Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1885, p. 3

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- "lhen go ba.'c k to your post at once, and give it .to him. A special train of excursionists for Hampstead BeMh will pass a.t The moon wn· sbloging btlghtly ; CAT.ARRH.-A. new treatment has been dis· One Little Rhyme. '!'he wt at wind as it passed tho oo... ers 9 30 Look out for it." covered whereby a permanent cure of this O n· little ~rain In the sandy bars; Sot each one ewaying lightly. hitherto incurable dfocasc. is absolutely affect· He turned ldaurely and sauntered up the o.. ~ liUle flo.,er In a field o! flowers; The sentry ~low p .ssed to and tro, ed in from. one to three applications. no matter walk to.ward the house, while, · without a o 1e little star i n a heaven of &true; A faitbful night-watch keej'.>ing, whether st~'!Jlding one year or forty years. 'l'his Oi·il little hour in a year of hours While in bis tauts behind him stretched I started the mare ir to a trot, word, remedy is \ niy applied onne in twelve days, His o omr~des all wore ale· ping. w11al It lt makes or what ii iv wars! A specia.l train at half-pa.st nine ! and does n~t interfere with business. Desc1·iptive pampl1letsent free on receipt of stamp by I drew a t aut rein wit1· my l"ight hand, Bat the bar is hullt ol the little grains; Slow to an'l fro the s< ·ntry pac,.d , R emember this anu purchase y our F urs at .A. IL Dixon & l:lon, 305 Ring st1·cet, W est. Aud ~be little flowers make tho meadows gay ; and took my wa.toh from my pocket with Bia mue:k ~t ou bie ehoulder, 1. oronto, eanl.l.da. Ana, th · little stars light the heavenly plaill8 Bu· not a thought of dea;h or wsr my trembling left. . WIIAT J S CA'l'ARRII'! And 1 > be little hours cf each little day Wae w:th thiS brave young soldier; N ine twenty-two I Three miles of a Catarrh is adanl?'eroLLs disMse which thous· Give t o u.; all t llat Ille contains. Ah, n o I h id .hc>att wa.a f.i.r c.wp,y ands:are consciously or unconsciously suffering atra. igh~ r oad- less, perhaps, a.quarter of a "1t ~here 1 OV 8 WOB~ru fJlllirie, from. It is a muco·purulent discharge caused A rnee-twlue<1 cott~ge ·tood Tb~t night mile of detour to t he atll.tion, when I should Bo-Peep. by the presence of a vegetable parasite in the , '.Che countersign was "Mary." reach the tra.ck-&nd the ma.in line open t o lining membrane of. the nose. 'l'he.Pred1spos· That's whatn. la.dy, sojourning for a while me westward for the passage out of t he in the .Bavarin.n Tyrol, callea the pretty i ng causes cue a morbid state of th<> blood, the And there his. own true love ha eaw, blighted cor·i:mscle of tubercle. the germ poison aer blue eyes kindly be ·ming ; mall ! . Three miles, and eight minutes in herd girl that she learned to love upon of syrhilis, rnel'cury. toxomoo, from thC' retenAbove tl:Jem; on her sun-kissed brow, and complete stock of all kinds of Fur Coats, Caps, which t o accompli·h it ! slight acq uaintance. Bo peep's herd was A tion of the effete matter of the skin, -snppressed Her curls like suo! blno gleaming, ln my youth I had known something not composed of sheap, ho wever-only .co wa, perspirations, badly ventilated.sleeping apart· And heard hsr sioglng as she churned Jackets, Ladies' and Misses' Set s, &c. ments and the germination of other poisons.in abou_t horses, and that knowledge did not I h u.ve no doubt you would consider her Her butter in the dairy, the blood. Irritated by these. the lining ml!.m· The eong ehe loved th· !