Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1885, p. 2

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-~a&>;Ji~~UQSU / c , use it be be bitten off atruggle for fnedo.r11 ; aye, for very hfe, for }3ut then what wa.s to be done elf<P. ? In t he nation is starving," heart A rabi.' did not desire to depv·1e the "Then let t he· .nation look to me for Khe~i v:e. He had no ambition beyl'" <i that bread ," said t he Khedive, ia.i;ighing, 1 of giving liberty .:~o liis c.mntry, JI 'B aim ."And r ece!ve inatead a atone, coupled ··\; ., wii.ii to de~trojr' . d ~ilpotirn1. _ ro.ther tbttn the_ wi th t he b1stm ado, f~r b~1z:g unable t o. diiespot. If Tewfik would consent t o r ule as gest the hard.foo d, 'Y QUr highness, the time a const itutional sovereign, through ' .p>rlta- for.p}o~ises has gono by/'·"' " . , .: . . -~men~ chosen,,by the people, he migr1t _ Bil rule, "r 11 mako you fl pr,2m1ae th ~t I will per. y the A1 itk0?' of "N1N,1., T EE N I HILIST," '! 'THE RlllD SFIDEn," " Tan RussIA.?i SPv," but he would also have to banibh the E uro· form. I t is t hat I will have your head," The w~r pas beg'un w~th mud · and sl ush, but pean'bloodsuckera., who, enjoying co!l~titq· '·Th~t).Twllfm, ke your hig hrress a prom ' Et c., .E~c: · ' tioD1\l li ber ty themselvel', etra.frn;d every lne which verili I will perfo~.n before I lose.. --------· --~",.,,,_...., nerve t o deny it to l<]gypt, simply because it my h ead, and since plain ., epcech doerv(;s C}HAP TER XIV. ruler of Es ypt, and, by 'Allah and. t he pro» Wf\n more eii.sy to guide one individual in piain speech iu return;· your highness mnst · · phet , should either En gl.and or F r s.nce dare leading strings thai) an entire n ation , pardon me If I uaa it. I know all that has A FORESHADOWING OF DES H NY, Then c& mll t he anxious queatlon, what if been secret ly done behind rny back in the has a word of consolation to offer to all who are in need of Boots and dispute ttrn.t rule with me I will o.nswer !n t he opinion of inore than ono im port~nt t hem t hrough· a. free parliament like unto the Khedive r efused to yield an inch and diuknees cf ~he night, an4 nQW ,Jiea.r what Shoes. He has a large and complete stock, h aving received his ·and now historic personage. the war n1iniet.er their own ; or, until t ime bas been given for dared him to do bis worst? N o success of I am pr epared t o do openly under the llght had wasted for t oo much nnportantti roe thtl.t ouoh to be foun d, bythevoic9 of t hep< ople, his he felt would be final withont t he bfoss· of God's sun. My t roops hold,the cft.y,.a.nd momlnga!rea ·y, aud £1.B he re·cntered Ct1.iro, which has been declared to be even the ing of the Sh e.ik-ul-Isla.m a.a head of the Mo· my troops keep guard within .the palo.ce aa vv full of j oy beoauee Nellie's paren~~ h!>d vvioe of God, " ha. m~eda.n Church, G r t he sanction of the well. The lifting of a fin get would 'lay your promiaed her to hi m in marriage dn·eutly Thia j .1lrit speech and explanation, in con Sultan as the chief a1.d smiei:a.ine of Egypt ; highness's head at my fe~t, but r esto1·e me and :espectfully solicit.s the patrona~e of ev~ry one seeking good tha.t Egyptfan mattet~ E11oulcl have become junction With these t hat !'ad gone before, ·a.n d though the Prhiccae Zeench hnd prom· b..fore high noon t o all my secretly confis. bargams. H e has all kmds wanted- high and low- fine and coarsetncre settled, he me t Ali Bey Fehmy a od .,tfeeted,. g reat ohange il'.I t he feelings o.nd tsed t o secure him the fa t ter, y et foU he by cat~d. · honorii, and give the E nglish and Abdulhi.h Bey, the colonels of the n<'gro res.,lut fons of tho oolonela of t he two negro no moans corto.in that ehe would keep her F rench con11Uls notice to quit Egypt before wide and narrow-: heavy and light-hand made and machine made, regimen ta that had revolted agn.inet t he K ne· regimell t s, whoa" necves ha.d been somewhat word, for not only did he In ~ome degree nightfall, diemisli your present ministers and all t o be sold at prices as low as any other house. This is no idle dive, both mounted on powel'ful h .irars hnd un· trung