give th e simple n c i foral per;1mir. of flowers, without any chimical addition whatever, and to avoid, by all n:_ieans, the great error of making a heavy, sickly, sweet perfume. The d eaths from smallpox in Mon t rea l and suburbs, for the week ending Dec . 18th, were 57-. Dllring the previous week there were 86 deaths. This weeh: .th ere were 12 in th0 city, 17 in th e civic h c!ipit11! :u~d 22 i n the suborb~. _ Last week there was 32 i n the city, 27 in the h ospital, and 27 in the suburbs. Of 3,125 deaths in the city since the beginnin<J uf the epidemic, 2,857 were l!'rench -C~na dians, 171 other Ct~tholi cs, and !)7 Pro· tt:stimts, The PAIN·KU,LJm is an almost certain cure for CuoLmtA,and has, iVithout doubt, been more succes~ful in curina t.his ter rible disease than auy oth; r known re medy, " r even the most Eminent and S kilful P hysici ans. In India, Afri ca and China, where t his dreadful disease is ever more or less pr e valent, tho PAINKILLER is cousi <lered by the natives, as well as by the European residents in t hose climates, A sum: R EMEDY. 'Ve have inst received a large "nd well asaorted stock of goode suitable for the ~eason, comprising : LADIES' DRESSING CASES OF ELEGANT DESIGN AND ~'INISH. GEN'l'S' DRESSING CASES OF ELEGANT DESIGN AND FINISH. ~AND MIRROB:S in great variety and etyle ; HAIH. BRUSHES not exelled in either r town or City ; CLOTH, TOO'.l'H, NAIL and ::.; HAVlNG BRUSHES; SBA\ ING M UGS, &c.; French, English, German and American PERFUMERY. We invite inspection and comparison and will be satisfied with tl\e verdict of a discerning pu blio. GREAT CL11BIIG SALE - O F- Dry Goods, Millinery and Man tle_s - ' . commencin~J will contfiiu(~:T&li~·;. ,.,.,,._,, . ·'."l·fl' (&DX,___Sl-XT-Y--...DAYS~&O) Enormous Bargains!! out at rock bottom prices. During this sale Due-bills w i ll not be taken the same as cash. '-......~ Hll t "'n ° l '---~ H~~LTH IS WEB~~~TH. The whole stock will be cleared , _ ~~ ~~c.wr&' ~"'; · tJie' '-......~ Dr. E . C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a gu11.ranteed specific for Hysteria; Dizziness, ·Convulsions. ~'its. Nervous, Neura lgia, Head· ache, Ne1 ·vous Prostr'l.tion, c11.uaed by the use of a!CO~ ol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental 1Jepresa1on. Sort.ening of the brain resnltin..- in insanity and leading to misery decay and death ~>re!"u.turo Old. .6 g1 i, Barren nes~, Loss of Power m either sex, Jn voluntary Losses an cl Spermatorrhoea caused by over·exertion of the Brain selC·abuse or over·incluiger.ce. Each bo~ con'. t.ains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxe!' for $5.00, sent by ma.ii prepaid on receip t of price, '-......~ 11~ . We Gua1·antec S ix Boxes To cure any case. With each orrler receh·ed by; us for six boxes. accompanied with $5, we w ill send the pnrchaijer our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar!l:ntees issued only by J No. C. W ES1' & CO., 81 J1,.mg St., Eu.st, 'l'oronto. :5end 10 cents postage. and we will mail you rree a royal, valuable, sample box . of goods that will put you m the wa:r of making more money at once. th an anythmgs else in America. Both sexes of a:n ages can !-i-ve at home and work in spare t.rme, or all t11ne~. Capital not req uired. We w ill start you. Immense pay sure for thoso Wh\) start at once. S'l'INSON & Co., Portland Mame. ' PIERCE & CO. ADECI OED VICTORY - - - -o--- - AC IFT High Prices Cut to Pieces! l THE SUN! The B est New&paper in America · and by far the M ost Readable. ' Agents wanted everywhere t o f earn ~ uney iu distnbu ting the S un's Premiums. The moat int eresti ng and · adventageous offers ever Dtade by "ny N e wspaper. No S ubscriber ignoredl~or negl ected. Something for all. Beautiful and Substantial Premiums in ·standard <!'old ancl other Watches, Vaiuo.ble Books, the Best J!'amilyScwing Machine known to tho L _ racll', aud_ an unequalled list of objects of real ut1hty and 1nstrnct10n. ll>l&es, by Mull, l"os·paht : --- ··--...------· - --- I JY.1:_ TRELEVEN has now in stock one of the mofit elegant and extensive ~tocks of"f'l ~J~tX-fl:er Mont h (without Snnda)). .. .. A '"· DAILY, per Year (witbout Sunday) . .... . $6 oo 50 FORJ~vil:'rf-§rl iY.rf" .................... 1 00 WEEKLY YE.A.H. . . .... 7100 , per y'earN..THE ....... .. .. .. .. . ____ , 1 00 Addres1, TllE Sl lNi New TorkCJity. wn make for sale at T . . A fine assortment of all the novrest goods in Mantle and U lster Cloths nt Couch, '8"'. th e W eat J ohnston & Cryderman's. 6 for 5, 7 Malaga grapes, mat fors, l·ox dates bo::t figs1 etc · , at the Gl"lnd Central · , 0 ' "':. I "\' .T A~TEIJ-Ladies and g~ntle men in . f city or country to take light worll: at thc!r own homes. $:l to $t a day can be e.-,s1ly made; work sent by mail; no canvaslng. e have good demand for our work and fur1s cn 1 t" ~ eteady employment. A1ldrcss, with stamp .,:>._ \ VN H"l"t: C)Ullfl·A N'l' -.,A<\' S · ' " - ' 11· -.. ' ' ~ '"'" lllc I., f!ln· , . It111a,. ~ 11 1 o. Boots, Shoes, F e lt and Hubbel" Goods, TrunJ".>'-. Valises, &Satchels, &c., in the County, All of which. has bce:i bo~ght for cash fo the most depressed markets. )riccs He is now d1sposmg of them at unheard of low 1 Th . . e whole st?ck must be sold irrespective of prices. Now fa your time to get first-class good!'! for a. mere trifle. Oompet.ition no' ·li.ere. M. TR ~· I ..

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