>est. That night fail me now. l drow out the long whip - life a dreary one-nleepmg, eating, dreambrano of the nose is ever ready tor .the recopTb· couuierslgn we.a "Mary." seldom used, as I have noticed- and t ouohed ing, all through the summer, wHh only tion of the paraslr,e, which rapidly spreads.up the ma.re quietly on the flank, ' the nostrils and down the fauces, or baclc ot ' Oh I for one k ies from her I" he Ffghed, cows for company. But upon the mounthe throat, causing ulcera tion of the thro1>t: np When U;> tho 1000 road glancing, H ow can I describe that ride? tain-side, where the he1·d was gathered, she t ho enstac.hian tubes, causing deafness; bu.:. He ·p ied a slender mt1e fom1 I have been where charger met oharger had one compensation for her inolationrowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness; With h lterln,r steps advancing, in the swirl a.nd dust of battle, and men and all waa so pure and lovely that the "tr..il of .BRING Y OUR W ORK IN EARLY. usurping the proper structure of the bronchial And &a H neared him silently horses have gone down together, but in tha.t the serpem" was entirely fo:·gotten. tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and Bo g· zod at it in wonder ; · death. l'ben, d ropped hh mnetrnl in his hand, there was fello wship-association. In this All the leading lines and special bargains in F elt Hats and Caps. While she wat ched . her herd she WM Many ingenious speitlcs for for the cure of And challenged, "Who goes yonder 1" - but no words can fitly d~scribe the fleroe away from all tumult and surround"d by catarrh have been invented, but without sue· emotions of that solitary ride against time, scenes of inexpressible loveliness. The sun· Gents' Furnishings, of which there is always the latest styles cess, until a physician of long standing c UscovE!tl'l on It came. "Not one Ptep more. ercd the exact nature of th dlseaee and tho Boyou man or ' hil<1 or fairy, where hundreds of innocent lives, a.11 uncon- shine b a.thed t he lovely hills. The A lpine only appliance which will permanently destroy Unlc·s you irive the ccu nteralgn. scious of the peril toward whioh they were fl )WerB starred the mountain side. Tlle and bt"st quality at lowest prices, such as Rubber Coats the parasite, no ma tter how aggravated the Halt I Who go·· there?· " 'Tia Muy," 1 speeding, hnng trembling ~n t he bala,nce. A · ·<'e rt voice cried, l\Ud in hie arms l:llue 6ky smiled above her and .the f.,int case. Sulferera should send stamp at once I' rec!l.11 now the tempest which awa.yed eGho of the ch uroh bells in the valley beUmbrellas, Underwear, Hose, Braces, Gloves, &c. for descriptive p.imphlet on catarrh. to the Tho girl be Mt behind him E·lf.fai~ ti ng !ell. <)'er many miles business mana11ers· .A, H, Dixon & Son, 305 my shrinking soul, as, outwa,·dly calm anci low Eeemed like voices from another world. She'd bravely toiled to fin<l him. King street, west, 'l'oronto, Canad ~ . rigidly erect, with every muscle strong 1u One summer da.y the lady above alluded GIVE HIM A CALL AND P RO CURE A B AR GAIN. W hat the Bev. E. l:J. S tevenson, B .A. a Clermt· 0 steel, I hold the mare firmly up to her work t o undertook, without informing her friends, .l h en.rd tb!l.t Y"U were woun,,ed, dear,'· m <tn of tho London Conference of the Jlilethoand, by voice and touch, electrified the to cHmb the m<'unta.in alone, in search of a She sobbed, ·'My he1>rt waa breuklo ;. dist Okurch of C<tna da, hft s to .·a11 i n l'egm·d I could uofl stay a roomenti, but. · To A.H. Dixon&: ,<;on's New Treatment for noble animal with almost human collscioua· rare fl >wer that ahe desired for her oollccAll other ties foroaking, Catar'rh, ness of the nccessities and peril of the tion, Sue had the misfortune to drop her I t h v£-lled, bv my trrief m o.de strong, Oa.klans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883. occa"ion. Ki ... d h E>a vcn watchio2 o'er m e, a' peneto.k, to slip and fall, badly spraining M esSTs. A.H. Dix on & Son: Unt1ll- uohurb and well r' "Yea, love, 'Trees, houses, fencea, gardens-sometimes hor ankle, so that she could not rise. E ven DE.AR .Srns.