by the appr~heneions of secret doubt her po wer, but i· o a much gr <atet ex. nominat e others a.t my choosing, give per · b,oast or advertising dodge-but is a truth ea~ily verified by callinCY with countenances expressive of di3trust and .,.6 8 aa 8 in ..tion or a deatn by poiaon for 'a Jong tent her present will, sinoe he hl\<i noted t he mlsslcn. for the immediate r eassembling of apprehension. while, and wh om the profpect of banish · fieroc expression in her eyes .. t tho opern t he national Parliament that was illegally at his store. He is bound t o keep in the front rank with crood quality "Salem Alek, where in the name of Allah ment t o the burning Soudi.n, or t he st !ll house on the preceding eYening, eyes whose dissolved by y our highness for simply lgnor· - - -and low prices. t> and the prophet ha,,:e you been?" . , more de..dly diatrio ~ of the W'hite N ile, from 'evety glanoo he had read like a printed ing t~ e Anglo·l!~rench contr ol, and I will ro"Insha\la.h, and at such a time, too, wh en which not one ~xile in a hundred livee tote 'book, t nough they alone of all t he face main now as ever one of your. highness's Full lines of Felt Goods cheaper than ever sold here before, we are a.ll hanging on t o life by our eyelashes turn, h>l.d ter rified atiil m ore than the fears were visible. · most faithful and devoted- Servants." only." , . of a speedier doom had done, F"ro.nce I "o longer fear," mutter ed Arab i "Impertinent · dict ator, I will do n one of Q Q 1 Such was the due.I greeting, uttered in They declimid to Arabi t hat th .. ey 'wete t o himself,, "but if E ngland »an by secret these things," roared t.h e 'Khedive, · I T urkish so that neither the negro ord0rlies ·t i.II wi·th hi'm he· rt ·nd . ·oul, and t "'at the preijsure illduc~ Tursey toopi;o!e our nation, "Then, Sire," retorted Arabi, firmly, . . l d nor the servants ehould understand, Arabi ~ ~ al ar mies and upho)d t he aut hority of t he " you must consent to abide t he results, for receive spec1a an prompt attention. P.&aha. saw that something untoward had commi..nds whloh he ha d gi'ven them. ~houhld usurper Tewfik, then indeed may I well l will perform my duty to my country at all F II I C ' "' k ha.ppened. but he did not allow hie face to be imniedfatelv obeyed, with more tot e de~palr of ultimate succesr . H owever , suf· hazards, Your h ighnes'a cannot interfere ' II IllCS O i. l'UD ·s, V a lises. Satchels, ,\;c. · slight.est trace of discomposure · same effect. · h that d ut y, f 01 I '.h old you a prisoner In betray the I'he w,.r ministerreoeived the:eovertures ficient for he day Is t he evil thereof. " wit aa he replied; , of reoonollia,tlon and r enewed allegiance On gaining the pa.ll\ce the wa:::- minister your own pafa ce, _and should F ra..nc<'. 'Or Eng- Bowmanville, November 1(), 1885. " N o man can be in two pla.ces at once, d wa" by no means BOrry to perceive that the land, throvgh the1~ consuls, only dare t o at· Q" one n1at·,,~ to be at· with an air of lofty complaisance, an whm tempt it I will brmg t he one t o r iuon by and there ill more th""· they were over he touohed the rim of hls change in the guard had been already effeot· ' · e · tended to. In the na.me of t he only prophet, tar bouch and directed his carriage to pr o- ed, and t he pr ompt and heart;Y' manner In threat~ to ~urn Jibe accursed ranal tha~ ~as what is it that dieturbs you?" which Abdullah Bey's coal black negroes of been. EgyJlt s x:um, and the ?ther by se1~ng "You know the Cir oassio.n officer who at - ceG d, 110 that a qu'lrter of an hour 1a.ter he the Soudan ea.luted him, both at t ho main and 1mpr1 .s onh;ig every Enghshman. th1t 1s to tempted to a.aaasainate you, a.ye, and ""gainst was set down at the outer ~oor of his pink- g uard house and a.ti the varlous sentry bou s, b,e found'm Egy_pt. Woe, w oe ~o a ll yout I 0 · whom the crime was clearly proved and who walled, ye 'low jaloualed pa " " · conv inced him that he ho.d nothing to fear !! erlnghoe parasites, oh .I Khed1ve, If you was sentenoed to death aocoxdingly ?" Aligh,ting, he ordered the carrtBge t p from open violence, at a.11 events, and