- Yours of the 13th inst.. to hand. "At last }OU stood betore me." men, staring in wild·eyed a.stonishment- in her pa.in she enjoyed the place of her I t seemed almost too good to be true that I am ·, cured or C.itarrh, but I know that I am. I !b w p!l!st in cne un broken flight. My hat rest. Noble trees guarded her, and a gentle "rhey told me that I oould not paBB have ha.d no return of the disease, anil never wa.a off, my hs.ir and beardstres.mlng in the wind fanned her with its low sweet breath. Th· lines to find mv lover felt better in my life, I have tried so many Bt fore day fairly came : but I wind, my lips compressed, save when emit- B 11t after awhile the pllin grew worse, and things for Catarrh, suffer ed so much and for !'reseed on ere night w~s over. BO many years. t hat it js hard to realize that ting low cries of encouragement to the noble as t Nilight approached, ehe fairly sobbed And ·· I told my name l tonnd I am really better. . mare ; and thus I reached a. low rise of aloud. What should she do? Must she lie The way free a.e our p.ra.irle. " I consider t:UaL mine was a very bad case; it 4 ground commo.nding a view of the line for v. tllere Buff.iring all night? Why did not )J.er '}h1 cause, than k God J to·ui ~ht, he said, was ag ~ravated and chronic, invclvlng the 1 Tne couutcrdgn I· · Jllar. v .' " mile or more on either hand. throat ··.well as the nasal passages. and I friends come in ee:irch of her? ··But I det hough -'t would require tho three .t1 eatioentsi Up to t his moment fro tn the time I had ~er ve it all," ehe aaid ; "I'd no business to but I feel f ully cured by the two sent me. ana drawn taut rein a,nd glanced a.t my watch, wander off alone," She ca.lied aloud with I am th ankful that I was ever induced to send this point ha.d been the objective goal for all her strength, F<1.r above her the herd Will always be found in stock a full assortment of Boots, to you. . You are at libert.y touso this letter st~tm:: which I was riding. . girl was listening. that I have beEn cured at two treatments. and If I could reach It before the whistle blew "What is th11t sound?" hhe questioned Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, etc.-as good in I shall gladly r ecommend your remedy to soma a.t t1'e crossing below, there would be hope. herself; but only the murmur of the moun- quality and low in price as can be found elsewhere. of my friends who are sufferers. I had .been stationed on the main line of If not- I shuddered at the alternative. Yours, with rmmy thanks, tain stream answered her. "Hark ! I hear HEV. E, B. S'l'E VENSON, 1 recalled afterward, and many times, it ag .in. Is it the wind etirring the tree the great Central Railway for semething .A.nd hn!'dred.s of others Special attention given to ordered work and repairing.; more than a year, attending to all the day how a thought of my dream- a. long line 01 top·? Or can it be a bird·s oa.11 !" and night duties at thll,t point with such ll.n switches- swept aoroes me then ! how my V ery soon she became positive it was Call and inspect. ·cARD OF THANKS.-To the Mana· unfailing regularity, that no thought of pos- eyes for the first time swerved from their neither-it sounded more like a huma.n zger of the Fire Insurance Arsoeit·tion : sible accident had ever o ~curred to me, eteady gaze at my horse's head, and fl \Shed voice in distress. (22) SIR, I her eby r etum thanks for the prompt The duties were not e~peoially ardnous, a glance up and down the whole visible line " Come, Dolly," she called to her fa.itbpayment (by your agent,. Mr. 'l'bos. Bingham, for but the r esponsibility was far grea.ter. the coming special ! tor my loss by fire, caused by a ~park from a fal b oll-cow, ··we l ook up the lost cowsNot in elght_:_thank God I steam 1 hresher, having got payment for cou- There was an express day and night, both we mnst treat the lost human tra.veller as tents at market ·p rice ; no ii or I nay1nent like ways, for which the ma.In line had to be r.l· Stay 1 there ls sm oke on the horiz on. well." I sec on the Dominion Grange Policy to tenants. ways clear ; a loca.l express each way, But there Is n o stay in the wild rush of With D .) lly she walked down the monnYours gratetully, 'l'Bos. HAIUllS, which ran on the turnout, and waited for onr onward course. With ae unflinching ta.in and plunged into a belt of woods, call'l'yronc, Sept. u ; 1885. 38 the through train to pass ; a. mll.il train nerve a.s when she sbrted, the galh nt me.r. ing : "We're coming, coming, coming." ARD OF THANKS.- To the Mana- night and morning 'lVhich had right of way; stretche~ a.way down the gentle declivity, H er call received ·a quick gl.i.d response. ger of the Fire Insurance A.ssoetation : one ordinary passenuer, and hv.lf-a-dozan, while every moment the distance lesoenB', Ba.ck a nd forth rang the words like chim93 : Sm , I hereby return t hanks for the pr ompt perha.pa, a.ccommodatlon and freight. and the on coming train gets larger and "Here, hear," and "Coming, coming," until payment (by your agent, Mr. Thos. Bingham\ To see tha.t the main line w1u always noisier as it nearij us. t or my loss by fire, caused by a spark from a ·at la.st before the fallen lady knelt the herd eteam thresher.having received th e full a mount closed at the proper moment, tha.t the turnI stand up in the wag.on ; I urge to greatof my ineumnce IN GOLD on the occasion of my out was always ready when it should be, er ~peed ; I wave scarf and, hand ; I shout, girl-a vision of beauty, with her fresh, glo wing cheeks, her bright eyea and her golden wedding. Your~ thankfully, THOMAS tha t the branch where th .~ local made up but my voice is beyond my cont rol, Tyrole..n hair, garlanded with A'pine bloeJARDINE. Ha l J oy unu tterable I I am seen ! was open, and, in short, that evayihing '.l' yrone, Sept.11, 1885. 38 ilome. A whi stle !- the agent runs out with a was in condition fo,r prompt and eatlofa.ctory " You're hurt, de'lr heart," she aaid, pityARD O:H' THANKS. - To Messrs. working, kept me almos· t oonsta,ntly at my red flag ! two whistlos I Down brakes I The ingly, takin~ the lady's hand wil;hin her Gault & Tattley, managers ot t ho Royal post, though, as I have alrea·ly said, the train is saved, and comes to a ha.It not a. dezpretty brnwn cne. I nsurance Company (of li:ngiand), Montreal : en yards from the open s witch. Hwas time, G E N 'l ' LEME N , - 1 tender to you· rny bjlst th31nks duties wer;e not especially arduous. ' 'Yes; I've sprained my ankle, and don't (Time - as they say in t he racing·cr.len far know what to do, " c~me the answer, In order to be handy to my business, I for the prompt payment through y't!ur agent, Mr. J a mes Bingham, Tyro ne, of my claim lived in a cottage close by, from the open -seven minutes and a half. Thia I con- wearily, against yonr Company for a horse killed by ' ··But I do," the herd-girl said decidedly. lightning in thefield, ha,vin~received a cheque door of which, looking eastward, I could see firmed a.fter wl)rd.) I complet e t he last quatter of the detour "Put your arms a.r ound my neck, and dear any 9oming train for a. mile awa.y, and no· for the full amount. MRa. C. J . M ARsn. Hampton, Oct. 16. 1885. 424w* tlce whether the signa.ls of " danger " or to the station more leisurely, but am In old D .illy will oarry you up the mountain." time to reoeive from the arms of t he agent " sa'foty~' were in their proper positions. "But 1 am too h!'avy for your young One morning, j 11st after the loca.l had ma.de my sleepy little girl, whom he has snatched arms," ex postulated the lady. up and gone, my wife came running to me from the shadow of t hat misplaced switch, "l'ry me and see. Yon are a. hothouse with an alarmed face. Our mtle girl was where she was lying fast asleep, with her flower, fair and frail, and I am a. mountain missing. She had aeon her only a few min- golden