t hat vm ture to f,~rce my. hand. down !1P~)U ml'. This In excited tones from Abdullah Bey, aw> ut him, and pa.oalng tho cook, who had the Khedive was already prii.otically a lilris- sword hilt . and with this warnmg Arabi bnt Ar'Jobi replied with o. smile : a~re,.dy opned tbe d.oor, entered the selam· onH in his own palace. ~ Pa3ba. swept out of t he council ch11.mber, "If I didn't remember him, who should ? I b10 ot great. h?'ll, which was ton~nted by a. Into that palace he therefrrc.sta.lked with ( TO llE CaNTINUED. ) - -MANU FACTURER OF- d f .,, B·Jlita.r y ind1v1d ual who was smokmg a long · d W e 11 wh l\t of h 1m my goo r 1en ' somewhat t he air of a conqueror. --- · -- · --- -·- -··-..· - "'lhe sentmce h11.e been r evoked and he ohibouk and ~ipping ooff~e, . hai been sent away t o simple baniehme.nt, . , lo thla personage he 1mmed1at ely recogThe gorgaously clad officiale, bot h great An lncxpeJ1sivc (Jhristmas Gift. ilnaccompa.nled even by military degrada. n1z .dTou,ba. P Miha, and ho drew a good and smu.11, se~med hardly to know whether A writer h as made the dlscove.ry Qhat tion. What think you of that ?" -ngury from t he perft ct Cii.lmne~a of his ex- t hey had be~t tree.t him with lofty scorn or in order 'to prepare a scrap basket for a K ING STREET, BOWMANVILL "Not being vindictive, I am glad that the pr· ~·ion and demeano~, . · servile humility, but tbeir doubts and fo are Christmas gift, 0 11e -should begin with a Has now on hand a number or vehicle~ (and is manuractnring a great m any J11ore)of t ba ntwee pattern~ and best finish, which I am offering for sale p ,t the loweRt priot11>J consistent unfortunate has escap>!ld 80 ea.ally." '.I r:e marhle flags bemg covered with thick caused t he majority to incline t o the latter bea·cheat. ··This, " she ad mite, " sounds with due regard to workmanship and quality. The hllowing is a. list of "lnahall ah, t h e man is nothing. The hid- P ter~ian !ugs, the s~oker, wh~ was gazing course and t he mtuority to choose a kind of rather preposllerou , , and a b cx is not a t he principal vehicles manufactured by me .den influenoo that prompted the action is the s ohd.ly In an opposite direction, did . not middle one, basket; but in thh case it will ans wer the -ng thnt we l ool· ·t. Even ~ str~w shows peroNve t he ap . pr.01>ch of hie host UDf!l he B ut the war minister took not the slight· Th t h ~ h ld b D oub le Covered Carriages .................. .... .................. ... . ..... .. .$200 U pward!'. thl w · ~ w ~ I h aet outwa.rd notice of either, but st·Jked on aa.me purpose. e ea c eh s ou e . w · · , w l·h Oh' 't m ' W hich w y the wind blowa, and th1's st ra.w ws.s c ose upon im. Single P hretons . ......... ................... .. .... . ...... .. .. .. ................. 100 11 · w T l b P 8h t h to h f t d t hr ough the marble,fioored, porphyry , blac .. " m esa 0 Iiara ~t ers on 1 shows that a gale ie about to blow on us . ou a " a en rose is ee an ilt d th · id d · 1 d Open Buggy............... ...... .. .......... . ........................... . ....... 70 11 · &m\led columned halls in the direction of the recep. .; , a.n e m a e covere wit l a. r e , from the direction of England and F rance, " ' · · l t l kl O tl t !d f ,, Top Buggy..................... ......... .. .. . ...... .... ....... .. ........... . . ..... 90 11 But worse, far worse, remain a to be told, lour cheerful coun.an~nc~ .does .~ot be· tlon r ooms, as though the palace were hie ve ve '/' oo ng paper. n , 1e on 11 e o D emo.crat Wagon ... .........·... ... ..... .. ... .. ...... ... .... ... .. .. .. .... . ...... . 65 " Dervish Pasha, that son ef burnt fathers, to~eM .11 you ~he bt arer of evil ~1dmgs. . own and t here was no one to say him nay . ~};e b ox , a b top and bot tom, paste a b and, 1" y t ldmgs ar.e evil or good acoord1r g ae At last be reached t he immense curtain an inch and a half wide, of plain gilt pa.- L~mber Wagons. ...... .... . . ... ........ ... . ............ ...... ... .. ......... ..... 55 ·has veered round a.gain like a weathn vane Light '\Vagon .. .. ...... . .. .... .. .......... . ........... . .......... , ......... ...... . 