curls directly on the r ail. H o$so1n, strong and sure," she s11id, cheer· The.t dre11om again ! Shall I ever be thank· ily. . utes before the departure of the train, and I beg to announce that I have a very fine V ery soon the "hothouse flower" waa on had ll'ade a. ha.ety eea.rch for her as soon as ful enough? choiqe of I am an older man now, and 'have other the back of the bell-cow, riding slowly up she discovered her a.baenoe, She feared she and higher interests In railroads, but not on DANGS, the mountain, while the "mountain b !oe· knew not what. I calmed her with a few brief words, and, that line. That experience was too much som," strong and eure, walked by her side, SWITCI-I:ES, hurrying around to the ata.tion-building, be- for me. I left soon after, and my fortunes aupportlng the brnised limb as best she and WAVES. g1m a careful examination of every possible greatly improved. could. My golden-haired little darling is now a Arriving at the herd-girl's tent, the girl I do nll my own HA.IR ~VORK nnd will place where I deemed it likely the child wom1m, and happily married, and has a lit· lifted the lady from Dolly's back aa gently might be. (She was enlv five years old.) ·warrant It. tled arllng of her own just beginning to ils If she had been a child, and bid her l'he search resulted in my finding her fa.st Bowmanville, August 28, 1885. 35. walk. down upon a sort of hammock bed. No asleep on the eunny side of a pile of railroad Hair Bleach, And if you would like to see the gallant one oould have t ended the spraned ankle ties, with her doll, ha.If a.a large as herself, Hair Pins, mare, Fanny, that won the R ace against mol'l' l!ently or efficaoiously ihs.n did the lying beside her. · Time, and a.n 1>ffeotionate {Jla.ce in my re- herd-glrl. She bathed it with a. liniment Nets & Colllbs. Tha.t night I had a singular dream, membrti.nce evermore, come out to t h d or- composed of mountain herbs, and banI thought I was in t he middle of a. vast chard, and you will see her enjoyin2 a '"lm· S T.AMPI NG done promptly and n eatly. plain, through which stretched, broad and forta.ble old age, petted and c~res11au oy the daged it with strips torn from the whitest of aprons. clear before me, the double track of a ma.in whole family. - -- o- -All night long the lovely girl-nurse bent line, Like ours, vet unlike, for every few So I end u.s I began : Over M. Mnyer's Store, · · Bowlllllnville, rods I could see open switches and bloodover her patient in tireless watching, al- I b eg t o ann ounce that my supply of Granite a nd Marble Monum en ts waa never 110 la rge a s at pr esent . Dreams a.re not alwa ys t rue, though the lady prot ested against it, as it red signals, that gave me an a11;ony of appre'N or, on the other hand, are they always was ent irely uuneo<ssary, 'f o wa.rd morn- In Variety of Pattern it is most modern. Jl!©~LOOK OUT ]'OH~ hension. As I looked again at the line, my false. ing hostess and guest both fell Mleep, with eyes fell upon an object- a small form lying In F inish, far exceeding any you can see elsewhere. their facea both together and their hands upon one d the rails. My child ! W ith a l n Work manship, first-clu.ss. inter locked. mighty effort I awoke, turned over, and P.EARLS OF TRUTH. At early dawn the lady wa.a almost sorry And price as low as at any ex perienced shop went to sleep, and dreamed the s ame thing Help others, and you relieve yourself. Go to see several of her party coming up the again, with the a ddition that I seemed I have r eceived by S. S. "Indiana," a consignment of mountec on a wingttd horse, and riding for out and drive away the cloud from a. dis· mountAin after her, They began to utter - -0- tressed friend's brow, s.nd you will r eturn profuse erpressions of sympathy when they life to close th swit ches. JE='l. ..A. l~-ITE: were told that ehe ha.a sprained her ankle, For the NEXT 30 DA.YS I will sell for Llllllli Again I aw ke, ba thed in perspiration; with a. ligh ter heart. Another lot has o.rri ved b y S. S. "Nebr aska, " and oth ers a r e followin g. · Love Is the moat ter rible and also the but she only laughed as she answered : THAN c osT tp.e r emainder of my stock ot and roused myself sufficiently to get up and "I would suffer the sam 3 pa.in a.gain will· Stylish and most Durable Millinery visit my little darling's crib, of course to most generous of the passions ; it is the only I BlJY DIRECT FROiU TIBE lllA.NUFAC'l'IJRE RS one th~t includes in its dreama the ha.ppl- iogly for anothar bit of such sweet experi· find her safe. I walked the fl oor In my DRESS SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, stocking feet for awhile, looked at the netie of some one elee, ence as I have had. I did not find the flow- in Aberdeen, Scotland , and from lon g experience (28 y ears) a t t h e bes ~ advantage, I &c., with a very heavy stock of inte nd t hat the public needing work in my 1ine shall be l iberally d ealt with . cloak , and again turned in, to dr eam for the Words of praise a.re almv;;~ 1>11 necessary ers for which I wa.s looking, but I found I k eep for sale I engage no Agents. third time the same thing ; to eta.rt snddenly to warm a child into a genial life a.a acts of the sweetest mountain blossom in all the Tyrols -my strong , sweet, tender-hearted F e .&1 the r s Flowe r s . and broadly a.wake, as if the voice which kindness and affection. Judicious praise la B o-peep, who in her quiet way is following Grate~, - - o- roused the Thane of Cawdor had hissed in to children what the snn is t o fhweris, in her Mast er's steps." '.l'har.hlng my customers for past tovora, I my ear, as in his, " Sleep no more !" Politeneu is a sort of guard which covers To a.wake, and find the first gleam of the respectfully solicit all t o call and inspect my pr esent stock, which I a m sure will give the nccming day glowing gr ay on the eastern the rough edges of our character a.nd prefor enclosing Lots, at Lowest Prices. Filters. vents their wounding others. ·w e ~hould u tmost satisfaction. · . wall. never throw it off even in oux conflicts with Many people pin their faith to filters, and However, a viait to all the switches- mine, coarse people. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. think that BJ long a.s t hey pas. a their drinknot those of t he d roa.m-a dash, headfore· There appears to exist a ~reater desire to ing water tbrcugh an earthenware jar with most, into a cool, do' ep, r unning stream live long t han t o live well, Meaeure a some mysterious filtering medium inside, noti.r , and a.warm breakfast, seemed to eleii.r ·man's desires, he oannot live long enough ; fJ Jl;::w "W" sourrn of the water or the condition of \!'!M ~ ~1111.l ftc\'I · i M1'.ll 'tlu .i1 ffi ~fl !'le<i away whatever remained of the lingering measure by his good deeds, and he hu not the N. B. - 1 h a ve no connection or in teres t in the 001.Uposi tion, P ot t ery, or Z inc theu cisterns does not in the least mat· l h :l\"1:1 0.1 po~1livn J'l!:H~ ·. 1 Y lv :· t -ie tl.lH) \· ~ u11t11;\rt·!j :11,r iu]ugo effects of my nocturnal viaions, and I felt lived long enough ; meaeur.i by his evil ter , This Is a similar delusion t o the be- M onuments, so called; I h ave en q uired conce rning their merits and cannot r ecom· 1hom:u'.1r111 cir r';).::.-,;i <ll t !iQ ' ""J'flt l~ ln d c.:irl lnn i; 1>t11udinr. h axo lJ"~!'.l cn:'<ld . l :-1 -li·o;> \, s o ~ li·on ~ I~ ll\y fo l th in i ' 6 cOw:\1·y, like myself once more. Hwt I w ill :;ewl rl.' Wll BO'r l' Ll'..~ ·1 1u1t;E , to~~!htl rw ith a V i1f.deeds, and he has lived too long. lief, which passes freely current, t hat if you m e nd t h em t o the p ublic at any p rice, UAilt.E 'fHEA.'ffS!