40 u and has gone over a ~econd time by join~ t he:i:- may be received and acted upon." whlch .11creened the Hall of Audience, and per, This will h lde all defc cbe, an d g!veB c 0 ntr0 1 ,, , " Then dQ ubtleea t~ey are the same as I where also two of ihc negr o eoldiet · had a. handeome finish bha.t look s Uke gildin g. " E xpress Wagon. ...................... . ... ... ...... ....... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ... ..... 75 · have just rncd ved fro.n. Abdul111h and Ali been posted, whilst he obt erved that half a Ag t he tea·cheet must be a present from a This inexolted tonesfro~AUBey Fehmy, Bey." dozen more cccupled t he guard room on the friend in .the tea bustoess, the e:x:penoe Abdullah Bey at once atr!k1ng In wit h: ··Sa ms.ha.la. · no doubt a.bout it. I read right, of t bia present will nob be ab a.11 heav;y. superior ! aolllties tor man ufacturlng carriagas, I Intend to sell very cheap for 0 " eh "lt is too true. And now oomes the worst it in your eyes; and also what you a.re going F rom that guar d room a young officer now .. B un lt can b e made h eavier,· and also P oesesaing or approved ored1t, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of sales vVonld of all, The interview between the Turkish to do." · , came forth, lowering hie swor d·point in d b h l sell t he wood parts only, or tho ·gearings of buggies irontid. · "I am going to oha.nge my attire, and pro· salutation, whilst simultaneously t he baok tum somer, Y put!:lng t 0 gilt, paper on Y ambasaa.dor and the consuls general of Eng· land a~d France took place a.t midnight, oeed to the palace, there to throw down the of his left hand flew np t o t he border of his on t h e bottom, and t rim ming 'th e t op wlt h for venly they love .d arkness rather th=:n i;;auntlet at the Khodive's feet a.nd tell him tiub<>uch. a. lambreqnin. Small Ohiu eoe ci·epe pfc. · · light whose deeds are trea.oheroua and evd, to his face 'Who le master of the situation.~' " The tiger is safely caged," t hought Ar a- tures framed in bl11ok velvet i;ibbon, on a At t he Short est N otiee, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. e Khedlve a.a"Then while you ate ta.lking of the sltua· bi, but what he said was : foundation of burlap-the velvet t o be ema.nd the result waa that th. Factory I also do Pll!-nlng, Matching; Turning ana Sawing with Circle, Baud or Sc!oll "Pray Inform h ie hlghneae t hat his ser· broldered with various colored Bilka-and At the .e emblcd the Ulemas and such of the notables tlon I will be attending t o it. I can Bee that 1:3aws, and prepar e all km!ls o~ lumber for oarpeuters nd others tor building purposes. &8 he co1~ld bribe or a.ffrlght by special sum- you ha.ve heard all and that there is no need va.nt, the minister of war himself, desires an finished with a narrow frieze repeating Ornamental ond Plam Pickets tor fences in evety style required, made to order. 1 mone at the pa.lace an hour bdore dawn, for me to trouble you with a twice told tale. audience with him," ·and he looked exces· these colors, are quite In ohars.cter with and to them decla~ed that he had .dismlsaed Besides, every moment Is precious; every aivoly meek as he uttered the woros, the t ea.·chest ; 11ucb. a lembreqnin has a - · - - .:. ~, ---·Thereupon the oflioer sheathed his sword really haiodsome EffEct. Or, flowers m;y ·y ou from the miwstry and from all rank moment Is worth lta weight in diamonds," . Jbd command in the army as well, and that "You think so ? Then not one of those a.nd clap.pod his hands, and in reply to ihe be cut from crepe pictures and t ransferred .M e night you should be on your way to the diamonds shall be lost. The Khedive must summons the cloth of gold curtain was part- tosome material of auitabl e color- cr lm· '.S oudan or the White Nil.a. He added that put up with the coat I have on, Lend me ly drawn back, revealing t he richly uniform· son or gold color beln~ beeb. It will e:ii----. he was theKhedhe·el·M1se, the solo govern- your pistols Toulba . I know that you al· ed p erson of one of t he p a.lace cf! --lals. B W"r ] · u~tl to PllBOO t he ilo'Wers