\ Oil t i1J3 dl~l!all e, to An y aufforc r. Gi ve J<::x.Bet ween the p assage of the down ma.II 25-3m . Bvwmanville, June 18, 1885. add eplrit s to unwholesome w1uer you r ob The most difficult province in friendship pr est1 and !>. 0 . addrcea. Dl"- '! A. SLOCUM, Ull l'ec.r l St .· N. Y. which stopped, and the t hrough express ltof its noxious q ualities, or a t least dimin· - - - - - -......=="""'-===,.,.....,,..,=.,,..~ ,.,, _ ,,._ ,,,,__,,,,__ ,,,,__= --.,, ============"""~ is t he letting a man see his faults and errors, which did not, there was an interva.1 of an lsh t hem. W e do not deny the usefulness 1 hour and a half, that was essentially my which should, if poesible, be so contrived of filters, but we desir e to point out that they · · · own. B\lt that morning a. despatch bad t ha t he may psrceive our advice 16 given must not be exolusively r elied upon. Water come for one of the directors, who lived him not so u. uoh to please ourael <res ..s for filtration has in its way had as mu ch nonthree miles to the south of us, and as it so his .o wn advantage. T he reproaches, there- sense written about it as water analysis. hap pened, the agent, who was busy, request- fore, of· a friend should e.lways be strictly The great point is to keep the water itself ed me to take it, offering the use of his. fa.st j ust, and not t oo frequent. H e tha.t does not fill a place at home can· as pure as possible. Where pollution is mar e, which s tood in harness under the shed not abroad. He goes there only 't o hide his suspected, l et the water be b oiled for a. con· -an animal remarkable for it. 9 speed and insignificance iD a larger crowd. Y ou do aiderable period. It ma.y afterward be aer· endur ance, a.s I a.scerta med thereafter, ated by pouring it several times from a Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the I had been to the director's house on one not think you will find anythin~ there which height of two or three feet from one vessel or two similar oco11.sions, and neither the you have not seen at home ~ The stuff of all to another , or by artificial means. If ii. fil. LIVER, STOlfIAUD, KID:NE1'S .AND BOWELS. agent nor myself deemed the time necessary countries is the same. ' ' hat is true e.ny- ter be used, it should be of the simplest to go a.nd come any consideration when a.n where is t rue everywhere. And, let a niao possible construction, and the filtering med · They invigorate and rest ore to health Debilitated Constitutions, a.nd hour and a. half wasa.tmy-d!spJsa.l. Besides, go where he will, he Jan find only BO mu Jh ium should be r eadily removable for clean· are invaluable in all Oomplatnt s incidental to Females of all .Ages. For .. ·- ·-· BY'- · . ,. had such a course been n eoeasary, h e could beauty or worth a.a he carr ies. Children a n d t h e aged they are priceless. So long as dress does not violate the prin- sing purposes. If a. filter be rnot very fre. have t a.ken the keys· and acted for me, .But quently and very thoroughly cleansed, it ciples of beauty er the laws of health, so long there was no thought of that, tar I am fully prepared to at tend F unerals on pollntes rather than purifies the .water. I drove leisurely over, enjoying the ride a.a it ie m11de conformable to position, nae, the shortest notice, a t the lowest possible rates. Is an infallible r emedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, ·s ores Caskets and Bnria!Casesready on s hort notice much, for the mare, "Fanny," was in ex· and circnmatances, so long ls it to be en· and Ulcers. It is fam ous for G out and R h eumatism, F or d isorder!! of the First -class hoarse on very moderate ter ms cellent spirits, and t he air was clear and couraged, not only as a source of enjoyment, A popular air with the ladles- " Swee b Shrouds and Coftln s constant ly on hand, Fun bracing, but a.s the falfilment of a eerious duty- for Bay and Bn;v. " - Chest it has n o equal.ral cards suvpllod at once. Furnitur e Shop &, If some system of vaccination could be I had delivered the despatch, r eceived a the love of dress, which is to the body what how Rooms- Bouneall'sN e w Block. For Sore Throats 1 B1·oncbitis, Coughs, ()olds, 11 Curniture sold by me is made by the U. C brief word of thanks, and was a.lres.dy t.u rn· langu11ge is to t hought, is a.a true an inst inct discovered which would prevent tlfe spread urnltnre Co. ofBowman vllle. I do not buy Ing homeward, when the direct > r e.i.me him · as lo the love of what is beautiful and good. of the annexation-fever among the nat ions GJ.imdular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and! for .s lop fur niture and represent i t to have been self toward the paling, calling out to me by No trait of chara.cter is more valu11.ble in a of the world it might prove a blessing. cont ract ed and stiff j oints it acts like a charm, · made by t he U. C. F. Co. of this town. Also agent for the LI-QUOH 'l'EA for this town no.me, female than t he p oeses;lon of a sweet t ern· C:>lonel Yere:er ls one of those men who I r eined up. -and vi.oinity. It is oheup and as yood as can be per. H ome can n ever be mads happy with - llve to e11.t. Not long atnoe h e sa.ld to Manufactured only at T aolll.A.s HOLLOW.A.Y' s E stablishment, got i ~ tp.e market. A valuable prize given " There is some m istake here, Jennings," out it. It is like t he flowers t hat spring up Gilhooly: "We are e:oing t o organize a ' with every vound, he said, with some excitement, waving tho in out pathway, r eviving a.nd cheering us. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (Iato 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON : ' despatch. " This should not h a.vs bet n L et a man go home a.t night, wearied a.nd secret socloty. D .m 't you want to j oln~" The man who went to the count ry last H ent to me, but t o onr agent." On reflec· worn by the toils of the day, and how sooth· " W ha.b Is the objecb cf your society!" And are sold at l a. l i d., 2s. 9d., 4e. 6d. , lls., 22s., and 33s. each Box or P ot, may b e had from all M edicine V endors t hrough out t.b.e World. Summer for " rest and chs.nge " says the tion : " H e knows t he contents, I su ppose ~" ing iea. word dict at ed by a good disposition 1 " B lamed if! k now. H 's enough for me w aiters got most ot bis change and the londOn reflect ion, I couldn' t eay ·. a.nd so sta t - I t le sunshine falling on his hea rt. H e is I to k now that the soclety is gll!ng to have arPardlasera sltould look at the Label on the Pets and Doxea. If the addreu ;_" ed, lord the reet, happy, and t he ca res of life are forgotten, a big dinner on ~e a month." h aoU33, Oxror4 Street, Lon.do·, tlley are 111urtou1. Countersign. 'Twns near the break of day, bu'· still CATARRH. The YOUNG FOLKS <SELF PRESERVATION I The first Law of Nature. l=:IAT A ND FUR STORE. 1 run · Russian Lamb Coats made on the premises. Ordered Workl and Repairing a speCialty. ·N eads' Block. M. MAYER, Furrier · --AT-- THE'PEOPLE'S BOOT~SHOE STORE, D. DAVIS, Proprietor, 0 ARACE AGAINST TIME C , , COAL COAL · D..A.. -VIS_ · C T e) the Ladies Messrs. McDOUGALL & METCALF beg to announce that they have received a large consignment of Celebrated Lehigh Coal, and are prepared to fill all orders at LowEST PRICES. "We intend to l~eep on hand an assortment of Lumber, Shingles, Po'sts, Lath, Cordwood, &c. Office, Old Foundry Lot, corner Church and Division Streets. ROBT. McDOUGALL. HENRY METCALF·. Granite and Marble Works, BOWMANVILLE. MRS. A. DAVIS, BARGAIN SI IN MILLINERY. SCC>TC:S: c;,. & Marble Mantles, &c., and fix them. Head Stones, Posts, and Metallic Bars Mrs. DONNELLY. r~ lfll ~&~ tt () f ~! fl'~ ~~r~ ~ ~1. L~\~ 1 · C .. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. ... HEALTH FOR ALL THE PILLS Jii UNDERTAKING! LEVI MORRIS. THE OINTMENT .... ana

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