on, if neat lv Ing power in Egypt , and that he wished it ways carry a braoe, and you can r eplenish l' "The Pasha ' a refused '·11.1·dienc., " e:i.ld l · v ' l' 1 ~be genera.Uy know~ that his good friends, I t.he lose from my armory, since yoiHeem to B ut llar dly h~d, the words esc;'°Ped his Ii~~ don e, with ou t t'mbroider lnf! t he edges ; the French and E'!gl1sh, could Ian~ ten~ of be in no hurry," when a sourrying of feet was hea.rd within, but ou bllnlrig t hPm with ~old t hread or ' thousands of sold1ora and quell with tire, " I am in no hurry On the face of the and the other end of the curt ain was raised gold -colored silk would be found a great lead and steel a?y UJ:.>risfog of the pnpulaco olook the short hQ nd 'follows the long, but by a. similarly uniformed oflioial, who said improvement. or the army ago.met Ina lawful and undiv ided though it seems to lag bohind it ever tells In a mucl: more humble tone, "l'he Khedive " The value of empty tea-ch est s .has .a uthority," the same hour I am to-da.y the short ho.nd will teoeive hie excellency in his private never been appreciated ; and even a plain "This Is serfous," exclaimed Aro.bi. "From a.nd you the ldng but mayhap I shall do wi room," one, covered with tin foil, could be d on e whom got you this intelligence? ' much work , tho;gh I traverse less ground." The war minister smiled at the contradfo. In blue 80 as to be very ornoment al- If "From Giraffer, the Aga, wh", as. you The war minister seemed to be quite satle· tory orders, but followed him who had the inside iB shabby, line ib with a ptetty know, is in our pay." answered Abdullah. fied with this reply, and left Toulba clap· brought the la.et , and a few momen.ts later blue paper; or blae silesla paebed in would "And," added Ali Bey Fehmy, "Giratfer, ping his bands for another cup of coffee, was ushered int o the presence of Prince k the Aga., counseled immediate fiigh·, be· Ara.bi Pasha thrust the brace of tiny silver Tewfik, who was SO!lted on a p ile of gold- loo very we11. Then m ake 8 st rait lambcause tna.t the machinations of our fo·s were barreled and gold inlaid pistols into the embroidered cushions, in a small room whose rrquin of plain b lue sateen' and finish It this time not to be defeated. Abdulll\h 11.n d breaet pocket of hie blne military frock walls were richly painted and to a certafo at t he top and botilc m wtbh narro w black I &re to share your fate, and, as you see, are oo&t, whilst Toulba touched with hie r ight height hung round with a kind of arras or velvet ribbon, throu gh which the fambre. ·a lready mounted to ova.do it, but we could hand first the floor and then, in rapid suc· ta.poetry. quln can be fastened to the box wit h :Jlot depart without giving you a warning." cession, his heart., bis lips and his brow, a "Ahmed-ebu, Arabi, your slave, solicits small gilt headed nails. Pal m leavee, or "Now, by the holy prophet, I thank you common form of greoting or farewell from foe favor of touching your bighnees'e august almost any pattern In 11oarlet and gold and both, since the more who desert me, the an inferior to a superior in Egypt, which slippers with his · unworthy llpe," e11id the other colors, ca.n b a worked on t h e sateen, fewer I shall have to reward when I beoomo signifies, " My roapcct, n:iy heart, my speech war miniuter, giving the oustoma.ry greet- or a, scarlet palm leaf cut out of 11'\nnel, Khedive-el-Mise, in the place of that wretch· and my thoughts are all yours." . ing, and appllqued on. Tiny brass b ells on ed usurper Tewfik. Let those who abandon The war minister simply bowed in reply, But tho humility cf the speech wa.s so ·h d ld k · t fi i h d We have t he E X CLUSIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be me in the hour of peril quake and tremble, as though this aot of homage on Toulba 'e opposed to every action of the speaker tha t .he e ge whoo ldma e a quau~ n 8 ; an beaten for time. however ; for though I m!l.y forgive a foe, 1 part was but his right, and then hurrying tile wotds far more enraged than appeased t e st rlp 11 ou be lined with t he oloe will never pardon a false friend. Where forth from his cool and spacious hall, he re- him to whom they were addressed. silesia. We have a. reason to be thankful for past favors during forty y ears are Toulba Pa.aha. and Suleiman Bey ? I'll entered his c!lrriagc, the sale, or running Springing t o his fet t he hissed forth the ------------in business here. vouch for It that thev 'll never blanch from footman, slamming the door after him, and two words : Insolent t raitor." t;hristmas Evenln~ Entertain· the helm for such a cat'· paw of adverse in guttural Arabic paesillg on the deetina't ion Thereupen the war minister folded his 1uents, wind as this. I have good news that will to t;he coachman, "Ihe Gizereh Palace." arms and said calmly, yet firmly : Now our stock is one of tlie largest in the Dominion and we will The evening enter tain ment, which pre· f.ar outweigh your bad. But go, gq, I ha.ve Then, as he was whirled away amidst a " Perhaps your highness will condescend H fficient men of stout heart left. I can do cloud of dust from his home, Ara.bi l'a.sha t o inform me in what I am a traitor t o my cadee or follow11 the Christ mas-t r ee, as uhe case may b e; takes quit e nat urally a without you." could not holp looking back and wondering count' y, hat cf t he aft ernoon. "WI.' ara as brave as most men. W e are whether he shonld ever enter in at its por· " You are worse than a. traitor t o your oi tforent form frcm b regarding no man, either Jew or Gent ile. aimply prudent, " said Abdullah Eheepiahly. to.ls more, a1:1d for a womcnt the g reat scar, country, for you are a traitor to your~ ·s ov- The . guests, afber en gai:Ing in active \ "And if yon can convince us t hat our let hibiscus flowera seemed to take the form er eign." games, a.re q 'llt e ready, especially bhe J?.l'Udence is ill,timed, we throw it t o of E nglish soldiers In a.tmed poesession of "My character and my object s have been older members, to listen t o a m ora qnleb FRIENDS, .F. MEAN BtJS INE s s. the winds," 111d ded Ali Rey Fehmy. " .At all the pl11ce, and be shuddered lest t he-thought falnely represented to y our highness. I will i; n :i forma.l entettaln m ent. events, all you see, we could not leave Cairo should bea foreshadowing of de& t iny. be loyal to my eoveteign .as long as he is l<>y· The followin l! exoellenb m ebhod, and ·without you." al to the country that Allah hath raised one which commends lt~elf for various rea· CHAPTER X V. him to rule over, and no man's loyalty is oons to the h ostess, In tha~ lb enables the " 'A fact which alone induces me t o tak e you again into i:µy favo. r ," replied the polite A PRI SONER IN ms OWN PALACE. longer rf quired of him, for what saith the guests to bring cont ribu t ions of maele, 9-3m and oily minister. " Yes, J at 911 events K oran ; "£he ruler is he who is j ust, and he teel grateful for your devotion, and in trib· T hr ough streets so narrow that two ve. who.ceas£s t o be j ust ma.y no longer be ruler.' readings or s tory, baa proved very sue· nte ther et o I will tell you my news. K now folea could not,have passed ea.ch other then '- Have I not quoted the p rophet r ightly, your cessful. To the Invitation 1;xtended by the hostess . then that Ga.mbet t a., the wnrliko minister of in, and where t he running 11aia in advance higliness ?" ' F rance, who would fain have served Egypt was a necessity in addit ion to a fashion, Ti1e Khedh·e grew perfectly livid wit h iB 11dded the comtea;y of enquiring what as he served T unfo, has follen from powef', pa.et open places, oases cf dusty palm trees anger. He half drew his scimitar from, ite part of the en ter tainment h er guests will and a man of peace has filled hfo· place, who amidst a desert of mills (for fuily a third aheath, at the so.me time exolaiming : contribute. 'fhe b.osteas' knowledge of "Who made you jucge of my act ions?" "l h h d · 0 p!Ut of Cairo is iu ruins), and where ca.mels, h H gu ests' acco mplfohmen1s enables her 11 wi~ a.vl~ ~~ug, ~tot ho 0 wti ht h lfr d op,gres ion d sheep and go~ts fay huddled together pimt"l'he cries ar. d moans of the downtirodd.en to make euggestion3 which ma.y ensure 1an · f 1 an a Jon,t o fly n aloneerin ian · ·:.ng ·r' past d oora d evo1 'd of h ouee~, ana [Jeople, the ' vo.x!n·; will spo not da.re t he teeth of wg or ::.1 "' fat of their oppressors, variety, and · will also ~.~e 'i t eaay for b0 tll A t · d G · house~ a pparently destitute of doors, and the t axing of the poor and the immunity of the guest~ to n ame the n u n.;t>ers t h e;y will us ,ria an erma.ny, oy whose oonI 1 f -" i d "th h " · the r1 " oh, the idle luxury of a.n Orlen"suls I am supported." tmg mes o 1u1op w n ows w1 not. lng m " ""'I court pa~tioulo.r diapfoyed t her ein eave the pro· 11 gagged press, irreaponsible ministers a.nd self ct, and the t ime lt will ta.ke for their " But how t\nd when did you lea.r i:i ' t his p rietors seated cross· legged on bar e to.bl es a bullied P&rliament, and a. swarm of greedy performa,nce. A programme n:t21y t hen be STAND:- Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. about France?" demanded both hiG aurli. and long pipes, and then on m to wider European locusts, encouraged by your high- prepared. Those living at a distance will tors, thoroughfares, whore Europe at Elst seems ness to settle here and e11,t the broad of the naturally g\ve ·singly, songs, readings or "By private wire not an hour and a ha.If to no& heads wl.th Africa., and Brown, Jones children of t ho aoil, and who are pa.id execs· inat rumenta.l music. T he young people 0 ago, and I doubt if even the French connul or 11.ublnnon, mounted on anoth~r donkey si ve salaries for simply svstemiziug fin ancial J\t h ome, an d those living near, may j oin in in p ossession of t he intelligence as yet. l a.~ big ns himself, go.llopa frantfoally o.bout, oppre1.1sio11s. Does your hiuhnees wish me force.a and get up bbleaux, diafogues, He has all the est grades of will, t herefore, go at once t,0 the Khedive, each moment in danger of colliding· with to continue t he nation's indictment against cho1 u3es, at.d vnrious exerciee11in musical for it ill my int ention t o beard the lion in t t0J A b l you?" c11.1ist henics. hie <l ~u." ~ome ~ a. le.den y - rn w1 .wraeman, or a. slow IJllO'"l'he n ·t1 "on s 1 · nd1"ctmen" r·ther mg ammal ~h a mountain of cotton ~ · ·.' S"y ~ " Di:a.matlcs, in many familieB, form a · "You will be rushing t o cert ain destruc· or aome fs.h:er bu·t almost a.o bulky burde~ your own and tha.t of your fellow-con·pirJI. that is manufactured. ple:iaing parb of thehome enterbainmeL\ts. t ion," pleaded Ali Bey Fehmy, mounted on a painted aaa that is led by an tors. " · If h ' hn k t I f ll " "Not if y~u abandon your idea of running ·armed eunuch, and then the glitterlnrt shops With doubl~ door~ between the .rooms, H h · t I k inds of Geueral Groceries Coarse and Fine. Salt , away and lnGtoad gallantly ·upport nie. "' · your 1g eesspea. s ru y, my e OW· quite realiatic effects ma.y be c b h1ned in e ~S In s OC ( a .. . . ' . " blow that of Moscow Dtreet and the fantastic trea·ure · be many i n num ber, f or 1 Now is t he time to, strike the ~ conapi rat ors mus. "ho w ay c f stage 11.uangements. Amencan and Can~dian Coal 011, Bran, Shorts, .Oats ai;"i Cluck en ·1n b·cl·ed by ·wenty shall give freedom unto Egypt. I a.m stlll ata.lla of the KhO\n Khalil bazaar being also ~ ~ ' " · five t hous·nd of the 'l'he Photogr{!1>h Album le m ade very Feed, Crockery and Glassware, F resh and Cured Meats, Sausages and left behind, the heattties of nature begin to mos· 1'nfluenti l l'epre·en·· tive· of e·verv war minister, and as eu'oh i'.I; fo your bounden I l · ,. ~ duty to obc· y my . orders, :>nd norttl can pun· d m ng e in the S<;en.e, and suburban gar- class aud sect ion of the iiopu.lat !on, whilst t1ortiat!cm effoct, thoa: M.akea la.rge covet Lard of his own make and rendering. His life-time experience in the en . e and pleasant v:Hfas, altern:<tlng with the poG~ f Egypt · r ith e ma n · onhbgea to repre.s ent a phot ogt'aph alMeat D epar tment enables him to supply a quality unequalled. foh or blame _you . for a~ cloin"'. Abdull·h dh · <J w e w m to " ~ . · " a m . u. uts and stu.telv Bey, tho third regiment of t he l1 'ne i· on ' pall\ctis whose founda- yr0 ur b1·gh nese' I ha vo on ly t o a dd th · a~ ., l bum. CcvH th's with crimson cot.ton. ffan~ ·t l t10ne a.re laved by the yellow Nile · with atand b ef ore you now u.s your aervu,n t , aud ntil. Place an ovo.l mat ting ina!de of bhia. The Grocery Department, under the supervision of Mr. John AlJin, is l g uard at the Gezireh p·l·ce. G .·> · nd let 1 v ~ "'lbe your own act i one th ·11 L3t the pictnres t~ be r apresented, hke of the very best quality. No trash or poor goods kept in' stock, deals be relieved within half an hour ~by your l ies and lotus ,: fioweu1 Btarrlng its bosom, . th:i.t ft w11 , a t WI '--to your maet·er. " negroea. Here Is the ·penciled ordered for greet tb.e wearied gaze, with in the near dis- t ransf orm.me ...,. Beatrice or Wa.shmgton °·~ D~rby and onl u- in the best goods which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. t he change, Ali B'ey 'Fehmy, ~ portion' of tafnce yet more pruo.ce and tower ing groves "Tell me what actions wil prevent you Joan, sba.nd ready to po£e beh ind the oval ·' ' ·1 · kf' 1 · d· w from be oommg · my maat er," sneereu -' T e.wfik . rI.ta.tting. After each picture Is shown , Your patronage w1 1 be than u ly nce1ve . your t roops are at the citadel and the re·t o palm, all backed by the dimly ou~lined · " The act of be1·ng · JUS , t r n Ie r 1· n. ·tMd of · pyramids and t he far away Arabian hills occupy the Kan-en-nil bar~·cks, Let them ·;he album lid m ay close for a momenb unGoods delivered to all parts of the t own on short notice. with sof~ened shr.des of violet and bemg · a t yrant . '.I'he a.c t of bemg · a k' · ready t o obey in· glowing ultramarine, . .. . mg m remain un der arms and be ·~ til t he n ext figar.?b r eady. Caro should A call solicited. sta.n tlu any ordet tha.t t liey m·y receiv~,. B · stead of a puppet t hat is made t o dance aa b9 taken to avol< i long watts. For Chrst~ you see ut Arabi Pa3ha, the \\"ar minister, had the E uropeB.n s I1owmen puII tl1e s t riu!JS, , and from me. Now, my frlenda, c!on't mas evening, this album ls especi&Jl:y at- Cash :f'or Butter, E ggs, Hides, '1'a Uow, tl!.a.t when I pr esent myself before the l' he- no eyes for the inauimate beauiies of nature. b naIIY the a.ct of ru1· mg th rough a. P ar11a »ractlve. Santa Ohms may happily apnnd He H wa.e risking· his all on one cast of the dio. ment t h a.t Ia ch osen b y th e peop1e, Sire, dive h.e will be. virtually my prhon·r, .~ aH Fa1· 111 Pi·oduce. ~ a.bout t o thrust his head into the the movement t h a t I h ea d 1s · no mil'" . e was , that is a coup de etat that I am mec'it·'ting. \ ·ary re. pear, as one of the pictures. The use of 110n ~ .s mouth with all yet nothing but threats b eJI' ' t su its tl1e purposoo o. ' . F ra.nce magnesium lights is a. decided improveAye, an hour ·hence I .wi,l be the " virtual 10n, a11 1 S TAND :-Town Hall B'ld'g. at h1a command to prevent its being bitten aud England t o decls.re It to be, - and that ment in showing off t hese living pictures. T· IA ·N R . OM· AN . CE off, andperohance thos~verythreat~mightl youknowfullwe!l. . A.N EG. "il.~·,' · 'lju ft.,,..t> "'MWIWAJW~---= mace· ... = ___ ___ m ____'.!_ 1 ·· · = &&& &&At_ _?"' - UUU!lm:I nm t,g:'""'f,· Itisagreat n~tiona.l WA .~R B ---- AS tory of L ove andJVild A dventure, founded upon E tartling R o vsla.) tions in tM Oarner of Arabi Pasha. · and Victory Won', · JI H ELL Y AR N'e"TTT Fall an d W 1 "nter B oots' and Shoes RD E R E D W RK AND RE p A IR ING p " " JOHN HELLYARu HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGH S, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. 0 ~~i~~:~~:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::· ::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::: 1g :: All Kind s of Vehicles R e p aired! G ,. . g · - . 0 11 Goi11g.· R QC K F Q R D AND AURO RA -WATCHES_ .sell Cheaper than the Ch eapest , w will A A RON BUCKLlilR. Wedding Rings in great variety. ° C. M. CA ll G r ocer , Butcher and Provision M erchant. KER , A complete st c k a 1ways on h and. ~Q~~~R~ ~IJH> ~~Q~~~ ~~QW~ A 0 Q "'" ' ' q oq , r.' 0 · · C. M.CAW K ER. (

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